"Learn Mulesoft: 12 steps to master the development of APIs!" |
"This course was created with one goal only: to teach you Mulesoft from scratch and increase your chances of getting a high-paying job in the future!So, don't worry if you have no prior knowledge!Start Learning Now. Hit the Enroll Button!The main principle behind this course is to introduce all contents in a very detailed but easy way, so it can results in a few benefits for all students enrolled:Reduces your learning curve at maximum by going straight to the point;Clear Introduction and hands-on experience to the most popular tools used in a real Mulesoft project development: anypoint studio, anypoint platform, git, maven, mysql database, postman;Gives you the skills needed to get a your first job in the IT sector; Gives you the knowledge needed to apply for a new opportunity in the software sector as a Mulesoft developer;In resume, it gives you all the tools to get a high-paying job. But how we will accomplish that?Shortly, through a hands-on experience, we will cover in detail all the most important connectors and events which are required for being proficient in Mulesoft.Thus, at the end of the course you will have:tested your knowledged with dozens of quizes; created a github repository with dozens of examples, that can work as a portfolio for your next job interview or to use as a support and guidance in your next client project.So, what are you waiting for?***************** Start Learning Now. Hit the Enroll Button! *****************"
Price: 19.99
vltuztfi |
": - - : - --Boxplot-Histogram-Quantile plot-Quantile-quantile (q-q) plot-Scatter plotCategorization of visualization methods: :- Pixel-oriented visualization techniques- Geometric projection visualization techniques- Icon-based visualization techniques- Hierarchical visualization techniquesProximity Measure for Binary Attributes :- "" ""-A contingency table for binary data -Distance measure for symmetric binary variables-Distance measure for asymmetric binary variables-Jaccard coefficient - :-Distance on Numeric Data: Minkowski Distance-Minkowski distance: A popular distance measure-Manhattan (city block, L1 norm) distance-Euclidean distance-Cosine Similarity +"
Price: 19.99
"Minimalism Lifestyle 101: A way to simplify life" |
"Just what is minimalism? I believe minimalism is a throwback to the good old days and the stories of old when times were simpler, times without smartphones or the internet, times when there was one outfit of clothes for work, one for after work, and one for a church.Of course, minimalism is much more than that, in fact for me personally, it is something that I believe I was born with. From an early age, I can remember loving spring cleaning, gleefully giving away clothes to the thrift store, and enjoying the feeling of traveling with just one backpack full of stuff.But it wasnt just the joys of giving away that led me to feel minimal in nature, I also felt at odds with the consumer culture around me. At 9 years old I remember looking at all the gifts under the Christmas tree and feeling unhappy. I remember watching commercials about presents and feeling the greed of the season and feeling quite depressed.Like any good mom would do mine would ask me: Whats wrong Aimo? Im sure that I muttered I was fine but I wasnt. At the time I didnt have the language to explain what I was feeling, but looking back now I know exactly what it was that I was experiencing. I was resisting a philosophy based around collecting stuff called excessive consumerism.This course covers:What minimalism is;The benefits of being a minimalist;Techniques to start cleaning your life in an easy way;How to find your true self;And much more, watch it. You won't regret it!"
Price: 19.99
"Final Cut Pro X" |
Price: 2400.00
Springboot2+Vue+Shiro+ElementUI+Mysql+MybatisPlus |
"JavaVueArrayArray10JAVA,AI,Xmind Eclipse/Idea JDK 1.8 SpringBoot2.xSpringcloud F MyBatis 3.x + Mybatis-plus 3.xSLF4J 1.7 + Log4j2 2.7Apache CommonsJackson fastjsonGson Vue Vue-cliElementUI UIJSX JavaScript Xml Mysql5IDEIntellij Idea"
Price: 49.99
"Present Perfect grammar" |
"Het leren herkennen van situaties waarin je de grammaticale tijd; de present perfect gebruikt en toepast. Je leert correct de werkwoorden te vervoegen in de present perfect tense. Een moeilijkere grammaticale tijd dan de simpelere varianten. Een basiskennis van de Engelse grammatica is vereist voor deze cursus. Doe eerst de andere 3 cursussen de present simple, past en continuous.Het vereist wel analytische vaardigheden om dit te kunnen toepassen."
Price: 59.99
"Btir une ""audience"" sur Ulule (Plate forme de Crowfunding)" |
"Ulule est la 1re plateforme de financement participatif sur la France,dj 500 000 projet ont aboutis, ce que a veut dire c'est que ont dj financ 500 000 projets avec des contribuables franais.Dans ce cours,vous aurez comme consigne toute simple, vraiment.De suivre la lettre le discours expliquer, et rflchir comment vous devez lappliquez sur votre business,association,etc...Je ne vous dis pas que cela sera facile,mais vous russirez si vous vous mettez au travail avec la ""bonne nergie"" autrement dis que vous croyez en ce que vous faites,vous dites,vous crivez.merci c'tait Alexis Professeur sur Udemy."
Price: 29.99
"HTML + CSS" |
"HTML CSS . HTML CSS. . : , , . Photoshop, ."
Price: 1799.00
"Healthy Baby Sleep - The gentle nap to sleep transition" |
"Your little one is like a timer when it comes to naps?20 - 30 minutes and that's it?Learn the easy to implement steps for your baby's sleep within 1 1/2 hours and see improvements within days.Understand your infantGet to know: How you can support your baby to sleep well from the beginning.How to sooth a fussy baby.The secret of having up to 10 babies sleeping in one room.Why proper sleep is essential to your baby's health and well-being. Where the problems originate from and how to solve / avoid them. How different your baby's sleep is to yours."
Price: 89.99
"Aprenda Golang do Zero! Desenvolva uma APLICAO COMPLETA!" |
"Voc est olhando para o curso de Go mais completo da atualidade. So mais de 150 aulas onde passaremos por todos os conceitos da linguagem de forma aprofundada para que voc entenda exatamente como a linguagem funciona e como utiliz-la da melhor forma possvelAlm disso, sabemos que conceitos no so suficientes para aprender um assunto de forma definitiva, e por isso o curso conta com o desenvolvimento de uma aplicao de rede social que vai permitir que voc aplique tudo o que aprendeu no curso na prtica! E alm disso, voc ainda vai ter uma palhinha de HTML, CSS, Javascript e Bancos de Dados Relacionais!"
Price: 114.99
"The English Grammar Question Kit: Subject-Verb Agreement" |
"In English Grammar, Subjects & Verbs in any sentence must agree. The Grammar rule here is that a Singular subject should have a corresponding verb that is singular. The Subject-Verb Question Kit helps you practice this Grammar rule, through a series of Multiple Choice Questions. Practice how to identify the 'true' subject in a sentence, and how to handle special sentence structures, such as those with Compound Subjects. You will also practice navigating the prepositional phrases and modifiers in longer sentences, so that you don't get confused on the 'true' subject.In this Question Kit, I've included Verb Tense Agreement question sets, just to complement the 'Verb Vibe' and give you practice on Verb Tenses as well."
Price: 19.99
"Em Paz com a Ansiedade" |
"Em Paz com a Ansiedade um programa online estruturado em psicodesafios para superar a ansiedade de forma prtica e assertiva. um convite para transformar a forma como voc se relaciona com seus pensamentos e sentimentos acalmando o barulho interno e despertando para o momento presente.O que voc vai aprender nesse desafio? Manter o foco da sua ateno no momento presente; Reconhecer alteraes no seu corpo, na sua mente e no seu comportamento quando voc est ansioso; Enfrentar uma crise de ansiedade; Reduzir os sintomas de ansiedade que se manifestam no seu corpo; Lidar com os pensamentos disfuncionais ligados ansiedade; Adotar comportamentos mais saudveis diante dos seus sintomas de ansiedade.Para quem indicado? pessoas que convivem diariamente com os sintomas da ansiedade; Pessoas que vivem preocupadas, sofrendo por antecipao; Pessoas que desejam aprender a viver melhor o momento presente; Pessoas que vivem aceleradas, apresentando prejuzos no trabalho e/ou nos relacionamentos pessoais por causa da ansiedade."
Price: 189.99
"Mixology 101 Bartending made easy - Wie macht man Cocktails" |
"Mit ber 10 Jahren Erfahrung und einigen tausend gemachten Cocktails mchte ich mein Wissen und meine Erfahrungen mit euch teilen.Dieser Kurs vermittelt die Grundlagen des Barkeepings, Ihr lernt unter anderem:das gesamte Handwerkszeug des Barkeepers und wie ihr es richtig einsetztmeistert die am hufigst genutzten Technikenwie setzt man Eis richtig ein10 absolute Cocktail Klassiger und wie sie zu mixen sind. (z.B. Mojito, Mai Tai, Old Fashioned und der Cosmopolitan)Ihr bekommt in den Unterlagen des Kurses einen vollstndigen Ressourcen Guide, mit hilfreichen Links und dazu noch alle Rezepte der gezeigten Cocktails.Start now and get tipsy!Drink responsible and never drink and drive! ;-)____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________With over 10 years of experience and most likely several thousands of cocktails, I will share my passion and experience in bartending with you!In this first course you will get the basic knowledge of bartending and mixing includingall essential tools of bartendinghow to master the most used techniqueshow to use ice correctly10 absolute classic cocktails, how to mix them & how to garnish (including Mojito, Mai Tai, Old Fashioned and Cosmopolitan)In the projects & resources section of this class, you will receive a full resources guide with helpful links as well as all the recipes to master all cocktails shown in this video!Start now and get tipsy!Drink responsible and never drink and drive! ;-)"
Price: 19.99
"Excel Total - Bsico ao Avanado" |
"J se sentiu travado ao abrir uma planilha de Excel?J teve de modificar uma planilha de Excel feita por outra pessoa e no sabia como?Neste curso irei te ensinar tudo o que voc precisa para sair do zero do Excel. Mesmo que j conhea a ferramenta, este curso ir te fornecer bases para que voc explore muito mais desta ferramenta fantstica.Voc ir tambm conhecer tcnicas que iro fazer sua planilha funcionar a prova de erros, com recursos que fazem seu fluxo de trabalho ser muito mais intuitivo, fazendo com que suas planilhas se tornem muito mais robustas e seguras. Se voc domina algumas funcionalidades do Excel, mas ainda se sente estagnado em coisas muito bsicas, sente que no consegue criar uma planilha do zero com funcionalidades incrveis ou ainda no consegue entender uma planilha que foi feita por outra pessoa, este curso pode te ajudar e vai alm, te ensinando a utilizar as propriedades mais interessantes do Excel para tornar suas planilhas realmente poderosas.Caso j saiba tambm muita coisa de Excel e gostaria de aprender coisas mais robustas como macros e filtros avanados, este curso te proporciona tudo isso, podendo voc ir direto a seo intermediria ou avanada, de acordo com seu nvel de conhecimento.Vamos aprender Excel?"
Price: 69.99
"Aprende a llevar las redes sociales de tu negocio" |
"Aprende a llevar las redes sociales de tu negocio correctamente y bajo una estrategia. En este curso te ensearemos herramientas que facilitarn la operacin, cmo trabajar con Facebook Business, mejores horarios para publicar y mucho ms.Sabemos que la mejor forma de promocionarse hoy en da es por medio de lo digital, es por esto que decidimos compartir con emprendedores y empresarios nuestros conocimientos y todo lo que llevamos a cabo con nuestros clientes."
Price: 44.99
"Ultimate Python 3 Becoming a Data Avenger" |
"What will you learn at Data Avenger Academy?LEVEL 1: Introduction to PythonMaximizing your Data Avenger experience.Installing in Jupyter Notebook.Helpful shortcuts in Jupyter Notebook.LEVEL 2: Python BasicsData types: Strings & FRIDAY (Iron Man's natural language AI), Integers & Captain America's shield, Floats & Iron Man's Arc Reactor, Boolean & Thor's Hammer.Variables & New Avenger Facility: Store and retrieve data easily.Data Structures: Lists & Thanos, Tuples & SHIELD, Sets & The Collector, Dictionaries & The Book of Cagliostro (book of evil spells).Data Conversion Excursion: What you can convert and what doesn't work. LEVEL 3: Infinity Stones of ProgrammingIterables (Space stone).Built-in and write your own Functions (Reality stone).For loops (Power stone).If Else statements (Mind stone).While loops (Time stone).Try Except statements (Soul stone).This course also includes frequent exercises and interactive tasks so you practice what you learn as soon as possible."
Price: 29.99
"Yoga and Meditation for Dealing with Anxiety" |
"You only need 7 days to complete the course. Why 7 days? Because each day we will cover a different yoga theme focusing on a specific part of the body which has different attributes to dealing with anxiety. By the end of Day 7, you will have improved your skills and built a habit to apply them off the mat in daily life.This program has been designed to suit all levels of practice. It is especially perfect for beginners as the yoga sequences are gentle and the level of difficulty is gradually improved throughout the whole week.WHAT THE PROGRAM INCLUDES:Workshop video on how to deal with anxiety7 (Seven) daily yoga videos for anxietyGuided meditation for anxiety24/7 Email support"
Price: 34.99
"How to Strengthen Your Mental Health" |
"You can find everything you need to create peace and calm in an ever changing world inside Your Mental Wellness Toolkit.""Every strategy, resource, worksheet, app and video in the Your Mental Wellness Toolkit combines to ensure you can end morning anxiety, midday fear and night time frustration. Best of all, your instructor is someone who has lived with a severe mental illness for over 20 years!Take control of:Stress and AnxietyFear and OverwhelmInsomniaChallenged Concentration and FocusYou CAN, enjoy greater peace NOW! Order Your Mental Wellness Toolkit today , and get ready to lay a foundation for peace that can weather any storm.You Receive:Over 30 Videos!Over 10 Worksheets and Downloads!All Course Updates!Unlimited Access!A FREE Bonus Course!"
Price: 49.99
"Cours de prparation l'accouchement et l'allaitement" |
"La prparation la naissance et la parentalit permet d'amliorer l'tat de sant global des femmes enceintes, des accouches et des nouveau-ns . Elle est mise en place durant toute la priode prinatale.Ce cours contient 10 sections. Les 3 premires, parlent de la grossesse en gnrale, le travail et laccouchement physiologique et de laccouchement mdicalis. Les 3 suivantes, parlent des suites de l'accouchement ( le post-partum), le retour la maison avec bb ainsi que de votre nouveau quotidien. Et enfin, les 4 dernires sections sont consacres l'allaitement."
Price: 204.99
shopify |
"shopifyecshopifyshopifyshopify partnerec"
Price: 12600.00
"Business Bonheur - Lancer son entreprise bonheur en 3 tapes" |
"3 BONNES RAISONS DE SUIVRE CETTE FORMATION :Vous dcouvrirez comment rvolutionner votre business et concrtiser vos objectifs de vie.Vous obtiendrez de nouvelles cls pour vous panouir au quotidien.Vous pourrez dconstruire les cercles vicieux qui s'insinuent dans votre vie.Tout est une question de dclicsDans votre quotidien, il y a des vnements qui peuvent tout changer.Ces dclics qui, du jour au lendemain, vont vous donner lenvie de dplacer desmontagnes. Ces moments qui, sans le vouloir, sont susceptibles de vous dcider changer pour un mieux. et de passage laction !Le tout, est de reprer ces instants-moteurs pour passer laction et les transformer en rsultats !Lobjectif principal de ce livre est de vous y aider afin de mieux vous connaitre pour mieux entreprendre.DMARREZ VOTRE VOYAGE ABC.Z MAINTENANTImaginez, vous tes le capitaine dun bateau. Ce qui est important cest de connatre le lieu dembarquement et la destination laquelle vous devez amener vos passagers.Si cette rflexion vous parat logique, dites-vous que vous tes le capitaine du bateau de votre vie.Pour vous panouir jour aprs jour, il est donc important que vous preniez conscience de :l o vous tes aujourdhui;l o vous souhaitez aller.Cest ce que jappelle le voyage ABC.Z et vous allez pouvoir dmarrer le vtre laide des questions qui vous sont poses dans cette formation-vido."
Price: 99.99
"Enneagram for Self-Liberation: The Path from Ego to Essence" |
"The Enneagram is a mandala of the human experience that combines ancient consciousness technology and modern psychology. It maps out nine archetypal ways that humans lose contact with Source, or Essence. These form the basis for our ego patterns and act as signposts pointing to our essential gifts. This introductory course on the Enneagram goes beyond describing a psychological typing system, and explores how it can be used in self-inquiry to liberate us from the fixations of identity.Many spiritual paths focus on expanding our awareness into other dimensions, accessing unity consciousness, or reaching transcendental states of hypergnosis (non-ordinary seeing or knowing beyond what we typically experience in everyday life). The Enneagram teaches us how to live with this knowing of Oneness or Nothingness once we resume travel in the human dimension. It helps us notice and navigate the core fears and core desires that fuel our ego. It helps us free ourselves from patterns so we can more consciously choose our path and more fully inhabit our body-bound journey.In this course you will learn about the origins of the sacred Enneagram, discover how it supports our spiritual evolution, and receive an introduction to the basic elements of the system: the centers, the nine types, core fears, core desires, essence qualities, and movements of growth and evolution. In the descriptions of the nine types, you may start to recognize yourself and establish a foundation for how you can use this tool to experience more freedom in life."
Price: 89.99
"YouTube, et son nouveau business qui rapporte gros !" |
"Le nouveau business qui cartonne l'trang encore mconnu en franceCOMMENTAIRE GAGNER PLUS DE 100 PAR JOUR AVEC YOUTUBE? ET LE TOUT ...Sans jamais montrer sa tte.Sans jamais enregistrer sa voie.Sans devoir filmer de videos.Sans jamais avoir investir un seul euro .En totale lgalit.Aucune connaissance requise, en plus de la formation.Vous pouvez grer cette entreprise que vous voulez.contenu de la formation9 vidos1h de formationUn document VIP offertExplications en temps relSupport client ractif (par mail)Satisfait ou rembours"
Price: 49.99
"AWS Certified Developer Associate Practice Questions" |
"With Cloud Computing as one of the hottest skills in the industry, an AWS qualification is undoubtedly one of the most useful certifications you can get in 2020. With over 200 tailor made questions constantly kept updated and designed for the latest AWS Developer Associate Syllabus, this course will help you nail the exams and get certified today!"
Price: 19.99
"Dibujo arquitectnico a mano alzada y tcnicas de represent." |
"Dirigido a estudiantes y profesionales de la arquitectura y el diseo. En este curso aprenderemos a dibujar del natural en nuestro formato de papel, eligiendo el punto de vista ms favorable del edificio o escenario que queremos dibujar, haciendo una equilibrada composicin del dibujo: Primer plano, segundo plano y lejana. Trabajaremos la perspectiva frontal y la perspectiva oblicua, lineas de horizonte y puntos de fuga. Aprenderemos a tomar medidas con un lpiz. Trabajaremos el sombreado (sombras propias y sombras proyectadas), as como la personalidad o el valor de la linea (el trazo). Finalmente aplicaremos la tcnica de la acuarela como una herramienta gil de representacin."
Price: 34.99
unity-2d-6wrni |
"Unity ."
Price: 19.99
"Aprenda a Programar em Kotlin" |
"Bem vindo ao curso de desenvolvimento em Kotlin ""Aprenda a Programar em Kotlin"" bem provvel que voc ficou sabendo dessa linguagem de programao a partir do seu uso para desenvolvimento Android, mas saiba que essa pode ser uma das maiores linguagens do futuro! Voc pode utilizar Kotlin em qualquer ambiente em que antes era utilizado Java, voc pode us-lo em back-ends, em desenvolvimento Android ou em vrias outras reas. No futuro, o Kotlin poder ser utilizado em navegadores, com a compatibilidade e a possibilidade de compilao de Kotlin para JavaScript. Com isso, voc poder aprender Kotlin e utiliz-lo em vrios outros ambientes.Neste curso voc receber um enfoque bsico para o desenvolvimento com Android, alm de saber pontos em que a linguagem se intercepta com Java.Aprenda a programar em Kotlin, uma linguagem de programao moderna e 100% compatvel com Java!Junte-se a este curso para aprender a escrever cdigos com uma linguagem incrvel e fcil de aprender!Expanda seus conhecimentos como desenvolvedor Java ou Android e melhore a qualidade do seu cdigo!No decorrer do curso voc ir aprender:Objetos e InterfacesSistema de Tipos de KotlinVariveis e Tipos AnulveisSobrecarga de Operadores e Outras ConvenesCondicionais: if e whenLoops: for e whileFunes e Funes de Alta OrdemGenricosAnotaes e ReflexoConstruo de DSLsOrientao a Objetos: Classes, Objetos, Interfaces, Herana etc.Data Classes (um conceito til em Kotlin)Exees e Controle de ErrosColees e Estutura de DadosDocumentao de um Cdigo KotlinEcossistema de Kotlin (Com testes e Injeo de Dependencias)No final do curso voc poder:Criar aplicaes reais que podem ser mostradas para seus amigos ou usadas em uma entrevista de trabalho como seu portiflio.Voc ser capaz de oferecer seus servios de programador para outras empresas.Estar afiado sobre todas as regras de negcio que envolvem Java e Kotlin no desenvolvimento de aplicaes."
Price: 39.99
"Realise inner peace and freedom" |
"I've found a hack not many in the personal development space are talking about. I've discovered the most efficient and effective way to overcome anxiety, depression and unlock your full potential. What I teach in this course can be used for Stress relief, building happy and lasting relationships, become your true authentic self, release fears and limiting beliefs. I reveal a shocking discovery that not many in the self help movement are talking about. I make some very bold claims backed by several years of research and most importantly, I've tested on my self and have had life changing results. I've made this simple so suitable for all levels.This course will save your years of using the wrong tool for the job and will explain in simple terms why and how to raise your vibration,Years of study has gone into this and might be the best investment you've ever made."
Price: 99.99
"Fundraising 101: Retaining First-Time Donors" |
"Do you run a nonprofit organization? Want more donors? It is easier and cheaper to retain existing donors, but only about 30% of first-time donors give again after their first gift. Why? Professional fundraiser Dr. Daniel Barwick shows you five simple steps (plus a bonus lesson!) for making sure that first-time donors want to give again the next time you ask."
Price: 19.99
"Learning Organization" |
"This course in for students and working executives who are interested to learn about the concept of Learning Organization. The course has detailed exercises for practice on how to use the principles of Learning Organization in the daily life of an individual, and in an organization. This Course mainly deals with the Model of Learning Organization, developed by Peter Senge, who is considered the pioneer in this topic. It also gives a brief idea of how the other researchers have contributed to the concept."
Price: 19.99
"Fundamentals of Programming" |
"In this Fundamentals of Programming course you will learn in a basic and very complete way the most elementary notions about software development. This course will give a complete overview of all the most basic concepts to learn how to program, which will allow you to understand any language thanks to the general perspective that you will acquire. In fact, throughout the course you will learn how to apply each new idea in 9 different languages simultaneously.Youwilllearn the basics of programming in several of the mainareas of software development:Web DevelopmentMobile ApplicationDevelopmentDesktop ApplicationDevelopmentI encourage you to take a look at the syllabus and any of the classes that are available before you buy the course and you will certainly want to see the rest of the course.The languages that we will see in this course are the following:PythonRubyJavaScriptPHPJavaGoCC++C#In addition, you will have downloadable educational material, suggested exercises and examples of real-life software usage, so that you can understand how such programs have been developed and know how to do it yourself.The course is divided into several sections:Introduction to ProgrammingIn this section you will understand what programming is, what programming languages are, what different types of languages there are, how they interact with the machine's processor, you will know what's really going on internally, which areas of development exist and in which languages they can be carried out, as well as the different tools you can use to program in each of the 9 languages addressed in the course.Data HandlingHere you will learn the types of data that exist, how each language handles them, how to do operations with values and advanced resources such as arrays and multi-dimensional matrices, to store mass data.Structured ProgrammingIn this section you will understand how the execution flow of the instructions written in the programs code works, so you will learn how to take control of the execution and decide what your program should do at each moment.Modular ProgrammingDiscover the most basic ways to group the code in independent blocks to have all the instructions better organized and in an optimized way. This will help you to maintain and visually understand the execution process.ObjectOrientedProgramming (OOP)You don't really know how to program if you don't understand Objects, what they are, how they work, how to create and manage them, as well as how to establish Inheritance between Objects and the use of Polymorphism. In this section I will show you all these things with several practical examples.But that's not everything, there are more sections that will be added to the course constantly, such as stored data, dynamic memory structures, error handling, best practices, and so on, until it covers all the basics of this fascinating environment.All concepts are explained in detail, step by step, and with an emphasis on explaining the purpose of each thing. This way you will be able to lay the foundations of your professional development from the very beginning.This course will allow you to expand into any area of software development.Isn't it great? Best part of it all is that it's within your reach.Buy the course and enjoy everything that is awaiting you.See you soon!Jos Javier Villena"
Price: 19.99