"Emprendimiento, Apasinate y monetiza tus ideas" |
"Te consideras un emprendedor pero no sabes cmo alcanzar tus sueos y metas? Tienes una idea que mejorar tu nivel de vida? Quisieras conocer un plan para desarrollar exitosamente un proyecto de emprendimiento?Si contestaste a alguna pregunta que "SI", este curso te interesa, est realizado para servir de motivacin y de gua tanto a personas que quieren generar cualquier tipo de emprendimiento, as como a aquellas que se sientan inconformes con su situacin actual y buscan alternativas. Est compuesto por ms de 4 horas de explicaciones en vdeos, as como documentos PDF e incluso un bono de descuento para poder seguir capacitndose.Las personas con mayores ingresos son las que poseen o desarrollan empresas propias, este curso te permitir asimilar los conceptos fcilmente, ya que se usa un lenguaje sencillo y sin trminos complicados, para que el estudiante pueda tener el mximo de asimilacin y comprensin.Son 10 pasos para que puedas desarrollar un proyecto de manera exitosa, siendo guiado desde cmo generar una idea y llegar al xito, he incluso el tener que crecer y sistematizar la idea.Si estas interesado(a) en adquirir valiosos conceptos, informacin de muy alta calidad e importancia, buscando una gua realizada por personas que han hecho empresa y han alcanzado el xito este curso es el curso que ests buscando.QUE ESPERAS PARA SER UN EMPRENDEDOR DE XITO? Comienza ya!"
Price: 49.99

"Disminuye deudas en tu hogar en menos de 30 das" |
"A final de mes tienes problemas pagando cuentas? Los recibos cada da son ms caros y no es fcil pagarlos? Quisieres ahorrar para poder tomar unas vacaciones o para invertir? Si contestaste que SI a alguna de las preguntas, este curso te interesa!Este curso est realizado para ayudarte a manejar las finanzas en el hogar por medio de simples y sencillos consejos que te permitirn manejar mucho mejor tus cuentas y deudas como familia.Se mirar y analizar como las finanzas del hogar es responsabilidad de toda la familia as como el trabajar unidos es posible alcanzar mucho ms fcil los objetivos que se planteen, viendo cmo ahorrar con los servicios pblicos y el manejo adecuado de crditos y tarjetas de crdito.Est compuesto por ms de 60 minutos de explicaciones en vdeos, usando un lenguaje sencillo y de fcil entendimiento, y con una gua en PDF para que puedas controlar tu avance.Si estas interesado(a) en adquirir valiosos conceptos, informacin de muy alta calidad e importancia y quieres mejorar tus finanzas en el hogar este curso es el necesitas y quieres.QUE ESPERAS PARA MEJORAR? Comienza ya!"
Price: 19.99

"Self-Publishing Mastery" |
"This course reveals how you can make a steady monthly income as a writer by creating ebooks for Amazon Kindle and paperbacks for Amazon CreateSpace. Self-Publishing Mastery Foundations for Success Content Creation the Easy Way Formatting Made Simple Proven Promotion Secrets Real Examples & Case Studies Reveals Shortcuts to Producing Both Quality and Quantity You will discover how to create demand driven content that sells! No more books that get left in the dust - supercharge your results. This course includes video lectures and instructional downloads that detail exactly how I make $thousands$ per month as a writer without begging for reviews and without spending a penny on marketing or promotion. Content & Overview You know it's a fact, tons of writers struggle to gain decent compensation for their work. Maybe you've spent days, months, even years toiling over a manuscript only to find that when its' finally uploaded and available to the marketplace, the sales fail to materialize. Starting with market-proven principles as a foundation, this course provides an easy-to-follow system that will jumpstart your book publishing efforts towards a healthy and strong, residual income-producing business. All of the powerful principles from the lectures are accompanied by live examples from the Amazon Books Marketplace. The video lectures are accompanied with detailed downloadable PDF notes for clarity and learning retention. This course will guide you step-by-step towards becoming a successful and profitable writer!"
Price: 49.99

"Self-Publishing Primer: Basic steps for new writers." |
"Do you have a book inside of you? Most people do! The problem is getting that book out and onto the page - and not just onto the page; but also out into the global marketplace.Where do you start?Can you really self publish your own book?This course provides an excellent introduction for anyone who may be toying with the idea of not just writing a book but taking the next step and actually publishing it.It's easier than you think!Perhaps you like to write short stories, poetry or maybe you even have a novel in progress that never seems to get finished. You've found the right course to finally get your writing out into the market where it belongs.This course will show you a simple method to format your manuscript using MS Word so that you can upload it directly to the Amazon KDP and Amazon CreateSpace Marketplace.You will also see how you can make a quality book cover using Photoshop in 5 minutes flat! Where to get royalty free graphics that you can use with no attribution required - even for commercial use.This short course can be completed in just a couple of hours. 30 minutes of video and several text based lectures. The three sections of the course covers:1 How to use MS Word to format a manuscript that will be accepted by Amazon.2 Evaluating the self-publishing opportunity. My strategy for approaching the self-publishing opportunity.3 Using Photoshop to make free book covers quickly and easily.Take the next step, enroll now and get yourself in gear! Learn to self-publish for fun and profit today. An easy introduction to a great work from home opportunity!"
Price: 24.99

"Anger Management Lessons" |
"Welcome to Anger Management Lessons. This course will help you develop a peaceful and serene disposition.If you have been searching for online anger management lessons, this course is exactly what you are looking for. Clear practical instructions that will help you get past hurts and frustrations that may be linked with current tendencies towards anger.This course consists of video lectures and pdf downloads of the transcripts so that you can study the material at your own pace. You can complete all the material in a few hours but it is designed to be studied over the length of a weekend. This material would be ideal for a weekend anger management seminar. This online anger management course is divided into seven sections which include: Introduction, understanding the source of anger; the initial steps to defeat anger, eliminating blame, developing a serene mind, action steps and letting go.If you follow these seven simple lectures, you will be on a path towards self-discovery. Anger management is a choice that takes consistent practice. To master any skill, you need to take specific actions and then repeat those actions consistently before you will see results.Anger management lessons do not need to be complicated. Follow the seven lectures in this course and the recommended actions; you will start to see changes in your life towards a more peaceful and less reactionary character. Join those who have already enrolled and are making positive change a reality in their life."
Price: 24.99

"Mixing And Mastering Electronic Music In Ableton Live" |
"We will be mixing and mastering a track from start to finish in this course. You will get an in-depth, real world view of exactly how to mix and master your own music. You will learn the art and science behind various types of compression (regular compression, sidechain compression, multiband compression) and some recommended settings that can be used depending on the type of sound you are treating with compression. You will also learn about various types of EQ treatment, such as regular parametric EQ and Mid-Side EQ. You will learn about how to EQ a wide range of sounds including different drums and percussion (kicks, snares, etc.), different bass sounds, melodic instruments and FX. You will learn how to use saturation and distortion to add extra harmonics to certain sounds in your mix to make them sound fuller or stand out more above the other instruments. You will learn how to mix a complex track that consists of more than 10 different bass sounds and more than 10 different drums tracks. You will see how we can group tracks together and process an entire group of tracks at once. You will learn how to work with reference tracks to compare your own work with. You will also learn how to build your own mastering chain and how to master your track so that it will stand up against other professionally produced tracks on the dancefloor. The style of music produced in this course could be called dubstep, although it features many influences from ambient electronica and drum and bass, especially neuro or neurofunk style drum and bass. Despite the track being a specific type of electronic music, you will be able to apply all of the mixing and mastering techniques you learn in this course to other genres of electronic music, such as electro house, techno, glitch hop, trip hop, mid tempo music and many other styles. The Digital Audio Workstation (DAW) used in this course is Ableton Live, but if you use a different DAW, and you're comfortable with producing music in it, you can apply all of the techniques in your DAW of choice. Along with full access to all of the video tutorials, you will be able to download the Ableton Live project file used in this course to take a close look at each of the tracks and see exactly how the song was mixed."
Price: 49.99

"Ableton Live Skill Builder Course" |
"This course will show you how to use every single feature of Ableton Live in a clear, concise way, so that you can avoid technology overwhelm and focus on what you want to do - make your own amazing music! If you want to use the world's most powerful Digital Audio Workstation to create music that has no limits, you'll love this course.Not only will I walk you through how to use each feature, I'll also put it into context for you while you watch me produce a song from start to finish in this 52 part video course, so you can understand how each feature is used in the song creation process. You will learn various approaches to songwriting, sound design and mixing your music in Live.In addition to the 52 High Definition video lessons, the course also includes the completed Ableton Live project file, so you can download it, open it up, and see exactly how each component has been built. The course is broken down into 8 modules, that walk you through each feature of Live as we build a track from the ground up, so by the end of this course you'll be able to create your own music using any features of Live that you want to use!"
Price: 79.99

"Introductory Hypnosis - New Tools for Personal Growth" |
"This course was designed to offer the student not only a good Introductory grounding in hypnosis but also touches on related areas which enhance the core skills. Even though this is an Introductory course practice is very important in order to integrate what is being learned from the lectures and manual. Approximate Time to complete: 1-3 days. It is self-paced. This course consists of : 27 Page Introductory Course Manual (downloadable) 3 Instructional videos approximately 9-16 minutes each 1 Self-Hypnosis Video 2 Self-hypnosis audio MP3s (downloadable) Last IACH Newsletter (downloadable) Included in this Course: Hypnosis Theory History of hypnosis Defining hypnosis. Conscious, subconscious, super conscious theory Meditation Defining Stressors Suggestibility tests Hypnosis and Self Hypnosis Techniques The direct approach Developing effective hypnosis skills Deepening trance Depth testing Abreactions Hypnotic suggestion Posthypnotic suggestion Induction termination Basic communication skills Shamanistic methods"
Price: 19.99

"Cmo Fortalecer Tu Capacidad de Dar Amor" |
"Desea mejorar tu capacidad de amar? Fortalecer esa capacidad podra mejorar tus relaciones con tu familia, tus colegas y las dems personas con quienes relacionas?Algunos autores afirman que al fin de la vida, estaremos llamadas a responder la pregunta: Cunto has amado? Si te tocara responder esta pregunta ahora, estaras satisfecha con tu respuesta?Este curso, que consiste en 21 lecturas, incluyendo 15 videos, describe prcticas sencillas pero eficaces que te ayudarn a fortalecer esta importante capacidad.El curso comienza explorando la ""naturaleza del amor"", analizando su efecto tanto en el bienestar fsico como emocional, y su aporte a los trabajos en grupo y a la sociedad en general. A la vez, presenta descripciones de varios autores que llevan a la conclusin que el amor no es simplemente un sentimiento que nos ocurre, sino una capacidad que podemos desarrollar conscientemente. Al terminar esta seccin podrs explicar claramente tu comprensin de lo que es el amor y las razones que deseas aumentar esta capacidad.Luego, el curso analiza la relacin entre los pensamientos y las acciones, llevando a la conclusin que para actuar con amor, hay que comenzar por llenar los pensamientos del amor. Contina presentando varias prcticas que fortalecen los pensamientos de amor, seguido por prcticas que motivan las acciones de amor. Al terminar esta secciones tendrs una caja de herramientas prcticas que puedes utilizar tanto para desarrollar esta capacidad.Ya que una cosa es saber y otra, actuar, la prxima seccin explora algunos de los obstculos que a menudo surgen al tratar de desarrollar el hbito de utilizar las prcticas. A la vez, da sugerencias prcticas de cmo enfrentarlos. Conociendo estas estrategias, no te desanimars si te surgen algunos de estos obstculos, ya que sabrs cmo enfrentarlos.El curso termina presentando tres mbitos en que estamos desafiados a desarrollar el amor, invitndote a escoger uno de ellos para concentrar tus esfuerzos iniciales, definiendo acciones especficas que vas a tomar.Si haces el esfuerzo de poner en prctica an algunas de las prcticas incluidas en este curso, te sorprenders agradablemente al observar cmo avanzas en la capacidad de brindar amor a las personas que te rodean."
Price: 19.99

"Cmo Alentar y Acompaar a Otros, Potenciando su Capacidad" |
"Ayudar a otros a desarrollar nuevas destrezas es una actividad en que todos participamos de una manera u otra. Los padres de familia orientan y guan a sus hijos. En el trabajo orientamos a nuestros colegas. Los maestros, animadores, tutores y coordinadores en los programas del Instituto Bah' acompaan a sus participantes en el desarrollo de cualidades espirituales y destrezas del servicio. Este curso mejorar tu desempeo de esta importante capacidad.Desarrolla Actitudes y Destrezas para Dar un Acompaamiento EficazAnaliza tus actitudesDa felicitaciones que motivan el esfuerzoTrabaja hombro-a-hombro, dando gua y sugerencias positivasFortalece Esta Capacidad del Liderazgo Moral que Mejora las Relaciones HumanasLa capacidad de dar aliento es una de las 18 capacidades del liderazgo moral que cualquier persona pueda ejercer para aportar a la unidad y el progreso de su familia, equipo, u organizacin. La capacidad de dar aliento tiene una doble funcin. Aporta a mejorar las relaciones humanas entre los miembros del grupo y a desarrollar las capacidades de sus miembros.Al finalizar el curso podrs ejercer conscientemente esta capacidad, aumentando la unidad entre los miembros de tu grupo y su capacidad de aportar a las metas y propsito de la organizacin.Qu voy a aprender en este curso?Distinguir entre una actitud de escasez y una actitud de abundancia y su influencia en las accionesAnalizar el impacto de una actitud de aceptacinEjercer el poder de las expectativas positivasFelicitar de manera que motiva a otros a esforzarse msGuiar a personas que estn aprendiendo destrezas nuevasAcompaar a otros con una mirada apreciativaA quin est dirigido? Toda persona en una posicin de guiar, educar o supervisar a otros.Personas comprometidas con practicar el liderazgo moral"" en su vida"
Price: 19.99

"How to Write a Business Plan Like a Venture Capitalist" |
"In these 8 lectures you will learn;How to write proposals that will have your prospects begging to give you moneyThe mindset you need to transform your dull proposal into a money generating machineThe pitch sequence we use to turn a cold prospect into a cash deposit into your accountHow to turn one time investors into repeat investors (on average an investor funds at least 3 projects after the initial successful one)How to get convince even the prospects that don't want to invest into connecting you to a fellow investor that will be interested.I know you don't want to your proposal to keep collecting dust, just waiting for your next little tweak. You need to take it to the next level, you want to be able to boldly go into any office and hand them your proposal with 100% certainty that it will blow their socks off. Only you can save your dream, nobody else will come and help you create the life that you deserve.By changing your mindset and learning How to Write a Business Plan Like a Venture Capitalist, you will be securing your future business and you will be there to help your friends and family when they need it most.*If within the first 30 days of taking this course you are not satisfied, you will be able to get a full refund* You are only one click away from securing your first round of venture capital!A few years ago I was in the position that you might be in right now. About UsI left my comfortable job as an accounts manger and decided to pursue a great business idea that I had. 3 months down the line and my unfinished business plan was collecting dust in a corner of my home office. I kept telling myself that it wasn't ready yet and that I would find an investor once it was perfect. But the actual fact was I was afraid. Like you I was not sure that my business plan was good enough, I was afraid that if I showed it to an investor that they would just laugh in my face and never reply to my emails again. I would look online for any templates for drag and drop solution that I could find to help improve my proposal but despite all the little changes I made it never felt like it was quite there. As entrepreneurs we want to have a business proposal that fills us with pride and confidence not doubt and shame. So as the weeks turned into months my initial burning fire for my project turned into a dim candlelight flickering in the wind. That was until I met my current business partner Peter Davy and he shared with me the mind set and techniques that he used to raise funding for mines in DRC, a housing project for the United Nations and the lessons he learnt while he was the CEO of FTSE a listed company. Fast forward to today where we are currently working on a copper mine in Zambia, for which we raised more than $250,000. What changed is that I learnt how to tailor my proposals for each individual prospect and I have also learnt how to pick and attract the right kind of investor for my projects. We will be teaching you these skills on this course and as a bonus, Peter and I will personally answer any questions that you have to help build your dream business proposal."
Price: 19.99

"Master Excel Functions" |
"This course helps to teach you how to learn Excel Functions and Formulas. You will learn how to take that knowledge and apply it to everyday examples to show how you can use it at work. In this course, you will learn: the 50 most common Excel functions The basics needed to get the most out of Functions Advanced and nested functions to truly show their power Real World examples to show how to apply it to your job You should get this course because I have taught Excel to accountants for many years. I go slow enough and show every step, to help beginners understand. But I also go in depth for more advanced users to benefit. This course is made up of over 4 hours of video and over 100 pages of screenshots and writing to help explain what Excel functions are all about. Get this course and I know you will increase your Excel knowledge!"
Price: 19.99

"How To Create Your Own Fashion Blog From Scratch" |
"Follow along step by step and learn exactly How to start your own Fashion Blog. Using the worlds leading blogging platform WordPress, go through the process of creating for yourself an amazing, clean and minimalistic fashion blog from scratch in under 2 hours!Try the course today risk free with a 30 day money back guarantee_________________________________________________Over the course of 13 lectures you'll learn:How to find and purchase a domain for your fashion blogHow to select a hosting provider to keep your blog online 24/7How to find the best fashion blog themes to make your site look amazingHow to save yourself 1000s by using a premium WordPress themeHow to set up a WordPress website (it's easier than you think)How to add pages to your fashion blogHow to add a menu to your fashion blogHow to create a blog carousel to display your postsHow to add images to your blog posts and sidebarAnd so much more. When you've finished the course you'll have a fully set up, online Fashion Blog ready for you to embark on your own fashion blogging journey. You'll know how to create blog posts, add pages, upload images and work with your menu, select featured posts and know the basics of WordPress.__________________________________________________With over 6+ years of website building experience and having worked on countless blogs I can guide you step by step through creating your own fashion blog and answer any and all of your questions.__________________________________________________The lectures in this training series are all from a live recording session where over a 2 hour period where I built a fashion blog from scratch live on the internet. What you're watching in these lectures is the recording of myself going through each element of building a fashion blog one part at a time. In fact if you want to see what you'll be creating you can view it live on the internet right now. Just Google "Fashion Summit HQ" and you can see the website we create in this training. If you are an:aspiring fashion blogger looking to create your own fashion blogenthusiastic individual that just wants to build a blog of any typesimply interested in learning how to build a fashion blogThen this course is totally for you.__________________________________________________Bonus SectionLearn how to build a great looking fashion blog logo in under 10 minutes. From choosing a type face to finding a icon for the logo by the end of the section you'll have a logo perfect for your blog."
Price: 29.99

"Make Hit Music!" |
"In todays digital era, the computer is now an instrument. Whether it is used as a medium to create music or a supplemental tool to produce music, there is no doubt the computer is an essential tool for any aspiring musician or hobbyist. This is where the course comes in. BeatsBlueprint is a step by step beginner level video series course on music production. There is no pre-requisite knowledge required. The goal is to not only teach students how to tap into the potential of a computer, but also, to help facilitate the creative process for students to craft his or her own sound. Using the digital audio software, Ableton, as a medium, students will learn the technical concepts of music theory and how to apply their knowledge to create music across a span of genres. What sets Beatsblueprint apart is our project based approach. By the end of the course, the student will be able to create his or her own track from start to finish. In order to complete the course, you must have access to Ableton. Ableton is a powerful software music sequencer and digital audio workstation. It offers a generous demo that allows you to access and utilize its full range of tools completely FREE. After 30 days, however, the trial ends. However, this does not mean you stop making music. BeatsBlueprint specifically designed this course to work across a variety of platforms. Music theory is music theory. Production is production. Regardless of what you choose to use, your knowledge can be adapted to any music software. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- WHAT'S INSIDE: Audio Design Variety is the spice of life. From pop to house, dubstep to hip pop, learn fundamental concepts to create music from an array of genres. Music Theory Take the guesswork out of producing. Learn basic structures of scales, chords, and rhythms to craft smooth melodies with complimentingharmonies. Project Based Approach From the intro, beat drop to the chorus, learn how to craft an entire song alongside the instructor from start to finish. Mixing and Mastering Learn how to take a composition to a crisp radio ready jam. From EQ techniques to special effects, learn how to craft quality professional tracks. Technical Concepts MIDI vs Audio? Loops vs Virtual Instruments? Learn the technical know how and basic techniques of music production. Creative Inspiration From synth linesto music samples, learn how you can integrate melodies to help facilitate the creative process and sculpt your unique sound."
Price: 24.99

"Unity 5 Professional Guide - Mastering C# Programming!" |
"This is the right course for who is seeking great quality knowledge covering from the most basic aspects of game development up to Unity's most useful functionalities in terms of coding! Maybe you're a designer trying to understand the coding aspect, maybe you're just a student that wants to go deeper into game development, it doesn't matter. I come from a game design background and now I'm a scripting expert so you can do it too! In this course you can really expect code made easy. Don't fool yourself thinking that no hard work is necessary, though. As well as anything else, learning how to code in Unity is not something that happens overnight, so be sure to put a generous amount of effort onto completing quizzes and following the lectures correctly.The course includes all sorts of files and materials used throughout, so you can be sure that everything you're learning in the lectures is totally reproducible in your computer without need to worry! This course covers from the basics of interface up to the getting in deep touch with Unity's API, that is, the set of functions that make us able to code our own stuff inside the game engine, but don't expect to dive right into coding and all of that complicated stuff (not really). I've structured this course in such a way that you will learn everything without rush, so take your time. No prior knowledge is necessary for each lecture other than what you've learned in the previous one! Having a hard time understanding something? It's like they say: a picture is worth a thousand words. That's why some of the course lectures have blackboard sessions, where I grab some pen and paper (digitally) to clear up your mind with hand-made sketches! I have to say that this is the best Unity course out there given its price and how much of Unity it covers. You can expect a dedicated lecturer with quite a lot of prior teaching experience, and trust me when I say: I speak your language! Shall we begin?"
Price: 69.99

"Complete Guide for Custom Inspectors & Windows in Unity!" |
"Exposing properties to the editor is useful, but it can't be used to create complex things.By creating custom inspectors and editors, you'll have full control over how Unity looks and exposes itself to Game Designers and people who are there to balance the game and play around with your scripts. Your job is to make their job easier, and this can be a good start point!This course expects some proficiency in programming, so you should be comfortable with C# for Unity before you get started.This unique content will get you through the whole process of creating nice looking custom inspectors for your scripts, windows and custom properties, but it will also cover quick ways to change the appearance of a script's inspector by using variable and method attributes."
Price: 34.99

"Unity 5 + C#: Simplificando o Desenvolvimento de Jogos" |
"Prepare-se para desenvolver um jogo completo!Esse curso indicado para quem est procurando conhecimento de qualidade nos aspectos mais simples de Unity 5 at as funcionalidades mais teis e complicadas em termos de programao e desenvolvimento de jogos. Essa no uma srie de vdeo onde eu simplesmente cito os passos para produzir algo. Todos os vdeos so devidamente explicados e a qualidade das aulas pode ser comprovada pelos mais de dez mil alunos que j tive a oportunidade de instruir.Ao ter acesso a esse material, voc ver a programao de um outro modo. Entretanto, no se engane pensando que empenho opcional. Assim como qualquer outra coisa, aprender a programar no acontece da noite para o dia, ento lembre-se de se esforar em completar testes (includos no curso) e seguir as aulas corretamente.O curso inclui todo o material que ser usado nas aulas. Ento, tenha certeza de que tudo que voc v em aula totalmente reproduzvel em seu computador.Esse curso cobre tudo. Desde o mais bsico sobre interface at a construo de um game completo! Porm, no espere ter de mergulhar em cdigos complicados desde o incio. Eu estruturei o curso de tal forma que voc aprende tudo sem pressa e no seu ritmo. Nenhum conhecimento prvio necessrio para cada aula a no ser o que voc adquiriu na aula anterior.Quer que eu desenhe? Sem problemas! Para esse curso, desenvolvi vrios vdeos conceituais onde explico termos mais complicados com desenhos e diagramas. Uma imagem vale mais que mil palavras, certo?Posso afirmar que esse o melhor curso de Unity em portugus dado o seu preo e a qualidade do material oferecido. Espere um instrutor dedicado com grande experincia prvia (meu curso de Unity em ingls um sucesso. Pense nesse como uma verso melhorada!). Confie em mim quando eu digo: Eu falo a sua lingua!Podemos comear?"
Price: 369.99

"Unity 5 Professional Guide - Develop a 2D Arkanoid Game!" |
"In this course you'll think, understand and implement a complete working game on Unity3D. This course is designed for those who have at least a basic knowledge of C#, as we won't go through defining each feature of the language. Also, it would be good if you were comfortable with the Unity 5.x interface. If you're not familiar with these two items, you better off with my first course, which will teach you C# and Unity.Everything that was used throughout the course (including scripts and the working project) is included as a resource on lecture #2, so I got you covered!The course starts by giving an introduction of how the game works and what kinds of systems we'll have to implement to make it work flawlessly, which should take around 4 hours.If you're tired of code-alongs with no explanation whatsoever, this is the course for you, as I actually teach and explain every single line I'm writing. I'll also explain all the decisions that were made to make the game work as it is, so you can be assured you'll have the best game development instructor you could ask for."
Price: 19.99

"Modelagem para Jogos com Blender 3D" |
"OBlender uma ferramenta 3D poderosssima, que est no mercado h anos.Com o Blender, ferramenta gratuita produzida pelo instituto de mesmo nome, possvel criar modelos 3Dpara jogos, animaes, texturas alm de ele contar com um motor grfico integrado, dando ao usurio a possibilidade de criar seus prprios jogos sem sair do programa!Ofoco desse curso oferecer a voc uma introduo diferenciada ao software. Com aulas muito bem apresentadas e didtica diferenciada, como j foi provado por milhares de alunos tanto na Udemy quanto no YouTube, esse curso vai introduzir voc ao software preenchendo lacunas e detalhando processos que a grande maioria dos cursos deixa de fora.Nesse curso, voc vai aprender a produzir seus prprios elementos 3D para jogos. Alm disso, ainda vamos cobrir o processo de texturizao e animao de um modelo simples, para que voc entenda o processo e aplique a seus prprios modelos posteriormente!Ocurso apresenta um vocabulrio voltado a iniciantes, estruturado de maneira progressiva, sem atropelo de conhecimentos. Omaterial necessrio para desenvolver as atividades em aula acompanham como material auxiliar.Junte-se agora ao melhor curso de Blender em lngua portuguesa e maravilhe-se com esse software mgico, que vai te ajudar a adicionar outro nvel grfico aos seus jogos ou projetos em 3D!"
Price: 309.99

"Python for Data Structures, Algorithms, and Interviews!" |
"PLEASE NOTE: IF YOU ARE A COMPLETE BEGINNER TO PYTHON, CHECK OUT MY OTHER COURSE: COMPLETE PYTHON BOOTCAMP TO LEARN PYTHON!Welcome to Python for Data Structures, Algorithms and Interviews! This is the most comprehensive course online to help you ace your coding interviews and learn about Data Structures and Algorithms! This course takes advantage of the easy to read Python programming language to efficiently teach you what you need to know to land the tech job of your dreams!This course will teach you everything you need to know to get a great job in the software technology field, including:Creating a great resumeCreating LinkedIn and GitHub profiles for recruiters to findBuilding and leveraging a network for job opportunitiesThe latest job searching tools available onlineNon-Technical Interview Questions and AnswersPost-Interview topics (Salary Negotiation and References Preparation)Jupyter Notebooks OverviewAlgorithm Analysis and Big-O NotationArray SequencesStacks Queues and DequesLinked ListsRecursionTreesSearching and Sorting AlgorithmsGraph AlgorithmsRiddles and Brainteasers4 Mock Interviews!Achieve your career goals and get a fantastic job in technology by enrolling in this course!"
Price: 194.99

"2020 Complete Python Bootcamp: From Zero to Hero in Python" |
"Become a Python Programmer and learn one of employer's most requested skills of 2020!This is the most comprehensive, yet straight-forward, course for the Python programming language on Udemy! Whether you have never programmed before, already know basic syntax, or want to learn about the advanced features of Python, this course is for you! In this course we will teach you Python 3. With over 100 lectures and more than 21 hours of video this comprehensive course leaves no stone unturned! This course includes quizzes, tests, coding exercises and homework assignments as well as 3 major projects to create a Python project portfolio!Learn how to use Python for real-world tasks, such as working with PDF Files, sending emails, reading Excel files, Scraping websites for informations, working with image files, and much more!This course will teach you Python in a practical manner, with every lecture comes a full coding screencast and a corresponding code notebook! Learn in whatever manner is best for you!We will start by helping you get Python installed on your computer, regardless of your operating system, whether its Linux, MacOS, or Windows, we've got you covered.We cover a wide variety of topics, including:Command Line BasicsInstalling PythonRunning Python CodeStringsLists DictionariesTuplesSetsNumber Data TypesPrint FormattingFunctionsScopeargs/kwargsBuilt-in FunctionsDebugging and Error HandlingModulesExternal ModulesObject Oriented ProgrammingInheritancePolymorphismFile I/OAdvanced MethodsUnit Testsand much more!You will get lifetime access to over 100 lectures plus corresponding Notebooks for the lectures! This course comes with a 30 day money back guarantee! If you are not satisfied in any way, you'll get your money back. Plus you will keep access to the Notebooks as a thank you for trying out the course!So what are you waiting for? Learn Python in a way that will advance your career and increase your knowledge, all in a fun and practical way!"
Price: 194.99

"The Complete SQL Bootcamp 2020: Go from Zero to Hero" |
"Learn how to use SQL quickly and effectively with this course!You'll learn how to read and write complex queries to a database using one of the most in demand skills - PostgreSQL. These skills are also applicable to any other major SQL database, such as MySQL, Microsoft SQL Server, Amazon Redshift, Oracle, and much more.Learning SQL is one of the fastest ways to improve your career prospects as it is one of the most in demand tech skills! In this course you'll learn quickly and receive challenges and tests along the way to improve your understanding!In this course you will learn everything you need to become a SQL Pro! Including:Get started with PostgreSQL and PgAdmin , two of the world's most popular SQL toolsLearn he basics of SQL syntaxAnalyzing data using aggregate functions with GROUP BY commandsRunning advanced queries with string operations and comparison operationsLearn to use logical operators to add logic flow to your SQL queriesLearn common SQL JOIN commandsLearn to create tables and databases with constraints on data entriesLearn to use Python to further advanced your SQL skillsand much, much more!This is course that put's you in control, having you set up and restore databases right at the start of the course, instead of watching someone else code. Every section comes with fresh challenge questions and tasks, modeled after real world tasks and situations.I've spent years as an instructor both online and in-person at Fortune 500 companies, and this course is built to combine the best of both worlds, allowing you to learn at your own pace through an interactive environment. You will start with the basics and soon find yourself working with advanced commands, dealing with timestamp data and variable character information like a seasoned professional.SQL is one of the most in demand skills for business analysts, data scientists, and anyone who finds themselves working with data! Upgrade your skill set quickly and add SQL to your resume by joining today! I'll see you inside the course!Check out the free preview videos for more information!"
Price: 194.99

"Data Science and Machine Learning Bootcamp with R" |
"Data Scientist has been ranked the number one job on Glassdoor and the average salary of a data scientist is over $120,000 in the United States according to Indeed! Data Science is a rewarding career that allows you to solve some of the world's most interesting problems!This course is designed for both complete beginners with no programming experience or experienced developers looking to make the jump to Data Science!This comprehensive course is comparable to other Data Science bootcamps that usually cost thousands of dollars, but now you can learn all that information at a fraction of the cost! With over 100 HD video lectures anddetailed code notebooks for every lecturethis is one ofthe most comprehensive course for data science and machine learning on Udemy!We'll teach you how to program with R, how to create amazing data visualizations, and how to use Machine Learning with R! Here a just a few of the topics we will be learning:Programming with RAdvanced R FeaturesUsing R Data Frames to solve complex tasksUse R to handle Excel FilesWeb scraping with RConnect R to SQLUse ggplot2 for data visualizationsUse plotly for interactive visualizationsMachine Learning with R, including:Linear RegressionK Nearest NeighborsK Means ClusteringDecision TreesRandom ForestsData Mining TwitterNeural Nets and Deep LearningSupport Vectore Machinesand much, much more!Enroll in the course and become a data scientist today!"
Price: 194.99

"Python and Django Full Stack Web Developer Bootcamp" |
"Welcome to the Python and Django FullStack Web Developer Bootcamp! In this course we cover everything you need to know to build a website using Python, Django, and many more web technologies!Whether you want to change career paths, expand your current skill set, start your own entrepreneurial business, become a consultant, or just want to learn, this is the course for you!We will teach you the latest technologies for building great web applications with Python 3 and Django! But we don't just teach that, we also teach the Front End technologies you need to know, including HTML,CSS, and Javascript. This course can be your one stop shop for everything you need!It will serve as a useful reference for many of your questions as you begin your journey in becoming a web developer!This course is designed so that anyone can learn how to become a web developer. We teach you how to program by using HDVideo Lectures, Walkthrough Code Projects, Exercises, Concept Presentation Slides, Downloadable Code Notes, Reading Assignments, and much more!Here is just a small sampling of the topics included in this course:HTML5CSS3JavascriptjQueryBootstrap 3 and 4Document Object ModelPythonDjango BasicsDjangoTemplatesDjangoFormsDjango Admin CustomizationORMClass Based ViewsRESTAPIsUser Authenticationand much,much more!You will also get access to our online community of thousands of students, happy to help you out with any questions you may have! Any questions, feel free to send me a message here on Udemy and connect with me on LinkedIn, check out my profile for other courses.We also have a 30-day money back guarantee, so you can try out the course for an entire month, risk-free!Always keep learning!Jose"
Price: 199.99

"Python for Data Science and Machine Learning Bootcamp" |
"Are you ready to start your path to becoming a Data Scientist!This comprehensive course will be your guide to learning how to use the power of Python to analyze data, create beautiful visualizations, and use powerful machine learning algorithms!Data Scientist has been ranked the number one job on Glassdoor and the average salary of a data scientist is over $120,000 in the United States according to Indeed! Data Science is a rewarding career that allows you to solve some of the world's most interesting problems!This course is designed for both beginners with some programming experience or experienced developers looking to make the jump to Data Science!This comprehensive course is comparable to other Data Science bootcamps that usually cost thousands of dollars, but now you can learn all that information at a fraction of the cost! Withover 100 HD video lecturesanddetailed code notebooks for every lecturethis is one ofthe most comprehensive course for data science and machine learning on Udemy!We'll teach you how to program with Python, how to create amazing data visualizations, and how to use Machine Learning with Python! Here a just a few of the topics we will be learning:Programming with PythonNumPy with PythonUsing pandasData Frames to solve complex tasksUse pandasto handle Excel FilesWeb scraping with pythonConnect Pythonto SQLUse matplotlib and seaborn for data visualizationsUse plotly for interactive visualizationsMachine Learning with SciKit Learn, including:Linear RegressionK Nearest NeighborsK Means ClusteringDecision TreesRandom ForestsNaturalLanguage ProcessingNeural Nets and Deep LearningSupport VectorMachinesand much, much more!Enroll in the course and become a data scientist today!"
Price: 194.99

"Fitness and Exercise Essentials: Anatomy and Physiology" |
"This course is one of three installments. This study focuses on the anatomy and physiology of the body in relation to exercise and fitness. It's time to start understanding WHY we should eat certain foods and stay away from others. Now, we can answer the question "what makes some people faster than others". Get the low down on what metabolism really is. And understand the make-up of the human body, so you can truly understand why you are working out. If you want chiseled abs...start understanding your body and how it functions in exercise. If you want to lose 30 pounds by summer, learn how food interacts as a key player in your body's physical make-up."
Price: 34.99

"Fitness and Exercise Essentials: Body Weight Exercises" |
"This course is designed to help students understand the process of designing a basic workout using body weight exercises. Emphasis is placed on key components such as: nutrition, planning, warming up, cooling down, stretching and much more. Helpful videos with cues are provided in this course to show how to correctly do some popular body weight exercises. Anyone who is interested in a weight lifting program may benefit from this coursework as it teaches basic elements like form and recovery.Learn from short, brief and informative video lessons.Watch and learn from 14 total lessons that introduce key elements of exercise a fitness.Understand the basics of body weight exercises from a professional trainer and physical educator.Apply skills learned to enhance your workout program.This course has 3 sections and each have video based instructions with screencasts, powerpoint, and video with helpful insight."
Price: 19.99

"Photoshop: 5 Practical Techniques to Improve Your Skills" |
"Are you a student or design hobbyist who knows the bare basics of Photoshop, but wants to bring their work up a notch? Or, have you taken a class in Photoshop, but now need a little extra boost to feel comfortable taking on clients? This is the course for you. Use my techniques to take on clients and turn a profit! Photoshop is the world's most popular and powerful image editor. Don't let your skills get rusty! Make the most of the software with tried and true methods. Quickly change your game using the five methods I will teach you. Retouch and fix blotchy skin without it looking "Photoshopped" fake Refine complicated edges (like hair) with the Refine Edge tool Create unique texture by subtracting an image's RGB channels Sort, filter, tag, group, link, and organize layers Record a custom action and apply it to an unlimited number of photos Bring your work to the next level today. This course can take you there. It will put a bag of design tricks in your pocket, useful both for amateurs with a hobby and freelancers seeking clients. Each of the tutorials is in depth, and the relatively short course length is designed to give you the quick boost you need, without spending inordinate amounts of time exploring every option in the interface."
Price: 19.99

"Go From LOCAL Teacher to GLOBAL Yoga Entrepreneur" |
"This course is for entrepreneurial yoga teachers who dream of their teachings reaching students on an international level. And, by the completion of this course, you will understand exactly what it takes to turn your yoga teaching "hobby" into a fun, fulfilling and sustainable career. Consisting of videos, action sheets, comprehension questions and other valuable resources, this online program delves into the various aspects of creating an online yoga business to supplement your local teaching.Together, we'll cover...How to Create Your 1st Online OfferingHow to fill your BIG programs Branding Your Yoga Biz from the Inside Out with guest-lecturer Francesca CerveroHow to monetize your yoga blog 35 ways to grow your biz (without working more hours)How to open a virtual yoga studio Go from LOCAL teacher to GLOBAL entrepreneur"
Price: 19.99

"BEing Spiritually Intelligent" |
"Would you like to learn to trust yourself and build self-esteem through the power of strengthening your intuition? Are recurring life patterns continually showing up in your life, and you'd like to break the chain of pain? Would you like to appreciate the blessings in your life - even those things you feel have been a burden?Would learning about Spiritual Intelligence be of interest to you, so you can live a more peaceful, abundant life?This online course was designed to bring you closer to the essence of your true Self through the process of Experiential Learning. Knowledge comes from reading. Wisdom only comes from experiencing the knowledge you've learned. This course will help you "experience" it when you apply these practical exercises on a consistent basis in your everyday life. My best teaching methods were utilized in creating this course, so you'll learn through a combination of video lessons, journaling, list creating, brainstorming, observing, interacting with others, real life examples, and supplemental materials.This course was based on Volume I of my book series, BEing Spiritually Intelligent". It would be helpful if you had the book and have read it, but not necessary to work through the course."
Price: 44.99

"Start Your Traveling Ministry - Itinerant and Evangelistic" |
"Start Your Traveling Ministry is a powerful course that will teach you the nuts and bolts to getting started effectively in the traveling ministry! It will help you quickly get launched into full-time ministry as an itinerant minister. The 12 lessons will cover everything in detail from how to schedule meetings, how to find churches to minister in, how to arrange your own profitable book table, to gathering monthly financial partners. This is a one of a kind course from someone with over 30 years of successful full-time ministry experience.The TRAVELING MINISTRY course will teach students the practical keys to getting successfully launched into a growing traveling ministry.Students will learn how the practical parts of the traveling ministry are set up and arranged and even strategized for effective outreach and impact in a churches and nations! Lessons: Setting Up Your Ministry YouTube Strategies Marketing and Advertising Your Ministry Answer Questions Like, ""Isn't It All Just Spiritual? Won't God Just Do It All By Himself?"" Why Plan? Extended Meetings vs. One Day Services Booktable Ministry and Product Non-Profit Status How Will Churches Hear of My Ministry? Proper Ministerial Etiquette About this course: Thousands of happy studentsComes with workbook and extra ebook Multiple instructors that will bring great revelation of the word of God!Full, free lifetime accessThe bible training you need to make it in ministryWe have over 30 years of full time ministry trainingNo bible school out there will train you with practical training like MTIComes with free consulting for bible trainingWe have organizations that we refer students who have graduated MTI to get both licensed and ordainedYou can go through all of the MTI classes as quickly as your schedule allows and then allowing you in an accelerated time to get launched into your ministry!Ministry Training Institute is a video school that gives you all the practical and revelation knowledge that is needed for you to get started in full time ministry or just getting to know the Lord Jesus in a greater light. This course has over 200 students globally! This course has been UPDATED with new lectures on October 8"
Price: 99.99
