"Professional Python Front end and Database" |
"Bienvenido al curso ""Professional Python Front end and Database"", en el que aprenders todo lo necesario para dominar el lenguaje de programacin multipropsito ms popular en la actualidad en su capa Front End y todas las tecnologas a su alrededor con ms demanda.Este es un curso profesional, ests ante el curso mas completo en el que aprenderemos:Python, uno de los lenguajes de programacin ms populares en la actualidad.POO, Programacin Orientada a Objetos en Python.Conector de Bases de datos MySQL, para trabajar desde PythonEL mundo interactivo grfico de Tkinter, para crear aplicaciones de escritorio con interaccin de usuario.Habilidades Front end, haciendo muchos ejercicios, programas 100% probadosSi quieres ser programador o desarrollador web profesional, o incluso si ya te dedicas a esto, aprender a trabajar con estas tecnologas y frameworks es prcticamente obligatorio en el nuevo mundo laboral.La metodologa de aprendizaje recomendada por expertos:Todo explicado desde cero y paso a paso y 100% prctico+10 Horas de contenido en clases en vdeoCantidad de programas de prcticos y ejercicios funcionalesClases explicadas para ensear.Adems te estar ayudando cuando tengas cualquier duda o problema.nete al curso y mejora tu de nivel laboral: Se un Professional Python Front end and Database!!"
Price: 19.99

"Learn Advanced PyQt GUI through Example" |
"Just getting started is more important than anything else. Coding a graphical user interface (GUI) can be thought of as a combination between programming and graphic design skills. An awareness of a users needs is crucial for both usability and graphical appearance. Programming a GUI is often a matter of finding the right component, referred to as widgets, to complete a task, and then applying the necessary programming skills to make them operational.In this course, we will see how to use the Python programming language, along with the PyQt5 toolkit, to create GUIs. With PyQt5, many of the components are already created for you. However, if you ever find yourself needing a component that does not exist, with PyQt5 you can always make your own custom widgets and classes, as well.This course expect you to already be familiar with python and with the PyQt framework, if you are not please start by taking the beginner course in PyQt : Master Qt5 GUI for python fundamentals 2019.The goal of this course is to take a more practical approach to learning how to code user interfaces (UIs), following along and coding numerous examples, both simple and complex, to help understand and visualize how we can use the concepts taught in each part. What that means is that when you learn how to code QPushButton widgets, for example, you will first walk through a simple program that helps you build the fundamentals. Then, you will apply that concept to a slightly larger project.When am I ever going to use this? I can still recall sitting in my math classes and hearing someone ask that question. The formulas and theories, culminations of numerous mathematicians lifes work, were all amazing to learn, but without some way to apply them to actual examples beyond the textbook, those concepts faded away into some dark recess in my mind.To avoid spiraling down this same path when learning to code, this course aims to help you jump right into actual examples to get you coding and practicing the concepts with a hands-on approach. New concepts and PyQt classes are introduced in each part, and later parts sometimes build upon the previous ones. Of course, not everyone has the same goal in mind. Therefore, there are a couple of ways to approach the content of this course. The first way is for students who want to follow along and practice learning many of the basics of PyQt. These types of readers are encouraged to code many of the projects and then play around with the concepts to design their own applications. The other approach is for those students who already have a project in mind and need some help getting started. You are definitely encouraged to use the code in this course as a foundation to build your own projects and get them off the ground.In this course you will master the best concepts in a fast and practical way while creating real world applications so get ready and lets began!"
Price: 59.99

"Drawing Nature - Quick Sketch Flower Edition" |
"Drawing Nature - Quick Sketch Flower EditionNature is such a big source of inspiration for artists. The beauty of creation is simply stunning! No wonder it brings such joy to be able to capture some of this beauty on paper!Accomplishing this task, however, can be somewhat intimidating. Depending on the level of your drawing skills, youll be facing different challenges.Drawing specific flowers (which someone else can actually recognize and identify!) is just way too hard. I dont know where to start to make this happen. No matter how I try, it just never turns out right!I love drawing beautiful flowers, but I dont do it as often as I would like, because it takes so many hours to get a nice result.Once I put my hand to paper to draw the lovely flowers I am closely observing, I get lost in the details. It seems like Im trying so hard to make sure I capture all the dynamics and different elements involved, that I get trapped somewhat along the wayMy name is Benjamin Aeilkema and Im an illustrator and Artist from The Netherlands. I love creating Artworks with all kinds of materials. As many, many other artists, I also find great joy in capturing the beauty of nature in artworks. There is just something very special about this!But I can also identify with the challenges and struggles many people have shared with me over the past few years. These very same issues Ive been dealing with in my own works. It can be really frustrating to get stuck along the way and not knowing how to proceed, or how to improve the way youre going about things.Nevertheless, I somehow was convinced that I could discover the right techniques to conquer these challenges.You might be surprised to hear that the key I found, has everything to do with the way we go about STARTING a flower drawing. The key is in the way you observe the flowers and what parts you really need to focus on in your drawing. Just as important is understanding which unnecessary, time consuming details you need to eliminate from your work process.In my quest for a very successful Quick Sketch Method, I discovered we all have the tendency towards focusing on the wrong details, in the wrong order. This makes drawing so much harder than it needs to be. It takes away from the joy and pleasure we can all find in drawing flowers, no matter what your current skill level might be.In this Art Class you will discover the key to wonderful Quick Sketching - a transformation of your thinking pattern in where to start and where to end. You will be delivered from getting lost in the details and find a new revolutionizing workflow.So are you ready to unlock your capacity to do amazing Quick Sketches?Capture what you observe quicklySo you can still draw something convincing without it having to take hours from your precious timeDiscover this very special Quick Sketch Method which is easy to adopt, yet easy to adapt to your own style, wishes and likingUse this method to create stylized, yet charming drawingsCreate lovely background fillers in no timeIf youre a beginner you can certainly use these newly acquired skills as a stepping stone. This will help you overcome the intimidation to take on the next level of more detailed drawings. Once you master this method, youll face that challenge with confidenceGain a whole new perspective on the way you work!Enrolling in this Art Class will give you 9 video lessons with clear instructions and examples. In these videos, I will be sharing my quick sketching method with you. You will greatly benefit from my decades long experience as an instructor and teacher.My easy to follow teaching method will help you to understand exactly how to get from point A to point B. The in-depth demos make even the more complicated matters easy to understand and apply.The skill level advancing assignments are all truly focused on helping you grow. Theyre fun to do, allowing you to keep on discovering new potentials. You will be equipped to explore so many wonderful ways to make amazing quick flower sketches ALL ON YOUR OWN!There's more......Additional PDFs: Great Time Savers in PDF formatTo help you save time, Im providing you with a handy book of notes. Once youve completed an assignment, theres no need to re-watch the video lesson. Instead, all of my finished works are in this booklet. Just find the lesson youre on and compare your work to the finished assignment in the book. Again, this will save you time and allow you to keep on going.Thats not all though, Ive also included a booklet with photo references. In this booklet youll find photos of all the flowers Ive used in the lessons. This addition will help you to work in any season, regardless of which flowers do or dont grow. While I encourage you to get your own reference material, I understand thats not always possible. So with this booklet you have plenty of reference material to get you started.Additional demos: Join me at workWouldn't it be great to see me at work, rather than only seeing me teach? Now you can. With these 3 additional videos you get to join me at work. While working I've filmed 3 projects from start to finish. Once you have gone through the complete Art Class, you can see how I actually use the techniques I teach. Even better, join me in recreating these projects yourself, using all that you've discovered.Enroll now to enjoy the wonder of this Quick Sketch Method Flower Edition. See you inside."
Price: 19.99

"Reverse Engineering 2: Windows GUI Programs" |
"In the first course in this series entitled Reverse Engineering 1: x64dbg Debugger for Beginners, you learnt how to reverse engineer a command line program and learnt how to debug and step over and patch and much more. Now, in this 2nd course, you will continue learning. This time we will be learning how to reverse engineer graphical user interface programs. As usual, we will work with crackme's that I have written for you to practice reversing.What you will learn:How to disassemble programs into assembly codeDynamic AnalysisSetting breakpoints and stepping through codeModify program behaviourPatching programsIntermodular Call MethodCall Stack MethodHardware BreakpointsMemory PatchingPatching EAX register valuesUnderstanding Trial Period softwareUnderstanding Software Registration processThank you and see you inside."
Price: 19.99

"Aprenda a desenvolver jogos e aplicativos" |
"Neste curso voc aprendera o bsico sobre a unity, focando em criaco de cenrios. Contedos:Interface do unity;Criaco de cenrios bsico do unity;Criaco de cenrios intensivo do unity;Informaes bsicas sobre a engine;Nota:Esse curso ensina exclusivamente sobre a engine unity;Esse curso um curso bsico sobre unity;Esse um curso focado em criao de cenrios e visa dar uma base para aqueles que esto comeando no desenvolvimento de games, ento se algum que possui conhecimentos intermedirio ou avancado de desenvolvimento de games na engine unity eu aconselho a buscar cursos mais profundos. Mas se lguem que esta mais comeando a rea e ainda no possui muitos conhecimentos ou nenhum conhecimento de criao de games, por favor no faca cursos avanados para depois ficar preso e desperdiar o seu dinheiro, comece do comeo, pois s assim ficara proficiente e gerar resultados. Lembrem-se, todos os maiores gnios da humanidade tiveram um comeo tambm e ele no foi como hoje os conhecemos ao ouvir seus nomes. Ento se acha que esse curso adequado para voc, faca aqui o comeo da sua grande jornada. Lembrem-se, curso voltado a quem ta comeando. Qualquer duvida, recebera uma resposta em minutos ou em algumas horas, sem tempo limite. Tambm sero respondidas duvidas relacionadas a outros cursos ou projetos que esteja desenvolvendo, desde que sejam projetos ou jogos bsicos, independente de ondem comecem os seus projetos, se vem do youtube ou da udemy ou voc mesmo comeou algo, colocou algumas plataformas e um personagem e no sabe mas pra onde ir, eu te ajudarei da melhor forma possvel. Nota adicional:S sero respondidas duvidas atravs da utilizao da engine unity. Lembrem-se, esse um curso basico, se quiserem perguntar algo relacionado a coisas simples, responderem rapidamente, mas se fizer uma pergunta como ""eu estou criando um sistema de classes avanado e tenho certeza que a programao no esta errada, mas o unity diz que tem algum erro e j fui na biblioteca e em vdeos e no sei o que "", no dou garantia de que sero respondidas, pois so perguntas que demandam investigao do problema e isso leva muito tempo. Assim se tiver duvida sobre algo na programao do movimento do seu player, ou um erro de cdigo que no entendam, ou simplismente querem uma explicao de determinado escript de movimentao ou como se coloca som em um jogo eu certamente poderei ajudar, mas lembrem-se, isso algo complementar, faam o curso apenas com base nas videoaulas de demostrao, pois elas demostram melhor no que estou trabalhando e em que poderei ajuda e como o curso poder ser til. Desta forma se as aulas de demostrao no te convenceram, ento esse no o curso certo para voc e deve procurar um mais adequado "
Price: 19.99

"Solve Rubik's Cube in 2 minutes" |
"My course is the easiest way to learn how to solve the Rubik's Cube 3x3x3. In my course there are no cheats. It will show all the possibilities that a Cube may have and all of their solutions for about 40 minutes. I will use 5 algorithms and they are all written while performing them in video and written in the Lecture 3.I will also explain every possibility with photos, for example watch Lecture 8."
Price: 19.99

"How to Get Promoted and Succeed at Work" |
"Do you want a successful career? Are you ambitious for advancement - all the way to the top? How can you maximise your chances of being promoted at work and moving up the corporate hierarchy? This course gives you invaluable tips and advice on how to advance your career within and across organisations. It covers key points including networking, managing your boss, getting noticed, interview skills, setting a plan, and showing management and leadership potential. Seize opportunities and achieve your full potential with this course. It is packed with tips, advice and guidance to help you succeed. It even includes five magic phrases which help you to persuade people and get them to like you."
Price: 69.99

"Curso de Edicin en InDesign 2020" |
"Adobe InDesign es el software de diseo de pginas lder del sector para medios escritos y digitales. Crea bellos diseos grficos con tipografas de las mejores empresas del mundo e imgenes de Adobe Stock. Comparte contenido y comentarios rpidamente en PDF. Gestiona produccin con facilidad gracias a Adobe Experience Manager. InDesign tiene todo lo que necesitas para crear y publicar libros, revistas digitales, libros electrnicos, psters, PDF interactivos y mucho ms.Cuando InDesign debut en 1999, el sector de la publicidad inici un nuevo captulo en su historia. La aplicacin hizo avanzar el diseo con su compatibilidad con fuentes de OpenType, funciones de transparencia, alineacin del margen ptico y mucho ms. Hoy en da, millones de mentes creativas siguen realizando increbles creaciones con InDesign.A la hora de disear la maquetacin de libros, revistas y folletos, Adobe InDesign ofrece herramientas sencillas que ofrecen resultados sorprendentes.Tanto si ests trabajando en tu siguiente novela o en el diseo de una nueva revista, los ajustes preestablecidos y la configuracin ajustable de InDesign te ayudan a crear y editar documentos fcilmente.Optimiza el diseo de maquetacin para la impresin profesional con CMYK, Pantone o tinta plana en InDesign.Requisito mnimoProcesadorProcesador Intel Pentium 4 o AMD Athlon de 64 bitsSistema operativoMicrosoft Windows 7 (64 bits) con Service Pack 1 o Windows 10* (64 bits)RAM4 GB de RAM (se recomiendan 16 GB)Espacio en disco duro3,6 GB de espacio disponible en el disco duro para la instalacin; se requiere espacio libre adicional durante la instalacin (no se puede instalar en dispositivos de almacenamiento flash extrables); se recomienda el uso de SSDResolucin de pantallaResolucin de pantalla de 1024 768 (se recomienda 1920 1080), compatibilidad con pantalla HiDPITarjeta de vdeoTarjeta de vdeo de 32 bits."
Price: 19.99

"Estrategias para el xito Personal" |
"A travs de 5 mdulos y 23 vdeo-lecciones, te ofrecemos un proceso sencillo y transformador que te ayudar a comprender mejor quin eres, qu deseas en la vida y cmo conseguirlo. Adems, gracias a la Gua de Ejercicios de Autodescubrimiento y Transformacin adjuntacon ms de 40 ejercicios prcticos, logrars definir con claridad la vida extraordinaria que deseas y forjar tu yo futuro.Estrategias para el xito Personal es el curso completo y definitivo para:Profundizar en quin eres.Identificar tu propsito vital y valores personales.Descubrir lo que realmente deseas.Fijar metas personales y profesionales.Tomar decisiones vitales con mayor conviccin.Crear planes de accin para todas las reas de tu vida.Identificar y vencer tus pensamiento limitantes.Emplear el lenguaje para transformar tu realidad.Incorporar en tu vida tcnicas de visualizacin.Resrvate unas cuantas horas. Encuentra un lugar tranquilo en el que trabajar Y ponte a ello! Lo creas o no, ya ests un paso ms cerca de la vida que deseas.Testimonios de participantes del evento presencial""Ha sido un autntico chute de energa y vitalidad de conocimientos muy valiosos y de experiencias importantes para toda la vida. Ha sacado lo mejor de m misma"". MartaVarela, bibliotecaria.""Me ha parecido estupendo, es una experiencia inolvidable y muy completa. Con muchos conceptos condensados y muy bien desgranado. Muy accesible. Destaco la forma de transmitir de Alfonso. Es muy recomendable y te quedas con ganas de ms"". Alen Rojo, emprendedor.Fue simplemente fantstico! Sin duda lo recomendara a cualquiera. El autntico poder de las personas es su imaginacin y la capacidad de soar. Estoy saliendo de un momento bastante duro en mi vida y haba perdido la confianza en mis sueos y mi visin para el futuro. Este seminario lo reactiv todo. Ahora ni me planteo las preguntas. S exactamente para qu estoy aqu. S lo que quiero hacer!. Seraina, terapeuta. Suiza.Realmente, me gust mucho. Alfonso es un comunicador excelente. Est claro que disfruta haciendo lo que hace. Y eso se transmite al pblico. Aprend muchas cosas, a pesar de que soy una profesional del coaching y la PNL. Me impact cmo Alfonso logr transmitir mucha informacin y combinarla con los ejercicios prcticos. Me lleg. Y a mucha otra gente. Maen, coach.Me gust muchsimo. Me toc cosas personales de mi vida. Y me permiti ponerme objetivos bien claros. Me encant la orientacin positiva. Las dinmicas permitieron desarrollar la parte afectiva en un grupo de gente que no se conoca previamente. Hubo un acercamiento de corazn a corazn y se diluyeron las tensiones iniciales. Fue maravilloso y muy profundo. Hemos llorado juntos. Carola Behrend, profesora. Argentina.El evento fue muy potente. Especialmente la parte en la que conectamos con nuestras emociones. Sent la conexin y el apoyo de otras personas. Me sent muy realizada. Y logr mayor claridad en mi objetivos vitales. Jessica Cottee, psicloga. Irlanda.Fue fantstico! Me permiti conectar con mis emociones ms positivas. Y volver a creer en el futuro. Me ayud muchsimo. Moritz Bonatti, productor de documentales. Italia."
Price: 24.99

"Run A Membership Site Using WordPress: Starter & Advanced" |
"Run A Membership Site Using WordPress: Starter & Advanced TrainingUpgrade Your Skills And Expertise With Our Advanced Video TrainingHere's What You'll Learn In These Upgraded Video Series:How to work with the advanced features and make the best of it.How to become more efficient in your daily activities and speed up your output using this platform.Learn the smart way to make things happen fast as the experts do with some key features of this service.Learn how to reduce frustrations and time-consuming activities by applying my practical advice when using this service.How about automation? Learn the simple tricks and tips we use to get it done.Master every aspect of this service so that you can train other people how to use it as it.Stay at the top of your competition and keep your business ahead of the learning curve.And so many more...Now you can break free...Brand New Over-The-Shoulder Video Series On How To Build Continuity Income With Wishlist Member.Having a membership site where your members can access digital content is the ultimate form of passive income.Every member is charged monthly for access to your content. They will continue to be a member as long as you offer them something of value for their money.This is a business model that has worked since day one of the internet.Today, its much easier to own and operate a membership site. It is thanks to WishList, and thats what were going to talk about right here.Run A Membership Site Using WordPressWishList makes it super simple for you to operate a membership site using WordPress.Youre not going to have to install a complicated content management system that will make you pull out your hair.Everything runs smoothly right from WordPress, and it only involves you using a plugin.WishList makes so easy to run your own membership site and make money from it.The Secret Is In The RebillsWant to know what the secret sauce is when it comes to operating a membership site? Its all about the rebills.Each month your member will be billed for access to the site. This is money in your pocket.They will continue to be rebilled every month for as long as they remain a member.Your customers will keep their membership as long as youre able to offer them something of value. As long as you do, there will be money in your pocket.WishList Is Loaded With FeaturesEverything you need to run a membership site is right here. It can seem confusing at first.All those features can take some time to learn how to use. How do you know if youre making the most out of them?Youre not going to know at first.There are seasoned WishList users who are missing out on features that could improve their member's experiences.Youve got to continually be on the ball to make the most out of a site like WishList.You could use it every day for a year and still not learn everything that it has to offer.IntroducingBuild Continuity With WishList MemberSeeing WishList In Action Is A Game ChangerYou can read tutorials until your eyes hurt. Seeing someone do it is a whole different ball game.Its far more easy to learn something by watching someone else do it. You can do just that by watching our over the shoulder videos of experts using WishList.Youll quickly learn all the tips and tricks of running a membership site. You may be someone who uses WishList every day, and its still possible to learn while watching our videos.You cant possibly learn everything there is to know on your own. Those who believe they can are going to miss out on key features that will help retain and grow their membership base.Get The Most Out Of WishListTaking advantage of all the features that WishList has to offer will improve your membership site by leaps and bounds.The way you do that is by watching our video series. Youll gain insightful information that can be put into action.Everything you see in our videos has real-world uses, and they will help you maintain and grow the number of members your site has.Sign up for this training today and make your future as bright as it possibly can be.Run A Membership Site Using WordPress: Starter TrainingSee the course subjects below:1 - Overview2 - Pricing and Purchase3 - WordPress Installation4 - Wishlist Member Installation5 - Powered By Wishlist Member Affiliate Program6 - Integrations - Payment Gateway7 - Should I Integrate PayPal8 - Integrations With JVZoo9 - Integrations - E-Mail Providers10 - Integrations - Zapier11 - Setting Up Levels12 - Setting Up Levels - Part 213 - Configuring Error Messages14 - Other Administration Settings15 - File Protection16 - Folder Protection17 - Protected Pages18 - Payment and E-Mail Connection19 - Testing Logins and Redirects20 - Conclusion - Page Access for Members Only-----------------------------------------------------------------------------Run A Membership Site Using WordPress: Advanced TrainingSee the course subjects below:21 - Overview22 - Importing Members23 - Exporting Members24 - Member Research and Service25 - Sequential Upgrade - Part 126 - Sequential Upgrade - Part 227 - Sequential Upgrade - Part 328 - Chron Jobs29 - Broadcast E-Mails30 - Blacklisting Customers31 - Data Privacy - Part 132 - Data Privacy - Part 233 - Logins and Passwords34 - Creating Custom Registrations35 - Category Protection36 - Live Example - JVZoo37 - Live Example - Thrivecart38 - Warrior Plus - Part 139 - Warrior Plus - Part 240 - Conclusion------------------------------------------------"
Price: 34.99

"Membership Sites With aMember: Starter Training" |
"Membership Sites With aMember: Starter TrainingWant to build passive income?Brand New Over-The-Shoulder Video Series On How To Launch Membership Sites With aMember.Everyone online is searching for the elusive passive income. Did you know it was right under your nose the entire time?It is, and its in the form of a membership site. If youre here, then youve probably figured that out by now.You also know that using a service like aMember is a great way to put it all together.Membership sites are great because they enable you to get monthly recurring payments from your members.Each month a person stays a member your wallet gets a little fatter. All of this is possible when using a service like aMember to maintain your membership site.Open Your Membership Site To Affiliate MarketersDid you know that aMember gives you the opportunity to allow affiliates to make money by referring members?This may be the number one reason why youre considering aMember in the first place. You may not have time to go out there and find people to join your site.Youll be surprised by how quickly your site grows if it converts well for those pushing your affiliate program.The Main Thing Holding You Back Is How Difficult Amember Is To UseLets be honest, aMember is complicated. There is so much that you need to learn before your site can become profitable.How much time and money are you going to waste learning how to do it all? Not much time at all if you watch our videos.They will pay for themselves in a matter of no time flat. You can spin your wheels forever trying to figure out aMember, or you can build up your membership site.The choice is yours, but choosing the wrong route will cost you in the end.Time is money, and you can easily blow a lot of it by thinking its possible to learn everything on your own.IntroducingMembership Sites With aMember Simplify Running A Membership SiteIt can seem like a million different obstacles are getting in your way when trying to start a membership site.You know deep down inside this is something that youve wanted to do for quite some time.You cant wrap your mind around how aMember works. Youve spent countless hours trying to figure out the smallest of details. Look, youre not the only person who has been in this situation before.Thats why we created our aMember video series. We wanted to help people get the site of their dreams launched.Thats precisely what weve done in creating our foolproof videos. Anyone can set up a membership site after watching them.Its only a matter of watching the videos and then putting the information in them to use.Earn Money During The Lifetime Of Their MembershipYoull make money as long as a customer continues to be a member. There are many different types of sites you can run using aMember.We go through all of that with you. Youll have zero questions after watching our videos. Better yet, youll be well on your way to make money.Membership sites are one of the oldest methods of making money, and they are here to stay.Your members will continue to pay a monthly fee as long as you offer them a good reason to do so.Sign up for this training today and make your future as bright as it possibly can be.Membership Sites With aMember: Starter TrainingSee the course subjects below:1 - Overview2 - Purchasing Or Upgrading Amember3 - Download and Extract Amember4 - Uploading To The Server Through FTP5 - Setting Up the Database and Admin Pages6 - Admin Setup Global Settings7 - Setting Up Plugins8 - Setting Up Transactional E-Mail - Part 19 - Setting Up Transactional E-Mail - Part 210 - Setting Up PDF Invoices11 - Customizing the Login Page12 - Customizing the Video Player13 - Customizing Personal Data Settings14 - Cutomizing Your Payment System15 - Custoimizing Your Autoresponder E-Mail16 - Setting Up a Backup Payment System17 - Setting Up the Help Desk.18 - Creating A New Product19 - Creating A Buy Button20 - Conclusion------------------------------------------"
Price: 19.99

"INSTAGRAM MARKETING: Todo Instagram marketing de 0 a 100" |
"Ests buscando un curso completo de Instagram que te ensear todo lo que necesitas para convertirse en un experto y master en INSTAGRAM?Este es tu mejor curso, haz encontrado el mejor curso de Instagram!INSTAGRAM MARKETING : Todo Instagram marketing de 0 a 100Y porque?.....!Porque yo soy como tu y yo, al comenzar en instagram comet muchos errores deje muchas cuentas fracase muchas veces, pero no me rend, segu dndolo todo y siendo persistente, me mire y compre todos los cursos disponibles en ingles y en espaol, aprend de las mejores cuentas, prob estrategias yo mismo, prob tcticas y TODO!, Literalmente todo, me obsesione con instagram y todo lo que podra obtener de el, hice los mejores trucos, estrategias, tcticas, trucos psicolgicos, y es as como obtuve el xito que tanto quise, Y AHORA IMAGINATE TU! tu te evitaras todos esos errores que yo tuve, y aprenders todo lo que yo aprend durante mucho tiempo TENDRAS EL EXITO YA HECHO SOLO TENDRAS QUE COPIARLO!Como dice el titulo del curso aprenders todo Instagram de 0 a maestro!Aprenderas TODO!Y tendrs todos los beneficios de instagram!aprenderas a hacerlo todo de la mejor forma posibletodos amaran tu contenidotu contenido se posicionara como un cohetetendras la experiencia de un maestro de instagram, sabras todo!ganaras demasiados seguidores que no te lo creerasECT. (Podria seguir pero son muchos)Gracias a :Slidesgo por ayudarme con el contenido"
Price: 149.99

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Price: 104.99

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Price: 19.99

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Price: 19.99

"Light Saber Duel by LudoSport - Brandish to the Next Level" |
"********************************************************************************************************************With the aim of making the application of movements pleasant and the results easier to achieve, we have chosen to use the observational-imitative method, which is the most suitable approach for this type of training. We have designed the structure of the course focusing on the details of the movements and making the different sections self-explanatory, leaving the videos, designed specifically, the task of accompanying you in the educational path. The texts, in English, are dedicated to the understanding of the specific nomenclature and help to understand the key elements of the manoeuvres. ******************************************************************************************************************Have you ever found yourself fantasizing about the combat you saw at the cinema, wanting to become a real Jedi just like them? Havent you ever used umbrellas or broom handles to simulate using a light saber to fight your enemies? Just think if you could enter that world full of heroes from a galaxy far, far away...From today, thanks to LudoSport Evolve, your dreams can come true!The decade-long experience of LudoSport instructors and athletes, now online, giving everyone the possibility of discovering this new, exciting combat sport, that is free of any violent elements and actually brings together all types of people.By following the valuable advice that Dante, our online coach, provides, you will have the opportunity to learn light saber brandish techniques and receive essential advice for becoming a true master of Light Saber Combat, wherever you are and at any time of the day.Spin, freestyle, flow, trick, are all terms used to identify a way of using light sabers to create cool movements that make people go wow. But what if I told you that the art of brandishing is not just about the ability to create spectacular effects? There are other reasons and advantages for mastering it too, and it takes your saber mastery to another level. By correctly managing posture and centre of gravity, is possibile perform dynamic moves that become art, expertise and true spectacles, from which offensive and defensive potential are also created by those who really have full control of their saber.Through this course youll undertake an immediate and entertaining learning path which will help master even the most difficult techniques. Thanks to visual aid and simple and direct language, youll manage to understand and execute the techniques taught in a simple, intuitive way.You will learn Brandishing, an effective, sophisticated and spectacular fencing training that brings several benefits to both athletes or practitioners of fencing and other sports. Brandishing gets every part of the body involved and is, de facto, a training form with both aerobics and functional components. It will help you improve your coordination, reactivity and equilibrium. From a technical point of view, it will augment confidence with sword handling, this means your ability to optimize your movements, understanding the leverage effects of the hilt and the fundamental role of finger mobility. Through brandishing youll also learn how to make your sword move smoothly and effectively in space.At the end of the course, you will able to:Create spectacular movements with your Light Saber;Fully control your saber, regardless of the style or technique applied during combat;Achieve the highest level of confidence with your saber, so that you can control it expertly, even in the most complex situations, and learning to use it as if it was just a true extension of your own arm;Predict your sabers reactions so that you can safely manage balance, characteristics and reactivity;Create flowing, rapid, safe but less predictable transitions, in order to expertly move from one action to another;Link several attack and defence movements together to build offensive and defensive sequences when having fun with your friends.Learn new techniques to make your scenic combat performances more realistic and create original choreographies of great impact, thanks to the presence of alternating theoretical and practical lessons that will allow you to immerse yourself in the dynamic combat scenario;Become a part of an international network and have the possibility of validating your skills to be able to take part in LudoSport circuit competitions;Learn a new form of LudoSport combat from zero (if you don't know LudoSport or if you are part of an academy where this technique is not yet available);Add to your knowledge and training (if you are already a Brandish course pupil);Use the online lessons to go over what you already know whenever and wherever you want to (if you are pupil of the subsequent forms);Have an interactive reference always on hand to help you with your lesson plan (if you are an instructor);The techniques and exercises showed in the video lessons must be considered a supplement to LuduSports Sport Light Saber Fencing styles, which are brought into competition by athletes members of our International Network. LudoSport techniques form a complete fencing system, divided in 9 Light Saber Combat Forms.Course characteristics:The course is a manual that you will always have on hand, that you can consult from any device, anywhere and at any time of day;It contains practical exercises, slow motion videos and details that allow you to put what you have learnt into practice and actually tangibly improve your technique!It is filmed with full HD Video: High resolution graphics and original soundtrack. We are committed to providing the highest quality audio-visual support to ensure an optimal experience for our students;You will be awarded an end-of-course certificate: At the end of the course, you will receive a certificate for having completed the training and congratulations from all the Ludosport Evolve team and the Founding Masters.What you will actually learn:RIN: the simplest movement, which hides the basis of the ability to manage the movement generated by the fingers and wrists;CROSSING RIN: the fascination generated by a classical transition, whose fluid and continuous movement always amazes the observer;NIR: speed and control, the power of this sequence translates into a base to bring very effective attacks;HELIX: to learn how to express energy, elegance and rhythmWAVE: a classic, present in many disciplines with cutting weapons, adapted to the particular physical characteristics of the Light Saber for sports fighting;AEREAL TRICK: let your saber... fly!These are all elements that will allow you perform dynamic moves that become art, expertise and true spectacles!LUDOSPORT OVERVIEWThe birth of LudoSportSporting Light Saber Combat is an original sporting discipline created and codified by Simone Spreafico, Gianluca Longo and Fabio Monticelli starting from 2005 and regularly carried out as part of a teaching system named LudoSport from 2006.This sportIs inspired and created all its techniques using an imaginary weapon with a blade of pure energy that can cut everything except itself, in any direction:It is a form of combat, therefore based on competition;It is a form of sporting combat, therefore inspired by clear, structured rules and principles.Sporting Light Saber Combat is divided into several combat forms, known as Styles, that differ from each other but that are perfectly compatible when executed and used with each other: each of them can be used in combat with the others.Teaching is structured with a progression in the complexity and physical commitment required, to allow easy learning for anyone as a part of a gradual path.Our principlesSporting Light Saber Combat was conceived and is promoted each day in observance of the principles of loyalty, discipline, fair play, respect, passion and a sense of belonging that characterise the sport in the modern Olympic ideal.On this matter, LudoSport has defined its own key rule, Se.Cu.Ri. (Servizio, Cura, Rispetto - Service, Care, Respect):Servizio is each athletes willingness to support all their companions on a path to technical improvement;Cura is shown through the control exercised in techniques and in general attention to not harming our companions;Rispetto comes from self-awareness, awareness of our strengths and weaknesses, and leads to a correct way of interacting with others, in the awareness that we must not underestimate anyone, whatever their rank or experience.The technical execution of movements requires specific control training.In our sport, we do not use protection excessively as, by limiting freedom of movement, they also limit our freedom of expression.We are not medieval knights in suits of shiny armour, we do not like masks as they hide the face of those competing in the arena, and we also believe that excessive protections may - even subconsciously - provide a psychological justification of an almost random use of the athlete's saber: Well, my opponent is protected by padding.We do not intend light saber fencing to be an unsightly brawl. Control is at the very heart of truly mastering our saber and guarantees sensible, technical movements. This is why practising control is essential for us, and when practised correctly, it allows us to drive our blade forward at 140 km/hour in a fraction of a second, and then stop it exactly where and when we want.All our members are appreciated for the quality of their performance rather than for any victory they may achieve. All genuine desires to work together for their companions and the society are also rewarded.LudoSport guarantees a real situation of equal opportunities for all Light Saber Combat athletes, where race, age, gender, different skills, social and economic class, political and religious beliefs are never prejudiced.Using the meticulous educational research conducted by its Masters, LudoSport has also driven its own founding principles to the point of being able to accommodate disabled people, proving that sport can truly overcome any physical barriers.Why is LudoSport right for you?Right from the start, LudoSport aimed to be an excellence in the realm of sporting innovation.Thanks to the serene environment created in each of its structures, LudoSport creates a positive context for promoting and sustaining an ethical culture in sport, involving both its instructors and athletes, creating an atmosphere that stimulates consistent behaviour and respect for all those involved.Thanks to its founding rules, the sport transmits the message of respect in all forms and opportunities. In this way, the sport is always dominated by behaviour based on fair play, sharing and mutual help.The play and sporting sides of the sport offered by LudoSport are favourable to mental and physical well-being, protecting the athletes fundamental right to take part in a sport where competition is healthy and not negative for those involved.LudoSport favours and promotes socialising within its structure, both during the sporting activities and also outside of training, creating positive contexts for spending time together and giving everyone a role, regardless of the level of technical preparation they have achieved. The educational value of merit is also included in a social value, rewarding personal initiatives that are helpful for members as a whole.*********************************************************************************************What are you waiting for? Dante is ready to share his experience with you and invite you into the fantastic world of Light Saber Combat!cit. ""This is the course that you were waiting for!Press the red button and enter the hyperguide.*********************************************************************************************"
Price: 129.99

"WhatsApp Business for Better Business and communication" |
"Unlimited possibilitiesUse WhatsApp for effective & efficient communicationSimplest tool for resultsAutomatic lead generationKnow mobile number & requirementsSave time, moneyIncrease sales, revenueWhatsApp has billions of users using its app on a day to day basis worldwide. Almost all kinds of people use WhatsApp for their personal and business communication these days.It is an excellent opportunity for all of us as marketers to use WhatsApp for Business for our business benefits. You can use WhatsApp for Business in two ways as -1) Customer service to existing customers2) Marketing to New CustomersIn this course, I will walk you through every process right from setting up WhatsApp Business account, configuring to its best practices, and tell you all the secrets to successfully manage your business conversation with both your new customers and existing customers.I will also cover how you can run WhatsApp Ad Campaign using Facebook Ad Manager and acquire new customers/leads/prospects.So ENROLL today and grow your business using WhatsApp for Business."
Price: 19.99

"Como publicar seu livro com segurana e economia." |
"I. ApresentaoEste curso baseado nas principais dvidas de milhares de autores com quem j tive contato em mais de 20 anos de mercado.Eu sou Zeca Martins, autor de 4 livros, e j publiquei como editor mais 600 ttulos de todos os gneros e, sobretudo, ao longo de tantos anos, tive contato com as dvidas, angstias e esperanas de milhares de pessoas que tinham um livro para publicar. Sou scio-proprietrio da Editora Livronovo e tenho muita experincia no assuntoOs benefcios para voc, ao fazer este curso sero, espero, aprender a diferenciar os variados mtodos e publicao e qual melhor se adapta a voc e sua obra, entender melhor como funciona o mercado editorial para autores novos ou independentes, e transitar pelo campo editorial com mais segurana.Os itens aqui apresentados cobrem tudo o que indispensvel que voc saiba. Porque publicar um livro deve ser motivo de alegrias, no de frustraes.Neste curso, vou mostrar praticamente tudo o que mais do que importante voc saber para que seu livro esteja altura do esforo que voc fez para escrev-lo.So nove aulas. Veja sobre o que vamos aprender:Os tipos de publicao. Vantagens de desvantagens de cada um.Quem so os profissionais do mercadoComo preparar e enviar os originaisAspectos legais e de direito autoralO livro ficou bonito? Como avaliar a qualidade do resultado finalTipos de impresso, papis, formatos e acabamentosVamos imprimir e vender?E os e-books? O lanamento e a divulgao.Livros empresariais e comemorativos Vdeo extra: O que domnio pblico, e mais uma dica de livro imperdvel sobre publicao de livros"
Price: 99.99

"This course teaches women to take charge of their thoughts and emotions, Have structured Milestones and Goals and deal with all the negative people and circumstances strongly, thereby creating positive impact on self and others. Here are the course objectives:Self Awareness of thoughts and emotionsSelf Regulation by channelizing thoughts and emotions in right directionClarity of thoughts while setting different milestonesClarity in communication while speakig for imporatant occasionsDealing with criticism and Manipulative People & saying NO confidentlyClarity in Goals"
Price: 1280.00

"Elementare Musiktheorie lernen: Fr Anfnger" |
"Wie liest man eigentlich Noten?Was zum Geier ist ein verkrzter Dominantseptakkord?Was macht eine Kadenz?Was haben Avicii, die Beatles, Lady Gaga und Alice Cooper gemeinsam?Antworten auf diese Fragen und viele, viele mehr findest du in diesem Kurs ber die Grundlagen der Musiktheorie. Ideal fr Schler oder Studenten sowie Hobby- und Profimusiker mit geringen oder gar keinen Kenntnissen im Bereich der Musiktheorie. Du willst deine Leistung im Fach Musik aufbessern? Oder Dich in Zukunft an einer Musikhochschule einschreiben, aber der Gedanke an die schriftliche Prfung in Musiktheorie lst bei Dir Schweiausbrche aus? Oder Du bist Musiker, Produzent oder DJ, der sein musikalisches Arsenal erweitern und somit ein mchtigerer Musiker werden will?Lerne die grundlegenden Konzepte vom studierten Musiker und Pdagogen Stefan Ullmann (Komposition, Musiktheorie, Klavier) mit langjhriger Erfahrung im Unterrichten. Stefan Ullmann studierte an der Hochschule fr Musik und Theater Mnchen sowie an der Universitt Mozarteum in Salzburg.Es gibt jede Menge Klangbeispiele, damit Du die gelernten Konzepte klanglich einordnen kannst, und zahlreiche schriftliche bungen, mit denen Du deine neu erworbenen Kenntnisse praktisch, mit Bleistift und Notenpapier, oder direkt an deinem Instrument praktisch umsetzen kannst. In meiner Bonuslektion fr Fans populrer Musik gehe ich auf ikonische Akkordfolgen ein, die fast alle groen MusikStars in ihrer Karriere verwendet haben, darunter die Beatles, Alice Cooper, Lady Gaga, Avicii und so ziemlich jeder andere, der einem berhaupt einfallen kann. Am Schluss komponieren wir dann gemeinsam mit simplen Zauberformeln wie I-V-vi-IV und vi-IV-I-V einen Song.Den gesamten Stoff gibt es zustzlich zusammengefasst als Materialsammlung im PDF-Format, und als kleines Geschenk obendrauf erhltst du mein eBook Spielerisch Klavier lernen: Dein Einstiegskurs. Sowie ein musikalisches Lexikon mit ber 200 musikalischen Fachbegriffen. Fr besonders engagierte Schler gibt es auch eine groe Abschlussprfung, die sich nochmal mit der Gesamtheit des behandelten Stoffs befasst."
Price: 29.99

"ST0-135 Symantec Network Access Technical Assessment Exam" |
"Sample QuestionsQ) The protocol used for packet captures of the enforcer?a) FTPb) HTTPc) TFTPd) SFTPe) NoneQ) What packages are regularly sent from the Enforcer, to find other Enforcers in the network?a) failoverb) detectc) ARPd) OSPFe) NoneQ) What are the two default user accounts created on the Enforcer? (Choose two.)a) superb) administrationc) rootd) usere) symadminQ) What are the two connections to the network test commands, see the Enforcer command line? (Choose two.)a) Pingb) Nslookupc) tracingd) spye) NBNS question"
Price: 164.99

"How to Do Fractions - The Easy Way" |
"The course is mixed of basic mathematical techniques with applications to real life and other areas of study. Learners will develop general problem-solving abilities as well as purely mathematical skills. The course also aims to provide learners with a broader knowledge of concepts and methods that will use in studying the GCSE mathematics specification."
Price: 19.99

"Power BI, Inicia en el mundo de la Inteligencia de Negocios" |
"Curso para quienes quieren iniciar a trabajar con Microsoft Power BI o tienen conocimientos muy bsicos y desean profundizar en la herramienta.Incluye una introduccin a los conceptos de Inteligencia de negociosAl finalizar este cursoEntenders el concepto general de inteligencia de negocios y podrs identificar los componentes de un sistema de Inteligencia de negociosEntenders cmo conectar varias fuentes de informacinLograras aplicar transformaciones sobre los datos usando el editor de Power queryConocers como insertar columnas calculadasSers capaz de construir clculos bsicosPodrs vincular varias consultasConocers los tipos de visualizaciones y entenders cmo parametrizarlasAprenders cmo se construye una navegacin podrs habilitar el dril y usarlo en las visualizaciones incluso entre pginas.Entenders el uso del lenguaje M y DAXPodrs publicar el informe en el servicio Power BI y utilizarlo en un mvil"
Price: 34.99

"Computer Fundamentals for Bigginners" |
"Computer Fundamentals for beginners. This course is designed for the people who are new to computers and are interested to learn the basics of computers. This course covers following topics.Computer Basics (What is Computer, History, Types)Computer Components (Components, Input Device, Output Device, CPU, Hardware, Software)Computer Memory (Different Types of Memory)Computer Network (Uses of Network and its Types)Operating System (OS & Characteristics)Computer Virus (Understanding Virus)Number System (Binary, Octal, Decimal, Hexadecimal and ASCII and Unicode Standards)Internet (Internet, Intranet, Extranet, Websites, Email)Interview Questions (Resource File with Interview questions list)"
Price: 1280.00

"Students will learn how to use Typescript to build web applications. Typescript is the better version of JavaScript, it has added tooling that help in debugging, readability, maintenance and structuring your code for big projects. In this course, I will take you through how to use Typescript to achieve this."
Price: 19.99

"Microsoft Windows Server 2019 Administration-" |
"This Microsoft Windows Server 2019 Administration course provides you the complete knowledge necessary to effectively Deploy, Configure and Administrate Windows Server 2019 in a Multi Domain and Site environment. Through this course you can become a master in Administrating Windows Server 2019 server. Learners will gain hands-on training on:Windows Server 2019 FeaturesInstalling Windows Server 2019Domain and ADS IntroductionDomain and User AdministrationGroup Policy ManagementFile Server AdministrationDistributed File System (DFS)Redundant Array of Independent DiskiSCSI Storage ManagementWindows Server Backup an RestoreNetwork Interface Card (NIC) TeamingPrint Server ManagementWeb Server AdministrationDNS Server AdministrationDHCP Server AdministrationWindows Deployment Services AdministrationWindows Server Update Services AdministrationRemote Desktop Services AdministrationNetwork Load Balancer ClusterFailover ClusteringActive Directory Service Deep DriveActive Directory ReplicationActive Directory Trust RelationshipActive Directory Backup and Restore"
Price: 1280.00

"AWS SAA-C02 Practice Tests" |
"Prepare for the exam with practice tests is the best way to strengthen your knowledge and pass.You will have lifetime access to practice tests and future updates without worrying about new fees.The AWS Certified Solutions Architect - Associate exam is designed for people with the role of solution architect and with one or more years of practical experience in the design of available, affordable, fault tolerant and scalable distributed systems on AWS.Skills validated by certification:Effectively demonstrate knowledge on how to architect and deploy secure and robust applications on AWS technologies.Define a solution using architectural design principles according to customer requirements.Provide implementation guidance based on best practices for the company throughout the project lifecycleRecommended knowledge and experience:Hands-on experience using AWS database, networking, storage and computing servicesHands-on experience with AWS deployment and management servicesAbility to identify and define technical requirements for AWS-based applicationsAbility to identify which AWS services meet a specific technical requirementKnowledge of best practices recommended for building secure and trusted applications on the AWS platformUnderstanding the basics of creative architecture in the AWS CloudUnderstanding the AWS global infrastructureUnderstanding AWS-related network technologiesUnderstanding the security features and tools provided by AWS and how they relate to traditional servicesImportant:* Unofficial Practice Test FOR People who want to test their knowledge, only this practice test does not guarantee their approval in the official exam. All certification marks used in this course are owned by the respective brand owners. We do not claim or claim any ownership over any of the brands."
Price: 29.99

"Arabisch ( Alphabetkurs) fr Anfnger" |
"Dieser Kurs eignet sich sehr gut fr alle Anfnger und Einsteiger. Damit lernst du ganz langsam, wie die arabischen Wrter geschrieben werden , sowie wie man Sie schreibt sowie liest. Sie finden auch die Wrter in 2 Sprachen ( Arabisch und Deutsch) . Das Skript ist auch in Deutsch geschrieben wurde, damit Sie es besser lesen knnten."
Price: 19.99

"Principles of Cost Benefit Analysis" |
"This course introduces the principles of cost benefit analysis and provides a clear structure for conducting or evaluating a cost benefit analysis. The course begins by discussing what cost benefit analysis can be used for, in what kinds of situations it has been used in real life, and why it is preferred to some other methods for analysing whether a project should be implemented or not. It then moves on to introduce 10 steps for conducting a cost benefit analysis, and explains these steps carefully one by one. Examples and references to real life are provided throughout the course. Additionally, throughout the steps one particular example is followed through to provide some flesh to the story. After the steps, the course also discusses some shortcomings of the method and the importance of making policy recommendations after the analysis. After the course the student should have a clear overview of cost benefit analysis and its possibilities, but also be aware of the shortcomings of the method. The student knows the structure or the cost benefit analysis and can use the structure to conduct their own analysis or evaluate an existing one."
Price: 39.99

"Grow Your Etsy Shop With the 'FIND-LIKE-TRUST' Model" |
"Do you feel your shop is invisible to buyers? Or even if buyers find you, those visits don't convert to orders? Would you like to find the best keywords for your listings and create a shop that shoppers will fall in love with? This is the course for you.The course will follow the buying process that the shopper will go through when purchasing from your strore: 1. They need to FIND your item2. They need to LIKE it 3. They need to TRUST you in order to decide to buyWe will discuss all these aspects of a successful Etsy shop and work with resources (checklists, worksheets, content ideas) to find the most important action points for you.The instructor is an experienced Etsy shop owner with a business background."
Price: 159.99

"Prospeco de Vendas - Como conseguir novos negcios" |
"Descubra como estruturar seu trabalho de prospeco, trazendo mais oportunidades de negcios para seu funil de vendasDescubra como aumentar sua produtividade e seu retorno com as melhores estratgias e tcnicas usadas por vendedores de alto desempenhoSo 15 mdulos de contedo, com prticas e ferramentas usadas por grandes empresas e que podem ser aplicadas na sua realidade. Utilize todo o conhecimento que usamos em cursos de MBAs e grandes empresas, em uma jornada de aprendizados com consistncia, descontrao e aplicabilidade para voc e sua equipe de vendas."
Price: 54.99
