"Cantonese Character (Traditional Chinese) : Beginner 300" |
"Cantonese Character (Traditional Chinese) : Beginner 300They are the most basic Traditional Chinese characters for beginner. In Hong Kong, kindergarten are able to recognize 500 Chinese characters in general. Primary school students (P6) are able to recognize 3000+ Chinese characters. We learn writing at the beginning of primary school because it is the most difficult part. After learning this course, you are more or less reaching primary 3 level in Chinese character writing. If you want to go further, 1000 written Chinese characters are totally enough for you in Hong Kong, not only survive, but without any difficulties in daily life. Material Include:1. 300 Traditional Chinese Character Origin Explanation 2. 300 Traditional Chinese Character Writing Demonstration2. 1800 Cantonese Vocabularies3. 1800 Cantonese Sentence4. 300 Writing Pads5. 18 Bonus Lectures for ""The structure of Chinese characters""After this course, you will learn - the pronunciation- the meaning- the origin of the character- the part of speech of each character- common vocabularies- how to write- learn stroke order step-by-step- how to memorize the character- the way we use the character- various of related vocabularies- various sentence of formal traditional Chinese- what kinds of components are included. You will have different writing practice. Each lesson, we provide extra writing assignments for you.Cantonese300L1 L2 L3 L4 L5 L6 L7 L8 L9 L10 L11 L12 L13 L14 L15 L16 L17 L18 L19 L20 L21 L22 L23 L24 L25 L26 L27 L28 L29 L30 L31 L32 L33 L34 L35 L36 L37 L38 L39 L40 L41 L42 L43 L44 L45 L46 L47 L48 L49 L50 L51 L52 L53 L54 L55 L56 L57 L58 L59 L60 L61 L62 L63 L64 L65 L66 L67 L68 L69 L70 L71 L72 L73 L74 L75 L76 L77 L78 L79 L80 L81 L82 L83 L84 L85 L86 L87 L88 L89 L90 L91 L92 L93 L94 L95 L96 L97 L98 L99 L100 Cantonese300_The structure_of_Chinese charactersL1_The Structure of Chinese charactersL2_The structure of Chinese charactersL3_Early formation_of_Chinese_charactersL4_Single-component_characterL5_Single-component_characterL6_Single-component _characterL7_Above_to_belowL8_Above_to_belowL9_Above_to_belowL10_Left_to_rightL11_Left_to_rightL12_Left_to_rightL13_Outside_to_insideL14_Outside_to_insideL15_Outside_to_insideL16_Diagonal_structureL17_Left_to_middle_and_rightL18_Above_to_middle_and_belowAbout InstructorGabrielle has worked in Education industry for 13 years in Hong Kong. After taking the whole series (3-course), you are able to write at least 900 Traditional Chinese Characters.- What we have4K students are following Gab Gab CantoneseStudents cover 200+ countriesMore than 1.2 Million minutes of teaching experience Produced 660+ video lessonsTeaching Certificate granted by Chinese University of Hong KongLocal Hong Kong Teachers- What we offerProfessional Cantonese coursesProfessional Chinese coursesChinese Character writingChinese reading coursesChinese writing courseboth formal and informal CantoneseBeginner/ Intermediate/ Advanced LessonsCorporate TrainingEXTRA tailor-made notesFREE resources"
Price: 79.99

"Optimization Modeling in Python" |
"**Brand New For September 2020 - Optimization modeling in Python Course on Udemy**Join your fellow researchers and experts in operation research industry in learning the fundamentals of the optimal decision making and optimization .If you just want to learn Python then this course is not for you if you want to learn Optimization modeling in Python then Welcome to the Optimization modelking in Python course!I will walk you through every step of Python coding with real-life case studies, actual experiments, and tons of examples from around different disciplines. By the end of this course, you'll be able to:Build the skills you need to get your first Python optiimization programming jobMove to a more senior software developer positionthen you need a solid foundation in Optimization and operation research Python programming. And this course is designed to give you those core skills, fast.Code your own optimization problem in Python (Pyomo package) .Receive your official certificate The developed course is suitable for you even if you have no background in the power systems.In this Optimization in Python from scratch course you will learn:How to formulate your problem and implement it in Python (Pyomo) and make optimal decisions in your real-life problemsHow to code efficiently, get familiarised with the techniques that will make your code scalable for large problemsHow to design an action block with a clearly defined conversion goalHow to run sensitivity analysis in Python to predict the outcome of a decision if a situation turns out to be different compared to the key predictions.For your convenience the course is broken into two sections :General Python coding (Pure Pyomo, elements, loops, multi-objectives, conditional statements, Examples)More than 40 solved examples ... and much, much more! By finishing this course, you will have the power to transform your coding skills into a powerful decision making making. .If you think this Python (Pyomo) coding is complicated, it's not.If you think Python (Pyomo) coding is time-taking, it's not.If you think watching this course won't make a difference in your professional career ... think again.I've consulted with several companies and researchers around the world and have consulted them on how to use optimization techniques in their business. Trust me, I learned all this the hard way.Along with the video content of the course, there are many bonuses.What if you have questions?As if this course wasnt complete enough, we offer full support, answering any questions you have 7 days a week (whereas many instructors answer just once per week, or not at all).This means youll never find yourself stuck on one lesson for days on end. With our hand-holding guidance, youll progress smoothly through this course without any major roadblocks.Does the course get updated?Its no secret how technology is advancing at a rapid rate. New, more powerful hardware and software are being released every day, meaning its crucial to stay on top with the latest knowledge.A lot of other courses on Udemy get released once, and never get updated. Learning from an outdated course and/or an outdated version of Python can be counter productive and even worse it could teach you the wrong way to do things.We cover differences like this in the course and also continually update the course as well.BONUSES:Downloadable resources and guidesAn audio version of the course to listen on the goQ&A videos the answer your specific questionsAssignments that make you productive while taking the courseAn instructor who truly cares about your successThis is the course on landing page design I wish I had when I was first starting out!OUR PROMISE TO YOUWe'll be here for you every step of the way. If you have any questions about the course content or anything related to this topic, you can always post a question in the course or send me a direct message.We want to make this the best course on how to use Python (Pyomo). So if there is any way we can improve this course, just tell us and we'll make it happen.Enroll today and enjoy:Lifetime access to the course and all future updatesOver 3 hours of high quality, up to date video lecturesExercises and feedbackAccess to the student-only discussion forum30 day, no questions asked, money-back guaranteeWith our 30-day 100% money-back guarantee, there's no reason to hesitate.I'll give you two more reasons why you should enrol right this second:Your investment in this course will quickly be paid back even just by implementing some of the techniques I share with you. There are hundreds of gold nuggets to choose from, making this course the best investment in your own education and future success.While today is still the best day you can get started with Python (Pyomo) coding, it will get harder for engineers as the markets get more and more competitive. You want to start as soon as you can (like now) to take advantage of this growing market. Instead of struggling and trying to do everything yourself, just learn from someone who has already figured it out.I CAN'T WAIT TO SEE YOUR SUCCESSSee you inside!A."
Price: 194.99

SalesForce |
"Salesforce. . , . - ""-"". ! . :- - -"
Price: 19.99

"MS-500 Microsoft 365 Security Administration Real Exam Tests" |
"Latest available questions!!!Get a feel of the real MS-500 exam and guarantee yourself a PASS by taking these two practice tests ( 50 questions each ) which simulate the real exam accurately. Skills measuredThis exam measures your ability to accomplish the technical tasks listed below. The percentages indicate the relative weight of each major topic area on the exam. The higher the percentage, the more questions you are likely to see on that content area on the exam.Implement and manage identity and access (30-35%)Implement and manage threat protection (20-25%)Implement and manage information protection (15-20%)Manage governance and compliance features in Microsoft 365 (20-25%)"
Price: 39.99

"A Quick Intro to Distributed Tracing with Jaeger" |
"In this course students will quickly learn the basics of Jaeger so they can hit the ground running for any project related to distributed monitoring for micro-services. In this course we setup a Jaeger server locally on your machine and then test it out with their sample ""HotRod"" application. We will follow all the default settings and keep it easy to understand. Once you have understood how to do this, you will be able to setup Jaeger and integrate it with your custom applications as well. Then you can setup monitoring as per your own needs and requirements.Once you are done with this course, you would have setup Jaeger, integrated it with a Java-Spring application and made use of all the popular Jaeger features. This will include setting up spans and traces along with tags and logs. You will be able to make use of some advanced features like the ChildOf function.Everything is well documented and separated, so you can find what you need. Assignments and Quizzes will make sure you stay on track and test your knowledge. The course will have a combination of theory and practical examples."
Price: 29.99

"Metodologia - Programa 5S" |
"Se voc busca melhoria na organizao do seu ambiente de trabalho ou at mesmo em casa, ento este curso pra voc! 5s uma metodologia reconhecida mundialmente, que visa a criao de um ambiente propcio para implantao de sucesso de um programa de qualidade total, garantindo a capacidade de realizao das tarefas com eficincia.Neste treinamento voc vai aprender como fazer o programa 5s funcionar e gerar retorno, aumentar empregabilidade e visibilidade dentro da organizao. Para que esta ferramenta funcione necessrio que todos contribuam com a organizao de forma padronizada, para garantir que as atividades sejam feitas e os resultados sejam alcanados de forma sistemtica.Ser abordado neste treinamento:- Questo comportamental;- Implementao dos Sensos;- Auditoria dos Sensos;- Check List de Auditoria;- Cronograma.Sou o Prof Ronaldo, atuo no mercado de consultoria, treinamento e auditoria desde 1990 e junto com minha equipe criamos uma srie de treinamentos RPIDOS de ferramentas da qualidade, tambm conhecidas como de gesto, usadas nas organizaes.Melhore o seu desempenho e o desempenho da sua empresa! Aproveite esta srie de treinamentos rpidos e prticos e mergulhe nas ferramentas da qualidade com a gente!Prof RonaldoEquipe Doutor gesto."
Price: 129.99

"Mastering AP Physics : Newton's Laws of Motion" |
"This Mastering AP Physics Course on Newton's Laws of Motion is not just about gaining a superficial understanding of the three laws but you will confidently solve even complex problems which others may hesitate to even attempt. This comes with the clarity of concepts, good problem-solving practice through a large number of varied problems. Concepts are built layer upon layer. The interesting journey starts with fundamentals and goes to the intermediate level and effortlessly we reach the advanced level.Blocks, pulleys, inclined planes and their various combinations including constrained motion will come easy. Complex problems especially involving accelerated frames, where even many teachers find difficult to tread in, you will attempt with confidence.Pravesh Sharma is the instructor of this course. He is a graduate engineer from Indian Institute of Technology-New Delhi (I.I.T).India. He also holds a post-graduate degree in psychology. He has more than 25 years of experience of teaching Physics to high school students and teaching subjects like mechanics, heat and thermodynamics, DC circuits etc to engineering undergraduate students."
Price: 99.99

"PMP Smart Exam Prep- PMBOK Guide 6" |
"This is a smart way to prepare for the PMP Exam. Enroll and start your journey to become a PMP.Covered everything you need to know and learn to pass the PMP exam.Detailed lecture for maths to ensure you fully understand and not miss out a single math questionSummary included at the end of each lecture to reinforce the learningUniquely developed smart techniques applied and included to facilitate easy understanding and fast learningShortcuts used for critical processes from where a number of questions are expectedStep by step processes included for critical processes or activities with shortcuts to use in the examLecture note for each chapter that can be used as is or modified to suit for easy reference and revision Section Quiz included after each ChapterAssignments and problem solving engagement throughout the course.To clear the PMP exam you need a good plan and right resources with good quality that will help you to reach your goal. This course will help you to achieve your goal- pass the PMP exam. The techniques used to learn project management processes in this course are proven and effective that will save you a significant amount of time trying to learn in a conventional way. This course used real-life examples for your easy understanding and answer the scenario-based questions in the exam.With excellent descriptions, appropriate techniques and detailed yet to the point explanation will help you to understand the intet of the processes outlined in the PMBOK Guide. This course is taught by Ash Islam, PMP- a project manager, author and instructor of another couple of project management courses.PMP, PMBOK is the registered mark of the Project Management Institute, Inc."
Price: 84.99

"Como Trabajar en mi Profesin o Hacer Postgrado en EE.UU." |
"En este curso encontrars informacin valiosa que te permitir insertarte en el mercado laboral estadounidense y/o realizar estudios de postgrado. Esta gua est basada en la experiencia de ms de 25 profesionales de diversas reas que han realizado sus estudios universitarios fuera de los Estados Unidos y que actualmente laboran en este pas, incluyendo al instructor. Adems, se ha realizado una investigacion exhaustiva y juiciosa, trayendo este asequible pero valioso material, cuyo objetivo primordial es ayudarte a cumplir tus objetivos profesionales en Estados Unidos.Carreras con requisitos especiales que se cubren en el curso: Medicina, Odontologa, Enfermera. Este no es un curso esttico, sino que se estar ampliando y actualizando continuamente.Disclaimer: Este curso no pretende ser una gua oficial ni definitiva para ninguno de los procesos aqu explicados. Tampoco pretende detallar cada paso en los procesos."
Price: 24.99

"Sculpting In Zbrush- Project Grenade!" |
"Guiding you on this journey is an award winning digital sculptor, Art Academy professor and a studio head with over 15 years of industry experience! ZBRUSH-SUBSTANCE PAINTER-MARMOSET TOOLBAGWe will start in Zbrush, mastering Zmodeler to model a SF Grenade based on 2d design by Ben Mauro! I will show you my workflow for doing retopology in Zbrush, we will leverage the power of booleans and polygorups, all to create an exceptional model that we will bring into Substance Painter! If you never used Substance Painter, i got you covered- with an Introduction to Substance Painter section!We will make complex textures and materials in Substance Painter and in the end render it all within Substance Painter, export it to Photoshop to create our final hero shot with just minor CC!BUT we will not stop there! Once that is done we will go back into Zbrush to take our sculpt to the lowest poly count possible! Once we make the low poly model, we will bring it back into Substance Painter, transfer our surface and texture material from our previous sculpt! We now how a game ready low poly model! We will take this into Marmoset Toolbag! If you never used it before, no worries, i make an introduction to Marmoset and take you step by step as we recreate our Substance materials and create an awesome scene that is now real time rendered in Marmoset! We use the Artstation export withing Marmoset to publish our model on Artstation so you can show the world your creation in full 3d glory!GET ACCESS TO OUR SCULPTING IN ZBRUSH FB GROUP AND DISCORD CHANNEL!! Ask question, share progress, get C&C!!Let's learn together!"
Price: 49.99

"naat Mhendisleri SAP2000 reniyor" |
"Bu derste gereksiz zaman kayb yok !Hayatta parayla satn alamayacamz eylerin banda zaman gelir.ok basit ve hibir iinize yaramayacak bilgiler ile uzun uzadya urap sre iirme yaplmamtr.Anlatmak istenilen bilgiye olabildiince ksa yoldan gidip anlatlmtrnaat mhendislii okurken Statik analiz projeleriyle uraanlar veya Statik analiz hakknda bilgi edinmek isteyenler iin hazrlam olduum Sap2000 eitimindesiniz. Eitimde ;Sap 2000'nin balang fonksiyonlar hakknda bilgi sahibi olacaksnzBirok zml proje ile Betonarme konularnda kendinize gveneceksiniz.Birok zml proje ile elik yaplar konularnda kendinize gveneceksiniz.Yapacanz devler sizleri de eitimin bir paras haline getirecek.Ltfen dersi alan arkadalar olumlu ya da olumsuz yorum yapmay unutmasnlar. Bir eitmen olarak kendimi gelitirmek ve ileride akademik yaantma 1-0 nde balamak iin Udemy'i ve buradaki yorumlar mutlaka dikkate alacam."
Price: 99.99

"G Suite Administration Course" |
"This course is designed to help administrators master the foundations of establishing and managing G Suite for their organization.You will setup a new G Suite account, and explore provisioning options. You will learn how to manage users and become familiar with organizational structures and core services such as Gmail and Calendar. You will learn how to configure these services to meet your own needs for different parts of the organization.You will configure email compliance and implement measures to protect your organization from spam, spoofing, phishing and malware attacks. You will also become familiar with the various mail routing options available.During this course I will share with you Google best practices and we will compare between G Suite plans during this training."
Price: 64.99

"En este entrenamiento encontraras las herramientas para convertirte en tu propio sanador y liberador a travs de las enseanzas y guas de Jess el Cristo. encontraras niveles mas avanzados de crecimiento espiritual. Alcanzaras un mayor nivel de conciencia y conocimiento que te llevaran a describir tu propia verdad. Entenderas que no hay mejor teraupera que uno mismo cuando te responsabilizas de tu propio caso y te determinas a cambiar de vida. Este entrenamiento te llevara a tomar una decisin radical para que tu transformacin sea radical. Reconocers que para llevar al xito y satisfaccin personal tendrs que adoptar disciplinas que te ayuden al cumplimiento de los objetivos y metas que tengas en lo profundo de tu corazn. Si estas cansado de sufrir, fracasar, estar enfermo, triste, arruinado, desanimado, torturado, derrotado este entrenamiento es para ti. Si has conectado con este curso es porque la vida te esta dando una nueva oportunidad de intentarlo de no rendirte. Si haces todas las tareas aqu indicadas lograras alcanzar mayores estado de Paz, amor, armonia, sanacion , liberacion y prosperidad. No necesitaras creer nada tiene la obligacin de verificar esta informacin. Solo debes dedicarte a estudiar, enfocarte , decidirte , animarte y automotivarse constantemente. organiza tu tiempo , dispone un lugar apropiado, hazlo con la mxima excelencia, da lo mejor de ti y la vida empezara a responderte de la mejor manera posible. Aqui veras mi historia todo lo que viv y como Cristo me saco de un hueco profundo que no tenia salida pero El si tenia todo para transformarse en un ser nuevo con una mente renovada una emociones entrenadas y razonamiento con enfoque positivo y mucho mas. Aqui esta parte de lo que tuve que empezar a entender, profesionalizar mi espiritualidad fue clave para alcanzar mayores niveles de felicidad y tranquilidad. Perdonarme y perdonar mi pasado a travs de la gracia de Cristo cambio mi vida para siempre haciendo salir del estado de victimismo y autocompasin para convertirme en una mujer con carcter y visin. Este entrenamiento honra a Cristo como mi seor y salvador El fue el nico que pudo hacer mi vida nueva y vital . Cambio los das grises por das soleados , cambio mi desesperanza pro una esperanza constante lleno mi vida como nada ni nadie lo pudo hacer jamas. Tu vida despus de este entrenamiento jamas sera igual sera mucho mejor Mas de 20 anos de experiencia impartiendo conocimiento e instruccin"
Price: 19.99

"OKR: Simulador de Examen & Material de Estudio" |
"Esta certificacin permite a los titulares de OKRCP facilitar todos los niveles del ciclo de vida de OKR en su organizacin (o clientes), desde el desarrollo de buenos objetivos y resultados clave hasta el despliegue de objetivos estratgicos, tcticos y operativos, monitoreo y cierre con buen gobierno y disciplina. Usando este conocimiento adquirido, harn que la cultura OKR sea accesible para todos los empleados de la organizacin (o clientes).Es un enfoque que es simple de entender y difcil de aplicar, para crear alineacin y compromiso en torno a objetivos medibles. El objetivo es asegurar que todos se muevan en la misma direccin, con prioridades claras, a un ritmo constante. Los OKR han sido una condicin para las inversiones en Startups, ya que proporcionan una previsibilidad proporcional del posicionamiento estratgico y la priorizacin.Elementos del Curso:Material de estudio digital de los contenidos de la certificacin.Simulador de Examen de 40 preguntas de apoyo para la certificacin, en el cual puedes practicar con preguntas similares al del examen real, en cada intento las preguntas y alternativas se ordenan aleatoriamente.Asesora Virtual del Simulador de Examen: Si tienes consultas sobre las preguntas y/o respuestas del Simulador de Examen, puedes escribirnos va WhatsApp, Telegram o e-mail y nosotros te explicaremos la pregunta o te justificaremos la respuesta segn corresponda.Un 25% de descuento en el examen de OKR Certified Professional (OKRCP) en espaol, al adquirirlo con nosotros. Incluye segundo intento Gratis.Informacin Relevante:Este curso NO incluye videos.El programa de ITC puntos es vlido para las compras realizadas desde el 1 de julio de 2020.Al adquirir este curso obtienes 1000 ITC puntos, los cuales podrs usar para canjear cursos de apoyo, descuentos en cursos e-learning y en exmenes de certificacin, entre otros beneficios, lo anterior para premiar a nuestros estudiantes por preferirnos. Udemy NO entrega certificado de finalizacin al completar este curso, porque es del tipo Examen de Prueba.Somos miembros de la red de socios CertiProf Authorized Training Partners.La entrega de material del curso se realiza va e-mail, de Lunes a Viernes de 09:00 a 18:00 horas y Sbado de 09:00 a 14:00 horas. Domingo Cerrado. Zona Horaria: UTC/GMT -3 horas.Si tienes consultas adicionales, contctanos va WhatsApp/Telegram al +56 9 43532900"
Price: 149.99

"Innovation Management: Simulador e Material de Estudo" |
"Innovation Management: Material de estudo e teste prticoA certificao Innovation Management Certified Professional (IMCP), oferece um entendimento detalhado dos principais conceitos e definies para uma melhor compreenso desta metodologia que auxilia na promoo da inovao empresarial de forma bem sucedida, ao entender esta disciplina que visa promover um processo ou uma cultura de iniciativas que focam em mudanas disruptivas ou etapas que transformam os negcios de maneira significativa.Tipo de curso: Teste experimentalAjude os alunos a se prepararem para os exames de certificao, fornecendo perguntas prticas.Contedo do curso:Simulador de 40 perguntas de mltipla escolha para apoiar a certificao, nas quais voc pode praticar com perguntas semelhantes ao exame real, marcando sua resposta e vendo a pontuao obtida no final. Em cada tentativa, as perguntas so ordenadas aleatoriamente, desta forma voc pode exercitar quantas vezes voc considerar necessrio.Material de estudo para certificao em PDF.Inclui um desconto de 30% no exame Innovation Management Professional Certificate (IMPC), quando voc o compra conosco. Consideraes importantes:Este curso NO inclui vdeos.Somos membros da rede de parceiros de parceiros de treinamento autorizados CertiProf."
Price: 19.99

"Trabajo Remoto" |
"El objetivo de este curso es brindar prcticas mundiales aceptadas, metodologas de apoyo generales, herramientas, tcnicas y transmisin de experiencia del facilitador en el trabajo remoto (Teletrabajo).Elementos del Curso:Video clases tericas de 70 minutos para apoyar la preparacin de la certificacin de Remote Worker. Material de estudio digital de los contenidos de la certificacin.Asesora Virtual del Material del Curso: Si tienes consultas en tu estudio, puedes escribirnos va WhatsApp, Telegram o e-mail y nosotros te resolveremos tus dudas.Certificado de Finalizacin de Udemy al completar el curso.Incluye el examen de certificacin Remote Worker Professional Certificate (RWPC) por tiempo limitado.Informacin Relevante:El programa de ITC puntos es vlido para las compras realizadas desde el 17 de septiembre de 2020.Al adquirir este curso obtienes 1000 ITC puntos, los cuales podrs usar para canjear cursos de apoyo, descuentos en cursos e-learning y en exmenes de certificacin, entre otros beneficios, lo anterior para premiar a nuestros estudiantes por preferirnos. El material de estudio y la certificacin Remote Worker son vlidos para compras realizadas desde el 22 de septiembre de 2020Somos miembros de la red de socios CertiProf Authorized Training Partners.La entrega de material del curso se realiza va e-mail, de Lunes a Viernes de 09:00 a 18:00 horas y Sbado de 09:00 a 14:00 horas. Domingo Cerrado. Zona Horaria: UTC/GMT -3 horas.Si tienes consultas adicionales, contctanos va WhatsApp/Telegram al +56 9 43532900"
Price: 199.99

"Kanban Essentials" |
"Kanban es una tcnica en la que se dan instrucciones de trabajo mediante tarjetas, que estn hechas en funcin de los requerimientos del cliente con el objetivo de controlar el avance del trabajo y lograr un producto o servicio de calidad.Kanban ayuda particularmente a coordinar la produccin de productos y servicios, adaptarse a las diferentes variaciones de la produccin de productos y servicios para identificar las zonas susceptibles de mejora.Convirtete en un profesional de Kanban Essentials! Esta certificacin te llevar a travs de la historia del Kanban, las 5 propiedades principales, principios lean, Scrum, cascada vs gil y msElementos del Curso:Video clases tericas de 120 minutos para apoyar la preparacin de la certificacin de Kanban Essentials. Material de estudio digital de los contenidos de la certificacin.Simulador de Examen de 40 preguntas de apoyo para la certificacin, en el cual puedes practicar con preguntas similares al del examen real, en cada intento las preguntas y alternativas se ordenan aleatoriamente.Asesora Virtual del Simulador de Examen: Si tienes consultas sobre las preguntas y/o respuestas del Simulador de Examen, puedes escribirnos va WhatsApp, Telegram o e-mail y nosotros te explicaremos la pregunta o te justificaremos la respuesta segn corresponda.Un 25% de descuento en el examen de Kanban Essentials Professional Certificate (KEPC) en espaol, al adquirirlo con nosotros. Incluye segundo intento Gratis.Certificado de Finalizacin de Udemy al completar el curso.Informacin Relevante:El programa de ITC puntos es vlido para las compras realizadas desde el 17 de julio de 2020.Al adquirir este curso obtienes 1000 ITC puntos, los cuales podrs usar para canjear cursos de apoyo, descuentos en cursos e-learning y en exmenes de certificacin, entre otros beneficios, lo anterior para premiar a nuestros estudiantes por preferirnos. El material de estudio y el simulador de examen son vlidos para compras realizadas desde el 17 de septiembre de 2020Somos miembros de la red de socios CertiProf Authorized Training Partners.La entrega de material del curso se realiza va e-mail, de Lunes a Viernes de 09:00 a 18:00 horas y Sbado de 09:00 a 14:00 horas. Domingo Cerrado. Zona Horaria: UTC/GMT -3 horas.Si tienes consultas adicionales, contctanos va WhatsApp/Telegram al +56 9 43532900"
Price: 199.99

"C# para iniciantes 2020 - Crie 4 projetos" |
"C# uma bela linguagem de programao que pode ser usada para criar qualquer tipo de software.C# uma linguagem to verstil, que com ela voc consegue criar aplicativos mveis, jogos, sites e apps desktop.Aps voc dominar os conceitos de programao com C# e .NET Framework, voc vai ter muitas opes de reas para escolher. Voc pode escolher criar aplicativos mveis ou aplicaes web. Desde que voc saiba os fundamentos da linguagem, fcil criar qualquer coisa com C#.Neste curso, Victor Lima, fundador da escola Guia do Programador, vai te ensinar os fundamentos da programao com C# de uma maneira clara, slida e passo-a-passo. No s isso, como ele tambm vai te ensinar orientao a objetos e as melhores prticas e truques que vo te ajudar a se tornar um grande programador.Cada mdulo contm aulas em vdeo completamente planejadas para serem usadas em situaes prticas, e vamos colocar os conhecimentos passados em prtica desenvolvendo 4 projetos do zero com C#, resolvendo situaes do mundo real na programao. Fazendo com que voc desenvolva a forma de pensar de um programador.Se voc quer ser um programador de sucesso, com um bom salrio e a liberdade para escolher qualquer trabalho, voc precisa aprender a pensar como um grande programador. E vai ser essa a habilidade que voc vai desenvolver criando esses quatro projetos na prtica.Existem muitos tutoriais gratuitos e vdeos que vo te ensinar o bsico de C#. Mas se voc deseja aprender C# da forma certa e se tornar um programador melhor com um futuro brilhante e muitas opes, este curso para voc.Para cada assunto abordado, voc no vai aprender apenas o que aquilo, mas tambm o porqu de usar aquilo, e como usar a determinada funcionalidade da forma certa. Durante as aulas voc vai se deparar com erros comuns durante o desenvolvimento de um software C#, e o professor Victor Lima ir explicar estes erros em detalhes, e te mostrar como resolver eles."
Price: 144.99

"Apprendre Vendre sur Kindle KDP" |
"Apprends faire du print On Demand avec des ebooks que tu n'as pas cre et les vendre sur Amazon KDP. C'est bien plus facile qu'on ne le croit et tout fait lgal ! Apprends aussi une bonne partie juridique pour rester parfaitement dans la lgalit et profiter un maximum de ce que tu peux faire "
Price: 69.99

"REO PRO's" |
"In this course you will learn how to list and sell REO Foreclosures. We talk details on finding Asset Managers to learning about the entire process of listing distressed assets. This niche could leads to dozens or hundreds of listings from one seller. It is imperative for real estate agents to hone in on niche focuses within their real estate career to thrive in any real estate market."
Price: 49.99

"Aprende a tomar decisiones y a decir NO de forma asertiva" |
"Este curso busca orientar a todas las personas que se les dificulta decir NO, a situaciones, propuestas o ideas que provienen de otras personas y que estn impidiendo lograr su propios objetivos de vida, en el campo personal, familiar y laboral. En cada uno de los espacios se entregarn recomendaciones y material para que los puedan poner en prctica. Se busca que el alumno tenga metas alcanzables y pueda generar cambios positivos, conociendo sus emociones, la manera en que se comunica con otras personas, sus temores y cualquier otra limitante que le dificulta tomar decisiones importantes para su vida."
Price: 19.99

"CWDP -303 Certified Wireless Design Professional : Exam 2020" |
"CWDP -303 Certified Wireless Design Professional : Exam 2020CWDP certification is a professional level wireless LAN certification. Do you have the skills to design an Enterprise network? Do you understand the architectures and protocols of a WLAN? Can you conduct a thorough site survey, design end-to-end security and validate your designed network? Well, now is your chance to prove it, and in turn, earn a Certified Wireless Design Professional (CWDP) certification.I have prepared this practice test course for all those candidates who are planning of taking CWDP exam in near future.This is an Unofficial course and this course is not affiliated, licensed or trademarked with CWNP in any way.Exam Topics covered as per syllabus CWDP -303 exam Certification questions :Define Specifications for the WLAN Design the WLAN Deploy the WLAN Validate and Optimize the WLAN"
Price: 24.99

"Coaching en Educacin Financiera e Inteligencia Financiera" |
"El curso est compuesto por 12 secciones muy bien definidas, con las cuales podrs abrirte paso por el camino hacia la Libertad, Independencia y Equilibrio Financiero. Cada una de estas secciones han sido pensadas, planteadas y plasmadas al milmetro en cada uno de los video - cursos. La metodologa de enseanza aplicada est basada en el ""Aprendizaje basado en problemas"" el cual es un proceso de aprendizaje cclico compuesto por una serie de preguntas cuyas respuestas conllevan a ms preguntas, haciendo de ste, un ciclo creciente de complejidad y aprensin, donde el desarrollo del pensamiento crtico y competencias financieras creativas, la mejora de las habilidades de resolucin de problemas financieros, el aumento de la motivacin del alumno por temas financieros, la mejora de la capacidad de transferir conocimientos financieros a nuevas situaciones, son los resultados que se espera del alumno, adems est metodologa se ve complementada con las herramientas tcnicas, didcticas y dinmicas de la plataforma, as como la inclusin de un pequeo prompter o teleprompter ubicado en la esquina inferior derecha de la pantalla de cada video - curso, con la que podrs entender de mejor manera cada uno de los anlisis y comentarios vertidos en cada clase."
Price: 24.99

"156 to 315.71 Security Check Point R71 Expert Review Exam" |
"213 UNIQUE practice questions for 156 to 315.71 Security Check Point R71 Expert Review ExamPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can atleast get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : 156 to 315.71 Security Check Point R71 Expert Review ExamTotal Questions : 213Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :130 minsPassing Score : 75 (159 of 213)"
Price: 169.99

"Curso Mesa Radinica Hermtica" |
"Um curso onde ir aprender a operar a mesa radinica, entendendo todos os seus conceitos e ferramentas. A mesa radinica um instrumento de cura nas sete camadas energticas. Aprender a utiliz-la para limpar, harmonizar e equilibrar as energias de todas as reas da vida, bem como em diferentes situaes que sero apresentadas no curso."
Price: 99.99

"Interrupts and Bottom Halves in Linux Kernel" |
"What you will learn from this courseInterrupts and ExceptionsTypes of Interrupts and Exceptions : Level Triggerred, Edge Triggerred, Traps, FaultsProgrammable Interrput Controller, Advanced Programmable Interrupt Controller (APIC) - IO APIC, Local APICFind out information about your x86 CPU using CPUID InstructionWhat happens when there is interruptHow does CPU finds the interrupt handler: Interrupt Request, Interrupt Vector and Interrupt Descriptor TableInterrupt Handling and Statistics in Linux Kernel : Interrupt sharing, return values, IRQ AffinityLinux Driver for keyboard, mouse, ethernet interruptsWrite a Keylogger in Linux Kernel which will log all characters typedEnabling/Disabling InterruptsWhat happens when we add sleep and delay in interrupt handlerTop and Bottom Halves: Threaded IRQs,Softirqs, Tasklets and Workqueues (System Workqueues and own workqueues)Differences between softirqs, tasklets and workqueuesFiles/proc/cpuinfo/proc/interrupts/proc/irq/proc/softirqsAPI's/Macros/Structuresrequest_irq, irq_handler_tlocal_irq_enable, local_irq_disable, cli, seilocal_irq_save, local_irq_restoredisable_irq, enable_irqdisable_irq_nosync, synchronize_irqirqs_disabledin_interruptrequest_threaded_irqstruct softirq_action, NR_SOFTIRQSopen_softirq, raise_softirqin_irqlocal_softirq_pendingin_softirqlocal_bh_enable, local_bh_disablespin_lock_bh, spin_unlock_bhstruct tasklet_struct, DECLARE_TASKLET, DECLARE_TASKLET_DISABLED, tasklet_init, tasklet_schedule, tasklet_hi_scheduletasklet_trylock, tasklet_unlock, tasklet_disable, tasklet_disable_nosync, tasklet_enable, tasklet_killstruct workqueue_struct, struct work_struct, DECLARE_WORK, INIT_WORK, queue_work, queue_work_on, schedule_work, schedule_work_on, cancel_work_sync, flush_workstruct delayed_work, DELAYED_DECLARED_WORK, INIT_DELAYED_WORK, schedule_delayed_work, schedule_delayed_work_on, flush_delayed_work, cancel_delayed_workalloc_workqueue, destroy_workqueue, flush_workqueue, alloc_ordered_workqueue,Commandswatchlspcidmesg"
Price: 199.99

"Product Research for Shopify" |
"Welcome to my course on 'Product Research for Shopify'!Do you feel overwhelmed from finding which products to test on your Shopify store? Are you getting lost in the maze of several websites looking for some inspiration or any new market trends? Believe me, youre not alone!I can admit that it was quite painful and time consuming process even for me and there were times that i would try to avoid it or dwell on it. So, i decided to take action and design a framework and share it with you. In this course you will learn following strategies to find winning Dropshipping products:1. Social media research (Facebook insights and groups, Google trends etc)2. Behavior based research (identify pain points, reviews, passion based and reviews)3. Trends based Research (where to find trending products)4. Product Research Tools (Free and Paid tools to find your next big winning products)My name is Omar Khan and I have more than 10 years of experience in helping more than 250 clients to bring their ideas to reality! I hope I help bring your idea to reality by connecting the dots for you."
Price: 29.99

"The Complete Data Structures and Algorithms Course in Python" |
"Welcome to the Complete Data Structures and Algorithms in Python Bootcamp, the most modern, and the most complete Data Structures and Algorithms in Python course on the internet.At 34+ hours, this is the most comprehensive course online to help you ace your coding interviews and learn about Data Structures and Algorithms in Python. You will see Interview Questions done at the top technology companies such as Apple,Amazon, Google and Microsoft and how to face Interviews with comprehensive visual explanatory video materials which will bring you closer towards landing the tech job of your dreams!Learning Python is one of the fastest ways to improve your career prospects as it is one of the most in demand tech skills! This course will help you in better understanding every detail of Data Structures and how algorithms are implemented in high level programming language.We'll take you step-by-step through engaging video tutorials and teach you everything you need to succeed as a professional programmer.After finishing this course, you will be able to:Learn basic algorithmic techniques such as greedy algorithms, binary search, sorting and dynamic programming to solve programming challenges.Learn the strengths and weaknesses of a variety of data structures, so you can choose the best data structure for your data and applicationsLearn many of the algorithms commonly used to sort data, so your applications will perform efficiently when sorting large datasetsLearn how to apply graph and string algorithms to solve real-world challenges: finding shortest paths on huge maps and assembling genomes from millions of pieces.Why this course is so special and different from any other resource available online?This course will take you from very beginning to a very complex and advanced topics in understanding Data Structures and Algorithms!You will get video lectures explaining concepts clearly with comprehensive visual explanations throughout the course.You will also see Interview Questions done at the top technology companies such as Apple,Amazon, Google and Microsoft.I cover everything you need to know about technical interview process!So whether you are interested in learning the top programming language in the world in-depthAnd interested in learning the fundamental Algorithms, Data Structures and performance analysis that make up the core foundational skillset of every accomplished programmer/designer or software architect and is excited to ace your next technical interview this is the course for you!And this is what you get by signing up today:Lifetime access to 34+ hours of HD quality videos. No monthly subscription. Learn at your own pace, whenever you wantAll videos are downloadable. Learn wherever you want, even without an internet connection!Friendly and fast support in the course Q&A whenever you have questions or get stuckFULL money back guarantee for 30 days!Who is this course for?Self-taught programmers who have a basic knowledge in Python and want to be professional in Data Structures and Algorithms and begin interviewing in tech positions!As well as students currently studying computer science and want supplementary material on Data Structures and Algorithms and interview preparation for after graduation!As well as professional programmers who need practice for upcoming coding interviews.And finally anybody interested in learning more about data structures and algorithms or the technical interview process!This course is designed to help you to achieve your career goals. Whether you are looking to get more into Data Structures and Algorithms , increase your earning potential or just want a job with more freedom, this is the right course for you!The topics that are covered in this course.What are Data Structures?What is an algorithm?Why are Data Structures and Algorithms important?Types of Data StructuresTypes of AlgorithmsIntroduction to DS and AlgorithmsRecursionWhat is Recursion?Why do we need recursion?How Recursion works?Recursive vs Iterative SolutionsWhen to use/avoid Recursion?How to write Recursion in 3 steps?How to find Fibonacci numbers using Recursion?Cracking Recursion Interview QuestionsBig O NotationAnalogy and Time ComplexityBig O, Big Theta and Big OmegaTime complexity examplesSpace ComplexityDrop the Constants and the non dominant termsAdd vs MultiplyHow to measure the codes using Big O?How to find time complexity for Recursive calls?How to measure Recursive Algorithms that make multiple calls?Time ComplexitiesTop 10 Big O Interview Questions (Amazon, Facebook, Apple and Microsoft)ArraysWhat is an Array?Types of ArrayArrays in MemoryCreate an ArrayInsertion OperationTraversal OperationAccessing an element of ArraySearching for an element in ArrayDeleting an element from ArrayTime and Space complexity of One Dimensional ArrayOne Dimensional Array PracticeCreate Two Dimensional ArrayInsertion - Two Dimensional ArrayAccessing an element of Two Dimensional ArrayTraversal - Two Dimensional ArraySearching for an element in Two Dimensional ArrayDeletion - Two Dimensional ArrayTime and Space complexity of Two Dimensional ArrayWhen to use/avoid arrayPython ListsWhat is a List? How to create it?Accessing/Traversing a listUpdate/Insert a ListSlice/ from a ListSearching for an element in a ListList Operations/FunctionsLists and stringsCommon List pitfalls and ways to avoid themLists vs ArraysTime and Space Complexity of ListList Interview QuestionsCracking Array/List Interview Questions (Amazon, Facebook, Apple and Microsoft)Question 1 - Missing NumberQuestion 2 - PairsQuestion 3 - Finding a number in an ArrayQuestion 4 - Max product of two intQuestion 5 - Is UniqueQuestion 6 - PermutationQuestion 7 - Rotate MatrixDictionariesWhat is a Dictionary?Create a DictionaryDictionaries in memoryInsert /Update an element in a DictionaryTraverse through a DictionarySearch for an element in a DictionaryDelete / Remove an element from a DictionaryDictionary MethodsDictionary operations/ built in functionsDictionary vs ListTime and Space Complexity of a DictionaryDictionary Interview QuestionsTuplesWhat is a Tuple? How to create it?Tuples in Memory / Accessing an element of TupleTraversing a TupleSearch for an element in TupleTuple Operations/FunctionsTuple vs ListTime and Space complexity of TuplesTuple QuestionsLinked ListWhat is a Linked List?Linked List vs ArraysTypes of Linked ListLinked List in the MemoryCreation of Singly Linked ListInsertion in Singly Linked List in MemoryInsertion in Singly Linked List AlgorithmInsertion Method in Singly Linked ListTraversal of Singly Linked ListSearch for a value in Single Linked ListDeletion of node from Singly Linked ListDeletion Method in Singly Linked ListDeletion of entire Singly Linked ListTime and Space Complexity of Singly Linked ListCreation of Circular Singly Linked ListInsertion in Circular Singly Linked ListInsertion Algorithm in Circular Singly Linked ListInsertion method in Circular Singly Linked ListTraversal of Circular Singly Linked ListSearching a node in Circular Singly Linked ListDeletion of a node from Circular Singly Linked ListDeletion Algorithm in Circular Singly Linked ListMethod in Circular Singly Linked ListDeletion of entire Circular Singly Linked ListTime and Space Complexity of Circular Singly Linked ListCreation of Doubly Linked ListInsertion in Doubly Linked ListInsertion Algorithm in Doubly Linked ListInsertion Method in Doubly Linked ListTraversal of Doubly Linked ListReverse Traversal of Doubly Linked ListSearching for a node in Doubly Linked ListDeletion of a node in Doubly Linked ListDeletion Algorithm in Doubly Linked ListDeletion Method in Doubly Linked ListDeletion of entire Doubly Linked ListTime and Space Complexity of Doubly Linked ListCreation of Circular Doubly Linked ListInsertion in Circular Doubly Linked ListInsertion Algorithm in Circular Doubly Linked ListInsertion Method in Circular Doubly Linked ListTraversal of Circular Doubly Linked ListReverse Traversal of Circular Doubly Linked ListSearch for a node in Circular Doubly Linked ListDelete a node from Circular Doubly Linked ListDeletion Algorithm in Circular Doubly Linked ListDeletion Method in Circular Doubly Linked ListEntire Circular Doubly Linked ListTime and Space Complexity of Circular Doubly Linked ListTime Complexity of Linked List vs ArraysCracking Linked List Interview Questions (Amazon, Facebook, Apple and Microsoft)Linked List ClassQuestion 1 - Remove DupsQuestion 2 - Return Kth to LastQuestion 3 - PartitionQuestion 4 - Sum Linked ListsQuestion 5 - IntersectionStackWhat is a Stack?Stack OperationsCreate Stack using List without size limitOperations on Stack using List (push, pop, peek, isEmpty, )Create Stack with limit (pop, push, peek, isFull, isEmpty, )Create Stack using Linked ListOperation on Stack using Linked List (pop, push, peek, isEmpty, )Time and Space Complexity of Stack using Linked ListWhen to use/avoid StackStack QuizWhat is Queue?Queue using Python List - no size limitQueue using Python List - no size limit , operations (enqueue, dequeue, peek)Circular Queue - Python ListCircular Queue - Python List, Operations (enqueue, dequeue, peek, )Queue - Linked ListQueue - Linked List, Operations (Create, Enqueue)Queue - Linked List, Operations (Dequeue(), isEmpty, Peek)Time and Space complexity of Queue using Linked ListList vs Linked List ImplementationCollections ModuleQueue ModuleMultiprocessing moduleCracking Stack and Queue Interview Questions (Amazon,Facebook, Apple, Microsoft)Question 1 - Three in OneQuestion 2 - Stack MinimumQuestion 3 - Stack of PlatesQuestion 4 - Queue via StacksQuestion 5 - Animal ShelterTree / Binary TreeWhat is a Tree?Why Tree?Tree TerminologyHow to create a basic tree in Python?Binary TreeTypes of Binary TreeBinary Tree RepresentationCreate Binary Tree (Linked List)PreOrder Traversal Binary Tree (Linked List)InOrder Traversal Binary Tree (Linked List)PostOrder Traversal Binary Tree (Linked List)LevelOrder Traversal Binary Tree (Linked List)Searching for a node in Binary Tree (Linked List)Inserting a node in Binary Tree (Linked List)Delete a node from Binary Tree (Linked List)Delete entire Binary Tree (Linked List)Create Binary Tree (Python List)Insert a value Binary Tree (Python List)Search for a node in Binary Tree (Python List)PreOrder Traversal Binary Tree (Python List)InOrder Traversal Binary Tree (Python List)PostOrder Traversal Binary Tree (Python List)Level Order Traversal Binary Tree (Python List)Delete a node from Binary Tree (Python List)Entire Binary Tree (Python List)Linked List vs Python List Binary TreeBinary Search TreeWhat is a Binary Search Tree? Why do we need it?Create a Binary Search TreeInsert a node to BSTTraverse BSTSearch in BSTDelete a node from BSTDelete entire BSTTime and Space complexity of BSTAVL TreeWhat is an AVL Tree?Why AVL Tree?Common Operations on AVL TreesInsert a node in AVL (Left Left Condition)Insert a node in AVL (Left Right Condition)Insert a node in AVL (Right Right Condition)Insert a node in AVL (Right Left Condition)Insert a node in AVL (all together)Insert a node in AVL (method)Delete a node from AVL (LL, LR, RR, RL)Delete a node from AVL (all together)Delete a node from AVL (method)Delete entire AVLTime and Space complexity of AVL TreeBinary HeapWhat is Binary Heap? Why do we need it?Common operations (Creation, Peek, sizeofheap) on Binary HeapInsert a node in Binary HeapExtract a node from Binary HeapDelete entire Binary HeapTime and space complexity of Binary HeapTrieWhat is a Trie? Why do we need it?Common Operations on Trie (Creation)Insert a string in TrieSearch for a string in TrieDelete a string from TriePractical use of TrieHashingWhat is Hashing? Why do we need it?Hashing TerminologyHash FunctionsTypes of Collision Resolution TechniquesHash Table is FullPros and Cons of Resolution TechniquesPractical Use of HashingHashing vs Other Data structuresSort AlgorithmsWhat is Sorting?Types of SortingSorting TerminologiesBubble SortSelection SortInsertion SortBucket SortMerge SortQuick SortHeap SortComparison of Sorting AlgorithmsGraph AlgorithmsWhat is a Graph? Why Graph?Graph TerminologyTypes of GraphGraph RepresentationCreate a graph using PythonGraph traversal - BFSBFS Traversal in PythonGraph Traversal - DFSDFS Traversal in PythonBFS Traversal vs DFS TraversalTopological SortTopological Sort AlgorithmTopological Sort in PythonSingle Source Shortest Path Problem (SSSPP)BFS for Single Source Shortest Path Problem (SSSPP)BFS for Single Source Shortest Path Problem (SSSPP) in PythonWhy does BFS not work with weighted Graphs?Why does DFS not work for SSSP?Dijkstra's Algorithm for SSSPDijkstra's Algorithm in PythonDijkstra Algorithm with negative cycleBellman Ford AlgorithmBellman Ford Algorithm with negative cycleWhy does Bellman Ford run V-1 times?Bellman Ford in PythonBFS vs Dijkstra vs Bellman FordAll pairs shortest path problemDry run for All pair shortest pathFloyd Warshall AlgorithmWhy Floyd Warshall?Floyd Warshall with negative cycle,Floyd Warshall in Python,BFS vs Dijkstra vs Bellman Ford vs Floyd Warshall,Minimum Spanning Tree,Disjoint Set,Disjoint Set in Python,Kruskal Algorithm,Kruskal Algorithm in Python,Prim's Algorithm,Prim's Algorithm in Python,Prim's vs KruskalSection - 24Greedy AlgorithmsWhat is Greedy Algorithm?Well known Greedy AlgorithmsActivity Selection ProblemActivity Selection Problem in PythonCoin Change ProblemCoin Change Problem in PythonFractional Knapsack ProblemFractional Knapsack Problem in Python"
Price: 199.99

"Cost Accounting" |
"RATIONALE This course will provide students with a foundation in the skills necessary for further accounting studies, office work and for managing their own business. These skills are important for any student planning to major in business in college or to effectively enter into the business world. The course will assist students in developing an appreciation for the role of accounting in managing a successful business. It covers basic Cost Accounting concepts and introduces students to techniques which will enable them to analyze the efficiency and profitability of an organization. The content also prepares students for the ACCA module F2 Management Accounting.COURSE DESCRIPTION This course is intended to expose students to current Cost Accounting theories and practice, so that they are able to use accounting data in planning and controlling business activities. These concepts are necessary for improving students analytical and critical thinking skills in reporting cost information. The intention is to develop students who are ready and capable to occupy accounting positions in the business world.GENERAL OBJECTIVES At the end of the course, the students will be able to:Develop an understanding of basic Cost Accounting principles, theories and concepts.Understand the importance of analyzing cost for management decision-making.Critically analyze costs so that the best options can be identified and selected in the managing of a business enterprise.Recognize the importance of recording cost correctly as it relates to making credible business decisions.Prepare accounting statements suitable for assisting management in planning, organizing and controlling the activities of the organization on a daily basis.Relate the principles and concepts of Cost Accounting learned in the course to real life scenarios thereby enhancing their professional capabilities."
Price: 19.99

"EBook & Online" |
"- INTERNET . . - template & . E-Books .. . Download, .BONUS: .BONUS: 3D , !BONUS: E-Book .THE E-BOOK SALES FUNNELThe E-Book Sales Funnel. Upsell Funnel ""Made in Germany"" .E-Mail Marketing ( E-Mail Marketing & Landing Pages) - 5 E-Mail (Autoresponder).Facebook Ads ( PayPerClick )."
Price: 29.99

"Como Montar uma Loja Virtual de Sucesso" |
"Neste curso vamos ensinar do bsico ao avanado tudo que voc precisa saber para montar uma loja virtual prpria, que vende todos os dias e cresce todos os meses. Sintetizamos mais de 6 anos de conhecimento aplicado em dezenas de lojas virtuais que faturam mais de R$100 mil reais por ms.Diferenciais do nosso curso:- Contedo prtico aplicado e testado;- Suporte de toda equipe para tirar todas as suas dvidas;- No precisa ter loja, serve para voc que no sabe ainda o que vender"
Price: 264.99
