"CompTIA 220-802 + Certification Practice Test" |
"239 UNIQUE practice questions for CompTIA 220-802 + Certification Practice TestPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can atleast get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : CompTIA 220-802 + Certification Practice TestTotal Questions : 239Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :130 minsPassing Score : 75 (179 of 239)"
Price: 174.99

"Reiki Level 1: Perform Reiki On yourself & Others" |
"Reiki Level I is the first exciting step of this wonderful healing energy of Reiki. To be able to work with Reiki you will receive a distant attunement from a Reiki Master and I am more than happy to attune you as a qualified Reiki Master myself. Reiki is about working with the powerful energies that have always been widespread and is as old as the Universe itself. By being attuned you agree to become a channel for Pure Universal Energy. Reiki will indeed have an extraordinary effect on your life for the better.Reiki is complete; it works on the body mind and spirit by stimulating a persons own natural healing abilities. The blocked emotional and physical elements that lead to disease and ailment are cleared.Reiki I is your first step along the reiki path. The reiki attunement connects you to the source of healing energy which you can then start to channel. You can use this to help heal yourself and others around you.WHAT WILL HAPPEN AFTER YOUR REIKI I ATTUNEMENT? Your Chakras will be opened and you are connected to the Reiki Source You will be able to channel Reiki through your hands to yourself or others You will become gradually aware of what you need to do in regards to your healing You may become more intuitive and psychicThe course is easy to follow covering Reiki Level I in shortest time possible with the absolute beginner in mind. The course covers all aspects of the Reiki Level 1 plus special video, which will escort you through the distance Attunement process. On completion of this level you will receive a distant Attunement from your Reiki Master.So what are you waiting for? Lets explore this beautiful energy and start practicing Reiki for the betterment of ourselves and our loved ones.The Reiki understanding you will achieve from this course will allow not only help yourself but also all people around you including your friends, family and relatives. What are you waiting for ? Lets start learning about this beautiful healing energy ReikiGood Luck!"
Price: 19.99

"Minicurso: Navegao Otimizada" |
"Esse minicurso corresponde ao mdulo #1 do curso completo: ""27 Plataformas Gratuitas para Transformar suas Divulgaes Online""Mesmo cursando medicina na Universidade Federal do Paran (UFPR), foi a curiosidade e a proatividade que me aproximaram do mundo digital. Digo isso pois o que voc ir encontrar nesse minicurso no so fundamentaes tericas, mas sim conhecimentos adquiridos e testados na prtica.Quero te mostrar como alguns entendimentos bsicos de navegao no computaodor fazem muito sentido e podem ser facilmente aplicados para otimizar o seu dia a dia.Nesse minicurso, vamos conversar sobre atalhos de touchpad, comandos de teclado, configuraes do Windows e organizao do Google Chrome.E meu objetivo tornar tudo isso muito simples para voc que deseja aumentar a sua produtividade no trabalho em termos de navegao.Ao final dos tutoriais prticos desse minicurso, voc ter clareza sobre como aproveitar ao mximo tudo que o seu computador tem a oferecer."
Price: 84.99

"Minicurso: Design Descomplicado" |
"Esse minicurso corresponde ao mdulo #3 do curso completo: ""27 Plataformas Gratuitas para Transformar suas Divulgaes Online""Mesmo cursando medicina na Universidade Federal do Paran (UFPR), foi a curiosidade e a proatividade que me aproximaram do mundo digital. Digo isso pois o que voc ir encontrar nesse minicurso no so fundamentaes tericas, mas sim conhecimentos adquiridos e testados na prtica.Quero te mostrar como alguns entendimentos bsicos de design fazem muito sentido e podem ser facilmente aplicados para otimizar o seu dia a dia.Nesse minicurso, vamos conversar sobre todos os componentes que envolvem a criao de um identidade visual partindo do absoluto zero: fontes, cores, elementos, alinhamentos e transparncias.E meu objetivo tornar tudo isso muito simples para voc que deseja criar artes de forma gil e com qualidade.Ao final dos tutoriais prticos desse minicurso, voc ter clareza sobre como organizar os seus designs utilizando o Canva, que alm de ser uma plataforma excelente, gratuito."
Price: 84.99

"Minicurso: Videoconferncias" |
"Esse minicurso corresponde ao mdulo #5 do curso completo: ""27 Plataformas Gratuitas para Transformar suas Divulgaes Online""Mesmo cursando medicina na Universidade Federal do Paran (UFPR), foi a curiosidade e a proatividade que me aproximaram do mundo digital. Digo isso pois o que voc ir encontrar nesse minicurso no so fundamentaes tericas, mas sim conhecimentos adquiridos e testados na prtica.Quero te mostrar como alguns entendimentos bsicos de cenrio, luz, cmera e som podem ter colocar em posio de destaque em qualquer videoconferncia.Nesse minicurso, tambm vamos analisar as principais plataformas disponveis no mercado (Zoom, Google Meet e Microsoft Teams) e aprender a fazer lives no Youtube.E meu objetivo tornar tudo isso muito simples para voc que deseja assumir uma posio de destaque por trs da sua webcam.Ao final dos tutoriais prticos desse minicurso, voc ter clareza sobre como escolher a melhor plataforma para cada situao e como otimizar o espao onde voc faz suas videoconferncias."
Price: 84.99

"Matriser Python pour la Data Science (IA)" |
"Aujourd'hui, l'Intelligence Artificielle va bien au-del de l'ide de science-fiction. C'est devenu la ncessit. Que vous en soyez conscient ou non, lIntelligence Artificielle est dj prsente dans nos activits quotidiennes. En entreprise, elle est largement utilise pour traiter et analyser d'normes volumes de donnes ; elle aide grer le travail qui ne peut plus tre effectu manuellement en raison de ses volumes et de son intensit considrablement accrus.Pour la crer et la faire fonctionner correctement, le langage Python sest positionn comme un atout indispensable. Il est aujourdhui l'un des langages de programmation les plus populaires au monde. Prfr pour les applications allant du dveloppement Web l'automatisation des scripts et des processus, Python est trs rapidement devenu le premier choix parmi les dveloppeurs pour les projets d'intelligence artificielle (IA), de Machine Learning et de Deep Learning.Lobjectif de ce cours est justement de vous permettre d'acqurir les outils et les connaissances ncessaires pour coder en Python pour lIntelligence Artificielle. Vous apprendrez les notions de base indispensable pour dvelopper en Python, les fondamentaux en Python pour l'Intelligence Artificielle et vous prendrez en main trois bibliothques incontournables en Intelligence Artificielle. Ces bibliothques sont : NumPy, Pandas & Matplotlib. Pour les assimiler, vous travaillerez essentiellement sur trois projets :Manipulation d'un ensemble de donnes qui comprend les prix en dollars, et autres attributs de 25 diamants ;tude d'un ensemble de donnes sur les cas et les dcs dus au COVID-19 pour plusieurs pays ;tude d'un ensemble de donnes sur les prix Nobels dcerns de 1901 2019.POURQUOI OPTEZ-VOUS POUR PYTHON ?- Un grand cosystme de bibliothques L'un des aspects qui fait de Python un choix si populaire en gnral est son abondance de bibliothques et de frameworks orients vers lIntelligence Artificielle. Ceux-ci facilitent le codage et permettent de gagner du temps de dveloppement. - La simplicitPython est rput pour son code concis et lisible, et est presque ingal en termes de facilit d'utilisation et de simplicit, en particulier pour les nouveaux dveloppeurs. Il n'y a pas de confusion, d'erreurs ou de paradigmes conflictuels, ce qui conduit un change plus efficace d'algorithmes, d'ides et d'outils entre les professionnels de l'Intelligence Artificielle. - Indpendance de la plateformePython est non seulement confortable utiliser et facile apprendre, mais aussi trs polyvalent. Il peut s'excuter sur n'importe quelle plateforme, y compris Windows, MacOS, Linux, Unix et bien dautres.- Abondance de soutienPython dispose d'une communaut nombreuse et active de dveloppeurs dsireux de fournir des conseils et une assistance toutes les tapes du processus de dveloppement."
Price: 159.99

"Estimulacin Infantil" |
"La presente es una convocatoria a ingresar en el mundo de la estimulacin motriz y sensorial; los invitados son padres y educadores quienes adoptaran bastantes herramientas que les permitan desarrollar en sus nios una serie de procesos con miras a que estos sean mucho mas hbiles para la vida, El objetivo es que los nios a quienes se les implementa el programa logren estimular y potencializar sus habilidades cognitivas, motrices y socio afectivas.El programa esta organizado por talleres, los cuales a su vez contienen un paso a paso que le permite a los estudiantes ( es decir padres y educadores) organizar tiempos y espacios y decidir la cantidad de actividad y el momento oportuno para dirigirla a los nios.dentro de cada taller se ofrecen un sin numero de actividades, pero los estudiantes pueden basarse en estas para proponer una gran cantidad de las mismas."
Price: 19.99

yuri1s_katakori-kubikori_sayonara |
Price: 24000.00

"AWS Certified SysOps Administrator Associate Practice Exams" |
"The AWS Certified SysOps Administrator Associate ( SOA-C01 ) is consistently among the top-paying IT certifications, considering that Amazon Web Services is the leading cloud services platform in the world with over 50% market share!The AWS Certified SysOps Administrator Associate examination is intended for systems administrators in a systems operations role with at least one year of experience in deployment, management, and operations on AWS.The AWS Certified SysOps Administrator Associate exam is specifically designed to validate the technical knowledge of AWS SysOps Administrators, Systems Administrators, and those in a DevOps role who create an automatable and repeatable deployment of applications, networks, and systems on the AWS platform. Take your career and salary to the next level with an AWS SysOps Administrator Associate certification!IMPORTANT NOTEThese AWS Certified SysOps Administrator Associate practice exams have a passing score of 72% but we highly encourage you to repeat taking these exams again and again until you consistently reach a score of 85% or higher on each exam.Remember that using this product alone does not guarantee you will pass the exam as you still need to do your own readings and hands-on exercises in AWS. Nonetheless, these practice exams provide a comprehensive assessment on which knowledge area you need improvement on and even help you achieve a higher score!"
Price: 19.99

"Energy Risk Professional (ERP) Part 2 2020 Practice Exams" |
""" This is an unofficial course and is not affiliated, licensed or trademarked with GARP in any way""Energy Risk Professional Part 2 focuses on the financial energy markets.You have made a very valuable decision to pursue the Energy Risk Professional designation. It is a very huge investment in time, energy, and financial resources. This practice exam will help you run your certification race in one lap and ensure that you do not repeat the rigorous process!. Congratulations!!These most likely 80 exam-style questions with full solutions and explanations are distributed over 6 practice tests. The 6 practice tests have 10 questions each and a test duration of 40 mins each.The 60 exam-style practice questions will help you review the key learning objectives of ERP Part 2 ( Financial markets). The questions are very well designed in line with the ERP Part 2 2020 curriculum. As you aim for 80 percent in the practice tests, you build your knowledge and test skills for the actual ERP Part 2 exam in October/November 2020."
Price: 199.99

"English vocabulary: Learn more than 200 words for beginners" |
"The course discusses the most important vocabulary used in the English language and not vocabulary only but uses this vocabulary in a situational sentence. English vocabulary is the basis of sentence structure if you get more words, you can express yourself much better. Vocabulary is n't mere words, it is the expressions of your feelings and communicates with others around you."
Price: 49.99

"Design and Installation of PV System according to NABCEP" |
"This course is designed for those who are new in renewable energy, experience levels, or those who are interested to start their career in the field of solar energy. The design of this course is based on NABCEP and National Electrical Code NEC 2017. This course is also for those who want to prepare yourself for the NABCEP PV Associate Exam. This course contains 5 MCQs question at the end of each chapter and at the end, of course, there is 35 multiple Choice Questions practice exam similar to the real NABCEP Exam."
Price: 49.99

"Certified English Language with Ayurveda Topic Introduction" |
"Ayurveda as a way of life, according to ancient wisdom is part and parcel of learning about India. No study about this amazing country with a rich heritage and culture that goes back to centuries ago is complete without a study about Ayurveda, as an Indian system of medicine.In this Introduction to Ayurveda, as English lessons for you, a student gets to know something about the wisdom of their forefathers and ancestors."
Price: 1280.00

"Day Trading avec Ichimoku" |
"Apprenez une mthode de Day Trading qui fonctionne avec l'indicateur renomm ""Ichimoku Kinko Hyo""Sur Internet, nombreuses sont les personnes vous proposer la lune, les millions d'euros, mais tout cela avec des produits et des formations vides de contenus. Ici, je ne vous promets pas de vous rendre riche, mais je vous garantie que la mthode, une fois matrise, vous rendra gagnant sur le long-terme en trading.Ma mthode de day trading est accessible tous, il vous suffit seulement d'avoir les bases des bases en trading.Durant toute votre formation, je vous accompagne et rpond rapidement vos questions. Vous aurez galement accs un groupe priv sur Discord o nous pourrons changer quotidiennement !A trs vite dans la formation."
Price: 99.99

"Trkler in Portekizce Kursu" |
"Merhaba arkadalar. Portekizce renmek isteyenlere yardmc olmaya alyorum. Sfrdan dersimize balayp, yava yava ilerleyerek dilin temelini sizlere anlatmaya ve retmeye alyorum. Her dilde olduu gibi ilk zamanlar biraz zor ve skc gelebilir fakat sre getike baz eyleri renmenin ve anlamann verdii hevesle bu dili seveceinize ve bu dilde iyi bir seviyeye geleceinize inanyorum."
Price: 29.99

"Basic Leadership Skill" |
"Seorang pemimpin (leader) di dalam sebuah organisasi laksana nakhoda yang mengendalikan kapal. Disamping WAJIB memiliki skill dan pengetahuan tentang pekerjaannya seorang leader juga harus memiliki mental, emosi, serta sikap yang baik dan stabil (tidak mudah menyerah, galau, apalagi patah semangat). Pengetahuan dan skill bisa dipelajari melalui buku-buku dan pelatihan hardskill, tetapi kecerdasan yang berkaitan dengan emosi dan spiritual harus digali sendiri oleh leader tersebut. Pada kenyataannya banyak leader yang tidak mengetahui bagaimana kecerdasan emosi dan spiritual itu di keluarkan dalam dirinya.Pelatihan Leadership Fundamental ini akan membantu anda untuk menjadi leader yang cerdas secara ilmu (akal), matang dalam tindakan (emosi), dan bijaksana dalam mengatasi masalah (sikap)."
Price: 280000.00

"Panduan Lengkap Menjadi Pembicara Profesional" |
"Banyak orang yang kehilangan kesempatan untuk meraih kehidupan yang diinginkan hanya karena tidak mampu berbicara di depan umum. Coba pikirkan orang-orang yang telah Anda temui: ada yg pintar tapi gemetar ketika harus berbicara di depan kelas, direktur perusahaan yang berbicara begitu datar, politikus yang tidak jelas maksud dan tujuan pembicaraan dalam pidatonya, atau dosen yang hanya berdiri kaku di depan kelas dan berceramah selama satu jam lamanya. Semua orang ini kehilangan kesempatan untuk mengembangkan dan memajukan kehidupan mereka. mereka menjadi gugup. Wajah mereka pucat pasi, tangan mereka gemetar, dan sebagian besar mulai berbicara dengan gagap. Untuk mehindari itu semua dan menjadikan anda sebagai layaknya pembicara terkenal dan berpenalaman maka kami hadirkan pelatihan Smart Public Speaking yang akan merubah anda menjadi sosok yang genius, berwibawa dan disenangi banyak orang."
Price: 280000.00

"Business English - Companies" |
"Kompetensi Umum:Peserta mampu berkomunikasi dalam bahasa Inggris (lisan maupun tertulis), memahami konteks-konteks bisnis secara umum dan juga memahami materi-materi bacaan yang berhubungan dengan dunia bisnis. Tujuan dari program video:Di akhir program peserta diharapakan mampu:Memahami definisi dan istilah-istilah berkaitan dengan perusahaanMemahami jenis-jenis perusahaan dan sektor-sektor usahaMemahami sejarah perusahaanMemahami struktur organisasi perusahaanMemahami dan menyiapkan presentasi sebuah presentasi perusahaanMateri Pembelajaran:Bahasa & Perbendaharaan kata untuk menggambarkan perusahaan, definisi, jenis-jenis perusahaan, sektor-sektor usaha/bisnis perusahaan dan presentasi perusahaanGrammar Focus (Simple past tense): pola kalimat menggunakan bentuk lampau.Kecakapan-kecakapan difokuskan:Listening (Mendengar), Speaking (Berbicara), Reading (Membaca), Writing (Menulis), Grammar reinforcement (Pendalaman Tata bahasa).Kriteria/Indikator penilaian:Mempersiapkan presentasi singkat sebuah perusahaan atau perusahaan sendiriMembuat percakapan mengenai perusahaan sendiri dan perusahaan partner dialog dengan topik yang telah dibahas."
Price: 350000.00

"Goal Setting at Work - KPI based Goal Setting" |
"Manajemen Kinerja adalah suatu proses dimana manajer dan karyawannya bekerjasama untuk merencanakan, memantau dan meninjau kembali objektif atau sasaran kerja karyawannya agar dapat memberikan kontribusi secara keseluruhan untuk organisasi. Manajemen Kinerja merupakan proses berkelanjutan dari penetepan tujuan, penilaian terhadap kemajuan dan memberikan bimbingan serta umpan balik (feedback) untuk memastikan bahwa setiap karyawannya memenuhi tujuan dan sasaran karir mereka. Dengan demikian menetapkan tujuan merupakan hal yang sangat penting dalam sistem manajemen kinerja. Tanpa adanya tujuan, maka tidak akan diketahui ke arah mana proses / aktivitas yang dilakukan akan bermuara. Lebih lanjut lagi, tujuan yang ditetapkan harus dipertegas dengan adanya indikator keberhasilan kinerja (Key Performance Indicator = KPI). Dalam pembelajaran / kursus ini, diberikan penjelasan yang sangat detail dan terarah bagaimana merencanakan, memonitor , mengendalikan dan melakukan evaluasi atas proses manajemen kinerja , dengan menetapkan tujuan yang jelas berbasis KPI . Siapapun yang berada dalam sebuah organisasi, sangat memerlukan pengetahuan dan ketrampilan mengelola manajemen kinerja, baik seorang atasan maupun bawahan, agar komunikasi dalam rangka mencapai tujuan organisasi dapat terjalin dengan baik."
Price: 350000.00

"Sales Fundamental yang Paling Berpengaruh Dalam Penjualan" |
"Peningkatan permintaan pelanggan, bersama dengan lingkungan bisnis yang semakin kompleks, memicu kebutuhan untuk menjual bisnis perusahaan lebih menarik dari model penjualan tradisional yang khas. Model penjualan yang sukses bergerak dari fokus pada satu individu ke fokus pada penjualan berbasis tim.Tim Penjualan dibutuhkan untuk mengembangkan hubungan strategis jangka panjang dengan pelanggan, terutama dalam konteks di mana proses penjualan meliputi banyak titik focus pelanggan yang terlibat dalam satu sasaran penjualan.Membangun team penjualan yang sukses merupakan kunci keberhasilan bisnis suatu perusahaan. setiap sales harus memahami perannya di internal perusahaan dan dieksternal perusahaan, setiap sales harus memahami dan menjiwai setiap proses penjualan.pemahaman tentang penjualan tidak hanya berbicara mengenai target yang dapat dicapai oleh seorang team sales, namun juga berbicara mengenai bagaimana proses penjualan tersebut dilakukan, proses penjualan akan mempengaruhi keberlangsungan penjualan itu sendiri kedepannya. konsep dasar mengenai ""jika prosesnya baik maka hasilnya pun akan baik dan lebih bertahan"" ini berlaku juga dalam proses sales.Pelatihan ini memberikan wawasan dan pemahaman mengenai konsep dasar dalam ""berjualan"" untuk para team sales dan pimpinannya, diharapkan dengan dasar yang baik maka akan tercipta strategi dan formula sales yang sesuai kondisi perusahaan dan target pasar (efektif sales)."
Price: 280000.00

"[Mailchimp] - Aprenda a enviar E-mail Marketing - 2020" |
"Aprenda a utilizar o Mailchimp para enviar e-mails para seus clientes de forma inteligente e no momento certo. Aprenda a criar uma sequncia de e-mails automticos.Em poucos minutos voc j poder comear a enviar e-mails e aumentar suas vendas.Mesmo quem nunca enviou um e-mail marketing na vida vai conseguir.Ideal para todos que querem ser aproximar de seus clientes e de seus contatos"
Price: 39.99

"Beat Making Course - Beginner to Pro FL Studio" |
"In this course, you are going to learn how to make Beats from a complete Beginner Level to Pro.You will learn the basic function of the program and a step by step guide to making your beat in FL Studio.Music Style: Hip Hop, TrapWhat you need to follow along:- Computer- FL Studio- Studio Monitors/HeadphonesPlease be patient with yourself and remember; ""Repetition is the only way to master any skill"""
Price: 1450.00

"Desain Kuku 4d Gel Nail Art" |
"Desain 4D gel kali ini sangatlah menarik dan beda daripada yang biasanya. Anda bisa membuat desain nail art secara timbul dan terlihat 3D, berbeda dengan desain-desain yang sebelumnya yang hanya terlihat 2 dimensi saja. Teknik ini sangatlah berbeda dan proses pengerjaannya pun lebih unik, tidak hanya itu, anda pun bisa membuat desain nail art yang luar biasa lebih menarik daripada desain yang sebelumnya."
Price: 980000.00

"HVACR From Applied physics to sizing refrigeration systems" |
"This courses is intended to provide you with the basic physics concepts required to learn and understand the development and operation of a simple refrigeration cycle. You will learn the ""WHY"" about creating artificial refrigeration, and the ""HOW"" to do it, and finally ""HOW"" to analyse and size a basic system. The fundamental concept and definition of temperature will be presented, followed by the study and measurement of Heat. Notion of change of states will be addressed as well as the various modes of heat transfer. Pressures and temperatures are some of the key parameters in Refrigeration. You will learn about them in a topic about static of gases. At this point you could be able to understand the effect of pressure during change of state, and the creation of artificial refrigeration.The enthalpy diagram will be covered so you learn, first how to read it and use it to analyse the operation of refrigeration cycle. The basic calculations that result from the diagram will be discussed. Then, through a case study, you will learn how to applied them.We can't wait to start studying with you!"
Price: 199.99

"Ilustrao Infantil para iniciantes" |
"Aprenda a Desenhar do Zero e crie histrias em quadrinhos, tirinhas ou ilustre um livro infantil. Com um passo a passo simples e direto ao ponto o CURSO DE ILUSTRAO INFANTIL PARA INICIANTES te dar a base para se tornar um grande ilustrador(a). Durante o curso voc ter acesso ao Portal do Aluno com contedo 100% prtico que voc assiste onde e quando quiser.4 Mdulos, mais de 30 Vdeo AulasDesenho de personagens estilo cartoonRosto de menino e meninaEstrutura de cabea com ngulos diversosDesenho baseado em foto de pessoaDesenho de expresses de rostoDiferentes tipos de olhos e bocas e suas aplicaesAnatomia de personagem - Como desenhar personagens conhecendo as proporesCriao de plano de fundo com modelos de cenrios naturais e urbanosEdimar Chaves Ilustrador infantil h mais de 15 anos, membro da Academia Brasileira de Letras, autor de dois livros infantis. Tambm criador da Turminha Pequenos Atos, grupo infantil popular no YouTube com quase 1 milho de seguidores. Ele ser seu instrutor."
Price: 54.99

"Planejamento Estratgico para Supermercado e Minimercados" |
"O mundo voltil, globalizado, conectado. Voc j ouviu muito isso. E como as empresas e sua carreira podero navegar com tantas variveis e mudanas colocando em jogo a sobrevivncia do varejo? Nisto entra a importncia da estratgia para se ficar frente e capturar as oportunidades e destruir as ameaas sua carreira e empresa. Voc quer se tornar um melhor estrategista e aplicar planejamento estratgico no varejo normal ou de alimentos, os maiores setores do mundo? ENTO ESTE SEU CURSO!Irei de forma prtica dar todo o caminho, dicas de anlise, estratgias, e templates de como fazer a estratgia de seu supermercado e minimercado, setores que mais empregam no Brasil e tem vagas em todo momento. Um curso dinmico que no tem s o processo do planejamento mas a discusso do mundo atual e suas mudanas e ameaas duras contra o setor de super e minimercados e do varejo em geral.QUEM O INSTRUTORSou especialista em gesto e planejamento estratgico. Como administrador de empresas e sei dos entraves brutais da mquina corporativa. Como economista, sei dos dados, mudanas e incrveis ameaas e oportunidades que o mundo atual apresenta. Como estudioso de varejo alimentar (atacados, hortifrtis, mercearias, lojas de vizinhana, minimercados, hipermercados, supermercados) sei que todo dia um leo que estas empresas precisam matar para se manter na frente. E sei que o setor que mais tem vagas e defasagem em gesto comparado com a indstria e tecnologia.APRENDEREMOS O QUE? por isso que montei este curso para ajudar este apaixonante setor que o varejo e seus trabalhadores, estudiosos, empresrios e especialistas para tirar o monte de ferramentas (estratgia no matrizes e mais matrizes bonitas nem oramento) e sim colocar o pensamento estratgico em ao.Vamos aprender o passo passo, dicas de anlises para encontrar oportunidades, guias de como colocar a SWOT ESTRATGICA, captulo dedicado aos minimercados e suas nuances, quadros de estratgia, anlises financeiras estratgicas demonstradas claramente de como fazer. Alm do mais eu mostro como desdobrar o planejamento estratgico para todos os colaboradores, reunies de resultado e ficha de indicadores advindos da estratgia. CURSE ESTRATGIA NO VAREJO !Vamos juntos embarcar em uma jornada de aprendizado que samos do operacional e organizamos o pensamento para a estratgia no setor maior empregador do mundo!"
Price: 114.99

"Aviatrix ACE - Multi-Cloud Network Associate Certification" |
"Join Aviatrix cloud networking experts for a complimentary virtual training that details how to build a multi-cloud network and security architecture that meets requirements for scale, visibility, and automation. The Aviatrix Certified Engineer (ACE) program offers the industry's first multi-cloud networking education and certification that enables architects, engineers, and technical staff to develop advanced networking, security, and operational competencies for public cloud.The training covers proven design patterns for multi-cloud architecture and key networking and security use cases supported by the architecture focusing on AWS, Azure, and Google Cloud. The training also discusses Day 2 operational requirements including visibility, monitoring, and time-saving troubleshooting techniques.At the end of the training, there will be a 60-minute exam to become certified as an ACE-Associate.You will leave the virtual training with an understanding of how to:Develop an architecture for your multi-cloud networkExtend native cloud networking constructsIntegrate your preferred next-generation firewall vendor into your network architectureEnable profile-based access to cloud applications and resourcesUse transit networking services to integrate cloud VPCs and on-premise resourcesImplement high performance encryption for data-in-motionGain visibility, global monitoring, and efficiently troubleshoot your cloud network"
Price: 19.99

"Romeo and Juliet for Chinese Learners" |
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