project-scope-planning-advanced |
Price: 49.99

"Time Management -Set Priorities To Get The Right Things Done" |
"Why do some people manage their time so effortlessly, while others are always behind? How can you stay on top of deadlines when obstacles crop up right and left? Is there a trick to moving ahead on long-term goals at the same time that you are dealing with time deadlines? In this course, we distill the wisdom of some of the best minds in the field of time management to help you make use of your time more effectively and achieve your long-term goals. The language is simple to make the information easy to grasp.Quizzes help you assess your knowledge of time management. Case files show how people have addressed their own time management problems. Finally, in case you want to dig deeper into time-management issues and other challenges of the workplace, we recommend some of the most important tactics. The instructor of this course both influence and reflect todays thinking about managing time and related management issues. Understanding the ideas he cover will inspire you as a manager. The knowledge you gain from studying the pages of this course will equip you to manage your time more effectively every dayto help you make a difference to your company and in the lives of the people who support.Make sure you are enrolling in this course to master the art of time management. See you in the course."
Price: 6400.00

farsi-primavera |
" 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. OBS7. EPS8. 9. 10. WBS11. 12. 13. Important Notes ( Schedule, Log, Float)14. Duration % Complete - 15. Physical % Complete - 16. 17. Unit % Complete - 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. ( t)23. ( )24. 25. VisualizerAdd-ons26. Cash Flow (Advance payment and Retention Included)27. 28. Admin 29. 30. Group & Sort31. 32. 33. 34. WPs & Docs35. Resource Levelling & Resource Curve36. 37. Financial Period38."
Price: 39.99

"Data Governance Fundamentals" |
"Data is most likely your organization's most valuable asset. As such, it's not a bad idea to build up a process that ensures it's consistency as well as complies with local regulations surrounding it. In this course, I'll walk you through a high-level overview of everything you need to know to implement a Data Governance program. Specifically, we'll cover:How to structure your Data Governance programHow to implement your Data Governance programHow to develop your Data Governance CharterThe roles you'll need to identify and formalizeHow to measure the return on your Data Governance programHow to review your Data Governance program and ensure it's reliability over timeThis course is particularly useful for business leaders that have had issues with data consistency or that need to comply with industry regulations and ensure the security of their customer's data.As a 20yr veteran in the data space, I wish I would have had this when starting out but am happy to share my hard-fought lessons over the years. I'm sure you'll get value out of this and thanks to Udemy it will remain a resource for you to use for years to come."
Price: 64.99

"Mastering Revit Schedules 2021 (+ Dynamo)" |
"Autodesk Revit models and the elements within contain a large amount of data, both built-in and user-editable, that can be extracted, tabulated and presented in the form of schedules.This course will demonstrate the basics of creating schedules, choosing and formatting the data to be displayed, then presenting the resulting information in the form of drawings or alternative exports.As the course develops you will learn more complex functionality to help you manage not only the schedules themselves but also the information within your Revit model. The final bonus section of the course will cover using Dynamo (the visual programming platform) for schedule management.Focusing on schedules for architectural elements, the topics covered can be applied to the AEC other disciplines.This course is independent of Autodesk, Inc., and is not authorized by, endorsed by, sponsored by, affiliated with, or otherwise approved by Autodesk, Inc.Autodesk, the Autodesk logo, Autodesk Revit are registered trademarks or trademarks of Autodesk, Inc., and/or its subsidiaries and/or affiliates in the USA and/or other countries. All other brand names, product names, or trademarks belong to their respective holders. Autodesk reserves the right to alter product and services offerings, and specifications and pricing at any time without notice, and is not responsible for typographical or graphical errors that may appear in this document. 2020 Autodesk, Inc. All rights reserved."
Price: 39.99

"VMware vRealize 2VB-602 Certification Exam" |
"Welcome to our VMware vRealize 2VB-602 Certification Exam.Use this practice exam course to prepare to pass your VMware vRealize 2VB-602 Certification Exam. This practice test has 65 High Quality Questions to prepare for your VMware vRealize 2VB-602 Certification Exam.What Special About This (VMware vRealize 2VB-602 Certification Exam )1.High Quality Question to crack your VMware vRealize 2VB-602 Certification Exam on your first attempt.2. Contains The Most Asked Questions on the VMware vRealize 2VB-602 Certification Exam.3. Validate your expertise with an industry-recognized credential.4.100% verified answers.5. Current & always Updated.6. These questions will help you to get a good score of at least 80% on the main exam. 7.30 days money back guarantee by UdemyThis course does not contain the study material.This course contains a number of questions.Who this course is for:i.Students who are motivated enough to crack their VMware vRealize 2VB-602 Certification Exam on their first attemptii.Those who want to gain knowledge & Check their Skill Test while attending this Practice Testiii.Want to find your weak areas for the *** certification, and improve on them.Go ahead and hit the ""take this course"" button to start growing a business online today!"
Price: 19.99

"Fullstack Web Development for Beginners :15 Hand-On-Projects" |
"Web development is the work involved in developing a Web site for the Internet or an intranet. Web development can range from developing a simple single static page of plain text to complex Web-based Internet applications, electronic businesses, and social network servicesIn this course, you learn different technologies in FullStack Web Developmeny likeWhat is a websiteDifferences between front-end, back-end , databaseWhat is a web designAdvantages of Web DesignHTMLAdvanced topics in HTML like Tables, Lists, etcCSSAdvanced topics in CSS like Display, Alignments, PositionsWhat is a framework, What are its AdvantagesWhat is BootstrapWhat is Responsive DesignUsing bootstrap pre-defined classes to HTML elementsMaking Websites responsive with Bootstrap4 Hands-On-ProjectsJavascript BasicsDom ManipulationJqueryAjaxModern Javascript ES6Javascript AnimationsTop Javascript LibrariesReact IntroductionHow To Create a new React ApplicationComponents and Different types of ComponentsComponents Structure and Life CycleHow to handle events in ReactApplying styles to React JS ComponentsReact HooksForms and Form SubmissionsRouting in ReactControlling one component from another Component with the help of Context-APIWhat is MERN StackAdvantages Of Mern StackNode JsImplementing Routes in Node JSRendering HTML Files in Node JsExpress JSExpress RoutingNPM Node Package ManagerMongo DBMongoDB Commands Like Create, Read, Update, DeleteConnecting Node JS With Mongo DBBuilding MERN Stack CRUD App"
Price: 129.99

"How to beat the Downsizing Deluge and keep your job!" |
"While you are reading this, downsizing consultants are actively looking for opportunities to get business from your organization, by promising to get people laid off. I know, because I have served as the manager of a downsizing project. When the focus is solely on identifying redundancies and reducing costs, its quite natural that hardworking employees with value adding jobs will also get affected . So you have to be alert. To keep your precious job in these extremely challenging times, you have to quickly deploy some smart strategies- both reactive and proactive.Reactive strategies -If your company has already started downsizing, these are proven ways to improve your chances of being retained. Proactive strategies- If your company hasnt started downsizing yet, from now till the day it embarks on that mission, you have proven ways to make your job ""downsizing proof"".Take this course and learn how to deploy these powerful and tested strategies. Learn the success secrets of those who survived the bloodbath and went on to thrive."
Price: 19.99

"Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) for beginners" |
"What is search engine optimisation? Why does it carry so much importance when it comes to your marking goals and website building? Well, these are just some of the factors we will cover in this course. Furthermore, we will look at every step you can think off to get your started in your SEO efforts. We will also explore some examples using various types of companies, e-commerce, business to business, and so on. Join and stick around."
Price: 34.99

"Two Forex Scalping Strategies with 2 Indicators Confirmation" |
"In this course, students will learn about the forex scalping strategies that are proven to be around 90% accurate, if practiced accurately. These are easy to use and requires no such extra ordinary skill.Strategies are especially for those students who have smaller accounts and who are facing problems making money in the forex market. Those with larger accounts have greater benefits. These are only two different strategies which is proven to be right most of the time. These strategies have been working perfectly for me and my clients who bought them from me."
Price: 149.99

"Listos para hablar en pblico!" |
"Listos para hablar en pblico es un pequeo pero efectivo curso que resuelve una necesidad especfica y sirve de introduccin a otros grandes cursos que ha diseado el grupo de expertos que forman Cmo Comunicarse con Seres Humanos, como es el caso del til curso Seguridad y Determinacin al Habla en Pblico (Tambin disponible en UDEMY).Este es un curso te ayudar a preparar una platica o conferencia usando todo tu potencial y elementos que ya tienes o manejas. El tema principal de este curso es cmo hablar en pblico. Se trata de un curso prctico que se enfoca en desarrollar un discurso o platica para cualquier medio. Esperamos que el curso Listos para hablar en pblico te funcione, te guste y te sea til, de manera te animes a crecer en el maravilloso mundo de la comunicacin y te permitas explorar ms de nuestros otros publicados en UDEMY. Desarrolla la competencia de saber cmo contarlo y recomendaciones para hacerlo interesante. Te ayudamos a obtener la respuesta que deseas de el pblico que te interesa. Y te ayudamos a sentirte y verte bien en escena. Este curso consiste en tres mdulos y un bono para su aplicacin: Mdulo 1: Tener de qu hablar y saber cmo contarlo Mdulo 2: Cmo verse bien en escena Mdulo 3: Cmo hacer una presentacin de impacto Bono: Dime de qu estas hablando"
Price: 19.99

"Crer des applications avec python" |
"Cette srie de vidos n'est pas un cours mais plutt des applications. Cela s'adresse tous ceux qui ont dj fait un peu de Python mais qui manquent d'ide pour se lancer.On va commencer par installer : la dernire version disponible de python puis lditeur Vs code et l'extension pythonPour chaque application, on va commencer par installer ,si ncessaire, les modules ou packages avec la commande pip.On va construire ensemble quelques petites applications. Pas pas."
Price: 19.99

"Administracin PostgreSQL: Tcnicas de Backup y Recuperacin" |
"Este curso te capacita para el diseo e implementacin de polticas de backup en bases de datos PostgreSQL.A lo largo de los temas que lo componen irs descubriendo las distintas tcnicas que existen actualmente para hacer copias de seguridad en PostgreSQL, las herramientas disponibles para ello as como la forma de recuperar los backups si fuera necesario.No habr Segunda Parte de este curso porque no me he dejado nada en el tintero. Todas las tcnicas y herramientas las tienes explicadas aqu, a travs de clases prcticas en vdeo donde las analizamos en detalle, exploramos todas sus opciones y hacemos multitud de ejemplos.En total tienes a tu disposicin 5 clases tericas, 28 clases prcticas y 21 talleres avanzados donde se simulan escenarios reales de recuperacin ante desastres que sin duda te convertirn en un experto en la materia."
Price: 29.99

"Certified Newer English Test/Exam Questions & Answers Course" |
"English lessons for competitive exams is a necessity today and it's importance cannot be denied.Learning the language entails learning to understand the foreign accents, write, read and comprehend both verbal and written communication and ultimately speak it like the natives.This involves reading writing listening and speaking sections , the skills for which have to be practiced to perfection.The TOEFL test sample questions and ways of attempting the exam are explained here in an attempt to help students taking the tests a and supplement their other pre-exam preperation."
Price: 1280.00

"Certified English Teachings for insights into life and Dance" |
"Lessons From Books of Great Teachers of India.The course is made on short excerpts of different books of Wise teachers, from Teachers whose books are explained in audio format, for easy understanding of English lessons.The lessons are made with short 3-5 minute video lecture lessons that keep the attention of the student with added captions that will help the students to hear the words pronounciation as well as see the spelling.Dance lessons are included too."
Price: 1280.00

"Build a Twitter clone with Flutter and Firestore" |
"Hello guys. So you wanna learn how to make the exact clone of twitter with flutter and firebase. Then you are at the right place. I will teach you everything you need to build that app. We will develop this app using Flutter (Dart Programming Language) with Firebase Firestore as backend. At the end of this course you will be able to make your own fully functional backend flutter applications with Firebase Firestore.Things we will learnUser authenticationStoring images in a storage bucketComplex data-structure for firebaseSocial media functions in flutterNeat and Clean UIQuerying in firestoreFlutter widgetsReal-time data with stream-builder"
Price: 29.99

"Learn Real Numbers" |
"In this course students will get complete knowledge about Real Numbers. Using these concepts students are able to find H.C.F and L.C.M of the given numbers and also they can establish a relation between them. Students also understands how to find H.C.F and L.C.M using prime factorisation method. After watching these videos students are able to do the problems which are in the same model."
Price: 1280.00

"Introduction To Swing Trading With Options" |
"This course is designed to give the student a well rounded introduction to swing trading using options.Many people make over 6 figures per year, and some much more, using the strategies outlined outlined in my courses. This course is a pre-requisite to: Swing Trading Options: Master Cash-Flow Learn all the necessary fundamental basics needed to master swing trading with options. Using a paper trading account, the student will be able to master this new skill and eventually apply it to real life and real life profit.Enjoy and Happy Learning!"
Price: 199.99

"Swing Trading Options: Master Cash-Flow" |
"Never before has trading options been so easy to learn. You will learn exactly how I make over %10 ROI per month swing trading options. This master cash flow course, once mastered, is your ticket to financial freedom.Learn the skills even Warren Buffet himself uses to reap significant returns with very little risk.Learn to correct trades and achieve over %90 win rate."
Price: 199.99

"learn Public speaking skills to impress" |
"Public speaking is the process or act of performing a speech to a live audience. Public speaking is commonly understood as formal, face-to-face, speaking of a single person to a group of listeners. The truth is that public speaking is a skill. It can be learned. While some people may have more natural speaking ability than others, or a more pleasing voice, or are more charismaticanyone who can speak can learn to be a better public speaker than they are right now. It just takes some know-how and some effort."
Price: 19.99

"Complete Vue.js 3 (Inc. Composition API, Vue Router, Vuex)" |
"Another Vue.js 3 from zero to hero course - kind of. This course is for developers who want to move fast. We cover the traditional way of building Vue apps - the Options API - as well as the the new Composition API, and even see how you can mix and match them together. There are 8 modules; 4 introduce fundamental skills (Options API; Composition API; Vuex and Vue Router). Every other module is a project, so you can see how to apply the fundamental skills in real apps. I am a big believer in learning by doing.After covering Vue; we look at Vuex, Vue's state management solution, and Vue Router, for front-end routing. The course culminates with a capstone project, using the Vue trunity (Vue, Vuex, Vue Router) to build an application."
Price: 34.99

"Become an UltraLearner: Study skills & Learning strategies" |
"In the Course ""Becoming an Ultralearner"" you will Learn how to Learn (also called Meta Learning) with study skills and learning strategies based on research as well as the world's top performers. This can boost your productivity and accelerate your path to life-long learning and personal development. This helps you to study by becoming a smarter & more successful student through Efficient Learning. Also when studying for your gmat this can be the perfect gmat prep.The Main Focus is the ""Bigger picture behind Learning"", but the course also includes Learning strategies and Study techniques to become a Superlearner such as:Speed ReadingThe Loci Method Using your Emotions to remember betterVisualizationand many moreIncrease your Focus, become a memory champion, remember more, unlock your full potential and become a productivity machine at University or work. I look forward to welcome you to this course!"
Price: 34.99

"Basics of 8051 Microcontrollers for Beginners" |
"The course titled ""basics of 8051 microcontroller for beginners"" will cover the the following topics:1. Basic introduction of 8051 controller2. Architecture of 80513. Register organization4. Instruction sets and addressing modes of 80515. Data transfer instructions6.Arithmetic Instructions7.Logical Instructions8.Bit manipulation and program control instructions9. Processor control Instructions10. Memory Organization and its interfacing with 805111. Pin diagram of 805112. Modes of Timer and Counter operation13. Special functional registers like SCON, TCON, SMOD, TMOD, IP and IE14. Interrupts of 8051.15. Interfacing 8051 with seven segment display device."
Price: 89.99

"Electrnica bsica Optimizada" |
"En este curso veremos una introduccin a la electrnica y aprenderemos los conceptos bsicos necesarios relacionados con la electrnica , los veremos de tal manera que sean comprensibles para cualquier persona con o sin conocimientos previos adentrndonos de la manera ms fcil para su entendimiento. Los conocimientos y conceptos aqu aprendidos son los bsicos necesarios para el estudio de la elctrica electrnica."
Price: 19.99

"Photoshop CC 2020 Photo Editing" |
"Adjustment layers are One of the most important tools to master in Photoshop and Photo RetouchingThis course will show you how to master the Adjustment layers tools, even if you're a complete beginner.The Five Basic Adjustment Layers (and How to Use Them)This course has been designed all experiences designers, from complete beginners to advanced, who want to take their skills to the next level."
Price: 19.99

"Supercharge Your Golf Game" |
"This program was developed by Dillon Freed, creator of Killer Instinct Sports, Genius Competitor, and Basketball Brain, among other psychological training systems. This program will teach how to get into the zone every time you step on the course, how to hit the sweet spot on every swing, and how to drop scores from your game. Simply by doing the Daily Drills, you will get better simply by sitting on your couch and using your mind! "
Price: 19.99

"Electric Vehicle Charging Station" |
"This course is for those who wants to understand Electric Vehicle conductive charging system and its plugs, socket-outlets, vehicle connectors and vehicle inlets in order to chose the right EV and its charging station;After this course you will know and understand all connectors and vehicle inlets and its configurations (pin, sleeve etc.)."
Price: 19.99

"Practical Codable Protocol in Swift and iOS" |
"With the introduction of Swift 4, Apple has announced lots of new features. Introduction of Codable Protocols was most welcomed and most anticipated feature among all. In this video series we will take a deep dive into codable protocol and going to see how it works for various different scenarios. This course is all about code examples to explain codable, encodable, decodable protocols in detail. This course will show you how you can perform JSON serialization and deserialization in object oriented manner. "
Price: 19.99

"Practical Approach to MVVM Design Pattern in iOS and Swift" |
"MVVM design pattern is the next step towards the future of apps. MVVM allows you to create apps that are scalable, maintainable and testable. MVVM allows developers to use their existing coding skills to create amazing iOS applications. As the application grows MVVM design allows the developers break the app into smaller components keeping code quality in check and allowing app to grow.This course is for anyone who has been using MVC design pattern and now wants to take their skills to the next level. Despite being one of the old design pattern MVVM is relatively new in the iOS community. Apps designed with MVVM pattern allows you to write complex apps which can be tested and updated easily through the use of MVVM design principles.What are the requirements?A Mac ComputerXcode 10 or aboveiOS 12 or aboveBasic understanding of the Swift language and the iOS SDK"
Price: 19.99

"Cross Platform Development for Android and iOS with Flutter" |
"Flutter is modern way of developing cross platform apps for both Android and iOS. Flutter allows you to build beautiful native apps on iOS and Android from a single codebase. Well it doesn't end there Flutter can now run on Mac, Linux and Windows. Google's new Fuchsia OS's UI runs on Flutter. So if you learn this platform, you are not only learning to develop mobile apps but you are learning to develop on more than 6 different platforms with code that has single codebase. Sounds exciting then join me here to learn about Flutter."
Price: 19.99

"Build Cross Platform Movie and Calculator app in Flutter" |
"Flutter is modern way of developing cross platform apps for both Android and iOS. Flutter allows you to build beautiful native apps on iOS and Android from a single codebase. Well it doesn't end there Flutter can now run on Mac, Linux and Windows. Google's new Fuchsia OS's UI runs on Flutter. So if you learn this platform, you are not only learning to develop mobile apps but you are learning to develop on more than 6 different platforms with code that has single codebase. Sounds exciting then join me here to learn about Flutter."
Price: 19.99
