"Tributao empresarial bsica para no contadores" |
"Ol a todos, sejam bem vindos ao curso Tributao empresarial bsica para no contadores.Quais os motivos de eu fazer esse curso?Resposta: Esse curso vai ajudar voc a entender a tributao nas empresas, voc vai aprender a contabilidade voltada para a tributao nas entidades com fins lucrativos. Voc vai aprender sobre o ICMS, ISS, PIS, COFINS, IRPJ, CSLL, Lucro Real, Lucro presumido, Simples Nacional e muito mais.Vou aprender de verdade?Resposta: Vai sim.Posso fazer perguntas ao professor?Resposta: Pode sim, quantas quiser.Tem certificado?Resposta: Tem sim.Quanto tempo posso acessar o curso?Resposta: O acesso vitalcio.Tem material para baixar?Resposta: Tem sim, deixarei alguns materiais para leitura.Qual a metodologia?Resposta: Eu uso apresentao de slides, fao a leitura, comentrios, explicaes, clculos etc."
Price: 54.99

"Coohom advanced for f&b shops" |
"This course will teach step by step how to create small f&b shops designs. Coohom software is heavily oriented to residential design, but is also a very suitable for retail, office space and f&B, In this class the student will learn how to customize the software and utilize external resorces to achieve any imaginable design."
Price: 19.99

"Mtier de destine" |
"Chmage longue dure ? Manque dvolution professionnelle ? Absence dpanouissement dans le travail?Le systme ducatif nous a prpars devenir accros la recherche de jobs dont nous sommes parfois victimes ! Cela se traduit par l'absence dpanouissement dans le travail, l'ennui, le dcouragement, le manque de motivation, le bore out quand ce ne sont pas carrment les maladies professionnelles comme le burn out. ""Votre mtier est ce pour quoi vous tes n. Aucun systme ducatif ne peut vous enseigner votre vritable mtier, car il est le but de votre vie, et il est rvl par les dons que Dieu vous a donns"". - Dr. Myles Munroe. Le mot ""mtier"", a la mme racine que le ministre. C'est l'appel de Dieu sur votre vie professionnelle. Ce qui est la confluence de ce pour quoi tes dou, ce que vous aimez, ce pour quoi vous tes pay et ce dont le monde a besoin. Le croisement entre votre passion, votre vocation, votre mission de vie et votre profession. Comme disent les japonais : votre ikigai. C'est ce vous allez dcouvrir travers ce cours.Si vous n'avez pas de vision claire ni d'objectifs spciques pour votre carrire professionnelle,Si vous vous ennuyez, vous tes dcourag, vous estimez que vous pouvez apporter des solutions mais votre hirarchie ne vous donne ni l'attention ncessaire ni les moyens d'exceller dans votre travailAlors ce programme de 21 jours de coaching pour enfin vivre lpanouissement professionnel 360 est pour vous:- Un parcours pour sortir du chmage et avoir un poste qui vous mette en valeur et renouer avec la promotion et l'ascension professionnelleLe Programme des 21 joursAu cours de cette formation nous travaillons sur le plan spirituel : nos penses (semaine 1), notre vision (semaine 2) et sur le plan physique : les outils concrets de recherche d'emploi et les stratgies pour oprer une reconversion professionnelle et naviguer en entreprise (semaine 3) afin dobtenir des perces dans notre carrire.Les enseignements de la semaine 3 sont assurs par le coach Ferdy Ed, Coach emploi et Fondateur de MY JOB, MY PASSION. Cadre RH depuis plus d'une dcennie, titulaire d'une Matrise en gestion des ressources humaines, il possde plusieurs annes d'exprience internationale dans le domaine du recrutement travers lEurope, lAfrique et lAmrique."
Price: 119.99

"How to Design & Animate Logo" |
"Creating animation for course introduction , starting from logo design, creating background, planning sequence, and animation. Then we compose the work and finish it as high quality animation.I will show you the complete explanation from beginning to end without cutting any part of the workCourse length: 2:33 HoursParts: 24Workflow:Design a stylish and beautiful logoDesign other art works for the animationSet the animation sequenceTransfer the designs to adobe animatePrepare design parts for animationMake the animationSend the animation to the after effectsCompose the animation, backgrounds, and other effectsAdd voice over, music and other sound effectsSoftware used:Adobe Photoshop for background manipulationAdobe Illustrator for designAdobe Animate for animationAdobe After Effects for animation and compositingDaVinci Resolve for combining narration music background, sfx and rendering"
Price: 99.99

ymjgqnqf |
":2:36 : 24 : after effects"
Price: 99.99

"La financin hipotecaria y la compra de vivienda." |
"El proceso de compra de una vivienda es sin duda uno de los ms importantes de nuestra vida. Y el hecho de que sea un tipo de compra que rara vez se haga en ms de 2 3 ocasiones, hace complicado que adquiramos un conocimiento suficiente como para ser conscientes de todos los pormenores que pueden darse en este tipo de operaciones, mxime si ademas nos vemos en la necesidad de solicitar financiacin hipotecaria, de la que normalmente tampoco sabemos gran cosa.En este curso, analizaremos cmo funcionan los prstamos hipotecarios, los aspectos que tienen en cuenta las entidades financieras a la hora de hacer el estudio de una hipoteca y los detalles a los que deberemos prestar atencin a la hora de comprar un vivienda.Se trata de un curso que busca ser til y accesible para todos los pblicos donde veremos los errores ms comunes que comete la gente a la hora de comprar una vivienda, aprenderemos a detectar posibles riesgos y a adquirir conocimientos suficientes como para poder comparar con criterio las diferentes ofertas de financiacin del mercado."
Price: 49.99

"Glute Dispute University" |
"Get into the mind of the EXPERT behind GLUTE DISPUTE...Research proves DOCTORS OF PHYSICAL THERAPY out-perform ALL physician specialists (except orthopedics) in managing musculoskeletal conditions.Start to understand the WHY behind the program. Once you understand the WHY and the CONCEPTS that built this program, you will be able to take those same principles and apply them to countless areas of your health pursuit!COURSE LEARNING OBJECTIVES:Understand WHY Glute Dispute is such a great long term investment for your health (opportunity costs & hidden facts revealed)Understand the BASICS of muscles (anatomy, physiology, types, applied principles of resistance training, practical applications)Get to KNOW your glutes (anatomy, premiere activation, clinical importance)Learn the ESSENTIAL components of this evidence-based exercise programBREAKDOWN of the Glute Dispute Program (insider access, expert advice to ensure best results)ADDITIONAL CONTENT INCLUDED! Over a $300 Value...Yours FREE!BACK HACKS. 5 Practical Steps: A Doctor's Insider To Beat Back Pain. 61-page eBook.10 MOST COMMON BELIEFS TO AVOIDULTIMATE TRAVEL WORKOUTDEEP ABDOMINAL PROGRESSIONFOAM ROLLING GUIDEVIP SUPPORT CERTIFICATION"
Price: 74.99

"Bandha Activation in Yoga + Ujayi breath+ Drishti+ Padmasana" |
"Learn how to activate the three Bandha, moola bandha, udiyana bandha, jalandara bandha, and bring them into your yoga practice and daily life to make the body light and strong, to prevent injury and back pain. Includes additional sections on Ujayi breathing, Drishti the gazing points and instructions of how to achieve padmasana (Lotus position) safely and a extra section of Pranayama."
Price: 39.99

"Automatic Authority: The NEW Way To Send Emails & Profit" |
"Discover battle-tested methods and strategies that have worked for me and countless others into a comprehensive program called The Email Profits Boot CampHere's What You'll Get:Email Profits Boot Camp... how to write emails that crank out sales on demand...Module 1: ""2X Your Sales Email Formula""... this is the exact process we use to bring your buyers out of hiding...Module 2: ""Audience Captivation Method""... how to speak directly to the core desires of your audience, and have them BEG to buy from you.Module 3: ""Email Copywriting Mastery""... how to structure your emails for maximum impact Module 4: ""Automatic Authority Formula""... the 7 step email sequence we use every time we launch a new product for one of our preferred clients... BONUS: 15 Minute Emails"" Report: ""How to sell anything, to anyone, in any niche, in just 15 minutes a day ($150 Retail Value)I'll take you by the hand and walk you through a series of proven sales conversion principles, and... For less than a cup of coffee a day, you'll discover and profit from secrets like:The odd (yet incredible) ""Shibuya Viewpoint"" that you can use to creates massive responsiveness from your list. (Module 1)The ONE SINGLE EMAIL that can produce more sales in the shortest amount of time... send this copy and paste email 15 minutes from now and see your inbox flooded with new inquiries as soon as tonight!Want to eliminate your toughest competition? Even make them irrelevant? Send this email in your first 3 days and they're as good as gone.How a ""skinny-fat"" weight loss coach used an advanced (and surprisingly simple) strategy to connect with his audience in a way they loved so much they started THROWING MONEY AT HIM!Why using audios, videos and live webinars in your marketing may be the BIGGEST MISTAKE you're making unless you know THIS first.Want to eliminate your toughest competition? Even make them irrelevant? Send this email in your first 3 days and they're as good as gone.How to use the ""Social Gap Method"" to convert sales with testimonials... even if you don't have any... yet.When to engage in pillow talk with internet trolls and how this dirty habit could be the answer to your next winning email campaign (it works. you've gotta see this.)and...When being an a-hole is the perfect profit-boosting technique. (Module 3, Lesson 4)How to re-engage your existing email list and uncover your subscribers' immediate problems, so that you can provide fast solutions and engineer salesHow to use the world's 6th largest website to ethically spy on your prospects so you can observe exactly what theyre saying about you and your competition ... more importantly HOW theyre saying it. HINT: Want product ideas and engaging offers that will sell FAST? Then this is for you! And when you couple this withThe ""Pepsi vs. Coke"" sales copy formula that turns internet trolls into your best source of product ideas (most of my personal emails come from this one tip)Tracking your open rates and click-through rates is important, right? Wrong! Module 3 explains why.Just the tip: How to give away value that and attract buyers instead of freebie-seeking time-vampires.The amazing subject line factory that hands you attention-grabbing subject lines that get your emails OPENED...On the topic of subject lines...If you believe your subject is the most important part of getting your emails opened, think again.Truth is, there's one part MORE important because aside from being loud, resorting to hype and tricking your subscribers into opening your messages...The main goal is to be a welcome guest and that's where you'll use this, combined with...""TRUST BUILDING ON FIRE"": This is an age-old life insurance sales trick that puts you in the ""long lost friend"" category (rather than the salesperson slot) so you can turn a distant sales message into kind of a quick, casual, talk over coffee.Struggle to find new ideas to write about? What if your target audience could write emails FOR you? Lesson 4 in Module 1 reveals how to come up with interesting, engaging and SALES-GENERATING emails that immediately connect DEEP inside the mind of your subscriber (in fact, they'll write your emails FOR you).Are you making this CRITICAL mistake in your marketing? If you are (I was only 3 years ago) -- you're losing 85% of your sales... Lesson 3 in Module 1 will help you fix this TODAY.IS THIS LEGAL? I couldn't believe it, but this website gives you virtually unlimited data on what your audience reads and watches, who they listen to and even how likely they are to buy from you! (if you've ever wanted the ""inside-track"", this is as close as it gets)As you can see there's a LOT covered.Anyway, here's the deal:I'm offering you this complete email mastery program:Now:If you've decided this is for you, the second you click the yellow button, enter your regular details and place your order...You'll learn the art of finding, connecting and converting your audience into sales...You'll quickly, easily and effortlessly come up with new angles and approaches to your message which I guarantee you've been overlooking in your marketing...You'll have the words to position yourself as a trusted AUTHORITY, which makes your subscribers buy immediately and repeatedly...PLUS... you're now in control of your business once and for all - not relying on anyone to sell for you -- you'll be the one in command and in demand. So right now, click the button below, enter your regular details and get started..."
Price: 24.99

"Learn Python By Coding Games" |
"Writing your own computer programs is a great skill to have. Whether it's for a hobby, a school computer science course, University or because you'd like a career as a software engineer.We all have to start at the beginning. This is why my Python course doesn't require any previous knowledge of computer programming. We'll start at the very beginning and work from there. Whatever your age, 9 to 90 this course will take you step-by-step from your very first line of code through to a fully working, object orientated, Python application.And what could be a more fun way to learn coding than to write computer games?All the programming examples and exercises in my course are based around building your very own games programs.We'll learn how to store data to represent game characters, test what's happening in our game so our code can decide what to do next, build Python classes to create objects that model our game, and add sound effects and graphics to make them look cool.We start with some simple text based games to teach you the basics of coding. Then we quickly move on to basic animation techniques. Finally we code a full version of the classic snake game which brings all your coding skills together and shows you how to apply them using professional programming techniques to create complex applications with ease.Every lesson is video-based and I take you through every line of code, explaining exactly how it works. There's lots of opportunity for you to have a go yourself first but knowing my fully explained solutions are there when you need them.As I work through the code on screen you follow along on your computer. As I get the code working so do you. Every piece of code we write in each lesson can also be downloaded as part of the lesson's resources. This way you always have a reference to fall back on if you need it.By the end of this course you will have all the skills required to write well structured, object orientated, working, Python games. You'll then be ready to expand your skills into any areas of programming you desire.So boot up your computer and start coding today."
Price: 29.99

"Videoscribe whiteboard animation complete guide from scratch" |
"Welcome to our Videoscribe Whiteboard Animation Course:Videoscribe for Beginners course!VideoScribe is software for creating whiteboard animations automatically. In order to use videoscribe you don't need any graphic designing skills. Videoscribe is easy to learn, quick and inexpensive. You can create great animated videos in no time. This course will teach you how to create whiteboard animations videos like a pro. I will also give you lots of tips and show you lots of tricks on the way. You can learn all the necessary skills from my course easily in order to create professional whiteboard animations videos.If you are a:Content creatorYoutuberMarketerVideo editorFreelancerOnline Course CreatorWant to create an advertisementOr want to create educational or explainer videosThen this course is beneficial for you.What will you learn in this course?In the first section, we will talk about what is videoscribe? And why you should use videoscribe instead of other whiteboard animations tools. After that, I will show you how to excess seven days of free trial version of videoscribe.In the second section, I will walk you through each tools step by step. First, I will show you how to add elements, text and how to create graphs. After that, I will also show you how to download and import your custom SVG elements. We will also look at hands options and backgrounds. We will also look at music and voice-over tools.In the third section, we will look at videoscribe templates.Finally, in the last section, we will be creating our complete videoscribe project from start to finish.What you will be able to do after this course? You will be able to create professional whiteboard animation videos. You will be able to visually express your ideas. You will be able to sell your services through freelancing. You will be able to create educational videos in no time. You will be able to create an advertisement video professionally."
Price: 199.99

"The Complete English Grammar Courses 1_ (A1-C1) level ." |
"In English grammar, verbs are often used in a way that it indicates or denotes the time when an event occurred. These verbs that take up different forms to indicate the time of an action, event or condition by changing its form are called as tenses. Tenses can be broadly classified into two broad categories:Past TensesPresent Tenses"
Price: 19.99

"American Sign Language Fingerspelling" |
"In this course, students from a beginner level all the way to an advanced level can learn how to spell using the manual alphabet in American Sign Language. Get tips and tricks on how to produce and read fingerspelling like a native signer. This course includes demonstrations, corrections and videos for practice."
Price: 19.99

"Photoshop em 1 Hora" |
"Curso inicial para aprender a criar suas publicaes em mdias sociais com o uso do photoshop.iniciando pelo bsico, compreendendo os paineis.Falaremos sobres suas ferramentas e principais uso, tudo direto ao ponto sem enrolar muito e no mencionando coisas desnecessrias para o marketing digital.Recortes e Remoo de fundo de imagens, tudo para melhorar nossa captao de clientes atravs de posts mais chamativos, lembrando que tudo depende da criatividade do aluno.Ao fim, conseguir criar suas publicaes e marketing em mdias sociais, sejam propagandas de comida ou montagens. (lembrando que poder cobrar para fazer artes para outras pessoas, o curso se paga no primeiro trabalho)"
Price: 39.99

"Corso Di Giornalismo Investigativo" |
"La nostra ormai diventata una societ dellinformazione.La diffusione di internet ha praticamente riscritto i modi in cui si raccolgono, si scrivono e si leggono le notizie, permettendo ai giornalisti di utilizzare nuovi strumenti in grado di diffondere un articolo a livello mondiale in pochi secondi, e ai lettori di disporre di una quantit di dati, notizie e informazioni impensabile fino a venti anni fa.Sul nostro corso potrai trovare pi di 20 ore di lezione da dei professionisti di giornalismo investigativo che ti spiegheranno le procedure per diventare anche tu un giornalista investigativo.Incluso nel corso potrai trovare 10 lezioni di criminologia."
Price: 199.99

"Azure DP-900 Practice Test Prep Exam" |
"Welcome to the Practice Test: DP-900.Questions asked with the most recent update of official exam references.The practice test contains questions based on basic data concepts; how to work with relational data in Azure; how to work with non-relational data in Azure; and an analytics workload on Azure.How about you prepare with DP-900 Azure practice tests with the latest reference.Implement Microsoft Identity Build Apps with Microsoft Graph Extend and Customize SharePoint Extend Teams Extend Office The mock exam questions were created based on the content described in the official documentation, giving you a chance to really test your knowledge before taking the official exam"
Price: 34.99

"MS-600 Practice Tests Prep Exam" |
"Welcome to the Practice Test: MS-600.Questions asked with the most recent update of official exam references.This practice tests measures your ability to perform the following technical tasks: implement Microsoft's identity; build applications with Microsoft Graph; extend and customize SharePoint; extend teams; and extend Office.How about you prepare with MS-600 Azure practice tests with the latest reference.Describe core data concepts.Describe how to work with relational data on Azure.Describe how to work with non-relational data on Azure.Describe an analytics workload on Azure.The mock exam questions were created based on the content described in the official documentation, giving you a chance to really test your knowledge before taking the official exam"
Price: 19.99

"Prototipagem rpida de interface para iniciantes. 3 Mtodos." |
"Voc est precisando tirar suas ideias de software do papel ou pensando em entrar para o mundo de UI/UX design? Esse curso vai te ensinar de maneira bem objetiva, como criar prottipos de forma rpida mesmo nos seus primeiros dias dentro desse novo mundo.Prottipos para validaes de ideias devem ser algo rpido de ser construdo para no se tornar um prejuzo caso seu cliente reprove sua proposta!____Meu nome Douglas Nonato, e nesse curso vou te ensinar como desenvolver prottipos navegveis, mesmo que voc no saiba nada sobre design. Vou te mostrar como criar prottipos de forma rpida para voc aplicar durante dinmicas de grupos como Design Sprint, ou mesmo para validar suas prprias ideias.Uma vez que metodologias geis como design sprint tem se tornado comum para o desenvolvimento de solues dentro das empresas, saber prototipar se tornou o novo bsico para quem trabalha com inovao e tecnologia.Assista o vdeo de apresentao e ementa e descubra todo o contedo programtico das aulas.Vamos aprender 3 mtodos- Como criar um prottipo NAVEGVEL a partir de um desenho feito com papel e caneta.- Como desenhar uma interface navegvel no Figma, suficientes para validar uma ideia com seus clientes.- Como criar uma interface completa de alta fidelidade utilizando uma biblioteca de componentes no Figma.VOC TAMBM TER ACESSO A UMA BIBLIOTECA COM MAIS DE 2 MIL ITENS EDITVEIS E EM ALTA FIDELIDADE, QUE ESTAR DISPONVEL PARA VOC BAIXAR E UTILIZAR TANTO NAS AULAS QUANTO EM QUALQUER PROJETO SEU.Eu tenho mais de 12 anos de experincia com desenhos de interfaces de produtos digitais e nesse curso vou te apresentar alguns truques que aprendi nessa jornada, especialmente para quem est iniciando no mundo das interfaces. Busquei fazer esse curso de forma bem simplificada e objetiva, para ajudar principalmente quem conhece pouco sobre ferramentas de prototipao a tirar suas ideias do papel. E a ideia aqui te dar uma ferramenta qual voc consiga criar uma representao visual da sua ideia."
Price: 189.99

"Thai Language Read & Write: Level 1 Part 2" |
"Sawasdee kha!Welcome back to Learn THAI with Kitiya Level 1 Part 2In this course you will learn:- Thai 32 vowels.- How to pronounce the vowels correctly.- The different position of vowels.- Writing each vowel with the possible words, worksheets are provided.- Review is at the end of the course.- Printable 160 PDF pages and provided in each lecture separately.Ready? Here we go!!KitiyaFacebook: Learn THAI with Kitiya"
Price: 24.99

"SpringBoot2+SpringSecurity+Ant Design Pro+Vue+AlibabaRBAC" |
"IT Spring Boot 2+ SpringSecurity5+Element UI+Ant Design Pro Vue+AntV Spring Boot2 MVC Spring Security5 MyBatisPlus3.3.1 MyBatis MyBatisCode MyBatis Jackson JSON Lombok Druid Vue Vue Router Vuex Axios HTTP Element UI UI Ant Design Pro Vue Antv AntV TypeScript IntelliJ IDEA IDESQLyog Postman HTTP JDK 1.8MySQL 5.7"
Price: 39.99

"Bateria Jazz" |
"O jazz e' um estilo musical muito legal e bastante complexo especialmente aplicado na bateria. Nesse meu ""Curso Bsico Bateria Jazz"" eu resolvi colocar a maiorias dos elementos bsicos para comear a tocar de um jeito legal esse estilo. Completando todo o curso, o aluno vai ter uma viso bem ampla das guraces principais usadas pelos grandes bateras de jazz. Juntos com os vdeos, o aluno tem acesso a as partituras e udios de cada aula podendo assim ter o material disponvel em qualquer momento e a onde quiser."
Price: 39.99

Network+ |
"welcome to the practice tests:CompTIA Network+ Certification. The organization method for preparing for the exam very important,The best of them are the questions for each chapter.The benefit of this method lies in the case of incorrectly answering the questions, re-studying the chapter, and avoiding errors during the answer. There is 5 practice tests: - Network basics - Computer networking - Network devices - Network security - Internet"
Price: 19.99

"Snapseed Easy Learning Full Tutorial" |
"In this course, you'll easy learn how to use Snapseed, in imaginative ways by strolling you through the specific steps which I used to apply for my unique pictures.The objective of the course isn't just to show you how to use the different options of Snapseed. The main reason is to show you creative editing of image.Why you need to attend?Real Examples - You can download copies of all the images in the course and follow along with me as we make some magic together! Apply skills in any App - The principals you learn here are the same creative processing principals you can apply to all your photo processingDirect - you can ask any questions direct, I'm happy to help youAccess - you have lifetime access to the course.Optimized - The techniques you learn here can be applied to Snapseed for the desktop, iPad, iPhone, & Android!"
Price: 24.99

"The Daniel Fast: A Bridge to Healthy Living" |
"We cant do Gods work if we dont feel our best. What the Daniel Fast offers is using prayer and whole, plant foods to restore health and feel better. This course will guide you through 21 days (or three weeks) of eating a whole-food, plant-based diet packaged with nutritional education and meal planning strategies. Side effects may include weight loss, mental and spiritual clarity, chronic disease reversal, increased energy, and much more."
Price: 79.99

"Framework Python vi Selenium 3.x" |
"Kim tra t ng ha vi Selenium v Python hoc pht trin cc tp lnh chy cc lnh kim tra t ng i vi mt lot cc trnh duyt, s hiu qu hn v chi ph, chnh xc v nhanh hn so vi kim tra th cng. Vic thiu s can thip th cng s lm gim kh nng xy ra li v bn s c th tm thy li giai on u, lm cho qu trnh tr nn ng tin cy hn. Bng cch t ng kim tra web ca bn, bn s c th chy th nghim trn nhiu browsers cng mt lc, iu ny l khng th i vi th nghim th cng.Vi hn 100 bi hc s dn cc bn lam quen vi Python v cch kt hp Python vi Selenium. Bn cnh , chng trnh cng gip cc bn xy dng mt framework t c bn cho n lc nng cao, v s dng n cho cc d n ca cc bn."
Price: 24.99

four-must-business-skills |
Price: 10800.00

"Aprenda LIGHTROOM completo e mais de 300 PRESETS disponveis" |
"Otimize seu tempo editando no lightroom. O treinamento dado no curso voltado para rea de edio de imagens fotogrficas, criao de presets, galerias, gerenciamento de cores, entre outros, o treinamento dado totalmente voltado para quem trabalha ou pretende trabalhar na rea de Fotografias ou deseja melhorar 100% suas imagens."
Price: 39.99

"The Birth of the Blues: A Social and Musical History" |
"In this course, Ill take you through the history of blues music starting from the very beginning up to the 1960s and beyond. I will explore all the social changes and how do they affect the blues. We will look into the life of the most talented musicians who made the history of the music. The blues has deep roots in American history, particularly African-American history. You will learn about the context and the content of blues songs, and you will be introduced to the technical elements of the Blues. So, lets start our journey through the blues music!"
Price: 34.99

"Excel Workshop" |
"Excel Workshop ( ) , , , , -Campaign ActivityCampaign Response"
Price: 600.00

"Dao De Jing: Living with Ease" |
"The Dao De Jing is an ancient Chinese classic attributed to the 6th Century BCE sage, Laozi. The text is one of the most translated works of literature in the world. The insights contained within it are an inspiration for anyone seeking to live in harmony with nature and find inner liberation.This course is designed to be experiential and self-reflective. Rather than simply giving you intellectual information on the Dao De Jing, our aim is to help everyone experience the profound state of mind that enabled texts like the Dao De Jing to be written in the first place. This includes: - Recognizing our conditioning - Examining our core beliefs- Discovering our true nature - Learning to move through life with more ease and effortlessness The course includes original translations by Mei, your course instructor, who studied Oriental Studies at Oxford and has been a practitioner of contemplative arts since childhood. As with all Intrinsic Wellness courses, students are invited to become the 'living philosophers' and to take your own lives as the real subject of study."
Price: 189.99

"Learn Binary Mathematics for Students and Beginners" |
"Numbers are all around us and for the most part we take them for granted. If I offered you 3255 you would be happy because you know that is a large sum of money. Any number system is a means of representing values, quantities and codes. Decimal is just one of several number systems which represents numbers in base 10. Binary, base 2, numbers are used in various fields, especially computing.In my course Binary Mathematics for Students and Beginners, I will introduce you to binary, you will learn binary conversions and arithmetic, with detailed explanations via video, also worksheets and quizzes."
Price: 19.99
