"Artificial Intelligence II - Hands-On Neural Networks (Java)" |
"This course is about artificial neural networks. Artificial intelligence and machine learning are getting more and more popular nowadays. In the beginning, other techniques such as Support Vector Machines outperformed neural networks, but in the 21th century neural networks again gain popularity. In spite of the slow training procedure, neural networks can be very powerful. Applications ranges from regression problems to optical character recognition and face detection. Section 1:what are neural networksmodeling the human brainthe big pictureSection 2:Hopfield neural networkshow to construct an autoassociative memory with neural networksSection 3:what is back-propagationfeedforward neural networksoptimizing the cost functionerror calculationbackpropagation and gradient descentSection 4:the single perceptron modelsolving linear classification problemslogical operators (AND and XOR operation)Section 5:applications of neural networksclusteringclassification (Iris-dataset)optical character recognition (OCR)smile-detector application from scratchIn the first part of the course you will learn about the theoretical background of neural networks, later you will learn how to implement them. If you are keen on learning methods, let's get started!"
Price: 199.99

"Algorithms and Data Structures in Java - Part II" |
"This course is about data structures and algorithms. We are going to implement the problems in Java, but I try to do it as generic as possible: so the core of the algorithms can be used in C++ or Python. The course takes approximately 7hours to complete. I highly recommend typing out these data structures several times on your own in order to get a good grasp of it.Section 1:what are prefix trees (tries)basics operations: insertion, sorting and autocompletelongest common prefix problemprefix trees applications in networkingSection 2:what are ternary search treesbasic operations: insertion and retrievalSection 3:substring search algorithmsbrute-force substring searchBoyer-Moore substring searchRabin-Karp algorithmSection 4:strings in programmingprefixes and suffixeslongest common prefix and longest repeated substring problemSection 5:basic sorting algorithmsbubble sort and selection sortinsertion sort and shell sortquicksort and merge sortSection 6:what is data compressionrun length encodingHuffman-encodingLZW compression and decompressionFirst, we are going to discuss prefix trees: modern search engines for example use these data structures quite often. When you make a google search there is an autocomplete feature because ofthe underlying trie data structure. It is also good for sorting: hashtables do not support sort operation but on the other hand, tries do support.Substring search is another important field of computer science.You will learn about Boyer-Moore algorithm and we will discuss brute-force approach as well as Raabin-Karp method.The next chapter is about sorting. How to sort an array of integers, doubles, strings or custom objects? We can do it with bubble sort, insertion sort, mergesort or quicksort. You will learn a lot about the theory as well as the concrete implementation of these important algorithms.The last lectures are about data compression: run-length encoding, Huffman encoding and LZW compression.Thanks for joining the course, let's get started!"
Price: 199.99

"Java SE Desktop Application with Swing, JPA and Maven" |
"When I started software engineering, I always wanted to code without any configurations, version control or build server configurations.Later, I realized that coding is just one part of software engineering: architectural designs, design patterns and the ability to write reusable and looselycoupled software components are much more important parts of programming. At the beginning it was quite hard for me to comprehend the role of these technologies,now I know for ceratain that they are very important as well as useful and can be used ondaily basis. So in this course I would like to showyou how to separate modules with the help of maven as well as to use the Java Persistence API for database related operations. We will cover Maven in the first section. Then we will consider JPA as a framework. We will learn how to create fancy user interfaces with the Swing framework. At the last section of the course we willwire everything together.Section 1:setting up the environmentinstalling Java, Eclipse, Maven and MySQLSection 2:what is Mavenbuild lifecycles and phasesPOM filesSection 3:what is Java Persistence API (JPA)object relation mapping with JPAbasic CRUD operations with EntityManagerusing HibernateSection 4:developing a desktop application from scratchusing Mavenusing Swing framework for GUIusing JPA and MySQLThanks for joining the course, let's get started!"
Price: 19.99

"Java EE with Vaadin, Spring Boot and Maven" |
"Hi!In this course we are going to talk about the basics of professional software engineering such as how to seperate the code into multiple modules or how to use a build framework to build the final application for us.Before developing the final application from scratch - that wire all the included technologies together -we will consider these technologies on a one by one basis.In the first section we are going to consider Maven, one of the most popular build frameworks out there. The second chapter is about Java Persistence API and database related problems. The third chapter will cover Spring as far as the XML based configuration is concerned, then we will talk about the new way: the so-called Spring Boot. Finally, we are going to implement an application in which we are going to use all the technologies we have discussed.Hope you will like it!"
Price: 199.99

"Thriving After Divorce: From Victim to Victor" |
"Are you feeling beaten down by your divorce? Do you feel like you've been through a battle and lost yourself in the process? Are you tired of feeling drained and defeated?Are you ready to reclaim your life and get your happy back?This course is organized into twelves chapters, each focusing on a particular effect of divorce on your well-being. Within each chapter, there are two videos of inspiration and motivation, a call to action with a multitude of specific and easy-to-implement ideas and seven life-changing journal prompts. You can move through the course in order or you can focus on the areas that are most important to you. Every ending contains the seed of a new beginning. I'll help you learn how to let it grow."
Price: 24.99

"Oracle Database 12c Lenguaje de programacin PL/SQL" |
"Trabajas con Oracle y necesitas ms funcionalidades que las que ofrece SQL? Geamind te presenta el curso Lenguaje de programacin PL/SQL con Oracle 12c. Aprende a programar con este lenguaje creado por Oracle como una extensin de SQL. Este lenguaje se caracteriza por aportar nuevas caractersticas: el manejo de variables, estructuras modulares, estructuras de control de flujo y toma de decisiones y control de excepciones. El curso comienza con una introduccin a PL/SQL, contina con la programacin de estructuras de control, el manejo de cursores, la gestin de errores, procedimientos, funciones y el manejo de registros y colecciones, entre otros. La formacin finaliza con funcionalidades avanzadas de PL/SQL como cursores variables y SQL dinmico. Qu objetivos tiene esta formacin? El objetivo esencial del curso es aprender a programar en el lenguaje de programacin PL/SQL para construir aplicaciones. Esta formacin es para m? El curso va dirigido a desarrolladores en entornos Oracle que necesiten funcionalidades superiores a las que aporta SQL. Qu distingue a este curso sobre los dems? Tu instructor es ingeniero informtico, con distintas certificaciones en Oracle. Adems, pertenecemos a la red de Oracle Partners. Con todo ello, la calidad en la formacin est asegurada."
Price: 19.99

"Learn SAP ABAP by Doing" |
"In this course we will learn SAP ABAP, one of the world's most popular programming languages . We will not learn by using common way . In common way learning process, we learn the theory first and then based on the theory we have learned we create a program , so sometimes we get bored with the theory . We will not use that way , but we will learn by creating programs immediately and then the theories are inserted while we are creating the program , for the purpose of not getting bored and of course for enjoying the learning process.This course contains several sessions , and every session contains several chapters ,and in every chapter we will create one SAP ABAP program .At the end of every session there will be a quiz for checking your understanding about the current session ."
Price: 94.99

"Learn How to Produce Online Explainer Videos That Convert" |
"You don't need to spend $10K in order to have a professional video produced. Learn to make one yourself the easy way! Everything You Need To Know About Creating Killer Explainer Videos Youve likely already heard that explainer videos can boost conversions anywhere between ten and ten bazillion percent. Youre probably even toying with the idea of doing one for your company. The question is Can you make it any good? I teach you how to use my EXACT system to create a professional storyboard explainer video in 1 day. I use this system to create professional promotion videos I change a minimum of $500 per video.. Simpler videos can cost over $5000 to create. Ill walk you the my exact formula to create explainer video for yourself or your clients. If youre a B2B company, youll be happy to know a Forbes study titled Video in the C-Suite revealed that 59% of C-Suite executives would prefer to watch video over reading text if both are presented on a page. The same study showed that 39% of executives called a vendor after seeing an online video. On the eCommerce side, a 2012 report by invodo showed that over half of eCommerce buyers report feeling more confident in a purchase decision after watching a product video, and high quality videos can increase cart sizes by an impressive 174% According to this research by iStockPhoto, overall online video consumption has risen by 800% in the last 5 years, doesnt appear to be slowing down any time soon. In This video youll learn: How to Select A Style That Best Communicates Your Brand & Offer How to Nail The Script and write your own storyboard How to use online services at your finger tips to promote your video"
Price: 49.99

"Create a Internet Marketing Sales Funnel in ONLY 1 Day" |
"How To Create A Sales Funnel Internet Marketing Website In 1 Day Follow My Exact System, Use My High Converting Templates & Cheatsheet Blueprint You Will Learn: 1. How to set-up a nicely designed sales funnel site so you will save thousands of $$$ on hiring a designer. 2. How to add high converting functionality to your website so you will save even more $$$ on not having to hire a developer. 3. How to quickly and easily update and manage your own website without having to hire someone to do it for you. 4. How you can start earning money tomorrow by setting up websites for others. And lots more! Have you ever wanted to create your own website but don't know how to code? Good news, you're in the right place! This course is designed to walk you step-by-step through setting up your own website without any experience or coding required. Specific action steps are included to walk you through setting up your website so by the end of this course you will have launched your very own internet marketing sales funnel website! As an internet marketer and web designer for over 15 years, I'm here to help you get your website online. I'm here to show you exactly how everything works, and show you my exact tricks I use to build websites like this daily for clients. No fancy terminology or complex methods used here. Just exactly what you need to know to set-up a fully functioning internet marketing sales funnel website."
Price: 49.99

"Physics 1 (Algebra Based)" |
"Would you like to master Physics? If so, this is the perfect course to achieve that goal! With over 30 lessons, 4 hours of lectures, and hundreds of worked out problems you will come away from this course with the ability to solve any type of physics problem that would be presented in a first semester physics course. This course is designed for high school students enrolled in Honors Physics 1 and college students taking a 1st semester, algebra based College Physics. If you are having trouble with problem solving and finding solutions, or if your difficulties are in understanding your professor, this course will help you overcome these obstacles. It will also help students prepare for future AP Physics or University Physics classes. And for those of you who just want to learn physics to satisfy your own curiosity, you will find this course invaluable. As your instructor I am pleased to say that I have15 years of experience teaching physics and am enthusiastic about working with new students. I will give you timely answers to all of your questions and am very appreciative of feedback. If there is ever an example problem that you would like to see solved, I will be happy to add the solution as a supplement to lessons that are already provided."
Price: 34.99

"Microsoft Excel - Excel for beginners" |
"Do you hide when someone mentions Microsoft Excel, or do you pretend to know more about them than you do, hoping you won't get caught out. Worry no more, this Microsoft Excel 2013for beginners course, designed for all levels of learner, is taught from the bottom up and is focused on the most important parts of Microsoft Excel that you will need to enable you to work in a busy office, dealing with spreadsheets or even just to make your home budget work better for you. At the end of the course you will be a competent Microsoft Excel 2013 user that will be an addition to any office. Practice material is supplied for you to practice the skills that are being shown so that you can get the best from this course.This Microsoft Excel for Beginners course will start of at the Basics like creating spreadsheets and work right up to the slightly more advanced features like if statements. This Microsoft Excel for beginners course is taught using simple descriptions so anyone starting spreadsheets for the first time will be able to understand the terms that are used.Sample exercises are provided so that you can practice the things that we learn in the lectures. If you want to go from being a Microsoft Excel Beginner to an advanced user, this is the first step."
Price: 19.99

"Microsoft Excel for Mac - Office 365 on Mac OS" |
"Microsoft Excel is one of the most popular computer applications in offices over the last 20 years. For years people have struggled with compatibility issues between Microsoft and Apple Mac OS. This is slowly changing, Microsoft Office 365 has brought the two operating systems closer, its now easier than ever to collaborate with other users, its easier than ever to create a file on a Window PC and edit it on your favourite MacBook.Do you hide when someone mentions Microsoft Excel, or do you pretend to know more about it than you actually do. This course is designed from the bottom up, focusing on the most important elements of Microsoft Excel to give you the skills and confidence to perform everyday spreadsheet tasks in the average office.Have you used Excel before and now have moved over to AppleMac OS, we will look at the main differences in the two versions and also show some useful tips so that you can become a competent Microsoft Excel user"
Price: 39.99

"iMovie iOS for iPad & iPhone" |
"This course is based on iMovie for iPad and iPhone. iMovie is a film editing application by Apple which can be installed for free on all new iPhoneand iPad, older models of iPhone and iPad may have to pay to install this app.iMovie can be used to add that little bit of extra spice to your home movies. You can add transitions so that two home movies can be made to look like one. Adding Background music can make a plain video clip into something special.You can create trailers from the predefined templates that apple have created, to have some fun with family and friends while creating something that has a Hollywood style to it.Simple terms are used so that users of all levels will be able to understand. I have provided sample videos that can be used to practice so that you can get the most out of the course. You can use the sample videos as a basis to learn the practical elements of the iMovie app. Once you have mastered the app, you can then try the same procedures using your own videos.I have taken the most important parts of the iMovie app and condensed it into an hour long course, you will have lifetime access to the course so you will be able to watch the video lectures over and over.Use this course as a way to improve the home movies on your iOSdevice, but most of all, use this course so you can have some fun and get the most out of your iPhone or iPad."
Price: 19.99

"Microsoft Word. From beginners to advance." |
"This Microsoft Word for beginners course has been designed from the ground up taking the average office into account. Microsoft Word, along with Microsoft Excel is the most popular office productivity application used in offices. In this Microsoft Word for beginners course, I will take you through each section of the carefully designed syllabus so that you are proficient in every area of Microsoft Word that you will need to work in the average busy office. If you are a beginner starting to use Microsoft Word for the first time or if you have used previous versions of Microsoft Word (2003, 2007 or 2010) this course will give you the confidence you need to take on any word processing task. We look at the simple things and the slightly more advanced, everything from document creation to mail merge, you will have the tools required to keep you at the top of your game. Each tutorial starts off from the very beginning, assuming you have no prior knowledge but still going at a pace that will keep you engaged for the entire course."
Price: 39.99

"iMovie - Video editing for beginners on Mac OS." |
"This iMovie course has everything you need to bring to from a beginner to advanced level in video editing.Have you ever wanted to create the type of videos you see on Facebook or YouTube?Have you been at at birthday party and seen a movie with pictures and music and wondered how it is done? Have you got a new shiny Macbook and have no idea how to use or get the most out of it?If you answered yes to any of the above questions then this course is for you. This Course is a complete guide to iMovie. In the course we will look at everything from the basics of iMovie to the more advanced video editing options so that you can take your videos and make something that you are proud of when you watch it back in years to come. The iMovie course is explained in simple terms that the non video editor will be able to understand, this course is your gateway into video editing so you are not expected to know all the terms before you start.In the iMovie course you will learnThe Layout of the iMovie applicationCreate events so that you can keep all your videos organised.How to import content (videos, images and audio) into iMovie.Select and use video clips in the timeline during the video editing process. Fine tune and edit the clips.Export the finished video at the end. The course will be completed in under two hours and you will have all the tools you need to make your home movie to impress your family and friends. The course is laid out in an easy to follow manner, starting with an overview of the iMovie application, then starting to import video clips, either taken by you or the sample ones that I provide. We get into adding videos into our project and editing them so that we can create the movie that we want. This course is for anyone who has an interest in creating home movies that they can show their family and friends. It can also be used by someone who would like to make a promotional video for their business or even to create your Udemy course"
Price: 199.99

"From Drawing to Illustration" |
"Illustration is the first step to bringing the imagination to life, and in addition to being a cultural tradition it is also a useful tool for all professions.If you have ever dreamed of being an artist, a professional illustrator or even just creating some great drawings to share with your friends - this course is for you. This course starts at the very basics of drawing characters from the imagination and drawing scenes and then moves into the more advanced techniques of creating finished illustrations which will capture your audiences attention and help bring your imagination into the world. Non-artists who are art enthusiasts may also enjoy this course if you like "behind the scenes" type of videos, as these lessons will cover all basic techniques required to make professional illustrations. Packed with hours of video lessons this course will help you to understand the fundamental knowledge required to draw engaging illustrations whether it be with pencil and paper or with a digital tablet. It is assumed that the student actually enjoys drawing but not required to have any drawing experience at all, as all necessary drawing techniques will be covered. If you are already an experienced artist you might like the well organized content with entertaining commentary and advanced tips and tricks."
Price: 49.99

"Learn GIMP" |
"This course will enable you to work with GIMP imaging software fluidly and create any image that comes to your imagination, as well as giving you the ability to touch up and enhance photos like a professional. Digital drawing, painting, and photography can all be achieved with GIMP.The fundamental imaging skills taught in this course are also universal concepts used throughout all imaging softwares such as Photoshop, Illustrator, and Corel - in such that they all have Layers, Tools, Brushes, and Plug-ins, Scripts, or Macros. Thus if you are a beginner to imaging softwares then you will be gaining competency in "all" softwares by starting with this one GIMP course.The course takes you through download and installation of the software, environment configuration, all commonly used tools, the menu system, making and installing scripts and plug-ins, and a wide array of tips and tricks for photo manipulation, illustration, and graphic design. This "Learn GIMP" course is structured so that it can be watched from beginning to end to train a complete novice from the bottom up, but it is also broken down into discrete lessons so that you can focus on the lessons which you have interest in, and easily return for review on your chosen topic of interest."
Price: 49.99

"Fun with Photos in GIMP" |
"Photo Manipulation is an art form which enables us to take existing photos or images and collage them together to make beautiful new imagery. This course will walk you through the best practices for creating realistic and eye catching images using the free and open source software GIMP. The course's focus is not to teach you the software, but to give you the best artistic practices to making more realistic and beautiful images through Photo Manipulation, however better usage of GIMP can also be learned along the way. We will cover how to use your eye to select the best images, manipulated images to work together in the scene better, and overall composition practices. We will also cover lighting and shading techniques, adding depth to the scene, drawing onto the image, and many tips and tricks along the way to improve the overall balance and beauty of your art.The course is broken down into short and easy to follow demonstrational lessons with entertaining and informational dialogue. The instructor will be available to answer any questions you have, and as time allows there will be addition supplementary announcements regarding the topic of Photo Manipulation."
Price: 29.99

"Lucid Dreaming: How to Trigger Inception in Your Sleep" |
"What if I could teach you to fly? What if I could teach you to summon invisible objects? What if I could teach you to create worlds & control your entire reality? Most people waste 1/3 of their entire life ignoring their sleep completely when this is one of the deepest and most potent opportunities to explore your mind while having direct benefits on your real life with practical applications such as: Doubling Your Confidence for stressful situations or even dates with "Lucid Dream Mock Rehearsals" Improving Language Skills by practicing - I used this while learning Russian in my dream with "babushkas and black bears in deep Siberia" Preparing for Job Interviews by running through questions and feeling the realness of the stress during your lucid dream Envisioning Conducting Difficult Presentations so you can feel more confident during the real thing Who is Sam & Why Should You Learn Lucid Dreaming from Me? I'm Sam and I want to welcome you to my Lucid Dreaming Course where I'm going to teach you how to trigger inception as early as tonight! I've been lucid dreaming for the past 3 years I've experimented with various supplements and "sleeping aids" such as tracking apps and fitness bands so I can teach you the coolest tips, tricks and strategies for you to get the most out of your sleep. The Lucid Dreaming Journey I'm going to take you through 3 parts that will completely revolutionize this one third of your life that most people completely ignore. Part 1: The Practical Benefits of Lucid Dreaming: We'll go into the fundamentals of Lucid Dreams exploring the direct benefits such as enriching your relationships, improving your language skills and doubling your confidence through Lucid Dreams Part 2: The "Pre-Sleep" Mental State - We'll dive into preparing you for Lucid Dreams including secret equipment and supplements you can take and the #1 tip to induce dreams Part 3: Triggering Inception Through Induction - We'll cover "inception-style" induction techniques so you can start lucid dreaming as soon as tonight. Plus you'll get 5 bonuses such as: Your own Dream Journal A list of the Top 10 Reality Checks The Secret Equipment & Supplements List for super wild & crazy dreams Top Mantras for Self-Hypnotizing Lucidity Additional Bonus Lectures to continually expand your dream state It's risk free with a money back guarantee but once I take you through the induction stage I'll make you completely forget about ever getting a refund. Enroll in the Lucid Dreaming course today and I'll see you in a few seconds. Sweet dreams!"
Price: 44.99

"Pain free with NLP - Fibromyalgia" |
"Pain Free with NLP - Fibromyalgia is a complete beginner's course that explores Neuro-Linguistic Programming (NLP) techniques in depth and brings techniques to life with real examples that you can use to reduce your pain. You will be able to work at your own pace and you gain the tools to continue therapy at home and get the results you need to live a better life. For suffers of Fibromyalgia or other chronic pain conditions.The course teaches a wide range of NLP skills to enable positive thinking and relaxation which is useful for people with fragile systems.Course content is 180 mins."
Price: 69.99

"Who is Your Friend?: Beneficial Garden Bugs" |
"For organic gardeners, there are very limited options when it comes to pest control. We can't just go out and buy some pesticide to spray on our plants. So what exactly are the options when it comes to getting rid of those pests that destroy our gardens? Perhaps one of the least recognized and most beneficial methods of pest control is using predatory bugs to keep in check the harmful ones. In this course, we will look at 22 of the most beneficial garden predators. Do you have trouble with aphids, caterpillars, bean beetles, or the plethora of other pests around? Then this course is for you. We will not only examine which bugs are beneficial and how to identify them, but will also look at the plants and herbs that will attract them to your garden. Go no further for organic pest control, we have you covered right here!"
Price: 24.99

"Gardening - Indoor Seed Starting Engineered for Simplicity" |
"Learn how to start seeds inside so you can enjoy the wonderful taste of heirloom vegetables that aren't available for purchase at the supermarket. From seed to plant ready for transplant outside, I will walk you through the process step by step showing you not only what I do, but why I do it so that you can not only successfully follow my method, but adapt it for your individual needs. This course can help you with your indoor seed starting regardless of whether you're planning an urban vegetable garden, a container garden, want to use the square foot method in raised beds, or want to go all organic with your gardening approach. Easily Start Seeds Inside Successfully Using the Methods Described in this Comprehensive Course. Discover how to take the work out of seed starting Learn how to make watering easy. Grow strong seedlings that succeed in your garden. Take the guesswork out of lighting. Avoid costly mistakes with fertilizer. Seed Starting Inside is the Cornerstone of a Successful Garden - and the Only Option If You Want Access to a Wide Variety of Delicious Heirloom Vegetables. I grow hundreds of varieties (yes - varieties) of heirloom vegetables each year, many of which must be started from seed inside if I wish to grow them - I can't go to a local store and purchase plants. Starting from seed not only allows me to save money on plants, but it also enables me to make sure I have strong healthy seedlings ready to plant out on my schedule. In a given year I'll start 45-60 different varieties of tomatoes, and 15-30 different varieties of sweet peppers inside - along with several other types of vegetables. Rest assured though that my methods will work for you whether you have a small container garden or a large three acre plot. In my search to find solutions and improved methods to the various challenges gardening provides, I've taken a holistic approach to gardening. When searching for a solution or improvement to a current process, I heavily consider both related fields of study as well as related environmental factors. This has led me to researching things such as hydroponics, aquaponics, grafting, and vermicomposting to discover what principles have been learned there that I can leverage to improve my gardening methods. I've also become involved in fields that compliment my gardening needs such as beekeeping and raising chickens. All of this is experience you get to benefit from as you learn the methods I've developed. Overview I've used my skills as an engineer to design a method for seed starting that minimizes much of the work involved, reduces costs without cutting corners I'll regret later, and helps to ensure my success. You can benefit from my experience by taking this course which enables you to replicate my successes without the need to experience the failures I've discovered along the way. What successes have I had? Taste is my biggest success, but I don't have any way of showing that to you short of you trying it for yourself. A great harvest is my second biggest success. Keep in mind I'm not a ""professional farmer"" - I have a day job, yet I easily manage a densely planted 1/4 acre garden producing more food than my family of seven could ever hope to eat. Everything in that garden I start from seed, and many of those seeds must be started inside each year to provide a long enough growing season for the plant. See my promo video for the course for pictures of some of what comes out of my garden every year. If size is what impresses you, with no special attention (I'm not intentionally trying to grow ""contest vegetables"") I've had 3-4 lb tomatoes, sweet peppers easily 8 inches in length, pumpkins over 100 lbs, and muskmelons (cantaloupe) in excess of 35 lbs. Many of my tomato plants easily reach 7ft - some even having stems that look like miniature trees. Starting your seeds inside correctly is the foundation for growing good healthy plants in your garden and having a successful harvest. How you start your seeds inside will help you avoid common gardening problems such as aphids and blossom end rot. In this course I walk you step by step through the details you need to successfully start seeds inside. I utilize spreadsheets, video lectures, hands on demonstrations, white board sessions, PDF summary points, and pictures showing the principles we're discussing to provide you the details you need to be successful. In addition, I'm available to provide clarification and answer any questions you may have about seed starting inside to help you be successful. Seed starting inside does not need to be a lot of work, and it doesn't need to be complicated or intimidating. Let me make it easy for you. Udemy offers a money back guarantee on my course through their website allowing you to try it risk-free. Sign up now for my course so I can start working with you to enable you to be successful starting seeds inside."
Price: 24.99

"How To Get Free Products From Amazon Writing Reviews" |
"This course will walk you step by step How you can receive FREE products on Amazon from sellers every week for writing reviews. Thousands of products to choose from!Immediately start receiving FREE products and shipping from companies on Amazon looking for reviews!Most likely the amount of products you receive in your first week will pay for this course!You will learn how to write a review and post on Amazon, Facebook, Twitter, YouTube & Instagram.Choose the products you want and would like to receive.You will learn how to quickly get 1000's of followers to your social media accounts.Enjoy getting Free products to use and keep or give away as gifts.Sharpen your writing and photo skills.Building an audience to interact with on social media.I will show you secrets and tricks to get you started in just a few days!Start enjoying the products and enjoying writing, posting and interacting with followers which will help build you an audience for future projects as well.I will be here to guide you and answer any questions you have to help make sure you start getting products this week!You have nothing to lose and everything to gain so join me.Chris Weeks"
Price: 24.99

"How To Sing #1: Complete Vocal Warm ups & Voice Physiology" |
"New lectures added November 2018.BEAUTIFULLY PRESENTED PDF'S &FULL EBOOK WITH DIAGRAMS AND EXPLANATIONS.Over 18,000 studentsworldwide -Hundreds of 5 star reviews!----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------""Loving the course!! Very grateful for all the information. It really answers everything and anything and clears any confusion you previously had coming into this course. She has a pleasant voice, valuable tips and easy to follow instructions"". Thank you, Roma! XxMiss Shapiro""Roma is so GENUINE and I receive such warmth and true desire to be of service to us - her students.Lovely Soul""!Montana""This course is very comprehensive and fun. Despite me having a great singing voice, I always had a bad habit of singing ""throaty"" or ""pushed"". This helped me get rid of these bad habits"".Rick""I have taken at least three online courses to improve my singing. I would like to say that yours are perfect. I really recommend this course to everyone. These exercises really work. Thank you very much for motivation that you give everyone"". Asiye---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Do you struggle with finding the time to learn how to sing, or maybe you can't afford the cost of weekly lessons?Whether you are a beginner, intermediate or advanced singer - this course can be your complete vocal system to help you be the best singer you can be.In this course, you will:Learn the 3 pillars of the voice - Posture, Breathing and Resonance;Understand voice physiology - how your vocal folds and body work to produce sound, and how to use it the right way (includes pictures/diagrams);Learn how to warm up correctly and efficiently;Improve volume and strength with advanced voice projection exercises;Eliminate jaw and muscle tension that can fatigue the voice;Included:Over 3 hours of live video (Includes presentations, with diagrams);Printable handy pdfs ;A fully produced, complete 25 minute vocal warm up (MP3 Download);A ""How To Sing"" Ebook with all the information that we've included in the presentations (plus much more);Quizzes to test your knowledgeSheet music for all the scalesI am always available to answer questions in the discussion board;BONUS: Send me a sample of your singing for a 5 minute assessment!This is also a great course for church singers, church choirs, vocal groups.For the cost of 2, 1 hour vocal lessons you've got a whole voice training system at your fingertips that you can watch over and over again.Don't hesitate - now is the time -warm up everyday at home with me guiding you every step of the way...I would love to teach you."
Price: 149.99

"Improve Your Speaking Voice to Teach Online or Podcast" |
"UpdatedOctober 201620+5 star ratings!""Alot of question answered within the first few lectures. This isamazing"".Peter***Onlyhad to watch the promo and a few previews and I was sold on thiscourse. And after taking it, I now know why. Roma goes over not onlyhow to speak clearly, but how to speak engagingly as well. Sheexplains how to speak so that your voice is easy to listen to...Thecourse itself is short, well structured, easy to follow, and oh soeasy to listen to. Thanks Roma!""Thomas***""Very useful course - well presented with loads of useful info. I think Roma just about covers the voice from every angle.""***""I'm not an instructor but am starting a podcast. I'd found myself a bit hesitant, partially because of a lack of confidence in my voice. The exercises in Roma's course have been very useful in not only improving my vocal quality, but giving me more confidence to actually launch my next project. Definitely recommended.""___________________________________________________________________________________________Areyou producing online courses or podcasting but feel like your voice needs a littlehelp?Maybe you are having trouble with practical things likeprojection, vocal fatigue, or changes in vocal tone. Let me teach yousome practical things you can learn quickly that will help you standout as an instructor or podcast presenter.My name is Roma Waterman, I have been a professional vocal coach,singer/songwriter, author and speaker for over 20 years. Oneof the biggest comments I receive is How can I improve my voice tobe a great online instructor or for podcasting? This is why I created this course!Let me give you tips you can implement to improve your voice straightaway. This is an easy, no fuss, get to the point program that willget you doing what you really want to do....teach, and teach well!I have created 19easy to listen to lectures to help you learn fast so you can geton with the business of producing a winning course. There are PDFPrintouts and notes, and simplequizzes to test your knowledge. Asa top vocal instructor I know the in's and out's of what it takes tocreate a prime voice that sells. You don't need to be a singer or actor tolearn these essential tips that many performers use. What you need is a little bit of time training your voice to perform well to setyou up for a lifetime of communicating brilliantly.Thiscourse will help you recognisewhat makes an amazing online instructor stand out among the rest!"
Price: 74.99

"How To Sing #2: Increase Vocal Range & Blend Registers" |
"""As a backing vocalist for the madden brothers, Im always looking to keep my voice in tiptop shape. I've used Romas teaching and exersises for years as it is simply brilliant. Couldnt reccommend her more highly as a vocal coach"". Judd***""Ireally enjoyed this course, Roma is so engaging, funny, positive andvery easy to watch. I love all the valuable information, tips andtricks for singers like myself. We never stop learning so I wouldrecommend this to everyone who wants to further their knowledge insinging.""Corrine***""Verynice ! Master of her trade, filled with useful knowledge in abundance!""____________________________________________________________________________________________Ifyou want to:Singhigher, louder and stronger without vocal fatigue or difficultexercises;Understandthe most common singing terms and become a well educated vocalist;Askquestions and if the answer has not already be provided I will add avideo to the course;Download scales for you to use, in your vocal range....Thenthis is the most important onlinecourse you'llever purchase!HowTo Sing #2: Increase Vocal Range & Blend Registers: Vocalworkouts to get you singing higher, louder & stronger willhelp youincrease your vocal range andfindyour own vocal range (alto/mezzo/soprano/bass/baritone/tenor).HowTo Sing #2: Increase Vocal Range & Blend Registersisfor every singerwho wants to singhigher (or lower) with more flexibility, but can't find the right exercises.HERE'S A HUGE PROBLEM YOU MAY BE FACING RIGHT NOW...It'sthinkingyou can't increase your vocal range.That you are born with what you've got.But that's not the end ofyour problems with singinghigher, lower, louder and stronger...Whatmakes this even worse is the fact that withoutthe right training, your vocal ability will notimprove!Which means youmay be practicing with the wrong exercises and doing damage to yourvoice rather than helping it improve.And,worst of all, many singerscan'tget past the idea that youneed singing lessons to increase your vocal range andflexibility.Allthis can make trying to increaseyour vocal range really frustrating!But luckily for you, there's now a solution!HER'ES WHAT WE WILL COVER IN THIS COURSE:REMARKABLERESULTS!Vocalexercises to blend vocal registers, increase vocal range,improvevoice flexibility to sing higher, louder and stronger without vocalfatigue or difficult exercises -Fast;AFRESH APPROACH!TheSinging Dictionary Ebook of Common Singing Terms allowsyou to understandthe most common singing terms and become a well educated vocalist -100% FoolproofDELIVERS!Q&Avideos of most common voice questions (i.e. Have you ever wonderedwhat chest voice//head voice really means? What is falsetto?) .....askquestions and if the answer has not already be provided, I will add avideo to the course.DEPENDABLE!Videoson voice classification & vocal registers. Deliversthe key to findyour own vocal range (alto/mezzo/soprano/bass/baritone/tenor)-EasilyEXCITING!PlacementImagery Exercises which helpyou touse mysimple 'mind/thinking' technique that will help strengthen andexpand your vocal range - WithEaseIfyou have some experience with singing technique and would like toexpand your skills - this is a 'take you to the next level' course.Don'tdelay getting started to sing higher, louder and stronger withoutvocal fatigue or difficult exercises!"
Price: 149.99

"How to Create Your Own Successful Online Course Now" |
"FULLY UPDATED SEPTEMBER 2017Includes beautifully presented PDF's to print out or save.Plus 2 Ebooks:EBOOK1: ""The Online Course Creation Tech Guide - Your Equipment Tool kit""- For fast and easy set up to create your own online course;EBOOK2: ""Where should YOU host your online courses?"" - Formore advanced options of where to host your online courses - forthose of you who are a little more tech oriented or want to set upyour courses on your own WordPress site.Many 5 star reviews..... Thank you!Watch the preview lessons to see how I made $65,000online in 18 months - as someone JUSTLIKEYOU - who had never created online courses before.What people are saying:""'This is a first class course from someone who has helped and inspired me to start producing online courses. She has the proof to show you her success in earning a living through it within just 18 months.' - Victoria Cooper""Romadeserves 9 stars for this course. Comprehensive and detailed, yetsimple enough for a simpleton like me. She has a big heart.JoriahRomahas packaged everything we need to know about how to make asuccessful online course. I have learned so much from Roma andbecause of her knowledge I am seeing my own course flourish! ThanksRoma for giving us the keys to making a profitable course! BJ****************************************************************************************************************************************Wouldyou love to create your own online course but not sure where tostart?Doyou dream of making a generous monthly passive income?Doyou have a desire to impact not just a few, but hundreds, maybe eventhousands of lives with your training?Inthis course you will find the tools to create quality, world classonline training. I am passionate about teaching, and like you, felt Imay not have the resources or knowledge to create my own onlinecourses that looked professional....all on a budget.I'mRoma Waterman, I've been a teacher, performer, author and trainer formany years, and jumped into online course creation a few short yearsago.In the last two years by implementing the strategies in thiscourse, I have been able to earn a generous 4 figure monthly incometeaching on Udemy. Creating online courses has given me the abilityto train thousands all over the world. It has changed my life, and Ibelieve it will change your life too.Ibelieve the tools that I have learned as an online instructor willhelp you succeed and will not only exceed your expectations but giveyou all you need to accomplish a successful online business. Inthis course I have included everything that I have learned that hashelped me become a successful online instructor. From research,planning, to filming, marketing to simple productivity hacks. Learnhow you can do most things by yourself and on a budget;Targetyour market by learning research and planning tools to create yourown amazing online course;Executethe correct sound,lights, and audio options to record your course(that are right for you and your budget);Easilyimplement screencast software to film and edit your lectures;Learntop marketing tips to promote your course;Discoverweb based tools to find images & music to help create aninteractive and interesting course;Createyour own images and artwork to promote your online courses;Discoverproductivity hacks to create easy and efficient workflow.Plus heaps ofExtras:Understandingdifferent learning styles and techniques to help teach ANY type ofstudent;Allmy notes;MyPresentation slides used in this course;Challengesfor you to complete along the way;Joina community of online course creators where you can share your ideasand ask questions;Iam available to answer any of your questions or for feedback.Learnin a fun, relaxed environment (I only do fun), and I am lookingforward to getting to know you and celebrating your success as anonline course instructor.I am confident if you follow thesestrategies you will create amazing courses that fast track you to anew life making a difference in the global training marketplace.Signup now so that you can create your first online course easily andefficiently. Let me take the guesswork out of it for you. I lookforward to seeing you inside the course!"
Price: 199.99

"Selenium WebDriver The Easy Way With Java!" |
"Have you ever wondered how to run a automation script that drives the flow that you need? How to buy a book in online, by writing a program? Isn't that fun?Yeah thats really the fun, in this course, we will do exactly the same! We will learn Selenium principles and its fundamentals ideas and use them to buy a selenium book in a online store automatically! Doing so is not that easy, and thats where this course pitches in. This course teaches you all the fundas and debugging skills which required to do complex stuff in Selenium. The only thing that is expected from students is their time and basics of Java; rest all this course takes care!Gist of the course:* Selenium Fundas* Selenium internals and architecture. * Selenium locators & DOM* Real world project!and much more. So why your waiting for? There are 100+ students in this course, reading Selenium the easy way with java! Sign up today, before the prices increases :)"
Price: 19.99

"Angular 2 Jump Start With Typescript" |
"With more than 1k+ students with great ratings and review;This course is under active development based out on students topics, sign up today before the price rises! Look at the ""Upcoming Lectures"" section on the curriculum for the upcoming topics! There are two groups of people. First group of people might already knew Angular 1 and thinking Angular 2 have come up in its beta version, which is completely has new concepts then Angular 1. They might be thinking how to get started with Angular 2? Second group of people might be the person who wants to learn Angular from scratch and thinking where to start from. Whether should I start Angular 1 or Angular 2? Obviously Angular 2, but from where?I'm sure out your out of these two groups! And this course designed for these two groups of people! Having Angular 2 have reached its beta version, it indicates that its APIs are going to be stable and doesnt change! Thats great news!This course teaches the fundamentals of Angular 2 using Typescript as an language. Don't worry if Typescript is new to you! This course teaches the enough knowledge on Typescript to work on Angular 2. We will start with fundamentals of Angular 2 and goes in depth!I believe the best way to learn is to understand how a Angular 2 works and what it does for you, look at examples, and then try it yourself. By keeping that principles in mind, we will be building up Udemy Course Tracker page using Angular 2 completely from scratch. By building this application, students will be getting immense knowledge on Angular 2 as framework. Signup the course today to learn Angular 2 in its beta version and be ready when Angular 2 is in production!The gist of the course is as follows:1. What is Component in web terms?2. How Angular 2 is different from Angular 1 ( Bonus lectures )3. Dependency injection4. Directives5. Routing6. Communication between components7. Form handling8. Pipes and Custom Pipes9. Observables (advanced)10. HTTP Servicesand etc.All code samples are put in Github, so that students can follow the lectures and build themselves!"
Price: 19.99

"Book Design With MS Word And Canva" |
"YOU CAN SERVE THE BEST CONTENT EVER. IF IT LOOKS BROWN AND MUSHY, NO ONE IS GONNA EAT, LET ALONE PAY FOR IT.__________________________________________________________________________Are you an online entrepreneur or blogger with fantastic content ... which nobody reads because your book design skills are alarmingly under-developed?YES!It is ok to hate nerdy and expensive software such as Photoshop, because also non-graphic designers can come up with stunning book designs that will turn more wide-eyed online heads than Kim Kardashian's blown-up behind.HOW?With MS Word and fun & free tools such as Canva and PicMonkey!This book design class for non-techy entrepreneurs teaches you step-by-step how to:Create visually compelling covers, PDFs and eBooks Use everyday tools such as Canva, PicMonkey and MS Word like a book design pro. The easy-to-follow video lessons come with BEAUTIFUL & DOWNLOADABLE CHEAT SHEETS that provide:detailed written instructions andserve as ""Steal This!"" design examples so thatyou'll see amazing results right away!If you want to succeed online and turn potential customers into RAVING fans, you HAVE to leave a compelling visual impression and create a unique and sales-driving signature book design.Are you ready to get your content out of the rags and wrap it into a package that will make your clients drool all over your website?Enroll now! I look forward to seeing you on the other side!"
Price: 94.99

"Social Media Images & eBook Cover Design Made Easy" |
"Have you ever created social media images which looked about as share- and likeable as Gill Bates black and white prenup?Are the folks visiting your website constantly drooling and buying OTHER peoples offer because they have what you dont?YES!Photoshop is a wonderful tool for nerdy nerds with too much time.But if you:hate complicated and expensive software,love fun, non-techy and FREE tools, want to design visually compelling, traffic-driving social media images ANDcreate PDFs and eBooks that people will like, share, subscribe to, buy & put up on their Wall of Online Fame...I want you to take off your Homely Entrepreneurial Dunce Cap and get naked!(Just kidding about the last one!)Hi! Im Nathalie. Serial online entrepreneur with a mission to help busy bloggers, coaches and small DIY business owners build a unique brand & business with actionabletutorials and fun & free tools.As a non-graphic designer who HATES Photoshop but LOVES beautiful images, I know the frustration when your social media pages and offers look YUCK.I also know what its likewhen you simply CANNOT invest in some fancy and uber-priced expert to help you build your dream business ANDthe ugly guilt creeping over your sedentary body when looking at all these online courses you bought but never finished because aunt overwhelm threatened to throttle you with her creepy spider fingers!Are you ready for a class that Will get you professional results QUICKLY & GUARANTEED, even if youre still wearing a designer onesie?Offers actionable advice with no unnecessary frills just to blow-up course length?Enroll and lets build your biz together.I look forward to getting to know you on the other side!"
Price: 19.99
