"Como fazer Anncios No Facebook e Instagram do jeito certo" |
"Aprenda como criar anncios efetivos no facebook ou instagram, pois caso no faa anuncios nessas plataformas seu marketing digital pode ser bastante prejudicado.Com um passo a passo de como criar anuncios no facebook e no instagram, para que possa conseguir trafego online seja para vender seus produtos fisicos ou digitais."
Price: 19.99

"Como fazer Anuncios No Google e No Youtube pelo Google Ads" |
"Aprenda a criar os melhores anuncios no google ou no youtube, pois na era digital de extrema importancia anunciar online para vender seus produtos ou servios, e as plataformas mais acessadas do mundo so o google e o youtube.Aproveite esse treinamento que vai ser seu guia na hora de criar anuncios que convertem , saia na frente da concorrencia usando trafego pago, e cresca sua presena digital."
Price: 19.99

"156-315.77 Check Point Certified Security Expert Exam - 1" |
"Sample QuestionsQ) Which process is responsible for the exchange of information tables between all stakeholders of the cluster?a) CPDb) FWD demonc) CPHAd) PV kernele) NoneQ) In ClusterXL, _____ defined by default as the critical device.a) FWMb) assldc) CPPd) FWDe) NoneQ) Which of the following is not accelerating SecureXL?a) SSHb) HTTPSc) FTPd) Telnete) NoneQ) Which one is the type of acceleration SecureXL?a) QoSb) FTPc) connection speedd) GREe) None"
Price: 154.99

"Curso de Ao de Usucapio" |
"Neste curso o aluno ter oportunidade de conhecer melhor o importante instituto do ""usucapio"", que, como se sabe, forma originria de aquisio da propriedade imvel. Alm de indicar e explicar os vrios tipos deste instituto, o Professor Gediel, Defensor Pblico do Estado de So Paulo por quase trs dcadas, indica e explica os requisitos legais, assim como apresenta a lista completa dos documentos necessrio para o ajuizamento da ""ao de usucapio"". Alm de apresentar e explicar o procedimento da ao, o aluno ter oportunidade de acompanhar o passo a passo da elaborao da petio inicial, quando ento ter contato direto com a prtica da redao da referida ao."
Price: 69.99

"Lo que los Bancos no Quieren que Sepas" |
"Lo que los Bancos no Quieren que tu Sepas es un curso que te dar las herramientas para conseguir lo que quieras del sector financiero. Cuando conoces como el banco hace dinero, y como piensa el banco para aprobarte o declinarte solicitudes, vas a saber COMO presentar informacin para lograr Usar al Sistema Financiero a tu favor y no al revs como probablemente ha pasado todos estos aos.Aqu aprenders cosas simples como ventajas de los productos bancarios y cosas ms profundas como Que piensa el banco en situaciones especficas, como manejarse en el departamento legal, como crear crdito desde cero y Trucos legtimos para literalmente Burlar al sistema.Por eso esto es Lo que los Bancos no Quieren que tu Sepas, porque con estos conocimientos, de manera inmediata le dejaras menos beneficios al banco ms a tu bolsillo y sabrs negociar y exigirle al banco lo que realmente necesitas y no lo que ms le convenga al banco.Incluye Libro y Archivos Descargables"
Price: 199.99

"Identity and Access Management : Forgerock OpenAM [Part 1]" |
"This course is designed for those candidates who are looking for OpenAM training. OpenAM is an open-source access management, entitlements and federation server platform.Since apart from forgerock documentation there is no resource available either on youtube or in any other blog, so it's hard for the candidate to learn this tool end to end.Many of you had already enrolled to our OpenIDM training and requested us to provide OpenAM training course as well.So keeping your request in mind, we had worked hard and created this course on OpenAM in layman approach for you.Here the key things which you learn in this first part of the course isUnderstanding Basic on Access ManagementBasics of Authentication and AuthorizationSecurity Features like RealmSetting up the custom realm as per industry needUnderstanding Setting up OpenAMVarious mechanism to configure OpenAMOpenAM Embedded store and root realm Directory Server BasicsSetting up External Directory ServerConfiguring external identity Store with openam custom realmPerforming Basic authentication on different business users and realmsMany more..."
Price: 199.99

"PSM2 Professional Scrum Master II certification Practice" |
"Acknowledgment: Scrum (.) org and PSM2 are protected Brands. These practice exams are neither endorsed by nor affiliated with Scrum (.) org. Although all practice tests mock real tests, they are unofficial.Are you looking to take a Scrum Certification Exam like PSM2 but you still feel a bit insecure or you are curious about how the questions look like? Do you want to pass the exam with a high score?In this course, you will have access to realistic Professional Scrum Master II practice tests so you can get familiar with the questions and receive an explanation of the answers and you can become sharp, fast, and accurate in answering scrum questions correctly.Not included: Be aware that this course does not include any videos, only practice tests. The certification exam is not included either and must be purchased separately to correspondent institutions like scum (.) org.*Requirements*: You need a good knowledge of the Scrum Framework to take these practice exams. Experience using the Scrum Framework is recommended as well. To learn more, you can take this course first: Agile & Scrum in Depth: Guide, Simulation and Best Practices.Includes:Exam Preparation GuideScrum cheat sheet6 Practice Tests:1 Scrum Assessment test of 30 minutes. This is important if you did not take the PSM1 recently.1 tests of 60 minutes to practice Scrum Guide hard questions to become sharp with your knowledge of Scrum4 full and realistic PSM2 simulation tests of 90 minutes eachAnswers explained: All questions contain an explanation of the answers.True Scrum: This course is totally aligned with the latest version of the scrum guide. The explanations of the questions contain quotes from the Scrum Guide to prove that all answers must be within the rules of the Scrum Framework.--What you will learn? Answer questions for Scrum Certification exams Understand why an answer is correct or incorrect Prepare for PSM2 certification Difficult questionsThis course is specifically for: People that want to take a scrum certification exam like PSM2. People that know the Scrum framework and theory and have some experience using it. To learn about scrum you can take the course: Agile & Scrum in Depth: Guide, Simulation and Best PracticesWhy taking the class? What you will gain? Understand how the exam is. Become ready to take the real exam. Become fast and accurate to answer scrum questions with confidence.About meHi, my name is Ignacio.My main goal is to help you with new knowledge that you can apply at work and be a successful and professional leader.I led, coached, led, and managed Agile projects and scrum teams since 2005 for customers from all over the world.During my career with intensive learning, I got many advanced scrum certifications including Certified Scrum Professional Scrum Master, Certified Professional Scrum Product Owner, and Certified Agile Leadership.I worked 15 years as a Professor for Agile Methodologies and Systems design.I love to teach Agile and Scrum and I designed a lot of hours of training that I am bringing online. I prefer to teach with games and activities that can simulate the real world.I trained hundreds of students in Agile that became top professionals in the industry. Teaching what I learned in my 20 years of experience allows the students to gain realistic learning that they can apply at work."
Price: 29.99

"Write a futuristic, dystopian or sci-fi story" |
"In this compact and energetic course, English teacher and author Luke Richardson guides students through writing a futuristic, dystopian or sci-fi story. Whether your child is learning as part of a home school curriculum, a back to school creative boost, or just for fun, this course will get them writing a thrilling futuristic story. As part of the course, you'll learn to:imagine possible futuristic worlds use adjectives and noun phrasesdevelop well-rounded charactersuse a variety of sentences use writing techniques like a professional write great description plan and write a futuristic backstory think about tense and perspective write engaging dialogue creative mystery in their writing edit their work enjoy writing and have fun!Course workbookIncluded in the course is a comprehensive workbook which contains all the story excerpts studied, structured activities to help learning and pictures to stimulate ideas. Homeschool, back to school creative boost, or a weekend of creativityThis course has everything you need for a homeschool creative writing topic, a back to school creative boost, or an engaging weekend activity. With short, engaging lectures and enjoyable writing activities, students will develop their creativity, hone their writing skills and may begin to pen a great futuristic story!This is a brand new course so it doesn't have any reviews yet. Here's what previous students say about Luke Richardson's other courses: ""Well paced course for. Each section is just the right size to engage and challenge."" ""It was really fun and the amazing planning helped me write the story."" ""Thank you, the kids really enjoyed it and wrote something great."" ""I have needed this class for a long time. Thank you so much Luke Richardson for taking the time to teach this course I am learning so much."" ""I can't thank Luke Richardson enough for this course. My little boy hates writing with a passion, and I was a desperate mum when I bumped into the course. I am so impressed, please pretty please can we have some more?"" ""The course will seriously start my writing career!""Full 30-day money-back guarantee If you don't like this course you can get your money back with no questions asked. "
Price: 49.99

"Gesto de Riscos conforme ISO 31000" |
"Este curso para uso por pessoas que criam e protegem valor nas organizaes, gerenciando riscos, tomando decises, estabelecendo e alcanando objetivos e melhorando o desempenho.Organizaes de todos os tipos e tamanhos enfrentam influncias e fatores externos e internos que tornam incerto se elas alcanaro seus objetivos.Gerenciar riscos iterativo e auxilia as organizaes no estabelecimento de estratgias, no alcance de objetivos e na tomada de decises fundamentadas."
Price: 39.99

"People Analytics - Data Science para Gesto de Pessoas" |
"Desenvolva a gerao de insights para Pessoas com o curso. Aprenda de forma prtica e com um software gratuito como gerar aplicaes de People Analytics de forma a gerar melhores resultados em planos individuais, de times e lideranas. O curso abrange os seguintes tpicos:- Analytics em Recrutamento & Seleo- Indicadores de Recursos Humanos- Absentesmo- Sada de Colaboradores- Afastamento- Ir pedir demisso: Sim ou No?People analytics ou anlise de pessoas a abordagem orientada a dados que coleta, organiza e diagnostica dados sobre as equipes da empresa por meio de softwares que cruzam as informaes de diversas fontes Tudo para otimizar o gerenciamento de Recursos Humanos.Tambm conhecido como anlise de talentos ou anlise de RH, ele pode ajudar gerentes e executivos a tomar decises mais assertivas sobre seus funcionrios ou fora de trabalho.Com isso, possvel acompanhar de perto e de forma imediata fatores como o engajamento, a produtividade e a satisfao das pessoas na organizao."
Price: 39.99

"132kV Line Protection Panel Schematics Drawings" |
Price: 59.99

"Raid, LVM, ZFS, iSCSI protocol & Fog PXE on CentOS Linux 8" |
"RAID Configuration.1) Linear Mode2) Raid 03) Raid 1 and raid 4.4)Raid 5 and raid 10 5) Replacing faulty disk from mirror raid .LVM configuration .1) Createing lv on raid drive.2) Extent VG.3)Extend LV.4)Reduce LV.5)Remove LV and VG.ZFS Filesystem.1)Installaing ZFS pakages.2)Data Protection and raid levels.3)Creating ZFS pools.4)Creating ZFS Filesyetem Volumes.5)Thin Provision de-dublication and compression.6)Crateing Snapshot.7) Export zfs storage from iSCSI protocol.NFS 1)NFS server configuration 2)NFS client configuration 3)mount NFS folder permanently in client host Fog PXE boot 1)introduction 2)installing debian base VM on virtual box3)setup static IP to VM4)configure Fog PXE boot server 5)dhcp settings 6)capturing images 7)deploying images"
Price: 1280.00

"KVM virtualization on CentOS Linux 8 /RHEL 8" |
"KVM (Kernel based Virtual Machine) is the virtualization solution for Linux. It consist of a loadable Kernel module that allows the Linux Kernel to work as a Hypervisor. KVM provides hardware-assisted virtualization for a wide variety of guest operating systems.Under KVM, each VM is a Linux process that is scheduled and managed by the kernel and has private virtualized hardware (i.e CPU, network card, disk, etc.). It also supports nested virtualization, which allows you to run a VM inside another VM.In this course , we are installing KVM virtualization host on CentOS 8. We are also installing Cockpit to manage our KVM Virtualization environment through a graphical interface.You are welcome to add any kind of reviews bad or good but please review it based on the course curriculum and what value you've got.I would like to remind you that Udemy gives you 30 days Money-Back Guarantee 100% No Questions Asked.If you are interested in the course you can give it a try."
Price: 1280.00

"The Mechanics of Taekwondo Kicking Technique - Volume 2" |
"The follow-up course from volume 1! This course includes more advanced techniques and concepts for intermediate-advanced students. We go over concepts such as turning kicks, doubling techniques to make a compound motion, and concepts of flexibility (static, dynamic, and active, PNF CR-AC) and even a routine to increase your range of motion."
Price: 19.99

"Grafcet++ para estudiantes" |
"Grafcet++ es una aplicacin de grfica moderna y se utiliza principalmente para planificar y probar los controles de secuencia de sistemas automticos. Para la aplicacin web y la opcin de prueba con el navegador Google Chrome significa ++ el conocido trmino GRAFCET.Recibiera el software necesario por completo para su propio uso gratuito. Este es un servidor con nodeJS y el complemento Grafcet++ correspondiente para el navegador. El servicio le permite guardar sus propios ejercicios en el disco duro o guardar la extensin personal de los ejercicios.Despus de presentar la instalacin de las herramientas necesarias, comenzamos con los primeros ejercicios de GRAFCET para aprender el editor con el navegador Google Chrome.Luego los ejercicios especficos se llevan a cabo en diferentes lecciones para que comprenda GRAFCET y pueda disear sus propios ejercicios. La prueba se lleva a cabo con elementos adicionales como bomba, vlvula, cilindro etc. y el interesante diagrama de pasos de GRAFCET.Por lo tanto, Grafcet++ no slo es ideal para personas en edad escolar, sino tambin para principiantes en automatizacin y es un maravilloso software de aprendizaje."
Price: 19.99

"Aprende a interpretar dibujos de Ingeniera modernos" |
"Los dibujos en la actualidad han evolucionado, ahora son mas complejos y su interpretacin requiere conocimientos de algunas normas internacionales.Este curso es de nivel muy bsico, para interpretar dibujos mas complejos se recomienda tomar el Curso de Tolerancias Geomtricas Nivel BsicoObjetivos:Conocer las reglas principales y prcticas ms comunes de los dibujos de ingeniera modernos.Comprender la generacin de vistas proyectadas, auxiliares, y de seccin.Conocer los smbolos ms comunes utilizados en los dibujos.Conocer las diferentes formas en que se puede dimensionar una parte."
Price: 19.99

"Nasl Yapld ? Seri-6 Otel ( Mekanik Tesisat Proje)" |
"Herkese merhaba, Yeni bir kurs serisi ile karnzdaym. Bu kurs serisi kapsamnda tasarm yaptm veya yapmnda yer aldm byk projelerin sisteminin nasl tasarlandn hangi ekipmanlar kullanp nasl altn sizlere izah edeceim.Serimizin altnc kursu Otel Kulesi projesinin mekanik tesisat sistem tasarm sizlere aktarlacaktr. Shhi Tesisat : Temiz su tesisat / Pis su tesisat tasarmnda kullanlan ekipmanlar ve sistem zeti anlatlacaktr.Yangn Sndrme Tesisat : Elektrikli Tip yangn pompas , Sulu ve kuru tip sprinkler sistemleriHavalandrma Tesisat : Primer havalandrma tipleri , Is Geri Kazanm Cihaz , Klima Santralleri sistemi tasarmnda kullanlan ekipmanlar ve sistem zeti anlatlacaktr.Istma /Soutma Tesisat : Yer tipi youmal kazanlar, Hava soutmal su soutma grubu , 4 borulu fan coil tesisat . Hava soutmal grup ile kapal tip kule ve su soutmal chiller sisteminin karlatrlmas ve cihazlar tasarmnda kullanlan ekipmanlar ve sistem zeti anlatlacaktr.Bu kurs kimler iin uygun : *Yeni mezun mhendisler*Makine teknikerleri*almakta olan makine mhendisleri*Mekanik tesisat antiye mavi yaka alanlar"
Price: 49.99

"Dropshipping - Mtodo para vender online sem estoque 2020" |
"Voc quer descobrir como criar uma loja online lucrativa sem nenhum estoque e vender na internet?Deixe-me apresentar o novo mtodo que ningum nunca te falou e ainda pouco conhecido no Brasil e j faz sucesso no mundo a mais de 8 anos.Esse mtodo uma das principais chaves para voc entrar no mundo do empreendedorismo e criar uma empresa lucrativa que pode alcanar o faturamento de 5, 6 ou at 7 dgitos por ms.Mas esse novo mtodo no para todo mundo, ele somente para as pessoas que querem mudar de vida e ir em busca dos seus sonhos, seus objetivos e que querem pensar grande.Ele ainda est comeando no Brasil e a competio muito pequena comparado com os outros pases no mundo...Quem entrar agora e se dedicar tem grandes chances de se dar muito bem e criar negcios exponenciais que duram anos.Esse mtodo que poucos falam se chama dropshipping e calma, eu j vou explicar exatamente o que isso significa.J se imaginou sendo dono de uma loja online que vende produtos fsicos para milhares de outras pessoas e esses produtos nem passam pelas suas mos?Parece uma coisa surreal, mas basicamente eu te falei a definio de dropshipping.Se voc quiser descobrir como voc mesmo pode fazer parte desse time de empreendedores que esto faturamento altos valores com ecommerce primeiro voc vai ter que saber de alguns conceitos importantes para esse negcio dar certo.E eu vou revelar esses conceitos para voc nesse curso, veja os principais benefcios que voc vai obter:Vou revelar os 6 mtodos para criar anncios que vendem pelo facebook ads.Mais de 4 horas de contedo somente sobre como usar a plataforma do facebook para anunciar para milhares de pessoas.Mtodo para encontrar pblicos secretos no facebook que ningum anuncia foi revelado durante o curso.Como criar e estruturar uma de dropshipping do zero.Como editar e criar anncios de alta converso.5 Formas reveladas para encontrar produtos vencedores e lucrativos.E mais 19 horas de aula, mas preste ateno!Aproveite essa oportunidade agora, pois quem entrar nesse novo mtodo de vendas nesse exato momento tem grandes chances de ter muito sucesso logo no inicio.E voc deve estar se perguntando, por que ele est me dando todo esse valor em conhecimento por um preo to pequeno?Bom, como esse o primeiro curso de dropshipping meu e o meu scio Gustavo ns decidimos lanar ele por um valor pequeno, menor do que uma pizza por ms, para que todos possam ter acesso a essa informao.E no para por a, eu tenho mais um presente para voc.Caso voc fique insatisfeito por qualquer motivo com esse curso em at 30 dias, basta voc pedir seu dinheiro de volta que a udemy devolve 100% do seu dinheiro, de forma simples e sem enrolao.Olhe isso! voc tem acesso por 30 dias de forma gratuita sem gastar um centavo.Ento, agora a deciso sua.Voc tem duas opes:1 - Voc escolhe por no fazer esse curso e est tudo bem, a sua vida continuar a mesma coisa e no tem nenhum problema com isso.ou2- Voc escolhe buscar novas oportunidades no mundo do empreendedorismo e decide fazer o curso ""Dropshipping - Mtodo para vender online sem estoque 2020"".Adquira agora mesmo e aproveite as 19 horas de aulas cheias de contedo e as 120 aulas que ns trouxemos especialmente para voc.OBS: lembre que voc tem garantia de 30 dias pela udemy.Espero voc na primeira aula.AttRafael."
Price: 579.99

"Aprenda a criar um game RPG Completo na GODOT 3.2 (2020)" |
"Godot uma game engine de cdigo aberto voltada para a criao de jogos 2D e 3D multiplataformas.Para quem est iniciando no mundo dos games e procura uma opo mais simples que engines elaboradas como Unity e Unreal, a Godot aparece como uma das principais opes juntamente com Game Maker, Construct, entre outras.A Godot Engine gratuita, tem cdigo aberto e uma licena MIT bem permissiva, ou seja, no so cobrados royalties e todos os direitos sobre o jogo so do desenvolvedor.Neste curso voc aprender como criar um jogo complexo inteiro da GODOT, vamos criar um jogo da srie Awkward (mascote da Academia Gamer), que utiliza a mecnica de bombas do clssico Bomberman com a Cmera Top-Down de RPG do game The Legend of Zelda, junto com seus inimigos perseguidores."
Price: 39.99

"Aprende Google My Maps para tus clases online" |
"En este curso aprenders a utilizar mapas digitales como una estrategia de aprendizaje a distancia que te permite fomentar la creatividad y la colaboracin. El curso est divido en 4 partes breves pero potentes para que aprendas de una manera muy prctica sobre mapas, mapeo pensamiento espacial y por supuesto sobre Google My Maps."
Price: 19.99

"Learn Risk Measurement for Projects, Analysis & Estimation" |
"The complete Risk Management Process will teach you all the essential knowledge about Risk Management, Risk Measurement, the Risk Management Life-Cycle. And the Risk Management Process from A to Z. What you will learn: After completing this course on Risk Management for Projects you will be able to: - Identify a risk - Differentiate between issues and risks and appropriate actions - Know how to handle risk measurement- Understanding the complete Risk Management life-cycle - Know all the key activities related to Risk Management - Learn some handy tips and tricks for dealing with Risk Management- Calculate a project's risk of slippage based on the Monte Carlo Simulation ModelYou will feel confident in taking on a role as a Project Manager or PMO and being on top of the crucial aspect of Risk ManagementYou will gain instant access to all the 7 sections and 21 lectures of this courseYou will get templates that you can easily apply in your projects The following templates are included; Excel Monte Carlo Simulation, Excel Simulation ExampleYou will receive course notes for each section that can serve as a manual when you start outThe course is supported with xxx hours of theory and examples + case studies to make you learn as effectively as possible"
Price: 149.99

"Hip Hop dance beyond the basics - learn at your own pace!" |
"Sarah Chin's choreography is a unique blend of hip hop and jazz funk movement. This is a fun, sassy and empowering dance course designed to make you feel good and confident in your own skin.Sarah's teaching style is detail orientated - breaking down all the movements clearly so you know exactly what to do and occasionally she will share her humorous thought process behind the steps.This course is for dancers who are beyond the basics who have 2-3 years of dancing experience OR If you're a passionate and determined beginner willing to take on a good challenge! Like anything new it takes time to develop the skill but it's well worth it and you will get there! Now you can learn from the privacy and comfort of your own home, rewind the videos as much as you need and take the course at your own pace!Do you want to be apart of a creative community?Do you secretly have the desire and passion for dance but you don't know where to start?Do you want to feel confident, sexy and empowered?Do you have a hectic work, life balance and struggle to find a class that fits in with your schedule? Are you bored with your current workout regime and looking to mix it up?Are you here for a good time - ready to have some fun?Well, This is it! Dancing has brought so much JOY into my life and it can do the same for you.So what are you waiting for?! Push back that furniture! clear some space to move, put on comfortable clothes, grab a water bottle, towel and let's get to it!!"
Price: 19.99

"How to Build your career as a Political scientist, get a job" |
"Hello, This video contains career advice for my fellow political scientists allover the world. Whether you are just starting your career or you already have your first degree in Political science, instructions in this video will give you more information on what you need to help your career, the add-ons(additional skills) to a political science degree that can land you a job or put you ahead of competition in the labour market, I also gave recommendations on how you can manage your time and develop this skills while pursuing your first degree in this course.More topics are still coming in. Thanks."
Price: 19.99

"Python: Python Basics Bootcamp for Beginners in Data Science" |
"Beginner Friendly: Learning python for data science the right way.As a beginner when learning python for data analysis or data science you do it differently from someone learning it to be a developer ( web, apps or games). Content in this course is designed to fast track you to the next stage by teaching you the relevant topics that will help you get started in the next python libraries for data analysis & data science. These libraries include NumPy, pandas and sci-kit learn.Practice-based learningThe best way to remember when learning is to learn by doing. In each section, you learn the theory behind then we deep-dive into practice. The tutorials are designed so that you follow on your own computer in tackling small practice examples."
Price: 19.99

"Curso de Word (BSICO AO AVANADO)" |
"O Curso Word Expert prioriza o tempo dos nossos alunos, com vdeo aulas de no mximo 20 minutos, com contedo direto e execuo passo a passo de todos os mdulos.Voc vai aprender desde as formataes e edies bsicas, at a parte mais avanada de sumrio automtico, edio de trabalhos avanados, grficos, tabelas e ajustes necessrios para um documento profissional!"
Price: 189.99

"Advance Fatek PLC Training" |
"Fatek PLC Expert course Offered, Encoders interfacing, Servo/stepper motor, PID control, Analog signals, Electrical wiring, Relays, Push button, Lamps, ContactorsHMI designing, Alarms, Trends, Event logging, Push button, Lamps, Numeric values display, Numeric values input.After completing this course you will able to do expert level programming on Fatek PLC, You easily work on Motion control application as well process control application."
Price: 29.99

"How To Make AMAZING BEATS. The BASICS of FL Studio" |
"Hi! Welcome to Your course of FL Studio! I am going to show you the way how to start working with beatmaking program FL Studio. After this course You will be able to operate with FL Studio user interface easily and create your own beats!That sounds amazing! Show yourself by doing music beats!Also, I am going to provide online support for my student. Do not hesitate to write me down. I will help you to create your own beat even in Online! Let's create out own community!"
Price: 19.99

"Unreal Engine Game Environment design MasterClass" |
"In this course, we will create a professional next gen-game environment using state of the art tools & resourceshere a general idea about the main points in this course :-how to properly use megascans & unreal engine to create RayTraced game environments.-use tiled textures from megascans to create modular pieces or custom pieces ( around 35-40 custom one made using 3Dsmax ).-setup a wide variety of advanced shaders.-learn how to make the overall environment blends together very well.- how to properly use & reuse decals.- using foliage to enhance the scene look by placing them in a smart way.- create custom masks for stuff like windows glass using substance painter.-learn how to tweak megascan PBR textures to make them more usable.- storytelling through level design.- fake destroyed assets eg: walls.- use unreal blueprints to create splines tools that support both instancing & a procedural mesh.- make sure the blueprints tools we created more extendable & more artist-friendly.- we will cover a bit of VFX & their shaders...- lightning alongside raytracing/post-process & other effects.AND MUCH MORE ... The best way to describe this course is: become a one-man army, & it's not for beginners... there is no time lamps & no pre-planned stuff or something . students will be able to follow me live digging my way to the end."
Price: 129.99

"Learn Basic Organic Chemistry" |
"Course contains basic organic chemistry in very simple manner with illustrations. Fundamental concepts like, Electronegativity, Inductive effect, Resonance effect, Reagents ( Electrophiles, nucleophile, Free radicals), intermediates like carbocation, carbanion, carbene, nitrenes are well described along with detailed organic chemistry with examples. Applications of Inductive effect and resonance effect in deciding strengths of acids, basic stengths of amines, stability of Intermediates like carbocation, carbanion is explained in detailed manner "
Price: 1280.00

"Data Science:Hands-on Covid-19 Data Analysis & Visualization" |
"Have you always wanted to create amazing graphs and charts to present your ideas but did not know where to start?Would you like to Visualize Covid-19 using bar graphs, bubble graphs, WordCloud and Animations?Have you ever wanted to create graphs and charts that would bring your ideas to life andmake your audience go WOW?If the answer to any of the questions is YES, then this is your course on data visualization in Python using Plotly express: A hands-on, practical and comprehensive course on Data Visualization using Plotly express.Create Amazing, Excellent quality, publication-ready graph with just one line of Code.Yes, you heard it right. With just a single line of code.1 Graph= 1 Line of CodeDo you know what the best part is?You dont need to be a programming expert to do it. You just need a very basic understanding of Python and that would be more than enough to create amazing publication-ready graphs. This is a Practical Hands-on Course hence for the best learning experience we recommend you to type the codes in your own notebook following the lessons carefully. No Unnecessary lectures. No unnecessary details.In the next 2 hours, learn to create 45 different publication-ready graphs and charts that will WOW anyone who sees them..But thats not all:The same data visualization skills can be used for many other purposes like :Sales Data VisualizationOffice reports VisualizationAny other kind of VisualizationYou can Visualize absolutely any kind of data.We will complete the following tasks in this hand-on project :Task 1: Importing LibrariesTask 2: Importing DatasetsTask 3: Data CleaningTask 4: Bar graphs- Comparisons between COVID infected countries in terms of total cases, total deaths, total recovered & total testsTask 5: Data Visualization through Bubble Charts-Continent WiseTask 6: Data Visualization through Bubble Charts-Country WiseTask 7: Visualizing relationship between Total cases, Total deaths and Total testsTask 8: Advanced Data Visualization- Bar graphs for All top infected CountriesTask 9: Advanced Data Visualization- Countries Specific COVID Data Visualization: United StatesTask 10: Advanced Data Visualization- Countries Specific COVID Data Visualization: IndiaTask 11: Geographical Data Visualization - Choropleth maps Animation- Equi-rectangular projectionTask 12: Geographical Data Visualization - Choropleth maps Animation- Orthographic and Natural Earth projectionTask 13: Bar animation- Cases growth through ContinentTask 14: Text Visualization using WordCloud- Specific reasons for COVID related deathsTask 15: Text Visualization using WordCloud- Generic reasons for COVID related deathsWe will be using Google Colab as our notebook.This course is a Hands-on guided project which essentially means, you will be creating these 45 amazing publication-ready graphs on your notebook alongside the lessons. I write the code and then you write the code.At the end of this course, you will have created 45 graphs all by yourself: One simple line of code for one amazing graph.Data Visualization is the most demanded skill of the 21st century. And This skill can be yours just for the price of lunch. You will receive :Certificate of completion from the School of Disruptive EducationAll the datasets in the resources section of the respective lectureLink to the Google Colab notebook which has all the codes in it.So what are you waiting for?Grab a coffee, click on the ENROLL NOW Button and start learning the most demanded skill of the 21st century.Happy Learning"
Price: 24.99

"Herbalism course, Ayurveda Medicinal Plants course" |
"Medicinal plant Course will teach you how to identify and How to use different plants for different problems !!herb for immunity, herb as Antibiotics, Herb for Allergy, Tree of Heart, Herb for Male & female, Herb for detox, Herb for constipation, Herb for Memory, Herb for Joints, mineral of strength and stamina and many more !!"
Price: 199.99
