"Cisco Network Security for Routing & Switching Master Class" |
"In this course you will learn how to maintain integrity, confidentiality, and availability of data and devices.Master these Cisco Network Security topicsSecurity ConceptsSecure AccessVPNSecure Routing and SwitchingCisco Firewall TechnologiesIPSContent and Endpoint SecurityNothing is getting in the way of the network security market. The demand for network security appliances and software continues to grow. The network security market finished the first half of 2016 with a flourish, Worldwide revenue of $2.2 billion was up both sequentially and year over year. For anyone who wants to join the rising network security market, this course is a great place to start."
Price: 104.99

"100 Dicas e Macetes de Portugus" |
"Dicas de portugus objetivas para facilitar seu aprendizado da lngua portuguesa; so dicas de gramtica, redao e interpretao de texto. Ainda voc pode tirar dvidas pela prpria plataforma; simplifique seus estudos com estas dicas infalveis. O curso mostrar a voc como as dicas de gramtica facilitam o aprendizado da lngua portuguesa."
Price: 39.99

SpringBoot2+Vue+D2-Admin |
"Spring Boot 2+ MybatisPlus+SpringSecurity5+Element UI+Vue+ Spring Boot2 Spring Security5 MyBatisPlus3.3.1 MyBatis MyBatisCode MyBatis Jackson JSON Lombok Druid Vue Vue Router Vuex Axios HTTP Element UI UI D2-Admin D2-CRUDD2-CRUD-PLUSEcharts TypeScript IntelliJ IDEA IDESQLyog Postman HTTP JDK 1.8MySQL 5.7"
Price: 49.99

"Corretor de Sucesso: Como fazer anncios do ZERO no FB e IG" |
"Nunca foi to importante ter uma presena digital.As pessoas esto cada vez mais conectadas e a pandemia ajudou a acelerar esse processo.O corretor de imvel ou imobiliria que no aprender a trabalhar com patrocinado nas redes sociais est fadado ao fracasso.Vejo constantemente diversos corretores que publicam anncios em grupos de Facebook, rede social pessoal, fazem panfletagem, ligao fria e ficam o dia inteiro em planto sem ter ao menos um interessado.Muitas vezes esse mesmo corretor fica mais de 2 meses sem realizar uma nica venda.Qualquer um pode publicar um anncio na rede social. Fazer panfletagem na internet no difcil. Mas criar estratgias que geram leads interessados em comprar imvel o que voc precisa.Vou te ensinar as estratgias que aprendi na prtica. O feijo com arroz que vai te levar para o prximo nvel.Agora eu te pergunto, como seria ter interessados em comprar imveis solicitando seu contato todos os dias?"
Price: 39.99

"Health & Wellness with Ayurveda" |
"This course is designed to educate you to develop a preventative lifestyle & give you an invaluable insight into how to change your diet and life-style habits for better health. By going through this course, you will learn to apply the fundamentals of Ayurveda and use food as medicine in your daily lives!Ayurveda places great emphasis on prevention and encourages the maintenance of health through close attention to balance in ones life. Knowledge of Ayurveda enables one to understand how to create this balance of body, mind and consciousness according to ones own individual constitution. Therefore, having a clear understanding of your very own unique Prakruti (Your unique constitution) is the first step in moving in the right direction in bringing balance in life!This course will help you understand the Disease Process as per ayurveda the Stages of disease development & clear signs and symptoms of imbalance. You will get to know simple tools to identify these imbalances.Finally, get to learn the Science of 6 Tastes (Rasa), the principles of ayurvedic dietetics, and all about Mindful Eating. You will be provided with Lists of Dosha Balancing Foods so that you may plan your dietary regimen as per your prakruti, and experience your true self full of health and vitality by using food as medicine in your daily lives!"
Price: 149.99

"El cdigo de la manifestacin para una vida de xito" |
"Es necesario tener un mentor para un progreso en cualquier rea de la vida, por esta razn quiero compartirte mis experiencias de abundancia, xito, libertad, cambio y transformacin de la vida para llevar una vida plena, cuando todo encaja en un lego es porque todas las piezas concuerdan, es muy similar la vida del ser humano todas las reas de nuestra vida deben estar alineadas para que nuestra vida fluya sin bloqueos.Amo compartir con las personas, considero que el conocimiento, herramientas y tcnicas deben ser transmitidos para ayudar a las personas a encontrar una vida feliz y abundante.Quiero que abras tu corazn, tu mente y puedas eliminar los bloqueos que actualmente te pueden estar limitando.S te identificas con mis lneas antes mencionadas, bienvenido y te felicito por querer trasformar tu vida, es un paso importante que te cambiar completamente.Recuerda te espero en la instruccin es hora de actuar y empezar no hay tiempo que perder!"
Price: 39.99

"Le conqurant ebid alternative ebay" |
"ce cours vous permettra de raisonner sur la plateforme ebid ATTENTION: Tout conseil que je donne est uniquement bas sur ma propre exprience et recherche. Il n'y a aucune garantie car de nombreuses variables auront un impact sur votre russite. Tout ce qui est dit doit tre pris en compte !"
Price: 19.99

"Awesome Qt (QML) controls" |
"In this course, you will learn how to create good looking QML controls, by applying different design patterns popular with mobile and desktop apps. This will ensure that your users are pleased with the UI and have an amazing experience using your products. Hopefully, this course will awaken your design genius and lead you to create your own beautifully designed controls."
Price: 19.99

"7.Snf Matematik - 2020-2021 Eitim&retim yl *Yeni*" |
"Pandemi dneminden korkmayn, yannzdayz. ddia ediyorum okuldaki derslerinizi aratmayacak ekilde videolar + PDF testler, online denemelerle bu sreci en az hasarla atlatmanza yardmc olacaz. Youtube derslerinden ne farkmz var ? - Youtube da dersler birbirinden kopuktur, aradnz bir konuyla alakal bir anlatma ularsnz, ama bu kursla sanki okuldaym gibi bir yl boyunca dzenli olarak ilerlersiniz. - Temelden yeni nesil sorular dahil, komple bir eitim alacaksnz.- Kitaplarmzla kursunuz havada kalmaz, aslnda kursumuz kitap+ online eitim eklinde hibrit bir modeldir. ( Kursa katlanlarn, belirttiim 3 kitab almas zorunludur )- Sizlere zel hazrlanan PDF testlere ulaabilir, Online denemelere girersiniz. - Kitap Tavsiyeleriyle aslnda bir matematik koluu yapyorum.Okullar alsn ya da almasn kursumuz devam edecek olup, tm 7.snf mfredatn bitireceiz."
Price: 409.99

"Do Zero a Investidor - por Rafael" |
"Organize suas finanas e invista melhor.Saiba para que serve cada investimento e escolha os seus de acordo com seus objetivos.Voc vai aprender que existem mais investimentos do que a poupana e o colcho.Falaremos sobre Carto de crdito, taxa de juros, juros compostos, compra de carro, reserva de emergncia, previdncia.Alm de conhecer os investimentos: Poupana, Tesouro, CDB, LCI, LCA, Debntures, Fundos de Investimentos, Fundos de Aes, Aes, Fundos Imobilirios.."
Price: 189.99

"The English Grammar Question Kit: Punctuation Question Kit" |
"These question sets are designed to help you practice using correct punctuation in sentences. The questions are in multiple choice format, covering the use of Commas, Semi-colons and Colons.The questions are of mixed difficulty levels, with a Question Kit specifically for SAT Grammar students. Don't worry if you aren't able to get the answers right on the first attempt, and don't worry too much about completing them within time - This is just Practice. What's most important is understanding the concepts."
Price: 19.99

"Marketing Your Book Outside Social Media" |
"Does the thought of posting selfies fill your stomach with knots? Not a fan of Facebook? Its okayyoure not alone. In todays modern age its easy to think that marketing happens exclusively on social mediabut if its not your thing, dont worry! In this course youll discover sales strategies of authors who were successful outside social media, and how to apply them to your own book."
Price: 19.99

"Study Skills - Learn more in less time" |
"Whether you want to learn simple ways to study better or refresh your study skills, my course will teach you how to focus on your goals and what mental tools you need to succeed in all subjects!Not only you'll acquire powerful tools and hacks, but you will also feel empowered once you have the control of your learning experience. It is about that attitude!You'll learn:Set milestones and track the progress of completing a degreeNote-taking tricks in different kinds of subjectsSet yourself up for a successful study session that guarantees high grade on your examsTake a class like a superstarTake Control of Your Learning ExperienceToo many students enter classrooms with a passive attitude and expect to be fed with information. When they finally have the motivation to learn, they cannot do well in and feel miserable when they fail their first test. Active learning is a skill, and you can master it in a short time.Student ownership is when a student takes charge of their learning experience and learns actively and demands knowledge. It's your right to learn, and I will teach you how to get the most of your education.THIS COURSE IS FOR YOU IF...You are motivated to get an education but don't have the study skills. If you don't want to struggle and spend less time study with less stress, this is the course for you.BY ENROLLING...you will learn the same study methods and mental hacks that helped all my students get better grades. Youll study and learn more efficiently and effectivelygetting better results with less time and stress."
Price: 19.99

"Facebook Ads for Freelancers" |
"If you are a freelance videographer, photographer, or graphic designer curious about running ads for your clients or business - this is the mini course for you!Learn the basics to running Facebook and Instagram ads for your videography, photography, or other freelance business. Take this skill set and add it as an upsell to your future projects to earn more money and make a bigger impact on the businesses you work with.You will learn exactly how to start your account from scratch, build a campaign, target your ideal clients, and use the campaign to drive results. Ideal outcomes students will gain are improved confidence, the skill set to reach and attract new clients, and a marketable skill that can drive earning potential for all future client work. Enjoy 3 bonus lessons that will assist you in organically marketing your business on Facebook and LinkedIn."
Price: 29.99

"Master Face Reading skills analyze personalities" |
"I first came to know and believed in Face Reading scientifically when I was a third year student in college. Born and raised in a traditional Asian family, I cannot how many times I heard from my mother - the daughter of a family influenced by traditional Confucianism - talking about judging people and their future through their appearance. However, I had always thought this assessment is totally baseless. Suddenly, when I was in my third year of university, I by chance knew a recruitment program of a very famous headhunt Japanese company and in the 1st round, in addition to the CV, they always required all candidates to provide a portrait image to evaluate the suitability through face. Since then, I have studied the subject of Face Reading in a more grounded way. It turned out that Face Reading was more than 3,000 years olds and was even taught at some universities in Asia - that is originated with traditional Chinese diagnoses when doctors cannot touch patients. At the same time, as a sales person, I am very interested in understanding human psychology through all aspects. I know that the smallest clues can help me open the door to the client's mind, building a lasting relationship. Plus, understanding face reading is also a way to help me understand myself and build my own values. Gradually, I realize and respect my appearance, apply for assessing not only normal relationship but also effectively work relationships. I also share the lessons with friends and relatives, help them appreciate the gifts they were given on their face to improve themselves and build meaningful relationships.Realizing the values that all people gained after learning Face Reading skills , I want to share my insights with more and more people so that you can have a new perspective on this subject: understand and improve yourself, understand people and build the valuable relationship.This course is the basement for you to understand furthur about this seems-to-be-magical subject. Specifically, from this course, you can learn:- What you can read from a people's face- How to realize and categorize different types of people EASILY by 2 RULES- Who is the potentially talented man that you should realize to cooperate in the early stage?- How to you realize if this is the true color of a people or she pretends to build another image in front of you- How to treat different types of people - How to upgrade your relationship to value by understanding their inner minds- How to show the proper etiquette for the people at the first time of meeting- How to persuade other people and close the deals quickly"
Price: 24.99

"Bringing mindfulness into well - being" |
"This course will allow you to understand the importance of well - being, identify how your daily routine affects your well - being and will give you the knowledge and skills to add mindfulness and breathing techniques into your routine. These techniques will allow you to over power distractions that may be affecting your well being. Students will be awarded a certificate of participation."
Price: 24.99

"Agiles Lernen & Lernkultur" |
"2020 hat vieles verndert.Corona, New Work, Agilitt, digitale Transformation usw. Die Rakete fr eigenverantwortliches Lernen und Lernkultur zndet. Alle brauchen Alles. Sofort.Neues Wissen, neue Skills, mehr Vernetzung, die richtigen Tools. Einfhrungen, Webinare, Workshops jetzt virtuell.Und: Content, Content, Content.Aber wer denkt an dich?Learning Professionals wie du stehen vor der Herausforderung, sich als Lerncoach und Lernkulturstratege weiterzuentwickeln."
Price: 99.99

"The Entrepreneur mindset" |
"The first step toward the successes is to be mentally prepared and have the mindset of the achiever. That is why we invite you to join our course on mindset programming for a successful person.This course assists aspiring and active entrepreneurs in developing great ideas into great companies. Entrepreneurial mindset, strategic decision-making, and business modeling are core elements of the course.Course Content:Identify and develop great ideas.Identify opportunities.What is entrepreneurship?What does it need for success as an entrepreneur?Entrepreneurial behaviours.Why entrepreneurs engage in risk.Ways to accurately assess and manage risk.Strategic planning."
Price: 49.99

"Interview Questions in Python: Start-Up to Multinationals" |
"This course aims to target professionals wanting to prepare for Python based interviews for different software companies, from startups to big tech giants. The interview questions cover wide range of job roles starting from Junior Python Developers to Senior Data Engineers to Senior Machine Learning Scientists. All the interview questions are multiple choice questions that force you to think quickly and answer promptly and smartly : the important ingredients for a good performance in an interview."
Price: 1280.00

"Surviving Public Speaking!" |
"Whatever you do in life, you have to be able to connect with people. At home with family, with friends, and also in business.As they say, People do business with people.I developed this presentation not only for English speakers but also for seminars that I taught in Spain to Spanish speakers. I hate to use a clich and say that any one can do this, but ANYONE CAN DO THIS IF I DID THIS!Today my past clients include Merck, Travel Click, and Cemex in Spain, and the University of Hawaii Maui where I was a professor teaching marketing, communications, and entrepreneurship classes."
Price: 29.99

"The Complete Happiness Course: Become Happier Now!" |
"The Complete Happiness Course: Become Happier Now!Happiness Can Be Yours! Learn Happiness Habits to Build Your Personal Success and Enhance Personal Development TodayYour happiness can be chosen. You only get one life, why not make the most of it and learn how to be happy on a daily basis?Negative habits practiced on a daily basis create but unhappy, unfulfilled life. The positive habits practiced on a daily basis will create a happy life.You are unique. What makes other people happy will not necessarily make you happy. Thats why this course will teach you how to come up with a unique system designed especially for you. In order for you to achieve maximum happiness and fulfillment, you must create a system of daily habits that advance your own personal goals in your own vision of a happy life.Personal development expert TJ Walker will teach you his own unique, proprietary SelfieSpeak Programming (SSP) method for building strong new habits to increase your happiness on a daily basis. Walker will teach you a simple system that automates how your brain functions. you will be able to take control over your own daily actions and fuss, take control over you are emotions. You will see daily improvement in every sphere of your life. This, in turn, will build your confidence and build your happiness.The lack of happiness is often a function of feeling dissatisfied with some or all aspects of life. When you have no clear-cut way of working towards your goals, or even setting goals, it is much more difficult to be happy. Walker will teach you how to clearly identify your vision of the happy life and your goals for your happy life. Then, he will help you create a unique system for reminding yourself daily of how to practice the habits you will need in order for you to achieve maximum happiness.If you are ready to make happiness a daily part of your life, then enroll in this course now."
Price: 199.99

"An Inventory & Crafting System in Javascript with Phaser" |
"If you need to practise your javascript...If you want to learn some new ES6 stuff...If you have ever wanted to create an inventory and/or crafting system for your game...Then this course is for you!You will get experience using:Inventory systemsCrafting systemsUser Interface creationES6ClassesArraysObjectsFunctionsPhaser 3Adding an inventory and crafting system to a survival game is fun way to practise Javascript and Phaser.The game includes:AnimationsBasic Enemy AIAudioMouse & Keyboard Input HandlingAdvanced Matter PhysicsFull source code is included.I hope you enjoy the course!"
Price: 54.99

"Como desenvolver e organizar Jogos usando Metodologias Ageis" |
"O que so metodologias geis? Que tipo de padro posso usar ao desenvolver o meu projeto de jogo? Concept document, Game Design Document, o que isso? Kanbam, Trello como eu uso isso? O que MVP e como definir as features que o meu MVP vai ter? Essas e muitas outras perguntas eu tento responder com este curso para organizar a vida da equipe de desenvolvimento de jogos digitais!"
Price: 54.99

"Photoshop Master of Portrait Retouching 101 Ultimate Guide" |
"Hey guys and welcome to Photoshop Master of Portrait Retouching 101 The Ultimate GuideI am soli art I am the director of Dentsu advertising company they are some of my creative Art work which you can find at 500px site with the name of SoliWe Start by adding some exposure to our image the after doing some clean ups we learn how to do dodge and burning with a help layer then i will teach you my special way of Frequency Separation then we change the form of the face with Liquify and step by steps will will create and also draw the other part of the image until we create the magic :) By the end of this course You will be able to start earning money from your Photoshop Retouching Skills and I will answer all of your questions on udemy until you get your first job.After purchasing dont forget to leave a comment so thats inspires me to create more amazing videos ."
Price: 119.99

"O Guia Completo De Como Se Mudar E Viver No Exterior" |
"(Este curso ministrado em ingls com legendas em Portugus.)Imagine se voc pudesse escolher um pas e depois se mudar e morar l como um residente. Imagine se pudesse decidir, seis meses depois, escolher outro pas para se mudar e fazer o mesmo novamente. Imagine sua vida profissional podendo continuar como antes. Imagine trazer seu cnjuge nesta aventura estrangeira.Esta a vida que tenho levado nos ltimos seis anos. Minha esposa e eu moramos em sete cidades diferentes, em trs continentes diferentes. E adivinhe, eu sou um empreendedor, mas minha esposa trabalhou exclusivamente no mundo corporativo (leia-se: funcionria). Ainda conseguimos fazer com que toda essa relocalizao e mudana para o exterior funcionasse. E neste curso eu te mostro como.******Isto para qualquer pessoa, empresrio ou funcionrio que deseje se mudar e morar em um pas estrangeiro.Este curso no lhe dir como trabalhar online e depois lhe dir ""Agora viaje! Ele vai focar em tudo o que tem a ver com mudana, de modo que o guiar pelas etapas concretas que voc vai precisar para se mudar pra um novo pas, desde decidir sobre o pas para onde se mudar, at descobrir o que fazer com seus bens, casa, carro, amigos e sua vida em geral, at estabelecer uma nova vida no seu novo pas, com uma nova casa, carro, amigos, etc. em sua nova cidade/pas estrangeiro. Este curso sobre mudana tambm o guiar pela logstica (armazenamento, vistos, assuntos de pagamento, etc.) que voc ser obrigado a enfrentar quando se mudar seja para um lugar no exterior ou para outra cidade.Portanto, se voc deseja se mudar, morar no exterior, viver em uma cidade estrangeira, ou simplesmente viajar mais, ento isto para voc.Legendado por Flvio Miranda ProZ: Flvio Miranda Email: flavio.miranda.legendas@gmail.com"
Price: 29.99

"Join Me And Let's Learn How to Achieve Greatness" |
"Virtually everyone has dreams and desires, or their inner greatness, within them that they would like to achieve, but many question whether they have the ability to achieve those dreams and desires. They lack the confidence in themselves and their abilities to believe that their dreams and desires are achievable. They often think that their dreams and desires are just wishful fantasies that cant be realistically achieved. In order to achieve your dreams and desires, you must realize that you have the capability to achieve them, you have the greatness within you to achieve those dreams and desires. In this course we work through the things that probably are holding you back and then teach you sound principles to apply daily that will help you discover the potential that lies within you. We'll learn about proper, effective goal setting, how to address and then end your fears. We will get a bit technical and dive into what makes your brain work and how you can learn to control it in order to harness the power of your thoughts giving you the ability to re-program your future self.Then we dive into mindfulness. How it works, why it works and how it can help you in discovering and utilizing the greatness that lies within you."
Price: 19.99

"Crypto Trading 101" |
"The financial markets most of the time provides us with information that may be too much to process, thus making online trading quite complex and the idea of trading crypto may seem even more abstract to most individuals.This course is aimed at simplifying the idea of cryptocurrencies, identifying the major players and showing you the most important factors affecting the crypto market so that you can formulate your strategy around these basics.RISK: Trading cryptocurrencies on margin carries a high level of risk, and may not be suitable for all investors. The high degree of leverage can work against you as well as for you. Before deciding to invest in foreign exchange you should carefully consider your investment objectives, level of experience, and risk appetite."
Price: 19.99

"GlusterFS: Filesystem para Centros de Datos" |
"GlusterFS es un sistema de archivos en red escalable util para entornos de Centro de Datos que brinda funcionalidades espectaculares a los Administradores de Tecnologas de Informacin. Es un proyecto de Software Libre patrocinado por Red Hat Inc, pensando en funcin de la escalabilidad y alta disponibilidad de los datos. Toda su operacin se centra en funcin de los volmenes que son el centro de atraccin de este Software, los cuales son presentados mediante diferentes tcnicas a entornos como Docker, Kubernetes, Virtualizacin entre otros.En este curso se ver como se instala, configura y se coloca en produccin esta plataforma para la administracin de datos y las diferentes funcionalidades que nos permite GlusterFS. De igual forma se explican conceptos previos necesarios para colocar en produccin una plataforma como esta.Este curso est en constante actualizacin, tiene un roadmap para nuevas lecciones las cuales son de utilidad en la gestin del data center."
Price: 79.99

"JavaScript Math D3.js Polyline The Pathagorean Theorem" |
"In this course you will apply what you have already learned in basic HTML, CSS, and JavaScript courses to create an application that calculates and recalculates the dimensions and angles of a Right Triangle. By the end of this course, you will have the skills to create any application that calculates a complex mathematical problem. You will also have the skills to think outside of the box to become more than just a coder. You will become a creator with code."
Price: 19.99

"Learn Flask by Creating a News Website" |
"This courses will teach you how to build a web application using Python programming language specifically using Flask Web Framework. Python was described as the language that is capable of doing anything and everything. The good news about this course is that you don't need advanced knowledge in Python nor in any programming language. All you need is just simple knowledge of how to create simple Python functions/scripts.Being able to create Python web applications on your own is so important if you want to take your Python skills to the next level. And this course gives you the opportunity to accomplish that by honing in on a Python Web Framework called Flask. Flask is a super powerful web framework that is capable of creating awesome web app quickly.By the end of this course you will have built a web app using Python programming language that is capable of pulling out news headlines from an API and showing them in the web app.Why should you take this course?There are many reasons why this course is extremely important. First and most prominently is that you will learn one of the most amazing Python framework, that is, Flask. As you know, Python is pretty much able to do anything even web app! Secondly you will improve your python skills by creating a complete project. Third you can highlight this particular skill in your CV which would potentially make you stand out from the crowd.What you will learn in this course?1. How to install Python2. Create functions.3. How to install Python Flask4. How to create routes/urls5. How to make HTTP requests in Flask6. How to incorporate Bootstrap in Flask web app 7. How run your Flask web app8. How to Navigate to another route/url9. How to use APIs in Flask10. Much much more...Note: The project that will be created throughout this course will be provided so that you can download it and use it for commercial and non-commercial purposes."
Price: 199.99

"7Kundalini Yoga Meditation" |
"Meditation (Module One Module ThreeModule Two20"
Price: 19.99
