"90-Day Money Makeover" |
"People love to talk about investing and retiring, but the sad truth is there are 40,000,000 American households without significant savings. The average annual social security payment is $17,640. That is $29,368 less than the average American makes in a year. As the world becomes less predictable, it is important that we use our working years and income to enjoy life and prepare for the unknown.Following the introduction of this course, I walk students through the exact process I followed to change my money mindset, understand my expenses, and spending habits. To gain the most out of this course students will need to commit 60-days to learning and documenting their financial habits.Having systems removes the guess work. The Savings sections teaches students to take the information they have learned and develop a savings plan. I instruct students on how to increase their savings accounts month over month.In the budgeting section, I provide students with an Excel template for setting up their budget. I also teach students how to setup their bank accounts for success.Proper budgeting reduces debt. I have saved the debt-pay off section for last. My hope is that students will achieve a proper money mindset by this stage of the course. The momentum of the earlier sections serve as the motivation for paying off any existing debt and keeping their debt obligations low.I end the course with my closing thoughts and I share the resources I used to remain motivated."
Price: 29.99

"Evoluciona desde Excel a Python" |
"Si buscas aprender Python de un experto... este curso NO es para t. Este curso est orientado a todos aquellos que, como yo en su minuto, quieren iniciarse en el mundo de Python y evolucionar desde su reporte en excel. Python no se aprende a menos que lo practiques una y otra vez. Cada vez que tengas una base de datos y necesites trabajar en ella, te irn surgiendo mil y un problemas para los cuales tendrs que googlear, buscar en foros, o pasarte largas horas tratando de solucionarlos. Lo que te ofrezco es mostrarte mi experiencia, consolidar toda esa busqueda de soluciones en un curso que pretende ser de gran utilidad para ayudarte a convertirte en un usuario activo de Python y darle otro nivel a tus reportes y anlisis. Bienvenido!"
Price: 19.99

"Introduccin a Business Intelligence (BI)" |
"Bienvenido al curso de Business Intelligence para usuarios de negocio con Qlik Sense. Conoce cmo las empresas ms grandes toman las mejores decisiones basadas en informacin y el conocimiento adquirido les permite tener una ventaja analtica competitiva.Aprende a implementar soluciones de Business Intelligence y s autosuficiente en la gestin de tu informacin. No dependas de IT!En este curso te ayudar en la formacin integral no solo terica sino prctica y, sobretodo, estratgica del uso del Business Intelligence y la informacin como uno de los activos principales del negocio. Por qu deberas aprender Business Intelligence?Este disciplina te ayudar a generar el conocimiento adecuado para adquirir una ventaja competitiva en tu negocio y tomar decisiones ms acertadas, dejando atrs las decisiones basadas en intuicin.Por qu llevar este curso?La conceptualizacin y estructura del curso, ha sido pensadas en base al usuario de negocio y en cmo empoderarlo en la gestin de su informacin. Estos son los objetivos que buscar logres, al culminar el curso:Ser autosuficiente en la gestin de tu propia informacin.Poner en valor los datos que manejas.Elaborars informes, vistas y dashboard de alto impacto, usando una herramienta lder del mercado.Podrs abrirte nuevas puertas laborales. Conocer y usar Business Intelligence (BI) es casi un requisito fundamental en este nuevo mundo digital.Aprenders no slo qu es BI, sino tambin conceptos relacionados en esta disciplina.Aprenders a usar Qlik Sense dede cero.Logrars darle vida a tus archivos estticos de excel con ayuda de BI.Hay requisitos para realizar el curso?No son necesarios conocimientos previos. Iremos desde cero hasta que ests empoderado(a) para generar tus informes, vistas y anlisis de negocio.Para quin es este curso?Lderes, usuarios de negocio, gestores de proyectos, ejecutivos de IT, analistas de datos y todo profesional interesado en generar valor al negocio a travs de la informacin como activo principal en la toma de decisiones."
Price: 29.99

"Trading para torpes" |
"Hoy es tu da de suerte! Con este cdigo "" A4A5EC652D883E4F3F81 "" podrs adquirir nuestro curso por tan slo 9,99. A qu esperas?El trading financiero consiste en comprar o vender un valor subyacente en un mercado financiero con la intencin de obtener un beneficio futuro.A da de hoy Bull Trading Investment ofrece una formacin minuciosamente preparada para cada tipo de cliente e inteligencia financiera. Contamos con una visin diferente a los dems, una estructura hecha para sacar el mximo potencial tcnico y/o prctico de todos nuestros usuarios. Nacemos para prestar un servicio educativo a todas aquellas personas que quieran mejorar su formacin financiera y as en un periodo de tiempo medio/largo, contar con la inteligencia financiera suficiente para conseguir el xito econmico que cada uno desee.Con este pequeo curso, de los tantos que tenemos, queremos ensearte lo bsico del mundillo que tan sonado est ltimamente. La razn por la cual hemos realizado ""Trading para torpes"" es para que todo tipo de persona pueda conocer ms a fondo el mundo de la inversin de este tipo.Al finalizar este curso tendrs la nocin del funcionamiento bsico (pero muy importante) de qu es el Trading y te dar la oportunidad de avanzar en conocimientos ms complejos en el futuro, claro est, con nosotros :).Te esperamos con muchas ganas!"
Price: 19.99

"Aprenda a desenvolver em Python com Django" |
"Aprenda a criar e a navegar entre templates no Python com Django. Gerenciamento de usurios, cadastro, alterao e reset de senha. Aprenda a incluir imagens em seu projeto e torn-lo multi linguagem. Aprenda a criar urls dinmicas utilizando parmetros como entrada. Criar login de usurio. Criar diferentes aplicaes para separar o contedo do seu site."
Price: 54.99

"Tcnicas Simples para Administrar tu AD con Powershell" |
"Aprenda a administrar los objetos de su dominio de Active Directory, con simples instrucciones a travs de Windows Powershell.Busca y administra cuentas de usuarios, cuentas de equipos, grupos y unidades organizacionales, sin mayor esfuerzo, reduciendo as el trabajo de tu da a da. Veremos requerimientos tpicos que se realizan en el da a da en las organizaciones, y como poder atacarlos y solucionarlos a travs de Windows Powershell. Ser conciso y preciso en las soluciones, para que puedas entender y mejorar estas habilidades en el menor tiempo posible.Si no tienes muchos conocimientos sobre la administracin de Active Directory, en cuanto a sus objetos, te invito a que empecemos este viaje juntos, donde aprenders a cmo mejorar estas habilidades."
Price: 19.99

"English Pronunciation & Accent Training: Foundation" |
"We're proud of our self-access English Pronunciation & Accent Training course! Discover the secrets behind native British English-sounding speech! Get concrete techniques, tips and exercises which you can implement and practice everyday. Get heard at work, at college or on the phone and feel confident and effective in your English speech!"
Price: 19.99

"Test your English language skills" |
"This test includes questions that cover both A1 and A2 levels of English language understanding.This practice test will help you understand your weak areas in IELTS.This test is designed for those who may still have some gaps in their English language knowledge.Specifically, it will test you for correct use of:Sentence orderPast, present and future simple sentences Prepositions of time Adjectives Comparatives and superlatives ArticlesIrregular, negative and state verbs Possessive nouns and pronouns Plural nounsQuestion words and forms Countable and uncountable Gerunds and infinitives By learning your general 'level' of English language fundamentals, you'll be better able to know where you need to improve."
Price: 29.99

"Monte sua agncia de comunicao Administrao e finanas" |
"A experincia de 30 anos do empreendedor e profissional da comunicao Srgio Said na fundao e conduo de uma agncia com alcance internacional, transformada em um curso dinmico e extremamente prtico. As aulas incluem ensinamentos que no so aprendidos na faculdade, como, por exemplo, segredos estratgicos do mundo dos negcios e do empreendedorismo, vivncias adquiridas junto a clientes, a conquista de mercado e como administrar uma agncia desde o seu surgimento at ela se tornar de grande porte.Esta a primeira parte de um curso em 2 etapas. Nestas aulas, voc aprender sobre administrao & finanas."
Price: 99.99

"Unreal Engine 4: Create A Third-Person Action Adventure" |
"In this game design course, Ill be guiding you through the basics of how to create your own Uncharted style game. This course will be using Unreal Engine 4 the same engine AAA game development studios used to make games such as Fortnite, Batman Arkham Knight, Bioshock, and so many others!This course contains 15 engaging video lessons that will walk you the following topics step-by-step:How to add music, dynamic sound effects, and dialogue to your gameHow to create UI text and animated titlesHow to make your own AI companionsHow to trigger environmental events and spawn particles systemsHow to make collectibles and other interactable objectsHave to change various player stats and inputs whenever you wantAnd more!With the knowledge youll acquire from these lessons, youll understand how these concepts are used in EVERY video game and gain the confidence to combine these elements to create your very own third-person action-adventure game full of well-paced sounds, realistic physics, slick titles, AI characters, dynamic player movement, and more! And no worries, no prior experience or programming knowledge is needed!"
Price: 34.99

"Easy Learning Spanish" |
"Within 10 lessons you will develop essential vocabulary and important grammar to kick start your journey to fluency.Dont have time to attend lessons at the same time every week? The beauty of this online course is that you set your own learning pace. You can start, stop and repeat whenever you like until you understand the material and get the pronunciation just right.Each lesson has an easy-to-follow worksheet that covers the learning material and practical exercises to test yourself. A video will guide you through the content, explaining each step and demonstrating the correct pronunciation."
Price: 74.99

"Media Training & Video Creation For Online Course Creators" |
"Video is a crucial medium for the future. Videos rank higher on SEO, they convert at much higher rates, and they raise the perceived value of online courses. But for many, appearing on video is incredibly scary.Most courses aimed at helping course creators focus on relatively easy stuff like choosing a subject, leaving you high and dry for the concrete step of filming, or they instead cover the technical aspects of uploading a course on a specific platform, information that can be found in the FAQ's of your online course platform of choice. Other courses leave you feeling that you need sophisticated equipment and professional level editing skills to create high qualitv video. What these courses don't do is offer concrete tips on how to feel more comfortable on camera and how to produce high-quality video that integrates seamlessly with your course and with your online identity as a creative entrepreneur.Many courses that offer media training focus too much on how one looks on video. Few courses offer a holistic approach, taking conventional media training a step further by applying it to online course creation, and outlining everything you need to think about as your create high quality videos for your online course.This course helps you to see how your mindset, approach, and organization makes all the difference when it comes to high-quality video for your online course and beyond. You will come away confident that you can create lasting impact on your students' lives, and you will gain knowledge on every aspect of video creation that will help you as you explore new video formats for your online platform.We'll be covering:-Mindset-How to get over your fear of video-Setting yourself up for success-Equipment you do and don't need-What to do before a shoot, every time-How to get organized-Why appearing natural on video doesn't feel natural-Communication Styles-Body language and expressions-Energy levels-Grooming & Beauty-Sound and lighting-Filming tricks that make editing easier-How to integrate video into your course-Other ways to integrate video into your online platform"
Price: 24.99

"Complete Positive Thinking Course - Happiness Psychology" |
"Complete Positive Thinking Course - Happiness PsychologyThe Positive Thinking Habit - Harness the Power of Positive Psychology to Manifest More Happiness In Your Life! Positive thinking is not something youre born with. It is a habit you can develop. And once you have the positive thinking daily habit, your life will explode with growth and improvement.People who go through life with a glass is half full mindset are more successful, happier, and more productive than those who go through life with a glass is half empty mindset.Whether you were born naturally optimistic or not does not matter. If you decide you want to embrace positive thinking on a daily basis in your own life, then this course will show you exactly how to do it.Personal development expert TJ Walker will teach you his unique SelfieSpeak Programming (SSP) method for building a positive thinking mindset into your brain. This system isnt just theory or another collection of useful tips, it is a systematic way of reprogramming the negativity out of your brain.We live in a 24/7 online media and social media world that screams out negative, destruction, despair, unrest, failure all day long. If you consume media the way most people do, and interact with your own cell phone the way most people do, then a negative thinking mentality is the most likely outcome. If you want to embrace life with a positive thinking mentality, you must change your relationship to traditional media, social media, and your cell phone.This course will teach you how to embrace the positive in life. If you are ready to wake up in the morning with a smile on your face and feel good about your day to come, then you should sign up for this positive thinking course right now."
Price: 199.99

"The Complete Professional Psychic Course - FULLY ACCREDITED" |
"This course will help you with psychic mediumship development, sensitize your psychic senses (Clair senses i.e. Clairsentience, Clairaudience, Clairvoyance, Claircognizance), open the third eye, balance the chakras, cleansed and energize Aura, awaken Kundalini, and enable you to become a professional psychic with the skills of clairvoyance, psychic readings, and aura reading. This course will also be very helpful for self-improvement; the skills of shaman/ shamanism (shamanic healing/ witchcraft or Wicca/ soul retrieval), communication with angels/ archangels (angelic communication and healing/ therapy); meditation and mindfulness; Reiki, lucid dreaming, hypnosis/ self-hypnosis/ hypnotherapy, self-Acceptance/ self-love, self-esteem, attraction, likability, and radiate confidence through the spiritual law of attraction, spiritual personality development or personal development and spiritual soft skills, business communication skills, public speaking, self presentation skills and social skills; tantra / tantric sex, astral projection / astral travel / Out-of-Body Experience (OBE), do forest bathing or Shinrin-Yoku and build nature connection for nonverbal communication i.e. telepathy, plant/human/animal communication, mind reading / mentalism / mentalist (without doing magic tricks), and lie detection; seeing past, future and manifestation; karmic or akashic records, karma, intuition development, remote viewing, consciousness, spirituality, spiritual coach / coaching, life coach / coaching, spiritual healing, energy healing, spiritual quantum physics or metaphysics, mystic philosophy (mysticism), crystal healing, color therapy/ colour therapy, hoodoo and conjure, past lives, past life regression, Tarot card reading, Angel card reading, Oracle card reading, and dowsing or divining rods etc. After understanding the psychic abilities and concepts, you will also be able to relate the core concepts behind the miracles in the present and mentioned in the history/ mythology of all religion e.g. Hinduism/ Mahabharata, Buddhism, Islam / Quran, Christianity/ Bible, Judaism/ Kabbalah etc.The accredited certificate will be provided by the Virtued Academy International."
Price: 199.99

"Udemy - Unofficial" |
", . :) , - . Udemy 20 000 150 . : Udemy 30 . , . . !"
Price: 194.99

UpWork |
", . :) , - . UpWork 100% . : UpWork e UpWork . . !"
Price: 194.99

"SAP BODS (BO Data Services) Certification Training" |
"BODS OverviewOverview of the Data ServicesData services benefits, associated products, interfacesData services Architecture on single and distributed environmentBODS Designer conceptsCreating the repository (Local, Central repository)Exploring the menu options in the designerCreating the project, Job flow, Data flow, Work flows etc.,Defining different types of Data stores (Source and destination data stores)Use data store and system configurationsDefining file formats for flat, Excel, XML filesBatch JobsCreating Batch JobsWork with objectsCreate a data flowAdding the Query transform to the data flowUse target tablesExecute the jobDefining Data Integrator TransformsDate Generation TransformPivot TransformReverse Pivot TransformXML_Pipeline TransformDefining Data Platform TransformsQuery TransformCase TransformMerge TransformValidation TransformRow Generation TransformSQL TransformDefining Data Quality TransformAddress CleanseGeocoderImplementation of SCDSCD Type0......Query TransformSCD Type1......Table Comparison Transform......Map Operation TransformSCD Type2......History Preserving Transform......Key Generation TransformUsing Functions, Scripts, and VariablesDefine built-in functionsUse functions in expressionsUse variables and parametersCreate Custom functionsUse Data Services scripting languageData assessmentUsing the data profileUsing the validation transformSetting up Error HandlingSet up recoverable work flowsSetting up Exception HandlingTry/Catch TechniquesIF ConditionalWhile-Loop ImplementationCapturing Changes in DataUpdate data over timeUse source-based CDCUse target-based CDC......SCD Type 2SAP IntegrationData extraction from ECC system to File, Table and SAP BIData extraction from ECC ExtractorsData Extraction from SAP BWABAP WorkflowsSAP HANA and SAP BODS IntegrationIntroduction to SAP HANAIntroduction to SAP HANA StudioCreate Data Store for SAP HANAPerform the load into SAP HANAStore the data in Column StorePreview the data in SQL console of SAP HANA Studio"
Price: 129.99

"HIIT: En forma, con salud y esttica!" |
"En este curso te propongo entrenar 2 veces por semana entrenamientos HIIT de menos de 15 minutos. La magia? La alta intensidad, ni ms ni menos. Tienes ante tu, un curso que va a cambiar por completo la forma en la que entrenas y te va a ayudar a mejorar tu salud, aumentar tu rendimiento, perder grasa y verte mejor en el espejo. El HIIT es una metodologa de entrenamiento segura y eficaz y dentro del curso te explico por que. Aprenders todo lo relacionado con el HIIT, como entrenar, como medir la intensidad, cuales son los mejores ejercicios, donde, cuando entrenar etc. Adems, te propongo la programacin BIIP que consta de 4 niveles de dificultad (bsico, intermedio, intenso y pro) para que entrenes en progresin de menos a ms dificultad, con vdeos 100% exclusivos, grabados por mi. Te va a encantar!"
Price: 49.99

"Curso de Check-out E-Commerce" |
"O curso completo de Checkout para Ecommerce com PHP7 PDO e Mysql possui 73 aulas, neste curso o aluno vai aprender a criar a estrutura para um checkout de pagamento, recebendo os dados que vem do carrinho de compras, fazendo as configuraes do cupom de pagamentos e frete, preparando tudo para que o usurio possa prosseguir com os pagamentos, lembrando que est o stimo curso da sequncia de cursos onde montamos do zero uma loja virtual, o ideal acompanhar na ordem."
Price: 49.99

"SAP C_TADM55A_75 SAP Certified Technology Associate (HANA)" |
"Get certified in SAP and fulfill the first and most important step for your resume: an SAP internationally valid certification.The key element to approve an SAP certification exam is practice and we are so confident in our practice exams that we guarantee you will approve the exam or we refund the full amount of your purchase. No questions asked!Plus we will send you the pdf files of the official SAP public guides so you don't loose time with the wrong versions.With our practice tests you will be able to simulate the exact same conditions of your exam: 180 minutes to complete 80 questions exactly as in the SAP certification exam which means no true/false questions, a minimum approval rate of 64 and of course certification exam level daring questions so that you have the experience to approve and get certified.And after you finish you'll get immediate feedback with the correct answer for each and all the questions.But worry not! If the time runs out you can try again, in fact you can repeat the practice test as many times as needed. Also, if you start but you run into a problem you can pause or even cancel that attempt and try again anytime you feel like practicing.You have finished practicing and in fact you have already approved the exam but you are nervous about the job interview and you need to refresh a topic, come again and also reference the content for your work with a lifetime access to the content.Don't think twice and invest in yourself, the best investment you can pursue!We will be at your service to answer any queries! Contact us at any time! We will answer all of your queries!Trust our thousands of satisfied certified students!"
Price: 199.99

LaravelLaravel |
"50%5BF3A66C4935A1F36B0DPHP90LaravelLaravelweb pageDBLaravel"
Price: 2400.00

"C++ Essencial: Aprenda a Programar PASSO a PASSO! [2020]" |
"Seja bem-vindo ao curso de C++ da Cod3r.Neste curso abordamos uma das linguagens mais versteis de se programar, e aqui voc aprender de forma definitiva os principais conceitos, tudo que essencial, e aquilo que necessrio pra voc desenvolver suas aplicaes em C++.A Cod3r se orgulha de ser uma das escolas de tecnologia que mais crescem no Brasil, e investe alto pra que voc tenha o contedo que far diferena na sua carreira. Somos reconhecidos pela excelncia e didtica mpar, e por isso a Udemy possui uma poltica de reembolso de at 30 dias aps a compra se no estiver satisfeito com o curso. Se ainda no conhece os nossos mtodos e os nossos cursos, te desafio a assistir as aulas gratuitas e conferir.Robusta e consolidada, C++ a juno perfeita de linguagem de baixo nvel e alto nvel. Todo o poder de C com a versatilidade da orientao a objetos.Largamente utilizada em vrios tipos de aplicaes, est no topo das linguagens mais utilizadas mundo, e assim que podemos perceber como C++ poderosa, flexvel e abrangente. Ela pode ser usada para programar qualquer tipo de software desde os mais simples at os mais complexos.Alm disso, C++ uma linguagem que gera programas em cdigo de mquina. Por sua capacidade de atingir o baixo nvel de programao, prxima linguagem de mquina, amplamente utilizada em compiladores, editores, ferramentas de programao, jogos e programas de rede.Ns aprenderemos juntos os principais conceitos que formam bons programadores como: lgica de programao, anatomia do cdigo, entradas e sadas, tipos de dados, operadores, estruturas de controle, toda a questo de memria como referncia e ponteiro e funes. Conceitos importantes da linguagem como array e vector e todos os conceitos do paradigma de orientao a objetos como: herana, polimorfismo, sobrecarga de mtodos, encapsulamento, classes, mtodos e etc.C++ tem uma comunidade largamente difundida em todo o mundo o que resulta em bastante contedo e cdigos disponveis na internet, voc sempre conseguir encontrar o que precisa.No nosso curso voc dispe de um time de suporte gil e qualificado pra tirar todas suas dvidas, e ajud-lo na compreenso dos contedos apresentados.Alm disso, voc ter direito a acesso vitalcio, e ao final do curso, voc garante um certificado de concluso.Estamos muito ansiosos pra trabalharmos juntos nesse processo de aprendizado. Conte com o nosso time e te vejo no curso."
Price: 339.99

"Artificial Intelligence (AI) Logo Design Tools" |
"When designing a logo for your new company or project, the first step is to determine which design method fits your budget, schedule and creative needs.A new wave of graphic design has come to the limelight with artificial intelligence gaining prominence in all fields of technology, providing an affordable alternative for bootstrapped entrepreneurs and startups. As a powerful and easy alternative to DIY logo design (which is extremely time-consuming) and hiring a designer (which is more or less expensive), an AI-powered logo creation tool is a smart way to create logos that look professional and appealing to your target audience. You will also get 100's of variations of logo's to choose from in an instant - which would take ideally months for the output to be created manually. And unlike other online logo makers or templates, an AI-powered logo generation tool will never strive to duplicate your design. This will give you peace of mind that no other business or company will have the same logo as yours. Nevertheless, with a human designer, you always have to negotiate what you want or get on the same page with what they want to actually do. It can also be challenging to explain what youre exactly looking for. Let's look at what this course can do for you now.This mind-blowing training course titled ""Artificial Intelligence (AI) Logo Design Tools"" taught by Digital Marketing Legend ""Srinidhi Ranganathan"", Mastermind ""Saranya Srinidhi"" and Marketing Expert ""Sai Manoj"" will showcase some of the most interesting ways to build a beautiful logo using cloud-based Artificial Intelligence (AI) tools, extremely quick and easy. What's more? We will also look at the various methods for generating slogans and creating stunning logo video intro's. Then, we will discuss more about the concept and challenges of leveraging Artificial Intelligence (AI) for logo creation. This just means, you will have a blend of theory and practical concepts to go through here.If you have the passion to learn, there is no time to waste. This course can help you get trained to create an effective logo for your brand - the one that you desire to always create.The course will be educative, informative, and practical at the same time.Enrol now and let's start learning this incredible course and change your career as a logo-designer forever. There are interesting, engaging, and new things to experience here, inside.Lights. Camera. Action. Let's begin."
Price: 19.99

"Managing Stress In The Digital Age" |
"Do you find it hard to manage stress? Do you often feel anxious? Do you something feel as if your smartphone is becoming your best friend?Though we are not always aware, technology - and particularly smartphone usage - can considerably impact our stress levels.Research shows that the more we use our smartphones, the more our stress levels rise, so this course, 'Managing Stress In The Digital Age', has been specifically designed for anyone looking to regulate stress, find balance and increase their joy.You will learn the basics of how and why digital notification can create stress. You'll identify your stressors, learn how to set healthy tech boundaries, clear your inbox and declutter your online life, and we'll look at the importance of a 'digital detox' and how you can do it with ease.Are you ready to feel joy every day no matter what kind of day you have had? To live life more consciously and know you can manage your daily stressors easily. Let's get started!"
Price: 19.99

"My Best Secret Highest Profitable Arrow Based EMA Strategy" |
"Hello My Dear Fellow traders i hope all of you guys must be fine and enjoying great health along with yours trading also.Today i am back with a Brand New strategy and its very powerful and highest ever profitable strategy using the Exponential Moving Averages.Yes, my dear fellow traders i am always looking forward towards a strategy that is implemented On Live Martket.By Live Market i mean to say Buy or sell from here with proper stop loss and take profit and thats it, Simple , very simple."
Price: 199.99

"Indian stock market fundamentals and technicals." |
"This book is all about fundamental and technical basic on Indian stock market .The topic of this books as following 1)Investment basic -- why should investment ? -- when should start investment ? --what are various types of investment ? 2) Indian economy today and in future -- GDP / GDP growth -- Inflation data -- Types of deficit -- IIP data -- FDI -- FII -- Future of india economy 3) Stock market basic -- NSE& BSE -- NIFTY 50 & SENSEX -- Index -- Revenue, EBIT, Net profit ,OPM -- Cash and debit balance -- Types of Issue ( IPO,FPO,RIGHT etc ) -- Face value -- Types of ratio 4) Sectors and Index -- IT index -- Auto index -- Bank nifty index ( repo,r repo ,slr ,crr ) -- Oil and gas index -- Capital good and construction index -- FMGC -- Metal index -- Real estate index -- Power index -- Telecom index 5) technical of market -- 50&200 DMA -- Support & resistance -- Chart & volume -- Head and shoulder pattern -- Trend 6) Future and option -- Lot size -- E date -- Margin -- Rollover -- Future market -- Call option -- Put option -- Hegging 7) Element that effect the market 8) Element that should consider at time of Investment and trading -- Budget -- Man soon -- Types of trade ( short,medium and long ) 9"
Price: 19.99

"Cincia de Dados para Negcios usando Excel" |
"O Excel um dos softwares mais populares do mundo, e sem dvida, a ferramenta mais utilizada para a anlise de dados. Neste curso, voc vai aprender tcnicas para ir alm de resumos e grficos bsicos para analisar seus dados. O curso est dividido em trs sees principais:Tcnicas Descritivas: conhea seus dados: desde medidas de centralidade, variabilidade, valores fora do padro alm de grficos estatsticos no usuais.Tcnicas Probabilsticas: analise a probabilidade da ocorrncia de eventos na sua empresa e tome decises mais assertivas. Tcnicas de Inferncia: nesta seo, tratamos de previses, ou seja, prever eventos que ainda no ocorreramDesenvolva um projeto prtico com uma planilha analtica conectada a um banco de dados em tempo realO curso conta ainda com material para baixar: Planilhas usadas no curso e Slides em PDFBons estudos!"
Price: 39.99

APP+Web |
"Google AnalyticsAPP+WebGoogle AnalyticsGoogle Analytics"
Price: 19.99

"Complete Video Editing and Videography using Filmora" |
"Using this course content, you will be able to learn from scratch how to make video editing projects and ads within an hour. The course will take you from the very basics of video editing to a complete in-depth knowledge of how video shoots work and how different effects are used to make a complete professional video possible. Right from what are frames and what is FPS to how Cinematography is done - you will get a complete 360-degree learning experience of video editing. This course is for Teachers who teach Video editing, Youtube creators who make their video look appealing, ads creator, freelancers who want to start their career by selling professional ads and video-clips, footage-makers, video content creators, course instructors and everyone who is into the digital era and want to edit their video to give a professional look."
Price: 29.99

biology-102 |
"( ) 102. ."
Price: 59.99

"Complete SQL + Databases Bootcamp: Zero to Mastery [2020]" |
"Just launched with all modern SQL and Databases (PostgreSQL, MySQL, + more) features for 2020 and 2021! Join a live online community of over 350,000+ students and a course taught by industry experts that have actually worked both in Silicon Valley and Toronto managing databases. This is one of the most in demand tech skills in the world right now with SQL being used for many years to come (it has been around since the 1970s and going stronger than ever)!Using the latest best practices in SQL, Database Management and Database Design, this course is focused on efficiency. Never spend time on confusing, out of date, incomplete tutorials anymore. Graduates of Andreis courses are now working at Google, Tesla, Amazon, Apple, IBM, JP Morgan, Facebook, + other top tech companies.We guarantee you this is the most comprehensive online resource on Databases like PostgreSQL and MySQL. This project and exercise based course will introduce you to all of the modern toolchain of an SQL developer or anyone using a database in the workplace (Product Manager, Business Analyst/Intelligence, Data Analyst, Data Scientists, Machine Learning Engineer, Web Developer, Mobile Developer + any role requiring insights from data). Along the way, we will learn practical and real world skills that will get you hired. The curriculum is going to be very hands on as we walk you from start to finish of working with databases and SQL, all the way into learning how to scale databases, how to manage them, and even bonus material on working with Big Data, Caching using Redis, and connecting PostgreSQL to a Node.js server. We even talk about pros and cons of choosing an SQL Database vs NoSQL like MongoDB. We will start from the very beginning by teaching you SQL and Database Fundamentals and then going into advanced topics so you can make good decisions and work with any data that your company has no matter how complex!The topics covered are:- NoSQL (MongoDB) vs PostgreSQL, MySQL vs NewSQL- SQL Theory And Concepts- The Relational Model- SQL Basics- SQL Functions- Data Modification Language / DML- Data Query Language / DQL- Subqueries- Indexes- SQL Filtering / WHERE Statement- 3 Valued Logic- SQL JOINS- Window Functions- Date Filtering and Timestamps- SQL Aggregate Functions- SQL Operator Precedense- SQL ORDER BY- SQL GROUP BY- SQL Top Down Design- SQL Bottom Up Design- SQL Entity Relationship Diagram- SQL Normalization- Database Types- The role of a DBMS- Multi Table SELECT- The Software Development Lifecycle / SDLC- POSTGRES Role Management- POSTGRES Permission Management- POSTGRES Backup Strategies- POSTGRES Transaction Management/ SQL Transactions- POSTGRES/SQL Data Types- SQL Views- Redis Database- Elasticsearch- Connecting A Database To A Server/Web App (Node.js)- Data Engineering (Kafka, Hadoop, etc...)- Sharding- Replication- Backups- Vertical + Horizontal Scaling- Distributed vs Centralized Databases- Big Data + Analytics- Database Security (SQL Injections, Access Control, etc...)+ moreWith SQL you will be able to work with all databases like: PostgreSQL, MySQL, Oracle SQL, Microsoft SQL Server, IBM DB2, SQLite, MariaDB, Amazon Redshift, Presto, Apache Hive with Hadoop, and many many more because SQL is everywhere!You see, data is everywhere and it is the most valuable asset in the world. All the top companies need people that can work with data. That is where this course comes in. Unlike most tutorials out there, this course encompasses many fields working with many databases. Whether you want to get into the tech industry, youre a mobile or web developer, a data scientist, a machine learning engineer, a business analyst, even sales and marketing or you have your own company. Any role that requires you to work with data will need to know this valuable skill that is SQL (how to interact with databases, analyze, and use data). Here is the thing though. There are many courses on this topic. Let me tell you 3 reasons why this course is different from any other SQL/PostgreSQL/MySQL/Database tutorial online:1. In this course you will learn to work with not just 1 but many Databases like MySQL, PostgreSQL, Microsoft Server, Redis, and so much more. No prior programming or technical experience is necessary. We take you from absolute zero, all the way to mastery. We will go above and beyond to not just teach you SQL commands but to teach you advanced techniques, best practices, database design and how to think about performance, security, and scalability.2. This course is taught by actual professionals who have experience and have worked with databases for some of the largest companies in the world. Mo is a super star when it comes SQL. He has built software for the European Union, launched products for 5 Fortune 500 companies, and has consulted at Google. Andrei has worked on enterprise level apps for large tech firms in Silicon Valley as well as Toronto and has also taught others tech skills that got them into big companies like Google. By having both Andrei and Mo teach, you get to see different perspective and learn from 2 engineers as if you are working at a company together.3. We are going to have fun here. The course starts off with you getting hired at Keiko Corp to investigate their recent Database breach. Because we believe in learning by doing, you will be doing tons of real life assignments and exercises along the way, and eventually get to the point where you can help Keiko Corp solve their mystery by looking at their databases and analyzing hidden information. Our goals is that everyone has fun and is successful after completing the course :)This course is not about making you just watch along without understanding the principles so that when you are done with the course you dont know what to do other than watch another tutorial. No! This course will push you and challenge you to go from an absolute beginner in SQL and Databases to someone that is in the top 10% of SQL and Database experts!Taught By:Andrei is the instructor of the highest rated Development courses on Udemy as well as one of the fastest growing. His graduates have moved on to work for some of the biggest tech companies around the world like Apple, Google, Tesla, Amazon, JP Morgan, IBM, UNIQLO etc... He has been working as a senior software developer in Silicon Valley and Toronto for many years, and is now taking all that he has learned, to teach programming skills and to help you discover the amazing career opportunities that being a developer allows in life.Having been a self taught programmer, he understands that there is an overwhelming number of online courses, tutorials and books that are overly verbose and inadequate at teaching proper skills. Most people feel paralyzed and don't know where to start when learning a complex subject matter, or even worse, most people don't have $20,000 to spend on a coding bootcamp. Programming skills should be affordable and open to all. An education material should teach real life skills that are current and they should not waste a student's valuable time. Having learned important lessons from working for Fortune 500 companies, tech startups, to even founding his own business, he is now dedicating 100% of his time to teaching others valuable software development skills in order to take control of their life and work in an exciting industry with infinite possibilities.Andrei promises you that there are no other courses out there as comprehensive and as well explained. He believes that in order to learn anything of value, you need to start with the foundation and develop the roots of the tree. Only from there will you be able to learn concepts and specific skills(leaves) that connect to the foundation. Learning becomes exponential when structured in this way.Taking his experience in educational psychology and coding, Andrei's courses will take you on an understanding of complex subjects that you never thought would be possible.--------Mo is a Solutions Architect with over 7 years of experience in Software Architecture and Development. Having worked as a consultant for the majority of his career, he has seen it all.He has worked on global applications for multi-nationals, governments and Fortune 500 companies.Throughout his career he has seen every type of developer and development practice, and the one thing that he believes more than anything is that software development is a pragmatic team sport. Go fast alone, go far together!My main goal with instructing is to teach the foundational knowledge to set you up for life-long learning. Software and development practices change often, but when you have the right foundation adapting to the constant change becomes easy!See you inside the courses!"
Price: 159.99
