"Mastering AP Physics : Friction" |
"This Mastering AP Physics Course on Friction is not just about gaining a superficial understanding of the topic but you will confidently solve even complex problems which others may hesitate to even attempt. This comes with the clarity of concepts, good problem-solving practice through a large number of varied problems. Concepts are built layer upon layer. The interesting journey starts with fundamentals and goes through the intermediate level and effortlessly we reach the advanced level.Plenty of problems are taken up to consolidate the understanding of concepts. Quizzes, worked-out examples, questions for practice at the end of the lesson, reviewing of progress at regular intervals during this course & resource material that includes important points brings structure, flow, discipline & further enriches the knowledge of the subject. At times during this course, even complex problems are taken up. You have always the option to pick the sections you wish to learn and leave that you are not interested for time being or you find them beyond your course syllabus. A little more effort and little more persistence and you may have the option to solve those problems with the confidence that even many teachers may hesitate to even attempt.Pravesh Sharma is the instructor of this course. He is a graduate engineer from Indian Institute of Technology-New Delhi (I.I.T).India. He also holds a post-graduate degree in psychology. He has more than 25 years of experience of teaching Physics to high school students and teaching subjects like mechanics, heat and thermodynamics, DC circuits etc to engineering undergraduate students."
Price: 49.99

"Mastering AP Physics : Rotational / Rigid Body Mechanics" |
"This Mastering AP Physics Course on ""Rotational Mechanics or Rigid Body Mechanics"" is not just about gaining a superficial understanding of the topic but you will confidently solve even complex problems which others may hesitate to even attempt. In my 25 years of teaching Physics career, I have noticed this topic as the most avoided or feared topic by the majority of students. Though with the right approach it could turn out to be one of the most fascinating topics. Good grasp over the topic comes with the clarity of concepts, good problem-solving practice through a large number of varied problems. During this course, concepts are built layer upon layer. The interesting journey starts with fundamentals and goes through the intermediate level and effortlessly we reach the advanced level.Plenty of problems are taken up to consolidate the understanding of concepts. Quizzes, worked-out examples, questions for practice at the end of the lesson, reviewing of progress at regular intervals during this course & resource material that includes important points brings structure, flow, discipline & further enriches the knowledge of the subject. At times during this course, even complex problems are taken up. You have always the option to pick the sections you wish to learn and leave that you are not interested for time being or you find them beyond your course syllabus. A little more effort and little more persistence and you may have the option to solve those problems with the confidence that even many teachers may hesitate to even attempt. Pravesh Sharma is the instructor of this course. He is a graduate engineer from Indian Institute of Technology-New Delhi (I.I.T).India. He also holds a post-graduate degree in psychology. He has more than 25 years of experience of teaching Physics to high school students and teaching subjects like mechanics, heat and thermodynamics, DC circuits etc to engineering undergraduate students."
Price: 149.99

"Mastering AP Physics : Simple Harmonic Motion / Oscillations" |
"This Mastering AP Physics Course on ""Simple Harmonic Motion"" is not just about gaining a superficial understanding of the topic but you will confidently solve even complex problems which others may hesitate to even attempt. This comes with the clarity of concepts, good problem-solving practice through a large number of varied problems. Concepts are built layer upon layer. The interesting journey starts with fundamentals and goes through the intermediate level and effortlessly we reach the advanced level.Plenty of problems are taken up to consolidate the understanding of concepts. Quizzes, worked-out examples, questions for practice at the end of the lesson, reviewing of progress at regular intervals during this course & resource material that includes important points brings structure, flow, discipline & further enriches the knowledge of the subject. At times during this course, even complex problems are taken up. You have always the option to pick the sections you wish to learn and leave that you are not interested for time being or you find them beyond your course syllabus. A little more effort and little more persistence and you may have the option to solve those problems with the confidence that even many teachers may hesitate to even attempt.Pravesh Sharma is the instructor of this course. He is a graduate engineer from Indian Institute of Technology-New Delhi (I.I.T).India. He also holds a post-graduate degree in psychology. He has more than 25 years of experience of teaching Physics to high school students and teaching subjects like mechanics, heat and thermodynamics, DC circuits etc to engineering undergraduate students."
Price: 99.99

"Mastering AP Physics : Circular Motion" |
"This Mastering AP Physics Course on "" Circular Motion"" is not just about gaining a superficial understanding of the topic but you will confidently solve even complex problems which others may hesitate to even attempt. This comes with the clarity of concepts, good problem-solving practice through a large number of varied problems. Concepts are built layer upon layer. The interesting journey starts with fundamentals and goes through the intermediate level and effortlessly we reach the advanced level.Plenty of problems are taken up to consolidate the understanding of concepts. Quizzes, worked-out examples, questions for practice at the end of the lesson, reviewing of progress at regular intervals during this course & resource material that includes important points brings structure, flow, discipline & further enriches the knowledge of the subject. At times during this course, even complex problems are taken up. You have always the option to pick the sections you wish to learn and leave that you are not interested for time being or you find them beyond your course syllabus. A little more effort and little more persistence and you may have the option to solve those problems with the confidence that even many teachers may hesitate to even attempt.Pravesh Sharma is the instructor of this course. He is a graduate engineer from Indian Institute of Technology-New Delhi (I.I.T).India. He also holds a post-graduate degree in psychology. He has more than 25 years of experience of teaching Physics to high school students and teaching subjects like mechanics, heat and thermodynamics, DC circuits etc to engineering undergraduate students."
Price: 49.99

"Mastering AP Physics : Collisions" |
"This Mastering AP Physics Course on ""Collisions"" is not just about gaining a superficial understanding of the topic but you will confidently solve even complex problems which others may hesitate to even attempt. This comes with the clarity of concepts, good problem-solving practice through a large number of varied problems. Concepts are built layer upon layer. The interesting journey starts with fundamentals and goes through the intermediate level and effortlessly we reach the advanced level.Plenty of problems are taken up to consolidate the understanding of concepts. Quizzes, worked-out examples, questions for practice at the end of the lesson, reviewing of progress at regular intervals during this course & resource material that includes important points brings structure, flow, discipline & further enriches the knowledge of the subject. At times during this course, even complex problems are taken up. You have always the option to pick the sections you wish to learn and leave that you are not interested for time being or you find them beyond your course syllabus. A little more effort and little more persistence and you may have the option to solve those problems with the confidence that even many teachers may hesitate to even attempt.Pravesh Sharma is the instructor of this course. He is a graduate engineer from Indian Institute of Technology-New Delhi (I.I.T).India. He also holds a post-graduate degree in psychology. He has more than 25 years of experience of teaching Physics to high school students and teaching subjects like mechanics, heat and thermodynamics, DC circuits etc to engineering undergraduate students."
Price: 49.99

"Meditao Mindfulness" |
"O curso de Meditao Mindfulness para voc que quer superar situaes de estresse, ansiedade e depresso que prejudicam seu organismo, causando doenas psicossomticas.A Medicina comprova que as Tcnicas de Mindfulness diminuem os nveis de depresso, ansiedade e estresse e que, alm disso, contribuem para uma mente mais saudvel e tranquila.Assim o Curso Meditao Mindfulness far com que voc:Melhore a memria e o seu desempenho profissional;Se alimente de forma mais saudvel;Tome decises mais assertivas;Reduza o seu estresse, ansiedade e a depresso, alm disso, ajuda tambm a lidar com problemas crnicos de sade, aumentando tanto o bem-estar mental quanto fsico;Melhore a imunidade;Melhore o foco e a criatividade.As tcnicas so de fcil aplicao e podem ser realizadas em qualquer horrio do dia conforme sua disponibilidade de tempo.Os exerccios de Mindfulness so simples de praticar e os resultados so instantneos. Certamente, voc vai perceber uma grande diferena aps pratica-los. surpreendente o resultado positivo!Dessa maneira, no curso de Meditao Mindfulness voc:Desenvolvera uma maior inteligncia emocional para diminuir o estresse;Aprender o que Mindfulness e Meditao de forma simples e prtica;Aprender reduzir o estresse e ansiedade de maneira rpida;Ser capaz de praticar Mindfulness e Meditao com facilidade para controlar a ansiedade;Aprender meditaes guiadas que pode utilizar em qualquer situao para minimizar a ansiedade;Reduzir o estresse e aumentar o bem-estar mental atravs de tcnicas rpidas de 3 e 5 minutos;Saber como desenvolver o Mindfulness no seu dia-a-dia mesmo que no tenha muito tempo disponvel;Desenvolvera maior capacidade de ateno, concentrao e foco;Aprender relaxar seu msculos do pescoo e ombro de tal forma que diminua a tenso e as dores;E alm disso, aprender comer sem compulsividade, desta forma ter uma alimentao mais saudvel e emagrecer com facilidade.Este produto no substitui o parecer mdico profissional. Sempre consulte um mdico para tratar de assuntos relativos sade, porm complementa o tratamento."
Price: 399.99

"Adobe Photoshop CC: Complete Beginner To Advanced Training" |
"Hello and welcome! Let's Make Learning Photoshop Fun! I have created an easy and fun, step-by-step practical approach to Photoshop you will find simple and exciting!You'll be completing 10 awesome activities that walk you through 10 must-have skills to master Photoshop, even if you've never opened the program before.Each new Project is a brand new skill, and by the time you have completed this course you will have made some great stuff as well as integrated many different tools and skills along the way! Maybe without even realising it!I carefully explain each of the tools and help simplify their use, I'll also talk through my own tips and tricks as well as things you may find extra helpful.This course is packed full of exciting, valuable lessons that teach you exactly how to create beautiful graphics, images, logos, pictures and popular effects.This class is taught using follow-along videos with me sharing my screen so you can create your projects at your own pace as you watch!BONUS: I provide you with all of the imagery that I use so that you can follow me in real time and help ensure that each image you create is going to look fabulous.Here's what you're going to learn:LayersMasksPhoto EnhancingChanging and Removing BackgroundsRemoving Blemishes and Imperfections (Touch-Ups!)Changing the Color of AnythingCreating Thumbnails for YouTubeCreate a Minimalist LogoMake an Instagram Quote PostsProduce the Double Exposure EffectThis course is aimed at complete beginners who want to learn Photoshop, but don't know where to start! Let's take out the intimidation and jump in!"
Price: 29.99

"Sfrdan E-ticaret renin!" |
"E-ticarete balamak iin hala ne duruyorsunuz. Rakipleriniz satlarn artrrken siz dijital pazarlamaya nereden balayacanz bilmiyorsanz bu eitim tam size gre! Gittigidiyor, n11, Trendyol, Epttavm, Vivense ve Hepsiburada pazar yerlerine genel bak, rn listeleme ve sat sonras tm sreler. E-ticarete dair tm bilgilere eriebilecek ve destek alabileceksiniz.Alternatif rnleri bulabilecek ve satlarnz kolaylkla yapabileceksiniz. Sabit maazanza gre pazar yerlerinin bir ok avantaj mevcuttur. Bir an nce pazar yerlerinde yerinizi aln!"
Price: 19.99

"Wing Chun und Jeet Kune Do, Mental Training, Sublimental" |
"Entdecken sie ein neues Innovatives Trainingtstool, Mental Training fr Wing Chun mit der neuen innovativen Sublimental Methode Nun ist es auch mglich Wing Chun und Jeet Kune Do zu trainieren whrend man was anderes macht, egal ob beim Essen, Arbeiten ja sogar beim SchlafenEntwickeln sie sich weiter, mit dem Mental Training extra konzipiert fr Wing Chun und Jeet Kune Do.Die im Mental Training benutzten Suggestionen sind auf Wing Chun ausgerichtet, da aber das Jeet kune Do, sehr viele Wing Chun Techniken enthlt, ist es auch fr Jeet kune Do Anhnger ein sehr interessantes Trainingstool.Erfahren Sie in diesem Kurs was ber Mental Training, Autossugestion/Affirmationen, Subliminals, Sublimental Methodeund wie man es auch als Kampfknstler nutzen kann.Nutzen sie die Kraft ihres Unterbewusstseins, um schneller voranzukommen und besser zu werden.Sublimental Methode der Innovative neue Weg sich weiterzubilden."
Price: 24.99

"Create a GUI with Python" |
"This course teaches you how you can quickly create desktop apps with Python. The content makes this easy: you don't have to be an expert in PyQt, Tkinter, wxPython or the web: instead you can easily switch between all of them.If you want to start with creating desktop apps in Python and it all seems overwhelming, this is an easy course to get started with programming desktop apps in Python"
Price: 19.99

"Complete course of making 3D motion graphics project Part 2" |
"Hey guys, we are Motion Guru Team, and we have 10 years of experience in Motion Graphics and Visual Effects.In this course we'll teach you how to make a 3D project from A to Z. We'll model 9 objects in C4D, add materials to them, animate them and finally export the project using Octane Render Engine.This is a hard course and I recommend it to students who have some background knowledge about C4D software. Although all of you, by just simulating the video, can make the project.All the models and animated models used in this course is available in the course package.Know that I will be around to help - if you get lost you can drop a comment in 'Questions and Answers' part below each video and be sure I'll answer you back.Don't hesitate; enroll and learn the best and simplest way."
Price: 19.99

"C# Einsteiger Kurs fr Anfnger in Unity" |
"Wir werden mit einfachen Dingen beginnen, damit du dich auch dann wohl fhlst, wenn du Unity zum ersten Mal benutzt. Dies gilt auch fr deine Codierfhigkeiten, falls du vorher noch nicht programmiert hast, keine Sorge, wir werden C# von den grundlegenden bis hin zu fortgeschrittenen Funktionen ausfhrlich behandeln.Einige der Dinge, die du im Kurs lernen wirst:Unity's InterfaceDas Projekt zu organisierenC#-Programmierung fr Anfnger, Mittelstufe und Fortgeschrittene BenutzerLerne, wie du das UI-System von Unity verwenden kannstMens erstellen und animierenDas und vieles mehr erwartet dich in diesem Kurs.Wenn Du jemals eine Idee fr ein groartiges Spiel hattest, dann melde Dich zu diesem Kurs an und lerne die Werkzeuge, die Du brauchst, um Dein nchstes Hit-Spiel zu entwickeln!Was ist dein Risiko, wenn Du an diesem Kurs teilnimmst?Melde Sie sich jetzt an!! Du wirst nicht enttuscht sein!!"
Price: 109.99

"Asterisk (Call Center) CRM,Auto Dial" |
"in this course you will learn call center with all features :Windows pop-upCaller QueueACDCRMRemote LoginAgent Web LoginIVRCall RecordingCall StaticsCall LogsRate SatisfactionDedicated AgentsClick-to-CallAuto DialCall MonitorCall Barge InSurveyAuto-Dial and Pick-upMake everything easier with auto-dial schedule and auto pick-up function. The agents just make and answer effective calls on and on. All the rest will be finished by Build-in CRMZycoo Call Center is builtin a customizable CRM system which makes it possible to record the clients details like name, company, contact number and email. This enable you to know more about your clients, and also schedule auto call follow-ups to agents easily."
Price: 199.99

"Vital Asterisk based voip pbx (vital voip pbx )" |
":you will learn in this course :Install Vital Voip Pbx On VM (vital Pbx )vital overview and how to create extensionsVideo ConferenceHot Deskingspeed dial & cloud phone booksip trunk with yeastar & issableIVR & VoiceMailqueues & music On HoldVitalPBX - Fastest Growing PBX based on AsteriskVitalPBX is a free telephone and communications system for companies. It is a complete platform that can be installed on the physical hardware on the site or as a hosted application. VitalPBX acts as the upper layer interface for the Linux base and then Asterisk (one of the most popular communication toolkits in the world). For this reason, VitalPBX is the graphic user interface between you and the complex world of modern communications. VitalPBX will help you implement a secure telephone system for your company, save, take advantage of recent innovations and provide opportunities to integrate your business processes if you wish to do so."
Price: 199.99

digital-signage |
Price: 199.99

"avaya ip office 500 v2" |
"you will learn in this course :-Introduction To avaya ip office 500 v2-Cards types & license typesadd xml license and excel license-configure system tap-configure dhcp tap-create and setup Auto create H323 phones-configure sip phones-configure Auto Attendant with lvm tool and without lvm tools-configure inbound and outbound routes-configure Time profiles-configure Groups and ring strategy-configure dial plans Ars & user Rights"
Price: 199.99

"asterisk call center" |
"-Configuring queues And Music On Hold-Queues The Hart Of Thee Call Center-Install Asternic And And Lear How You Can Export All The Reports Like :Answered Calls , Unanswered Calls Agents Breaks , Service Level And many Reports....-Install Fop2 And Configure templates forAgents And Supervisor And Configure Buttons Like Spy Buttons And Dial And Transfer And Many Buttons-Implement All this Topics In One System As Real Call Center And All This topics We Will Implement it In Trial Version So No Need To Buy Any Thing"
Price: 199.99

"Learn 3CX IP-PBX" |
"You Will Learn In This Course :-license plans & How to use Trial License -install 3cx on windows and learn more about license plans-download soft phone and create extension & test internal calls-connect 3cx with gateway & configure inbound & outbound calls-Outbound Calls Rights For Users-Configure DID Numbers-Ring Groups & paging-IVR( Digital Receptionist ) & DTMF Mode & DTMF Input-Backup and Restore-Trouble Shoot One Way Audio Problem In 3cx and Fix It With All Gate Ways-User Rights How To Disable OR Enable Local Calls & Global Calls-Advanced Dial Rules & Backup & Restore-3CX WebClient & Forwording Rulesand more...."
Price: 199.99

"PROBLEM ZME TEKNKLER Sertifika Program" |
"Merhabalar,PROBLEM ZME TEKKNKLER Sertifika ProgramAnlatc deneyimi:2007'den beri otomotiv sektrndeyim. Mhendislik, kalite ve para gelitirme sektrlerinde grev aldm. Otomotiv ana sanayide iki projede altm. Mevcut durumda Japon bir irkette proses ve kalite sorumlusu olarak almaktaym.Anlatc eitimi:Makine mhendisiyim. ngilizce ve talyanca biliyorum.Anlatcnn sahip olduu sertifikalar: VDA 6.5 RN DENETM ETM YALIN RETM UZMANLII SERTFKASI (T) GRMCLK ETM (KOSGEB) STATKSEL PROSES KONTROL SPC (FAT TOFA) FMEA HATA TRLER ETK ANALZ (FAT TOFA) PROBLEM ZME TEKNKLER (FAT TOFA) PROJE YNETM (H.C.P.P) (RENAULT) UYGULAMALI RSK ANALZ ETM (DNM LMTED) PROSES DENETM (RENAULT) MEKATRONK YAZ OKULU (BOAZ NVERSTES) CNC KULLANIM VE PROGRAMLAMA (MCM CNC MAKNA) SOLDWORKS (MMTEK ETM)Neden bu kursu tercih etmelisiniz ? 1) Eitimler sektrde alan bir otomotiv mhendisi tarafndan hazrlanmtr. 2) Tm konular rnekleriyle/uygulamalaryla ilenmitir. 3) Tm eitim dokmanlar ek olarak ayr ayr hazrlanmtr. (Excel hesap dkmanlar vb.) 4) Eitim Trke olmasna ramen, eitim dokman ngilizce hazrlanmtr. Bu ekilde katlmclarn teknik ngilizcelerini de gelitirmeleri hedeflenmitir."
Price: 49.99

"curso de modelagem com magica voxel" |
"esse curso ira ensinar o basico de magica voxel de maneira facil e didatica com modelos e exemplos para que voce possa fazer o melhor com o programa ate mesmo podendo fazer personagem para seus jogos com mixamo onde usamos animaao para games ,e como modelar no magica voxel para quando for animar nao ficar deformado ."
Price: 39.99

"Cristais e Pedras - Rituais, Magias, Protees e Benzimentos" |
"Pedras e Cristais so utilizados desde os primrdios das civilizaes e despertam encantamento dada as suas potencialidades vibratrias alm de suas belezas naturais.Podemos encontrar em diversas literaturas e prticas ritualsticas e religiosas o uso de cristais das mais variadas formas.Isso quer dizer que a utilizao dos cristais est limitado apenas a quem mergulha intelectualmente no mundo da bruxaria e das religies que utilizam cristais? Obviamente que no.Podemos utilizar ns mesmos os cristais como ferramentas poderosas que auxiliam em diversas reas da vida e para diversos propsitos.Este curso tem por objetivo oferecer uma base terica fundamental para que voc aprenda a enxergar os cristais como portais semi aberto de infinitas possibilidades positivas. Alm disso tambm tem como foco, aulas prticas e exerccios para que voc se EMANCIPE a utilizar os cristais com segurana. Com diversos exemplos de ativao e modos de uso.Afinal, no precisamos depender de outras pessoas para que possamos dar nossos prprios passos no magnfico mundo mineral cristalino.Desejo de corao que os contedos aqui ensinados sirvam como ferramentas poderosas para sua qualidade de vida, agora com a fora poderosa fora irradiadora dos cristais.A gente se v!"
Price: 144.99

"Render Still com Blender 2.90" |
"Se voc est aprendendo o Blender venha dar seus primeiros passos com agente. aprende com quem sabe ensinar e fala de aprendiz para aprendiz. Neste curso iremos deste a modelagem a aplicao de materiais e renderizao final de um produto. um relogio apple. Iremos nos divertir durante todo o processo de modelagem deste produto que poder ser usando em artes para folders, panfletos, banner e outdoors."
Price: 39.99

"Azure Stream Analytics Crash Course" |
"Azure Stream Analytics is a real-time analytics and complex event-processing engine that is designed to analyze and process high volumes of fast streaming data from multiple sources simultaneously.In this crash course, students will learn the fundamentals of stream analytics and also will learn how to create a stream analytics job to process real time data.All the topics are covered using practical hands on sessions.Students preparing for Azure Data Engineer Certification (DP-200 & DP-201) will benefit from this course as all the topics for these exams related to stream analytics are covered in this course."
Price: 1280.00

"Master Hard Surface Modeling in Maya 2020" |
"This course is an epic 36 hours long!You will learn how to master hard surface modeling in Maya.You will begin by understanding the basic concepts of modeling in Maya.You will learn Maya's powerful modeling tools.You will learn where the tools are located, how to use the tools, why to use the tools and when to use the tools.You will learn the tool options, the shortcuts, and the best and most efficient way to use the tools.Tools you will learn include:Bevel ToolInsert Edge Loop ToolMulti-Cut ToolMirror ToolBridge ToolExtrude ToolBoolean ToolSlide Edge ToolEdit Edge Flow ToolCombine/Separate/Extract/DuplicateAnd many, many more tools.You will learn professional tips and tricks that will make you a better modeler.You will learn the difference between bad and good geometry, how to fix bad geometry, what mistakes to avoid and how to fix common problems.This course is project-based so you will dive into the modeling process by creating R2-D2, the famous robot from Star Wars.First, you will learn how to block out R2-D2 from using image planes.You will learn how to create simple primitive polygons to block out the shape and form.You will learn how to detail the shapes and how to create supporting edges and where to place resolution in order to create the model you want to make.You will learn that you are in control of the modeling process and that there is nothing to fear from the modeling process.My techniques are designed for you to learn at your own pace as I go through every step from start to finish.You will learn how to create R2-D2's dome head, all the panels and buttons. You will learn how to create all the panels and buttons on the body, and finally all the details on the legs.You will learn some simple rigging techniques that will allow you to control some of R2-D2s tools, like the periscope that comes out of his head, and also a panel that slides open to reveal Luke Skywalker's Lightsaber.You will learn how to animate the periscope so it will look like R2-D2 is looking around.You will learn how to animate the sliding panel so the Lightsaber can shoot out, just like in Return of the Jedi when R2-D2 threw the Lightsaber at Luke.Finally, you will learn how to present R2-D2 as if you were showing the model to an employer, like a movie studio or a game company.You will learn how to use lighting techniques and render R2-D2 to create a brilliant finished piece to show to professionals and/or to put on social media.This course is in-depth with tons of tips, tricks and techniques that will give you the confidence you need to begin creating your own 3D models in Maya."
Price: 24.99

"Linux Device Drivers - Communicating with Hardware" |
"What you will learn in this course:Two modes of communication with hardware - IO Mapped IO and Memory Mapped IOKernel Drivers/Modules for IO Mapped IO - Speaker, RTC, KeyboardKernel Drivers/Modules for Memory Mapped IO - Hardware Random Generator, GPIO, UARTAccessing IO Mapped IO and Memory Mapped IO from user spacePCI and SMBIOSAPI's/Macros/Structuresinb, outb, inw, outw, inl, outlinb_p, outb_p, inw_p, outw_p, inl_p, outl_pstruct resource, request_region, release_regionioperm, iopl, geteuidrequest_mem_region, release_mem_region, ioremap, iounmap, ioread8, ioread16, ioread32, iowrite8, iowrite16, iowrite32ioport_map, ioport_unmap,mmapFiles: /dev/port, /dev/mem, /proc/iomem, /proc/ioportsCommandshwclockdateshowkeyhexdumpstringsddlspcibiosdecodedmidecode"
Price: 74.99

"Curso de Lngua Brasileira de Sinais" |
"O curso tem o objetivo de promover prticas inclusivas, por meio da Lngua Brasileira de Sinais (Libras), potencializando a comunicao acessvel no meio social entre surdo e ouvintes. Compreender a Libras como uma Lngua natural. Compreender as especificidades da Cultura Surda e aprender noes bsicas da Libras para atuarem em contextos triviais de comunicao com a pessoa surda"
Price: 39.99

"C# Od podstaw dla pocztkujcych developerw .NET" |
"Kurs przedstawia najwaniejsze zagadanienia jzyka C#, ktre s niezbdne do tworzenia aplikacji czy to webowych, mobilnych czy desktopowych na platformie .NET.Z zorganizowan teori jzyka C# oraz zadaniami praktycznymi, kurs idealnie nadaj si do nauki jzyka C# dla osb zaczynajcych swoj przygod z programowaniem.Kursat zapozna si z platform .NET Core, ktra jest najnowszym narzdziem firmy Microsoft umoliwiajcym tworzenie aplikacji wieloplatformowych, w tym internetowych i internetowych interfejsw API.Ze wzgldu na wysok wydajno, otwarty kod rdowy oraz moliwo implementacji na rnych systemach, cieszy si coraz wiksz popularnoci.Podczas trwania kursu, midzy innymi nauczysz si:posugiwa si jzykiem C# w celu utworzenia aplikacji konsolowychtworzy wasnych klas oraz korzystanie z typw wbudowanychkontrolowa przepywu programu za pomoc instrukcji warunkowych oraz ptliuywa kolekcji w programach w celu przechowywania danych oraz manipulacje nimi"
Price: 69.99

"Excel Model Makeover 2" |
"The course is presented in four parts.First, the course introduces a business case of an accounting model that unintentionally includes all the hurdles to prevent fast data entry. The model takes a staff 1+ hour to update 1 vessel file, and whats worse, it takes over 2 hours to generate up-to-date Status report for a fleet of 60 vessels!Next, the course will demonstrate how the author has overhauled the old model so that it:o Reduces the data entry and report time from 1 hour to 1 min, ando Reduces the integration time from 2 hours to 2 minutes!Third, we draw a line between when to data entry and when not to. Generally speaking, we need to avoid data entry as much as possible, thanks to the technologies. However, if you do need data entry, only enter data at a minimum with the remaining filled in from data extracts.Fourth, we demonstrate the 7 Dos and Donts in data entry, reporting, and validations. Some of the best practices are:o Do NOT enter data in a summary table, making it hard to updateo Do NOT enter invoice details in a cell note, resulting in double entryo Do NOT apply accounting debits or credits in entry form, which may confuse data entry clerkso Do NOT summarize on moving targetsLast, the course illustrates some advanced modeling skills on:o How to build validation and auditing checks?o How to quickly set up links to 60 vessel files?"
Price: 99.99

"Cmo Convertirte en un Freelancer Exitoso!" |
"Incorporars todos los conocimientos necesarios para lanzarte como profesional independiente y brindar tus servicios a cualquier persona o empresa que requiera de tus habilidades.Descubrirs cuales son las herramientas que necesitas para comenzar a trabajar sin depender de un Jefe, las estrategias que debes implementar para que te contraten, los tips y detalles de las plataformas ms reconocidas y cmo manejarte dentro de ellas.Un recorrido de principio a fin para que dejes de sufrir en tu trabajo y trabajes de lo que realmente te gusta, el tiempo que realmente quieras y con la paga que realmente mereces!!!"
Price: 19.99

"Gatilhos Mentais como usar" |
"Gatilhos mentais so atalhos da mente subconsciente para tomar as decises do dia a dia, pois o crebro gosta de no gastar energia com as decises e cria esse atalhos. Aprenda a usar os principais gatilhos mentais no momento certo, na sua campanha de marketing e vendas, pois com a internet a necessidade de entender os gatilhos mentais para escrever de forma persuasiva se tornou essencial, tanto para um site quanto para redes sociais, youtube e cartas de venda e scripts."
Price: 19.99

"Copywriting Use do jeito certo Guia Completo" |
"Para vender pela internet, criar anncios , paginas de vendas ou qualquer postagem escrita pela internet necessrio usar copywriting, quem no souber usar vai estar bem atras afinal embora muitos tenham a noo do que se trata copywriting , no sabem o melhor jeito de escrever, quais gatilhos mentais usar, quais palavras e como se adaptar a cada tipo de clientes.Aprenda um mtodo para que saiba o passo a passo de uma boa copy de vendas para seu negocio online, espero que aproveite o treinamento ."
Price: 19.99
