"Easy Pre-Algebra" |
"Hello,In this course you will learn Pre- Algebra from the Integer World. Adding Integers, Subtracting Integers, Multiplying Integers, and Division of Integers. There are several different examples to learn and remember. Sign up Today and Study the Integers. Your #1 Integer Guide. The goal is to make Integers easy for you."
Price: 19.99

"Aprende POWER AUTOMATE con las API REST de Sharepoint" |
"Te gustara automatizar procesos en la empresa? Quieres ser un experto con Power Automate y el conector de SHAREPOINT ?. Tenemos muchas cajas de Sharepoint en Power Automate pero quieres ir un paso mas all con consultas avanzadas y muy personalizadas con Power Automate para ser un experto , ya sabes que Sharepoint Designer 2013 esta muriendo y sabes que es muy importante dominar este conector en nuestra herramienta de flujos empresarial.Importante: Este curso solo es para gente que tiene una pequea base. Tengo otro curso de Power Automate Automatiza procesos con las bases que si lo has hecho, este curso es ideal para ti."
Price: 79.99

"Accounting, Financial and Cash Flow Analysis" |
"Why Bookkeeping and Accounting? As Investor Warren Buffett (One of the richest man in the planet) famously said, accounting is the language of business and you have to be as comfortable with that as you are with your own native language to really evaluate businesses.After all, business is about making money, and without accounting you would never be able to measure the performance of a business.If you cannot measure performances, how would you know whether or not you are on the right track?Accounting is the path to profitabilityAccounting allows you to analyse a company, evaluate its performance, secure a loan if needed, plan business strategies and attract investors.Main reason why you should enrol in this courseThis course in structure in a friendly and very easy to understand way - it will provide you with the practical techniques required to understand the full accounting cycle and gain the confidence needed to pass your exams with top marks, secure a top job, obtain a promotion or be a successful entrepreneur.The knowledge you will gain from this course will open the path/doors to a successful career, gain the highest marks if you are a student, or to a profitable business if you are an entrepreneur.Anything you will learn from this course will remain with you for ever; there are many things we lose in life but no one can take away your knowledge from you, and knowledge is power and the key to success.You will learn from an instructor of this course (Me!) who has gained over 15 years first-hand experience in small and medium organisation as well as multinational corporations and who has a passion to share that valuable experience and knowledge.The course is presented in high quality videos with interesting animations to keep audience engaged and for an easy learning experience.The animations are matched to the contents which help the students visualizing the meaning of the lectures.If you are a student and want to pass your exams with the highest marks then this course is definitely for you - after all, I guided colleagues during my university studies to achieving his highest marks ever.If you are an entrepreneur, you must enrol in this course - you will learn all the key elements of accounting and when attending a meeting you will be able to actively participate and engage in the business strategies.And finally just a reminder that the course comes with Udemys 30-day unconditional money-back-in-full guarantee - I am so confident you will love this course that giving you a guarantee is my last worry!Enrol today and you will remember this wise decision for ever in your life!Why choosing this course and why it stands out of the crowd?The Accounting, Financial and Cash Flow Analysis is an amazing comprehensive step-by-step Course; it will guide you from the most basic concept in accounting all the way up to the most advanced concepts and techniques in accounting.The instructor of this course (Me!) is a professional Chartered Certified Accountant who has gained over 15 year experience in small and medium organisations as well as multinational corporations. I have also worked as an auditor for over three years in one of the top 5 Accounting firms in the World.I started my career in Accounting at the Crown Estate; the Crown Estate is the organization managing Her Majesty's The Queen and Royals properties in the United Kingdom.The course includes several practical course studies which shows theories put into practice.Great support from my side - if anything is not clear you can contact me and I will answer as soon as I can.You will learn from an instructor who loves sharing his experience and passion for accounting with any human in this planet.Let's start this amazing journey together!!! Enrol today!!!"
Price: 184.99

sgohonma |
Price: 24000.00

"Modern Selling - Verkaufstraining fr Fortgeschrittene" |
"Verkufer sind alle Betrger, die einen ber den Tisch ziehen wollen?Dieses Klischee hlt sich, inbesondere in Deutschland, hartnckig. Da Sie selbst im Verkauf/Vertrieb arbeiten, wissen Sie natrlich, dass es schwarze Schafe gibt, aber ein Groteil der Mitarbeiter eine gute Arbeit machen.Was wrde es aber bedeutet, nicht nur gute Arbeit zu vollrichten, sondern groartige Arbeit?Erlernen Sie in MODERN SELLING, wie Sie mit kleinen und groen Tricks erfolgreicher werden, mehr Umsatz machen und letztendlich auch mehr verdienen. Dies alles Fair, Ehrlich und Professionell."
Price: 169.99

"Combo - APQP (2 Edio) + PPAP (4 Edio)" |
"APQP - Planejamento Avanado da Qualidade do Produto e Plano de Controle - Objetivo e Contedo:Conhecer o contedo de cada um dos seus requisitos e como devem ser aplicados na prtica:- Definir a Abrangncia- Captulo 1.0 - Planejar e Definir o Programa- Captulo 2.0 - Projeto e Desenvolvimento do Produto- Seo 2.13 - Viabilidade- Captulo 3.0 - Projeto e Desenvolvimento do Processo- Captulo 4.0 - Validao do Produto e Processo- Captulo 5.0 - Retroalimentao, Avaliao e Ao Corretiva- Captulo 6.0 - Metodologia do Plano de ControlePPAP - Processo de Aprovao de Pea de Produo - Objetivos:- Capacitar os participantes para desenvolverem PPAP's consistentes, assim como aprovar os PPAPs dos fornecedores e internamente.- Compreender a importncia do desenvolvimento de processos de produo que sejam robustos o suficiente para produzir as amostras iniciais e os lotes de produo aps a aprovao do PPAP.- Entender a importncia de comunicar os clientes de potenciais mudanas no processo produtivo aps a aprovao do PPAP.Contedo:1 - Registro de Projeto2 - Documentos de Autorizao de Alterao de Engenharia3 - Aprovao de Engenharia do Cliente4 - FMEA de Projeto (DFMEA)5 - Diagrama de Fluxo de Processo6 - FMEA de Processo (PFMEA)7 - Plano de Controle8 - Estudos de Analise dos Sistemas de Medio (MSA)9 - Resultados Dimensionais10 - Resultados de Ensaios de Material / Desempenho11 Estudos Iniciais de Processo12 - Documentao de Laboratrio Qualificado13 - Relatrio de Aprovao de Aparncia14 - Amostras de Peas de Produo15 - Amostra Padro16 - Auxlios de Verificao17 - Requisitos Especficos do Cliente18 - Certificado de Submisso de Pea (PSW)"
Price: 144.99

"Vantage Academy" |
"Do you want to build a successful brand from scratch? Are you ready to start paving your way to financial freedom? Then it's time to take advantage of E-commerce and start building your personal brand. With a personal brand and an online commerce site, you have the flexibility and freedom to build your business. Having an online business puts you in charge. You will have the flexibility to create your brand, find your niche, and create the marketing strategy the way you want to. This platform is a great way for entrepreneurs, like yourself, to showcase your interests and strengths. And hey? Why not make some money in the mean time. E-commerce is a great way to either supplement your current income, or create a new primary source of income.On top of all of that, I will teach you a new method where you won't have to deal with suppliers from China. Starting an E-commerce platform and drop shipping from China is not a successful business model. I'm here to teach you the Print on Demand method. The Print Demand method has generated me success because I have assess to suppliers worldwide and I can design my products.Wondering how you can get started? Continue reading to find out how Vantage Academy can help you jump-start your E-commerce business."
Price: 199.99

"Coser a mquina desde cero" |
"Tienes una mquina de coser en casa y no sabes qu hacer con ella? Quieres comprar una mquina pero no sabes usarla? Este curso es para ti. Te ensearemos todo lo que necesitas saber paso a paso para coser perfectamente a mquina. Aprenders desde cero y podrs coser y hacer arreglos a toda tu ropa... incluso aprenders a coser el bajo de un pantaln."
Price: 19.99

siddharakal |
"I warmly welcome readers who come to this class. This section will help you learn about the Siddhas. Moreover, their knowledge will help people to understand the method used. The benefits of this community achieved by the Siddhas will also be discussed. This section will help you to understand the specialty of the Siddhas."
Price: 1280.00

"Yoga, breathing, meditation, Spinal deformities" |
"In this course, I`m gonna show you the best way to improve your Yoga practice as fast as possible by giving you the key fundamentals of Yoga... Let me share with you my Yoga journey.I woke up at the age of 28 with 2 spinal deformations so-called Kyphosis and Scoliosis that was back at the end of the summer of 2018.That made me more motivated to learn and understand human anatomy, so a few months later I packed my bag and I when to India for my Yoga Teacher Training program.500 hours of training 2 complete months over the guidance of the best teachers in Rishikesh, India.Waking up at 5 am Training and studying till 8 pm every day except Sunday the day off, even then I was working persistently on my practice to improve everything on my body and knowledge about human anatomy and the structure of the body in general. I`m my course I studied Pranayama, Meditation, Physical practice ( Ashtanga, Hatha, and Yin yoga), also human anatomy, the biology of the human body, energy channels, diets and so on.---If you work with me step by step I promise you in a few months you gonna see great results.Also if you wish I can do video lessons for you online so I can help you progress faster.But of course for that will get in touch further far in this course so you can tell me more about yourself, this way I`m gonna have more knowledge about what is good for you and maybe provide you with something specific for your needs.Namaste"
Price: 104.99

"Tcnica ESCADINHA para operar mini contratos na Bolsa" |
"Adicione ao seu Operacional de trade system este setup lucrativo no ativo de mini Dollar. Faa rpidas operaes lucrativas para rapidamente bater a meta diria de trade. Este setup ira lhe dar uma viso mais apurada sobre a movimentao atual do preo.Tenha definido um stop loss e stop gain dirio."
Price: 99.99

"Tshirt screen printing business for under 100 bucks at home!" |
"Screen printing is the process of transferring a stencilled design onto a flat surface using a mesh screen, ink and a squeegee. Fabric and paper are the most commonly screen-printed surfaces, but with specialised inks its also possible to print onto wood, metal, plastic, and even glass. The basic method involves creating a stencil on a fine mesh screen, and then pushing ink (or paint, in the case of artwork and posters) through to create an imprint of your design on the surface beneath.The process is sometimes called 'silk screening' or 'silk screen printing' and while the actual printing process is always fairly similar, the way the stencil is created can vary, depending on the materials used. Different stencilling techniques include:Using masking tape or vinyl to cover the desired areas of the screen.Painting the stencil onto the mesh using 'screen blockers' such as glue or lacquer.Using a light-sensitive emulsion to create a stencil, which is then developed in a similar way to a photograph (you can read more about this in our step-by-step guide).Designs made using the screen printing technique may use just one shade of ink, or several. In the case of multicoloured items, the colours must be applied in individual layers, using separate stencils for each ink.Why is screen printing used?One of the reasons that the screen printing technique is so widely used is because it produces vivid colours, even on darker fabrics. The ink or paint also lies in layers on the surface of the fabric or paper, which gives the print a pleasingly tactile quality.The technique is also favoured because it allows the printer to easily reproduce a design multiple times. Because the same stencil can be used to replicate a design again and again, it's very useful for creating multiple copies of the same garment or accessory. This makes screen printing a very efficient technique for creating large batches of custom clothing for sports teams or work uniforms.When carried out using professional equipment by an experienced printer, it's also possible to create intricate multicoloured designs. While the complexity of the process does mean there's a limit to the number of colours the printer can use, it does allow for more intense colouring than is possible to achieve with digital printing alone.The screen printing process step by stepThere are different methods of screen printing, but they all involve the same basic technique. The form of printing we'll talk about below uses a special light-reactive emulsion to create a custom stencil; this tends to be the most popular type of commercial printing, as it can be used to make intricate stencils.Here, we'll talk you through the screen printing process step by step. Weve also put together a video of the process taking place in our workshop, so you can see how we create our top-quality custom screen-printed clothing."
Price: 24.99

"Finance Fundamentals: Complete guide fundamentals of finance" |
"About This ClassOne of the most intuitive Finance courses available on Udemy, It aims to teach finance and its fundamentals so that is accessible to all.We will start with building a solid foundation and discuss in depth detail about the fundamental building blocks of finance using practical examples and techniques.Why Fundamentals of Finance ? Why the course matters?Because Finance is the reason for every decision a company, organization and a business makes.Take any company of any size, their every decision be it Strategy, Marketing, HR, Production is always always about the bottom line i.e. earnings and cash flows""There is a reason financial professionals are valued extremely highly in any business, company or organization and why finance is one of the most promising and lucrative career today.If you are undertaking a financial course , this course will greatly help you understand the basic fundamentals of finance.FINANCE AS A CAREERFinance is the most financially rewarding and lucrative career even in today's harsh times .Having a solid understanding and grasp of finance and its fundamentals are the Prerequisite for rising in your career and your business.AFTER DOING THIS COURSE YOU WILL BE ABLE TOHave a solid understanding of fundamentals of finance.Will have a much higher understanding than a person from accounting backgroundLearn how to see the financial statements from financial point of viewUnderstand the difference between cash flows and accounting earnings and how to measure themUnderstand how a financial analyst understands and measure riskUnderstand the most important Risk Reward model -Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM Model)Understand Time value of money and how to calculate present value of Cash flowsLearn how Bonds, Options and Equity are valuedLearn how interest rates, yield curve , inflation , exchange rates affect our lives andbusinesses.Who this course is for:Anyone interested in how finance works (no prior experience in finance is needed).Aspiring MBA and Financial AnalystsEntrepreneursAspiring Investment BankersAccounting Students who wants to move further in their careersAnyone wishing to be successful in the world of Business & FinanceHow this course is different from other courses?The entire course is taught using extensive examples and case studies.Nothing is assumed and everything is taught.The instructor is himself a qualified chartered accountant and M.B.A. (Finance) teaching for more than 8 years with real work experience working with Big 4 accounting firms.The course is not a collection of boring lectures and there are certain things you can not understand just by googling it. The course teaches you the art of finance in a cohesive manner.And finally if you don't like it , there is a money back guarantee. If you don't find the course interesting , you will get your money back."
Price: 99.99

"The COMPLETE Forex Trading Guide For Beginners" |
"The COMPLETE Forex Trading Guide For Beginners course contains EVERYTHING you need to know about the world of Forex trading to become a successful and profitable Forex trader!Whether you are a complete beginner with no background in Forex trading, or have some prior knowledge in the Forex markets, this course is sure to provide you with the complete Forex trading toolkit to successfully navigate the Forex markets.In this course I cover everything from the basics of Forex trading to more advanced techniques and strategies used by Forex traders around the world. I discuss in detail Forex Terminology, Analyzing Charts, Price Action, Bulls vs. Bears, News Events, Buying and Selling Currencies, Market Psychology, and much more with almost 9 hours of educational material.By the end of this course you will know how the foreign exchange market works, the different currencies available to trade, as well as the different trading sessions that take place throughout the day.You will also have a clear understanding of the Forex terminology used by traders around the world like: pips, spreads, lots, leverage, margin, and much more!You will be able to successfully analyze the different currency pairs by performing technical analysis on the charts, as well as being able to read and interpret the economic calendar to take advantage of global news events.You will be able to navigate two of the most popular and widely used trading platforms, MetaTrader 4 and Tradingview, as well as how to choose the best Forex broker to open a trading account with and to start trading.I also go into extensive detail with regards to creating your very own trading plan, risk management, as well as the role your psychology plays in your trading success!This course will tremendously shorten your learning curve and will help you avoid the mistakes that 90% of new traders make!The content of this course will continue to grow as I add more and more lectures - at no additional cost to you!When you enroll in this course:you get full lifetime access to the course contenthave access to all additional lectures added to the courseas well as lifetime access to the Q&A sectionSo if you are ready to take the first step on your way to mastering the art of Forex trading, then enroll in this course today!I look forward to connecting with you inside!Gerrit"
Price: 69.99

"Value Investing 2020: Aktien Investieren wie Warren Buffett" |
"Die Ultimative Value-Investing-Masterclass fr Anfnger!Lerne erfolgreich investieren an der Brse. Dieser Kurs lehrt alles ber Value Aktien und Unternehmensbewertung. Du lernst, wie du schnell und einfach ein Wertpapier-Depot an der Brse aufbaust und in dieses investierst. Wir zeigen dir alle relevanten Kennzahlen der Unternehmensbewertung. Welchen Mehrwert ziehst du aus diesem Kurs?Wir starten im Videokurs bei 0. Zu Beginn lernst du die wichtigsten Grundlagen und Fakten vom Value Investing, gefolgt von allen notwendigen Informationen zum Thema Brse/ Aktien und wie du in Zeiten der Niedrigzinsen Geld verdienen und erfolgreich anlegen kannst. Auerdem gibt es einen Abschnitt ber die Investment Legende Warren Buffett und seine Investmentgesellschaft Berkshire Hathaway.Anschlieend gibt es die wichtigsten ber die Kriterien und Bewertungskennzahlen im detaillierten berblick. Zu guter Letzt zeigen wir dir die umfassenden Mglichkeiten und Notwenigkeiten und auch weiterfhrende Tipps, die dir helfen noch mehr aus deinen Investments herauszuholen!Was lernst du?Lerne was Value Investing ist und wie du davon profitieren kannstLerne die wichtigsten Grundlagen des Value Investing kennenLerne die wichtigsten Brsenbegriffe kennenLerne den fairen Wert einer Aktie zu bestimmenLerne die wichtigsten Aktienkennzahlen und deren Berechnung im Detail kennenLerne die wichtigsten Prinzipien des Value Investings kennenLerne, wie dein Mindset sein muss, um erfolgreich an der Brse Geld anzulegenLerne, wie du dein Geld fr DICH arbeiten lassen kannstLerne, wie man in Krisenzeiten und Crashes agieren sollteLerne die wichtigsten Fundamental-Kennzahlen von AktienLerne wie Warren Buffett investiertWir zeigen dir die ntigen Kennzahlen und Daten, sowie das richtige Mindset, das Investoren haben sollten. Auerdem gibt es eine Schritt- fr- Schritt Anleitung fr die Depoterffnung und den Kauf von ersten Aktien.Am Ende dieses Kurses hast du nicht nur ein umfangreiches Brsen- Verstndnis, sondern du kannst das Gelernte auch anhand von Anwendungsbeispielen zusammenfassend mitverfolgen.Gib uns die Chance dich zu unterrichten und dir zu zeigen, wie DU dein Geld erfolgreich anlegen kannst!Dieser Udemy Videokurs richtet sich an folgende Zielgruppen:BrsenneulingeAlle, die sich mit Aktien beschftigen mchtenJeden, der sein Geld fr sich arbeiten lassen willMenschen, die mehr Rendite fr weniger Risiko wollenAlle, die mit Leidenschaft etwas neues Lernen mchtenAnfnger, die die grundlegende Brsen- & Aktienkennzahlen und Begriffe kennenlernen willDer Kurs ist sehr umfangreichend und gibt von A bis Z Aufschluss ber alle Daten, Fakten und Tricks. Auerdem geben wir dir Insider Infos und helfen dir wo es nur geht! Du kannst uns natrlich auch eine Nachricht schreiben, wenn du Hilfe brauchst. Wenn Dich das Thema interessiert, dann schau dir gerne die entsprechenden Vorschau-Videos an und schreibe Dich am besten direkt ein. Falls der Kurs am Ende dennoch nichts fr Dich sein sollte, kein Problem. Nutze einfach die 30-Tage-Udemy-Geld-Zurckgarantie.Viel Spa und liebe Gre, Tobias & Fabio"
Price: 129.99

"156-110 Check Point Security Principles Associate Exam" |
"97 UNIQUE practice questions for 156-110 Check Point Security Principles Associate ExamPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can at least get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : 156-110 Check Point Security Principles Associate ExamTotal Questions : 97Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :60 minsPassing Score : 75 (72 of 97)"
Price: 144.99

"E05-001 Storing Information and Versioning 3 Review Exam" |
"170 UNIQUE practice questions for E05-001 Storing Information and Versioning 3 Review ExamPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can at least get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : E05-001 Storing Information and Versioning 3 Review ExamTotal Questions : 170Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :100 minsPassing Score : 75 (127 of 170)"
Price: 174.99

"Google Ad words Advertising Advanced Search Practice Exam" |
"234 UNIQUE practice questions for Google Ad words Advertising Advanced Search Practice ExamPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can at least get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : Google Ad words Advertising Advanced Search Practice ExamTotal Questions : 234Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :135 minsPassing Score : 75 (175 of 234)"
Price: 164.99

"MA0-100 McAfee Certify Product Specialist-EPO Practice Exam" |
"157 UNIQUE practice questions for MA0-100 McAfee Certify Product Specialist-EPO Practice ExamPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can atleast get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : MA0-100 McAfee Certify Product Specialist-EPO Practice ExamTotal Questions : 157Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :90 minsPassing Score : 75 (117 of 157)"
Price: 149.99

"Microsoft 70-649 Upgrading MCSE Windows Server Practice Exam" |
"196 UNIQUE practice questions for Microsoft 70-649 Upgrading MCSE Windows Server Practice ExamPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can atleast get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : Microsoft 70-649 Upgrading MCSE Windows Server Practice ExamTotal Questions : 196Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :120 minsPassing Score : 75 (147 of 196)"
Price: 174.99

"CSS Practices Test for all Exams, Certification & Interviews" |
"This test has been made keeping in mind all the important topics of CSS. After doing this test, you can clear any exam.You can crack the interview and get the CSS certification easily.About test:This Practice test divided into Six tests. ExamType: Multiple Choice Questions and Answers(MCQs).There are four options in each question. And one of the four options is true and three is false. You only choose the correct option, that will be your answerCSS Practice Test: Set-118 questions 10 minutes 75% correct required to passCSS Practice Test: Set-218 questions 10 minutes 75% correct required to passCSS Practice Test: Set-318 questions 10 minutes 75% correct required to passCSS Practice Test: Set-418 questions 10 minutes 75% correct required to passCSS Practice Test: Set-518 questions 10 minutes 75% correct required to passCSS Practice Test: Set-618 questions 10 minutes 75% correct required to passWhat Makes This Course Special This Test useful for CSS Certification, Exams, Interviews, Entrance Exams, Private Exams, Competitive and Academic Exams. Fast & Friendly Support in the Q&A section30 days moneyback guarantee. Without any queries Lifetime Access to course updatesLifetime supportKey features of practice sections and model test:You can pause the test at any time and resume later.You can retake the test as many times as you would like.The progress bar at the top of the screen will show your progress as well as the time remaining in the test. If you run out of time, dont worry; you will still be able to finish the test.You can skip a question to come back to at the end of the exam.You can also use Mark for Review to come back to questions you are unsure about before you submit your test.If you want to finish the test and see your results immediately, press the stop button. !!!Best of luck!!!Note: These questions are only for practice and understanding level of knowledge. It is not necessary that these questions may or may not appear for examinations and/or interview questions, but you will get Competitive and Academic Exams from these questions for sure."
Price: 19.99

"Die 5 Schritte in Dein glckliches Leben." |
"Hey,cool das Du da bist.In diesem Kurs lernst Du wie Du effektiv das Leben manifestierst, was Du dir schon immer gewnscht hast.Es bedarf lediglich eine kleine Vorarbeit.Hier erfhrst Du anhand theoretischer & praktischer bungen, wie Du: deine bewussten/unbewussten ngste lst deine negativen Glaubensstze los wirst deinen Inneren Raum neu ausrichtest und so deine Schwingung erhhst Liebe & Dankbarkeit in dein Leben ziehst und diese auch ausstrahlst ManifestierstWir sehen uns gleich weiter im Kurs.Jasmin"
Price: 24.99

"Make a game with Procedural Backgrounds in UE4" |
"This is a beginners course meant to help you get started with procedural levels, but it doubles as a starter guide to start developing your first game. This course is focused on using Unreal Engine 4 and coding with blueprints (Programming without code). This course is aimed at beginners but expects you to be familiar with UE4 user interface and to know what blueprints are. During this course you will develop your own game that will be complete and ready to publish at the end"
Price: 64.99

"Japanese Grammar Online Course (JLPT N4/Upper Beginner)" |
"The Japanese Grammar Online Course (JLPT N4/Upper Beginner) is for beginners to upper beginners in the study of the Japanese language. Students can complete the course in the 26 lessons which are Japanese study materials related to the JLPT N4 level. You can study vocabulary, expressions, and grammar that correspond to the JLPT N4 level. Grammar explanations are given in English and some Japanese. In addition, grammar explanations are detailed, so that students can easily study them on their own. This course includes translation practice related the grammar what was taught in each section of the lesson, by answering the questions sequentially, students can naturally build up their Japanese-language ability. so that learners can study effectively."
Price: 54.99

"Grade12 Math / Math12 / Mathematics12 / Mathematics Twelve" |
"I have made an introduction video in each chapter. I have made videos on different questions in each chapter with a few similar questions and answers. I have explained each topic thoroughly in my video lecture, given examples, and provided similar exercises to be done. This video tutorials are very effective in remembering because it is audio-visual. Each video is about 9 minutes long or less. You can access each video on your cell, computer or tv online. This course is a one-time purchase and provides life-time access to all of the course contents. You can watch the video and read the text written on the slides at the same time or you can stop the video and read the text and try to understand whichever is easier for you.This course contains the following:-Advance Function:- Function, Polynomial Equation & Inequality, Rational Function, Trigonometry, Trigonometric Function, Trigonometric Equation, Exponential & Logarithmic Functions, solving Exponential & Logarithmic Equations, Rate of Change, Combination of Function.Calculus:- Limits, Derivatives, Curve Sketching, Derivatives of Exponential & Trigonometric Functions.Vectors:- Application of Vectors, Equation of Lines & Planes, Points, lines & planesData Management:- Statics of One Variable, Statics of two variable, Permutation, Combination, Probability, Probability Distribution."
Price: 24.99

"Programacin Orientada a Objetos haciendo juegos con Python" |
"En este curso aprender los fundamentos de la Programacin Orientada a objetos mientras desarrollamos distintos proyectos de programacin como: un juego de Blackjack, un ahorcado y un buscaminas. Aprender sobre:- Principios de programacin orientada a objetos- Qu son algoritmos?- Qu son clases, atributos y mtodos- Funciones y mtodos- Paso de parmetros a las funciones- Estructuras de control o seleccin- Estructuras de repeticin- Listas- Matrices- Manipulacin de hileras de caracteres y transformaciones de datos- Entrada y salida de archivos- Manejo de excepciones- Interfaces grficas con TKInter"
Price: 59.99

"Especialista en Diseo Universal para el Aprendizaje, NIVEL2" |
"NOTA: Es importante haber cursado el nivel 1 y haber enviado todas las evidencias para poder iniciar con el nivel 2Este curso es parte de los 3 niveles necesarios para especializarse en Diseo Universal para el Aprendizaje versin 2.2, est sustentado en sus principios y pautas. En total de los 3 niveles encontrar 15 clases estructuradas que contienen recursos como andamios de aprendizajes basados en 3 estrategias:1. Definicin de Glosarios de Trminos. Que permitirn al estudiante conocer de manera directa las palabras o frases que pudieran causar confusin durante su aprendizaje.2. Andamios de seguimiento. Que permite al estudiante construir un aprendizaje mientras escucha y ensambla las imgenes o figuras en una plantilla. De esta manea no solo escucha la informacin, tambin manipula, observa y comprende el flujo y estructura de los temas durante la clase.3. Infografas. Algunas clases contienen infografas que permiten al estudiante comprender de manera sintetizada toda la actividad ya que, con los esquemas, resmenes, imgenes y descripciones contenidos en esta estrategia, se logran visualizar los conceptos con mejor comprensin. Una imagen dice ms que mil palabras.En este curso se pretende sacar al estudiante de su zona de confort para lograr aprendizajes pedaggicos humanos que se requieren para la sensibilizacin del profesional en su intervencin. Adems, logra empoderar su visin por la actual inclusin para mejorarla en su contexto y potenciarla por medio de la Implicacin."
Price: 345.00

"Especialista en Diseo Universal para el Aprendizaje, NIVEL3" |
"Este curso es parte de los 3 niveles necesarios para especializarse en Diseo Universal para el Aprendizaje versin 2.2, est sustentado en sus principios y pautas. En total de los 3 niveles encontrar 15 clases estructuradas que contienen recursos como andamios de aprendizajes basados en 3 estrategias:1. Definicin de Glosarios de Trminos. Que permitirn al estudiante conocer de manera directa las palabras o frases que pudieran causar confusin durante su aprendizaje.2. Andamios de seguimiento. Que permite al estudiante construir un aprendizaje mientras escucha y ensambla las imgenes o figuras en una plantilla. De esta manea no solo escucha la informacin, tambin manipula, observa y comprende el flujo y estructura de los temas durante la clase.3. Infografas. Algunas clases contienen infografas que permiten al estudiante comprender de manera sintetizada toda la actividad ya que, con los esquemas, resmenes, imgenes y descripciones contenidos en esta estrategia, se logran visualizar los conceptos con mejor comprensin. Una imagen dice ms que mil palabras.En este curso se pretende sacar al estudiante de su zona de confort para lograr aprendizajes pedaggicos humanos que se requieren para la sensibilizacin del profesional en su intervencin. Adems, logra empoderar su visin por la actual inclusin para mejorarla en su contexto y potenciarla por medio de la Implicacin.Esta especializacin te lleva a los aprendizajes precisamente como un docente debera hacerlo en la atencin a la diversidad, por lo que desde la primera clase aprenders estrategias diversificadas con las actividades expuestas, as que no solo llevars videos, documentos andraggicos de alto impacto, sino tambin estrategias en cada minuto de clases.Recuerdas la mejor clase o curso de tu vida? S que esta experiencia te har sentir as.Espero lo disfrutes!Edgar Palafox"
Price: 345.00

"Ayurveda for the Yoga Soul - Meeting the Earth Element" |
"Ayurveda is the sister science to Yoga and may be the, yet, undiscovered gem of your daily Yoga practice. The subject matter of the 'Ayurveda for the Yoga Soul' courses is informative and practical Ayurvedic advice delivered via lectures, on-the-mat movement practices, reflection and written exercises.Yoga is a practice which will help to still the wild fluctuations of the mind. Ayurveda is a practice which helps still the wild fluctuations of the Pranic body (Vata, Pitta, Kapha). Blending these two can have profound effects on your Yoga practice! The Earth Element course will guide you through the foundational learning of Ayurveda and Yoga touching on subjects such as 'sthira/sukha' and 'prakrti and vkrti'. These are two foundations of yoga and ayurveda. One is finding a still and comfortable practice and the other is learning about Ayurvedic body-typing.What You'll Get!Day One - Growing Roots - A physical check in practice plus your daily reflective writing practice.Day Two - Letting Go - A breathwork practice plus your daily reflective writing practice.Day Three - Stillness and Heaviness - How to guide the body with quality/Guna plus your daily reflective writing practice.Day Four - Vitality and Strength - Using the idea of Dosha and Ojas to guide movement plus a Prakrti and Vkrti download and your daily reflective writing practice.Day Five - Apana Vayu in Practice - Using the Earth 'Wind' for good health plus your daily reflective writing practice.Additional Content - Understanding how routine is key in bringing the security of the Earth Element into your day/year. Learn about dinacharya and rtucharya, Ayurveda's daily and seasonal routines for mind and body health and happiness! Within your daily on the mat practices you will be introduced to the Ayurvedic teachings of Prakrti (body-type) and Vkrti (imbalance of natural body-type) along with Prakrti and Vkrti questionnaires to assess your own body-type and imbalance and learn which daily routines suit your body-type best. You'll also learn the foundations of Ayurveda via the Ayurvedic Language of the Subtle Body (guna, dosha, ojas and vayu).I am the founder of Five Element Fitness and the author of the Ayurveda for the Yoga Soul ebook.I have a BA in Ayurvedic Studies and I am an Ayurvedic Practitioner and Ayurvedic Therapist. I am a Senior Yoga Alliance teacher and have two yoga teacher training diplomas - Hatha Yoga and Seasonal Yoga.I'd love to see you in class and share the wonderful practices of 'Ayurveda on the Mat'!---------------------------------------------------------------------Are there any course requirements or prerequisites?No prerequisites or requirements, just a desire to learn, practice and enjoy!Who will enjoy this course?Beginner Ayurveda and Beginner to Seasoned Yoga/fitness studentsThose looking for stress reduction movement practicesWho is this course not suitable for?This course is unsuitable during pregnancy. For all other physical conditions, please check with your primary health care provider (GP).*Important Health AdvisoryThis course is not a substitute for medical care. Please consult your medical provider for concerns regarding your capacity to practice safely.No form of exercise is entirely without risk. Each user of this programme should consult an appropriate health professional to determine if the exercises and information in this programme are appropriate for the user in light of his or her physical, medical and psychological condition.For these reasons, the contributors, producers and distributors of this programme disclaim any responsibility or liability for loss, damage or injury that may result to the user."
Price: 49.99

"Ayurveda for the Yoga Soul - Finding Your Fire-Power" |
"Ayurveda is the sister science to Yoga and may be the, yet, undiscovered gem of your daily Yoga practice. The subject matter of the 'Ayurveda for the Yoga Soul' courses is informative and practical Ayurvedic advice delivered via lectures, on-the-mat movement practices, reflection and written exercises.Yoga is a practice which will help to still the wild fluctuations of the mind. Ayurveda is a practice which helps still the wild fluctuations of the Pranic body (Vata, Pitta, Kapha). Blending these two can have profound effects on your Yoga practice! The Fire Element course will guide you through the foundational learning of Ayurveda and Yoga touching on subjects such as 'uddiyana bandha' and 'agni/ama'. These are two foundations of yoga and ayurveda. One is learning how to activate movement from deep inside the energetic core-body and the other is learning about the key role that digestion plays within our body.What You'll Get!Day One - Surya and Nabhi - Two fire element marma (acupressure points) and how they feel in our own body plus understanding the subject of Agni, the three types of Agni (and how they relate to your body-type) with guidance on starting a diet diaryDay Two - Active Exhale - A breathwork practice plus finding out the results your first ama questionnaire (how is your digestion?)Day Three - Penetrating Movements into the Core - How to guide the body with quality/Guna plus learning the causes and treatment of poor digestionDay Four - Devotional Movement Using Tejas - Using Surya Namaskara to shine the light inwards and outwards plus understanding the significance of Ayurveda's ten rules of food intakeDay Five - Samana Vayu in Practice - Using Uddiyana Bandha to direct Prana inwards (Samana Vayu) and discovering a new power in your movement and breath plus learning about the six tastes and checking them off in your diet diary (are you getting the six Ayurvedic nutrients in your diet?).Additional Content - Learn about the theory of the Fire Element, Pitta Dosha and Hormone balance and how hormone balance is linked to our 5 day Agni practices.Along the way you'll learn the Ayurvedic Language of the Subtle Body (guna, dosha, tejas and vayu).I am the founder of Five Element Fitness and the author of the Ayurveda for the Yoga Soul ebook.I have a BA in Ayurvedic Studies and I am an Ayurvedic Practitioner and Ayurvedic Therapist. I am a Senior Yoga Alliance teacher and have two yoga teacher training diplomas - Hatha Yoga and Seasonal Yoga.I'd love to see you in class and share the wonderful practices of 'Ayurveda on the Mat'!---------------------------------------------------------------------Are there any course requirements or prerequisites?No prerequisites or requirements, just a desire to learn, practice and enjoyWho will enjoy this course?Beginner Ayurveda and Beginner to Seasoned Yoga/fitness studentsWho is this course not suitable for?This course is unsuitable during pregnancy.Due to the movement practice sessions, this course is unsuitable for those with ulcers.For all other physical conditions, please check with your primary health care provider (GP).*Important Health AdvisoryThis course is not a substitute for medical care. Please consult your medical provider for concerns regarding your capacity to practice safely.No form of exercise is entirely without risk. Each user of this programme should consult an appropriate health professional to determine if the exercises and information in this programme are appropriate for the user in light of his or her physical, medical and psychological condition.For these reasons, the contributors, producers and distributors of this programme disclaim any responsibility or liability for loss, damage or injury that may result to the user."
Price: 49.99

"How to Mind Map" |
"Are you struggling to remember pieces of information and key points that are significant to your career success, business or academics?This guide gives you an introduction to the process of Mind Mapping that will help you improve your photographic memory, recall information, and generally accelerate your learning ability.The information and guidelines presented will take you through a step-by-step process of creating effective and powerful Mind Maps.YOU WILL LEARN: What a Mind Map is. Why you should use Mind Maps. Applications of Mind Mapping. Mind Mapping Techniques. Rules for Mind Mapping. Elements and Principles of Mind Mapping. 7 Easy Steps to Create an Effective Mind Map. And much more!Whether you are already using Mind Maps for studying or presentations, or you are just thinking about using it, this guide will give you all the information you need.Mind Mapping is an easy concept to understand, so seize this great opportunity!"
Price: 199.99
