"Proficiency 9A0-029 Adobe FrameMaker Product Practice Test" |
"170 UNIQUE practice questions for Proficiency 9A0-029 Adobe FrameMaker Product Practice TestPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can atleast get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : Proficiency 9A0-029 Adobe FrameMaker Product Practice TestTotal Questions : 170Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :100 minsPassing Score : 75 (127 of 170)"
Price: 159.99

"9A0-031 Adobe Photoshop 7.0 Product Proficiency Test" |
"145 UNIQUE practice questions for 9A0-031 Adobe Photoshop 7.0 Product Proficiency TestPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can atleast get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : 9A0-031 Adobe Photoshop 7.0 Product Proficiency TestTotal Questions : 145Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :80 minsPassing Score : 75 (108 of 145)"
Price: 159.99

"9A0-036 Adobe Photo Shop CS ACE Certified Practice Exam" |
"137 UNIQUE practice questions for 9A0-036 Adobe Photo Shop CS ACE Certified Practice ExamPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can atleast get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : 9A0-036 Adobe Photo Shop CS ACE Certified Practice ExamTotal Questions : 137Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :80 minsPassing Score : 75 (102 of 137)"
Price: 144.99

"Random Variable Probability and Expectation" |
"In this course, You will be going to learn Random Variable, Types of Random variable, Expectation, Variance, Standard Deviation, Moment and Moment generating function with respect to Discrete and Continous Random variable. This course will build a strong foundation probability and statistics. In this course, all types of problems are systematically organized and solve with clear crystal explanation."
Price: 3840.00

"Curso de Segurana Patrimonial Hospitalar" |
"Curso de Segurana Patrimonial Hospitalar.O que segurana hospitalar?Conceitos de Segurana Patrimonial HospitalarA Segurana Patrimonial Hospitalar a atividade de vigilncia patrimonial desempenhada dentro de um ambiente hospitalar, com o objetivo de garantir a incolumidade fsica das pessoas e a integridade do patrimnio nas dependncias do complexo hospitalar.O que faz um vigilante de hospital?Proteger colaboradores, pacientes, familiares e demais pessoas que frequentam o local; proteger os bens do hospital e de quem o frequenta; promover uma sensao de proteo e conforto aos funcionrios e terceiros; contribuir para um ambiente seguro e saudvel.Qual o objetivo da segurana patrimonial?A segurana patrimonial o conjunto de atividades do ramo da segurana que tem como objetivo prevenir e reduzir perdas patrimoniais em uma determinada organizao.Alm dos vigilantes o hospital conta com outros colaboradores como:Controladores de AcessoPorteirosRecepcionistasManobristasNeste curso se voc j atua ou deseja atuar dentro deste ambiente to diferenciado como o caso de Hospitais Pblico e Privados, segue nosso escopo de vdeo aulas:Mdulo 1O que Segurana?Aes a serem tomadasSegurana PblicaSegurana da InformaoMdulo 2Legislao da Segurana PrivadaOrigem da legislaoLei sobre a Segurana PrivadaPortarias da Segurana PrivadaVigilante patrimonialMdulo 3Importncia da Segurana HospitalarObjetivos da SeguranaPrincipais AtividadesMdulo 4Sistemas Integrados de SeguranaMedidas de SeguranaMdulo 5Organizao da Segurana patrimonialOrganogramaCompetnciasMdulo 6RecepoControles de AcessoMdulo 7Segurana em reas de emergnciaMdulo 8Riscos de sequestros e RaptosMdulo 9Planejamento de Segurana em HospitaisControle de AcessoRelaes InterpessoaisRelaes IntrapessoaisDesejamos, timos estudo e sorte nesta nova empreitada!"
Price: 69.99

"Guide Complet Pour le Pentest WEB et Hacking Cas Pratique" |
"Avec cette formation les tudiants apprennent identifier les vulnrabilits avances et les erreurs de configuration dans divers systmes d'exploitation, puis excuter des attaques organises.Les tudiants qui terminent le cours et russissent tous les Labs pourraient trs facilement comprendre les thmatique pour la certification Offensive Security Certifies Advanced Web Attacks and Exploitation (AWAE) et aussi avoir un trs bon niveau pour attaquer les Labs WEB sur dfrents infrastructures . cette formation donnera la matrise des comptences intermdiaire et avances de tests de pntration WEB. Ce cours de piratage thique en ligne est votre rythme 100 % . Il prsente des outils et des techniques de test de pntration via une exprience pratique.mon cours forme non seulement les comptences, mais aussi l'tat d'esprit ncessaire pour tre un testeur de pntration WEB russi.Vous pouvez aussi se bas sur se cours pour votre prparation l'Audite WEBNotre Formation commence de la base jusqua avoir un niveau bien avanc .Plus de Dtails:Matrise des techniques trs avancs propres aux hackers WEB.Apprendre faire du penteste WEB avanc.tre une force majeur pour Amliorer la scurit dentreprise au niveau WEB ..Apprendre protger l'infrastructure et leur SI contre le piratage informatiqueApprendre un domaine passionnant et pleins de secrets.Dcouvrir le Mtier de pesanteur WEB Expert.Apprendre des connaissances avanc pour passer la Certification AWAE."
Price: 199.99

"YouTube Thumbnail Masterclass: Design 5 Awesome Thumbnails" |
"Youve probably heard this phrase plenty times Dont judge a book by its cover. Though these are words to live by, it is often the most neglected advice.Every day, every minute, every second, your videos are judged by their thumbnails. In fact, video thumbnail plays a very important role in encouraging viewers to hit the PLAY button.With so many videos on the Internet competing for attention, a video thumbnail can determine whether your video is watched or ignored. That's why I have created this YouTube Thumbnail Masterclass, Where I will teach you step by step how to design amazing eye-catching thumbnails. So that you'll get more views, more subscribers and make more money.So if you're ready to take your YouTube Channel to the next level then just Enroll this course right now and get ready to take your YouTube Channel to the next with marvelous thumbnails."
Price: 1280.00

what-is-quadratic-equations-and-how-solve-this-question |
", -4 10"
Price: 1280.00

"Modelacin y Proyeccin de Estados Financieros" |
"En este curso desarrollaremos 3 modelos distintos, donde modelaremos y proyectaremos los Estados Financieros de 3 casos de estudio. Los modelos podrn ser adaptados por el estudiante a cualquier otro caso de estudio de inters. El estudiante contar con las plantillas o libros de trabajo (workbook en excel) donde podr ir construyendo los modelos a medida que avanza en las lecciones, y as poder modelar, proyectar, estimar, y calcular:- Situacin financiera o balance general de la empresa.- Estado de resultados o estado de ganancias y prdidas.- Flujos de caja libre: flujo de caja de la empresa y flujo de caja financiero. - Flujos de caja operativos, de inversin y de financiamiento. Adicionalmente, aprender a:- Proyectar o estimar los ingresos (ventas) del negocio. - Generar escenarios. - Realizar anlisis de sensibilidad. - Realizar estudios de rentabilidad. - GraficarEl profesor estar atento a los comentarios, preguntas o dudas de los estudiantes para hacer un curso dinmico, donde el estudiante tendr acompaamiento remoto."
Price: 19.99

"Becoming a World-Class Employer Branding Professional" |
"The talent landscape is evolvingare you? Whether you see it or not, you have an employer brand. Want to level up your organization to become an employer of choice? Then, this is the right course for you.In this course, we will cover:The differences among your employer brand, corporate brand and consumer brandThe impact of employer branding on the businessWhat the modern workforce looks likeHow to attract, retain, and engage the right talents for the right rolesReal-world examples through case study analysisKey success metrics to trackI have also added five (5) exclusive bonus content which will help you as you navigate your employer brand journey.Let's get started!"
Price: 44.99

"Global Professional in Human Resources (GPHR) Practice Test" |
"Welcome to our Global Professional in Human Resources Practice Test Exam.Use this practice exam course to prepare to pass your Global Professional in Human Resources Practice Test Exam. This practice test has 195 High Quality Questions to prepare for your Global Professional in Human Resources Practice Test Exam.What Special About This (Global Professional in Human Resources Practice Test Exam )1.High Quality Question to crack your Global Professional in Human Resources Practice Test Exam on your first attempt.2. Contains The Most Asked Questions on the Global Professional in Human Resources Practice Test Exam.3. Validate your expertise with an industry-recognized credential.4.100% verified answers.5. Current & always Updated.6. These questions will help you to get a good score of at least 80% on the main exam. 7.30 days money back guarantee by UdemyThis course does not contain the study material.This course contains a number of questions.Who this course is for:i.Students who are motivated enough to crack their Global Professional in Human Resources Practice Test Exam on their first attemptii.Those who want to gain knowledge & Check their Skill Test while attending this Practice Testiii.Want to find your weak areas for the *** certification, and improve on them.Go ahead and hit the ""take this course"" button to start growing a business online today!"
Price: 19.99

"Neste curso voc aprender ao passo a passo de como implementar o jogos em sua sala de aula de maneira a causar um impacto real na aprendizagem de seus alunos. So jogos testados e aprovados em sala de aula e que nestes 10 anos de docncia me ajudaram a ensinar.Este curso diferente, porque no estou trazendo promessas de aprendizagens milagrosas. trago os jogos com tudo o que deu certo, o que deu errado e como melhorei. Fiz este curso para voc professor e professora que quer criar aulas criativas, inovadoras. de professor para professor, juntos escrevendo uma histria de sucesso.DEPOIMENTOS DE PROFESSORAS QUE PARTICIPARAM DESTE CURSO NO FORMATO HIBRIDO:Francisca Lucimaria - muito claro e conciso, fcil de aplicar na prtica.Gicelndia Nobrega - Amei as ideias oferecidas pelos jogos pois podem ser usadas tambm no aprendizado de.crianas da Educao Infantil. S precisamos ser criativos na hora da elaborao.Stnia Monteiro - Obrigada tambm, por compartilhar essas ideias e trazer boas memrias."
Price: 39.99

"Crer un Site E-learning de A Z avec Moodle" |
"Ce cour prsente comment vous pouvez crer votre propre site d'apprentissage en ligne ou e-Learning afin d'offrir les cours distance. J'aborde dans ce cour les techniques et mthodes que vous pouvez employer pour crer votre propre site e-Learning avec des explications pratiques sur les diffrents sujets. Vous allez aussi dcouvrir d'autres solutions afin de grer et d'optimiser votre site e-learning."
Price: 24.99

"Become healthy fit & young in 8 methods of street training" |
"My name is Dragon i am almost 40 year old. I have more than 10 years of fitness and boxing coach experience. I am one of Grandmaster Yip Man eldest son Yip Chun Sifu disciple . And i have tried many training methods. Finally, i found that street running and fitness are the best way. If you want to learn how to keep fit, health and more young please follow my 8 street fitness training. Especially the COVID-19 has affected our way of socializing and learning."
Price: 24.99

"How to Book a TEDx Talk" |
"In this powerful course, your instructor Cauve is going to teach you the full turnkey, simple system, to booking your TEDx talk, from how to find the opportunities, to submission to book your talk, how to leverage assets to grow your personal brand, AND how to sequence your offer after you've given your TEDx talk.There's even some material covered for booking conferences and reaching out to decision-makers through a hidden backdoor.This course program is JAM PACKED withNine Practical Lectures Five Quizzes to test your understanding, critical thinking and make sure you can implementThe retail value for this program is $997.00Why is it hosted on Udemy for 3% of the cost? A: Cauve wants to provide you with an abundant amount of value so you know how trustworthy he is as a coach and help you actually land your first TEDx talk! Think about what your success does for his brand! All he asks is to learn a) your biggest takeaway and b) receive a five-star review upon completion.2. Do I have to complete the quizzes? A: You don't have to do anything BUT I highly encourage you to do so to ensure your understanding and you get the result. 3. How long is the course?A: The lectures take between 38 -42 minutes to complete based on your level of comprehension. The testing will take on average 8-10 minutes per session.4. Is there any support from the instructor?A: Absolutely! Our goal is to make sure you are success! Cauve provides course support if needed via quiz."
Price: 24.99

"The Mindset and Structure of Successful Podcasting" |
"In this course we teach you, the mindset and structure needed to build and maintain a successful podcast business, from the foundation up. We show you how to create and maintain a successful, entertaining, and informative podcast.We will cover topics such as:Section 1:Choosing the Right Host For Your PodcastCreative Direction and How to Apply It CorrectlyHow to Establish and Define Your BrandHow to Generate Good Solid Content Section 2:The Importance of Guests and How to Perform Interviews ProperlyHow to Stay Consistent In the Way You Structure Your PodcastHow to Plug Your Social Media/Sponsors or Merchandise SeamlesslyHow to Perform Vocally When Recording Your Podcast and much much more...These are only some of the topics we cover in this course that will equip you, and prepare you, for a successful podcast that is refined and professional."
Price: 49.99

"How to Study Effectively" |
"Struggling to be effective with your study skills?No need to worry, this study guide will provide you with the necessary tools you need to be successful in studying!Studying is one of the most important tasks in life because it helps you to understand and respect the rule of language. If you dont understand the rule of language, it will be impossible for you to enjoy or even be successful in your studies.Learning how to study helps you avoid anxiety, fatigue, and frustration when you are preparing for an examination.YOU WILL LEARN: The 7 easy steps to study effectively. 32 tips on how to become a successful student. The art of notetaking. Exam preparation techniques that will result in better grades. How to be more productive no matter what you are trying to study.Learning how to study is an important life skill. By being a dedicated student, you are likely to witness results and boost your confidence in the process.So, stop dreaming and get started today!"
Price: 199.99

"Complete WordPress course for Beginners / Freelancers" |
"In this professional WordPress Course, you will learn how to make a professional WordPress website for your business or for your client. You will also learn how to do on-page SEO for your WordPress website. You will also learn how to increase the Speed and Performance of your WordPress website/store and optimize it according to the Google search console. Apart from SEO and Speed optimization, you will also learn how to secure your WordPress website or your client website and how to make safe it from hacking or malware. You will learn how to take backups and restore your WordPress website from these backups as well. In this course, we have also included the WooCommerce section as well so you can easily make an online store for your business or for your client. We have included all the detail like payments integration like PayPal setup, COD setup, etc, etc, shipping details, tax setup, inventory setup, and many many more settings and configurations related to the eCommerce store.We have also included how to design a website or single web-page via Elementor page builder. You will also learn how to design a web-page with the WordPress Classic editor or Gutenberg as well. And there are many more things like Cloudflare, AMP, Amazon Associate Account, etc, etc."
Price: 149.99

selfcareandtherapy |
Price: 12600.00

"Como Criar Cursos Online de Sucesso 2020 - Bsico" |
"Um curso para quem sempre sonhou em criar seus prprios cursos online, mas nunca tocou em uma cmera sequer.Eu sou o professor John e desde 2009 transmito meu conhecimento de programao de Jogos, Sites e Aplicativos pela internet ajudando pessoas no mundo todo.Eu transformo meu conhecimento em Cursos Online e vendo eles na internet atravs da escola One Day Code, depois dou suporte aos alunos que tm dvidas e essa minha renda principal h mais de 4 anos e acredito que sou a pessoa ideal para te ajudar a criar seu primeiro Curso Online!Aqui esto alguns dos meus nmeros totais: 265 846 Alunos,147 Pases, 31 Cursos LanadosNesse curso voc aprender :Pesquisa de MercadoPesquisa de MercadoPlanejamento de ProduoFrmula dos Cursos de SucessoPblico Alvo e PersonaComo Validar seu CursoCriao de Grade CurricularGerenciamento de Produo com KanbanProduo AudiovisualEquipamentos de udioEquipamentos de VdeoGravao e EdioCriao de CapasProduo de Slides DidticosProduo de EbooksComo ser Bem Avaliado pelos ClientesPublicaoDefinindo os Melhores TtulosFormas de MonetizaoGanhar Dinheiro antes do Curso CompletoDivulgao de Contedo GrtisYoutube e AdsenseCriao de Pginas de VendasPlataformas para vender CursosComo cobrar por aulas particularesD para viver de cursos online?Algumas Motivaes:Autoridade: Assim como quando algum escreve um livro, quando voc cria um bom curso online, ser de conhecimento geral que voc domina aquele assunto que estar sendo ensinado e sua opinio ser mais valorizada tanto no meio cientfico quanto comercial.Renda Extra: Sabe aquele dinheirinho que falta no final do ms e voc no tem como ganhar simplesmente ""Trabalhando mais""? Depois que voc criar sua mquina de vendas, voc ter uma renda extra todos os meses que com o tempo pode se tornar at mesmo sua renda principal.Ajudar Pessoas De Qualquer Lugar: Dizem que a felicidade gerada quando ajudamos o prximo. As pessoas vo te dar dinheiro de vrios lugares do mundo para que voc as ajude e ainda vo agradecer por isso, pois compartilhar conhecimento uma das aes mais nobres que podemos ter, voc vai crescer ajudando os outros a crescerem!Diferencial: Quando voc fica mais conhecido, mais pessoas sabero o quo bom o seu trabalho, aumentando a chance de voc conseguir mais trabalhos como freelancer, mais pacientes e mais clientes de acordo com a rea que voc atua.Tambm pode entrar no seu currculo como um diferencial para uma vaga de emprego!O objetivo do curso te ajudar a alcanar as 3 liberdades:Liberdade Financeira: Quando voc cria cursos para a internet, eles podem ser acessados por qualquer pessoa que comprar o curso. como se em vez de voc ter que ensinar novos professores e ter que ficar dando a mesma aula vrias vezes, voc criasse clones seus que vo estar trabalhando para voc enquanto voc est dormindo. Voc vai ganhar dinheiro mensalmente e quanto mais cursos, maior a renda.Liberdade de Tempo: Defina seus prprios horrios, no se prenda ao horrio comercial. J pensou que maravilhoso seria no precisar acordar cedo todos os dias? Poder ir ao cinema no meio da semana, passar mais tempo com a sua famlia, no enfrentar filas no cartrio e ainda tirar frias pagando mais barato em baixas temporadas?Liberdade de Local: Voc pode gravar seus cursos sem sair da sua casa, comeando com equipamentos mais bsicos e depois ir evoluindo com o tempo. Depois de gravar, editar e publicar seus cursos, voc s precisar dar suporte aos seus alunos e trabalhar no seu funil de vendas para melhorar sua renda, sem sair de casa. Trabalha longe de onde voc mora? Esquea o trnsito e trabalhe de onde quiser."
Price: 39.99

"Como Criar Cursos Online de Sucesso 2020 - Intermedirio" |
"Um curso para quem sempre sonhou em criar seus prprios cursos online, mas nunca tocou em uma cmera sequer.Eu sou o professor John e desde 2009 transmito meu conhecimento de programao de Jogos, Sites e Aplicativos pela internet ajudando pessoas no mundo todo.Eu transformo meu conhecimento em Cursos Online e vendo eles na internet atravs da escola One Day Code, depois dou suporte aos alunos que tm dvidas e essa minha renda principal h mais de 4 anos e acredito que sou a pessoa ideal para te ajudar a criar seu primeiro Curso Online!Aqui esto alguns dos meus nmeros totais: 265 846 Alunos,147 Pases, 31 Cursos LanadosNesse curso voc aprender :Pesquisa de MercadoPesquisa de MercadoPlanejamento de ProduoFrmula dos Cursos de SucessoPblico Alvo e PersonaComo Validar seu CursoCriao de Grade CurricularGerenciamento de Produo com KanbanProduo AudiovisualEquipamentos de udioEquipamentos de VdeoGravao e EdioCriao de CapasProduo de Slides DidticosProduo de EbooksComo ser Bem Avaliado pelos ClientesPublicaoDefinindo os Melhores TtulosFormas de MonetizaoGanhar Dinheiro antes do Curso CompletoDivulgao de Contedo GrtisYoutube e AdsenseCriao de Pginas de VendasPlataformas para vender CursosComo cobrar por aulas particularesD para viver de cursos online?***Publicidade e Marketing Digital (Sees Novas)AnnciosInbound e Outbound MarketingFunil de VendasGatilhos de VendaO Vdeo de Vendas PerfeitoCapas Para YoutubeFormatao de TextosCriao de Artes para AnnciosAnncios no FacebookAnncios no InstagramGanhar Seguidores ReaisWhatsapp BusinessLista de E-mailsComo Criar PromoesPs VendasComo dar suporteComo evitar SpamComo lidar com Crticas ConstrutivasComo lidar com HatersComo Fazer ParceriasAlgumas Motivaes:Autoridade: Assim como quando algum escreve um livro, quando voc cria um bom curso online, ser de conhecimento geral que voc domina aquele assunto que estar sendo ensinado e sua opinio ser mais valorizada tanto no meio cientfico quanto comercial.Renda Extra: Sabe aquele dinheirinho que falta no final do ms e voc no tem como ganhar simplesmente ""Trabalhando mais""? Depois que voc criar sua mquina de vendas, voc ter uma renda extra todos os meses que com o tempo pode se tornar at mesmo sua renda principal.Ajudar Pessoas De Qualquer Lugar: Dizem que a felicidade gerada quando ajudamos o prximo. As pessoas vo te dar dinheiro de vrios lugares do mundo para que voc as ajude e ainda vo agradecer por isso, pois compartilhar conhecimento uma das aes mais nobres que podemos ter, voc vai crescer ajudando os outros a crescerem!Diferencial: Quando voc fica mais conhecido, mais pessoas sabero o quo bom o seu trabalho, aumentando a chance de voc conseguir mais trabalhos como freelancer, mais pacientes e mais clientes de acordo com a rea que voc atua.Tambm pode entrar no seu currculo como um diferencial para uma vaga de emprego!O objetivo do curso te ajudar a alcanar as 3 liberdades:Liberdade Financeira: Quando voc cria cursos para a internet, eles podem ser acessados por qualquer pessoa que comprar o curso. como se em vez de voc ter que ensinar novos professores e ter que ficar dando a mesma aula vrias vezes, voc criasse clones seus que vo estar trabalhando para voc enquanto voc est dormindo. Voc vai ganhar dinheiro mensalmente e quanto mais cursos, maior a renda.Liberdade de Tempo: Defina seus prprios horrios, no se prenda ao horrio comercial. J pensou que maravilhoso seria no precisar acordar cedo todos os dias? Poder ir ao cinema no meio da semana, passar mais tempo com a sua famlia, no enfrentar filas no cartrio e ainda tirar frias pagando mais barato em baixas temporadas?Liberdade de Local: Voc pode gravar seus cursos sem sair da sua casa, comeando com equipamentos mais bsicos e depois ir evoluindo com o tempo. Depois de gravar, editar e publicar seus cursos, voc s precisar dar suporte aos seus alunos e trabalhar no seu funil de vendas para melhorar sua renda, sem sair de casa. Trabalha longe de onde voc mora? Esquea o trnsito e trabalhe de onde quiser."
Price: 69.99

"ECDL CAD 2D: guida agli esami di certificazione con AutoCAD" |
"Questi video sono una simulazione completa dell'esame per la certificazione ECDL CAD 2D e costituiscono un completo tutorial di preparazione e di verifica della propria preparazione prima di sostenere l'esame.Nella prima sezione i 15 video riprendono passo-passo la soluzione alle 20 domande dei Sample Test di Aica. Nella seconda sezione i 18 video estendono ed approfondiscono i temi dei Sample Test aggiungendo altre soluzioni per permettere una maggior padronanza delle problematiche d'esame."
Price: 19.99

"Master coding by doing with JS, HTML & CSS." |
"Because active learning is learning by doing, this course has based on writing code to solve a specific problem. With every example, there is a comprehensive explanation for each step. The students will learn how to breakdown the problem into smaller parts and how to collect the programming instructions suitable to solve them. With every lecture, there is a video that explains the topic, highlights the problem, learn how to think about it, and finally write the code to get the output. The difficulty of the exercises increased by a slow rate to consolidate the learning process. With the completion of this course, the students will acquire logical thinking skills, can build a web application, design webpages, and they become confident enough to create their projects."
Price: 74.99

"Sculpting Stilized Characters For Videogames Zbrush 2020" |
"Learning Zbrush and Character Sculpting can be very time-consuming when doing it on your own. I will help you learn all the core concepts and fundamentals of character creation in very detailed videos.In this course, we will create a character suited for mobile and desktop games from scratch. We will start from scratch, with a sphere and a blank canvas. I will cover all the basics to help you grow as a 3D Character Artist.You'll learn tips and shortcuts that will accelerate your workflow and make you understand the fundamentals of 3D Sculpting in Zbrush 2020.I will be available for you through the whole course, feel free to send me a message if you encounter any issue. I will help you solve it and understand why it presented itself.Please, take this course now."
Price: 54.99

"Maquiagem - Passo a Passo." |
"J tive centenas de alunas e ser um prazer ter voc tambm.. Curso com preo promocional, certificado incluso, voc pode enviar mensagem para mim o momento que quiser ! Vou pegar na sua mo e ensinar voc a se maquiar de uma vez por todas e com isso, elevar ainda mais sua auto estima. Mais de 15 Aulas e 8 horas de puro contedo PRATICO."
Price: 54.99

"Certified English Language Kids Special learning Course" |
"In the course, what the students will be doing is learning English speaking skills through vocabulary lessons here, by the teacher.Miscellaneous topics as lessons, are here.Each chapter covered in the course is cumulatively cone in its approach towards the subject.The medium of instruction for the course is English and along with the captions and the reference textbook content of the course, in complementary learning with the practical demonstration of the steps, work towards the objective of enhancing the students grasp of the language. In the resources, both audio visual and typed notes for the students, as further learning is added in, so as to ensure that the student gets a comprehensive teaching of the course subject"
Price: 1280.00

"Curso bsico de instalaes eltricas residenciais" |
"Este curso o resultado de anos de experincia como professor de ensino profissional e eletricista instalador. Aulas foram desenvolvidas com base em situaes reais que os alunos traziam como dvidas.Um curso bem ilustrado com aulas em animao, desenvolvido numa linguagem de fcil compreenso para todos os pblicos. Indicado para quem quer compreender o funcionamento das instalaes eltricas residncias ou para quem quer iniciar em uma nova profisso."
Price: 69.99

"Learn 10 Entrepreneurial Skills Easily" |
"Do you want to be an entrepreneur? Do you want to start something on your own? Need to prepare for a changing world and you need to do it fast. People who do it fast with online learning will beat the competition.What you get in this course:1. 10 abilities you need to develop: listen to your heart, risk taking, courage, curiosity, initiative, decisiveness, fast problem solving, perseverance, resilience, openness for seeking help.2. 11 examples for easy & quick understanding3. Assessment sheet for your entrepreneurial abilities4. Your rating on 1-10 of the abilities required, so you can take immediate action5. 1 to 1 video coaching"
Price: 1280.00

"CATIA V5 R20 - Complete Part Modelling Course in 3D Design" |
"Welcome to the Course on CATIA V5 R20. This is a complete course on how to get started with the CATIA from very basic to the next level of 3D design. CATIA V5 is a computer-aided design application that will help you to design any product you can imagine. In this course, you'll be introduced to CATIA V5 and learn how to use its workbench features in practice. First, you'll begin by learning the inner workings of the CATIA V5 Part Design workbench, and how to create different complex models. Next, you'll delve into a journey with the assembly workbench and assemble the parts into an assembly mode. Finally, you'll discover how to create a drawing of these models created and multiple drawing views, all while adding some dimensions in the Drafting workbench. By the end of this course, you'll have the necessary skills and knowledge to create your own shapes and confidently utilize part design and workbenches in CATIA V5. It enables the development of high-quality mechanical products. It allows users to design shapes with 3D sketching and visualization features. Most importantly, its engineering, design, and system engineering capabilities make it very useful for the product manufacturing industry.Course ObjectivesThe course will help students and professionals alike to learn the implementation of solid modelling and get hands-on experience with real-world projects. This course is structured in a pedagogical sequence to cover the topics of part design, assembly, drafting, wireframe & surface, and Generative Sheetmetal Design workbenches of CATIA V5.Topics to be covered in this course:Introduction to CATIA Getting Started with CATIA V5 R20Creating different profilesBasic FeaturesDress-up FeaturesDuplicating FeaturesEditing FeaturesAdditional FeaturesKnowledge ToolsComplete Part Modelling Assembly ModellingGenerative DraftingInteractive DraftingReal-Time RenderingSurface DesigningSheet Metal DesigningData Exchange Etc etcThere are even practise sets for all the topics above listed with quizzes included in between. We always believe in quality education and so the course is being delivered by the top automobile Engineer to make you learn in the best possible way. Why Join This CourseThe Complete Course Module in Single Course Each and every feature of CATIA included in this course.Support of all your queries.30 days Refund Policy if you didn't like the course - Though we are sure, you will be very happy to get enrolled in this Mega course on CATIAEach month Additional videos get added for better practising complex models.All the Drawings practiced in the Lectures are included in this course for download.At the end of each section, you will encounter a quiz related to the section which will further broaden your understanding in the related section."
Price: 199.99

cromoterapiabase |
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Price: 19.99

"Android 50: Crash Course into Android Development" |
"Finally!A quality and content-rich Android development course targeting NON-PROGRAMMERS!If you haven't written a single line of code before and want to start a career in Android apps development, then this course is for you!If you are a beginner and know one or two things about programming or Android, then it's also a great opportunity for you to make a fresh start and build knowledge on a good ground.--This course is crafted after years of teaching / mentoring Android to beginners and tries to reach out to people who have some concerns starting a career in tech industry.Starting from the easy topics and finally building upon the ground knowledge, this course is ideal if you are curious if you can start a career in Android Development.--What does this course teach?This course has two main modules:1. Creating a User InterfaceIn this first half of the course, you will be able to transfer a complex screen design into an Android app. You will learn concepts like: TextView, ImageView, Button, LinearLayout, RelativeLayout and ScrollView.You will have a good understanding of common View properties such as background, margin, padding, width, height and will be able to use View specific properties like text, backgroundTint, textSize, textColor, src, scaleType and more.You will have a basic understanding of Android Studio tooling and you will learn how to navigate yourself in your projects, how to use code and design tabs and how to run apps in your Android device or in an emulator.2. Making Apps InteractiveIn the second half of the course, you will able to write you first lines of Kotlin code to bring apps into life. You will learn about Kotlin, how computers run code, how to write code to make your apps interactive.You will learn some fundamentals of programming to make your apps interactive:variablesliteralstypesstringsarithmetic operationsclick listeners and more!AssignmentsAs your instructor, I believe active learning, so I prepared mini-apps as assignments for you to practice and strengthen your knowledge.You will code 2 mini-apps with me and 3 more all by yourself!So at the end of the course you are going to have built 5 apps using the fundamental knowledge you learned!"
Price: 99.99
