"Become Your Best Version Now!" |
"Are you a teenager or young adult struggling to get the most out of life? Do you feel that you need to equip yourself with the skills and mindset that can help you become happier and more successful? Are you a parent, carer, educator or supervisor struggling to deal with challenging behaviour and lack of personal responsibility and maturity of the younger generation?If the answer is a resounding 'YES' to any those questions, then 'Become Your Best Version' is an excellent online learning course that will help to:1) Create more confidence, flair and pride in everything you do2) Develop personal resilience and mental toughness3) Manage and structure your time to get more organised4) Become mature and master your emotions to deal with anythingNeil Reeves and Sunil Naphray, two very experienced and seasoned transformational coaches and educators, will take you through these four core modules with some insightful video content and thought-provoking learning resources to accelerate your personal development journey towards a better you.As the content is rich and comprehensive, we suggest that you download the 'Course Notes Jotter' document to make notes whilst you are watching the videos.All the very best on your personal development journey and we hope that you gain a lot from this course to help you move forward and achieve the best possible life that you deserve.Neil ReevesSunil Naphray"
Price: 19.99

"PremierePro - alle Aspekte des professionellen Videoschnitts" |
"In unserem Kurs zu Premiere Pro zeigt dir Nico all unsere Learnings und Tricks, die wir ber Jahre im Postproduktionsalltag mit Premiere gesammelt haben. Und er wird dir dabei helfen, eigene professionelle Videos zu erstellen.Wenn du auf der Suche nach Antworten fr ein bestimmtes Thema bist, deine Effizienz steigern, oder dein erstes Projekt realisieren mchtest dann lass uns starten. Nico stattet dich mit Erklrungen, bungen, Tipps und Tricks sowie downloadbarem Videomaterial aus. So wirst du dir sehr schnell erweiterte Fhigkeiten im Bereich Schnitt mit Premiere aneignen.In diesem Kurs befassen wir uns mit allen grundstzlichen Einstellungen und wertvollen Tipps fr das erste eigene Projekt. Insgesamt dauert das Coaching etwas weniger als eine halbe Stunde.Wir werden ein Schnittprojekt von Anfang bis Ende durch gehen, zuerst Premiere Pro richtig aufsetzten, Short Cuts benutzen, einen Projektordner anlegen und die Benutzeroberflche personalisieren. Dann Material importieren, eine Sequenz erstellen, die Clips schneiden, Effekte anwenden, Keyframes verwenden, Farbe korrigieren, das Video schlielich exportieren und ber die grundlegenden Schnittregeln sprechen. Wichtig fr dich - du kannst jeden Schritt mit unserem Material direkt ben.Das Tutorial ist Betriebssystem unabhngig. Alle Tastenkrzel werden fr Windows und Mac angezeigt, die Software Premiere Pro verhlt sich zudem auf beiden Systemen fast identisch."
Price: 69.99

"Introduction to Cybersecurity - For Software Developers" |
"This course helps software developers to understand the concepts of security in a comprehensive way, which enables them to write protected systems irrespective of the programming language or the frameworks they use. Professional developers and system architects need to consider the security aspects of an application during the design phase of a software development life-cycle. This course is the first part of a Cybersecurity series. It elaborates the main concepts that make the developers more competent in the security design."
Price: 19.99

"Chakras - The Elixir of Life ACCREDITED Yoga eCourse" |
"This course is designed for those who are ready to go deeper into the study and practice of the chakras. Learn about the history, anatomy, and subtle body energetics as they relate to these spinning vortices that command our life energies. Not only will you get a chance to study intellectually through lecture format, but also experientially as you learn to develop your own body and mind understanding through practices like asana, pranayama, and self reflection! Study with a teacher and trainer who is an expert on the subtle body and has been teaching about the chakras for over 12 years. Most studies of the chakras involve surface level new age understanding of these energy centers that aren't tied to practices rooted in the yoga tradition. If you are serious about putting knowledge into practice and making it wisdom, then this is the course for you!One can complete it in 7 weeks, or take one's time with each module. You will receive unlimited access to 7 practice videos related to each of the chakras, mini lectures on each chakra and their purpose and function, and meditations and contemplation prompts that guide one into deeper integration in daily life. 20 non-contact CEs offered for yoga teachers via Yoga Alliance."
Price: 109.99

"The JavaScript ES6 Crashcourse" |
"Do you want to learn the number #1 programming language that powers the internet?Are you struggling to deeply understand and apply JavaScript to real projects?If your answer is a big YES... Then this is exactly the course you are looking for!So what is the course about?This is a truly complete JavaScript course, that goes beyond what other JavaScript courses out there teach you.I will take you from a complete JavaScript beginner to an advanced developer. You will not just learn the JavaScript language itself, you will also learn how to program.Come with me on a journey with the goal of truly understanding the JavaScript language. And I explain everything on the way with great detail!You will learn ""why"" something works in JavaScript, not just ""how"". Because in the modern JavaScript world of today, you need more than just knowing how something works.All the JavaScript and programming fundamentals: things like variables, data types, boolean logic, if/else statements, loops, functions, objects, arrays, and more.How to make JavaScript code interact with webpages: DOM manipulation. Learn how to select and change webpage elements, create new elements and handle DOM events.What's new in the most modern version of JavaScript: new features of ES6 / ES2015.What are the course prerequisites?Little bit of JavaScript knowledge is required - you'll learn how to improvise that!You also need NO programming experience other than basic web development knowledge (e.g. how the web works)Basic HTML and CSS knowledge is recommended but not a must-have"
Price: 19.99

"Liderazgo Efectivo" |
"Desarrollo de cinco claves para ser un lider efectivo en el area personal y profesional, con solo poner en practica recursos que estan presente en las actividades que enfrentamos dia a dia, como son la vision personal, la comunicacion, los cambios en nuestro entorno, metas y prioridades y la creatividad de los que forman parte de su equipo."
Price: 19.99

"Increase Sales With Strategic Product Photography Campaigns" |
"Welcome to your masterclass! Learn professional product photography from start to finish, with an iphone, smartphone or DSLR pro camera.EVERYTHING you need to learn is all in one place. Right here. A truly valuable resource.Completing this masterclass, you WILL take beautiful product shots to build your brand. BUT ...you will also learn something substantially more important than just pretty photography. You will learn the psychology behind WHY its so important to strategically plan overall product campaigns that are cohesive ...AND...are in harmony with your other product campaigns AND your overall brand as an artist. THIS IS EXACTLY what increases product sales and its what successful brands get right from the start with their photography planning. This is much more important than just taking a pretty picture. I will teach you WHY this is important ...AND... exactly how to do it.This comprehensive course is for 2 types of people: its for artists/craftsman needing to photograph their own creations to increase sales online...... AND this class is for beginner & intermediate photographers who want to turn pro shooting product photography for clients.My name is Ted Nemeth. I was a world renowned craftsman for 12 years and learned beautiful product photography to shoot all my own creations. Now Im a professional photographer and videographer. So Ive had careers on both sides of the camera. This gives me unique insight into what triggers sales. Its much more important than just taking pretty pictures of products. We go into deep detail on everything! Im incredibly excited to share this with you and see your progress."
Price: 24.99

"CompTIA Network + N10-007" |
"CompTIA Network + N10-007 Practice Test500 Questions with Accurate AnswersCompTIA Network+ helps develop a career in IT infrastructure covering troubleshooting, configuring, and managing networks.Network+ ensures an IT professional has the knowledge and skills to:Design and implement functional networksConfigure, manage, and maintain essential network devicesUse devices such as switches and routers to segment network traffic and create resilient networksIdentify benefits and drawbacks of existing network configurationsImplement network security, standards, and protocolsTroubleshoot network problemsSupport the creation of virtualized networksExam Description:CompTIA Network+ N10-007 has been updated and reorganized to address the current networking technologies with expanded coverage of several domains by adding:Critical security concepts to helping networking professionals work with security practitionersKey cloud computing best practices and typical service modelsCoverage of newer hardware and virtualization techniquesConcepts to give individuals the combination of skills to keep the network resilientNumber of Questions:Maximum of 90 questionsType of Questions:Multiple Choice Questions (single and multiple response), drag and drops and performance-basedLength of Test:90 MinutesPassing Score:720 (on a scale of 100-900)"
Price: 19.99

"Como Ser Mas Productivo" |
"Vivimos en un mundo muy competitivo, y ello se refleja en todos los mbitos, incluyendo el personal pero especialmente dentro del mercado laboral.De entre las mltiples cualidades que suelen ser exigidas y apreciadas, una de las que las empresas ms tienen en cuenta es la productividad y eficiencia del sujeto (cunto puede hacer en el menor tiempo posible). Es un factor que se tiene en cuenta no solo en la contratacin sino durante el desempeo de un puesto de trabajo. Asimismo, con el paso del tiempo esta productividad debera ir en aumento a medida que la persona va adquiriendo experiencia.Pero a menudo nos puede sobrevenir la duda de si estamos siendo lo suficientemente productivos, as como la intencin de mejorar nuestra eficacia y productividad. Cmo ser ms productivo es algo que seguro te has planteado si valoras tu tiempo y quieres aprovecharlo al 100%. Puede que muchas veces te veas saturado por la cantidad de tareas que se te acumulan en el da a da y no sepas por donde empezar. A veces incluso sientes que no avanzas y cada vez te agobias ms. Por eso ests decidido a aprender de productividad y mejorar esa faceta de tu vida profesional. En este curso te voy a ensear todo lo bsico y necesario para que comiences a ser productivo, a que te acerques a esos objetivos que parecen lejanos e inalcanzables pero despus de lo aprendido en este curso, vas a poder desarrollar una habilidad muy importante en este mundo lleno de distracciones y ocio, SER PRODUCTIVO. "
Price: 19.99

"Crash Course in Portfolio Management Professional (PfMP)" |
"This course includes all the essential concepts about portfolio management and walks through all processes in The Standard for Portfolio Management Third Edition.Section 1: IntroductionWhy you should get a PfMP certificateSelf-IntroductionThe journey to PfMPSection 2: OverviewWhat is a portfolioBusiness valuePortfolio componentProjects, programs, and portfoliosThe role of a Portfolio ManagerThe role of PMOProcess-based approach and ITTOsSection 3: Portfolio Strategic ManagementDevelop Portfolio Strategic PlanDevelop Portfolio CharterDevelop Portfolio RoadmapManage Strategic ChangesSection 4: Portfolio Governance ManagementDevelop Portfolio Management PlanDevelop PortfolioOptimize PortfolioAuthorize PortfolioProvide Portfolio OversightSection 5: Portfolio Performance ManagementDevelop Portfolio Performance Management PlanManage Supply and DemandManage Portfolio ValueSection 6: Portfolio Communication ManagementDevelop Portfolio Communication Management PlanManage Portfolio InformationSection 7: Portfolio Risk ManagementDevelop Portfolio Risk Management PlanManage Portfolio Risks"
Price: 19.99

"Bitcoin Trading Masterclass: The Complete Guide" |
"RequirementsComputer and internet connection.Trading capital of $300No prior knowledge or experience with trading is needed.DescriptionHi there, my name is Dan Plants. I work in the filed bitcoin trading and entrepreneurship.Are you wanting to learn how to get into bitcoin trading? This course will show you how to find profitable trading set ups. You will be able to learn how the professionals become successful at bitcoin trading.In this course I will teach you everything you need to know about getting started with bitcoin trading. You'll learn how to connect API keys, open up a cryptocurrency exchange account and how to take your first trades.This course is recommended for beginners-advanced. You do not need any previous knowledge of bitcoin trading. We will start right at the beginning and work our way through step by step.You will learn the secrets in bitcoin trading and the true value of some of these trading strategies. Who this course is for:Anyone who wants to learn how to get into bitcoin trading or cryptocurrency day trading.Newbie's, amateurs, entrepreneurs, blockchain enthusiasts, tech enthusiasts, and anyone wanting to learn the skill of trading bitcoin."
Price: 139.99

"Karate Sparring Level 1" |
"Learn the essential karate sparring concepts of defensive positioning, distance control, and footwork in Level 1 of this 5 level course. This course will help students become better fighters through efficient movement and effective, proven technique. Course is taught by Master Steven Elmore, 5th Dan in Tang Soo Do who has taught several Regional and World Champion Tang Soo Do fighters."
Price: 29.99

"Latest Dump SAP Technology HANA 2.0 SPS04 - C_HANATEC_16" |
"Latest Exam questions to clear C_HANATEC_16 SAP Certified Technology Associate - SAP HANA 2.0 SPS04. Why you need to spend hundreds of dollars when you get a genuine certification dump only for few dollars. This set of question were collected from a candidate who appeared exam just yesterday. Topic AreasPlease see below the list of topics that may be covered within this certification and the courses that cover them. Its accuracy does not constitute a legitimate claim; SAP reserves the right to update the exam content (topics, items, weighting) at any time.Perform SAP HANA Sizing and OS Preparations8% - 12%Create users, setup authorizations and verify security settings8% - 12%Execute database migrations to SAP HANA8% - 12%Perform a SAP HANA backup and recovery8% - 12%Perform daily administration tasks8% - 12%Installing, upgrading and performing the post-installation task of the SAP HANA database8% - 12%Describe the different database administration tools< 8%Installing and configuring SAP HANA Cockpit < 8%Explain the SAP HANA system architecture and deployment options< 8%Configure and manage SAP HANA Scale-out systems< 8%Set up and manage SAP HANA System Replication< 8%Proactive Monitoring and troubleshooting of SAP HANA< 8%Analyze system performance Root Cause Analysis< 8%Work with SAP HANA MDC systems < 8%"
Price: 124.99

"Learn Illustrator CC: Create Vector Graphic Superheroes" |
"This is a great way for beginners to introduce themselves to Adobe Illustrator. Starting with a basic overview of the program, the course will help familiarise you with the tools you will need. Each step will be broken down to make understanding the process even easier, starting with creating a simple vector shape to creating these superhero characters.Follow along as we take simple vector shapes and step by step create these chibi characters.I have included the sketch file here for you to use as reference. So you'll be able to work alongside the videos to learn and create your own Character. Please feel free to share your creations as well!"
Price: 19.99

"Scaled Professional Scrum SPS practice exam 2020" |
"Included in this Scaled Professional Scrum SPS Test course:- 2 practice tests- Practice like the real Scaled Professional Scrum SPS TestScaled Professional Scrum SPS Certification Exam DetailsTotal Questions : 120+Type of Questions : Multiple choiceDuration : 100 min for 60+ questionsPassing Score : 7030-day money-back guaranteed if you are not satisfied with the quality of this course for any reason!7/24 support from Q&AGood Luck!"
Price: 19.99

"Hashicorp Terraform Associate Certification practice exam" |
"Included in this Hashicorp Terraform Associate Test course:- 2 practice tests- Practice like the real Hashicorp Terraform Associate TestHashicorp Terraform Associate Certification Exam DetailsTotal Questions : 120+Type of Questions : Multiple choiceDuration : 100 min for 80+ questionsPassing Score : 7030-day money-back guaranteed if you are not satisfied with the quality of this course for any reason!7/24 support from Q&AGood Luck!"
Price: 19.99

"SalesForce Community Cloud Consultant practice exams 2020" |
"Included in this Salesforce Community Cloud Consultant Test course:- 3 practice tests- Practice like the real Salesforce Community Cloud Consultant TestSalesforce Community Cloud Consultant Certification Exam DetailsTotal Questions : 750+Type of Questions : Multiple choiceDuration : 300 min for 250+ questionsPassing Score : 7030-day money-back guaranteed if you are not satisfied with the quality of this course for any reason!7/24 support from Q&AGood Luck!"
Price: 19.99

"Quality Management Systems for Operational Excellence" |
"Quality in its broadest sense signifies a degree of excellence. Undoubtedly, we do require excellence in everything that we do. Operational excellence is what gives us an edge over our competitors. This is just the right course in case of the following:You want to understand the basics of Quality and wish to put you on a strong foundation of Quality Management concepts.Working as an executive in the field of Quality, Production or marketing and always felt the need for augmentation and strengthening of basic concepts and techniques of QualityWorking as GM or even CEO and want to refresh your concepts in order to achieve operational excellence in the organization to take it one level upAppearing in any certification course such as CQE, CQA or PMPStudents pursuing courses in Quality Management or General ManagementFor all the above, this is how the knowledge in this course would make you richer:Evolution of Quality.What is Quality? Its importance, characteristics and dimensions.Customer satisfaction based on Perception and Expectation.Quality Control & Quality Assurance with their differences.Total Quality Management and internal customer-supplier chain.Cost of Quality- Cost of Conformance, Non-Conformance & Lost Opportunities.How can you increase profits using COQ concepts.Seven Basic Quality tools.Key learnings from Quality Leaders Dr Deming, Joseph Juran & Philip Crosby.The requirements of ISO 9001:2015 and MBNQAJapanese 5S technique to organize the workplace.Conclusion & Critical Success factors showing a way to go ahead...The Course has been designed smartly and efficiently in such a way that duration of the course is optimum, without compromising on the contents."
Price: 1280.00

"Introduction to Philosophy" |
"Learn all about all the main figures and ideas from throughout the history of Western philosophy! The course is based around lectures with slides and simultaneous video of the instructor. After an introductory session, it takes an author- and discipline-centered approach starting in Ancient Greece and leading all the way up to the present day. It will be of interest to anyone wishing for a well-rounded introduction in philosophy, including its main historical authors and themes, as well as its ongoing significance."
Price: 29.99

"Osez vos ambitions" |
"Si vous envisagez un nouveau dpart ou que votre ambition est imprcise, ce programme vous pose les bonnes questions pour rehausser votre confiance et clarifier votre but.Voici ce qui sera couvert :Reprenez contact avec vos talentsVos succs antrieurs comme point d'ancrageClarification de vos valeurs et de vos dsirsHistoires vcuesOsez dcider!"
Price: 24.99

"Relance des affaires" |
"Votre entreprise subit les bouleversements subits par la crise actuelle.Par quel bout allez-vous reprendre votre rle dentrepreneur, de gestionnaire ?Quelle fonction prdomine ce moment-ci ? Grer ? Financer ? Recruter ? Dvelopper ? Ou leader ? On assiste un bouleversement dans la socit actuelle. Plusieurs choses de la vie ne changeront pas. Dautres changeront, cependant. Votre ralit dentrepreneur, de gestionnaire demeure : offrir votre service, votre produit, en collaboration avec vos employs au bnfice de vos clients et de votre entreprise.Que vous soyez actuellement dans laction ou en prparation de la reprise des affaires, vous faites face, sans doute, cinq priorits :Grer Financer Recruter Dvelopper Leader /DIRIGERJe vous propose un point de dpart, une piste de dcollage ncessaire aujourdhui, voire essentielle.PS : N'oubliez pas de donner votre FEEDBACK a la fin du cours !"
Price: 204.99

"Practical Web development for beginners HTML CSS JavaScript" |
"In this course you will learn the foundations of web development. We will learn the basics of the technologies that stands behind almost every web page and web application that you can see in the internet these days. These are the HTML, CSS and Java Script technologies. In the end of the course you will be able to build a simple web page from scratch. Happy learning!"
Price: 49.99

"Basic English Conversation: Become a Fluent Communicator" |
"You probably already speak English pretty well, right? But maybe you're stuck? Perhaps you want to become more fluent to pass an interview test or perform better in school or in your job? Well, you're in the right course!The main goal of the Super Learner Fluency course is to introduce you successful communication strategies. And the first strategy is: Open Up! The Super Learner Fluency Course is designed by renowned linguistics professor Dr. Michael Rost, from the University of Michigan. For many years, Dr. Rost has studied successful language learners and he has identified the communication strategies and the learning habits that Super Learners use. In the Fluency Course, he will teach you those strategies and habits. You too can become a Super Learner, in just 30 minutes a day! In each course we focus on one topic. This course is about friends. We explore 5 questions:Do you have a lot of friends?How often do you meet your friends?Who is your best friend?When did you meet?Can you describe one of your friends in detail?We'll listen to three interviews and discuss the communication strategies of the speakers. Then we'll focus on language skills. And you'll get the opportunity to test your own speaking performance.Are you ready?Welcome to the course. Lets get started!"
Price: 19.99

"Curso de Dana Indiana - Introduo ao Bharata Natyam" |
"Neste curso vou ensinar as noes bsicas para voc comear a danar a Dana Indiana no estilo clssico Bharata Natyam A dana Bharata Natyam, rica em elementos expressivos, com mudrs (gestos das mos), graciosidade nos olhares e movimentos da cabea, poses geomtricas que lembram as antigas esculturas da ndia. O ritmo desta dana, executado com as batidas dos ps em contato com o cho, trazendo fora e concentrao. uma arte completa que une: dana, teatro, musicalidade e espiritualidade. Este curso tem como objetivo apresentar elementos bsicos da dana para o iniciante e a sua primeira coreografia. um mdulo iniciante nvel I. Voc aprender:- Introduo terica: origem da dana, caractersticas e seus elementos tcnicos- As poses bsicas da dana- A saudao namaskar- Sequncia com hastas/mudrs (gestos das mos) e poses- Como se vestir para danar- Poses de alguns dos deuses e deusas indianas- O caminhar da bailarina- Coreografia iniciante ( saudao ao deus Shiva)- Yoga preparatrio para a dana"
Price: 144.99

"AWS Certified Solutions Architect Practice Exam 2020 SAA-C02" |
"The AWS Solutions Architect Associate Practice Exams 2020 includes all the newly added topics for the AWS Solutions Architect Exam such asEC2Lambda VPC S3Advanced IAMHA ArchitectureRoute 53ServerlessSecurity, etc. It also contains numerous scenario questions to give a feel for the actual AWS exam. If you have any questions during the practice test please do not hesitate to ask and I will respond as quickly as I can. Thank you and good luck."
Price: 19.99

"Leading Through Turbulent Times" |
"Participants will learn how to lead their team through the emotional quagmire caused by challenging situations in the workplace, such as organisational change, global pandemics and political events like Brexit. Learners will begin by developing a clear understanding of the impact of these events on the employee and how performance and productivity is affected. You will learn how to assess the situation, your own leadership approach and your people and how to strengthen your leadership capacities, engage your team through strong decision making and clear communication, inspiring higher productivity.Participants will have the opportunity to join an on-line Leadership Learning Community where they can participate in developmental discussions, access live webinars, network with peers and directly discuss questions with an experienced Organisational Psychologist.By the end of this interactive course, learners will be able to motivate and lead a team through turbulent times in their workplace. They will achieve this by:Being able to anticipate and identify challenging situations before they affect the teamExploring the impact of change and challenge on your own leadership approach and understanding how this affects your teamUnderstanding the impact of challenging situations, such as organisational change and external events, on employeesBeing able to apply techniques to ascertain what your team, and individuals within it, need from you during these situations Understanding the role of the leader in challenging timesKnowing how to apply simple and effective techniques to maintain motivation and to build a strong sense of purpose in your team to sustain productivity"
Price: 99.99

Price: 12000.00

"learn organic chemistry hydrocarbons part 1 (alkane )" |
"in this organic chemistry course we will learn the hydrocarbons in part 1 you will learn alkane , part 2 we will learn alkene and part 3 we will learn alkyne . every part in the courses of hydrocarbons we will take in details the properties , preparations , reactions , questions and answers ."
Price: 24.99

"Complete Front-End Web Development course - 11 REAL PROJECTS" |
"Get rid of the low salary!If you are not very happy with your income if you spend hours in commuteif you cannot find a better job then I can help you.Heres whyI will give you the most required hard skills in the marketplace, which will help you get a well-paid joband even the possibility of working from home.You need to know, not dealing with it can be costlyIf you dont act now, it will be only harder to change your life later!What most people do when they want to increase income or improve their life quality?They try to ask a boss for a salary raise, find a better job, take the second job, or start an after-job business. But for most of them, nothing of that work.No required skillsThe current company can easily find somebody elseNot enough knowledge of where to startNot enough companies in your area that have openings for the current version of youSalaries in your industry cannot be higherYou dont know how to contact the correct recruiter who will want to recommend you as the right candidate for one of their clientsAnd what will happen if you wont take action? If you will be doing what you are doing now?You will get older, the world will be changing, and month by month, it will be harder and harder for you to decide its the moment to gain the skills and join the Dreams Industry.How you can find your first SIX-FIGURE job and get the possibility to work from home?Take a look at my story How Ive got a job for the #1 IT company in the world.How I made me working for the biggest ones and was invited to join the recruitment processes of companies like Google, Facebook, Microsoft, Booking, eBay, Amazon, and many banks and financial corporations.Im sure you can achieve the same, even more!A few years ago, I was a middle-class young man raised in the mediocre district, looking for his first job.I had no wealthy parents and no high-level education, but I hardly wanted to have a better future.Ive heard IT is an excellent industry, and from some time was a huge demand for programmers. Also I actually knew the computers a bit, so the next step was the decision to buy a few books.Some of them were about HTML & CSS, some about Javascript, and even one about Joomla (now its a dinosaur, but it was trendy technology in these years).Learning from books written in the academic-style language, organizing the learning process, and doing research about what I should actually learn, was a bit confusing, and wasnt pleasant.Still, those days werent so many good alternatives with interactive courses, planned, prepared, and guided from A-Z, and I had to use books.While learning on these and training coding, and Ive got my first paid job, even until I finished the learning process. It was a junior-level one, but it was a massive success for me.During the next months, I was improving my skills and enjoying the first, decent salary.After some time, Ive found a method of how I can directly get visible to headhunters of companies that have demands for programmers.It was a golden shoot!My career exploded, and I started getting tons of offers every week.That made me in a position when I can choose offers, by money, by location, by remote or onsite, by technology, by company size, environment, and even by benefits like free food.I know Im not alone, and almost every programmer with needed skills has that many opportunities.I believe you will have the same power as well, so Its time for your decision!Now you have to make a choice. You can continue dreaming about a better-paid job or salary race without skills that will make employers standing in a queue to hire you. Or maybe even worse, you may stop dreaming and accept it how it is.Is it really how you want to spend your life and lead your career?This time make the right decision, learn the skills which you need to transform your life, and get new, exciting opportunities. Finally, get the salary which you are really worth, save your time and feel the satisfaction from what you do!"
Price: 34.99

"Medical Coding Inpatient DRG (ICD)" |
"In this course, you will be learning basic Medical coding with guidelines including practical examples in IP DRG to understand the usage of those ICD-10 CM codes.There are ways we can learn medical coding skills from the safely of your own home. This course is for Registered Nurse, pharmacy graduate, or any life science graduate with coding experience ( I would recommend if any fresher to complete the beginners' course first) which helps you to understand the modern technique of organizing your coding skill and one way of taking your coding to next level in your professional life, based on my experience I have created small course videos to enhance your coding skill and right mindset for better career growth.Medical Coding is converting a disease, diagnosis or symptoms, procedures, drugs, medical tests, treatments, and procedures found in clinical documentation into standard codes (ICD-10) which helps for payment purposes and quality improvement purposes.A new career in medical coding with IP DRG specialization is only months away when you trained by Experts, the worlds leading, and best in the business of healthcare. Take your first step toward a brighter future."
Price: 11200.00

"The Complete Android Developer Course : From Zero to Hero" |
"Theres no getting around it.Android accounts for 81.7% of all smartphones sold, but not all come packed with the very latest Android Nougat.That wont worry you because after completing this course, the apps you build will perform brilliantly on Android Nougat or any older Android operating system.Now thats something most courses dont teach you!"
Price: 129.99
