"Agile Scrum understanding and Certification (PSM1)" |
"This course will be beneficial for basic understanding of Scrum Framework based on Scrum Guide. The learners will acquire knowledge about agile and Scrum in detail and will be able to pass Professional Scrum Master 1 certification (PSM1). The Scrum Process will be discussed in detail. The Scrum Roles, Scrum Artifacts and Scrum Events will be elaborated as well."
Price: 44.99

"Inteligencia Emocional Online" |
"En este curso aprenderemos a reconocer y gestionar nuestras emociones, lo que aumenta nuestra confianza personal, y la calidad de nuestras relaciones. Reconoceremos nuestros paradigmas, para modificarlos y mejorar nuestra percepcin de las situaciones. Tomaremos un rol ms protagonista en la vida, para buscar lo que queremos en lugar de esperar que suceda.Tendremos herramientas para relacionarnos mejor con nosotros mismos y con los dems."
Price: 19.99

"Fonologia e Ortografia Bsicas do Portugus para Iniciantes" |
"Este curso vai te ajudar a construir ou reconstruir as bases, os fundamentos da Fonologia e da Ortografia de acordo com Gramtica do Portugus Brasileiro.Contedo: Diviso silbica, acentuao grfica, fonema X letra, encontros consonantais e silbicos, significado, significante, classificao de fonemas, estudo da slaba (formao, classificao etc); alm disso, como bnus, voc assistir aula sobre por que eu decidi ensinar gramtica bsica e sobre a importncia de aprendermos gramtica e como esse conhecimento pode melhorar seu desempenho social e profissional."
Price: 54.99

"Vegas PRO Verso 17 do zero ao avanado." |
"Este curso foi elaborado de maneira dinmica e com explicaes passo a passo, claras e objetivas. Adequado s exigncias do mundo profissional, O curso est focado em proporcionar rpido aprendizado para voc entrar neste mercado de trabalho, alm de garantir flexibilidade para que o aluno estude onde e quando quiser. O acesso as aulas pode ser feitos pelo computador, tablet ou celular. Todos os dias e a qualquer hora voc tem acesso ao contedo do curso. e aps a concluso das aulas, ser iniciada uma sequencia de tutorias de suporte didtico, onde o aluno ira praticar tudo que foi aprendido, com dicas ""NINJAS"" para melhor percepo do que este editor pode fazer."
Price: 39.99

"Up And Running With AutoHotKey - Automate Software in 2020" |
"Learn AutoHotKey the easy way. If you've ever wanted to automate a simple or complex task on a Windows computer in this course you'll learn how to do so.If you've ever had to do the same thing repetitively on a computer whether it's filling a form, or using the same commands in your favorite software AutoHotKey can save your time and spare you from the boredom of the most tedious parts of a job.In this lesson we'll use entirely free open source software tools to accomplish your goal of automating Windows programs. I'll take you through installation, common commands and then writing a simple but sophisticated program to give you the knowledge you need to write your own code. To complete this course you won't need any programming experience or purchase any software, as long as you have a Windows computer and enthusiasm you can be successful with AutoHotkey.Skills you'll learn:Automate Form FillingAvoid tedious routine tasksMake your own keyboard shortcutsWork many times fasterProgramming from the ground up - no previous programming knowledge required"
Price: 29.99

"Lucrando na Bolsa de Valores" |
"A Bolsa de Valores sempre atraiu a ateno de quem esta procurando meios de aumentar seu dinheiro, certo? Por isso esse curso foi criado para quem no tem conhecimento nenhum sobre a bolsa de valores, mas deseja realizar suas primeiras compras de aes com conhecimento e segurana!O dinheiro que voc se esfora tanto para ganhar merece um destino melhor, no ? o curso far voc pensar em sua independncia financeira e assim acelerar a realizao dos seus sonhos!Neste Curso voc aprender:- O que Bolsa de Valores- Renda Varivel- Aes e Fundos Imobilirios- Como comprar menos de cem aes- Renda Fixa - Gerenciamento de Risco- Estratgias de Perfis de Investidores- As Corretoras de Valores- Tributaes- Lista de empresas para voc comprar aes- Conhecer a Anlise Tcnica e Fundamentalista- PASSO A PASSO PARA COMPRAR SUA PRIMEIRA AO NA PRTICA!"
Price: 54.99

"Ultimate Prometheus" |
"The importance of monitoring cannot be overstated, if we want our businesses to succeed, we need to have as much visibility as possible to the state of our systems. Prometheus is the optimal choice for a monitoring system in 2020, it's open source, feature rich and integrates easily with Kubernetes.The Ultimate Prometheus course takes you all the way from learning why you should monitor your system to getting Prometheus deployed on Kubernetes. It's meant to save you precious time reading through documentation, googling and experimenting manually with Prometheus to understand how things work. It is actually my own experience of doing these things that inspired me to create this course from the first place. :) In this course we'll be covering a wide range of topics, including but not limited to:Why we should monitor our systems and what exactly is it we should be monitoringPrometheus and monitoring terms, such as Sample, Time Series, TSDB, Label, etc.How Prometheus works Prometheus features and architecture (e.g. Service Discovery, Push Gateway, etc)How to install Prometheus and how to use its web UIThe 4 metric types we have in Prometheus - Counter, Gauge, Histogram and SummaryExposing metrics with a Go clientConfiguring Prometheus and the Alert ManagerSetting up alerts and notificationsDeploying Prometheus on Kubernetes using the Prometheus Operator and CRDsand so much more!Enroll to the Ultimate Prometheus course and become a Prometheus expert, being able to professionally deploy Prometheus and use it to monitor all the different parts of your system."
Price: 19.99

blackandwhitefilmrollathome |
"- . , , , - , - , . 6 . ."
Price: 6299.00

"Secrets to 100 Percentile From CAT 100 Percentiler" |
"In this course you will get to learn different strategies about CAT Exam. Chhavi Gupta is a CAT 100 percentiler, IIT Delhi and IIM Ahmedabad Alumni. She will be guiding you through various sections such as identifying your current aptitude level (0-3) for the CAT exam, specific strategies for all the 4 levels, Subject/section wise strategies, analyzing mocks strategy and much more.Why are you still thinking? Get enrolled and get a smarter plan for your Exam Preparation..."
Price: 24.99

"Personal Branding" |
"What is Personal branding and what does it have to do with you and your job search or career development? You might think of Personal branding as marketing speak or as a buzz word, but consistently presenting yourself professionally and dynamically is becoming more important in the increasingly competitive job market and the world of work. The sooner you learn how to develop and build the right personal brand for you, the more successful you can be as you move along in your career.A personal brand isnt that much different from a business brand. Instead of marketing a store or product, youre marketing yourself.Building up a personal brand has a ton of benefits, both personally and professionally, and it can help open many doors for you in the future.In this course we will learn, why we need to build a brand. Getting started with branding yourself and how to market. We will also learn how we can do Online brand building through social media.A personal brand explains the why in what of a person. In short, these are the things that motivate and drive people to success. Building personal Brand makes people feel comfortable while interacting or working. It also establishes trusts to the colleagues.In our module 2, we will learn not just what to say, how to say. How to create a strong presence In-front of others, power words, how to strike a crucial conversation, public speaking, non verbal communication and few quick etiquette for Teleconferencing and video conferencing.Individuals can also gain confidence while they are developing their brand. The gain of confidence will come from their positive qualities and strengths that they could share publicly. If people know that they have something which they can offer, their self-esteem will soar. A well done personal branding will emphasize the strengths of an individual and can give direction as to where he or she can use those strengths.In our module 3, we will learn the art of creating first impression. Few essential components to making a good first impression; namely dressing well, taking care of personal grooming, we should not ever underestimate the importance of our dressing, or manners and etiquette; these can speak volumes."
Price: 1280.00

"Curso Reiki Nivel I" |
"Aprenda a tratar pessoas plantas e animaisAtravs de video aulas, com exemplos prticos vou te ensinar a teoria do Reiki, dos chakras e como tratar pessoas, plantas e animais, com exemplos prticos. Alem do video coloquei disponivel material em PDF para que voc tenha sempre onde consultar para suas duvidas.o Curso online, mas o Reiki deve ter uma iniciao, essa iniciao pode ser presencial (Jundia-SP) ou por video chamada."
Price: 99.99

"Learn HiL Testing from Scratch (Hardware in the Loop)" |
"In this course learners can learn completely about HIL Testing (Hardware In the Loop) & capable of handling HIL Environment independently by knowing risks and measures while working. Each part described gives a clarity to learners from the scratch. The complete playlist has created sequentially to make techies to understand each and every concepts with clear explanation. At the end of this course learners can gain more confident on handling HIL Environment while testing.HIL Testing or HIL Simulation is not like other topics, you should have live hands on experience to attain knowledge and gain exposure but only working is not sufficient to excel in you career. In this course we brought you to understand A-Z concepts in HIL. One who learns this can easily adapt him/her for HIL Environment and utilize their knowledge in workplace from this course."
Price: 19.99

"Azure Private Link" |
"In this course you will learn how to design and deploy Azure Private Link service for your organisation.Azure Private Link provides private connectivity from a virtual network to Azure platform as a service (PaaS), customer-owned or Microsoft partner services. It simplifies the network architecture and secures the connection between endpoints in Azure by eliminating data exposure to the public Internet."
Price: 19.99

"Muay Thai and Kickboxing at home" |
"In this course you'll learn Muay Thai and Kickboxing bases from level 1 (stances and punches) to level 2 (Elbow, Knee strikes and basic Kicks) and level 3 (High kicks, Advanced Kicks, Punching and Kicking combinations).This course will be ideal if you want to start martial arts training but don't have possibilities to go to gym or you want to prepare yourself for gym training. Also will be good as a fitness training to loose weight or get good shape and physical condition.Every section of punch, kicks etc will consist of theoretical lesson with all details that you need and real Workout that you can practice to assimilate knowledges.Course presented by Alex Panov:Education - College of Physical Education and Sports (physical education teacher), teacher of the 1st category, University of Physical Education (coach).9 years of Muay Thai and Kickboxing training and 5 years of pro-fighting career in Muay Thai and Kickboxing (regional Russia). Also certified referee assistant and taper.This course is presented in collaboration with Fight Vision YouTube channel.Fight Vision is one of the best places for muay thai fans and fighters from all over the world. Thai boxing and other martial arts videos, techniques, drills, workouts, and tips for muay thai boxers and practitioners with all levels. Here you can find: Muay Thai kickboxing combos, BJJ submission tutorials, or boxing footwork drills.Be active, prepared and well-trained no matter what."
Price: 19.99

"Kentico 12 MVC" |
"This Course has been developed to help students who want to start using a CMS (Content Management System) and all it's tools to build a website. When starting to learn website development most of the students quickly lose interest due to complicated configurations but here we explain the whole process step by step so a student can install, learn, use and develop a website.Kentico versions are rapidly upgraded and Kentico 12 uses MVC (model-view-controller) as the development model rather than Portal & Web Forms based versions before, so this course can also help students and developers who worked with the older versions to easily switch with this detailed course.Bonuses:Downloading, installation and configuration of the Kentico instanceKentico CMS (Content Management System)Using, implementing and integrating HTML templates to the projectMVC (model-view-controller) Essentials & RoutingCreating Page Types and Pages in KenticoTips / TricksIIS Express configurationLogin Logout Admin SystemExtracting page type custom field data to the page (Titles, Descriptions, Images etc...)"
Price: 19.99

"Lead, Follow, & Flow: Basic to Advanced Partner Dance Skills" |
"Do you currently dance a certain style but feel tired or bored with the monotony of steps and moves you take? Or maybe you have always wanted to learn how to partner dance, but have been overwhelmed with counting steps or memorizing complicated moves? I believe you can feel ease, comfort, and filled with variety within your partner dance todayyou do not have to go through months or years of lessons to be a fluid, fluent dancer. By learning more about your body, how you relate to your environment, and the expansive array of human contact points possible beyond touch, you will gain a new awareness of how to lead, follow, and have a conversational dance flow. The concept of flow in this course is used to describe the practice of dancing with a steady stream of mindfulness and without prescribed patterns, steps, moves, or specified partner roles.When you gift someone your focused attention and presence, your partnership is filled with freedom and exhilaration. Exploring the rapture of conscious human connection liberates you from the historical, gender-based social roles of command and compliance. Leading and following become actions that anyone can take at any time during a dance togethernot roles that define who you are or what you can do.With this mindset of leading and following being actions rather than roles, coupled movement will intuitively flow in celebration of the shared momentneither partner will have to remember a single step or try to fit into a particular box. Exploring the universal language of dance allows you to listen and respond to partners within an authentic, interpersonal dialog. When you acutely tune into your comprehensive portfolio of human senses, you find insight into your emotions, desires, primal needs, and limitless human connection potential. Many of the concepts that you will discover in this course can be applied far beyond the dance floor into your everyday family and social lives. Connecting with a partner through movement opens up new possibilities for how you can relate and interact within your community. You will gain essential skills to lead with empowerment, follow with greater attention to detail, and switch actions with ease. You will explore a rainbow of creative movement tools with which to broaden your physical musicality. You will discover both solo and partner dance expressions while moving free of strict stylistic rules and self-judgment.We will spend about four hours together over 25 lessons. You will also have the opportunity during the course to download a copy of my book, Lead Follow Flow, to help expand your dance experience. On top of that, you'll have two opportunities to remotely interact with me one-on-one to get the most personalized online course possible. I believe you will dance away from this experience with the ability to feel confident and at ease in any social setting. Shall we dance?"
Price: 199.99

"HAUSTIERNEST ""LISSY"" einfach nhen / Schnittmuster / sewing" |
"- Online Nhkurs mit Schnittmustern fr das Haustierbett ""LISSY"" -// -- Gnnen Sie sich und Ihrem Liebling etwas neues, schnes und vor allen Dingen stabiles! Nhen Sie ein Kuschelnest, das Sie individuell gestalten knnen. Sie knnen die Farbe und Stoffart selbst auswhlen. In diesem Video werden Sie lernen, welche Stoffe am geeignetsten sind und womit Sie das Nest befllen knnen. -- //Dieses Video ist fr alle Personen geeignet. Sowohl Nhanfnger als auch Nhprofis knnen das Haustierbett nhen. Zum Videokurs bekommt ihr eine Anleitung als E-Book und Schnittmuster fr das Nest und Applikationen. Viel Spa beim Nhen :)"
Price: 19.99

"Microsoft Power BI [Sep 2020] The Ultimate All-in-One Course" |
"This course features the latest Power BI Desktop (version: 2.84.981.0, released on 28 Aug 2020) so rest assured that you are going to learn about the most up-to-date features of Power BI Desktop.You'll immediately get your return on investment from budget point of view as I'll teach you step by step how to apply for a Microsoft free license which gives you access to not only Power BI Pro features but also other wide range of Microsoft solutions.Instead of purely lecturing all the functionalities of Power BI like other courses, I'm combining lectures with practices (case study) so you'll have first-hand learning and applying experience. At the end of the course, you'll be able to build on your own beautifully-designed, professional-looking and report-ready dashboards if you follow the steps in my course. You'll be able to leverage what you've learned in your real-life business or personal contexts.Throughout my course, you'll be able to learn and apply:Load dataLoad data with different formatsLoad data in one file one sheetLoad data in one file multiple sheetsLoad data in multiple files and multiple sheetsTransform dataCleanse and standardise source data in power query editorAdd additional data fieldsChange data typesFormat dataBuild data modelbuild one single data model with multiple tablesbuild separate data modelsCreate visualisationsBuild different chart types from built-in chartsAccess and use customised charts from Power BI marketplaceDAXFormatFiltersAnalytics functionBuild dashboardsCanvas layout designCover page creationButtons with linked functions and URLsBookmarksCustomise themeDashboard exportTop tipsSo how does this sound to you? I look forward to welcoming you in my course.Cheers,Bing"
Price: 89.99

"Kpop Dance for Beginners - How to Dance Like a Korean Star" |
"In this video you will learn basic dancing techniques. How to control your body, hands, foot and head. How to dance elegantly or powerfully.You don't need to squeeze with other people in a studio just for learning dancing. You don't need to worry about not catching up with what the teacher does. You don't even need to feel embarrassed dancing in front of other people.With this video, you can pause or repeat as many time as you want until you catch up the moves. In the end, you will learn a section of Korean Pop song which is "" How you like that"" .This is an interesting and simple way of exercising which is also perfect for a group to learn dancing in a private place. If you are a mom or dad, you can also practice with your kids at home. This tutorial will be perfect for improving the bond between kids and parents. If you are a group of people, it will be suitable for you to learn dancing together.Next time, when the music plays, you can dance confidently in front of your friends."
Price: 19.99

"Curso de Projeo Bsica com ProPresenter 7" |
"Neste curso voc ira aprender a utilizar o software ProPresenter 7, um dos maiores softwares de projeo na atualidade. Dentro do curso sero abordadas as principais funes dentro deste programa para que voc seja capaz de realizar uma boa projeo com facilidade, alm de tratar de algumas funes mais avanadas."
Price: 39.99

"Five Minute Korean for Beginners" |
"Introducing Five Minute KoreanThe most effective Korean language learning experience for beginners in Korean who want to learn Korean but don't know where to start. Follow the curriculum for five minutes every day and you'll be on your way to mastering the basics!After completing the course, you will be able to:Understand Korean dramas and TV shows betterIntroduce yourself in KoreanHave a basic Korean conversationRead and understand basic KoreanThe advantages that separate Five Minute Korean from its competition:This course is designed for the majority of language learners who rely on visual cues such as pictures.Forget all the confusing grammar jargon. Five Minute Korean simplifies the way you learn the language.Five Minute Korean takes only five minutes out of your busy schedule. It is perfect for people who want effective learning with fast and proven results.No more learning textbook Korean that no one uses! Five Minute Korean teaches the """" form, which is the most natural way of speaking the language.Learn survival Korean words which will come in handy when you visit or live in Korea."
Price: 29.99

"Armazenagem de produtos qumicos" |
"Armazenagem de produtos de grande importncia tanto nas nossas residncias, em Laboratrios assim como em reas industriais. A negligncia a este procedimento correto pode levar a problemas como derrames, danos em materiais armazenados e incndios. Nesta palestra trataremos da Armazenagem em escala de Laboratrios quando podemos armazenar nas prprias reas de trabalho em bancadas e armrios, bem como em Laboratrios de dimenses maiores que em se projetam almoxarifados adequados para este propsito, em virtude das quantidades a serem armazenadas serem maiores. Nas reas industriais, as embalagens so de dimenses bem maiores tais como sacarias, bombonas, tambores e containers e no trataremos aqui mas, os conceitos bsicos das incompatibilidades dos produtos qumicos e vrios cuidados discutidos so aplicveis."
Price: 144.99

"Creacin de Reportes Visuales con RMarkdown" |
"Bienvenido al Curso Creacin de Reportes Visuales con RmarkdownTe gustara poder generar tus informes semanales, quincenales o mensuales con un solo clic, sin necesidad de estar abriendo cada uno de los archivos y generando grficas y ms grficas, una y otra vez, invirtiendo una buena cantidad de tiempo, el cul podras estar aprovechando en otras actividades ms productivas?No te agradara tener la facilidad de generar tu informe en diferentes formatos, tales como HTML para mostrarlo en un sitio web, en PowerPoint para utilizarlo en alguna presentacin, o bien en PDF o Word para enviarlo por correo, con solo seleccionar el tipo de salida en RStudio?Si has respondido afirmativamente a estas preguntas, este curso es para ti!En este curso, no solo veremos como dar formato a tus informes, sino que adems te explicar algunas tcnicas de preprocesamiento de datos en R para que lleves a cabo la limpieza de los mismos antes de generar los informes, ya que este paso es el ms importante de todo el anlisis.Te explicar como crear algunas de las grficas ms utilizadas, tanto con comandos bsicos de R, como con una librera llamada ggplot2, con la que se obtienen grficos ms profesionales, as como la manera de insertar imgenes e hipervnculosAdicional a esto, te mostrar como puedes generar informes que contengan nica y exclusivamente la informacin de tu inters con solo indicarle el valor de la variable que quieres que se despliegue"
Price: 1470.00

"Corel Draw Para Iniciante - Designer Grfico" |
"Nesse curso possvel se tornar profissional apenas com dedicao trata-se de um curso direto e com bases fortes sobre o programa a ser ensinado nesse caso o Coral Draw, aprendendo de forma fcil e interativa cada ferramenta e funes para criao de uma arte bem elaborada, usar o Corel Draw no se limita o curso mas a criatividade de cada aluno o limite e a nossa dedicao e fora de vontade, use nosso curso para trabalhar ou criar seus prprios projetos de interesses pessoais."
Price: 39.99

"Accelerated Piano Lessons for Beginners" |
"This course is designed to give you the most effective and quickest way to start playing the piano. It contains everything you need to know and also bonus tips for playing in a band or among friends. You will learn everything pertaining to music theory such as notes and where they are located on the piano, to understanding keys/scales, what chords are, and music composition as it pertains to making songs whether you are producing beats on Logic (and other music producing software,) or plan on playing with a band. Start as a beginner but end as an intermediate player who's ready to begin a music journey."
Price: 24.99

"Curso de Email Marketing com sendinblue" |
"Prev-se que o nmero de usurios de email ativos atinja 4,3 bilhes em 2023.E o ROI mdio esperado numa campanha de email marketing de US$ 42 para cada US$ 1 gasto.Ento se voc quer ter mais clientes, aumentar suas vendas, voc precisa utilizar o Email Marketing. a nica forma de ter total controle dos seus dados de clientes, o que no acontece nas redes sociais que a qualquer tempo voc fica a merc de perder acesso aos seus contatos sem ter a possibilidade de recuperar.Bem-vindo ao curso de Email Marketing:Este o nico curso que voc vai precisar aprenda como utilizar as funcionalidades gratuitas da ferramenta de e-mail marketing Sendinblue e comear do ZERO aplicando estratgias para captar Leads para suas listasVamos cobrir as principais funcionalidades, e voc ter de forma detalhada um passo a passo de tudo que precisa para criar campanhas que convertem.Neste curso de Email Marketing com Sendimblue voc vai aprender como:Cadastrar-se e Configurar a ferramenta de E-mail Marketing para extrair o mximo que ela pode te dar.Entender como criar e Usar as sua lista de emails do ZERO e como incluir nas suas estratgias da maneira certa e o sey nmero de Leads.Como Criar Adicionar formulrios no seu site para coletar mais leads.Como usar Automao de emails. Onde vamos programar emails automticos economizando tempo e dinheiro.Criar de Pginas de Capturas.Acompanhar relatrios das campanhas.E o melhor que vc faz tudo isso sem gastar nada, com o plano vitalcio gratuito da Sendinblue.E com isso voc pode iniciar suas primeiras campanhas e gerar seus primeiros resultados no seu negcio, pois o e-mail marketing uma ferramenta que depois de rodando se transforma numa gerao de renda para voc.Prepare-se para colocar comear, e para ver resultados reais! Inscreva-se agora e te vejo dentro do curso!"
Price: 39.99

"Raptor Corso Programmazione Visuale Algoritmi e Flowcharts" |
"Ciao e benvenuto al corso di Programmazione Visuale di Algoritmi e Flowcharts.Questo corso ti insegner come costruire i tuoi algoritmi e diagrammi di flusso sfruttando RAPTOR partendo da zero, pertanto puoi seguirlo anche se non hai conoscenze pregresse nel campo della programmazione.Il corso ha un'impronta strettamente pratica e i vari argomenti di teoria ti verranno spiegati durante le esercitazioni.Dopo ogni lezione ti verr fornita la relativa trascrizione pdf che potrai facilmente consultare, dove tutti i passaggi anche quelli apparentemente pi complessi vengono ampiamente spiegati.Ti fornir anche le varie esercitazioni gi svolte, rendendoti possibile un confronto immediato.Conoscere Raptor fondamentale per poter testare la logica dei tuoi algoritmi e disegnare i tuoi diagrammi di flusso.Ogni argomento viene trattato in maniera approfondita, con esempi pratici che ti consentiranno di comprendere tutti i concetti, anche quelli pi complessi."
Price: 49.99

"Cmo mejorar la comunicacin en pareja" |
"En este curso te voy a ensear qu tipo de comunicacin debera estar siempre presente en la relacin, los errores ms comunes que se presentan cuando las habilidades comunicativas son pobres o nulas y el proceso ms eficaz para solucionar los problemas rutinarios.Lo ms importante para m y lo que ofrezco son herramientas para que t puedas identificar qu es lo que puede estar afectando la relacin con tu pareja y que as seis capaces de resolverlo de manera asertiva.Adems, al final del curso se presentan ejercicios que puedes hacer tanto individualmente como en pareja para poner en prctica todo lo enseado durante el curso.Este curso va dedicado a todas aquellas parejas donde ambos miembros estn dispuestos a luchar por la relacin.Es importante saber que este curso engloba una visin general y no habla de problemas concretos. Esto es una ayuda y no debe ser utilizado como una sesin de terapia. Siempre recomiendo acudir al psiclogo para abordar problemas ms especficos y as obtener una consulta individualizada y personalizada de acuerdo a vuestro caso en particular."
Price: 19.99

"Retoque de imagens: basico!" |
"Neste curso inicial apresento as ferramentas bsicas para quem est comeando a usar aplicativos de retoque de imagens. Independente do aplicativo escolhido pelo usurio, as ferramentas bsicas so parecidas, e entender como funcionam a base para poder lidar com ferramentas mais avanadas.Abordo as similaridades entre os diversos aplicativos, um pouco sobre a teoria das cores e as diferenas entre imagens formadas por pixel e imagens vetoriais.Introduzo um ""mtodo"" que desenvolvi ao longo de mais de 30 anos de experincia, que vai facilitar o desenvolvimento de um fluxo prprio de trabalho, adequado para suas necessidades. Por fim, apresento o trabalho utilizando camadas, selees e mscaras. a base da maioria dos trabalhos de retoque de imagens digitais.Bom aproveito e agradeo os comentrios."
Price: 69.99

"TikTok Marketing" |
"Are You Ready To Leverage The TikTok Platform For Profits?How to Use TikTok Marketing to Grow a Massive Following, Drive More TikTok Traffic & Skyrocket Your TikTok Brand.TikTok Marketing Made Easy!Its About Time For You To Learn TikTok Marketing!? You need to make a good start with TikTok if you want to be successful with it.? In March 2020 there had been over 1 billion installs of TikTok.? There are over 500 million active users of TikTok and 26.5 million of these are from the United States.Dear Friend,The TikTok social media platform has seen explosive growth over the last two years.It now has 500 million users that are desperate for fun and exciting content and this is a massive opportunity for you to promote your business.To be successful with TikTok marketing you need to know how the platform works and how the users interact with each other.TikTok appeals to a younger demographic and you really need to speak their language to be successful.We have worked hard to provide you with everything that you need to know to use the TikTok platform to market your business successfully.Other marketers have tried marketing on TikTok and failed.We do not want you to make the same mistakes that they did.Heres where my advice for you comes in.With My Advice You will learn that a number of businesses and organizations have already leveraged the TikTok platform to get the word out. You will be able to engage with your audience on TikTok. You will learn how to create viral videos and grow your TikTok account. You will know how the platform works and how the users interact with each other. To make it easy, Ive put together a step-by-step guide that will show you exactly how its done..."
Price: 19.99

"How To Make Money On Youtube Without Ever Showing Your Face!" |
"In this course, I show you how to effectively set up and optimize your channel(s) for success. I dive deep into the core principles of what it takes to gain momentum and build successful youtube channels. I also show you what type of content works and how to figure out what to post. This course will give you the knowledge that you need to generate an income from youtube. What are you waiting for? See you on the inside!"
Price: 19.99
