"AWS Certified Developer - Associate Latest Practice Exam" |
"The AWS Certified Developer - Associate certification is one of the most challenging exams. It's great at assessing how well you understand not just AWS, but making sure you are making the best architectural decisions based on situations, which makes this certification incredibly valuable to have and pass.Do you want to evaluate your preparation for the Amazon AWS Certified Developer - Associate AND be confident enough to pass your AWS Certification exam on the very first go? Well then AWS Certified Developer - Associate Practice Tests are perfect for you! With this AWS Certification Practice course, you'll know exactly when you are ready to go for the exam and be 100% sure of achieving an incredible score"
Price: 34.99

"Java language enhancements" |
"New language enhancements like try-with-resources and multiple catch-clause are discussed in great detail in this course. Quizzes, mock exam questions and their solutions round off the course, so be prepared and ready to get your hands dirty and be intellectually challenged !The course is originally designed as an exam study guide for the 1z0-817 Oracle Certified Java SE 11 upgrade exam, that's why the topics are discussed in great detail sometimes, so be prepared to get some serious information and a feel like for what exam preparation looks like for certified programmers!But one can learn the topics separately as well, without intending to take the exam..... and most importantly: Have fun!"
Price: 19.99

"PHP MySQL 33 responsive projects" |
"In this course I'm providing the 33 unique PHP projects with their database and installation process. You can learn lot of PHP things from these projects and can also cell to your clients because they are working projects.And also if you are new to PHP or don't know how to setup the PHP then I have also provided a course related to PHP environment and how to setup XAMPP (XAMPP is a free and open-source cross-platform web server solution stack package developed by Apache). And how to fix the Apache server/port error issue."
Price: 12800.00

"Curso de Tcnicas Energticas" |
"Este curso est orientado a todo tipo de personas que buscan el bienestar a travs de diferentes tcnicas de armonizacin como Reiki, Reiki Anglico, Sanacin Prnica, chien Chi Cua, entre otras.Aprenders a canalizar las energas adecuadamente para sanacin permitindote conocer ms sobre los bloqueos, por medio de herramientas de exploracin y as acceder a conflictos que pueden estar reprimidos por diferentes motivos que no se han podido elaborar y se manifiestan en el cuerpo. As tratar de restablecer el equilibrio con respiraciones especficas, meditacin, imposicin de manos, ejercicios corporales, visualizaciones, reprogramacin y resignificacin de creencias.Tambin este conocimiento est orientado a otros profesionales de la salud como mdicos, psiclogos, kinesilogos que quieran complementar su trabajo con una terapia ms integrativa.Siempre tendrs el acceso a consultas para acompaarte tanto en el proceso de aprendizaje del curso como en la atencin de tus primeros pacientes."
Price: 99.99

"SAP Analytics Cloud {C_SAC_2014} Certification Questions" |
"120 Unique questions!!! No duplicates like other websites.Exam Questions similar to actual:C_SAC_2014 - SAP Certified Application Associate - SAP Analytics Cloud Enhance your certification score. Even though you're working at a top company, you'll want to keep your certification score up. It's important for your job search, especially if you want to go for a higher level position. When you're looking for new jobs, people are going to be screening your resume a bit with certifications.Practice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts. Your results are immediately available, while you stay focused on your exam results. Practice tests provides the answer to a test/questions you haven't already learned.Exam Questions similar to actual Certification Exam.Life time Access to practice tests to try as many times until you master the subject. You have access to practice test answers 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. If you're not satisfied, you can easily return to the practice test to make corrections.Applicants will need to make sure that they are able to complete the practice examination in its entirety and pass all the multiple choice tests in general nature.Topic Areas:Data Preparation: Data Model > 12%Overview and Core Functionality > 12%SAP Analytics Cloud Administration, Connections and Integration > 12%Business Intelligence > 12%SAP Analytics Cloud Architecture 8% - 12%Content presentation, Sharing, Collaboration 8% - 12%Augmented Analytics < 8%Official Exam Details:Exam Name : SAP Certified Application Associate - SAP Analytics CloudExam Code : C_SAC_2014Exam: 80 questionsExam Cut Score: 69%Exam Duration: 180 minsType of Questions : Multiple choice (single/multiple), True/False"
Price: 19.99

"Apprenez comment un growth hacker automatise ses taches et peut crer une ""Sales Machine"" BTOB pour son entreprise.Je vous propose cette formation sur l'automatisation pour vous aider pendant cette priode difficile, j'espre qu'elle vous aidera gagner du temps (et de l'argent) ! > A PROPOS DU GROWTH HACKING99% des startups succs se forment au growth hacking, et vous?Le growth hacking n'est pas une suite d'outils, techniques, hacks... mais des connaissances stratgiques qui permettent d'avoir un avantage concurrentiel face la concurrence, d'aller plus vite, en excutant mieux. En un mot, le growth cest lart de lefficacit : leffort minimum pour limpact maximum sur le business.L'intgralit de ma formation est disponible sur mon site internet personnel, vous pourrez vous inscrire beaucoup d'autres contenus gratuits si vous souhaitez aller plus loin :)> QUELQUES RETOURS DES ALUMNI:Un rel plaisir de faire sa rencontre et de pouvoir changer avec lui sur des problmatiques d'acquisition ! Je recommande les yeux ferms ! Enzo""""Voila mon feedback: Grace la formation, j'ai ralis sur les 2 premiers mois de 2020 autant de chiffre d'affaire que la totalit de l'anne 2019.""""""On a eu nos 1000 premiers inscrits via le concours de referral on finit avec 48% de taux de referral et 32% de taux de conversion donc grave cool!"
Price: 19.99

"Power Pivot Masterclass 2020! Multidimensionale Datenanalyse" |
"Power Pivot ist ein wertvolles Tool zur multidimensionalen Datenanalyse. In vielen Unternehmen ist das Werkzeug nicht mehr wegzudenken. Komplexe Datenstrukturen knnen aggregiert werden und hochperformant aufbereitet werden. Power Pivot soll Benutzern die Mglichkeit geben, groe Datenmengen eigenstndig auszuwerten. Neben Power-BI gehrt Power-Pivot damit zu den sogenannten Self Service BI-Produkten von Microsoft.Im diesem Power-Pivot-Kurs schauen wir uns insbesondere an, wo die Grenzen herkmmlicher Excel-Analysen sind und warum Power Pivot die logische Konsequenz ist. Wir diskutieren, wie unterschiedliche Datenquellen wie Excel-Dateien, CSV-Textdateien oder Datenbanken in die Applikation importiert werden knnen. Anschlieend reden wir ber die Modellierung der Beziehungen. ber verschiedene Datenquellen und Dimensionen hinweg bauen wir professionelle Dashboards auf, welche dynamisch analysierbar sind. Zu allen Lektionen bekommst du hochprofessionelle Excel-Templates zur Verfgung gestellt, um die Thematik zu verinnerlichen und anschlieend auf eigene Use-Cases bertragen zu knnen. --------------------------------------------Im Kurs zum Download erhltlichZusammenfassung der Themenkomplexe (PDF)Skript aller inhaltlichen Themen (PowerPoint)Berechnungen der bungen (Excel)Lsungen der Berechnungen (Excel)Handout: bersicht zum Thema Pivot-Tabellen (PDF)Bonus: bersicht aller Shortcuts in Excel (PDF)"
Price: 109.99

"CCA 175 Spark and Hadoop Developer Certification using Scala" |
"Hello Learners. Welcome to the course ""CCA175 Spark and Hadoop developer certification course"". This course will help the learners to prepare for the main certification exam. This course will boost your confidence to appear for certification and also provides you with sample scenarios so that you are well equipped before appearing for the exam. In this course you will learn - Cluster Setup on Google CloudIntroduction to Apache SparkResilient Distributed DatasetsDataframe abstraction in SparkWorking with JSON dataWorking with Parquet dataWorking with Avro dataWorking with ORC dataWorking with DataFrame ColumnsManipulating dates with spark DataframesManipulating Strings with spark DataframesWorking with Hive metastore20 Real time exam scenariosMock exam"
Price: 1280.00

"Hedeflenen video: 550Hedeflenen ders sresi: 110 saatBu kursumuzda, kelime renme konusunda kurduumuz sistemle Trkiye'nin ilk ve tek Cmle Kurma Temelli Kelime daarcmz gelitirme kursu olmaktadr. Her videoda 5 kelime renilecektir. Bu kelimelerle ve her anlamlaryla 2er cmle adm adm kurulacaktr. Hem full kelime tekrar yapm olacaz hem de full cmle kurarak gramer tekrar yapacaz. Bu kursumuz sizlere iyi gelecektir. Konuurken aklmza gelmeyen kelimeler artk gelecektir. Bu sorun ortadan kalkarak z gvenimiz yerine gelecek rakiplerimizin nne geeceiz. Tahmini renilecek toplam kelime says da 10000 civarnda olacaktr. Keyifle takip edeceiniz bu kursumuz ok eyin kapsn aacaktr.Grmek zere ...Eitimen ada YILDIZ"
Price: 139.99

"Equilibra las energas mediante la auriculoterapia" |
"Vas a aprender de forma completa como realizar la auriculoterapia, comprendiendo todas las reas de la oreja.Te voy a dar a conocer todas las herramientas necesarias para poder aplicar la terapia en tus pacientes, mediante teora y prctica que te va a resultar fcil de aprender y asimilar.Es un curso muy accesible para todos y no requiere estudios previos, solo buena predisposicin para aprender!.Con estos conocimientos podrs ayudar a aliviar aquellas personas que manifiestan dolencias. Adems te servir para poder relajar a tus pacientes.Vas a tener acceso a documentos de material de estudio exclusivo adjunto a cada uno de los videos y temas tratados, para que puedas repasar la informacin y no perderte en el camino.Tambin vas a conectarte a travs del correo electrnico para que nos mantengamos en contacto y as poder resolver todas tus dudas acompandote en tu trayecto.Te deseo mucha suerte en tu trayecto, xitos!."
Price: 19.99

"PEGA-CSA-V6-2 Certified System Architect Practice Test" |
"306 UNIQUE practice questions for PEGA-CSA-V6-2 Certified System Architect Practice TestPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can atleast get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : PEGA-CSA-V6-2 Certified System Architect Practice TestTotal Questions : 306Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :200 minsPassing Score : 75 (229 of 306)"
Price: 179.99

"C_TERP10_65 SAP Associate Business Priming Integration Exam" |
"121 UNIQUE practice questions for C_TERP10_65 SAP Associate Business Priming Integration ExamPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can atleast get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : C_TERP10_65 SAP Associate Business Priming Integration ExamTotal Questions : 121Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :80 minsPassing Score : 75 (90 of 121)"
Price: 159.99

"Blender 2.8 de Cero a Heroe" |
"Alguna vez has tenido curiosidad de saber que hay detrs de los personajes de tus pelculas animadas o videojuegos favoritos? La mayora de ellos utilizan modelos tridimensionales y aunque suene a cosa del otro mundo, no lo es. Modelar en 3D es una de las disciplinas ms gratificantes y retadoras con las que te podrs encontrar, ya que explota tu creatividad y trae a la vida lo que en tu mente habita.En nuestro curso Blender 2.8 de Cero a Hroe nos familiarizaremos con la interfaz de este software, sus herramientas bsicas, navegacin y vistas entre ms cosas, para despus ejecutar ejercicios de modelado, render, texturas y ms.Aunque tu conocimiento sobre el tema sea muy bsico, en este curso encontraras la capacitacin que te llevara a crear grandes diseos 3D y no solo copiar y pegar los pasos del curso, sino aprender y familiarizarte con las herramientas para desarrollar tu proceso creativo, en resumen, sers desafiado y guiado en este proceso de aprendizaje de Blender 2.8, as que Iniciemos este entrenamiento para convertirte en todo un Hroe de Blender."
Price: 270.00

"Dein Zuhause - deine natrliche Wohlfhloase" |
"Ein herzliches Willkommen zu Deiner Wohlfhloase Zuhause, mein Name ist Andrea Beerbaum. Als Aromaexpertin und Mama von 4 Kids und Haustieren in einem sehr groen Haushalt wei ich heute um die Geschenke unser Natur und wie wir ihr und fr folgende Generationen einen Beitrag durch Nachhaltigkeit zurckgeben knnen.Mit dem Wissen ber geeignete Einzelle und Mischungen sowie den Anleitungen dieses Kurses, kannst auch du sofort loslegen. Deine Reinigungsschrnke ausrumen und alternativ neu und ganz natrlich bestcken.Idealerweise bringt durch deine Naturverbundenheit erstes Pflanzenwissen mit und vertraust auf deine Intuition.Du mchtest Mutternatur, deiner Familie und dir das Beste geben, gerade auch im Alltag bei scheinbar Banalitten wie dem Thema Haushaltsreinigung dann bist du Herzlich Willkommen im Kurs und wir sehen uns gleich zu Lektion 1 wieder."
Price: 29.99

"The Complete HTML , CSS , Bootstrap :Build Hands On Projects" |
"Web design encompasses many different skills and disciplines in the production and maintenance of websites. The different areas of web design include web graphic design; interface design; authoring, including standardized code and proprietary software; user experience design; and search engine optimization.In this course, you learn different technologies in Web Design likeWhat is a websiteDifferences between front-end , backend , databaseWhat is web designAdvantages of Web DesignHTMLAdvanced topics in HTML like Tables , Lists etcCSSAdvanced topics in CSS like Display , Alignments , PositionsWhat is a framework , What are its AdvantagesWhat is BootstrapWhat is Responsive DesignUsing bootstrap pre-defined classes to HTML elementsMaking Websites responsive with Bootstrap4 Hands-On-Projects"
Price: 24.99

"Como Importar de China a Mexico o Cualquier Pais Paso a Paso" |
"Despus de terminar este curso sabrs como se puede importar de China a Mexico o a cualquier otro pas del mundo, desde cualquier parte del mundo sin la necesidad de intermediarios y sin tener conocimientos previos de comercio internacional, con esto sers capaz de iniciar o expandir tu negocio al traer productos de China, desde pocas piezas hasta contenedores. Saber como traer productos de China ya no ser cosa del otro mundo!Gracias al mtodo de importacin que veremos sobre como traer cosas de china, lo nico que tendrs que hacer ser pagar a tu proveedor para que la mercanca llegue hasta la puerta de tu casa, as de sencillo y adems, la gran ventaja que te proporciona este mtodo es que el 100% de tu dinero estar protegido en todo momento!"
Price: 495.00

"Powershell Stairway to Automation and powershell Scripting" |
"This course will ensure that each one taking it up gets an opportunity to fulfill their own dream for automation. Starting from the PowerShell basics, this course will help you to understand what PowerShell is and how it can be used to develop your own applications that will automate Windows day-to-day admin tasks. You also get a chance to know how to set up your own lab and can experience the practicals usings the demo scripts. So Don't MISS this!!!Main topics covered in this course :- 1 Intro : Automation Using Powershell2 Powershell Vs Commandline3 Easy Set up a Lab for your automation4Install VMWare Player5 Create Virtual Machine VM1 using VMWare Player6Install VMWareTools7Create VM2 and Central Server8Domain and Domain controller Set Up9Joining servers to a domain10Get-ChildItem Commandlet11Get-Service Commandlet12Get-content Commandlet13Get-Process Commandlet14Arrays15Conditional Operators16Comparison Operators17for loop18while - do while 19Variables and Datatypes20Error Handling (try catch)21File Handling using text files22File Handling uisng Csv files23File Handling using XML Files24Saving output to text file (Out-File Cmdlet)25Displaying output to gridview26Displaying output to HTML27Saving output as CSV file28Execution Policy and Run your first script29Windows drive space analysis using powershell30Sending Mails using powershell : Send-MailMessage31Automate your script through Windows Task Scheduler32Automate your script thorugh the Jenkins (a widely usedfree Devops Tool)33Automate your scripts through SQL Server Agent"
Price: 34.99

"Ladder logic" |
"Ladder logic is a programming language that is used to program a PLC (Programmable Logic Controller). It is a graphical PLC programming language which expresses logic operations with symbolic notation using ladder diagrams, much like the rails and rungs of a traditional relay logic circuit. It is used by engineers and electricians to execute logical, sequential, counting, timing and arithmetic tasks in order to carry industrial automation applications.In the good old days, machine and process automation was accomplished using a hard wired control system known as relay logic. With the advent of microprocessors and the invention of the PLC, relay logic quickly became superseded by programming languages such as ladder logic."
Price: 1280.00

"ENERGY RESOURCES: New and renewable energy resources" |
"Renewable energy, often referred to as clean energy, comes from natural sources or processes that are constantly replenished. For example, sunlight or wind keep shining and blowing, even if their availability depends on time and weather.While renewable energy is often thought of as a new technology, harnessing natures power has long been used for heating, transportation, lighting, and more. Wind has powered boats to sail the seas and windmills to grind grain. The sun has provided warmth during the day and helped kindle fires to last into the evening. But over the past 500 years or so, humans increasingly turned to cheaper, dirtier energy sources such as coal and fracked gas.Now that we have increasingly innovative and less-expensive ways to capture and retain wind and solar energy, renewables are becoming a more important power source, accounting for more than one-eighth of U.S. generation. The expansion in renewables is also happening at scales large and small, from rooftop solar panels on homes that can sell power back to the grid to giant offshore wind farms. Even some entire rural communities rely on renewable energy for heating and lighting.As renewable use continues to grow, a key goal will be to modernize Americas electricity grid, making it smarter, more secure, and better integrated across regions."
Price: 1280.00

"Curso de Redao: Temas Especficos" |
"Voc sabe a importncia da redao para as notas do Enem e dos vestibulares, n? Alm de precisar mandar bem no texto, voc tem que estar ligado no mundo ao seu redor. Esse curso vai alm de regras gramaticais e aborda temas e conhecimentos gerais que vo agregar muito na hora de escrever a sua redao!"
Price: 39.99

"Curso de Redao: Estrutura!" |
"Voc sabe a importncia da redao para as notas do Enem e dos vestibulares, n? Alm de precisar mandar bem no texto, voc tem que estar ligado na forma de apresent-lo adequadamente. Esse curso vai te mostrar estruturas simples e eficazes, que iro te ajudar a conquistar a to sonhada nota mil. Venha, logo, conferir!"
Price: 39.99

conductingmasterclassthebeatconcept |
"Conducting Masterclass: A complete guide to key conducting techniquesMastering conducting concepts, movements, and techniquesThese classes have all been carefully planned out to aid your journey in grasping all the essentials of conducting. It is suitable for people from all walks of life, regardless of whether you are a complete novice with a great interest in conducting, or an amateur conductor who yearns to improve their craft.Enrolled students are sure to be able to master the introduced techniques by the concluding lesson. Not only will the techniques and concepts be taught, every lesson also dives deep into the importance behind each and every movement, before ending off with a interactive demo of the technique introduced in the lesson.If you follow each and every lesson closely and put your mind to it, you are sure to be able to master the basic conducting techniques and skills by the end of the class.Created by Dr. Audrey Chung Eurasia Music Academy"
Price: 74.99

conductingmasterclassthemoveconcept |
"Conducting Masterclass: A complete guide to key conducting techniquesMastering conducting concepts, movements, and techniquesThese classes have all been carefully planned out to aid your journey in grasping all the essentials of conducting. It is suitable for people from all walks of life, regardless of whether you are a complete novice with a great interest in conducting, or an amateur conductor who yearns to improve their craft. Enrolled students are sure to be able to master the introduced techniques by the concluding lesson. Not only will the techniques and concepts be taught, every lesson also dives deep into the importance behind each and every movement, before ending off with a interactive demo of the technique introduced in the lesson. If you follow each and every lesson closely and put your mind to it, you are sure to be able to master the basic conducting techniques and skills by the end of the class.Created by Dr. Audrey Chung Eurasia Music Academy"
Price: 84.99

conductingmasterclass |
"12Conducting Masterclass: A complete guide to key conducting techniquesMastering conducting concepts, movements, and techniquesThese classes have all been carefully planned out to aid your journey in grasping all the essentials of conducting. It is suitable for people from all walks of life, regardless of whether you are a complete novice with a great interest in conducting, or an amateur conductor who yearns to improve their craft. Comprising of 12 lessons, enrolled students are sure to be able to master the introduced techniques by the concluding lesson. Not only will the techniques and concepts be taught, every lesson also dives deep into the importance behind each and every movement, before ending off with a interactive demo of the technique introduced in the lesson. If you follow each and every lesson closely and put your mind to it, you are sure to be able to master the basic conducting techniques and skills by the end of the class.Created by Dr. Audrey Chung Eurasia Music Academy"
Price: 119.99

"Curso Teologia Sistemtica." |
"timo Curso para todos os amantes da Teologia Sistemtica e suas vrias ramificaes. timo aprendizado para voc iniciante no estudos biblicos. Deus abenoe a todos em Nome do Pai, do Filho e do Esprito Santo. So os votos do Pastor Eliaquim Cordeiro. timo Curso para todos. Estudem, e continuem estudando para se apresentarem como obreiros aprovados que no tem do que se envergonhar"
Price: 39.99

"Veri yaplar dersi eitim ve uygulama serisi" |
"Veri yaplar dersi eitim serisi ile veri yaplar modelleri olan; Bal ListelerStack (yn) Veri YapsQueue (kuyruk) Veri YapsAalarHeap Veri YapsHashingGraflarRecursive (zyinelemeli) fonksiyonlar gibialgoritmalar oluturabilecek, gerekli sralama, sorgulama, listeleme ilemlerini C Programlama dili ile gerekletireceksiniz. Udemy'de daha ncesinden yaynlam olduum C Programlama dili eitim serimin devamnda oluturmu olduum bu eitim serimiz ile C Programlama diline daha hakim olacak ve algoritma kurma ve gerekletirme ilemini daha rahat gerekletireceksiniz."
Price: 199.99

"Your Wedding Dance - Your Way!" |
"Have Your thought about your First Dance? We Have!Most couples are so excited about planning the wedding that they often overlook the first dance. Flowers, venue, food, decorations, music, - many things about a couple's wedding tends to be about everyone else. However, your big day is about one thing and one thing only - The celebration of your new life together. Just like you wouldnt settle for a generic, recycled, cookie-cutter wedding, why settle for your first dance!? Were Chad and Brisa, and we help couples take their weddings from special to spectacular through the power of dance. We make dancing simple and stress free. Our simple, no nonsense approach to teaching will get you enjoying those special moments during your First Dance as you present yourselves as newlyweds to your family, friends and guests.We combine more than 40+ years of experience in the dance industry. In the last 20 years we have specialized in teaching wedding parties including Groom/Bride, Bride/Bride, Groom/Groom, Father/Daughter, Mother/Son and others in the wedding party. We make it easy to learn by using principles from everyday life. Join us for this simple, fun, practical and insightful journey on and off the dance floor!"
Price: 94.99

"Certified English Class - Geography Theme-Places in America" |
"Better language through online superior methods of teaching that are very workable and effective.Geography interested students who wish to improve their language skills and those who like to know about different places in the world will like this course.English as it is taught in Geography with the description of the places, in particular reference to America."
Price: 1280.00

"Lightroom : Defining Your Style & The Importance of Presets" |
"Learn how to define your style as well as the importance using presets in your workflow as you edit in Lightroom! I will walk you through the process from beginning to the end and give you some useful tips and tricks that I wish I knew when I first started. At the end of this course, you will have edited 3 of your own photos and be well on your way to defining your own style! You will also have the skills and know-how to edit any photo that you want!I am Tom Kai, A professional photographer and graphic designer with an incredible passion for creating. I've been working in the creative field for the past 10 years and in that time I've learned a lot of useful information that I want to share with YOU! I am excited to help you to learn how to ""Define your style and the importance of presets"" and to get you started with creating stunning edits in Lightroom. I also want to give you all the skills you need to create any kind of edit that you can think of!This class is designed for those starting out in photography or for those who want to define their own style. This course is in depth enough for those familiar with Lightroom, but also beginner friendly as I walk through my whole process, I am sure you will be able to follow along. I will be walking you through some shortcuts and tricks that I've learned over the years that have helped me find my own style and at the same time improve my workflow and that have helped me create edits that caught the eyes of some very cool clients! Whether you are starting out or just want to rebrand with a completely new style, this class will be useful to all of you! And don't worry, I will provide you with all needed material for this project, such as the images.This course is made using the classic version of Lightroom, however the principles and skills taught in this course can and will apply to other versions as well. You can also download a free trial of Adobe Lightroom from the adobe websiteIn this course you will learn:Why having your own style is importantHow to find your unique styleThe importance of using presetsHow to create presetsHow to use the Lightroom interface and toolsHow to create unique stylized editsProper way to save and export your final photos* All stock images in this course were provided by Signature Edits, Feel free to check out their website for more awesome free raw images to practice your photo editing skills!"
Price: 84.99

"Curso de Ukulele com Mateus Lemos - Iniciante" |
"Este curso, onde voc aprender a tocar ukulele, foi desenvolvido e gravado por mim, Mateus Lemos, e conta com uma estrutura completa, que vai ajudar voc a aprender suas msicas preferidas da forma correta e em menos tempo. As aulas so prticas e dinmicas, ento, voc aprende tocando. Faa o curso e aprenda ukulele em pouco tempo, sem gastos desnecessrios e aprendendo suas primeiras msicas."
Price: 39.99

"Heal Yourself with Breathwork" |
"How wonderful would it be to face life's challenges feeling excited, focused, and on purpose? Well, this wonderful feeling is just one month away maybe less. In my Heal Yourself with Breathwork course, you are given a simple framework to clarify your purpose and vision your future.You'll learn all about the most potent self-healing method I know of, and how to practice it at home all on your own! You'll receive loads of support through the simple video classes, downloadable PDF guides/worksheets, and the guided audio meditations that lead you through the Breath as well.Even if you've already worked with this breath, or have participated in sessions or groups with me, the guides and tools in this course provide you potent information and resources for deepening the experience for yourself. And if youre brand new to Breathwork, youre in for an incredible new journey!Led by Beth Barbaglia, Founder of Held In The Heart"
Price: 24.99
