"Makeup Masterclass:16 looks to suit various moods & occasion" |
"A girls mood is never the same twice and neither should be her makeup. Wear something that's in-sync with what you are feeling that day to be able to carry it off with complete confidence. If you want are interested in being able to do makeup well invest you time and money in learning the skills. Makeup is 80%skill and 20% products. There are 16 step by step tutorials in this course. Shot with get ready with me format. What do i mean by that ? If someone opens these videos on their phone and sits in front the mirror, following everything step by step i the video. They would have gotten the exact same result by the time its done.I was very very particular about all the blending,buffing, colors bleeding into each other be clearly visible. These videos have been shot with very very close-up eye shots, lip shots and headshots. You will learn every eyeshadow trick in the book. All the techniques. All about which tool to use for which method will be explained while demonstrating the eye looks How to Apply various eyeshadows on your client/yourself with just one simple basic drugstore palette. How to wear your vibe/mood. How to use a palette up to its full potential. Your eyeshadow palette will never be left to get expired after this course. I have created 16 eye looks with one small palette of 8 pans. By the end of this course You would have learnt How to wear your vibe and how to use a palette upto its full potential.How to build something up, How to buff something out, How to mix and form a new color from what u have, How to change the texture from shimmer to foiled,This course is best forBest for solo beauticians running their independent parlor business . Who needs to produce various outputs for their clients from their limited collection.Best for makeup artists to take a took at some fresh and unexplored combinations that have not been flooded on social media yet. Best for ladies who feel they are not able to carry themselves with confidence.The course is designed based on your vibe/mood. How to wear your vibe ? You will see in the course Don't change your vibe to carry your look. Change your Look to match your vibe."
Price: 19.99

"Algorithms and Data Structures - Part 3" |
"There are four parts to this program. In part 1 of the course, we start with the deep dive implementations on some of the basic linear structures such as Arrays, Queues, Stacks and Dictionary. Understanding data structures are key to problem solving. In part 2 of the course we will deep dive into problem solving, strings, Linked List and recursion. In this part 3 of the course, we deep dive into more problem solving and dynamic programming.Finally in part 4, we will cover Trees and Graphs.Happy coding!"
Price: 49.99

"Funil de Vendas" |
"Por Que Funil de vendas Importante?Entender sobre funil de vendas e como isso pode ajudar o seu negcio algo essencial atualmente.O funil de vendas a estratgia mais usada atualmente nos EUA, principalmente pelos infoprodutores, pois mostra-se mais lucrativa no longo prazo.Aprender agora as a estratgia mais usada atualmente nos EUA e aplique isso no seu negcio para melhorar seus resultados.Nesse curso vamos no s falar sobre funil de vendas como tambm vou te mostrar como planejar o seu funil.Aposto que vai adorar.Te vejo no nosso curso"
Price: 549.99

"PHRCA practice exams 2020" |
"Included in this PHRCa Test course:- 3 practice tests- Practice like the real PHRCa TestPHRCa Certification Exam DetailsTotal Questions : 550+Type of Questions : Multiple choiceDuration : 200 min for 200+ questionsPassing Score : 7030-day money-back guaranteed if you are not satisfied with the quality of this course for any reason!7/24 support from Q&AGood Luck!"
Price: 19.99

"Spanish Language practice exams 2020" |
"Included in this Spanish Language Test course:- 2 practice tests- Practice like the real Spanish Language TestSpanish Language Certification Exam DetailsTotal Questions : 250+Type of Questions : Multiple choiceDuration : 200 min for 150+ questionsPassing Score : 7030-day money-back guaranteed if you are not satisfied with the quality of this course for any reason!7/24 support from Q&AGood Luck!"
Price: 19.99

Price: 5400.00

"Cuando escribimos, lo hacemos con el cerebro, esto me dice ami que si estoy mal , con mi letra podra mostrarme a mi e interpretarme, del como me encuentro animicamente .En nuestras emociones siempre se nos dijo que sacarlas al exterior era muy positivo, `por eso en este curso lo que te mostraremos , es una breve introduccin a la Grafoterapia Emocional.Como puedo interpretarme con mi misma letra .En la grafologia para seleccin de personal, tambin utilizamos esta herramienta de auto-conocimiento a travs de la letra.Si estamos bajoneados , tristes, nuestra escritura sera como cada del rengln y viceversa si estamos alegres, por eso aqu aprenderemos a auto interpretarnos"
Price: 34.99

"Become a Certified Python Programmer: PCEP Practice Tests" |
"Hello and thank you for choosing this course!If you are wishing to become Python Certified (PCEP), this course will surely help you! If you are learning Python and wish to cement your understanding, the practice tests will be a good help. If you are looking forward to making programs with Python, these tests will help you a lot. What is PCEP Certification?PCEP Python Entry Level Programmer certification is your first step into the world of Python. Python is the world's top most popular programming language, used extensively in Artificial Intelligence and Data Sciences as well as in general-purpose computing area. Getting professional accreditation in Python is surely a feather in your programmer's hat and a strong step in your professional career.What does this course offer you?This course consists of 6 practice tests similar to what you see in a real certification exam. Each of the tests consists of 30 questions, timed at 45 minutesThe questions are multiple-choice and multiple-selectEach question is carefully curated to fit the PCEP's certification goal Every question is associated with a knowledge areaThe answers are randomized every time you take a testThe test covers all the modules as per the PCEP syllabusOnce the test was taken, you will get an instant result report with categories of strength to weakness. You can re-take the tests over and over again as and when it suits you.What do the Tests consist of?Basic Concepts (5 Questions): Basics and fundamentals, print() and input() functions, numeric and string operators (% / * + - ** // etc), literals, assignment and shortcut operators, keywords, syntax and language elementsData Types and I/O Operations (6 Questions): Operators (bitwise, boolean, unary, binary, relational), typecasting, i/o operations, working with strings, boolean expressions, and othersFlow Control (6 Questions): Conditional statements (if, if-else, if-elif-else), loops (for, while), nested loops, loop controls (break, continue) and moreData Collections (7 Questions): Collections(lists, tuples, dictionaries), basic methods(insert, append, sorted, del, index ), iterating over collections, working with lists, dictionaries and tuples, and more.Functions (6 Questions): Defining functions, parameters (positional, multi-argument and keyword), return from a function, default function parameters, scopes and global, recursive functions and othersI have made every attempt to create the questions as close as possible.What are the next steps?The PCEP is the entry-level certification followed by PCAP - Certified Associate in Python Programming certification. You can become a Python Certified Associate by using the material in this course, however, it doesn't cover the full syllabus. I will be offering a course specifically PCAP shortly.You can also consider Exam 98-381: Introduction to Programming Using Python from Microsoft alongside preparing for this set. Please note this test is similar to PCEP although it requires additional knowledge of Python. I will be preparing a separate course for this Microsoft Python Certification in due course.What does PCEP Certification Entail?Preparing and sitting for PCEP certification has multi-fold benefits: Certified programmers stand out during a job interview processPreparing for certification will help you solidify language fundamentsCertifications will help you carve a programmer's niche and make them more marketable Studying for certification will help you to give top-notch interviewsHow I'll help you...I am here to help you understand and write programs in Python. I am here to hold your hand and lead your path to get Certified! I am here to guide you in all the possible ways I can. I will do my best to answer your questions, queries so you get the support needed from me!Finally all the best! I am sure you will be a successful Python Programmer in no time! Connect with me!Connect with me on LinkedIn, Twitter or simply send an email! I am always happy to have a chat."
Price: 24.99

"Basic English Conversation: Expand your Speaking Skills" |
"Do you want to speak English more fluently? The key is to learn to ""expand"" your communication. Do you want to be more confident in everyday conversations? Or maybe you want to feel like English really is your language? That you can use it like a native speaker? To say whatever you want? Then this course is perfect for you! Lingual Net's Super Learner Fluency Course is designed to help you become a more fluent, confident, and engaged speaker of English. In this course, Dr. Michael Rost, will teach you powerful communication strategies. You will learn the secrets to successful conversation.Dr. Michael Rost is a well-known researcher and teacher trainer. He has a Ph.D. in Linguistics and has written several books and articles on English communication.Dr. Rost has identified the ""secrets"" that turn you into a ""super learner."" These ""secrets"" are actually strategies and study habits that successful language learners use. In this course, we focus on the topic of ""Food"". We will focus on five main questions:Whats your favorite food?Is there any food you dislike?How important is diet to your health?What are some popular foods for visitors to your country?What is one popular dish in your country? Can you describe it in detail?We will watch three different interviews, where the students just like you are asked these same five questions. And were going to focus on their communication strategies. And then were going to follow up with some study skills in pronunciation, grammar, and vocabulary.You will have the opportunity to study grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation and speaking strategies through the course Workbook, online quizzes, and online forums. OK, are you ready?Welcome to the course.Lets get started. "
Price: 19.99

"Basic English Conversation: Develop Your Speaking Confidence" |
"Do you want to speak English more confidently? Do you you want to feel like English really is your language? Do you want to own it?! So you can use English like a native speaker? To say whatever you want with ease? Then this course is perfect for you! Lingual Net's Super Learner Fluency Course is designed to help you become a more fluent, confident, and engaged speaker of English. In this course, Dr. Michael Rost, will teach you powerful communication strategies. You will learn the secrets to successful conversation.Dr. Michael Rost is a well-known author, researcher and teacher trainer. He has a Ph.D. in Linguistics and has written several books and articles on English communication.Dr. Rost has identified the ""secrets"" that turn you into a ""super learner."" These ""secrets"" are actually strategies and study habits that successful language learners use. In this course we will focus on one main topic. We will focus on five general questions:Is family important in your country?What are some activities that you like to do together as a family?Do you get along well with your family?How do you think the family will change in the future?Who do you think should be responsible for care of the elderly, the family or the government?We will watch three different interviews, where the students are asked these same five questions. And were going to focus on their communication strategies. And then were going to follow up with some study skills in pronunciation, grammar, and vocabulary.You will have the opportunity to study grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation and speaking strategies through the course Workbook, online quizzes, and online forums. OK, are you ready?Welcome to the course.Lets get started."
Price: 19.99

"Curso Cisco BGP nvel CCNP Encor by SeaCCNA" |
"Es un curso especialmente desarrollado para quienes quieren obtener rpidamente slidos conocimientos en la utilizacin del BGP, vamos a tratar los diversos contenido necesarios para que puedas operar el protocolo BGP al mismo nivel que un alumno que haya concluido un curso de nivel CCNP Encor 350-401.Si abordan contenidos tanto del eBGP como el iBGP, para que puedan tener total seguridad en la operacin de este protocolo , con temas como Multihop, Filter Prefix, AS-Path ente otros."
Price: 24.99

"Control electrnico prctico para Motor DC" |
"En este curso aprenders a crear y probar el diseo, armado y funcionamiento de un sistema para el control de un Motor DC, que incluye la simulacin y el montaje prctico del mismo.En general, el curso te permitir desarrollar habilidades integradoras a travs de los objetivos generales que se indican a continuacina) ObjetivosConocer los circuitos y sistemas ms utilizados hoy en da en el campo del diseo electrnicoAdquirir los conocimientos necesarios para analizar matemticamente circuitos de nivel intermedio de complejidadAprender a disear y sintetizar circuitos electrnicos que son parte de un control para Motor DCb) Habilidades integradoras del curso y Resultados de AprendizajeDesarrollar un diseo basado en los requisitos establecidosAnalizar un diseo para validarlo, basado en los requisitos establecidosDesarrollar y verificar el funcionamiento de un prototipo del diseoComunicar mediante documentos y las distintas etapas de trabajo de un proyecto electrnico de complejidad intermedia"
Price: 29.99

"AWS Lambda Complete Serverless Node.JS Course From Scratch" |
"Get rid of the low salary!If you are not very happy with your income if you spend hours in commuteif you cannot find a better job then I can help you.Heres whyI will give you the most required hard skills in the marketplace, which will help you get a well-paid joband even the possibility of working from home.You need to know, not dealing with it can be costlyIf you dont act now, it will be only harder to change your life later!What most people do when they want to increase income or improve their life quality?They try to ask a boss for a salary raise, find a better job, take the second job, or start an after-job business. But for most of them, nothing of that work.No required skillsThe current company can easily find somebody elseNot enough knowledge of where to startNot enough companies in your area that have openings for the current version of youSalaries in your industry cannot be higherYou dont know how to contact the correct recruiter who will want to recommend you as the right candidate for one of their clientsAnd what will happen if you wont take action? If you will be doing what you are doing now?You will get older, the world will be changing, and month by month, it will be harder and harder for you to decide its the moment to gain the skills and join the Dreams Industry.How you can find your first SIX-FIGURE job and get the possibility to work from home?Take a look at my story How Ive got a job for the #1 IT company in the world.How I made me working for the biggest ones and was invited to join the recruitment processes of companies like Google, Facebook, Microsoft, Booking, eBay, Amazon, and many banks and financial corporations.Im sure you can achieve the same, even more!A few years ago, I was a middle-class young man raised in the mediocre district, looking for his first job.I had no wealthy parents and no high-level education, but I hardly wanted to have a better future.Ive heard IT is an excellent industry, and from some time was a huge demand for programmers. Also I actually knew the computers a bit, so the next step was the decision to buy a few books.Some of them were about HTML & CSS, some about Javascript, and even one about Joomla (now its a dinosaur, but it was trendy technology in these years).Learning from books written in the academic-style language, organizing the learning process, and doing research about what I should actually learn, was a bit confusing, and wasnt pleasant.Still, those days werent so many good alternatives with interactive courses, planned, prepared, and guided from A-Z, and I had to use books.While learning on these and training coding, and Ive got my first paid job, even until I finished the learning process. It was a junior-level one, but it was a massive success for me.During the next months, I was improving my skills and enjoying the first, decent salary.After some time, Ive found a method of how I can directly get visible to headhunters of companies that have demands for programmers.It was a golden shoot!My career exploded, and I started getting tons of offers every week.That made me in a position when I can choose offers, by money, by location, by remote or onsite, by technology, by company size, environment, and even by benefits like free food.I know Im not alone, and almost every programmer with needed skills has that many opportunities.I believe you will have the same power as well, so Its time for your decision!Now you have to make a choice. You can continue dreaming about a better-paid job or salary race without skills that will make employers standing in a queue to hire you. Or maybe even worse, you may stop dreaming and accept it how it is.Is it really how you want to spend your life and lead your career?This time make the right decision, learn the skills which you need to transform your life, and get new, exciting opportunities. Finally, get the salary which you are really worth, save your time and feel the satisfaction from what you do!"
Price: 29.99

"Curso de violo simplificado - PRIMEIRA MSICA EM 7 DIAS" |
"Se voc no quer ter que estudar um monte de teorias chatas e demorar muito para tocar a sua primeira msica, ento, este curso foi feito para voc.Eu sigo a seguinte premissa: se voc no aprendeu a falar estudando toda a gramtica da lngua portuguesa, ento, totalmente vivel aprender violo, tocando.No, no precisa conhecer todos os acordes e dominar mil tcnicas, para tocar a primeira msica, voc s precisa de muito treino e pouqussima teoria.Aprenda agora a tocar violo sem enrolaes!Eu sei, eu sei, parece loucura a ideia de que uma pessoa que nunca tocou violo na vida pode conseguir aprender a primeira msica em 7 dias, mas com o meu mtodo, isto realmente possvel.E eu imagino que voc deve estar se perguntando o que tem de to especial no meu curso.Bom, eu simplesmente separei os contedos que so realmente importantes para que algum comece a tocar violo, formulei alguns macetes que desenvolvi ao longo dos meus anos como professor e coloquei a prtica como a principal chave para aprender esse instrumento.E quando eu digo prtica, quero dizer prtica direcionada, que como o meu mtodo funciona.Neste curso, voc vai:Aprender a tocar no apenas 1, mas 5 msicas;Aprender a afinar o violo;Aprender muitos acordes;Aprender a fazer a temida pestana de uma vez por todas;E muito, muito mais!Voc j imaginou no precisar passar meses e mais meses estudando apenas teoria?J imaginou que um curso bsico poderia te ensinar 1 msica em apenas 7 dias e te dar conhecimento para que mesmo aps o fim do curso, voc possa aprender a tocar msicas que voc gosta sozinho?J pensou se nos prximos encontros com seus amigos e sua famlia, voc j pudesse tocar para eles?Incrvel, no ?E sabe do que depende para que isso acontea? nica e exclusivamente da sua dedicao e compromisso com os meus ensinamentos.E se voc estiver pensando que vai ser muito difcil estudar online e que voc no tem pacincia para isso, olha s como o curso formado:O curso possui 25 aulas rpidas e objetivas para que voc passe a maior parte do tempo praticando.Alguns contedos em pdf so disponibilizados durante o curso para te ajudar na compreenso das aulas, nas revises e na prtica.O curso inclui 2 cronogramas para que voc se organize e consiga praticar de forma efetiva todos os dias.Muito simples, no ?Ento, no adie mais o seu sonho de aprender a tocar violo, adquira j o meu curso e se prepare para ouvir muitas vezes a frase toca uma msica a.Te espero na nossa primeira aula!"
Price: 69.99

"aprenda a fazer boneca sach perfumada" |
"Pretende ter uma renda extra ? produzir lembrancinhas ? ou utilizar da arte para o seu bem estar ? est no lugar certo! Voc aprender a criar bonecas sachs de diversas essncias,timas para perfumar e enfeitar. de interesse tanto dos pais para colocar no quarto dos filhos, quanto para adultos colocarem no armrio de roupas, carro,banheiro...A partir de tal aprendizado possvel derivar para outros estilos de bonecas e tambm para bonecos destinados a meninos."
Price: 39.99

"The Complete 8-Week Mindfulness Program -MBCT/MBSR certified" |
"Welcome to the complete mindfulness program, where you will learn step-by-step all you need to know to confidently practice mindfulness, and to bring the habit of mindfulness into your daily life. You will be diving into 8 different topics, from living in the present moment, to reducing stress and boosting happiness. And you will get to practice with a wide variety of mindfulness practices that have been scientifically shown to improve wellbeing. And to ensure that you can achieve the results you desire, this course contains a comprehensive 8-week practice program, including a large collection of high quality meditations and daily life exercises, as well valuable tips and tools to set your practice up for success. In over 200 lectures and 17+ hours of to the point content & practices, we will cover 8 major mindfulness topics:Rediscovering Here & Now. Learn how to practice present-moment attention and improve your focusExploring Body & Mind. Learn how to increase awareness of your inner world that enables self-masteryReducing Stress Mindfully. Learn what stress is, how it can build up and how to reduce it Releasing Difficult Emotions. Learn how we can get stuck in intense emotions and how to mindfully deal with them Communicating Mindfully. Learn how to apply mindfulness in your general communication and in conflictsCultivating Kindness & Gratitude. Learn how the practice of kindness and gratitude can increase our wellbeingBoosting Happiness. Learn about what makes us happy, and build your mindful happiness toolkitRealizing Who You Are. Dive even deeper and explore awareness itself. Who am I deep down?With this approach, the course goes further than any of traditional Mindfulness Programs:- by also incorporating the insights from Positive Psychology and Happiness Research- and by showing the links between Western Mindfulness and its roots in Eastern Wisdom TraditionsBy the end of this course, you will be thoroughly trained in the practice of mindfulness. You will be able to apply Mindfulness in the various areas of your life and you will have started to experience many of its powerful benefits.You will also receive:+ Access to an extensive Meditation Collection & Download Center+ Learning syllabus with all slides & space to take notes + Practice syllabus to guide you through the practice program and deepen your insights + Lifetime Access to course updates+ Fast & Friendly Support in the Q&A section+ Udemy Certificate of Completion Ready for DownloadThis course comes with a 30 day money-back guarantee - so there's no risk to get started.So click the take this course button to start your mindfulness journey today!"
Price: 199.99

"Brahma Shakti Vinyasa Yoga" |
"In this course I will introduce you to Brahma Shakti Vinyasa Yoga system which is something that came from my own ashtanga practice (over 20 years) and teaching (15 years). As I started getting older, I started to modify my own self practice as most senior practitioners do and I found I was much more balanced in the practice and enjoyed my time on the mat more. In the Brahma Shakti series we do less vinyasa ( jump in, jump out) between asanas and we do modification as necessary depending on each students ability, the main focus is on the breath.The Brahma Shakti sequence is more inline with the original teachings of Krishnamacharya to BKS Iyengar and Pattabhi Jois, where the focus was on true vinyasa 'one breath, one movement' The asana practice was more individual to the student rather than one standard set for everyone.Brahma Shakti classes start with 10 minutes of Mantra meditation followed by Asana and ending in 10 minutes Pranayama. The series as one extra surya namaskar added 'Hanuman Namaskar, before A and B. We have added some asanas from the 2nd series and removed others form the primary series making the practice more balanced with dedicated, standing asanas, sitting asanas, dedicated backbending and dedicated inversions.Brahma Shakti yoga is taken from ashtanga vinyasa yoga and modified, the practice is lighter, more balanced and less competitive and safe for everyone at all levels to practice.Please download the course material, and the photos, and proceed with the videos respecting your own personal limits, there is no prizes for finishing first, take each part at a time and practice safely with awareness ""Develop you Breath""In the course we also teach about Bandha activation in practice, pranayama, padmasana instructions and much more.Teachers will understand the flow of vinyasa movement and be able to construct classes in line with students ability.Welcome to a fun great practice....."
Price: 124.99

"Windows Commend Line and Bash Scripting" |
"In this course we see many command about command prompt .The basic of cmd are shown in the course . The course is used to make you as an Perfect Windows administrator and bash scripter . The bash script is used to write an own script. We use bash script as well as for hacking. You want to become an hacker this course is important for you. This course makes you also hacker.Thanking for taking the course and I upload many course in future. Use EARPHONES for better audio clearity."
Price: 1280.00

"Power Your Imagination with BBC Micro:bit" |
"Hello everyone. Welcome to the 7-day micro:bit course. Here, we split the course in seven sections. Each section has a main topic like variable, boolean and probability, etc. You will learn the basic programming concepts using the blocks in MakeCode which is much easier than the text-based programming language. This course is targeted to everyone especially children who want to get started with programming. Parents and teachers can also use this course as an inspiration to teach your kids and students. We have detailed explanation for every concepts which is very important for programming. This course is filled with hands on projects which can help you get familiarize with the concepts.Assignments are inside the lecture notes.I hope to see you in the course. Come join us!"
Price: 19.99

"Landscape Drawing, How to Draw Rocks" |
"How to Draw Rocks is designed to help students learn the foundational ideas of landscape drawing on how to deal with drawing rocks. We study the approaches and concepts that will help your drawing of rocks look natural. Join me and take your drawing to new levels today!This a great course for anyone who needs to improve their understanding of landscape drawing. Beginning, intermediate, and even advanced students will find a little something to help their drawing improve. Having taught drawing and painting for 20 years I know how important drawing is to almost every field in the visual arts.Skills that are Taught*Identifying Planes*Designing Planes *Identifying Light and Shadow Shapes*Creating Accurate Shadows*Rendering of Textures*Value Relationships*Defining Edges*Anchoring Line for Composition"
Price: 24.99

"ITIL 4 Foundation Prparation Complte - Version Franaise" |
"Ce cours est le plus rcent sur Udemy qui vous donne la possibilit d'une prparation complte et assure votre russite votre examen ITIL4 ds le premier essai.Ce cours est dvelopp conformment au guide d'examen officiel d'ITIL, afin que vous puissiez russir le vritable ITIL4 Examen de certification du premier essai! Ce cours comprend la prparation pour: ITIL 4 Foundation: Le niveau Foundation est la certification d'entre de gamme qui vous offre une connaissance gnrale des lments cls, des concepts et de la terminologie utiliss dans le cycle de vie du service ITIL, y compris le liens entre les tapes du cycle de vie, les processus utiliss et leur contribution aux pratiques de gestion des services.Nous avons dvelopp scientifiquement chaque question de cet examen pour vous proposer une prparation complte et une couverture complte.Ce cours vous permettra de dcouvrir si vous tes prt passer l'examen, vous permettant d'conomiser temps et argent (le prix le plus bas jamais enregistr). Aprs avoir pratiqu toutes les parties du cours, vous serez prt russir l'examen ds le premier essai et viter tout risque.A qui s'adresse ce livre: aux tudiants se prparant l'examen de certification ITIL 4 Foundation."
Price: 79.99

"How to Journal About Your Overseas Experiences" |
"You love visiting new places and learning about different cultures, but you want to do more than just scratch the surface. You want to know what its really like to immerse yourself in a new country and live like a local.This course goes beyond keeping a travel diary. Youll learn how to develop a journalling habit to record all those little moments and observations you dont want to forget. Journalling about your overseas experiences also gives you the opportunity to explore that new side of yourself youre discovering through your reactions to your adopted country.During the next three weeks, youll find out how to get started with journalling about your new life. Well look at how you can find time to write, even on really busy days, and how you can begin to organise your thoughts.Youll discover how to use writing prompts to focus on particular aspects of life abroad. And well also go into what you can do when you come across common writing problems such as self-doubt, perfectionism or feeling stuck for ideas.Youll also learn how to go deeper with your writing and experiment with different journalling formats and styles. At the end of the course, youll to get to explore different reasons for keeping a journal and set your own writing goals for the future.Because youll be busy adjusting to your new surroundings, Ive kept the course short and focused. Youll only need 1 - 2 hours each week to work through the content and try out the journalling prompts."
Price: 24.99

"Salud Da a Da" |
"En este curso titulado ""Salud Da a Da"" se hablar sobre la importancia que tiene la cultura de la prevencin en la salud. Aprenders conceptos bsicos, y medidas de prevencin general para evitar enfermedades agudas as como enfermedades crnicas. Se fomenta sobre adquirir un estilo de vida saludable, para evitar o retrasar la aparicin de enfermedades, as como de sus principales complicaciones."
Price: 270.00

"Learn Writing Quantitative MBA Thesis" |
"If you are a MBA student, and if you are curious about writing a Quantitative MBA Thesis, or if you are curious about how to formulate a research question, research objective, and research hypothesis, you are at the right place right now. We are debating how to write a quantitative MBA thesis in 5 lectures. I hope you are gonna be an expert on this topic."
Price: 104.99

"Comandos bsicos [Windows y Linux] e introduccin al hacking" |
"Este curso tiene como objetivos mostrarte lo sencillo que es el manejo de comandos desde el CLI de un sistema operativo como lo son windows y ubuntu (Linux) , adems de dar una breve introduccin al mundo del hacking tico pero para esto es esencial el manejo de los comandos bsicos Los temas que abarcaremos en el curso sern :Instalacin de VMwareInstalacin de UbuntuGUI vs CLIPedir ayuda desde el CLIComandos de supervivencia en Linux y WindowsComandos bsicos de Windows y LinuxManejo de directoriosManejo de redesComando sshComando net Manejo de sistemaPiping y Ampersand Introduccion al hacking etico"
Price: 345.00

"Google Cloud Architect Certification Practice Tests" |
"The course is designed for anyone preparing for Google Cloud Platform Architect certification exam. Students often wonder what type of questions come in the exam and it is very obvious that Google doesn't provide large set of sample questions that can help students. So this question bank designed especially for anyone who has gone through complete course-ware and ready to give the exam. It contains six sections, first four sections will test your skills on specific Google products and last two sections will help in creating Exam mock-up for you. The major products that this course focuses on are Compute Services, Storage Services, Networking and Security and each section contains 20 questions that will brush up your skills and clear your concepts that you have already learnt. Next I have designed 2 exam mock-up sets each with 50 questions that will help you fully prepared for the exam. If you get a score of more than 80%, you are ready for the exam.Good Luck!"
Price: 19.99

"Vedic Numerology Foundation Course" |
Price: 1280.00

""""" Ruby" |
"Ruby Array Ruby Ruby RubyOnRails Web Ruby Ruby Enjoy Ruby!"
Price: 2400.00

"Complete Photoshop tutorial from beginner to pro" |
"This is the ultimate Photoshop training course that will take you from being a novice to a Professional Photoshop user in no time at all. Sounds cool right?!!Master the program with ease while having fun!I will provide you with the easiest approach: we'll focus on real world issues and learn how to solve them with the aid of awesome projects which I have incorporated into my course. you'll learn how to work fast using keyboard shortcuts to make your work faster.I will be using Adobe Photoshop CC 2019. All the contents is explained for users no matter the version of Photoshop you're using.what you will learn:know the awesome powers of PhotoshopI will show you website where you can download cracked version of Photoshopmaster layers and layers panelwork with pen tool like a prodesign flat illustrationslearn to create amazing flyers, banners, business cards and many morelearn how to professionally retouch photoslearn how to manipulate imagescreate app iconsMASSIVE GIVEAWAY: OVER 100 PSD FILES FOR MY STUDENTSAnd so much more to find in my course......"
Price: 19.99

"Haareschneiden mit Methode - Der Long-Bob" |
"Eine schnittbetonte Frisur, auch ohne die Haare ganz abzuschneiden! Der Kompromiss zwischen Haarlnge und Haarschnitt ist der LongBob, kurz LoB genannt. Per Definition ist jede Lnge zwischen Kinn und Schulterhhe ein LongBob. Neu ist, dass die Lngen vorne jetzt auf Hhe des Schlsselbeins enden, also noch ein wenig lnger als bisher. Fr eine perfekte Form sind die Haare im Nacken krzer geschnitten, die Schnittlinie verluft diagonal nach vorne mit einer kompakten Grundlnge und einer Graduierung im Bereich des Nackens."
Price: 29.99

"Qumica orgnica desde cero" |
"En este curso de ms de 2 horas te sumergirs en el mundo de la Qumica orgnica.Te brindaremos los conocimientos slidos para comprender la qumica orgnica y verla de diferente manera.Aprenders ciertos temas de importancia creciente de una manera uniforme, enfatizando su importancia en la qumica orgnica como ningn otro curso. Adems te brindaremos las bases necesarias para que aprendas nomenclatura IUPAC de compuestos orgnicos. Esto lo lograremos analizando - mentalmente y, mediante el uso de modelos de las molculas involucradas. Mostraremos lo grandes que pueden ser los efectos del disolvente y cuyos cambios del mismo pueden ocasionar un milln de cambios en una reaccin.Este curso es nico en Udemy, ya que te enseo a travs de ejemplos, dinmicas para entender el comportamiento qumico desde otro punto de vista.Empieza ya mismo a conocer la qumica orgnica, para beneficio propio o para adquirir los conocimientos de una ciencia vista en el nivel acadmico.Nos vemos dentro del curso!Su instructora,Miriam,Lo que aprendersNomenclatura IUPACPreparacin de compuestos alifticosReacciones de compuestos alifticosHibridacin del carbonoEnlaces qumicosConfiguracin electrnicaHay requisitos para realizar el curso?Querer aprender Qumica Orgnica.Deseos de ampliar sus conocimientos en esta ciencia.Conocimientos generales de qumica generalPara quin es este curso?Todo el que quiera aprender Qumica."
Price: 345.00
