"Russir sa recherche d'emploi et acclrer sa carrire" |
"Academyk 360 est un parcours de formation 100% en ligne conu par des professionnels de lemploi, qui vous prpare et vous accompagne tape par tape dans votre recherche demploi et votre volution professionnelle. Sur une priode courte, vous allez passer au crible et d'tre prpar russir toutes les tapes dune recherche demploi, de ltude de votre projet professionnel, jusqu' la signature de votre contrat de travail. Vous bnficierez dune formation complte, riche de cours thoriques, d'exercices concrets, de modles de CV, lettre de motivation etcet de conseils personnaliss dexperts de lemploi. Que vous soyez jeunes diplms la recherche dune premire exprience, ou sans emploi, avec le souhait de retrouver un emploi durable, mais encore cadre ou non-cadre en poste, avec lambition de donner un nouvel lan votre carrire, vous bnficierez grce Academyk 360, dune formation complte qui vous permettra de raccourcir le chemin vers lobjectif professionnel que vous visez. tre en recherche d'emploi est un processus qui va au-del de l'envoi d'un CV un employeur. Nous allons vous apprendre en quelques heures, professionnaliser votre dmarche de recherche demploi et vous positionner en vritable offreur de services. Tout au long de cette formation, vous aurez bien entendu la possibilit d'changer avec les consultants d'Academyk."
Price: 19.99

"Warm ups for performers and public speaking" |
"Hi there. Im Marinda BothaThank you for considering taking this course.If you regularly need to speak or teach in front of others, or you need to record videos where you yourself are on-camera, then this course is for you.These series of exercises are geared towards warming up your body for performance, be it a public speaking event you need to do, a voice over gig, or performance on screen or stage.Im a trained actor and voice over artist. Ive been in the industry for 16 years, having worked and trained in Europe and South Africa.I am trained in stage and screen performance, voice overs, physical theatre, clowning and overall physical awareness of body alignment.I am primarily a voice over artist and trainer, with clients from across the globe. I have a deep love for movement, understanding your body as a performer, looking after your health and utilizing this tool of yours, to the best of your ability.We will look at Body alignment, Breath control, Articulation, Warming up the resonators and many more!"
Price: 49.99

"eBay Business: Branded Goods Below Wholesale Real Examples" |
" Now Updated September 2020More than 3269 delighted students just after launch! Now updated for January 2020. See live example of how to make $447 in less than an hour by selling branded products on eBay. Become a Power Seller in no time.eBay business real success lies in selling genuine brand name products. But to source brand name products you have to invest a huge amount of money to source from authorized dealers. And not only that, you must have established yourself in business to be accepted by them as a retailer.But....In this course you learn how to source genuine brand name products without applying or dealing with authorized dealers. You can even get started from as low as $5.And you will learn all this from someone with 10 years of eBay Business and selling experience, a top rated and Power Seller who sold goods worth half a million dollars and have an eBay feedback of more than twenty thousand (20,000) happy customers. What does this cover? This course covers eBay business success in full detail. You will learn the following. Where to source genuine branded products for your eBay businessHow to sell them for high marginsA guide to learn the most successful selling strategies.Listing items, product photography, writing titles, writing descriptions, customer service etc. have all been covered. What this course is not about It is not wholesalingIt is not drop shippingIt is not affiliate marketing How is this course delivered? Through screencast videoReal and live examplesNo hard theories Why should you take this course? I have 10 years experience on selling eBay and other platforms with a top rated status and Power Seller award. I have an MBA from the University of Salford in the UK. I have relevant knowledge coupled with a huge experience. If you love making real money, this course is for you. Who should take this course? Anyone, full timers, part timers, students, moms, dads and so on... How much can I earn? Depends on the time you put. Anything between $1 to $10k but there is no limit. In a real eBay business, sky is the limit. How much investment do I need? You can start your business from any amount. $5, $100, $500 or more... Do I need any other eBay course? No, this eBay course will cover anything you need. How long will this eBay course take? Depends on the time you can allocate. From one day to one week should be enough. What kind of materials are included? Mostly you will get the course delivered through short videos. Sometimes, pdfs or other documents will be attached. Is there technical terminology? This eBay course is delivered in simple and day to day language to set you on the road to become a power seller. What do you need for this course? A computer and internet connection. Motivation to earn money from home"
Price: 19.99

"Copy MY Affiliate Passive Income January 2020 NEW YEAR" |
"Updated for January 2020 New YearThis course will teach you how to generate complete passive income on auto-pilot from one blog using my tested affiliate marketing strategy.You will see inside in this course that I generate more than $2300.00 per month just from one affiliate website. You can create as many sites as you like and multiply your income. Build 10 of them and create 6 figure passive income.What is This Course About?This is teaching about establishing affiliate blogs or website through WordPress to promote other people's products without worrying about sale, customers, service, inventories, investments etc.You will create a blog or WordPress site that you will love. By the end of this course, you would have all the affiliate strategies to establish several sites and multiply your income potential.Materials in This CourseThe course is delivered for most parts through videos. The videos are screen-casts with step by step instructions and easy to follow guidelines. Everything has been explained in plain, simple and straightforward English. Duration of Course CompletionDepending upon the time you can set aside for following this course, it may take a few hours or a week time. The course does not include any fluff and every topic has been straight away dealt with.Structure of the CourseThere are 8 sections of this course and 44 videos. New updates to the sections and lectures shall be added as we go along. Why Take This Course?If you have ever dreamed to earn some passive income through your blog or website, this is course is ideal for you. Many people have to spend years after years to learn all these effective affiliate strategies and techniques. In this course you will be able to learn all those effective tips and tricks just in matter of a couple of hours.Who is this Course Not For?If you are thinking of short cuts and getting rich quick methods, this course is not for you. If you do not want to add value to the internet then this course may not be suitable for you.What are other people saying abour this course Edyta Bourgoin I like this course. Very recomended-------------------------------------------Garrett Koster 2nd course from this instructo that I've looked at. Not disappointed. He gives all the starting points that someone who is just starting out needs. Thanks again---------------------------------------------- Axe DeReally good course by Qadar. The course lets you know the basics first before getting into AM. He is a great instructor and explains the topics very clearly, answers any questions you may have, he also gives info. about his own Affiliate Site and how he does things, although I think there was little talked about niche research, and you may have questions there but, don't fret, ask Qadar and he'll answer all your questions. So, if you are new to Affiliate Marketing, this is a good course for newbies to get the basics down and learn from another Affiliate Marketer.-------------------------------------------- Udemy User The instructor is great when it comes to explaining the information However, he needs to be more charismatic or lets say engaging and not repetitive.--------------------------------- Shyarin Smth If you want success online, this course is for you. Everything has been explained to the point without any fluff. It is based on real earnings. I will definitely be putting the strategies in to action.Highly recommended."
Price: 19.99

"Import from China Be Alibaba Expert to Avoid Scams Sept 2020" |
"This course comes with full 30 days money back guarantee with no question asked!!!Course updated for September 2020. Become Alibaba's expert! Learn how to avoid scams and find genuine manufacturers and wholesalers!In this course, you will learn all the steps, knowledge and advice you need to import from China without making expensive trips to a country where you are even unable to communicate.Have you ever wondered where do people get goods so cheap? How do they beat the competition? How to earn higher margins in the over competitive market?Then the answer is toImport from China and Other Far East Asian Countries!Yes...But You do not know ChineseYou can't afford to go to China or Hong KongThe Import process is too complicatedThere are so many scams associated with Chinese suppliersI don't know the paper workI don't know how to use Alibaba and other wholesale portalsAnd a lot more other questions...You will get all these questions answered in the course.Who Should Take This Course?This course is for all those who want to either get started fresh or take their existing business to the next level. This course is great for:New and Existing eBay Business SellersNew and Existing Amazon SellersNew and Existing Amazon FBA businessNew and Existing eCommerce businessOffline BusinessWholesaleRetailsDistributionCreating Your Own BrandWho Should Not Take This Course?This course is not for you if you Do not want to beat the competitionDo not want to increase your profitsDo not want to create your own brandDo not have a passion for scaling up your businessOr You hate to make more moneyEverything has been explained in plain language. I am sure that you will enjoy the course to max.And remember, the course comes with full 30 days guarantee with no question asked!!!"
Price: 19.99

"Basic Land Navigation: How to Find Your Way and Not Get Lost" |
"The specific purpose of this course is to provide you in easy-to-learn chunks the information you need to become a competent map-and-compass land navigator. You'll find useful information on path finding, compass use, and map reading.Lectures include how to use any lengthy terrain feature as a "catching" feature or a "handrail." Plus, you'll see how to use a compass (including a military lensatic compass and protractor), including how to work with magnetic declination. You'll see why "aiming off" makes such good sense. And you'll see why dividing your trip into numerous legs, each ending at a "checkpoint" can help you find your may across great stretches of terrain. We'll go over the time-honored navigation practice of dead reckoning, and how to use it under conditions of limited visibility, such as at night, or when you're fogged in or "greened in" by thick foliage. We'll also cover USGS topographical maps, including how to read contour lines, measuring distance on the map, and interpreting depictions of terrain features. You might be asking yourself "Why do I need to know all this stuff if I have a GPS?" And the answer is "While GPSes are great, they should supplement, and not replace good low-tech backup navigation skills based on the proper use of map and compass." Besides the course lectures, students will receive in the form of downloadable PDF files, two books I've written on land navigation. These books supplement the Udemy lectures. Total course completion time is about 8 hours. Those needing land navigation skills include: hikers, hunters, outdoor photographers military personnel orienteers. search and rescue personnel wilderness medical personnel anybody else who wants to learn"
Price: 19.99

"Learn Python: Python for Beginners" |
"Do you want to become a programmer?Do you want to be able to create games, work with files, manipulate data, and much more?If you want to learn programming or are learning Python for the first time, then you've come to the right place!Python is a powerful, modern programming language that has the capabilities required for experienced programmers, while being easy enough for beginners to learn. Python is a well-developed, stable, and fun programming language that is suitable for complex and simple development projects. Programmers love Python because of how simple and easy it is to use.This course has everything you need to get started with Python. We'll first start with the basics of Python - learning about strings, variables, and data types. Then, we'll move on to loops and conditionals. Once we're done with that, we'll learn about functions and files in Python. All of this will culminate towards building a fun game using the concepts we've learned in Python. The entire course is filled with exercises that challenge you so that you get the best experience possible.I hope you're excited to dive into Python with this course. So what are you waiting for? Let's get started!"
Price: 29.99

"Business to Business Selling Skills" |
"B2B Selling Skills is for two types of Salespeople - ones that are just starting their sales career and want to fast track their skill levels to a higher grade, and also for experienced sales professionals that want to further advance and improve their skills to operate at a more productive and profitable level. This course is specifically for Customer Facing Salespeople who are selling a product or a service that is a Considered Purchase i.e. the customer has a number of choices in the market place based on solution, price, delivery, quality, guarantee or function (they don't just rock up and buy the product without the salesperson being involved). The course will take about 3 hours to complete and includes 15 video presentations by Ken Fowler (in person, not talking over a PowerPoint presentation), accompanied by supporting documentation and worksheets. As you progress through the training you will complete five worksheets which will be used at the completion of the course to produce your personal B2B Selling Skills Sales Strategy. This is the 'Holy Grail' of selling tools and once you have done yours, you will wonder how you ever survived without it and YOU WILL USE IT FOR EVER. Plus, I'd like you to send it to me so I can review it and make sure you have squeezed the most out of the course to maximise the benefit from your investment. Let me say right from the outset that there is no trickery or gimmick or 'secret formula' to B2B Selling Skills. It is good fundamental common sense logic that is used all around the world and the foundation of sales success in every industry. Go on, get into it and see what you will learn. I bet you are dying to find out what THE KILLER QUESTION is. When you start using it you will suddenly find out why your customers are going to buy (or not going to buy) and this information will shock you! It is my wish to improve the selling skills of all salespeople with this course so that you can really enjoy your career in sales, take pride in being able to identify and satisfy your customers needs, and be able to make to make a profit out of it. Profit - It's not a dirty word. If you don't make a profit out of your sales then everyone loses because nothing happens until somebody sells something! Think about this for a moment - it will give you an insight into my PASSION for sales. No one designs anything, no one manufacturer's anything, no one ships anything, no one receipts anything, no one warehouses anything, no one counts anything, no one invoices anything, or analysis it, credits it, guarantees it or delivers it or gets paid for anything until somebody sells it. EVERYONE ELSE'S JOBS DEPEND ON YOU SELLING SOMETHING! It all starts with you. So I think that's a pretty good reason for you to do this course. (plus it's fun). What do you think?"
Price: 39.99

"Aprendendo a programar em Java" |
"Neste curso voc aprender o que realmente a programao orientada a objetos e os conceitos essenciais para voc desenvolver suas prprias aplicaes em Java.Este curso fortemente baseado no paradigma de programao orientada a objetos, possibilitando alavancar o seu aprendizado para outras linguagens orientadas a objetos alm do Java.Isto NO um tutorial com meros exemplos em Java. Este um verdadeiro curso de Java que ensina desde os conceitos bsicos da linguagem tais como, objetos e classes, at os tpicos mais avanados da linguagem tais como, threads e semforos. No se preocupe se voc no um expert em programao ou se voc no tem qualquer conhecimento em Java, pois este curso destina-se a TODOS os nveis de estudantes.Divirta-se programando!*Os cdigos Java dos projetos contidos neste curso esto disponveis para download, bem como, os slides apresentados."
Price: 74.99

"Padres de Projeto GoF (Design Patterns)" |
"Este curso apresentar a voc cada um dos 23 padres de projeto GoF (Gang of Four). Cada padro explicado e exemplificado utilizando diagramas de classes UML, exemplos em Java e aplicaes tpicas que iro lhe ajudar no aprendizado de uma maneira mais eficiente, estimulante e divertida. Padres de projeto no algo exclusivo da computao, os padres so comuns em vrias reas da engenharia. uma maneira testada e documentada de alcanar um objetivo qualquer. Os padres GoF, especificamente, so solues genricas para os problemas mais comuns e recorrentes no desenvolvimento de softwares orientado a objetos. Aprender padres de projeto ir lhe ajudar a identificar problemas comuns em engenharia de software e saber como resolv-los utilizando solues testadas e bem documentadas, consequentemente seu nvel em programao aumentar e voc passar a produzir softwares de melhor qualidade. Comece hoje mesmo pelos padres GoF, considerados por muitos como sendo os mais importantes e utilizados padres de projeto de software orientado a objetos! *Os cdigos Java e os diagramas de classes UML contidos neste curso esto disponveis para download, bem como, os slides apresentados."
Price: 49.99

"Padro MVC - explicado e aplicado" |
"Neste curso voc aprender de uma forma simples e rpida o padro MVC (Model-View-Controller) em apenas 30 minutos! Uma boa parte dos programadores ainda desenvolvem sistemas de softwares sem seguir quaisquer padres de projeto. Voc ver que o padro MVC diminui a complexidade no desenvolvimento de aplicaes atravs da separao de interesses, isolando a lgica de negcios da interface grfica com o usurio. Muitos frameworks de aplicao comerciais e no comerciais foram criados tendo como base esse modelo como, por exemplo, ASP.NET MVC, Apache Struts, Spring MVC, Cake PHP, entre outros. Portanto imprescindvel que voc entenda o padro MVC antes de comear a trabalhar com qualquer framework que siga este padro. Este curso rpido, prtico e objetivo. Comece hoje mesmo!"
Price: 19.99

"MVC pattern - explained and applied" |
"You will learn about the famous MVC design pattern which stands for Model-View-Controller. This pattern is widely used in software engineering and many people talk about it, but few people know how to use it properly. You will learn, in an easy way, the MVC pattern in just 1 hour !Many programmers still develop software systems without following any pattern or architecture. You will see that the MVC pattern isolates the business logic from the user interface, and makes it easier to manage complexity of application through the separation of concerns.Several commercial and non-commercial web application frameworks have been created that enforce this pattern, for example: ASP.NET MVC, Apache Struts, Spring MVC, Cake PHP, and many more. Therefore it is very important that you understand the MVC pattern before working with any framework that follows this architecture.This course was created to be fast, objective and easy to understand. It is not tiresome for students like most of the courses about design patterns. Get started to learn MVC design pattern today!All videos are in English;All videos contain English subtitles;All source code utilizedin this course isavailable to download."
Price: 19.99

"Interfaces Grficas com JavaFX" |
"Neste curso voc ir aprender a programar e construir interfaces grficas do usurio (GUI) em Java utilizando a mais nova e moderna API para construo de interfaces ricas chamada JavaFX.O desenvolvimento bastante verstil com JavaFX. Atravs do JavaFX possvel rodar a aplicao Java em uma grande variedade de dispositivos independentemente da plataforma (Windows, Linux, Mac OS). Inclusive voc poder construirinterfaces sensveisao movimento paraLeap Motion, como tambm, embarcar aplicaes JavaFX em dispositivos como Raspberry Pi e Arduino. O JavaFX visto como o sucessor do Swing na arena de interfaces grficas do Java. Embora muitas aplicaes Java ainda possuem interfaces grficas escritas usando componentes Swing, voc pode combinar JavaFX com Swing na mesma aplicao. O JavaFX representa o futuro no desenvolvimento de interfaces grficas do usurio em Java e ir dominar o mercado nos prximos anos. Comece hoje mesmo a aprender a construir sofisticas interfaces grficas multiplataforma utilizando JavaFX!"
Price: 49.99

"UML - Guia Bsico para Anlise e Projeto de Sistemas" |
"Neste curso voc aprender os fundamentos e a importncia da UML na elaborao de projetos de softwares, seja qual for a dimenso do sistema a ser construdo. Essencialmente, voc aprender a trabalhar com os principais diagramas UML, tais como diagrama de casos de uso, de classe, de sequncia, de atividades e muitos outros utilizando ferramentas case.Assim como para se construir uma casa ou um prdio de qualidade, essencial criar modelos das formas desejadas e realizar um planejamento detalhado, afim de estimar tempo, mo-de-obra, materiais e gastos. No desenvolvimento de softwares a mesma coisa, pois tambm se trata de uma questo que envolve pessoas, ferramentas, tempo, dinheiro e outras variveis. Por esses fatores, A UML largamente utilizada no mbito da engenharia de software, anlise de sistema e entre outras reas de TI para visualizar, especificar, construir e documentar projetos de softwares, fornecendo meios para auxiliar no levantamento dos requisitos que iro constituir um sistema, alm de recursos para a modelagem de estruturas que faro parte do mesmo. A UML uma linguagem padro de grande aceitao pelo mercado de trabalhado.Pode-se dizer que quase a totalidade das ofertas de emprego para analista / programador, arquiteto, engenheiro de software entre outras, imprescindvel conhecimentos em UML. Comece hoje mesmo a aprender UML e a conquistar o mercado de trabalho. Se voc j possui conhecimento ou trabalha com diagramas UML, ento esta uma boa oportunidade para voc fixar conceitos e melhorar suas habilidades."
Price: 74.99

"Game Development using Corona SDK in 2016 with ASO & Ads" |
"Overview Have you ever wanted to learn how to build a mobile game? Then this course is for you! Game Development with Corona SDK will skip past the boring 'Hello World' examples and you'll jump right into making a game that will be sure to make an impact in the app stores. You'll learn to make a game that pits Ninjas against Pirates in a time classic battle. This game features animated characters, an intuitive playing style, an upgrade system, and in-game currency. Once the game is built, you'll turn your focus on monetization. Generating revenue from your games is something that's overlooked in other courses and this course will make sure monetization is a main focus point. We'll look at paid options as well as in-app advertising options using Corona SDK. You'll learn how to: Develop a fun and interactive mobile game Learn the easy way to publish your game on multiple app stores - iTunes, Google Play, Amazon, and more! Explore ways to generate revenue from your games Learn where to find free game art Discover sources for free music Get briefed on ASO - app store optimization If you've ever wanted to build your own mobile game and you don't want another boring course on variables or loops, then this course is for you. Imagine the possibilities of being able to create your own games for customers around the world! What You'll Need This course takes advantage of Corona SDK. Corona SDK is a great platform to quickly bring your ideas to life and you'll need to have a basic understanding of Corona SDK along with the latest public build. This course will walk you through some of the basics and where to download Corona SDK, but your focus will be on topics that are beyond variables and your basic if-then statement."
Price: 19.99

"Intro to Mobile Game and App Development and Corona SDK 2015" |
"How many apps do you have on your mobile device? And out of those apps, how many are games? Chances are you've probably downloaded more than a few. After all, gaming is one of the most popular uses for mobile devices.According to App Annie Intelligence, games contributed around 80% of revenue and 40% of downloads generated globally on iOS and Google Play combined in December 2014." App AnnieIf you've always wanted to build and develop mobile games, there's no better time than now to learn and act on that dream. With mobile gaming [driving] nearly half of all app downloads" (App Annie), this is a field that is going to continue to grow.Think it's an expensive investment? Not at all it's now possible to start your game development career without breaking the bank, thanks to a recent update from Corona Labs.With the release of Corona SDK Starter a free tier that allows you to download and use Corona for free, as well as publish your game to Google Play, iTunes, the Amazon App Store, and more it has never been easier or cheaper to start building mobile games for millions of players worldwide. With Intro to Mobile Game and App Development and Corona SDK 2015, you'll learn about the Lua language, programming concepts, Corona basics, and game development. Here's what you will learn in this course: The Programming Language Lua Build a solid understanding and foundation of the Lua programming language. Corona Basics Here, you will discover some of the foundational pieces that make up Corona SDK, such as display objects, events, widgets, physics, and composer. Put Your Knowledge to Work Learn By Doing. In this section of the course, you'll build a game called Bob the Catcher to help jump-start your game development career. Building More This segment will cover how to create a 2D space shooter game filled with spaceships, lasers, and UFOs. This online game development course is recommended for individuals who are just starting out in game development, but it can be just as useful for those who have already started their careers. From beginners to the slightly more advanced, every student will find something useful to take away from this course. Some of the topics covered in this course are: Variables, Operators, and TablesFor and While Loops If/Then Statements Functions Display Objects Event Listeners and Physics Widgets Composer Scene Management This course uses the latest public build of Corona SDK, graphics 2.0, and the official scene management tool by Corona Composer. Learn how to build games faster and better with Corona SDK and advance your game development career!"
Price: 19.99

"The Complete Corona SDK Mobile Ads Course in 2016" |
"With mobile advertising booming, its in every developers best interest to know how to monetize their apps with effective in-app advertising. This course is for you if youd like to learn about the ad networks that will work within your Corona SDK app, and how to get the most out of them. mobile in-app advertising revenue is set to grow, expanding over three times and overtaking PC and mobile web advertising by 2018. - Business of Apps, from the App Annie & IDC Mobile App Advertising and Monetization Trends 2013-2018 report The App Annie & IDC report also found that in 2013-2014, banners and interstitial (full screen) ads were among the most popular choices. Video ads, although used less frequently, have a high engagement rate and generate a lot of revenue. If you arent integrating advertising into your apps, youre missing out on a great opportunity to increase profitability. In this course, youll learn about the types of mobile advertising, and how to effectively incorporate ad networks like AdMob and Vungle within your app. To kick things off, youll learn about the game template that was created specifically for this course. This game is called Bug Squash and pits the player against an oncoming onslaught of bugs. During the players time in the game, they can watch an ad for 15 coins and even purchase some upgrades using the currency in the game. Next, Ill give you a rundown on the different types of advertising options available with Corona SDK and a bit more about understanding the industry. Throughout the course, youll also learn some best practices for implementing advertising options in your game. This course is built with and for Corona SDK and focuses on mobile advertising. So if youre ready to learn how to monetize your Corona built game, get started and enroll today! * This course will not focus on in-app purchases or go into depth on how to develop a game with Corona SDK."
Price: 19.99

"Landing Page: Optimization to convertion" |
"Optimize your Landing Page and increase Covertions up to 100%! Guaranteed! The only Landing page optimisation course that info about the service that lets you Watch What Users is Doing on Your Page - great tool to analyse webpage and optimize landing page convertions + it has many cases, tests, facts, A/B testing info and so on! Novadays, Landing pages are nice and important, so people started to create them...and mostly didn't succeed. Why? Because it's not enought to only insert some sign up form or something else to make your page more landing - it's a little more complicated, but i will explain to you what to do by easy words! With this course, you will optimize your Landing page to become the best! Learn about landing page optimisation things you don't know Many useful information, like elements positioning, colours usage, examples, testing information and so on! No useless talking - straight info how to be the best. Many cases explained, including best and worst pages. Little Google analytics guide - learn to analyse your Landing Page metrics in seconds! You will reimagine your landing page's knowledge - i will show you many cases and what features do landing page the best. Landing page optimization course includes tests, my little e-books and more!"
Price: 19.99

"Flamenco Guitar" |
"In this course, you will learn all the important and defining flamenco techniques as well as a detailed method with which to practice and refine these techniques.Flamenco can be broken down into structural components that make understanding and performing Flamenco relatively easy. In this course, you will receive important insights and tips to help understand Flamenco as well as play flamenco guitar as a soloist and accompanist.6 complete pieces are taken apart and learned step by step in the form of in-depth video tutorials.Included in the course is rhythmic flamenco metronome to hone your flamenco rhythms as well as all the notes in standard and tablature notation.Flamenco is not just complicated guitar compositions and superhuman voicings its a rich tradition that can be enjoyed on many levels and in many scenarios. This course is your gateway to a whole new world and way to enjoy making music and interacting with your guitar!"
Price: 34.99

"Advanced Algorithms (Graph Algorithms) in Java" |
"This course is about advanced algorithms (graph algorithms) focusing on graph traversal, shortest path problems, spanning trees and maximum flow problems and a lots of its applications from Google Web Crawler to taking advantage of stock market arbitrage situations. Section 1:the basic graph traversal algorithmbreadth-first search algorithmdepth-first search algorithmSection 2:shortest path algorithmsDijkstra's algorithmBellman-Ford algorithmSection 3:what are spanning treesunion find data structuresKruskal's algorithmPrim's algorithmSection 4:what are strongly connected componentsKosaraju algorithmTarjan algorithmSection 5:the famous maximum flow problemhow to reduce most of the hard problems to maximum flow problemFord-Fulkerson algorithmbipartite matching problemSection 6:travelling salesman problem (TSP)how to deal with NP-hard problemsusing meta-heuristics: tabu search and simulated annealingSection 7:eulerian paths and eulerian cyclesHierholzer algorithm and the Chinese Postman ProblemThe course is going to take approximately 10 hours to completely but I highly suggest you typing these algorithms out several times in order to get a good grasp of it. You can download the source code of the whole course at the last lecture. You should definitely take this course if you are interested in advanced topics concerning algorithms. There are a bunch of fields where these methods can be used: from software engineering to scientific research.Thanks for joining the course, let's get started!"
Price: 199.99

"Data Structures in Java - Part I (+INTERVIEW QUESTIONS)" |
"This course is about data structures and algorithms. We are going to implement the problems in Java. The course takes approximately 14 hours to complete. It is highly recommended to type out these data structures several times on your own in order to get a good grasp of it. Section 1:data structures and abstract data typeswhat are arrays and linked listsarrays and linked list related interview questionsSection 2:what are stacks and queuesheap memory and stack memorySection 3:tree data structuresbinary search trees balanced search trees:AVLtrees and red-black treessplay trees (cache)B-trees and their applications in memoryheapsSection 4:what are hashing and hashtables (hashmaps)what are hash-functionshow to achieve O(1) running time complexitySection 5 (BONUS):what is LRU cacheLRU cache implementationSection 6 (BONUS):Fenwick trees (binary indexed trees)binary indexed tree implementation In each chapter you will learn about the theoretical background of each algorithm or data structure, then we are going to write the code on astep by step basisin Eclipse, Java.Most of the advanced algorithms relies heavily on these topics so it is definitely worth understanding the basics. These principles can be used in several fields: in investment banking, artificial intelligence or electronic trading algorithms on the stock market.Thanks for joining the course, let's get started!"
Price: 199.99

"Algorithms and Data Structures in Python" |
"This course is about data structures and algorithms. We are going to implement the problems in Python.I highly recommend typing out these data structures and algorithms several times on your own in order to get a good grasp of it.Section 1:setting up the environmentdata structures and abstract data typesSection 2:what is an array data structurearrays related interview questionslinked list data structure and its implementationSection 3:stacks and queuesrelated interview questionsSection 4:what are binary search treespractical applications of binary search treesSection 5:problems with binary treesbalanced trees: AVL trees and red-black treesSection 6:what are heapsheapsort algorithmSection 7:associative arrays and dictionarieshow to achieve O(1) constant running time with hashingternary search trees as associative arraysSection 8:basic graph algorithmsbreadth-first and depth-first searchSection 9:shortest path algorithmsDijkstra's algroithmBellman-Ford algorithmSection 10:what are spanning treesKruskal algorithmSection 11:sorting algorithmsbubble sort, selection sort and insertion sortquicksort and merge sortnon-comparison based sorting algorithmscounting sort and radix sortIn the first part of the course we are going to learn about basic data structures such as linked lists, stacks, queues, binary search trees,heaps and some advanced ones such as AVL trees and red-black trees.. The second part will be about graph algorithms such as spanning trees, shortest path algorithms and graph traversing. We will try to optimize each data structure as much as possible.In each chapter I am going to talk about the theoretical background of each algorithm or data structure, then we are going to write the code step by step inPython.Most of the advanced algorithms relies heavily on these topics so it is definitely worth understanding the basics. These principles can be used in several fields: in investment banking, artificial intelligence or electronic trading algorithms on the stock market. Research institutes use Python as a programming language in the main: there are a lot of library available for the public from machine learning to complex networks.Thanks for joining the course, let's get started!"
Price: 199.99

"Basics of Software Architecture & Design Patterns in Java" |
"This course is about software architecture and design patterns. We will talk about two man topics: SOLID principles and design patterns. We are going to implement the problems in Java, but the theoretical background is language-independent. I highly recommend typing out the implementations several times on your own in order to get a good grasp of it.Section 1:what are SOLID principlessingle responsibility principleopen closed principleLiskov's substitution principleinterface segregation principledependency inversion principleSection 2:what are behavioral design patternsstrategy patternobserver patterncommand patterniterator patterntemplate pattern and null object patternvisitor patternSection 3:what are creational design patternsingleton patternfactory patternbuilder pattern Section 4:what is structural design patterndecorator patternfacade patternadapter patternSection 5:the model-view-controller (MVC) modelapplication in Java with MVCIn the first part of the course we are going to learn about the SOLID principles. We are going to talk about the theory as well as the implementations.The second part of the course is about design patterns. We should have a deep understanding of these patterns in order to be able to write reusable software components. These techniques are becoming more and more important as applications are getting more and more complex, so - in my opinion - these topics are good to know.Thank for joining the course, let's get started!"
Price: 34.99

"Artificial Intelligence I: Basics and Games in Java" |
"This course is about the fundamental concepts of artificial intelligence. This topic is getting very hot nowadays because these learning algorithms can be used in several fields from software engineering to investment banking. Learning algorithms can recognize patterns which can help detecting cancer for example. We may construct algorithms that can have a very good guess about stock price movement in the market. Section 1:path findinf algorithmsgraph traversal (BFS and DFS)enhanced search algorihtms A* search algorithmSection 2:basic optimization algorithmsbrute-force searchstochastic search and hill climbing algorithmSection 3:heuristics and meta-heuristicstabu searchsimulated annealinggenetic algorithmsparticle swarm optimizationSection 4:minimax algorithmgame treesapplications of game trees in chessTic Tac Toe game and its implementationIn the first chapter we are going to talk about the basic graph algorithms. Several advanced algorithms can be solved with the help of graphs, so as far as I am concerned these algorithms are the first steps.Second chapter is about local search: finding minimum and maximum or global optimum in the main. These searches are used frequently when we use regression for example and want to find the parameters for the fit. We will consider basic concepts as well as the more advanced algorithms: heuristics and meta-heuristics.The last topic will be about minimax algorithm and how to use this technique in games such as chess or tic-tac-toe, how to build and construct a game tree, how to analyze these kinds of tree like structures and so on. We will implement the tic-tac-toe game together in the end.Thanks for joining the course, let's get started!"
Price: 199.99

"Introduction to Collections & Generics in Java" |
"Learn the basic concepts and functions that you will need to build fully functional programs with the popular programming language, Java.This course is about generics in the main. You will lern the basics of generic types, generic methods, type parameters and the theoretical background concerning these topics. This is a fundamental part of Java so it is definitly worth learning.Section 1:basic genericsbounded type parameterstype inferencewildcardstype erasureSection 2:collections in Javabasic data structuresarrays and listsstacks and queuessets and mapsSection 3:what is reflection in Javawhy is reflection usefulLearning the fundamentals of Java is a good choice and puts a powerful and tool at your fingertips. Java is easy to learn as well as it has excellent documentation, and is the base for all object-oriented programming languages.Jobs in Java development are plentiful, and being able to learn Java will give you a strong background to pick up other object-oriented languages such as C++, or C# more easily."
Price: 34.99

"Introduction to SQL and MySQL" |
"Learn the basic concepts and functions that you will need to make queries with the most popular data manipulating programming language, SQL. This course is about SQL commands in the main. You will learn the basics of queries. This is a fundamental part of databases so it is definitly worth learning.Section 1:setting up the environmentinstalling MySQL relational databases theorySection 2:SQL and MySQL basicscreating databases and database tablesupdating tablesdropping tablesSection 3:basic SQL and MySQLcommandsselect, where and wildcardsORDERBY and GROUP BYcommandsSection 4:joining multiple database tablesSection 5:advanced SQL and MySQLsubqueriestransactions (ACIDprinciples)viewsindexes and constraintsLearning the fundamentals of SQL is a good choice and puts a powerful tool at your fingertips. SQL is easy to learn as well as it has excellent documentations. The most important fact about SQL that it is used in almost every speciality from software engineering to financial analysis, so understanding the concepts and basic language features can prove to be very marketable.Thanks for joining the course, let's get started!"
Price: 19.99

"Introduction to Machine Learning in R" |
"This course is about the fundamental concepts of machine learning, facusing on neural networks. This topic is getting very hot nowadays because these learning algorithms can be used in several fields from software engineering to investment banking. Learning algorithms can recognize patterns which can help detect cancer for example. We may construct algorithms that can have a very good guess about stock prices movement in the market.Section 1:R basicsdata visualizationmachine learning basicsSection 2:linear regression and implementationSection 3:logistic regression and implementationSection 4:k-nearest neighbor classifier and implementationSection 5:naive bayes classifier and implementationsupport vector machines (SVMs)Section 6:tree based approachesdecision treesrandom forest classifierSection 7:clustering algorithms k means clustering and hierarchical clusteringboostingSection 8:neural networks in Rfeedforward neural networks and its applicationscredit scoring with neural networksThanks for joining the course, let's get started!"
Price: 199.99

"[2020] Machine Learning and Deep Learning Bootcamp in Python" |
"This course is about the fundamental concepts of machine learning, focusing on regression, SVM, decision trees and neural networks. These topics are getting very hot nowadays because these learning algorithms can be used in several fields from software engineering to investment banking. Learning algorithms can recognize patterns which can help detect cancer for example or we may construct algorithms that can have a very good guess about stock prices movement in the market. In each section we will talk about the theoretical background for all of these algorithms then we are going to implement these problems together. We will use Python with SkLearn, Keras and TensorFlow.Machine Learning Algorithms: machine learning approaches are becoming more and more important even in 2020. In this course, you can learn about:linear regression modellogistic regression modelk nearest neighbour classifiernaive Bayes classifiersupport vector machines (SVMs)random forest classifierboosting algorithmprinciple components analysis (PCA)Machine Learning approaches in finance: how to use learning algorithms to predict stock pricesComputer Vision and Face Detection with OpenCVNeural Networks: what are feed-forward neural networks and why are they usefulDeep Learning: feedforward neural networks and deep neural networks are the state-of-the-art approaches in artificial intelligence in 2020. So what are the topics you will learn in this course?deep neural networksconvolutional neural networks (CNNs)recurrent neural networks (RNNs)Recurrent Neural Networks and Convolutional Neural Networks and their applications such as sentiment analysis or stock prices forecastReinforcement Learning: Markov Decision processes (MDPs) and Q-learningTic Tac Toe game with Q learning approach and the deep Q learning approachThanks for joining the course, let's get started!"
Price: 199.99

"Face Detection in Java" |
"This course is about the fundamental concept of image recognition, focusing on face detection. These topic is getting very hot nowadays because these learning algorithms can be used in several fields from software engineering to crime investigation. IMPORTANT:face detection and face recognition are different problems (!!!)Section 1:computer vision theoryViola-Jones algorithmHaar-featuresboosting in computer visioncascading (cascade classifier)Section 2:face detection applicationdetecting faces on imagesSection 3:webcam applicationdetecting faces in videosWe will talk about the theoretical background for face recognition algorithm then we are going to implement these problems together.The first chapter is about static face detection: at the end of the chapter we will be able to construct applications capable of detecting faces on static images or pictures. In the second chapter we will consider a real-time problem: how to be able to detect faces in real-time, for example on webcamera videos. Thanks for joining the course, let's get started!"
Price: 199.99

"Algorithmic Problems in Java (+INTERVIEW QUESTIONS)" |
"This course is about the fundamental concepts of algorithmic problems, focusing on backtracking and dynamic programming. As far as I am concerned these techniques are very important nowadays, algorithms can be used (and have several applications) in several fields from software engineering to investment banking or R& D.Section 1:what are recursion and recursive methodslinear and binary searchtower of Hanoi problemSection 2:what are selection algorithmsquickselect algorithmthe secretary problemSection 3:what is backtrackingn-queens problem and Hamiltonian cycle problemknight's tour problemSudoku gameSection 4:what is dynamic programmingknapsack problemcoin change problem and rod cutting problemSection 5:bin packing problemclosest pair of points problemSection 6:top interview questions (Google, Facebook and Amazon)The first chapter is about backtracking: we will talk about problems such as n-queens problem or hamiltonian cycles,coloring problem andSudoku problem. In the second chapter we will talk about dynamic programming, theory then the concrete examples one by one: fibonacci sequence problem and knapsack problem.In each section we will talk about the theoretical background for all of these algorithms then we are going to implement these problems together from scratch in Java.FINALLYYOUCANLEARNABOUTTHEMOSTCOMMONINTERVIEWQUESTIONS (Google, MicroSoft, EPAM etc.)Thanks for joining the course, let's get started!"
Price: 199.99

"Algorithmic Problems in Python" |
"This course is about the fundamental concepts of algorithmic problems, focusing on recursion, backtracking and dynamic programming. As far as I am concerned these techniques are very important nowadays, algorithms can be used (and have several applications) in several fields from software engineering to investment banking or R&D.Section 1:what is recursionstack memory and recursionfactorial numbers problemFibonacci numberstowers of Hanoi problemrecursion vs iterationSection 2:what is backtrackingn-queens problemHamiltonian cycle problemknight's tour problemcoloring problemNP-complete problemsSection 3:what is dynamic programmingFibonacci numbersknapsack problemcoin change problemrod cutting problemIn each section we will talk about the theoretical background for all of these algorithms then we are going to implement these problems one by one.The first chapter is about recursion. Why is it crucial to know about recursion as a computer scientist? Why stack memory is crucial in recursion? We will consider several recursion related problems such as factorial problem or Fibonacci numbers. The second chapter is about backtracking: we will talk about problems such as n-queens problem or hamiltonian cycles and coloring problem. In the last chapter we will talk about dynamic programming, theory first then the concrete examples one by one: Fibonacci sequence problem and knapsack problem.Thanks for joining the course, let's get started!"
Price: 199.99
