"Exam AZ-900 Microsoft Azure Fundamentals real Practice Tests" |
"GET MICROSOFT AZURE FUNDAMENTALS CERTIFIED IN ONE DAYNew content added for the latest changes to the exam, SEPT 27, 2020. The practice test are up-to-date with new requirements.Skills measuredDescribe cloud concepts (15-20%)Describe core Azure services (30-35%)Describe security, privacy, compliance, and trust (25-30%)Describe Azure pricing Service Level Agreements, and Lifecycles (20-25%)"
Price: 19.99

"Yapsal Analiz modeliyle anlk trade takdikleri (tm piyasa)" |
"Bu kurs ile trend piyasas ile yatay piyasay ayrt edebilecek her iki piyasada yapsal analiz modeli rahatlnda nasl ilem yapacanz ve nasl davranmanz gerektiini reneceksiniz. Bol kazanlar. Bu model yzde 80 baar yzde 20 stop ngrmektedir. Yzde 80 kar al yzde 20 zarar kes kuralna dayaldr. Paral ilem ile min risk max kazan nermektedir."
Price: 249.99

"Rasa Certification Workshop" |
"This workshop includes 7 hours of recorded lesson videos. The workshop is taught by Rasa experts: Just Petraityt, Head of Developer Relations, Mady Mantha, Senior Product Evangelist, and Karen White, Developer Marketing Manager.PrerequisitesThis workshop is leveled for intermediate Rasa developers. While you dont need to have built a complex Rasa assistant before the workshop, workshop attendees who have already built a simple assistant may find it easier to follow the material.While you dont need to be an expert with these tools, familiarity with the command line, GitHub, Git, Python, and some experience with making API requests are recommended.Part 1: Welcome and deep dive into RasaIntro to RasaConversation DesignDeep dive into NLUDeep dive into dialogue policiesConversation Driven Development and testingPart 2: Adding custom actions, forms and improving your assistant using Rasa XEvents and SlotsCustom actions and FormsImproving the assistant using Rasa XConnecting the assistant to an external messaging channel (Telegram)CertificationAt the end of the workshop, youll complete a multiple choice certification exam. Students who score 70% and above will receive a digital certificate acknowledging completion of Rasa Certification course."
Price: 49.99

"Cmo elaborar un proyecto de vida? Logre sus sueos." |
"Proyecto de vida implica una larga lista de beneficios, que le darn a su mente, a sus pensamientos, a sus ideas, proyectos, planes, un orden.Hace un tiempo le, una frase, que deca; el secreto del xito est en organizarse, organizarse y organizarse.Un proyecto de vida, es la garanta de lograr sus sueos ms anhelados, y quiero resaltar, que no estoy diciendo, que un proyecto de vida sea un seguro contra imprevistos, circunstancias, situaciones en su diario vivir, en absoluto, pero si es una espectacular herramienta, para poderse mover, an en medio de situaciones y tribulaciones que siempre estn presentes, queramos o no.En el siguiente prrafo le voy a dar una lista de todo lo que usted podr empezar a resolver, por el hacer un proyecto de vida, estoy utilizando una tcnica que la he llamado, la tcnica de la lluvia de ideas, que consiste en escribir una lista.Voy hacer una lluvia de ideas de todas las soluciones que da el hacer un proyecto de vida.Disfrtalo, te sorprender todo lo que se soluciona, por tomarse el tiempo de hacer un plan.1- Tener un panorama amplio y completo de todos los sueos que usted quiere a corto, mediano y largo plazo.2- Poder ir priorizando de manera efectiva aquellos sueos que quiere lograr ms pronto que otros.3- Poder escribir en detalles lo que quiere para su vida.4- Dar orden a sus ideas, colocndoles en un papel que podr ver escritos en hojas, para luego ordenarlos, priorizarlos y finalmente ejecutarlos.5- Disminuir la presin, la angustia y la ansiedad por tener la certeza que est haciendo algo para que sus sueos se hagan realidad.6- Poder tener un buen plan, que le indique que actividad debe hacer hoy, que le est acercando a lo que quiere para su vida.7- Sacar completamente el despelote de su mente y lo colocarlo en hojas de papel.8- Tener Un mapa de todos sus sueos, para irlos ejecutando uno a uno.9- Ordenar de forma efectiva su tiempo, para hacer realmente lo que quiere hacer, y no andar de urgencia en urgencia.10- Disminuir totalmente el estrs, de no saber si algn da lograr aquello que quiere.11- Resolver de modo eficiente el dar un uso adecuado a su tiempo.12- Poder dar fechas reales de realizacin a los sueos y de ste modo, convertirlo a meta.13- Poder dar un equilibrio, a todas las reas de su vida, dando un tiempo equitativo a cada una de ellas.14- Poder cuidar de usted, de su salud fsica, espiritual y mental, de su familia, de su trabajo, de su profesin, de sus padres, de sus hijos, de sus amistades, de todo lo que implica su vida, sin sentir que descuida algunas de stas.15- Sentir la satisfaccin de tener la certeza que hoy hace algo que lo acerca un poco ms a aquello que tanto desea.16- Hacer nuevos hbitos de vida, que transformen su estilo de vida y su carcter.17- Podr plantearse una filosofa de vida de acuerdo a sus principios y stos sean motivacin directa, para saber claramente que quiere y hacia dnde va.18- Caminar da a da de todos los das, con paz, con gozo, con alegra, sabiendo que tiene un plan, que lo llevar a una meta, para el logro de un sueo, el cual ya est previamente estudiado, analizado y planeado. Y llevados a actividades diarias, con la certeza de que si estar cumplido y manifestado en su vida en un periodo de tiempo que usted mismo determine."
Price: 39.99

"Implementando a Mesada Educativa" |
"Este curso foi criado com muito cuidado e carinho para que voc, querido aluno, transforme a vida do seu filho, sobrinho, neto, afilhado, aluno ou qualquer criana do seu convvio atravs da Educao Financeira. De uma forma leve, didtica e prazerosa com a implementao da mesada.Ao final deste curso voc ser capaz de implementar a mesada educativa na vida dos seus filhos de forma assertiva e eficaz. E, alm disso ir aprender como desenvolver a auto-eficcia na vida das crianas que te cercam."
Price: 39.99

"La vraie mthode pour retoucher ses photos sur Photoshop." |
"La relle mthode pour retoucher vos photos, et assurer un rsultat majestueusement diffrent. De quoi en impacter plus d'un, et imposer votre style, peu importe l'audience que vous avez. Vous retouchez avec moi. Vous crez avec moi. Et quand vous russirez, vous pourrez vous remercier. C'est vous qui avez fait le travail."
Price: 29.99

"La Maitrise du POWERPOINT (Microsoft PowerPoint)" |
"Dans le cours, toute la gnralit de Microsoft PowerPoint sera enseigne. La matrise de Microsoft PowerPoint sera apprise. C'est un cours pour dbutant, pour toutes personnes n'ayant aucune connaissance concernant Microsoft PowerPoint. Tout par de la description de Microsoft PowerPoint et des petites astuces connaitre. L'interface sera dtaille, et les techniques de ralisations d'un bon document de prsentation."
Price: 199.99

"IELTS Academic Writing 7.0+" |
"The writing part of IELTS Academic examination is the most difficult one: according to the statistics, only 6% of test takers score band 7 and above. To score 7.0 or above you need a well-thought strategy and constant practice. Do not waste your time - everything you ever need to boost your writing skills is right here! Not only will you get lots of practical and useful tips from a certified instructor, but you will also get PERSONAL recommendations on your writing improvement. The course covers all necessary aspects of academic writing: academic cliches, advanced vocabulary and structures, phrasal verbs suitable for academic writing, etc. The ultimate advantage of this course is that you can compose and submit your written work directly to the instructor for assessment and get useful advice and guidance in return!"
Price: 19.99

"Curso de auto cura: limpeza e alinhamento dos chakras" |
"Este curso tem o objetivo de lhe ensinar a limpar e alinhar os seus chakras . Estimulando a vitalidade, felicidade e a segurana emocional.Com os chakras limpos e alinhados , equilibra-se as sete reas mais importantes da vida, percebendo a mudana da energia no corpo, promovendo assim, a criatividade, a auto estima e a revitalizao do corpo e da mente. A cromoterapia auxilia na sade estimulando o fluxo de energias, onde cada cor utilizada tem um poder diferente, uma vibrao energtica."
Price: 54.99

"Data Recovery, Hard Drives, USB Drives, etc." |
"Welcome to the course recover deleted files, in this course you will learn how to recover deleted, deleted, hidden, formatted files, even from damaged devices or with virus problems.You will also learn how to repair storage devices (Hard Drives, USB Flash Drives, USB Cards) with logic problems.This course is essential for all people since we have all had problems recovering files. If you delete or format a USB memory, SD, or a Hard Drive, do not worry with this course you can recover the information that you considered lost."
Price: 139.99

"pH-Wert Berechnungen (Suren, Basen, Puffer, Salze)" |
"pH-Wert-Berechnungen einfach verstehen und anwenden!In diesem Kurs leite ich den pH-Wert von starken und schwachen Suren und Basen her, gehe auf Puffersysteme ein und schliee mit vier Salztypen ab, die den pH-Wert einer Lsung verndern knnen.Kurzbersicht:- Massenwirkungsgesetz und Dissoziationsexponenten - starke Suren / schwache Suren- starke Basen / schwache Basen- Puffersysteme- Salztypen I - IVAnhand von Quizfragen kann das Erlernte anschlieend berprft werden.Viel Spa! :)"
Price: 19.99

"Ativaes com hooponopono" |
"Este curso tem como objetivo principal ensinar na prtica a tcnica havaiana do hooponopono e como usar esta tcnica associada ativaes, usando a neurolingustica para cocriao e melhorar a qualidade de vida em todos os campos, pessoal, profissional e material. A cada aula voc ter a teoria e a pratica com exerccio guiado, e poder entender e sentir imediatamente. Por que usar o hooponopono?O hooponopono uma prtica libertadora, que fala e entrega liberdade todo tempo, voc livre ento pratique carregando essa leveza da liberdade, no force com a mente durante a prtica, relaxe se entrega e aproveita. Voc estar a partir de agora aberto para que o Universo e o Divino criador atuem de forma livre na sua vida. Voc declara liberdade!"
Price: 39.99

"Reprendre le contrle de votre Argent en 1H par mois" |
"REPRENDRE LE CONTRLE DE VOTRE ARGENT EN 1H PAR MOISMODULE 1 : VOTRE ARGENTO en tes-vous par rapport votre argent ? Posez-vous les bonnes questionsComment dterminer vos objectifs ? Sans objectifs pas de rsultatsUne base solide pour grer ses financesUne relation saine avec l'argent et vivre sereinementToujours se payer en premier un principe appliquer dans tous les casDs la fin du premier module, vous aurez dfini un ou des projets pour votre argent par rapport votre situation. Vous avez dvelopp votre vision pour votre argent.MODULE 2 : VOTRE BESOINComment repartir sur une base saine ? Apprendre pargner et supprimer les dpenses inutilesComment rembourser une mauvaise dette ? Quelle stratgie utiliser pour rembourser un crdit voiture, un crdit la consommationComment runir de l'argent pour un projet personnel ? Mariage, Vacances, VoitureComment investir et tre suivi par la banque ? Avoir une situation saine pour amliorer votre profil bancaireDans ce second module, je vous montre comment faire concrtement pour raliser vos objectifs. Comprends des exercices pratiques pour vous aider passer l'action.MODULE 3 : GERER VOS FINANCES COMME UN PROComment matriser vos finances ? Un bilan est indispensableComment identifier les dpenses rduire ? 2 techniques pour y parvenirLes actions pour rduire vos dpenses. Automatiser et oublier pour arrter de regarder ses comptes tous les joursUne fausse ide sur les richesTechnique pour ne jamais dpenser plus que prvu Les 6 postes de dpenses contrler pour prioriser vos effortsLe rle de l'pargne de prcaution et comment la constituerTableau de rpartition de votre salaire clarifier les mouvements d'argent sur votre compte la fin du troisime module, vous aurez une photo complte de votre situation financire. Vous saurez identifier et rduire vos dpenses sans y passer tout votre temps. Vous avez galement appris l'intrt majeur de l'pargne de prcaution.MODULE 4 : LES COMPTES ET BANQUES POUR SIMPLIFIER VOS FINANCESQuels sont les comptes avoir ? Plusieurs comptes pour plusieurs utilisationsLivret A ? LDD ? PEL ? CEL ? Compte titre ? PEA ? Quelles banques utiliser ? Banques traditionnelles, banques en ligne ou no banque ?Avoir une vision rapide de vos dpenses par catgorieComment utiliser l'assurance vie et comment la choisir ? Intressant sur le long terme. la fin du quatrime module, vous aurez appris le rle des diffrents comptes bancaires, et quelles sont les banques qui vous permettront de rduire vos frais bancaires.MODULE 5 : SUPERVISER VOS FINANCES SANS EFFORTVrifier vos finances rapidement en moins de 10 min par mois.Suivre l'volution de votre patrimoine pour constater vos progrsPrendre des dcisions pour votre argent modifier l'allocation de votre pargne facilementLes indicateurs suivre pour piloter votre argentComment organiser vos finances ? En bonus, je vous prsente mon organisation personnelleLa suite aprs avoir amlior vos finances personnelles l'tape suivante pour atteindre votre indpendance financire la fin du dernier module, vous aurez appris automatiser, piloter et organiser votre pargne de manire simple et rapide. Vos finances personnes sont sur des bons rails, vous tes prts investir. Vous pouvez tre fier de vous."
Price: 49.99

"Cmo coser un TOTE BAG ! Curso de Iniciacin a la Costura" |
"En este curso aprenders a disear el tamao de tu bolso, marcar el tejido en la tela y dar mrgenes de costura adecuados, cortaremos la tela exterior y el forro y comenzaremos el proceso de confeccin. Prepararemos y coseremos las asas, el tejido exterior y el forro y aprenderemos todo el proceso de confeccin de inicio a fin. Adems realizaremos una base para que el bolso tenga ms capacidad, aprenders a coser un forro y entenders cmo hay que darle la vuelta y finalmente plancharemos para que el acabado sea perfecto. Adems al principio del curso veremos un vdeo en el que podremos seleccionar los mejores materiales y herramientas para este curso y otros proyectos que te propongas. Igualmente te dejo enlaces para que adquieras los materiales si no sabes dnde comprarlos. "
Price: 24.99

"Blender Tutorial How to model Car in blender" |
"Hello. In this course i've setup a simple 2 lecture course for you that whant to make something cool but also learn the basics in blender. You will learn all the basic key bindings and all the basic tools in the software. Most important how to figure out how to do cool things in it."
Price: 139.99

"Improve Your English with the Parts of Speech: Nouns 101" |
"This is an in-depth course about nouns, developed and taught by an English teacher who is a native speaker of English and who has more than a decade of experience teaching all levels of students from elementary school through adult university levels in both the traditional and online classroom settings. Students will learn why it is important to study nouns and also what nouns are. All classifications of nouns will be covered, and students will learn how to put nouns to good use in compositions to improve writing skills. Articles are also presented in order to show how they assist in the process of finding nouns in sentences. Teacher-guided on-screen exercises will round out the course, along with some important vocabulary words that are nouns. A lesson on correcting five commonly mispronounced nouns and a fun video about nouns in the great outdoors are also components of this course. Downloadable documents are provided to reinforce the presented material."
Price: 24.99

"Hyper Realistic 3D Scorpion... Model, Sculpt, Texture & Rig" |
"This course starts with basic box modeling in Maya or your own 3d software, keeping the model simple and clean, exporting into Z brush for sculpting and adding micro details, material setup with Redshift or your own preferred rendering package, rigging with advanced skeleton and rendering for comping onto a digital photo, basic grading in Photoshop"
Price: 300.00

"Learn how to become a successful model" |
"- Anyone can be a model if you understand how to navigate the modeling industry.- Understand the main types of models.- Learn how to select the right model type to be successful.- Learn how to manage your child's modeling career.- Learn how to find a modeling agency and their requirements.- Learn how to develop a strong modeling portfolio for free.- Learn the marketing tips on how to find paid modeling jobs.- Learn how to apply make up for a casting/open call."
Price: 19.99

"Lo Elemental de Outlook en la Web (2020)" |
"Comunquese en cualquier lugar con Outlook Online, la aplicacin basada en web para administrar correos electrnicos y calendariosA veces, necesita una forma rpida de acceder a sus cosas sin importar dnde se encuentre. Outlook en la Web, tambin llamado Outlook Web App (OWA), es una forma conveniente y poderosa de acceder a su correo electrnico y calendario desde cualquier navegador web.A travs de este curso, aprender las principales caractersticas y beneficios de usar Outlook Online desde Office 365."
Price: 29.99

"Lead Generation Machine: Google Ads Edition" |
"This course gives you everything you need to build, launch and optimise a concise and effective funnel that generates leadsIn fact, it's already generated over 51,552 leads for just one client alone.If you're looking to skill up, change career or simply become a 'one person marketing department' then this course is for you!Watch over my shoulder as I build a lead generation machine right that you can copy quickly and easily. Everything is provided, worksheets, templates, in-depth tutorials... every single question answered. And all done in under 6.5 hours. It's crammed with the stuff you need to know to generate leads. ---For almost all service businesses, a paid Google Ads funnel is the most effective marketing channel and in just 30 days you'll have a Lead Generation Machine that you are in complete control of, with the ability to turn on leads like a tap!You'll be able to repeat this over and over again - the sky really will be the limit.---This course will teach you everything you need to know to achieve just one goal - generating buying intent leads using Google Ads. It will provide you with a solid foundation of all the essentials so you can hold your own when capturing buying intent leads from Google search that result in actual sales.---Are you daunted by the prospect of running Google Ad campaigns?There is no denying it, between Google Ads, Tag Manager, Analytics and Optimise - the features seem to be endless and often complex. But don't worry. We take everything step-by-step, in-depth, with full screen recording so you see exactly what I do, and how you can implement it too.By the end of the course you'll be a capable professional, with the ability to deliver highly effective Google Ad campaigns that generate red hot buying intent leads. ---How much will I need to invest?As well as the price of this course, you'll be able to start generating leads and converting them starting with just a tiny marketing budget - this will give you plenty of runway to be able to optimise your campaigns and start closing sales.With the use of the latest technologies, interactive self assessments, a road map and accompanying workbook, plus loads of templates, swipe files and checklists to ensure you can build, launch and optimise your very own lead generation machine.---You're perfect for this course if you're...>> Overwhelmed by the complexity of trying to generate leadsYou feel like your on a hamster wheel trying to juggle a incomprehensible amount of ballsThere should be better systems, processes and tools out there to make this easyYou need a helicopter view of all the moving parts so its fits together in your mindIts challenging to truly understand your customers, and think beyond what features your product hasBy the amount of money you could waste in Google Ads without seeing a return>> Frustrated by simply not understanding what to doHaving spent 00s if not 000s on marketing tools that you thought would be the silver bulletA misaligned team that keeps jumping from one shiny tactic to the next, hoping one of them will workMeetings without focus that drain the crap out of you and go nowhereUnproductive campaigns with high spend, low return and lashings of furyWorked without a clear road map of what exactly needs doing>> Involved in exciting marketing initiatives that FLOPPED!Put energy into creating campaigns that on paper should have workedLacked clear systems and processes that would of red flagged campaigns early onLet opinions of agencies and outsiders dominate your thinking instead of using your deep understanding of your businessCouldnt get your landing pages to convert at anywhere near 30% +Had runaway keywords that just ate your budget in hours, generating very few leads...basically if you've been disappointed by the failure of a marketing campaign then this course is for YOU!Enrol now, I'll see you on the other side."
Price: 199.99

"Mixed Media Illustrations QUICK NEW METHOD!" |
"This is a fun and easy course that shows you a cool new method of making your drawing and paintings pop! It's a mixed media technique developed by NYC-based artist Cristian S. Aluas over his 18 year career. With a little prep-work and some basic art supplies, you can take any photo and make a beautiful and unique illustration. Turn your travel photos into art, or make a portrait look amazing and different. You can also create art from your imagination, working with fun colours and materials. Now let's explore our creativity with mixed media illustrations!"
Price: 19.99

"Nutrition Kitchen: Basics of Cooking for Busy People" |
"Hey babe, what should we do for dinner tonight?Oh, uh, we could go to that restaurant down the streetWe just ate there the other day and spent $60.Yeah...maybe we should just go to Subway. Again? Im sick of Subway. Should we just eat cereal?I think we have some eggsWhatever -- lets just go to that restaurant.If this sounds like you, this course is for you. A lot of people dont know what theyre going to eat for lunch or dinner, and then end up eating fast food or going out where they spend a lot more money than they would like. By learning a few simple cooking techniques, you can eat healthy, delicious food without spending a lot of time or money.This is not a traditional cooking class in that the focus is on specific cooking techniques rather than recipes (although, you will also find many simple recipes). Youll learn how to prepare food; how to cook meats, vegetables, and grains in several ways; how to bring a lot of flavor to your meals by putting together flavor profiles composed of certain spices; and how to safely clean your cooking area. Throughout the course, youll also learn about basic nutrition (e.g., carbs arent the enemy).About Your InstructorYour instructor, Brad Kunkel, has been a personal chef for the last eight years and founded 1505 Kitchen in San Jose, California. He is passionate about helping people eat well, eat healthy, be well, and be healthy.This course will help you develop a healthy eating lifestyle, and integrate it into your day-to-day."
Price: 19.99

"Cisco CCNA 200-301 (Volume 1) with Maher Haddad" |
"Cisco CCNA is one of the most popular in the IT field. If you have already took courses with me before, you know that I taught courses from different vendors such as MikroTik, Ubiquiti, Huawei and LigoWave. But something that not much of you know about me that I have started my career working with Cisco equipments and only Cisco and most of my experience that I have gained was from Cisco products. Starting from CCNA level up to CCNP and many Cisco specialist certificates, that's all what I have since 17 years the time that I have started studying and working on Cisco products. I have also taught thousands of students and helped them to be CCNA certified as well.With all of this, I have decided to build up Cisco courses to help you also passing the CCNA 200-301 exam which is the latest updated exam for CCNA.This course will cover the CCNA Volume 1. Why Volume 1? Because this is what Cisco Press has made, they have written 2 books to cover the whole CCNA: Volume 1 and Volume 2. In this course I have covered everything taught in Cisco Press book Volume 1 which is half way for the complete CCNA. After this course I will do another course covering CCNA Volume 2 then together with this course you will have an extensive understand of the Cisco CCNA topics with a lot of Hands-on LABS. P.S: If you have enrolled in this course before my 2nd CCNA Volume 2 course was live, then you can get mu CCNA Volume 2 course for free when it is released but just writing me to info@mynetworktraining with your account name.In this course, I will cover the following topics:Introduction to NetworkingFirst time access to the Cisco SwitchLocal Area Network (LAN)Virtual Local Area Network (VLAN)Spanning-Tree ProtocolEtherChannelIPv4 addressingFirst time access to the Cisco RouterRouter on a stck, Intervlan Routing, L3 EtherChannelIP RoutingIPv6OSPFWirelessFinally, if you have to be prepared for the Cisco CCNA 200-301 exam, I advise you to enroll in my course and I am sure I will be able to help you to achieve the CCNA and become a Cisco Certified Engineer."
Price: 19.99

"The Complete Google Forms Course - Sending & Analyzing Forms" |
"Welcome to The Complete Google Forms Course. This course will teach you to understand how to design, share, and analyze questionnaires and quizzes created on the Google application Google Forms.Google Forms is a free survey tool that allows you to easily and efficiently collect information. It is used in both professional and personal settings, whether it is for collecting time availability from your employees or for gathering t-shirt sizes for a family vacation shirt. It supports various types of questions and allows for validation options to control data entry. Although it has a fairly simple user interface, it offers many advantages and can perform a multitude of tasks.As a complete Google Forms course, this course will start with the foundation and design aspects. The lessons from this section include understanding how to add questions, utilizing response validations, customizing headers, and more. In addition, there are a couple of quick wins scattered across the sections to provide more tips on how to use this application to its fullest potential.The second section of this course goes over how to view and analyze the received form responses. With Google Forms powerful data analysis, this application is a go-to tool for many businesses, organizations, and classrooms. Since you have full configuration over the form, you are able to decide exactly how you want the form to look and what information you want it to collect.Google Forms is highly recommended by many for educational purposes. The third section goes over how to transform an ordinary form into a self-grading quiz with just one button. It also talks about how to add answer feedback and create a point system to help alleviate the stress of administering and grading.Google Forms is a powerful application that allows you to create surveys to easily collect an ambulance of diverse types of information. This course will also show you how to send out forms to collect data from the comforts of your own home. Some of the many things that you can make on Google Forms include:Job application, time off request, customer feedbackContact information, event RSVPExit ticket, quizzes, course evaluation, etcEnroll to learn how to use Google Forms to create surveys and quizzes!"
Price: 199.99

"Accredited Certificate- Music Therapy for Chakra & Kundalini" |
"This course is designed, keeping in mind that you don't have any prior knowledge and understanding of Chakra, Kundalini, Music Therapy / Sound Therapy. So, we have completely avoided medical jargon and have simplified it for you.The accredited certificate will be provided by India's leading CPD provider - Virtued Academy International.This course will enable you to practice Music Therapy / Sound Therapy for balancing Chakras or chakra healing and awaken Kundalini. You can integrate it in other therapies and technique including but not limited to Qigong / Qi Gong, sound healing, angel healing, reiki, crystal reiki, pranic healing, essential oils, aromatherapy, crystal healing using crystal energy / crystal grids, clairvoyance, opening third eye, aura reading, psychic readings, psychic mediumship, shaman/ shamanism (shamanic healing/ witchcraft or Wicca/ soul retrieval), communication with angels/ archangels (angelic communication and healing/ therapy); meditation and mindfulness; lucid dreaming, hypnosis/ self-hypnosis/ hypnotherapy, self-acceptance/ self-love, self-esteem, attraction, likability, spiritual personality development or personal development, spiritual soft skills, tantra / tantric sex, astral projection / astral travel / Out-of-Body Experience (OBE), nonverbal communication i.e. telepathy, plant/human/animal communication, mind reading / mentalism / mentalist, and lie detection; seeing past, future and manifestation; karmic or akashic records, karma, intuition development, remote viewing, consciousness, spirituality, spiritual coach / coaching, life coach / coaching, spiritual healing, energy healing, spiritual quantum physics or metaphysics, mystic philosophy (mysticism), color therapy/ colour therapy, hoodoo and conjure, past lives, past life regression, Tarot card reading, Angel card reading, Oracle card reading, and dowsing or divining rods etc."
Price: 199.99

"Fully Accredited Certification in Clairvoyant Aura Reading" |
"This course will enable you to see the Aura through sensitizing your psychic senses (Clair senses i.e. Clairsentience, Clairaudience, Clairvoyance, Claircognizance), opening your third eye, and balance your chakras.The accredited certificate will be provided by the Virtued Academy International.This skill can be very helpful in a range of other fields e.g. self-improvement; the skills of shaman/ shamanism (shamanic healing/ witchcraft or Wicca/ soul retrieval), communication with angels/ archangels (angelic communication and healing/ therapy); meditation and mindfulness; Reiki, lucid dreaming, hypnosis/ self-hypnosis/ hypnotherapy, self-Acceptance/ self-love, self-esteem, attraction, likability, and radiate confidence through the spiritual law of attraction, spiritual personality development or personal development and spiritual soft skills, business communication skills, public speaking, self presentation skills and social skills; tantra / tantric sex, astral projection / astral travel / Out-of-Body Experience (OBE), do forest bathing or Shinrin-Yoku and build nature connection for nonverbal communication i.e. telepathy, plant/human/animal communication, mind reading / mentalism / mentalist (without doing magic tricks), and lie detection; seeing past, future and manifestation; karmic or akashic records, karma, intuition development, remote viewing, consciousness, spirituality, spiritual coach / coaching, life coach / coaching, spiritual healing, energy healing, spiritual quantum physics or metaphysics, mystic philosophy (mysticism), crystal healing, color therapy/ colour therapy, hoodoo and conjure, past lives, past life regression, Tarot card reading, Angel card reading, Oracle card reading, and dowsing or divining rods etc. After understanding the psychic abilities and concepts, you will also be able to relate the core concepts behind the miracles in the present and mentioned in the history/ mythology of all religion e.g. Hinduism/ Mahabharata, Buddhism, Islam / Quran, Christianity/ Bible, Judaism/ Kabbalah etc."
Price: 199.99

"Agile Software Testing" |
"The Agile Software Testing course covers the methodologies and testing approaches but also the techniques and tools to used in software testing in agile projects.Methodologies and Testing ApproachesAgile software development lifecycles are comprised of short iterations with working software released at the end of each iteration. In this section, you will have overview of agile development and cover some of the different approaches, including Extreme Programming, Scrum, and Kanban. You will learn the key aspects of testing in an agile environment, as well as the skillset that an agile tester should have.Agile Software Development Fundamentals: Agile Software Development and the Agile Manifesto, The Twelve Principles of the Agile Manifesto, The Whole Team Approach, Early and Frequent Feedback;Aspects of Agile Approaches: Extreme Programming (XP), Scrum, Kanban, Collaborative User Stories, Creation of User Stories, Retrospectives, Continuous Integration, Release and Iteration Planning;Testing in Agile Approaches: Agile Testing and Development Activities, Agile Project Work Products, Agile Test Levels, Agile Testing and Configuration Management, Agile and Independent Testing;Test Status in Agile Projects: Communicating Test Status and Product Quality, Managing Risk Regression;Role and Skills of an Agile Tester: Skills of an Agile Tester, Role of an Agile Tester.Techniques and ToolsAgile approaches include the complimentary techniques of test-driven development, acceptance test- driven development, and behavior-driven developmentIn this section, we will explore the key features of agile testing and how techniques such as black box testing can be applied in agile projects. We will also take a look at various tools that are available to agile testers, everything from task management and tracking tools, to communication and configuration tools.Agile Testing and Risk Assessment: Test-driven and Behavior-driven Development, Test Levels, A Scrum Tester, Quality Risks in Agile Projects;Techniques in Agile Projects: Estimation of Testing Effort, Test Basis in Agile Projects, Definition of Done, Acceptance Test-driven Development, Functional and Nonfunctional Black Box Test Design, Exploratory Testing;Tools for Testing in Agile Projects: Task Management and Tracking Tools, Communication and Information-sharing Tools, Test Development and Configuration Tools.Thats it! Now go ahead and push that Take this course button, and see you on the inside!"
Price: 99.99

"Agile Software Testing - Techniques and Tools" |
"Agile approaches include the complimentary techniques of test-driven development, acceptance test- driven development, and behavior-driven developmentIn this section, we will explore the key features of agile testing and how techniques such as black box testing can be applied in agile projects. We will also take a look at various tools that are available to agile testers, everything from task management and tracking tools, to communication and configuration tools.Agile Testing and Risk Assessment: Test-driven and Behavior-driven Development, Test Levels, A Scrum Tester, Quality Risks in Agile Projects;Techniques in Agile Projects: Estimation of Testing Effort, Test Basis in Agile Projects, Definition of Done, Acceptance Test-driven Development, Functional and Nonfunctional Black Box Test Design, Exploratory Testing;Tools for Testing in Agile Projects: Task Management and Tracking Tools, Communication and Information-sharing Tools, Test Development and Configuration Tools.Thats it! Now go ahead and push that Take this course button, and see you on the inside!"
Price: 44.99

"Smartphone Photography" |
"Didalam kursus smartphone photography ini anda akan di ajarkan bagaimana mendayagunakan smartphone anda menjadi alat untuk menyalurkan hobby photography. Menjadi seorang photographer tidak harus dengan menggunakan perangkat yang mahal, hanya berbekal smartphone yang ""standard"" atau dengan kualitas yang biasa saja tetap mampu menghasilkan foto foto yang menarik.Disini akan dipelajari teknik penggunaan aplikasi smartphone yang akan ""merubah"" kemampuan kamera bawaan menjadi lebih bisa di konfigurasi layaknya perangkat yang mahal. Akan di berikan pula penggunaan aplikasi post pro editing untuk membuat hasil foto menjadi lebih keren.Hal hal yang akan dipelajari disini adalah sebagai berikut :Pengenalan SmartphotographyAturan Dasar Photography ( Exposure, ISO, Shutter Speed )Mengenal Komposisi Memainkan Komposisi dengan PraktekPenggunaan Aplikasi Digital PhotographyTeknik Street PhotographyTeknik Macro PhotographyTeknik Landscape PhotographyPost Pro EditingTips dan Trick PhotographySemoga kursus ini bermanfaat"
Price: 280000.00

"Business Idea Generation for Management Consultants" |
"What is the aim of this course?To build a business you need a good idea that you can explore and develop. Unfortunately, coming up with a good business idea is not easy. Most firms and universities dont show how to come up with business ideas. They concentrate on teaching you how to run existing businesses. Luckily, there are a lot of proven methods to find interesting business ideas. If you are Management Consultant you can use them during consulting projects to help your customers grow their business. If you are a manager or startup founder they will prove priceless in your quest to discover new business opportunities. In this course I will show you different methods to come up with killer business ideas. In the course you will learn the following things: How to come up with business ideas by improving existing products, solving existing problemsWhen specific methods of business idea generation can be appliedHow specific business method should be appliedHow to find ways to 10x existing solutionsHow to innovate your product and your business modelHow to build add-on business using your current businessThis course is based on my 15 years of experience as a consultant in top consulting firms and as a Board Member responsible for strategy, performance improvement and turn-arounds in biggest firms from Retail, FMCG, SMG, B2B and services sectors that I worked for. We have helped scale up a lot of firms by not only improving their performance but also finding new business ideas, creating growth strategy for them and mapping potential opportunities in which they could 10x their businesses. On the basis of what you will find in this course I have trained in person over 100 consultants, business analysts and managers who now are Partners in PE and VC funds, Investment Directors and Business Analysts in PE and VC, Operational Directors, COO, CRO, CEO, Directors in Consulting Companies, Board Members etc. On top of that my courses on Udemy were already taken by more than 66 000 students including people working in EY, Walmart, Booz Allen Hamilton, Alvarez & Marsal, PwC, Dell, Walgreens, Orange Citigroup, Cisco, IBM and many others.I teach through case studies, so you will have a lot of lectures showing examples of analyses, tools that we use. To a lot of lectures you will find attached (in additional resources) the Excels as well as additional presentations, materials shown in the lectures so as a part of this course you will also get a library of ready-made analyses that can, with certain modification, be applied by you or your team in your work.Why I decided to create this course?Most firms and universities dont show how to come up with business ideas. They concentrate on teaching you how to run existing businesses. However, coming up with new business ideas is required if you want to grow the business. At some point the small improvements and organic growth will not suffice. New business ideas not only help you grow the business but also help you make it more durable and sustainable. New business ideas will help you come up with new ways to change your business model and adjust to new trends.This course will help you become an expert in business idea generation. This skill will prove very useful not only in consulting but also later on when you become director or you move on to build your own business. By giving you exposure to real life cases and analyses I want to improve your skills in business ide generation. Thanks to this course, you will know what and how to do during strategic consulting projects devoted to creating new businesses. We want to provide you with frameworks that will open your eyes to new opportunities.To sum it up, the course will help you become an expert in business idea generation on the level of McKinsey, BCG, Bain, PwC, Deloitte, EY and other top consulting firms. That is why, I highly recommend this course to Managers, Management Consultants as well as Investment Directors working for PE, Directors, owners / founders of businesses.In what way will you benefit from this course?The course is a practical, step by step guide loaded with tones of analyses, tricks, hints that will significantly improve the speed with which you generate new business ideas. There is little theory mainly examples, a lot of tips from my own experience as well as other notable examples worth mentioning. Our intention is that thanks to the course you will learn:How to come up with business ideas by improving existing products, solving existing problemsWhen specific methods of business idea generation can be appliedHow specific business method should be appliedHow to find ways to 10x existing solutionsHow to build add-on business using yor current businessYou can also ask me any question either through the discussion field or by messaging me directly.How the course is organized?The course is divided currently in 4 sections. Currently you will find the following sections:Introduction. We begin with little intro into the course as well as some general info how the course is organizedImproving existing things. In the second section I will show how to come up with businesses ideas if you dont have existing business and you want to improve something already existing. In this sections we will discuss methods like: Solve your own problem, Carve out existing business, Clone businesses and ideas, Blue Ocean, 10 x current solution using first principals, From Free to Paid, Ride a trend, Disrupt othersJobs to be done. In this section I will show a powerful framework that can be used to understand the role which the product plays in the life of a customer. This will help you innovated, find new business ideas and most of all identify the right competitor landscape from the point of view of the customers.Build on existing business. In the 4th section I discuss a situation when you already have existing business and you want to build an add-on business using your current business as a starting point. We will discuss numerous methods in this section as well: Go up or down the Value Chain, Vertical Consolidation via M&As, Build add-on business, Build entirely new businesses, Enabling Investments, Expand the brand into new categories, , Disrupt yourself, Use existing assets in a new way, Experiment with different sales channels & revenue streams, Turn failure into success, Repurpose a product / Find new application to a productYou will be able also to download many additional resourcesUseful frameworks and techniquesSelected analyses shown in the courseLinks to additional presentations, articles and moviesLinks to books worth readingAt the end of my course, students will be learn toHow to come up with a killer ideaInnovate your product and business modelFind ways to create a product 10x better than the current solutionsBuild a new business on top of existing businessesDisrupt othersApply Blue Ocean frameworkWho should take this course? Who should not?Management Consultants and Business AnalystsManagersAnalysts working in Strategic DepartmentsStartup FoundersInvestment DirectorsWhat will students need to know or do before starting this course?Basic or intermediate ExcelBasic knowledge of economics or finance"
Price: 89.99

"Paul's Second Letter to Corinth" |
"The Apostle Paul writes a passionate letter that sheds light on the difficulties he experienced in his relationship with the Corinthian church. Prof. Wright teaches how Paul dealt pastorally with misunderstandings and assumptions that he longs to correct. Writing from a distance after his painful visit to Corinth, Paul addresses challenges to his apostleship and ministry with boldness and Godly sincerity. In this second letter, you will see how practical issues of ministry and mission caused times of darkness for Paul. Yet, out of these struggles comes a fresh beam of light from the God who raises the dead. Down the ages, the Church has benefited from the Apostles theology of weakness and his vision of Gods strength and sufficiency through it all.This is a timely and relevant course for followers of Jesus in todays world to examine what is going on in terms of the larger Biblical story of Gods unbreakable love for his people. You will learn about Gods purposes to establish the Church as a Messiah shaped family in which people live together with rebuke and forgiveness, grief and joy, and suffering and comfort. Prof. Wright will connect Pauls vision of apostleship to Jesus death and resurrection, which will help you recognize when and how God is at work in your own life and the world."
Price: 119.99
