"Simplify your trading by removing all the noise! Don't overcomplicate your trading. Lose all the indicators and unnecessary information. Simple yet profitable setup that can be applied in both forex and crypto markets. Time-efficient strategy, so you don't have to be sitting 8hrs in front of your screen every day. "
Price: 49.99

"Vamos por 2,136 kanjis. Sigamos con 80." |
"Curso que se imparte en forma de entrenamiento. Est dividido en 3 mdulos con sencillos kanjis que son lo ms bsico para tener un buen cimiento y lograr impulsarte con fuerza para seguir aprendiendo. Aqu continuamos con 80 caracteres correspondientes a un primer grado de primaria japonesa. Si ya concluiste el curso de 160 kanjis, esto ser realmente sencillo, y muy gratificante, ya que abonars ms caracteres cotidianos a tu acervo de conocimiento. Si no has cursado el curso de los 160 kanjis, intenta cursar este, ser un buen reto. Con estos kanjis tendrs la base que requiere cualquier persona que busca dominar el idioma japons."
Price: 19.99

"Dump Cloud Implementation with SAP Activate - C_TS4C_2020" |
"Latest C_TS4C_2020 exam dump, Enroll the course and clear path to real SAP certification examScenario based exam questions to prepare for SAP Certified Application Associate - SAP S/4HANA Cloud implementation with SAP Activate(C_TS4C_2018/2020)The practice test has been designed carefully by maintaining the exam structure , syllabus, topic weights , cut score and time duration same as actual certification examThis certificate is the ideal starting point for a professional career as a SAP S/4HANA Cloud implementation Project Manager/Application ConsultantTopic Areas :SAP Activate for SAP S/4HANA Cloud Methodology and Best Practices> 12%SAP S/4HANA Cloud Overview> 12%SAP S/4HANA Cloud Configuration> 12%SAP S/4HANA Cloud Data Migration 8% - 12%SAP S/4HANA Cloud Integration 8% - 12%SAP S/4HANA Cloud Extensibility 8% - 12%SAP S/4HANA Cloud Security and GDPR 8% - 12%SAP Fiori Launchpad Applications and Identity and Access Management 8% - 12%SAP S/4HANA Cloud Business Process Testing - 8%-12%Official Exam Details:Exam Name : C_TS4C_2018 / C_TS4C_2020 - SAP Certified Application Associate - SAP S/4HANA Cloud, essentials edition implementation with SAP ActivateType of Questions : Multiple choice/Multi OptionExam : 40 QuestionsTime : 90 MinutesPassing Score : 63%"
Price: 99.99

"**Note that : all questions are taken from various resources and provided by experts , students ,teachers and also from various open source resources.So it may happen that you could see some questions which are available on the other sources also . ****** All questions are updated regularly by the feedback and memory based questions provided by students who are giving exam.***Please read above before purchasing.The Oracle Certification Program certifies candidates on skills and knowledge related to Oracle products and technologies.Credentials are granted based on a combination of passing exams, training and performance-based assignments, depending on the level of certification. Oracle certifications are tangible benchmarks of experience and expertise that Oracle claims to help a participant stand out in a crowd among employers."
Price: 29.99

"Create an App with no code" |
"Create almost any App without coding. You will learn how to use AppGyver to create almost any App in a fraction of the time regular developers need.Your Apps will be ready to publish in Google Play Store or Apples App Store.This course covers all essentials to become a no code hero."
Price: 29.99

"If you do not have previous experience with Revit or any CAD based software, do not worry. I'll start with the beginning building so that you can do more than be able to build your own Revit models.This course provides a deep knowledge of BIM ARCHITECTURE-2020. This is a suitable course for all professional related to architecture field.this is a 3-d software also gives scheduling and material take off.In this course you can learn advanced topics like view depth,templates,scope boxes many more."
Price: 19.99

"Complete Vedic Maths" |
"Would you like to solve bigger & bigger examples in just few seconds? Would you like to have fun with Math?If yes then, This course is for you!In this course you will learn all about High-Speed Vedic Mathematics and more.This Course would help you to Learn amazing things to you, your kids/students which you might not have imagined.You can multiply 9896 x 9997 in five seconds? Yes !!!10 to 15 times faster than normal Math, Yes it is Worlds Fastest Calculation SystemYou will amaze to know that You too can solve 542372 X 999999 in just 6 Seconds Cube Root of 373248 in just 2 Seconds Cube of 32 in just 8 Seconds Cube of 997 in just 15 Seconds 3217464 2014 in just 10 SecondsThis course will teach you secrets, which will make you capable of being human calculator.ABOUT VEDIC MATHVedic math is the worlds fastest mental algebraic mathematics system. It was invented by Sri Bharati Krisna Tirthaji (1884-1960) and is still used today to calculate numbers rapidly. Vedic Mathematics is comprised of 16 wonderful sutras (math formulas) and 13 sub-sutras. The Vedic Maths presents a new approach to mathematics, offering simple, direct, one-line, mental solutions to mathematical problems.Vedic math is the worlds fastest mental algebraic mathematics systemTopics CoveredIn this course you will learn :-High Speed MultiplicationFaster AdditionInstant SubtractionsLonger DivisionDigital RootsAlgebra: Linear, Cubic, Quadratic equationsSquaresCubesSquare RootsCube RootsMath Meditation - Solving Calculations without Pens and Paper!DivisibilityPythagoras TheoremLearn the Power of Vedic Math in solving complex problems in few Seconds."
Price: 2240.00

"Cloudera Certified Administrator Exam Questions CCA131" |
"CCA Administrator Exam (CCA131) is a hands-on, practical exam using Cloudera technologies. This course provided hands-on, practical , you'll setup Cloudera Manager on your computer or you'll download cloudera quickstart for running this course.InstallDemonstrate an understanding of the installation process for Cloudera Manager, CDH, and the ecosystem projects.Set up a local CDH repositoryPerform OS-level configuration for Hadoop installationInstall Cloudera Manager server and agentsInstall CDH using Cloudera ManagerAdd a new node to an existing clusterAdd a service using Cloudera ManagerConfigurePerform basic and advanced configuration needed to effectively administer a Hadoop clusterConfigure a service using Cloudera ManagerCreate an HDFS user's home directoryConfigure NameNode HAConfigure ResourceManager HAConfigure proxy for Hiveserver2/ImpalaManageMaintain and modify the cluster to support day-to-day operations in the enterpriseRebalance the clusterSet up alerting for excessive disk fillDefine and install a rack topology scriptInstall new type of I/O compression library in clusterRevise YARN resource assignment based on user feedbackCommission/decommission a nodeSecureEnable relevant services and configure the cluster to meet goals defined by security policy; demonstrate knowledge of basic security practicesConfigure HDFS ACLsInstall and configure SentryConfigure Hue user authorization and authenticationEnable/configure log and query redactionCreate encrypted zones in HDFSTestBenchmark the cluster operational metrics, test system configuration for operation and efficiencyExecute file system commands via HTTPFSEfficiently copy data within a cluster/between clustersCreate/restore a snapshot of an HDFS directoryGet/set ACLs for a file or directory structureBenchmark the cluster (I/O, CPU, network)TroubleshootDemonstrate ability to find the root cause of a problem, optimize inefficient execution, and resolve resource contention scenariosResolve errors/warnings in Cloudera ManagerResolve performance problems/errors in cluster operationDetermine reason for application failureConfigure the Fair Scheduler to resolve application delays"
Price: 39.99

"Level Up LinkedIn" |
"Wondering how to make LinkedIn work for you?Want to take your LinkedIn account beyond the basics?If you're ready level up your LinkedIn skills and learn how to use this social media platform strategically you're in the right place!Valerie has used LinkedIn to personally leverage connections with C-Level leadership in large organizations and companies that have developed into priceless relationships and physical dollars in profit. She has leveraged similar strategies for her clients to built their networks for strategic network building and profits. Learn from her expertise on LInkedIn and other social media channels!"
Price: 49.99

"Argilla - Energia di guarigione della terra" |
"In questo corso scoprirete un rimedio potentissimo che Madre Natura ci offre in tutta la sua generosit.Nientemeno che l'argilla, ovvero, semplicemente, terra.Le propriet e le capacit di questa terra sono enormi.Vedremo insieme che cos' l'argilla e quali sono i suoi poteri.Il vostro corpo e il vostro benessere si possono avvalere di questa straordinaria alleata naturale.Scoprirete come applicarla attraverso cataplasmi, compresse, bagni e l'assunzione per via orale.I disturbi contro cui agisce con i relativi metodi d'impiego e le tisane con cui si armonizza.La sua forza purificatrice in campo fisico ed energetico, per la persona e non solo.L'argilla quindi per la salute e per il maggior benessere anche di chi gi sta bene, per la bellezza.......un metodo che sar in grado di stupirvi dandovi risultati a volte inattesi.C' un movimento crescente di persone che vogliono ritornare alla natura, vogliono riscoprirne i valori e i benefici. Puoi farne parte anche tu. Otterrai una salute migliore sapendo come usare l'argilla Sarai pi autosufficiente senza bisogno di molti farmaci o prodotti industriali. Avrai un ruolo centrale nel tuo benessere e nelle persone che ami.Alla fine del corso acquisirai dimestichezza nell'utilizzo dei vari metodi di applicazione dell'argilla.A fine corso otterrete il mio personale certificato finale di partecipazione, oltre che quello di Udemy.In pi, hai accesso a vita al corso e al materiale. Puoi utilizzare il corso come riferimento continuo."
Price: 119.99

"The Complete Domino's Pizza Stock Analysis Training Course" |
"Shorten your learning curve. Learn the financial analysis and investing skills with hands-on experience needed to become a professional analyst.Our Dominos Pizza Stock Analysis Training Course explores common valuation techniques used by Wall Street professionals to value companies. The course has been designed with on the job experience. The primary focus of the course is to teach students the practical applications of theoretical methodologies. In our case study, we will value the target company and determine whether it is overvalued or undervalued by the market.This course was carefully designed to teach students all the technical skills needed for a career in finance as a financial analyst. These skills are applied by finance professionals each day on the job. Our curriculum and content are grounded with best industry practices giving you a full immersion into the world of a professional analyst. By the end of the course, you will have a strong understanding of the process of stock analysis, company valuation and structuring an investment case. You will master the skills applied by professionals on Wall Street each day.Build the fundamental skills for careers in: Investment banking Asset management Private equity Corporate development Equity researchFeatured company: Dominos Pizza, Inc. Case OverviewThis case study teaches how a market professional applies financial modeling, valuation and technical analysis techniques to value a business. Students learn how to apply judgment and solve difficulties that present themselves when valuating public companies. Domino's Pizza, Inc. stock was up ~18% in 2019. Is DPZ stock fairly priced or is the market mispricing future value?Topics Covered Valuation methodologies and concepts Building comparable company analysis Choosing the appropriate set of comps Key benefits & challenges Source of public information Calculating Equity & Enterprise value Treasury stock method & calculating Last Twelve Months (LTM) Adjustments: nonrecurring items Appropriate relevant trading / leverage multiples Arriving to an implied valuation range Spreading public comps Precedent transaction / acquisition comparable Analyzing multiples and control premium Discounted Cash Flow methodology overview Calculating WACC Estimating terminal value (exit multiple vs. perpetuity growth rate) Midyear and year discounting method Determining valuation range on DCF analysis Sensitivity analysis"
Price: 129.99

"Solo 7 clases te separan de tu sueo de ser CONOCEDOR(A) DE VINO. Te perderas esa oportunidad si te dijera que el curso encima te divertira?;)Aprenders a catar vinos como un experto. Sabrs escoger, parear, oler, probar, juzgar sin complejos un vino como lo hacen los profesionales. Trasmitirs a otros tu opinin sobre el vino con seguridad y gracia. Tambin podrs parear vino y comida, guardar y abrir una botella de vino correctamente, utilizar los accesorios de vino!Compartir mis ""tips"" de experto personales sobre las temperaturas ideales del servicio y almacenaje de vino. Tambin hablaremos de su produccin, de pases productores de vino y de variedades de uva principales.En cada clase, a parte de la informacin, te espera un secreto o un atajo profesional, un ""bonus"" y un ejercicio!Quieres brillar hablando de vino en cualquier ambiente, apreciando al mximo los vinos que bebes?BIENVENIDO(A) AL PRIMER CURSO DE ""SIN CORCHO""!"
Price: 29.99

"Help your child overcome their self-awareness challenges." |
"Becoming aware of yourself is knowing what motivates you, what your strengths and weaknesses are, admitting your failures and successes. It is actively responding to people & situations in an optimistic way and achieving the best possible outcome for all parties involved.At the end of this course you and your child will not only have a better understanding of what self awareness is, but you will also be ale to master your own self awareness skills."
Price: 600.00

"Busy Accounting Software Course" |
"Busy Accounting CourseAs the user base of BUSY is growing, the need for BUSY-trained accountants is also growing proportionately. To address the same, IPLAP has now started providing busy online training. Students after successfully completing the course are known are BUSY AccountantsBusy Software is an integrated business accounting software for Micro, Small and Medium businesses. With over 1,50,000 installations (over 6 Lac Users) worldwide, BUSY is one of the leading accounting softwares in India for Accounting & Inventory solutions which is widely used and very popular among the various industries. Busy software has many unique features that makes it different from other softwares some of its features are it is easy to use, flexible, multi location inventory, advanced reporting system.The online course includes 12 Live Practical sessionEligibility: Under Graduate, Graduate, Accountants, Tax consultantsKnowledge Level: All LevelMode:- Live online ClassesData Used:- Real Accounting data of companyAssignment: Yes"
Price: 1600.00

"'Daryusha' Rusa Kursu" |
"Rusa, Birleik Milletler 'in resmi dilleri arasnda yer almaktadr. Rusa eitimi eitimde olduu gibi dzen disiplinli bir alma Performans gerektiren bir dildir. Kimileri kariyerini daha deerli klmak, kimileri ise arkada evresini geniletmek veya yurt dnda sorunsuz iletiim kurmak iin, kimileri Rus edebiyat ya da kltrne meraklhyaya ne sebeple Rusa renmek istesek de i veya eitim hayatndaki youn tempodan dolay zaman bulamayabiliriz. Bizim Rusa kursu eitim alan rencilerin Rusay okuma, yazma, dinleme ve konuma ynne tam olarak hakim olmas amalanmaktadr. Rusa kursuna katlan rencilerimizin teknik tm materyallere yer verilerek Interaktif bir eitim almalarn salayacaz."
Price: 59.99

"ServiceNow ATF Mock Test" |
"ServiceNow Automated test Framework (ATF)Servicenow MicrocertificationScope13% ATF Overview (Recognize the goals and benefits of using ATF)17% Run ATF Tests and Test Suites (Run Tests and Test Suites, Analyze Test and Test Suite Results, Understand the purpose and function of Client Test Runners)13% Create ATF Tests (Add and configure Test Steps to build out Tests, Understand how Test Step Configurations define the behavior of Test Steps)13% Create ATF Test Suites (Create Test Suites to group related Tests together)09% Schedule ATF Test Suites (Schedule ATF Test Suites)22% ATF Administration (Configure and maintain the ATF testing environment, Create Custom Test Step Configurations)13% ATF Tips and Techniques (Identify best practices for Test development)Language: EnglishSite exam: NowLearning"
Price: 49.99

"ServiceNow Viso Geral" |
"Estes tpicos esto descritos para facilitar o entendimento do escopo do cursoCurso em portugus / Legendas em Portugus esto disponveis.Os tpicos abordados neste overview esto listados abaixoEste no um curso similar ao System Administrator da ServiceNowDeseja saber algo mais? Se inscreva fornea um feedback, me siga nas redes e informe sobre o que mais deseja/necessita de esclarecimentos.Tem alguma sugesto, por favor, faa terei toda a ateno para lhe atender.Este curso no elimina a necessidade de realizar o curso oficial da ServiceNow para administradores da soluo, caso necessite deste treinamento por favor procure o fabricante."
Price: 149.99

"Cisco CCNP Certification Course Preparation - Practice Test" |
"Having a Cisco Certified Network Professional (CCNP) certification validates your ability to implement and troubleshoot both LAN and WAN networks. In addition, you will be recognized as a person who can collaborate with specialists on issues related to voice, wirelessWhat is CCNP Routing and Switching Certification?As an IT professional, you should recognize that CCNP Routing and Switching certification has specific prerequisites that must be satisfied. The specific requirements that you should acknowledge are:An applicant must have experience of at least one year in the networking field. Besides, one should be ready to learn to enhance the skills already received in the field.An approved Cisco CCNA Routing and Switching certification or any of Cisco CCIE certification can serve as a prerequisite in Cisco CCNP Routing and Switching certification path.For the applicant wish to acquire CCNP Routing and Switching certification, one should crack three certification exams. The order of appearing for the exam does not matter since every exam is administered separately.To Achieve CCNP Routing and Switching Certification, You Need to Clear the Following Exams:"
Price: 104.99

". eBay ." |
"13 , , - eBay, - eBay. , . , . : ; , ; ; ; , eBay; . , ."
Price: 19.99

"ULTIMATE HOLLYWOOD FILMMAKER - Development & Pre-production" |
"Don't wait. Your filmmaking journey starts here!COURSE 1 - Development & Pre-productionLet's focus on your future self. Do you have dreams of being a film director and producer? If so, this course is for you. This is the course that any aspiring filmmaker should take. Finally there is a course designed to give you all the knowledge and guidance needed as you move down your filmmaking journey. This course is one not to be missed!Understanding the film making process can sometimes be confusing and complex. What are all the steps that should be taken? What are their purpose? In which order should I do them in? The biggest issue for many people is just knowing where to start. Even for those who have made films before, there are so many steps involved within film production that chances are they arent doing all the steps that are used in industry to give the film the best chance of being completed on time, and to the highest quality possible with a single vision in mind.Thats where we come in. This course is designed for complete newbies, to those who are studying film, and those who have even made films previously, but want to polish up their filmmaking skills. Its time to leapfrog your education and give yourself the best step forward. In this course we guide you through all the processes and steps used by Hollywood, and all over the world with proven track records of assisting the productions and allowing them to stand out. Come along with us and create your film using this course as your guide.This course focuses on the A to Z of the Development & Pre-Production filmmaking stages. All of your favourite films follow this formula which this course covers. And for good reason, these steps have been perfected in the past century and are proven to be steps to creating great films."
Price: 199.99

"Excel 0'dan leri Dzeye (formller,tablolama, vba,userform)" |
"Komutlar Formller Sayfa Dzenleme kt Alma Grafikler pivot tablolama hedef ara veri analizi senaryo atama makro vba userform ve daha bir sr zellikleri birlikte akla yatkn ve i hayatnzda kullanabileceiniz rnekler ile sizi hep bir ileri adma tayacak bulunduunuz n plana kartacak bir sekreterden muhasebeciye muhasebeciden mhendis-yksek mhendis'e kadar hitap eden ie yarayan rnek(alp satm tablosu-teklif hazrlama-szleme hazrlama puantaj hazrlama hakedi bilgileri hastane bilgi ilem sistemi vb gibi...) ve ders anlatm ile ileyeceiz. Kurs benim tarafmdan 2. bir i olarak deil haftalarca tek megale olarak uralp yaplm olacaktr memnun kalma garantisini ben size sunuyorum. Kursun ierisinde el yazm ile kendim tuttuum notlar ve excel programlarn size teslim edeceim"
Price: 49.99

"Python Programming for beginners" |
"After this course, you will be able to start coding with Python.After this course, you will be able to implement the basic tasks using Python's standard library.Build a complete understanding of Python from the ground up!You will be able to create your own useful programs for real-world problems.Automate tasks on your computer by writing simple Python programs."
Price: 12800.00

"Pedagogia Empresarial" |
"O curso de Pedagogia Empresarial tem como objetivo apresentar a possibilidade de atuao do Pedagogo no ambiente empresarial. A partir deste curso o profissional passar a conhecer a forma pela qual o pedagogo empresarial se insere nesse mundo corporativo, bem como suas possveis aes nesse ambiente e as razes pelas quais se faz to importante o trabalho deste profissional."
Price: 84.99

"Six CompTIA Security+ (SY0-601) Practice Tests from CertMike" |
"The most complete set of SY0-601 Security+ practice test questions available.The CertMike Security+ Practice Tests provide you a rigorous set of 540 practice test questions designed to be similar to those that youll face on the actual exam.This course contains six full-length practice exams that assess your knowledge of the material covered by the CompTIA Security+ SY0-601 exam, released in late 2020. Each question includes a detailed explanation to help you understand the thought process behind each correct answer. Youll find questions covering each of the five Security+ exam domains:Threats, Attacks, and VulnerabilitiesArchitecture and DesignImplementationOperations and Incident ResponseGovernance, Risk, and ComplianceAbout the AuthorMike Chapple, Ph.D., Security+, CISSP, CySA+, PenTest+, CISM is one of the worlds leading experts on cybersecurity certifications. Hes the author of over 30 books covering a variety of cybersecurity exams and has created over 40 video courses on LinkedIn Learning and Lynda that prepare technology professionals for popular security certifications."
Price: 49.99

happy-recipe |
Price: 44.99

"AWS Certified DevOps Engineer - Professional Practice Test" |
"Our AWS Certified DevOps Engineer - Professional Practice Test is the most effective and pertinent for you to pass the exam on the first go. In fact, you will not only pass your exam but also get a profound understanding of the respective subject.With our AWS Certified DevOps Engineer - Professional Practice Test, you will come to see that all of the questions and answers in our exams are chosen after a professional analysis."
Price: 39.99

"AWS Certified Security - Specialty Practice Test" |
"Our AWS Certified Security - Specialty Practice Test is the most effective and pertinent for you to pass the exam on the first go. In fact, you will not only pass your exam but also get a profound understanding of the respective subject.With our AWS Certified Security - Specialty Practice Test, you will come to see that all of the questions and answers in our exams are chosen after a professional analysis."
Price: 39.99

"NodeJS for Absolute Beginners" |
"NodeJS is a rapidy growing web server technology, and Node developers are among the highest paid in the industry. Knowing NodeJS well will get you a job or improve your current one by enabling you to build high quality, robust web applications.In this course you will gain a deep understanding of Node, learn how NodeJS works under the hood, and how that knowledge helps you avoid common pitfalls and drastically improve your ability to debug problems"
Price: 79.99

"Diseo de planos de procesos con CADWORX P&ID" |
"CADWorx P&ID Professional permite crear de forma rpida y de manera muy fcil P&IDs totalmente inteligentes y sin necesidad de cambiar la apariencia de los diagramas, smbolos y normas de la empresa.El curso se dividir en una parte terica introductoria y una parte prctica manipulando las distintas herramientas que nos ofrece el CADWORX P&ID.En la terica se abordarn conceptos bsicos de la ingeniera de procesos del Oil & Gas, interpretacin y lecctura de P&IDs y aspectos tericos del programa. Mientras que el parte prctica se aprender sobre las diferentes bondades que el CADWORX P&ID nos ofrece para la elabaracin de P&IDs inteligentes.Como un plus del curso se realizarn P&IDs de diferentes procesos paso a paso (casos reales)."
Price: 149.99

wechat-programming |
"301010,213 2,;19114PHPHTMLCSS,JS"
Price: 19.99

"Learning to Create a Sustainable Diet" |
"In this course you will learn everything there is to know about nutrition to meet your body composition goals.Whether you are looking to lose a few pounds, gain some muscle for the summer or want to be a competitive pro bodybuilder - you will benefit greatly from this course.The course address calories, macronutrients, everything you need to know to set up a fat-loss phase or muscle-gaining phase with evidence-backed principles for every single action taken.The course will also provide tips and tricks for managing dietary adherence, how and when to make adjustments to the diet and how to track your calories in the MyFitnessPal App. The course will even include advanced concepts surrounding structuring your nutrition for twice daily weight training, nutrient timing, pre-, post- and intra-workout nutrition and much, much more.Whether you are a beginner to all this or looking to learn the advanced minutia to take your physique to the next level - this course is for you."
Price: 300.00
