"Problem Solving And Decision Making Using BALE Solution" |
"Menyelesaian berbagai tantangan operasional dan membuat keputusan, merupakan keseharian seorang pemimpin dalam organisasiBanyak pemimpin suatu perusahaan yang memiliki berbagai masalah dalam memajukan perusahaannya karena mereka kurang memiliki kreatifitas dalam memecahkan berbagai permasalahan yang ada di perusahaan tersebut mulai dari masalah individu karyawan, permasalahan yang timbul antar karyawan, ataupun berbagai permasalahan lainnya.Untuk bisa menyelesaikan berbagai permasalahan secara kreatif tentu juga bukan hal yang bisa datang begitu saja. Hal ini membutuhkan suatu pelatihan yang bisa membantu mengembangkan kemampuan dan kreativitasnya dalam memecahkan permasalahan yang ada.Berdasarkan kajian tentang manajer efektif yang dikembangkan oleh Charles Kepner dan Benjamin B. Tregoe dua konsultan terkenal dibidang pemecahan masalah, ternyata ada 4 pertanyaan yang dilakukan manajer efektif saat ada permasalahanDalam menjalankan tugas sehari-hari, apa pun bidang tugasnya, ketika menghadapi masalah, terdapat empat pertanyaan pokok yang selalu muncul: Masalah apa yang sedang dihadapi? (Brightening) Mengapa masalah itu terjadi? (Analzing) Tindakan apa yang harus diambil? (Linking) Bagaimana memastikan rencana terlaksana? (Empowering)Ke empat pertanyaan ini dikemas dalam sebuah sistem berpikir yang disebut BALE solution. Metode ini merupakan metode yang akan menggiring kita dari mulai penelusuran masalah menuju pada pelaksanaan solusi yang dikembangkanDisamping itu dalam metode BALE solution, kita tidak hanya memulai dari teknis penemuan solusi tapi mulai dari level berpikir terdalam kita, yaitu level perasaan dan kondisi mental seseroang dalam menemukan solusi. Mengingat psikologi seseorang akan mempengaruhi kemampuanya menemukan solusi dari permasalahanDalam pelatihan ini melalui metode BALE solution para peserta akan belajar menganalisa sebuah tantangan operasional secara sistematis sekaligus kreatif dalam menemukan solusi."
Price: 280000.00

"WordPress SEO 2020 Der Traffic Praxiskurs fr Blogger" |
"In diesem Kurs lernst du die Grundlagen von WordPress SEO. Du erfhrst, wie SEO funktioniert und wie du mit deinem WordPress Blog und gut optimierten Blogartikeln viele Besucher auf deinen Blog ziehen kannst.Du wirst nach dem Kurs in der Lage sein, selbststndig suchmaschinenoptimierte Blogartikel zu schreiben, richtig zu formatieren und in WordPress zu verffentlichen.Ich blogge bereits seit 2014 auf meinem Erlebnisblog und erreiche monatlich mehr als 100.000 Leser ber gut optimierte Blogartikel. Du erhltst exklusive Einblicke in meine Strategien und wirst durch den Kurs selber deine Blogartikel gut schreiben und optimieren knnen.Dein WordPress SEO Kurs behandelt / beinhaltetDie wichtigsten WordPress SEO GrundlagenWichtige FachbegriffeVorbereitungen fr einen SEO-optimierten WordPress-BlogSchritt-fr-Schritt-Praxisanleitung zur Erstellung eines SEO-optimierten Blogartikels in WordPressDie Anwendung des SEO-Plugins Rank MathDie Skyscraper-TechnikExklusive Einblicke in meinen Blog mit monatlich 130.000 LesernSEO-Auswertungen und Optimierungen machenMeine besten WordPress SEO ToolsExklusiven Zugriff auf unsere Facebook-Gruppe"
Price: 139.99

"ZEROPain Technique" |
"The ZERO Pain Technique is a new, innovative, and effective Bodywork Technique for inducing a myofascial release (muscle relaxation) in a few seconds and consequently eliminating muscle and joint pain.The ZERO Pain Technique consists of a Double sensory stimulation performed in a few seconds.This technique is non-invasive and painless, and allows, through two Synchronized Stimulations, a tactile and a cognitive one, to quickly de-stress both the striated muscles and the myofascia and consequently obtain a reduction in muscle and articular pain in a few seconds (from 10 to 60 seconds).The efficacy achieved by the ZEROPain Technique, only if applied according to precise pre-established rules, allows a reduction of 80-100% muscle and joint pain even in the following days, and in many cases it can have a permanent effect.The ZERO Pain Technique does not refer either to psycho-corporeal techniques or to principles or theories known until now:Manipulations are NOT performed on the tissues (Massotherapy, Osteopathy, Chiropractic, Myofascial )Do NOT use body techniques related to movement (Yoga, Feldenkrais )Techniques related to Applied Kinesiology are NOT usedThey are NOT physical exercisesIt does NOT refer to Traditional Chinese Medicine (Tuina, Shiatsu, )Energy techniques are NOT usedBreathing is NOT usedIt does NOT refer to the EFT technique and the Tapping techniqueTaping is NOT used (Kinesiological, neuromuscular, Kinesiotape, )NO oils or creams are usedTrigger Points are NOT usedInstrumental aids (electro-stimulators, TECAR) are NOT usedNO drugs, natural remedies or supplements are usedHypnotic, psychological and mindfulness techniques are NOT usedIt is NOT painful, it is NOT invasiveIMPORTANT:The Course have:Slides, Subtitles and PDF in EnglishItalian Voice Over"
Price: 199.99

"Audacity for beginners 2020: Introduction to Audacity 101" |
"This is a step by step Audacity course for beginners who are looking to fully understand the Audacity software and its basic integrated features such as the tools, effect presets and file formats available.In this comprehensive course, we will cover the basics of the powerful, open-source, and free audio editing software Audacity.Audacity allows recording, editing, mastering, and mixing. It is a versatile tool for aspiring or professional producers looking for a low budget option to produce high-quality audio.Each video is downloadable, so you can watch them anywhere, anytime!Bear in mind, that the course is optimized in an accurate production sequence meaning that this course is structured in the exact sequence that a recording would be made and edited, therefore it is advisable to follow the lectures in sequence.Get a certificate of completion when you finish the course and with our 30 days 100% money-back guarantee, there's no reason to hesitate.Regards, Owais"
Price: 19.99

"Yoga y Danza: Fortalecimiento de articulaciones" |
"Aprende a fortalecer tus articulaciones antes de realizar una actividad fsica. En este curso aprenders a fortalecer tus articulaciones, los gemelos, las piernas y a soltar la cadera para fortalecer tu cuerpo. Finalizaremos con una meditacin y relajacin para bajar el ritmo cardiaco.Estos ejercicios te servirn para prevenir lesiones, ya sea para actividades fsicas o artsticas"
Price: 49.99

"40 Day Meditation & Relaxation Course (All Levels!)" |
"Sadhana refers to a spiritual practice that is undertaken with focus and intention. Yogis for 1000s of years have done their sadhana in the recesses of Himalayan caves without the disturbance of outside distractions from their inward journey to the infinite. For most of us, this seems an improbable reality. However, sadhana can be accessed by us through our devout and systematic daily practice, within the lives that we lead in the world.Guidelines for Practice:This 40 day sadhana is a daily entry to the silent cave within. Each week for 6 weeks, I offer a specific 10-25 minute audio guided meditation to help you establish a sitting meditation practice in your home, office, trains , planes & automobiles. Each week will provide new facets into the practice of meditation. Once you make the commitment to sit every day for 40 days, use the meditation recording for that specific week as a guide-map for your meditation sadhana. Work systematically and do not jump weeks, but know you can start any time. After the sadhana period is complete, you will have a better understanding and commitment of what meditation is and how you can sustain a daily practice."
Price: 19.99

"Breathe to Heal - A Course on Resonant Frequency Breathing" |
"Resonant Frequency Breathing is a simple yet powerful system of breathing with powerful benefits for your health and wellbeing. By breathing in a certain frequency, we can entrain the blood pressure, heart rate variability, and brain waves to synchronize and flow together in a smooth, pleasant, and highly beneficial pattern.There have been hundreds of scientific studies on Resonant Frequencies showing how in just minutes a day, this practice:Lowers high blood pressureTurns on the healing side of your nervous systemReduces chronic inflammationIncreases oxygen transfer and energyHeals anxiety and depressionSignificantly improves sleepBalances mind and emotionsRestores wellbeing and a sense of peaceThis course gives you both a praxis which blends yoga and meditation technique with highly motivating, knowledge of the latest scientific research.A daily practice that feels amazing (and anyone can do)Laying down or sitting anywhere you happen to be- even on your daily commute - you stick in your headphones, press play, close your eyes and simply breathe with a relaxing audio guide using the sounds of bells to pace your breathing. As you practice, you get better at relaxing 6 key areas in your body as you exhale, thus deepening the benefits. After only a few minutes, you will drift into an awake, clear state of consciousness, and start to feel the pulsations of blood and the movements of your heart. Many people can identify when the nervous system switches on its healing function.Resonant Frequency Breathing is about learning to breathe at a frequency which is in resonance with the heart, brain, and blood pressure. This specific rhythm synchronizes several systems of the body together, to flow together. The benefits of this practice are astonishing and far-reaching. Not only does this method of breathing take you into a blissful meditation, it is scientifically backed with real research that shows how deeply it benefits the mind and body. My name is Adrian Cox- I am the founder of two schools of yoga and have spent half of my life in deep study, practice, and teaching thousands of people the arts and science of body and mind. Out of the hundreds of techniques I know, this one is very powerful and useful. I love Resonant Frequency Breathing because I not only feel it working, I see the data. Who is this course for?You might be someone who:has heard about breathing practices and want a place to startwant a holistic way to lower high blood pressure and improve your healthteaches yoga or other mind-body practices and want to level up your skill and knowledgeA practitioner who wants to add a highly effective method of breathing which is evidence-based.Share with othersAs you go through this course you will undoubtedly think of a person in your life who can benefit from Resonant Frequency Breathing. Perhaps this person is suffering from high stress, high anxiety or one of the health conditions such as high blood pressure, fibromyalgia, arthritis, or others. After completing this course you will have the knowledge you need to share this practice as well as an audio guide you can put on your phone to use as you teach and inspire him or her to add this beautiful, simple practice into their life.====== WHAT TO EXPECT ======At the core of this course is a practice of breathing that has a ton of clinical research on it. You will learn the results of these studies, summarized in a way that is motivating and easy to understand. I bring in yogic understandings of body and mind, techniques, and practices that amplify the effects of Resonant Frequency Breathing in a measurable way- practices which I have discovered over the past 25 years and not put together in any one place as they are here in this course. Because this knowledge is so useful for people's health and wellbeing, it is meant to be shared. Whether you are totally new to conscious breathing and body-mind practices or a life-long experienced practitioner like me, you will get value from this beautiful practice. Resonant Frequency Breathing will dovetail into existing practices of coaching, therapy, yoga, reiki practitioners, meditation, sports, and more. As you progress through the six modules of this course, you will learn the science of Resonant Frequency and how it improves health and wellbeing. Most importantly, you will gain knowledge, deepen your self-awareness, and be able to share this powerful technique with others. Included in this course are several practice gems that are part of the go-to techniques I use to help people heal and open their breathing power: Ocean Breathing for Diaphragm StrengthPear-Cone-Wave Breathing for Optimal BreathingSix Bridges Technique for Relaxation MasteryThe Salamander Technique for Instant Relaxation Response At each stage of the program, there will be a practice session that incorporates these practices step by step. By the end of this course, you will have an advanced breathing practice and a new relationship with your body and mind. You will learn how to talk directly to your nervous system and have it respond as you breathe. ======COURSE CONTENT======What the Resonant Frequency isThe Four Effects of RFBResonant FrequenciesResonance and OscillationBreathing Practice #1Stress and the Nervous SystemThe Autonomic Nervous SystemThe Fight-Flight ResponseMind and the Stress ResponseStress and Chronic InflammationThe Pear-Cone-Wave TechniqueOcean Breathing TechniqueBreathing Practice #2The Vagus Nerve and the Relaxation ResponseThe Vagus NerveVagal ToneThe Six Bridges TechniqueBonus Video: Vagal Nerve Release TechniqueBreathing Practice #3Heart Rate Variability and Blood PressureWhat Heart Rate Variability isLow and High Heart Rate VariabilityRespiratory Sinus ArrhythmiaResonant Frequency and HRVBreathing Practice #4Expanding Your PracticeTracking Your ResultsEstablishing an ongoing practiceOnce you've completed the entire course, gone through all the lectures, and practiced when prompted, if you choose to, you'll be able to take my Resonant Frequency Breathing Coach Final Exam. Upon successful completion, you'll receive a beautiful Certificate of Completion (PDF) and be able to share what you have learned with others. Lastly, as I continue to add more helpful information to this course over time, you'll have lifetime access to it! Enjoy this journey! 30 Day Money Back Guarantee, Lifetime Access====== A FEW OF ADRIAN'S TESTIMONIALS ======""I, {Mick) have been fortunate enough in my time with yoga to take some amazing workshops, retreats, and training with many teachers. This guy Adrian Cox is amongst the very best. I have thought a lot about what he does that is different. He manages to take these teachings to another level. Not many teachers can give us practical experiences of the mind and how we view the world as a result of our projections and mind stuff. His creativity in creating these experiences through individual and partner exercises is profound."" - Mick Barnes, Owner Yoga Factory Sydney""Your studio is incredible. I've been practicing for about six years now and, because I travel a lot, have tried a lot of studios. I can honestly say that yours is one of the best - if not the best - I've come across. The standard of teaching is way out of this world. You really helped me to connect with my body in a way I didn't think was possible. A couple of years ago I gave up on my yoga teacher training because I just ""wasn't getting it"". Thank you for giving me hope that one day I may be able to pick it up again! Thank you so much again! Love and light, Lucy""""It feels like I am 20cm taller and exploring the world TOTALLY new. I feel like I've awoken to a better reality, everything seems much more colorful and beautiful. You hit that nail on the head because I feel like I woke up after a long long long sleep with a bad dream. And for me, this is something that money not can buy. I am really really grateful for that present- I can't put into words how much I have been able to put so much behind me. I can cry I am so happy at this moment! All the thank you's in the world!"" -Klaus Kreft"
Price: 24.99

"Microsoft AZ-900 Azure Fundamentals Practice Exams" |
"The Exam Preparation practice contain 4 modules :Microsoft Az-900 Exam Practice Module 1Microsoft Az-900 Exam Practice Module 2Microsoft Az-900 Exam Practice Module 3Microsoft Az-900 Exam Practice Module 4After your finish the exam Modules , you will have an idea how does the question int he exams come , Similar question to the real exam.This course will test your knowledge about the Azure compute, policies, Resources and Locks. The course will prepare your in a real time and live exam. The more practice the more your more your are confident to the exams, Each question in each module has some explanation.Note : Don't memorize answers , the best way is to understand the question. If you solve any question wrong go for the explanations and take a look in the links under the explanation section .Good Luck :) "
Price: 19.99

"Iniciacin a la Periodizacin Tctica" |
"!Te gusta mucho el ftbol aunque los mtodos de enseanza-aprendizaje han cambiado mucho durante los ltimos aos y nuevas corrientes de pensamiento han incursionado en el ftbol, mucha gente no ha tenido acceso a los nuevos paradigmas del deporte y siguen entrenando igual que hace 30 aos atrs. No te preocupes, atrvete a entrenar diferente en este deporte y sabrs por qu la Periodizacin Tctica es Una lgica distinta de entrenar el Ftbol?"
Price: 19.99

"Gana dinero con instagram (ALEXEMPRE)" |
"En este curso te ensearemos las mejores claves y consejos para hacer crecer tu cuenta de instagram ya sean seguidores o generar ingresos con esta red social, ya que instagram es la red social mas usada por los jovenes. Este es un curso muy barato en el cual te ensearemos todas las tcticas y consejos de los mejores emprendedores de este sector que han podido generar +300000$ en un ao. Este es un curso mas barato y econmico que el resto ya que ofrecemos las mejores claves y consejos que nos han podido funcionar y generar ingresos con esta red social.Este curso es mas barato que el resto porque la misin es ayudar a todos a poder conseguir la libertad financiera y lograr sus sueos con este precio tan ridculo que se me caen las manos de escucharlo debido al precio tan barato!!A QUE ESPERAS A ENTRAR !!"
Price: 164.99

"How To Easily Make A Hip Hop Beat Quickly: Complete Guide" |
"RequirementsLogic Pro X is preferred, thats what I teach the course curriculum in.No prior knowledge or experience with logic and music production is neededDescriptionHi there, my name is Dan Plants. Im a musician working in the arena of music production and beat making.Are you wanting to get into music production and make a hip hop beat from scratch? This course will show you how make your own hip hop beat. You will be able to take your music production skills to the next level with these simple music production techniques.In this course I will teach you everything you need to know in making a hip hop beat very quickly and easily. You'll learn how to map our drum patterns fast with this trick, build a hook, bass lines, chord progressions, mix and master the beat.This course is recommended for beginner-advanced. Keep in mind all the content is made in Logic Pro X. Results may vary if you are using any other DAW. We will start right at the beginning and work our way through step by step.You will learn the secrets in music production and making a beat quickly so you can pump a lot of them out.Who this course is for:Anyone who is a producer, beat maker that wants to improve their beat skillsNewbie's, amateurs, entrepreneurs, music producers, beat makers, and anyone wanting to learn the skill of beat making."
Price: 139.99

"How To Make 80s Sounding Synthwave Music: Complete Guide" |
"RequirementsLogic Pro X is preferred, thats what I teach the course curriculum in.Intermediate knowledge or experience with logic and music production is preferred.DescriptionHi there, my name is Dan Plants. Im a producer working in the arena of music production and Logic Pro.Are you wanting to get into music production and make cool sounding retro wave 80s music from scratch? This course will show you how make your own 80s sounding Synthwave track. You will be able to take your music production skills to the next level with these simple music production techniques.In this course I will teach you everything you need to know in music production when it comes to Synthwave style music. You'll learn how to map our drum patterns fast with this trick, build a hook, bass lines, chord progressions, mix and master the track.This course is recommended for intermediate to advanced. Keep in mind all the content is made in Logic Pro X. Results may vary if you are using any other DAW. We will start at the intermediate and work our way through step by step.You will learn the secrets in music production and making a retro wave track quickly so you can pump a lot of them out.Who this course is for:Anyone who is a producer, beat maker, artist, singer that wants to learn this style of musicArtists, singers, entrepreneurs, music producers, beat makers, and anyone wanting to learn how to make retrowave & synthwave style music."
Price: 139.99

"Software Development Master Class - Intermediate C#" |
"In this course I will set you on a path that can take you from absolute beginner to professional software developer. This is not something that you can do in an afternoon, but this intermediate course is a start. My name is Mike Witt and I'm developing this course as the second step in a program that is intended to provide all the information that you will need to become a programmer with skills in a particular area: Developing web applications built around a .Net server, SQL Server database, and an Angular based UI. This course is the second step, but if you stick with it you can turn your learning and hard work into a career.If you've glanced at my bio, you will note that I've been developing software for over 35 years. When I started, I had no idea what programming was. You may only have a basic understanding, but programming (unlike rocket science) is more of a skill and a craft than a theoretical science (like rocket science)! Because of this and because of a shortage of workers, many companies are willing to hire someone even if they don't meet their educational requirements. To be sure, most companies want a degree in computer science or at least some degree in a science or related field, but when it comes right down to it they want and need someone who can do the work. This program will help you leap over the education gap by, not only understanding the technical nuts and bolts, but also by projecting your thinking and personality as someone who can do and understand software development. Here are some of the very important topics you will learn as part of this course:- An in-depth look at variables and their capabilities as well as date and time types and arrays.- Build more program logic elements into your applications with foreach loops and switch/case branches.- Get a start on developing object-oriented programs with classes, methods, properties, and constructors.- Find out how to build an application with a mult-tier architecture using object-oriented design techniques.- Use object relationships, exception handling, logging, and data persistence to build first-class applications.- Understand how data structures work to provide efficient and fast access to data.- Finally, you will learn about various .Net libraries that can help with common programming tasks such as lists, dictionaries, and files.I am truly excited to share my knowledge and my enthusiasm for developing software with you. Come on this journey and I will do my best to help you learn, enjoy, and finally become part of a community of developers who make this world go round!This course comes with detailed explanations of each concept along with working examples for each programming assignment and a Verifiable Certificate of Completion."
Price: 49.99

"Deerli rencilerim fonksiyonlar detay bir konu sizler iin ancak 23 videoluk bu harika konuyu toplam 3 blm halinde ekeceim. ok uzun olabilir ama her detay her pf noktay paylatm.Zehir gibi derler ya o ekilde olacaksnz. Soru karma yok lk blm hazrladm birka gne kadar dierlerinde yklemi olurum.Sraya gre hazrladm mfredat nasl ise o ekilde bence bo izgisiz bir defter aln ve beni dikkatlice dinleyin derim. Sorular tek tek her konu iin zenle hazrladm.AYT 2020 iin artk netler artsn"
Price: 49.99

"Deerli rencilerim fonksiyonlarn son blmn de bitirdik sizlere benim deneyimlerime gre tm pf noktalar, yanl bilinenler, detaylar, ksa yollar, harika bilgiler sundum.Bu bilgiler ile fonksinyon konusu hem okul snavlarnzda, hemde niversitesi snavnda netlerinize yansyacaktr.Fonksiyonlar blm blm olarak ayrdm, ve anlattm bu ekilde video izlerken kafa karkl yaamazsnz hangi takldnz yer var ise oray indirip izleyebilirsiniz."
Price: 54.99

"Deerli 4. Snf veli ve retmenler ilkretim matematik okadar iyi anlatlmal ki ocuklara skc gelmemeli daha elenceli hale gelmeli uzun uzun zmler deneyimlerimce kar etmiyor ite ocuklara bu skc geliyor.Btn pf noktalar kolay zmleme yntemleri ile sevdirecek ve st snflarda ok ilerine yarayacak bunu katane rencimden deneyimlerim.Bu dneminde ocuklarmz geride kalmasn"
Price: 44.99

"Coding Interview: Master Data Structures & Algorithms 2020" |
"You want to land a job at the top 10 tech companies like Google, Microsoft, Facebook, Apple, Amazon and many more then this course is for you. This course will teach you the most common interview questions that you'll see in a coding interview, giving you the tools you need to ace your next whiteboard interview.Get on the same level as someone with a Computer Science Degree from Top Universities like MIT by learning the fundamental building blocks of Computer Science which will give you a big boost during Coding Interviews.My job as an instructor will be successful if I am able to help you become better at coding interviews and land more jobs with higher salary. This one skill can really improve your career and I hope you sign up today to see what it can do for your career!Practicing dozens of coding interview questions and solutions is going to help you land a job offer for $300k USD which equals to 2 Crore.Constant support on the Udemy Q&A forums from me!I will add new content for FREE Every Week! Once you purchase this course, all new content is completely free."
Price: 19.99

"Learn Mainframe COBOL - Beginner to Expert" |
"First I would like to thank you! on landing on to this Course and Congratulations for opting this course.Here I'm going to explain the IBM Mainframe classes in a very simple way with a practical oriented Sessions. I have tried my best! to cover all different topics that are being used in the Real time which makes you a feel like a class room session and I hope you will enjoy this journey on learning of the Mainframe Course with in a couple of days .This course is intended for all the levels that can be starting from a Student or Fresher who is just passed out from his graduation or the people who have joined their carrier as Mainframe Developer or people who want to refresh or Upgrade there skill set on mainframe.Yes, you are in a right! place on selecting this course and I will be available to address all your queries, support and guide in all the ways that i can during this course of journey.One and only motive is to teach the Mainframe in a Very simple way.Course Covers with the following Topics.Mainframe - ZOS - COBOLHappy Learning!!"
Price: 11200.00

"Spanish from scratch, a hands-on course." |
"This is a hands-on course with 4 units. Each of them contains 8 video classes with vivid explanations and examples in English and Spanish; 3 classes of theory with downloadable documents; 4 classes of practical activities consisting of translation, conversation-role-play, culture and dictation; and 4 tasks to fix the knowledge. There is also an extra test section. The course is meant to convey not only the Spanish to deal with everyday situations but also a language to stand out. Spanish from scratch is meant to help the students develop and master their speaking, listening, writing and reading skills. At your pace but at least 30 minutes a day is what you need to get it right from the start, so are you ready to jump ahead in the queue?"
Price: 24.99

"(SY0-501) CompTIA Security+ Exam Preparation Tests New" |
"Are you ready to pass the CompTIA Security+ certification exam ?CompTIA Security+ certification is widely considered one of the essential foundational security certifications in the cybersecurity field today. CompTIA Security+ is a global certification that validates the baseline skills you need to perform core security functions and pursue an IT security career.It establishes the core knowledge required of any cybersecurity role and provides a springboard to intermediate-level cybersecurity jobs.This practice test exams will give you full confidence to pass the main exam.Skill Measurement Exam Topics : Threats, Attacks, and VulnerabilitiesTechnologies and ToolsArchitecture and DesignIdentity and Access ManagementRisk ManagementCryptography and PKI"
Price: 34.99

"Aprenda a Anunciar no Google em 15 Minutos" |
"Por Que Voc Deve Anunciar no Google?Vou te contar uma histria...No passado a forma mais importante de marketing, aquela que todos sabiam que era vital para o sucesso e sobrevivncia de seus negcio, eram as pginas amarelas.Quem no tinha um anncio com seu negcio nas pginas amarelas... simplesmente no vendia.As pginas amarelas no existem mais e hoje quem faz esse papel o Google.O Google maior plataforma de pesquisas do mundo. Todos os dias milhares de pessoas buscam no google por produtos e servios iguais aos seus e no te encontram por l.Dados do prprio google informam que 97% das decises de compram iniciam-se na internet.Pensando nisso... se as pessoas esto buscando por produtos iguais ao seu porque no mostrar seu negcio para elas dentro do Google?Por que no promover os seu negcio para as pessoas que esto buscando poe ele?Nesse curso de Google Ads ns vamos pegar na sua mo e vamos te ensinar a promover o seu negcio na maior plataforma de pesquisas do mundo. um curso sem enrolao, direto ao ponto, para que em poucas horas aprenda exatamente tudo o que precisa saber sobre como usar o Google ads para promover seu negcio e aumentar as suas vendas.Alem do curo voc ainda vai levar de brinde alguns Modelos de Anncios que foram usados por nossa agncia, a TG7 Marketing Digital. Modelos que foram testados e validados em campanhas de verdade.Alem dos bnus inclumos aulas especiais com estratgias que vo ajudar a aumentar as converses dos seus anncios.O que est esperando?No perca essa chance!Compre agora o curso pelo preo promocional, antes que ele suba.Te Vejo no Nosso Curso,"
Price: 264.99

"Hope in Addiction" |
"This is a online course for family and those who live near someone with substance problems. The aim is to enable you to free your potential and to focus on yourself in your life and situation. It provides perspectives on family situations and self-help exercises for the participant. Often the word co-dependency is used to explain the behaviour patterns of a substance abusers family member and those who are emotionally affected by the abuser. The situations and life circumstances can be different perhaps the person is your child, your parent or another member of your close family. It can be your husband or wife or it can be someone youre working with daily. Family and relatives of substance abusers live with strong feelings of worry, concern and anxiety and often carry a great deal of sorrow. Then this online course with its self-help exercises is for you. In the course you get tools to increase your well-being and its of great importance to carry out the reflection exercises in the course. At the same time, you will learn to communicate and support the person you care about."
Price: 19.99

"Selecting Age Appropriate Toys From Birth to Three Years kid" |
"I this course I am going to teach you about importance of play and benefits of play. How to select age appropriate toys from birth to three years. How nurture your kids into genius kids through playing with toys. Importance of investing early years. How to engage children in meaningfiul way."
Price: 7040.00

"Remote Worker Health and Wellbeing" |
"This course is designed for anybody who would like to quickly learn some invaluable skills and techniques, for improving and maintaining health and wellbeing, whilst working remotely. Our video lectures and specially-designed activities will quickly have you up to speed with all the essentials, and feeling much more confident about managing your own health and wellbeing whilst working remotely, in addition to gaining a better understanding of the needs of other remote workers.Course Learning Outcomes* Understand the importance of remote worker health and wellbeing,* Identify methods for reducing work-related stress and anxiety,* Establish the basics of how to set up an ergonomic office,* Learn how to design a home worksite inspection checklist.* Clarify employer obligations for remote worker wellbeing and the legal requirement for remote work policies,Business Outcomes* Better health and wellbeing* Improved time management* Increased job satisfaction and engagement* Reduced absenteeism* Increased productivity* Improved home office ergonomics* Lower staff turnoverWho is it for?This course is designed for anybody who works from home and wants to learn how to take better care of their health and wellbeing whilst doing it. It is suitable for individuals, looking to take better care of themselves, and for time-poor business unit managers, supervisors and HR managers, who quickly need to know the basics about remote worker health and wellbeing, work from home policies, and home worksite inspection tests.DurationThis course is designed to equip you with all the basics for understanding the importance of remote worker health and wellbeing, in just a couple of hours.As with all our courses, once you sign up, you receive full lifetime access to this course and all its materials, plus any updates we add later.What you'll get* Video tutorials* Guided readings* 1 x WFH policy template* 1 x WFH policy checklist* 2 x Home worksite inspection self-assessment checklists* Bespoke assignments* Online test* Certificate of completion"
Price: 49.99

"R: Manipulao avanada de dados utilizando o dplyr" |
"Esse curso foi criado com o objetivo de oferecer suporte a todos que desejam se aprofundar no conhecimento das principais ferramentas de manipulao de dados do R. Nele, voc ter contato com o operador pipe, muito famoso por realizar grandes faanhas em poucas linhas de cdigo! Aprenda as principais funes disponibilizadas pelo pacote dplyr, tambm conhecido como ""a gramtica da manipulao"", e torne-se um grande cientista de dados."
Price: 99.99

"Dominate GRE Math Target GRE 330+ Structured GRE Prep" |
"TARGET SCORE 330+ GRE Do you want to Score 330+ in GRE ? Numbers, Permutation, Combination and Probability form an important part in preparing for GRE Math. In this GRE course I will teach you unique methods to solve problems in a structured manner for GRE.The GRE Topics Covered are:NUMBERS for GRESection 2: GRE Math Basics Prime and Composite NumbersPrime factorisationHow to check whether a give number is a Prime numberHCF or GCDLCMHCF and LCM of fractionsProper, Improper, Mixed, Equivalent FractionsComparing, Multiplying, Dividing FractionsOperations involving DecimalsClassification of NumbersConverting a Non Terminating Recurring Decimal to a fractionBODMAS rulesLaws of ExponentsSection 3: Find the unit digit / Power Cycle Concepts based GRE Questions Unit digit depends only on Unit digit Power CycleSection 4: Divisibility Rules based GRE Questions Rules for 2,4,8Rules for 3,9Rules for 5,10Rules for any composite numberRules for 11,7,13,37,25Section 5: Remainder based GRE Questions Basic Remainder TheoremFermat Theorem, Euler Number based TrickSection 6: How to find the Square of a Number quickly based GRE Questions Section 7: Find the last 2 digits of an expression based GRE Questions Section 8: In an Arithmetic Progression and Remainder based GRE Questions Section 9: Successive Division based GRE Questions Section 10: Chinese Remainder Theorem based GRE Questions Section 11: Division based GRE Questions Section 12: Digit Sum based GRE Questions Section 13: Factorial based GRE Questions Find the number of zeroes in a factorialHighest power a number that can perfectly divide a factorialFind a number whose factorial will have a given number of zeroesSection 14: Sum of first n natural numbers based GRE Questions Sigma NSigma N^2Sigma N^3Section 15: Number of factors of given number based GRE Questions Method to find the number of factorsNumbers with exactly 3 factorsNumbers with odd number of factorsSection 16: Write a number as Sum of consecutive numbers based GRE Questions Find in how many ways this can be doneNumbers which can not be written as sum of consecutive numbers Section 17: Write N as x^2-y^2 based GRE Questions Find in how many ways this can be doneNumbers which can not be written as x^2-y^2Section 18: Square root based GRE Questions Find Square root using Prime factorisationSquare root using Division methodEstimate Square rootPERMUTATION AND COMBINATION for GRESection 19: P&C Basics Section 20: Relationship between P and C based GRE Questions Section 21: Fundamental Principle of counting based GRE Questions Section 22: Permutation in Depth based GRE Questions Section 23: Combination in Depth based GRE Questions Section 24: Grouping based GRE Questions Section 25: Dearrangment based GRE Questions PROBABILITY for GRESection 26: Probability BASICSSection 27: Complement of an Event based GRE Questions Section 28: Exhaustive Events based GRE Questions Section 29: Mutually Exclusive Events based GRE Questions Section 30: Independent Events based GRE Questions Section 31: Conditional Probability based GRE Questions Section 32: R successes in N Trials based GRE Questions Section 33: Odds in favour / Odds against based GRE Questions Section 34: Practise Probability Questions based GRE Questions You will be able to Dominate GRE by approaching Math in a new way. The methods you learn in this course will help you get a deep understanding of Numbers,Permutation and Combination and Probability for GRE. The course starts with basic concepts and takes any student to an advanced level enabling students to crack GRE. NEW MINDSETAfter attending this GRE course, you will have a midset that seeks to classify and analyse every new problem related to GRE which you do and add it to the deposit of knowledge you have. This structured approach to prepare for GRE which will be ingrained in you will help you get better day by day.YOU'LL ALSO GET:Good support in the Q&A section30-day money back guaranteeEnroll today!Let's make your GRE dreams come true- Jackson"
Price: 134.99

"C++ Mini Project From Basic To Advance [HINDI]" |
"In this Course You will Learn How to Make Small Project in C++, From Basic To Advance. We will make Project On Bank Management System From Basic To Advance Label,Here I will Cover All the Basic Work of Bank Like (Payment,Money Update,Transaction Update Etc).By Doing This Project you will Get Real Practical Knowledge"
Price: 19.99

"How to Be a Human Lie Detector" |
"I can tell you the secret to never missing a lie again. Learn how to spot deception and uncover hidden emotion by following our science backed framework and unlocking the secret of lies. Read people's true intentions with confidence, and more importantly have the most honest interactions with the people in your life. Have you ever just wished you could figure out what everyone was actually thinking? Well, now you can! I'm here to tell you that Lie Detection is a skill that can be learned. Learn more about how to be a Human Lie Detector in your everyday life."
Price: 19.99

"lean six sigma yellow belt in healthcare - in Arabic" |
"Lean Six sigma is a great methodology used to reduce the defects and waste in any process and increase the creativity and revenue in it. you can use it in all fields from industries to services and healthcare organizations. During our course lean six sigma yellow belt, you will know what is lean six sigma methodology and how to use it to increase the quality and accuracy in healthcare services and be able to be a member in a six sigma team and start your first six sigma project in your organization. Take your first step and enroll with us."
Price: 29.99

"Source Control and Git for Actuaries" |
"One of the core problems that actuaries encounter is how to effectively and efficiently control their work product and tools. Software engineering solved this problem a long time ago with Git; this course is designed to get actuaries up to speed on how to use Git, how it will benefit their processes, and how it will lead to a stronger work product.This is for actuaries, not software developers; I'm not going to cover every aspect of Git. My goal is to cover the most important features, but the minimum amount necessary to make effective use of the tool. You'll learn more as you get more and more familiar with working in Git; my job is to get you over the hurdle to feel comfortable enough to start using it!"
Price: 19.99

powqormx |
":* . * .* .* .* . * .* SWOT.* .* . * .* ."
Price: 24.99
