"- Flutter to Envato" |
"envato. :on boarding pagesdiscovery or home pagecategories pagefavourite pagesingle recipe page with videoabout us and info pagecontact us via email sectionAll recipe in one pageUpload Your Theme to Envato"
Price: 199.99

"Business Analysis Fundamentals" |
"In this course, you will learn most of the important techniques and tasks to be successful as a business analyst. I designed this course for anyone who is interested in learning more about business analysts and curious about what do they do on a daily basis. We start by asking three topic questions: What does a business analyst do? What is a business analyst tool kit? and how to succeed as a business analyst?"
Price: 199.99

"Deno (Node js)" |
"DenoDenoDeno webOakC.R.U.D."
Price: 99.99

"Build 10 JavaScript Projects in less than 6 Hours ." |
"JavaScript is one of the world's most popular programming languages. JavaScript is used in most websites and regarded as the programming language of the Web.Hopefully you have some basic working knowledge of HTML,CSS and JavaScriptThis course is a challenge to boost your JavaScript skills by building 10 completeuseful JavaScript projects from scratch.Here are the 10 projects we will build in less than 6 hoursInteractive Quiz AppToDo AppCalculator AppDigital ClockCountDown Timer AppLoan Calculator AppAnalogue AppBMI Calculator AppHeight Conversion AppWord Count Calculator App"
Price: 49.99

"SAP BASIS Certificate como consultor internacional BD HANA" |
"Enhorabuena! Si ests en esta pgina es porque ests considerando aprender ms acerca del sistema SAP. Incluso puede que ests considerando cambiar de trabajo para dejar de ser slo un usuario y convertirte en un consultor con todos los beneficios y retos que eso implica y aunque pudiera parecer un reto enorme nosotros hemos creado este curso con la mayor dedicacin posible para que tu aprendizaje sea ptimo. Lo que es ms importante es que ests considerando dar el salto y estar certificado en SAP BASIS con base de datos SAP HANA.Uno de los mayores retos es sortear con xito una entrevista por parte de un experto que te har preguntas desafiantes.Otro de los mayores retos pero una de las mayores satisfacciones es poder decir que eres un consultor certificado.Cmo puedes superar estos retos?Lo cierto es que la prctica hace al maestro. Inscribete y prctica con lo que tendrs acceso a dos tests los cuales contienen preguntas suficientemente complejas para que tengas la confianza de contestar rpidamente aplicando lo que ya has aprendido e incluso puesto en prctica con clientes pero que no has podido dominar hasta el momento. Y despreocpate pues tendrs todos los intentos que desees en ambos tests.La plataforma informtica hace un poco difcil el que puedas obtener las respuestas debido a que la intencin es que estudien a profundidad, sin embargo, la forma en que debes proceder para obtenerlas es que tienes que finalizar la prueba y abajo de tu resultado numrico aparecer un botn que indica ""Repasar las preguntas"" si presionas dicho botn tendrs acceso a cada pregunta con su respectiva respuesta para que al practicar te des cuenta que preguntas tuviste bien (marcadas en verde) y cuales tuviste mal (marcadas en rojo) para que sepas que debes estudiar con detenimiento para as poder presentar con seguridad el examen de certificacin y/o entrevista de trabajo.Tendrs acceso de por vida, as que no te preocupes podrs practicar tantas veces como sea necesario y con nuestro apoyo logrars cualquiera de los objetivos que te hayas planteado. Podrs adems detener cualquiera de las dos pruebas pues son tan extensas que tendrs que dedicar bastante tiempo, sin embargo con la funcionalidad de pausa no tendrs que preocuparte si te surge un imprevisto.Puedes adems dejar pendiente una pregunta que sea tan difcil que prefieres revisar al final y de hecho podrs repasar todas estas preguntas que hayas marcado antes de enviar la prueba para as estar seguro de tus respuestas.La plataforma tambin hace un poco confuso el resultado y es que si al finalizar el examen, el resultado dice que has suspendido, significa que no has aprobado ese intento de examen y debes seguir repasando (no significa que detuviste el intento).Por el contrario, si aprobaste te felicitar al igual que todos tus colegas una vez que hayas obtenido la certificacin oficial y/o ese trabajo deseado en cualquier pas del mundo!No lo pienses ms! Ya no hay excusas para obtener eso que tanto has buscado as que inscribete y a comenzar a practicar!"
Price: 199.99

"AC Electronics - Basics of Resonant Circuits" |
"The course used as an individual module will provide you with the following: Calculation and Understanding Reactance, Impedance and Resonance in Series RCL CircuitsCalculation and Understanding Reactance, Impedance and Resonance in Parallel RCL CircuitsCalculation and Understanding Bandwidth and Quality Factor in Parallel and Series RCL CircuitsDrawing the General Resonance Curve of RCL CircuitsThe course used in conjunction with all the accompanying courses in the series coming before and after it (see the series on greatitcourses website - the same name with com in the end) will enable you to have a solid and practical understanding of AC and DC electronics and to be able to design fairly advanced electronics circuits consisting of transistors, resistors, capacitors, diodes, inductors, having AC or DC power sources. Those circuits could be amplifiers, filters, power supply systems, etc. You would also be able to do all the necessary calculations related to such circuits yourself. One important characteristic of this course is that it allows you to avoid the unnecessary theory that would never be used practically in electronics while including all the practical important theory, thereby saving you a lot of time in the process. The main characteristics of this series are as follows: The series omits all the theory that you are not going to use in your work anyway, assuming that you don't want to do anything very complicated in electronics, for example design a full-fledged frequency counter, but you still want to be able to design and build fairly complicated circuits like amplifiers, filters, etc.You will be able to do all the necessary calculations related to your own designs. You will have all the practical skills to work with different pieces of test equipment like oscilloscopes, signal generators, etc. You will be provided with useful end of course exercises that will solidify your learning. In short, the series will teach you the tricks of the trade. It will teach you practical electronics in a relatively short amount of time. To course code for this course is ""23"". You can use the code to refer to this course in your communication with us."
Price: 49.99

"How to Easily Improve Your Memory on Autopilot" |
"Are you looking for a course that show you how to easily improve your memory?Then you will LOVE this course!Specifically, what you will learn about in this course is:Best (and Worst) Foods to Eat for Good MemorySpecific Physical Exercises to Strengthen Your MemoryBest Free Apps: Chess and GoSetup an Easy Review SystemThe 10 Second Review TechniqueBest Free Apps: Mind Jogger and TO DOHow Specific Moods Affect Your Memory (Good vs. Bad)And more!So if you are ready to improve your memory out of sight...Check out our preview videos and enroll in our course!Thanks! Speak with you again inside the course!"
Price: 74.99

"Forex Trading with Robots + 30 Best Strategies" |
"Are you ready to take your trading skills to the next level with a simple, profitable Forex trading method?Trading with Robots is the best way to participate in the Forex market, but it is not always easy to start.That's why I made the decision from now on to share my Forex Robots that performed the best during the previous month. My name is Petko Aleksandrov, and I am a professional Forex trader. I use Expert Advisors or Robots for my trading, and I share my strategies and my EAs with my students. I already have over 24 000 students, and many of them are trading successfully with my EAs. In this Forex trading course, I will share something very special. My Top EAs that were the most profitable during the previous month. And I will show you the quickest and easiest way that I found to test the EAs. No Demo trading, no multiple MetaTrader platforms running on one computer.In this course, you will learn everything you need to know about algo trading with Forex robots:how to install them on MetaTradercombine many robots in one portfolio robotdifferent methods to test the Robots before you start real tradinghow to backtest and see detailed results from the Robotsfollow the results from the account using Magic Numbersremove the losing strategies from the Portfolio ExpertsTo further improve the user experience for our students, there are free PDF files attached that will help you along the course. Plus, there is a quiz and assignment, which is very useful, especially if you are a beginner trader.This course covers all of the crucial topics in Forex trading + real-life tips and practical advice. I have over 10 years' experience in the Forex market, and in my courses, I include all of my skills and knowledge so that my students can be profitable too. The contents of this course are all based on my work experience as a trader in a few large firms, trading brokers, and banks. Over the years, I constantly looked for the best methods to approach the market to achieve low risk with stable results. After years of research and experience, I discovered that the easiest way to achieve this is by using Expert Advisors or trading robots. In addition, I will share with you the software that I use to automate my strategies without IT skills (it is called EA Studio and has a 15-days free trial which you can use to create your own robots).Every month I test many Robots on different assets and timeframes. And by many, I mean thousands of robots. The software allows me to do it extremely fast. And in this course, I will share with you the Robots that yielded the most profits during the previous month. This way, you will be able to use tested Robots for your trading. However, I always suggest that my students try the strategies on a virtual account first, before trading on a live account.I have minimized the Forex trading boring theory in the course to keep it as close to real-world trading as possibleno boring slides with complicated and unnecessary theory. I will demonstrate all the steps that you need to take to start trading from scratch with real robots.Consider this course as an ""on the trading floor"" practice and not long, drawn-out university education.And finally - I am always here for questions. If you have any trouble during the course, you can ask me anything, and I will be available to answer.Enroll today and make your trading easier! Udemy offers a 30-days money-back guarantee, so there is nothing to lose and everything to gain.See you in class!"
Price: 199.99

"Blender 3D - Create a Cartoon Character" |
"Cartoon Character in BlenderIn this class we will create very simple, yet very cool looking lowpoly character.You will going to learn the basics of blender - 3D Modeling, Basic Texturing, Cameras and Rendering.There is no need to have any serious previous knowledge of Blender. The course is perfect for beginners but also for more advanced 3D Artists."
Price: 99.99

"Friend Relationships - Periodical of Allies - A3.3" |
"This is the relationship course you need if you are looking for a friend in your life, or to improve your current friendships. Even while ""relationships"" come in all shapes and sizes, there is one common variable to all of them... You. This is where all of your problems can be solve and if you have trouble with relationships, you have the solution right there within yourself. I, Rev. Devan Jesse Byrne am here to help you learn how to bring it out and become worthy of a beautiful friendship, which you do deserve. As one of Open and Clear, Academy's 2020 season of courses, this course is complete in itself however it is part of a ""Course-Series"" which offers a comprehensive journey of self-discovery of every aspect of Relationships and utilizing Spiritual Principles that will change your life for the better, forever. The whole series consists of ""Discovering Relationships"", ""Intimate Relationships"", ""Friend Relationships"", ""Committed Relationships"", ""Expressive Relationships"", ""Progressive Relationships"", and ""Divinely-Inspired Relationships"".This course, while focusing on relationships is a Spiritual Course. Therefore Practices and Meditations are provided and required for the most benefit of what this course has to offer. We do not discuss dogmas or worshiping deities, strictly personal practice for the best results."
Price: 149.99

"Exam AZ-900: Microsoft Azure Fundamentals - Practice Test" |
"These are brand new practice tests for the AZ-900 Azure Fundamentals exam. Five separate timed tests of 55 questions each. If you're not sure if you are ready to take the AZ-900 exam, these practice test can test your knowledge. If you find something that you don't know, you can study a bit more on that area. Course based on the contents of my AZ-900: Microsoft Azure Fundamentals Exam video course, but that course is not required to get this one. If you just want to test your knowledge, try to pass these timed tests.Microsoft Azure is still the fastest growing large cloud platform. The opportunities for jobs in cloud computing are still out there, and finding good qualified people is the #1 problem that businesses have.If you're looking to change your career, this would be a good entry point into cloud computing.Sign up today!"
Price: 29.99

"Introduo ao Mercado de Opes sobre Aes" |
"Neste curso voc ir aprender de maneira terica e com exemplos prticos e computacionais TUDO aquilo que minimamento necessrio para comear a investir no mercado de opes sobre aes.Ateno: - Este curso vai ensinar conhecimentos tericos. No iremos aprender como fazer investimentos e aplicaes financeiras na prtica. - Este um curso voltado para o mercado Bovespa (Bolsa de valores de So Paulo) - B3. Ele no um curso de Opes Binrias!Lembrando que nos investimentos financeiros sempre iro existir algum tipo de risco e os ganhos e perdas dependero pura e exclusivamente de quem tomou as decises. Aqui, tambm, no recomendao ou sugesto de investimentos.Assista aos vdeos deixados como demonstrao antes de adquirir este material.Bons estudos!"
Price: 39.99

"Complete Vietnamese Course - Basic Level (A1) (Northern)" |
"Topics will be covered in this course:1. Greetings ANH TN L G?2. Nationality CH L NGI NC NO?3. Occupation ANH LM NGH G?4. Address BY GI CH SNG U5. Time BY GI L MY GI RI?6. Date SINH NHT ANH NGY MY?7. Giving direction BNH VIN U8. Means of transportation ANH I SI GN BNG G?9. Family NH CH C MY NGI10.Ordering food EM I, CHO ANH 1 T PH"
Price: 24.99

"Makale Yaz, Geimini Sala Para Kazan Kantl -Yksek Kazan" |
"Bir nce bu kursu ekmeye karar verdim ancak size ne kadar kazanabileceimizi gstermek istiyordum. Makala yazma iine giritim hemen hesaplarm atm ve yazmaya baladm. Kazanlarm iyiydi ve sizinle bunu canl canl paylatm. Sonu mu? Kesinlikle geimini salayacak bir frsat olduunu syleyebilirim. Zaten grdnzde ne demek istediimi anlayacaksnz.Eliniz bo dnmeyecek eer yaz yazabiliyorsanz kesinlikle yksek kazanlar sizi bekliyor olacak."
Price: 49.99

"DIY Website for Beginners: How to Start Your Business Online" |
"Are you wanting to start a business? Of course, you need a website. But how do you know where to start with a tight budget? Sign up for this course to learn from a self-made DIY entrepreneur who knows how to make things happens with 0 to little investment. I know how easy it is to just throw yourself right in and start building a website. However, it's not the method you should take. Learn from my mistakes as I've literally done my website more than 5X through trial and error. So take the shortcut and let me help you come up with a strategy that will help you be more deliberate about how your brand is represented online - with a few analytics tips included to keep your strategy going long-term.Well cover the following topics:Choosing a domain that's optimized for search results and brandingDeveloping a solid content strategy to engage your target audienceIdentifying how you want to represent your brand online and effectively communicate to your customersSelecting a website design that makes your voice and toneLearning easy-to-reach resources to get your website up and runningAdding Google Analytics to track your website performance and why it's importantEasy techniques to find opportunities to continue optimizing your website towards your goalWith this course, youll really understand how to build your website with a solid plan, so you'll look professional, engaging, and ready to do some real business! Ill guide you through the thought process, but also leave room for you to brainstorm. Always open to feedback as well as I can continue to improve this course and you'll have unlimited access to the new content that you've asked for!Join me and learn how to bring your online business to life!"
Price: 54.99

"How to Earn while being at Home during Pandemic and after?" |
"The course modulates for Anyone who is interested to make money sitting at home. It is basically for Anyone who would like to work from home and earn passive income online during their free time with simple and effective methods explained in this course at ease for learning and exploring the opportunity in a great manner. It is indeed a return to you serious working and smart work! WITH ZERO INVESTMENT."
Price: 19.99

"Professional VMware vSphere 7.x Exam 2V0-21.20" |
"Welcome to the VMware vSphere 7.x Exam 2V0-21.20 Datacenter Virtualization: Practice TestsThe course contains 2 practice tests with 95 questions in total, timed to 150 minutes, and the passing score-adjusted at 90% Questions are very similar to the real exam.You have the chance to mark questions for review, saved, and skip questions. SIMULATOR 1 ------ 40 QUESTIONSSIMULATOR 2 ------ 40 QUESTIONSSIMULATOR 3 ------ 15 QUESTIONS"
Price: 19.99

"Java Web Services" |
"SO, YOURE LOOKING FOR A COURSE THAT WILL TEACH YOU JAVA WEB SERVICES & IN A FUN MANNER?Ive got just the course for you!Welcome, my name is Josh Werner with Learn Tech Plus and Ive put this course together to help people just like you quickly master Java Web Services...Whether youre a beginner or experienced with Java Web Services!If your goal is to become a user of Java Web Services, then this course is perfect for you. It will get you started on the right path and give you the knowledge and skills you need to Java Web Services...Learning Java Web Services is Not only for Experienced users, but also everyone else. Because when you have master Java Web Services, you get around your profile and easily install applications to your computer versus having to get someone else to do it for you which can cost both time and money!In short, a good understanding of Java Web Services is tremendously beneficial.Now, in this course, we'll go far beyond that. By the end of it, you'll have gained complete proficiency in Java Web Services even if you're currently a complete beginner!THATS RIGHT...NO PRIOR EXPERIENCE OR KNOWLEDGE IS REQUIRED!You dont need any previous experience or knowledge to take this course. In fact, all you need is a desire to learn and master Java Web Services.This is not one of those courses that will throw too much at you at once and cause you to get overwhelmed. This is a course that youll not only learn so much from, but also enjoy the journey as youre learning (which is a very important part of the learning process)The course will take you by the hand and teach you everything you need to know step by step and even put your knowledge to practice immediately by showing you how to setup Java Web Services and How to Download Java Web Services.On top of this, you will also get my continuous support as well to make sure youre successful with my course.LEARN JAVA WEB SERVICES BY DOING! (LEARN JAVA WEB SERVICES FROM SCRATCH!)We will go step by step and cover Java Web Services. The goal here is to help youA) Setup an Java Web ServicesB) Be able to Download and Install Java Web ServicesHeres what well cover in the course:1. Well start from the very beginning and explain what Java Web Services is, why & how its used.2. Install software well be using all throughout the course.3. Introduce you to Java Web ServicesENROLL NOW I'D LOVE TO SEE YOU INSIDE AND HELP YOU MASTER JAVA WEB SERVICES!"
Price: 199.99

C |
"! """" "" v 2.0 : : . , , . . MUST HAVE. , .. . . , , . . , . . , . : . , !"
Price: 199.99

"Goal setting through SMART, OKRs and NLP" |
"We constantly keep hearing about people who accomplish everything they want, who can achieve anything they set their mind on. How can we get there? What can we do? If you have these questions then you have come to the right place. I will help answer these questions and give you the tools you need in order to succeed. These tools are the methodology on how to build objectives using SMART and OKRs from a business perspective but also how to build and sustain objectives from a personal perspective. Both sides are important since they complement each other and allow you to have more tools and knowledge at your disposal in order to achieve your goals."
Price: 44.99

"Bubble crie Apps sem Programar. (Localiza, Instagram, Ifood)" |
"Voc far isso utilizando plataformas de desenvolvimento visual de aplicativos, tambm conhecidas como plataformas No-Code.So ferramentas em que voc cria uma aplicao de forma visual, arrastando e soltando elementos na tela, e consegue personalizar tudo somente por meio de lgica.Voc vai poder criar Apps Delivery como ifoddMarketplaces MercadoLivre, LocalizaPortais de Empregos Cathoe muito mais."
Price: 84.99

"Python sin fronteras: HTML, CSS, Flask y MySQL" |
"Bienvenidos a este curso de Python! Ac inclumos todas las materias que son de primera necesidad para los desarrolladores de software. Con estas tecnologas podrs construir aplicaciones en el frontend y tambin en el backend.Ac aprenders a programar desde cero con python, pensando que no tienes ningn conocimiento sobre programacin desde antes.ProgramaHTMLCSSPythonVariablesComentariosOperadoresControl de flujoBuclesFuncionesTipos de datosMultiples ejercicios y mucho ms!MySQLFlaskRESTFUL APIY ms!Y muchos proyectos y ejercicios que iremos construyendo a lo largo del curso para ir practicando lo aprendido.Conocimientos previos?Para tomar este curso no necesitas ningn conocimiento previo, basta con que sepas prender el computador e instalar programas que descargues de internet ya que todos los conocimientos bsicos los iremos aprendiendo y practicando a lo largo del curso.Este curso tiene tecnologas modernas que son utilizadas por todos los desarrolladores web del mundo en el da a da. Aprovecha esta oportunidad para que podamos encaminarte de una manera eficiente a convertirte en un desarrollador web."
Price: 129.99

"Curso de Tranas {Box Braids Afro} Nalva Giorgiutt" |
"Descubra neste curso o segredinho que ningum quer falar, mas est disponvel neste curso a frmula infalvel, que faz a trana box braids ficar totalmente prtica e fcil. Qualificando voc para o mercado de trabalho na rea da beleza. So poderosas tcnicas que Nalva Giorgiutt, cabeleireira e especialista em tranas estar lhe ensinando."
Price: 129.99

"cieli ad acquerello" |
"La tecnica dell'acquerello molto appassionante ed estremamente varia. In questo corso impareremo a dipingere i cieli utilizzando la tecnica dell'acquerello.Ti consiglio di accedere a questo corso dopo avere fatto almeno il corso di acquerello per principianti. QUESTO E UN CORSO PRATICO in cui imparerai a realizzare i cieli direttamente dipingendo. Attraverso la realizzazione step by step realizzerai 4 dipinti attraverso i quali imparerai a dipingere i cieli. Oltre alla realizzazione dei 4 dipinti realizzeremo anche un dipinto pi facile e delle prove di altri cieli.I miei video sono strutturati, come sempre, in primo piano step dopo step. Le mie pennellate saranno anche le tue.Ti ricordo che ho altro corsi di acquerello:acquerello per principiantiacquerello avanzatoacquerello effetti specialimare ad acquerelloacquerello botanicofiori ad acquerelloAcquerello di NatalePer qualunque dubbio o problema mandami un messaggio, sar felice di parlare con te"
Price: 54.99

"Taj Mahal Architectural Modelling & Texturing in High Res." |
"Online Live Course on Modelling and Texturing Taj Mahal using Autodesk Maya 2018Welcome to Course on Modelling and Texturing Taj Mahal using Autodesk Maya 2018. Thankyou for choosing this wonderful course. In this course we will learn many aspects, tools, and techniques of modelling and texturing in Maya with special focus on Architectural Modeling of Tag Mahal.In this course We will Model a High resolution Model of Taj Mahal, and Complete it with Texturing. During this course we will use Many of Maya's Polygon and NURBS Curve-Surface modelling tools to create a high quality complete model of Taj Mahal. In this course you will learn various tools and techniques of Modelling a Architectural Building in Maya 2018.Course: Modelling and Texturing of Taj MahalLevel : Intermediate LevelWhat you Will Learn: Architectural Modelling with Polygon Tools and NURBS Curve-Surface Modelling Tools. Architectural Texturing, UV Unwrapping.Course Language: URDU / HINDI"
Price: 29.99

"12 Proven Ways To Make Money Online" |
"12 Highly Effective & Proven Ways To Make Money Online:For many people, making money online would be an absolute dream come true. If they could find a way to make money with a website or some other online venture, they could quit their job to focus on entrepreneurship, spend more time with their family, and finally take back control of their time and their lives.The crazy thing is, earning money online isnt a pipe dream. I have been doing it for nearly a decade now with my website Marie Tavernier .com. I also know thousands of other people who are earning money online their own way with websites, courses, or unique marketing strategies.Now, heres the good news. The majority of online revenue strategies arent that complicated. Like any business venture, your online income takes time to grow. You need to be willing to devote the time and energy required to get your idea off the ground, and you need grit to stick with it even if your journey is slow when you first start out.In this comprehensive eCourse, you will learn the fundamentals of 12 online money making methods alongside tips and proven techniques to implement them into your business for maximum exposure and growth across All platforms regardless of your current status online."
Price: 179.99

"Sports Nutrition Essentials" |
"Discover deeper level insights in the world of sport's nutrition!Every athlete requires the proper essential nutrition in order to perform at their best. Its scientifically proven that peak performance comes from not only proper training, but in-taking the right nutrition.There is so much misinformation in the health & fitness industry and I debunk these myths and clarify important details for you, so that you can reach your set goals. All pro-athletes and elite performers leverage the power of nutrition not only to achieve optimal performance, but to heal, regenerate, and repair the body.The body is a sophisticated piece of machinery and therefore, it would make sense to invest in understanding the intricacies and complexities of the human body, and ultimately leverage nutrition to achieve your ideal physique and best performance possible. What You'll Learn..Epi-geneticsDeeper insights to caloriesFormulasBody types Macro-nutrition Micro-nutritionEssential vitamins Trace mineralsOther nutrients MisconceptionsAnd much, much more!The human body is an amazing thing! Therefore, claim your birth right to vitality, strength, and longevity. What should be considered a miracle is standard operating procedure.The body's intelligence knows how to carefully orchestrate the operation of thousands of biochemical reactions and bodily functions that go on inside your body on the regular. The body heals, renews, and regenerates itself on a moment to moment basis. Therefore, if you desire to achieve excellence and want to become the greatest version of yourself,- invest in yourself now!The greatest investment you can make is an investment in yourself. Whether you want to achieve your greatest potential or age gracefully, you need to leverage the power of nutrition and claim your birth right to the vigor of your youth and longevity.Buy Now!"
Price: 199.99

"Trading, Anlisis Tcnico, Fundamental e Inversin en Bolsa" |
"Crisis, Ciclos Econmicos, Medios de Comunicacin, Anlisis Fundamental, Tcnico, Indicadores Macro, Sociedad... Si ests leyendo esto es porque buscas ser un len y no una gacela, quieres ganar dinero en los mercados financieros pero no tienes 100.00 para invertir, no te preocupes yo tampoco los tengo.Personalmente no me gano la vida con mis inversiones en bolsa pero obtengo un remanente positivo todos los meses y ese ingreso extra cuadruplica mi flujo de caja a final de mes, acumulando ganancias y reinvirtiendo llegars a ganar mucho ms que un sueldo comn. Antes la inversin en bolsa era para unos pocos adinerados con buenas posiciones pero con la llegada de internet ha aumentado el acceso a estas herramientas financieras. A pesar de esto la cultura financiera de los pequeos inversores es, en su gran mayora, nula, por desgracia... o no.La Regla 90/90/90: El 90% de los inversores pierde el 90% de su dinero en 90 das. Es una frase que se usa para describir el escaso conocimiento financiero de la clase media. Esto no es una desgracia, es una oportunidad para aquellas personas que aprenden a leer los mercados para situarse por encima de esa gran mayora de personas que pierde dinero para que nostros lo ganemos.Para que existan ganadores en bolsa tiene que haber perdedores, la diferencia entre estos dos es el nivel de conocimiento sobre los mercados.Que aprenders en este curso?Anlisis Fundamental: - Como conocer el valor real de una empresa para compararlo con su precio por accin actual.- Conocer los Ingresos y Gastos de una empresa para saber si esta ganando o perdiendo dinero.- Balance y Cuentas de resultados.- Identificar la deuda de una empresa.- Ratios: Liquidez, Solvencia, BETA, PER, Dividendos, BPA- Sabrs si una empresa est consolidada y obtiene beneficios, cuando adems este infravalorada es momento de comprar.Anlisis Tcnico:- Ondas de Elliot, Soportes y Resistencias, Banderas, HCH, W, Techos y Suelos, Three soldiers, Morning Star... y ms formaciones.- Indicadores: RSI, MACD, Volumen de contratacin, 3. Macroeconoma de Mercados: - Indicadores Macro: PIB, Inflacin, Tipos de Inters, Tipos de Cambio de Divisas, Desempleo, Nuevas matriculaciones, Inmuebles... -Ciclos Econmicos, Crisis Financiera, Crisis Inmobiliaria, Crisis Sanitaria (Cvid-19), Crisis de Sobreproduccin y Subconsumo. 4. Acciones y Noticiarios: - La relevancia de estar informados. - Las noticias y su efecto casi inmediato en el mercado. (Por ejemplo: desastres naturales o accidentes)Mi intencin es guiarte respondiendo a muchas preguntas que todos nos hacemos cuando empezamos a Invertir en Bolsa ayudando a evitar los errores ms habituales. Considero que la mejor forma de aprender es la autodidacta, es decir, leer libros, acudir a seminarios, conferencias y hacer cursos como este. Youtbe no brinda herramientas en su totalidad para leer los resultados de una empresa, es por esto que me decid a hacer este curso completo y al que voy aadiendo contenido periodicamente para estar lo ms cerca de la actualidad sobre todo en tiempos de crisis como la actual crisis pandemica que va a traer unas consecuencias enorme y va a remover las aguas creando el momento idneo para pescar.Por supuesto existe otra intencin que es la de obtener beneficio por este curso, yo he llegado a pagar cantidades muy altas por cursos muy cortos que no ofrecan nada interesante, nuevo, o de ayuda. Yo tambin he sido en parte alumno de internet y me he encontrado con cursos de pago muy elevado que no merecan para nada la pena as que me decid a ensear a los dems algo que me apasiona, las finanzas, creando este curso que sigo actualizando para que el alumno goce de una informacin vlida y de calidad por un precio igual a una entrada de cine o a un par de paquetes de tabaco. Si compras el curso tendrs acceso de por vida a todo el contenido que vaya aadiendoNo te vas a hacer millonario de la noche a la maana si no tienes una gran suma de dinero, pero puedes conseguir duplicar el dinero que te queda a final de mes, acumulando mes tras mes parte de las ganancias y reinvirtiendo ese beneficio se puede duplicar en poco tiempo aumentando ms an las ganancias. A esto Warren Buffett de Berkshire Hathaway considerado el inversor ms exitoso del mundo lo llama el efecto bola de nieve.Si de esta forma prctica aprendes un concepto nuevo este curso te ser til, es todo prctico con acciones reales de los distintos mercados del mundo. Al fin y al cabo la prctica es el nico criterio de la verdad y la mejor forma de aprender rpido."
Price: 139.99

"Graphical German language course for beginners (A1)" |
"Learn with Chris: German Language Course for beginners is an very graphical, interactive introductory course to the German language. Your teacher will be Chris Like (Christian Frster) born in Germany, coach, teacher, philologist and content designer.In addition to video-lessons, you'll gain access to many other materials and interactive exercises in which you can test your skills.The course is intertwined with the story of Janek, a thirty-year-old who went to Germany for professional reasons. Following his fate you will learn the practical side of the German language. The acquired skills will support you when you want to work in Germany or get a well-paid job that requires knowledge of the German language.Learning German in this course is based on practical application. You will learn German vocabulary, phrases, pronunciation and grammar rules. Numerous visualizations will help you understand the basics of the German language faster.This German language course is not just about videos, but also a lot of materials on my webservice. You will gain access to numerous graphics, explanations and other content that will help you acquire the desired skills.Learning German in this course is based on lectures, lessons and interactive exercises placed on an external website. Study one by one, according to the arrangement in Udemy. Thanks to this you will get the best results.At the very beginning you will meet Janek and you will get basic information related to the Federal Republic of Germany. Then you will learn how to introduce yourself in German. You will also learn about the German alphabet and its phonetic version. In the following, I introduce you to the German grammar as personal pronouns and verbs.In everyday situations it is also useful to know the days of the week. That is why you will learn the German days of the week and check how to use them in a sentence. Gradually, you'll get to know Janek's story, his new job and flat. I explain you nouns and their relationships with pronouns and verbs.As part of the German course, you will also learn about Janek's apartment, names of rooms and objects, and numerals up to 100. You will be able to ask about the street and react accordingly when paying in the store at the checkout. Mentioning the store, I will show you different types of stores, including a clothing shop. You will need German vocabulary related to clothing, as well as the ability to talk about time in the official and unofficial style.Thanks to this German language course you will learn how to create sentences and how to use the present and past tense. While learning the days of the week you will notice that the present tense can also be used to express the future. At the end you'll see Janek's acquaintance and see what you can buy in a cafe.When creating this course I paid attention to explain in a distinctive way using graphics and animations. I would like to make learning German a pleasure for you.I wish you pleasant learning and great results! See you in the course!"
Price: 24.99

"Aprenda operar Scalp Day trade no mini ndice Bovespa" |
"O curso tem a proposta de trazer um conjunto de tcnicas que utilizo no dia-a-dia de Day Trade, focado em apresentar de uma forma prtica e didtica estratgias de operaes de Scalp (operaes rpidas e curtas), que vo te ajudar a lucrar de forma consistente.Aprenda a identificar as melhores oportunidades, analisando zonas de liquidez do preo, para realizar operaes no mercado, utilizando estratgias com gerenciamento de risco adequado para ter ganhos no longo prazo. Material focado anlise de grfica, no qual voc compreender a lgica dos grandes bancos e fundos para aproveitar as oportunidades que so criadas e no cair nas armadilhas."
Price: 39.99

"Understanding the Social Aspects of Joy of Love" |
"Pope Francis' 2016 Apostolic Exhortation Amoris Laetitia or The Joy of Love speaks of the benefits of marriage and family in communities and for our society. Pope Francis says there is a ""social aspect"" in the love in marriage and family that builds a better world. Highlights of the Pope's Exhortation are read through to identify key areas of importance. While there is love in family, there are also difficulties and challenges that must be addressed to improve our Christian life."
Price: 19.99
