"Signs, Wonders & Miracles - Healing and Deliverance Ministry" |
"SIGNS, WONDERS, AND MIRACLES will prepare students for the power of God. Students will learn how to minister with the Holy Spirit and allow His power to flow through them to the sick and hurting. Miracles were normal to Jesus as they should be to every believer.The training offered in this course is life changing, covering subjects such as Healing and Deliverance. Upon completion of this course, students will be confident for effective, powerful ministry to the sick, bound, and poverty stricken.Students will learn how Jesus actually healed even more than He taught, thus showing us the importance of the healing ministry.A heart of healing and miracles must be caught, not just taught, and this course will open your life to the adventures of supernatural ministry.The Deliverance part of this course deals with demonized people and bondages received through various sins, thought processes and actions. It will also teach the power of God in deliverance and how you can set the captives free without a big fanfare but in the power of God by just a word!Lessons: Is Healing Always God's Will? How Do I Get More Faith? Dealing With Demons How To Heal The Sick Walking In The Anointing What Are Signs and Wonders Street Healing Healing Thoughts Creative Miracles Demonic Curses and Thought Processes About this course: Thousands of happy studentsComes with workbook and extra ebook Multiple instructors that will bring great revelation of the word of God!Full, free lifetime accessThe bible training you need to make it in ministryEach of our MTI course all come with 2 courses covered in great detailWe have over 30 years of full time ministry trainingNo bible school out there will train you with practical training like MTIComes with free consulting for bible trainingWe have organizations that we refer students who have graduated MTI to get both licensed and ordainedYou can go through all of the MTI classes as quickly as your schedule allows and then allowing you in an accelerated time to get launched into your ministry!Ministry Training Institute is a video school that gives you all the practical and revelation knowledge that is needed for you to get started in full time ministry or just getting to know the Lord Jesus in a greater light. And of course we stand behind the 30 day money back guarantee! You'll be thrilled with how much you've grown spiritually in this easy to understand and easy to grasp course.This course has over 200 students globally! This course has been UPDATED with new lectures on September 18"
Price: 149.99

"The Anointing & Gifts of the Holy Spirit - Minister in Power" |
"Course Summary:The Anointing & Gifts of the Holy Spirit Course is a power packed course that was originally in a correspondence type of bible school. Now with Udemy, MTI has converted their classes into a video format, and this course - The Anointing will take you to new heights and new revelation unlike anything you've witnessed before! This course will really break down the Gifts of the Holy Spirit and how they function and how you can learn to flow in the Gifts of the Spirit. It will also really impart a fresh anointing that will show you how to understand revival and how it stirs an anointing that grows and flows with people, and this course will show you how to step into spiritual realms that you've never partaken of before! Course Objective:Develop a Biblical understanding of the power and importance of the Anointing and the Gifts of the Spirit in the life of the believer. Acquire an understanding of the differences of the Gifts of the Spirit, as well as their individual function and operation.Theses lessons have helped thousands all over the world begin to flow in the Anointing and see revivals erupt as well as learning how to partake of the Gifts of the Spirit in your daily life.The GIFTS of the SPIRIT part of this course will teach students how to step into gifts of the Spirit that they've never ventured into and how to fully function in the gifts that are almost second nature to them.Lessons: Gifts of the Spirit Gifts of Power Vocal Gifts Revelation Gifts How to Minister the Anointing Don't Hinder the Anointing The Anointing is Like ElectricityAbout this course: Thousands of happy studentsComes with workbook and extra ebook Multiple instructors that will bring great revelation of the word of God!Full, free lifetime accessThe bible training you need to make it in ministryEach of our MTI course all come with 2 courses covered in great detailWe have over 30 years of full time ministry trainingNo bible school out there will train you with practical training like MTIComes with free consulting for bible trainingWe have organizations that we refer students who have graduated MTI to get both licensed and ordainedYou can go through all of the MTI classes as quickly as your schedule allows and then allowing you in an accelerated time to get launched into your ministry!Ministry Training Institute is a video school that gives you all the practical and revelation knowledge that is needed for you to get started in full time ministry or just getting to know the Lord Jesus in a greater light.This course has over 200 students globally! And of course we stand behind the 30 day money back guarantee! You'll be thrilled with how much you've grown spiritually in this easy to understand and easy to grasp course. This course has been UPDATED with new lectures on October 8"
Price: 149.99

"Righteous Prosperity - Walking in Your Identity in Christ" |
"RIGHTEOUS PROSPERITY is a powerful course that will prepare students to walk in their God given identity in Christ and in the very blessings of Almighty God. Students will learn how to find out who you are in Christ. Before you can walk in an inheritance, you need to know your Identity! So your spiritual identity is taught by multiple teachers from multiple nations, and like all of our courses, it will cover in detail two subjects!The training offered in this course begins with your Identity and quickly shifts to walking in financial prosperity and what God's word says about this subject. More people struggle in their finances and it causes physical sickness, worry, stress and even divorce. But when we find out how God can bless us even in our finances, we get excited to see His hand moving in our lives in our natural finances. Upon completion of this course, students will be able to identify their spiritual identity in Christ. You'll see that you're not a ""sinner saved by grace"", you were a sinner and got saved by grace... now you're a son of God, the righteousness of God in Christ! Now you're a new creation in Christ Jesus, and old things are truly passed away. The incredible testimonies and teachings in this course will electrify the students. This will stretch you and kill any sacred cows in your mind or lives. It's time for God's people to be blessed beyond belief because they will finance the Kingdom of God in every way! Lessons: Complete in Christ Clear your conscience You're not guilty Who are you? Financial Blessing Poverty Mentality Debt CancellationAbout this course: Thousands of happy studentsMultiple instructors that will bring great revelation of the word of God!Full, free lifetime accessThe bible training you need to make it in ministryEach of our MTI course all come with 2 courses covered in great detailWe have over 30 years of full time ministry trainingNo bible school out there will train you with practical training like MTIComes with free consulting for bible trainingWe have organizations that we refer students who have graduated MTI to get both licensed and ordainedYou can go through all of the MTI classes as quickly as your schedule allows and then allowing you in an accelerated time to get launched into your ministry!Ministry Training Institute is a video school that gives you all the practical and revelation knowledge that is needed for you to get started in full time ministry or just getting to know the Lord Jesus in a greater light. And of course we stand behind the 30 day money back guarantee! You'll be thrilled with how much you've grown spiritually in this easy to understand and easy to grasp course.This course has over 200 students globally!"
Price: 149.99

"Ministry Essentials - How to Start a Successful Ministry" |
"Ministry Essentials - Keys to Successful Ministry will prepare students for a successful and prosperous ministry. Students will learn how to minister with the Holy Spirit and allow His power to flow through them to the sick and hurting. All areas and phases of ministry will be covered in great length and this is the one ""nuts and bolts"" bible course NEVER taught in bible schools. Often bible school students ask, ""how do I now get started"" after they've attended bible schools all over the world and the instructors often have no idea nor do they want to share these truths that are shared in this course with students to launch them into successful ministry and how to start various ministries from nothing! Upon completion, students will gain a great understanding of the full and part time ministry globally and how to launch and start any kind of ministry with success in a matter of weeks! Lessons: Youth Ministry Music Ministry Successful Ministry Marketing Goals and Planning Kinds of Preaching Powerful Bible Study Methods Weddings, Funerals and Dealing with Divorce Caution in Ministry Planting a Church Serving Others in MinistryAbout this course: Thousands of happy studentsComes with workbook Multiple instructors that will bring great revelation of the word of God!Full, free lifetime accessThe bible training you need to make it in ministryWe have over 30 years of full time ministry trainingNo bible school out there will train you with practical training like MTIComes with free consulting for bible trainingWe have organizations that we refer students who have graduated MTI to get both licensed and ordainedYou can go through all of the MTI classes as quickly as your schedule allows and then allowing you in an accelerated time to get launched into your ministry!Ministry Training Institute is a video school that gives you all the practical and revelation knowledge that is needed for you to get started in full time ministry or just getting to know the Lord Jesus in a greater light. And of course we stand behind the 30 day money back guarantee! You'll be thrilled with how much you've grown spiritually in this easy to understand and easy to grasp course.This course has over 200 students globally!"
Price: 149.99

"Prayer and Evangelism - Impacting Nations & Hurting People" |
"Prayer & Evangelism is a course within Ministry Training Institute that will impart a great revelation and delight in learning the art of prayer and fellowship with our Heavenly Father. This course also will begin to train people on how to reach their world for Christ in the power of God. The PRAYER course will teach students the key to releasing the power of God through an effective prayer life. Students will learn how prayer was used in the life and ministry of Jesus in order that He would fulfill His destiny and purpose on earth. Taking prayer from ""devotion to delight,"" students will learn to pray and get results. One preacher wrote, ""The minister who doesn't pray, is only playing.""A heart of evangelism must be caught, not just taught, and this course will open your life to the advetures of Power Evangelism with the Holy Spirit.The EVANGELISM course will teach students how to break through fear barriers and obstacles of practical and effective outreach and evangelism that disciples people into the Kingdom of God.Lessons: The power of worship Prayer of faith Praying for the harvest Fasting Meditation in Prayer Patterns of prayer Supernatural Evangelism Discipline in Evangelism The Power of God's Love to the Lost Evangelism ChallengeAbout this course: Thousands of happy studentsComes with workbook and extra ebook Multiple instructors that will bring great revelation of the word of God!Full, free lifetime accessThe bible training you need to make it in ministryEach of our MTI course all come with 2 courses covered in great detailWe have over 30 years of full time ministry trainingNo bible school out there will train you with practical training like MTIComes with free consulting for bible trainingWe have organizations that we refer students who have graduated MTI to get both licensed and ordainedYou can go through all of the MTI classes as quickly as your schedule allows and then allowing you in an accelerated time to get launched into your ministry!Ministry Training Institute is a video school that gives you all the practical and revelation knowledge that is needed for you to get started in full time ministry or just getting to know the Lord Jesus in a greater light. This course has over 200 students globally! And of course we stand behind the 30 day money back guarantee! You'll be thrilled with how much you've grown spiritually in this easy to understand and easy to grasp course. This course has been UPDATED with new lectures on September 18"
Price: 149.99

"Spiritual Sonship and End Times Truths Eschatology" |
"SPIRITUAL SONSHIP and END TIMES TRUTHS ESCHATOLOGY will prepare students for to walk in their spiritual authority and find out their identity in Christ. Students will learn how to minister with the Holy Spirit and will answer questions regarding some teachings on the ""end times"" and various theories of the end of the world.The training offered in this course is life changing, covering subjects such as End Times teachings, the Rapture, the Tribulation and our Identity as Sons of God, the very body of Christ. Upon completion of this course, students will be confident for effective, powerful ministry to hurting people.Lessons: End Times Madness Rapture The End of the World The Enemy is Revealed Great Tribulation Activated Manifested Sons of God Spiritual Growth Sonship Made EasyAbout this course: Thousands of happy studentsMultiple instructors that will bring great revelation of the word of God!Full, free lifetime accessThe bible training you need to make it in ministryEach of our MTI course all come with 2 courses covered in great detailWe have over 30 years of full time ministry trainingNo bible school out there will train you with practical training like MTIYou can go through all of the MTI classes as quickly as your schedule allows and then allowing you in an accelerated time to get launched into your ministry!Ministry Training Institute is a video school that gives you all the practical and revelation knowledge that is needed for you to get started in full time ministry or just getting to know the Lord Jesus in a greater light. And of course we stand behind the 30 day money back guarantee! You'll be thrilled with how much you've grown spiritually in this easy to understand and easy to grasp course.This course has over 300 students globally!"
Price: 149.99

"Revival Church History and Discipleship" |
"Revival Church History and Discipleshipwill train students in the powerful rich history we have in the Kingdom of God throughout the centuries of Christendom. Throughout time the world has experienced many revivals and awakenings ushered forth by countless great Christian revivalists. They have each played pivotal roles in changing the world and by studying both their triumphs and their tragedies we can understand, grow and exceed even their greatest accomplishments for the Kingdom of God. Through the Discipleship section of the course students will receive simple training to walk in their inherited identity in Christ and learn the steps needed to grow-up spiritually strong with a solid foundation of biblical truths.Upon completion of this course, students will be more confident and faith-filled in order to most effectively share the power and love of Jesus through personal evangelism and learn how to successfully train and disciple others in that sane power and love of God to help transform communities. God desires that His children become flames of fire, revivalists in our everyday lives regardless of your vocation, finances and our social status. He has given His children all the tools necessary to carry the fire of God to the hurting and broken humanity around them. Lessons: History of world revivals and revivalists What causes revival to start and what causes their end? Revivals in the 1600s, 1700s, 1800s, 1900s, and 2000s Who are some of historys revivalists and how did God use them to spark revivals What are the ingredients of revival? The common thread What is discipleship? Train and disciple others effectively Is discipleship duplicable and transferable About this course: Thousands of happy students Comes with supplemental workbook Multiple instructors that will bring great revelation of the word of God Full, free lifetime access And of course, we stand behind the30-day money back guarantee! You'll be thrilled with how much you've grown spiritually with this easy to understand and easy to grasp course."
Price: 99.99

"School of the Supernatural - Dream Interpretation" |
"SCHOOL OF THE SUPERNATURAL - DREAM INTERPRETATION will prepare students for walking in all that God has for them. Students will learn how to minister with the Holy Spirit and become a radical believer who shows the love of Jesus to a hurting world by demonstrating His love through His power.The training offered in this course is life changing, covering subjects such as Healing, Prophecy, Gifts of the Spirit, Dream Interpretation and Deliverance. Upon completion of this course, students will be confident for supernatural ministry to anyone at anytime!The School of the Supernatural portion of the school will train students to really step out of their fears and really minister in power in the strangest places, and rather than fear dictating when and where they can minister, they'll see how natural the supernatural can flow! The Dream Interpretation part of the course will show students the power of nighttime parables and how God's been speaking to people globally constantly and how to understand how He's speaking in the nighttime.Lessons: Healing Made Easy Supernatural Hunger The Word of Obvious Words of Knowledge and Wisdom Ministering to Family and Strangers How to Approach People Supernatural Mindsets 12 Most Common Dreams Dreams, Metaphors and Play on Words Dream JournalingInstructors: Jason Chin - is one of MTI's instructors from Redding, California. He has a strong ministry and loves training people in supernatural ministry. He teaches at the church and school of Bethel Church in Redding, CA. You can look up Jason's ministry at Love Says Go. About this course:Thousands of happy studentsComes with workbook and extra ebook Multiple instructors that will bring great revelation of the word of God!Full, free lifetime accessThe bible training you need to make it in ministryEach of our MTI course all come with 2 courses covered in great detailWe have over 30 years of full time ministry trainingNo bible school out there will train you with practical training like MTIComes with free consulting for bible trainingWe have organizations that we refer students who have graduated MTI to get both licensed and ordainedYou can go through all of the MTI classes as quickly as your schedule allows and then allowing you in an accelerated time to get launched into your ministry!Ministry Training Institute is a video school that gives you all the practical and revelation knowledge that is needed for you to get started in full time ministry or just getting to know the Lord Jesus in a greater light. And of course we stand behind the 30 day money back guarantee! You'll be thrilled with how much you've grown spiritually in this easy to understand and easy to grasp course.This course has over 200 students globally!"
Price: 149.99

"Create a Client Network by Hosting WordPress Sites" |
"So you want to learn how to host your own WordPress sites? You're in the right place! This course will teach you not only how to host your own sites (to save money), but also how you can make recurring money by hosting client sites.Think of this course as a Do-It-Yourself guide to learning proven techniques that will allow you to easily set up a server yourself and make recurring monthly income from hosting websites. Say goodbye to paying a high price for an all-inclusive web hosting company or expensive hosting 1-click add ons.Whether you've built a VPS server before or you're looking to offer your clients web hosting, there will be plenty to learn from this course. Each lesson has a worksheet with the links and commands discussed in the corresponding video.We'll cover a lot in this course, from comparing a Virtual Private Server against the commonly used shared hosting, purchasing a VPS, using the command line on both Mac and Windows, installing the server packages you'll need and configuring them, and also installing the database and then the WordPress files.We'll stress test your new server so you can have the confidence in what you're building and if you plan on selling hosting plans to clients, you'll have the confidence behind what you're offering. You can easily charge $30/mo per client for the value that you'll be able to offer after taking this course.I'll show you how to host multiple sites on the same server that you're already getting an incredible deal on, which further increases your profit margin.Automation helps build processes that every business needs to succeed, and it also makes a team of 1 feel like so much more. I'll show you how to set up automated daily back ups of your database and as a bonus, I've developed an exclusive command line script that takes everything you'll learn and automates building a server for you. In about a minute you can go from a fresh server to the standard Hello World! blog post you get with a WordPress installation.I look forward to teaching you how you can make money hosting WordPress sites!"
Price: 34.99

"Curso de impresin 3D para principiantes: manos a la obra." |
"La impresin 3D se perfila como una de las tecnologas lderes del futuro cercano. Este curso te permitir entender su funcionamiento y conocer las opciones bsicas que necesitas para disear y enviar a imprimir en 3D tus diseos. En el curso vamos a aprender la terminologa que necesitas saber para entrar en el mundo de la impresin 3D y poder llevar tus ideas a la realidad. El curso est dividido en una primera parte terica que te va a proporcionar los conceptos bsicos que necesitas para imprimir en 3D y una segunda parte prctica donde vas a poder entrar en el mundo del modelado 3D hasta lograr un archivo listo para imprimir. Vas a encontrar algunos archivos para realizar los ejercicios prcticos que tenemos disponibles e informacin adicional, as que revisa siempre la opcin de recursos. En este curso cubriremos los siguientes temas: Conceptos bsicos para impresin 3D Requisitos para disear e imprimir en 3D Modelado bsico con Tinkercad Preparacin y reparacin de archivos"
Price: 19.99

"Learn the Basics of Programming for Marketers" |
"Start becoming a technical marketer right now.Start writing and interacting with other people's code on your computerStart sharing code with other marketers or your company using Git and GithubStart talking about web technology on the same level of developersThis course is going to cover a variety of basic areas that are core to you becoming a technical marketer. If you want to start hacking together clever solutions to problems or start talking more intelligently about technology, this is your launch point. This is your foundation to keep learning on your own and through other technical marketing courses.In this course, you will:Learn how web tech works so you can talk about it more intelligently with developersLearn how apps, software, and programs are builtLearn how a site like Facebook works on the backendLearn how to navigate your computer using text entry in the TerminalLearn how to access common programming languages like PythonLearn how to add new libraries and functionality to your systemLearn how to share and download code using Git and GithubLearn to be a more technical marketerAs a bonus, you'll also receive a free copy of our eBook, "Become a Technical Marketer"Once enrolled, you will have access to this course for the rest of your life. You will always be able to come back to this class to review material or to learn new material. Try this course for yourself and see how quickly and easily you can develop some basic programming skills and understanding."
Price: 54.99

"Professional Podcast Production, Editing & Blueprint" |
"Check out this review from a student who has a show on iTunes now:(edited to announce I am on iTunes! Thank you, Ian!) Ian has created a Masterpiece of a course! I have an undergraduate and a Master's degree, and I would have to say this class ranks right up there as one of the best, perhaps the very best class I have ever taken, anywhere. This is a great teacher, folks. Ian has broken down the very technical content of creating a podcast into understandable, manageable lessons that I believe anyone can follow if they put in the time. He even manages to make the technical lessons fun and interesting. The system Ian teaches for post-interview audio engineering is simple yet brilliant, and I would never have figured out these methods without this course. Ian is one of the most responsive, helpful available teachers I have ever encountered. I know he has my back and would do anything to help. I was waiting to write this review until I actually had my podcast up and running, so that I could encourage future students from the position of someone who had made it to iTunes. I am not there yet, but I just realized that reviews on Udemy can be edited, and I will add that part in later. So I am writing this review now because Ian so highly deserves it, and because I want potential students to know that they will highly benefit from enrolling in this course. Ian, thank you for all your help so far!"" - Meredith Here(Host ofLocal Hearted: Asheville Artists WNC Artists Art Business on iTunes)-Learn how Freedom Podcasting produces showslike:The Tim Ferriss ShowThe School of Greatness with Lewis HowesGlambition Radio with Ali BrownShopTalk Radio with Nick OnkenThe Crave Cast by Alexandra JamiesonPlus many more...-JOIN OVER 1,800 STUDENTS WHO HAVE ENROLLED IN THE FIRST 12MONTHS!-THISISASTEP-BY-STEPGUIDE-EVERYSINGLESTEP -RECORD - EDIT - UPLOAD - PUBLISHto iTunes.Despite the superstar quality of these shows, the process we use can be mastered by anyone. You can learn the skill in a weekend and simultaneously produce your first course and get your message on iTunes!""Ian absolutely rocks this course. It is by far the best content I've come across in all the Udemy courses I've studied to date. Ian's content is entertaining, captivating and engaging while still nailing the topic. This course delivers the goods and I can't recommend it highly enough. 10 out of 10. Well done Ian!"" - Tim Cooper host of ECommerce Domination This course is unique to Udemy and I've not shared this process with ANYONE outside of our internal company process documents. Sign up for the course and you'll be the first to see the inside of our production studio. PEOPLEAREALREADYSUCCEEDINGWITHTHISCOURSE: ""Just wanted to share my progress with my podcast. Started out by meticulously following the Udemy course and it's just growing and growing now! I've had 1400 downloads in 20 countries! And I'm only to episode 8!"" - Lily Gold host of Mormon Missionary StoriesHere is a list of people who have taken this course, and used it to create AMAZING shows. All of them are now 100% verified podcasters:Lily Gold is now the host of Mormon Missionary StoriesTim Cooper is the host of Make Money with Massage Robbiej Frye is the host of Frye ShowSierra Clarke is the host of OKCarrotPlus many, more....""I loved this course because Ian kept his instructions simple and clear. By having a video demonstration I felt that I could easily navigate each step. This course gave me confidence in what I was doing and moving forward into the podcasting world. As Ian says ""Huzzah!"" -- I'm now ready to rumble."" - Sierra Clarke host of OKCarrot- In the course you will learn AND execute the following skills: Set up a recording studioRecord your podcast introductionRecord an interview with a guest via SkypeEngineer the audio to professional standards (Minimum effective dose of learning to ensure rapid skill acquisition)Mix your recordings together with music and sound effects. You are limited only by your imagination!Label your podcast for a polished, professional feelSet up a WordPress website and install plugins so you own your own show (Sorry Podbean and BlogTalk)Finally, distribute your podcast RSS feed to the world on platforms like iTunes and Stitcher""The instructor has done a great job at producing this course, really like the talking head in combination with the screencast. Information is very comprehensive, I already have my own podcast but still learned a lot. Good job!"" - Jasper Ribbers host of Get Paid for Your Pad Upon completion of this course, you will publish your podcast and see it on iTunes! You will have progressed from beginner to published podcaster! Upon proving your show is published, you will have the opportunity to access our exclusive Facebook group where you can share your podcast with others who have successfully completed the course. Remember, the opportunity is now. Podcasting is in it's infancy and cultivating these skills will offer you world class opportunities.-""When I first started this course, I had doubts that I could actually produce a quality podcast on my own. However, after only a few lessons, Ian helped me realize that those fears were only in my head. By following his instructions in the course, I was able to easily setup, record, edit and publish my very own podcast that is now published on iTunes! I can't recommend this course enough. The way that Ian has put together the learning material makes it extremely simple to learn......and he keeps it fun! Podcasting has helped transform my business by allowing me to access the influencers in my industry. And, by doing so, I am building my own positive reputation along the way. Thank you Ian.....you are the man!!!"" Trevor Turnbull host of The WordPress Authorities Show-Are you deciding between this course and another, longer course? The reason this course is one of the shortest is because the content is carefully curated to deliver value every second. I cut out all the junk so you can learn ASFASTASPOSSIBLE. Don't spend 2-3 days producing a lower qualitypodcast and waiting through slow, unhelpful tutorials.This course is carefully crafted to get you producing FAST.-What are you waiting for? Click ""Take This Course"" and let's start podcasting!"
Price: 34.99

"Podcast Cover Art Design Like the Best" |
"As we deconstruct more and more podcast graphic design, the course will grow in value. With each added lecture, the price of the course will go up accordingly. I encourage you to sign up now as you'll have lifetime access to current and future tutorials.First we navigate the podcast store to provide examples on what works and what doesn't in podcast show art design.Once we have a good idea of what to create, we start a new file in Photoshop and mimic the design principles of the top shows. While mimicking we will learn the use of design elements like:MaskingGradientsColor PalletsNegative SpaceThe Less is More PrincipleHow to Design with the Platform in MindHow to take drawings and turn them into digital artFinally, we'll create a personalized standout show art.You can use it for your portfolio or your podcast.This course is fast, fun and funny. I cut out the fat. If it's not going to make you laugh or learn, it's not here. That's why the course is so short.Join in, let's get started."
Price: 19.99

"Get Coaching Clients -- Attract More Coaching Clients to You" |
"Coaches and consultants frequently struggle to get coaching clients, sometimes for years even when they are great at helping their clients get super results quickly. Most spend the time ""telling their prospects about coaching"" rather than laying something in front of the prospect that he'd nearly kill to get.Learn how to attract prospects to you, instead of continuing to do the chasing. Learn how to avoid the problems that almost guarantee you WON'T attract, nor land this prospect. Develop the killer statement that excites prospects to almost begging you to help them. Build 8 Different Strategies to attract prospects in groups of 10 to 100 at a time Learn the psychology of how to not only attract prospects, but get them so excited they will almost fight to get your rare empty timeslot. Get my help to tune up your first pass at attracting prospects. Attracting Clients When You Want -- A Skill That FEW Coaches EVER AcquireLearning the fundamentals of attracting and exciting prospects puts a powerful tool in your hands that few coaches ever acquire. Once you have learned the mistakes that almost all coaches make then you'll be shown what it takes to attract them to you. Even though it may seem that there aren't many prospective clients out there. There really are a lot that are already out there looking for the right person to help them. If you haven't been getting clients then it's likely that you were either looking in the wrong place, or not laying out what attracts that person already looking, or both. You'll learn how to start attracting the right ones the right way.Content and OverviewSuitable for any coach or consultant that's either starting out, or not getting as many clients as he either wants, or needs to make $100K or more. This course of 30+ lectures and more than 4 hours of content, plus I'll be there to help you tune up your marketing to continually get higher and higher numbers of prospect responding to you as you apply it.You'll start by learning the basics of attracting prospects by giving you the rules of highly effective marketing, what not to do that most coaches are doing anyway, what to do that will help you stop doing the chasing and have the prospects chasing you, and a little known secret of which prospects won't buy no matter what, and who's already out there looking for exactly what you do.Then you'll develop a marketing message that will become the core attraction to you. You will be able to apply that right away. So you should see an immediate change in how effective you are. And that's in the first 3rd of the course.After you have that killer marketing message you will learn 8 different ways to use to attract 10's to 100's at a time, and even one that can expose you to thousands at a time. Local workshops -- Filling the Room to Overflowing, and a killer app to you working with most of them. Direct Mail -- How to Get About 20+% Appointment Setting Effective Local Live Networking Chamber and Tradeshow Walkarounds That Got Me Nearly 100% Appointments Speaking -- Filling Someone Else's Room Cold Calling Can Actully Be Fun and Easy, Almost No Hangups and is Fun and Easy Joint Ventures -- How to Get Others to Bring You Prospects Highly Effective Press Releases How to Get Lots of VALUABLE ReferralsThat's only the beginning, working on your local marketing. I have a whole string of ways to attract clients online that will be added over the next month or so.You will develop your own notebook with the key guidelines and templates from each section for you to continually look back on to keep you on track, and where you'll put the homework as you develop the core marketing message, the local marketing. You will have templates that you can plug in your own marketing message and your own ideal client issues that can attract them.This is the first of two courses. This one is on attracting as many prospects as you want or need for a target income. The next to come will be on how to close many times more and higher paying than you are now."
Price: 29.99

"Everyday Dining Etiquette" |
"Have you ever been unsure about which bread plate is yours? Where to place your napkin when leaving the table? What the utensils at the top of your place setting are for?How you conduct yourself at the dining table can influence others perceptions of you, impacting your business and social relationships. Everyday Dining Etiquette teaches you dining skills to help you appear more confident and feel more at ease when dining casually or formally, for business or for pleasure. Master these dining skills feel more confident and make a great impression today! Discover easy tricks to navigate a crowded tableCompare nuances of American vs. European dining stylesIdentify what not to do at the dining tableImpress your guests as a gracious hostDistinguish yourself as the perfect guestHandle dining disasters with graceEveryday Dining Etiquette teaches you dining skills you can use every day.Although the term dining generally refers to the act of eating, we have come to utilise dining as a means to socialise and conduct business. Table manners have a long history, and were established as a way of keeping the peace and domesticating our behaviour. These rituals were handed down from generation to generation, eventually becoming tradition. Today, with our hectic lifestyles, many of us multitask and eat on the run. Although many dining traditions may not seem crucial while eating in front of the TV or computer, our table conduct is still considered important during social, business and formal occasions. Unfortunately, when were unsure how to skillfully navigate a meal, the dining experience can become an awkward encounter. How you eat and how you behave while dining can leave a lasting impression of you in the minds of those seated with you at the dining table, and those dining around you. Through studying this course and practicing the skills, the everyday dining experience can be an enjoyable one. Content and Overview 'Everyday Dining Etiquette' is designed for personal and professional development based on corporate seminars Kimberly Law has been presenting since 1999. This course is designed to be easily understood by beginners, and offer a great refresher for those who need one. It includes both American and European dining styles. Through lectures, the 40 pagesupplementary study guide,Formal Dining for Informal People and resources, this course provides easy-to-learn skills and strategies to make a great impression every day. Each section offers a short quiz to evaluate your learning progress. This course, along with self-study of the complementary study guide, Formal Dining for Informal People and supplemental materials will set participants on the IITTI track. This course prepares students to write the Dining Etiquette component of the IITTI Level 1 Business EtiquetteCertification exam through the Institute of Image Training and Testing International, and expands on these guidelines with additional protocol for elaborate gatherings and formal entertaining. IITTI is an internationalnon-profit organization, thatadvocatesglobal business etiquette standardization.Here is what people are saying about Kimberly's presentations: For several years as Executive Director of SFUs Management of Technology MBA program I engaged Kimberly Law to provide workshops on Dining Etiquette, wardrobe planning, and appropriate dress for business to each cohort of MBA students. I found that Kimberly was professional in her demeanor and poised in her presentation In short, I am happy to recommend her services to others. ~ T. Brown Kimberly gave very practical advice and examples for business meals and other meals."" ~ C. Tam Kimberly's dining etiquetteprogramis suitable for all professionals or anyone who feels they need a refresher on how to have the perfect table manners for business meals or any other meals. ~ E. BailI enjoyed the topic about table settings and table manners, since most of the time we dont know these little details that make a great different in business dining. I will use this for job interviews, business meetings and dining in general. ~ K. Labastida"
Price: 89.99

"JAVA para Principiantes - Aprende a Programar en JAVA AHORA" |
"Aprende Programacin en JAVA desde CERO, donde explicaremos los fundamentos necesarios para empezar a programar eneste lenguaje, brindado los conceptos y ejemplos claros de aplicacin.La mejor manera de aprender a programar es programando!A lo largo del curso trataremos los siguientes temas:La instalacin de la herramienta NetBeans y los paquetes necesarios para empezar con Java.Presentaremos qu es un programa y crearemos un primer programa de ejemplo muy sencillo que nos permita probar que todo funcione correctamente.Revisaremos a fondo los operadores, su manejo y como se relacionan y ayudan para la elaboracin de un programa.Excepciones, Funciones y el uso de la recursividad.Veremos las caractersticas de la programacin orientada a objetos partiendo desde la clase y objeto, continuando con la herencia y polimorfismo, tambin desarrollando un ejercicio para entender estos conceptos.Clases abstractas e interfaces que forman parte de la teora de la programacin orientada a objetos.Terminamos viendo la aplicacin de arreglos de una y dos dimensiones.En cada uno de las lecciones podrs hacer preguntas para que el instructor pueda absolverlas, y podrs ver las consultas realizadas por otros estudiantes inscritos."
Price: 59.99

"Learn VHDL and FPGA Development" |
"This course supports both the Xilinx and Altera FPGA development boards.VHDL and FPGA Development for Beginners and Intermediates is a course that is designed to teach students how to create and successfully simulate their VHDL design. We will also be implementing these designs on a Xilinx BASYS 3 or BASYS 2 FPGA development board so that the students can see their designs actually running. This course starts from beginning to end in teaching the user how to turn their digital logic design into VHDL designs that can be simulated in ModelSim or ISim and then implemented on an FPGA development board. This course also covers how to use Altera's tools so students are not limited to Xilinx development boards. Course Structure: This course contains over 20 lectures that will teach students the syntax and structure of VHDL. The student will be able to understand the syntax and use of specific VHDL keywords by taking this course. There are lectures included in each lab to give a background on the digital logic circuit the student will be implementing. This course contains 7 labs that are designed so that the student will learn how to develop VHDL code. For each lab I will give the student a set of VHDL files that they will have to modify or change in order to get the project to simulate correctly in ModelSim and so they can implement the design on their FPGA board. These labs are design to help the students learn VHDL by actually coding it themselves.Please message me before you sign up for this course!"
Price: 99.99

"Master the Concepts of Digital Circuit Design" |
"This course is designed to teach students how to design a digital logic circuit to perform a specific desired function. Taking this course will give students a much better understanding of how the internals of a computer work. This course has detailed lectures that talk about all the different logic gates used when designing digital logic circuits. In this course students will use MultiSIM BLUE which is a branch of National Instruments MultiSIM, collaborated with Mouser Electronics. MultiSIM BLUE is used to simulate the digital circuits students will design. This course covers how numbers are stored and represented in digital circuits. Students will learn how to work with negative numbers as well as the arithmetic skills to manipulate numbers in binary and hexadecimal form. This course covers the properties and rules regarding Boolean algebra and how these skills can be used to design a digital circuit. This course covers how digital circuits are designed and optimized so that they maintain functionality while reducing cost. This course covers several different optimization methods including Karnaugh maps, product of sums, sum of products, and the Quine-McCluskey method. There is a project included in this course that utilizes the concepts taught in this course to show students how these skills can be used in real world applications. Course Structure: This course is structured in such a way that each section is dedicated to a specific topic in regards to digital electronics. The lectures contained in each section describe in detail the different tools and techniques used to design digital logic circuits. There are assignments throughout this course that students can use to put the theory taught to practical use. There are also solution videos that show the student just how to approach and solve the assignment if they are having difficulty. This course contains quizzes that are used to determine whether or not the students fully understand the material. Successfully answering all the questions in the quizzes is a good way indicator letting students know that they understand that section well. There is a project in this course that is used to help students understand the entire design process for a digital circuit."
Price: 49.99

"WordPress 4 For Beginners: How To Build An Amazing Site" |
"JOIN OVER +2,200 SUCCESSFUL STUDENTS WHO HAVE TAKEN THIS COURSE!In this course you are going to learn the basics of Wordpress 4.1 (the latest version of WordPress) by creating a fully functional website from scratch in just a few hours, even if you've never used WordPress, never built or run a site, never even created a web page before.To follow this course you don't need to have any programming or Web design skills.You are going to learn everything you need to start working with WordPress in a step-by-step manner. Starting with an overview of what WordPress is, why use it, we are going to move to how to download, install and configure WordPress, depending on the platform you choose.Then we will cover how add content to our website, by writing posts, adding pages and how to work with media like images and videos.Finally, we are going to cover how to manage our content and customize the look of our website using a custom theme.So by the end of this course, you are going to have most of the tools you need to create any personal or professional website you have in mind."
Price: 19.99

"How To Create a Professional Photography Website (NO CODING)" |
"In this course you are going to learn how to create a professional website for your photography business from scratch and in just a few hours, even if you've never built a site before.To follow this course you don't need to have any programming or Web design skills.You are going to learn everything you need in a step-by-step manner. Starting with how to download, install and configure the premium theme we're going to use.Then we will cover how add content to our website, by creating galleries and slideshows, adding the services, testimonials and team pages and how to create different kinds of posts for your blog.Finally, we are going to cover how set up the contact us page and how to make your site social.So by the end of this course, you are going to have a professional website for your photography business."
Price: 49.99

"Transient State Mass Balance" |
"Welcome to the Transient State Mass Balance Course!I designed this course is for general engineering fields. Chemical and Process Engineers will find it very relevant for their study curriculum but even Mechanical or Industrial Engineers will find it very interesting!By the end of this course you will learn:Basic Theory of Steady and Transient StateHow to account for the Accumulation of a SystemIdentify Transient State ProcessesModel Transient State Processes with and without Chemical ReactionsAn insight on how to model Transient State with SoftwareBy the end of the Course you will be able to:Solve Mass Balance Problems of many real-life Chemical ProcessesSolve many Transient State problems in engineeringThe course is structured as follow:3 Sections of Theory and Applied Examples (Video-Based!)9 Mass Balance Solved Exercises (Put the theory into practice!)2 Quizes for Learning ReviewSupport on the Discussion Board!This is a very important Subject in Engineering and is the basis of further courses such as:Energy Balance and ThermodynamicHeat and Mass Transfer Operations and Unit OperationsReactor Engineering and Plant DesignI teach this course for about $400 per semester. You will get it as low as $15 for a LIFETIME!Take the course and you will have a greater advantage than your classmates to get a better grade on your university courses!Remember that this is only ONE block of ALL the MASS BALANCE courses! Check out my other courses in Udemy!The Course Curriculum may be seen below!"
Price: 24.99

"Mass Balance Basics" |
"Welcome to the Mass Balance Introductory Course! I designed this course is for general engineering fields. Chemical and Process Engineers will find it very relevant for their study curriculum but even Mechanical or Industrial Engineers will find it very interesting! By the end of this course you will learn: Basic concepts of Engineering and Chemical Processes Application of the Mass Balance Equation to many real life processes Non-Reactive Systems and Reactive Systems Equilibrium and Multiple Reactions Single-Unit or even Multiple-Units Mass Balances Special topics in engineering: Recycle, Purge Systems, Bypass and Combustion By the end of the Course you will be able to: Solve Mass Balance Problems of many real-life Chemical Processes The course is structured as follow: 12 Sections of Theory and Applied Examples (Video-Based!) 31 Mass Balance Solved Exercises (about 10-hour-video of explained problems content) 11 Quizes for Learning Review Support on the Discussion Board! This is a very important Subject in Engineering and is the basis of further courses such as: Energy Balance and Thermodynamic Heat and Mass Transfer Operations and Unit Operations Reactor Engineering and Plant Design I teach this course for about $800 per semester. You will get it as low as $49 for a LIFETIME! Take the course and you will have a greater advantage than your classmates to get a better grade on your university courses! The Course Curriculum may be seen below!"
Price: 24.99

"Single Phase Mass Balance" |
"Welcome to the Single Phase Mass Balance Course! I designed this course is for general engineering fields. Chemical and Process Engineers will find it very relevant for their study curriculum but even Mechanical or Industrial Engineers will find it very interesting! By the end of this course you will learn: The importance of Phases when Solving Mass Balance Problems Application of constant densities of Solid and Liquids in Chemical Proceses How to model Ideal Gases with the Ideal Gas Law Why are Standard Conditions of Temperature and Pressure used in the industry How to model Real Gases with the Virial Equation How to model Real Gases with the Z-Compressibility Factor Chart How to model Real Gas Mixtures with the Kay Rule By the end of the Course you will be able to: Solve Mass Balance Problems of many real-life Chemical Processes involving Single-Phase Systems Model Ideal Gases vs. Real Gases The course is structured as follow: 6 Sections of Theory and Applied Examples (Video-Based!) 22 Mass Balance Solved Exercises! 3 Quizes for Learning Review Support on the Discussion Board! This is a very important Subject in Engineering and is the basis of further courses such as: Energy Balance and Thermodynamic Heat and Mass Transfer Operations and Unit Operations Reactor Engineering and Plant Design I teach this course for about $400 per semester. You will get it as low as $25 for a LIFETIME! Take the course and you will have a greater advantage than your classmates to get a better grade on your university courses! NOTE: This is the continuation of my other course MB1: Introduction to Mass Balance. I highly recommend you take first the other course in order to get the best of this course! The Course Curriculum may be seen below!"
Price: 24.99

"Aspen Plus - Basic Process Modeling" |
"The BASICAspen Plus Course will show you how to model and simulate Processes (From Petrochemical, to Ammonia Synthesis and Polymerisation).Analysis of Unit Operation will help you in order tooptimise the Chemical Plant.This is helpful for students,teachers,engineers and researchers in the area of R&D and Plant Design/Operation.The course is didactic, with a lot of applied theory and Workshops/Study cases.At the end of the course you will be able to setup a simulation, run it, get results and more important, analysis of the process for further optimisation."
Price: 24.99

"T Hc GMail" |
"Ngy nay, i vi nhiu ngi, vic vit v trao i th in t hay email bng GMail l cng vic lm hng ngy v i khi cng rt quan trng trong cuc sng cng nh trong cng n vic lm. Do , bit s dng GMail mt cch thnh tho s gip bn tit kim c rt nhiu thi gian cng nh mang li hiu qu cao trong cng vic ca bn. Trong kha hc ny, bn s tm hiu tng tn lm ch hp th GMail ca bn, hc cch vit th, nh dng th v gi th, hi m th, chuyn th, gi ti liu nh km cng nh cch thc tm kim th nhanh chng v qun l hp th hiu qu. Ni dung chng trnh hc bao gm: Gii thiu giao din GMail Vit th, nh dng th v gi th Gi th cho nhm Gi hnh nh, ti liu nh km Hi m, chuyn th ng dng Boomerang trong vic kim sot th gi v nhn Lu tr v xa th Qun l th. Dng nhn (labels) v b lc (filters) trong vic qun l th To v iu chnh contacts T ng tr li th khi ngh h iu chnh hp th v ti khon GMail Chng trnh c chia thnh 8 chng vi hn 40 bi hc. Mi bi hc l mt video ngn t 1 n 10 pht s gip bn d dng nm bt kin thc v p dng trong thc t."
Price: 49.99

"Hng Dn S Dng Windows 10" |
"Windows 10 l h thng iu hnh m tt c mi ngi ang ch i. Windows 10 s dng tr li mt s tnh nng trc y m ngi dng quen thuc, bao gm Start Menu. Windows 10 c ci tin vi rt nhiu tnh nng mi nh s dng cc lnh bng ging ni, tnh nng bo mt mi, v nhiu ng dng mi i km, v.v...Kha hc ton din ny s gip bn d dng lm ch Windows 10. Tm hiu tt c cc tnh nng cn thit ca Windows 10. Ty chnh Windows 10, v bt u lm vic vi cc tp tin v cc ng dng. Tc gi s trnh by lm th no qun l th mc, s dng Cortana tm kim, duyt web vi trnh duyt mi ca Microsoft, lm vic vi Mail, Calendars, v People (aka contacts)."
Price: 79.99

"Sales Data Analytics using Excel (codes free)" |
"A solution-based Microsoft Excel course tailored for managers and executives who are seeking practical solutions to their Excel problems in raw data management, business analysis and reporting. This Excel course is conducted based on business case studies to facilitate your understanding of the commonly used functions and worksheet functions and how these functions are applied in business. It is a tried and tested course from face to face workshops which has been running for a number of years. It has received rave reviews for introducing new perspectives to the way Excel is used, tips & tricks that help you complete the usual Excel tasks in double quick time. The course is designed to show you the entire process of preparing an Excel report, starting from cleaning up of raw data downloaded from the system to generating a Pivot Table report for analysis, and Pivot Chart for presentation. The course aims to help you acquire the skills of building complex formulas like an Excel expert. The entire course is 90 minutes long and it is divided into mini videos so that you could watch them using pockets of free time you have between your activities."
Price: 44.99

"No More Resolutions!" |
"Learn the 9-step system to identify the right goals for you, plan them out, and maintain motivation to complete them.Overcome your resolutions with a proven system to achieve resolutions and goals.Identify your pain pointsPlan against your pain pointsMaintain motivationA System for SuccessHave you experienced Jan-Gym syndrome, where you go into a gym motivated in January, but have fallen off the rails by February? I have too, and set about creating a way to overcome this. This course will show you that way, which allowed me to hit 85%+ of goals that I set. Unlike other goals courses which focus on setting S.M.A.R.T goals, this course is about the surrounding processes and methods.Course OverviewSuitable for all levels, this short course will help you learn how to implement a system to replace unsuccessful resolutions with well-defined and achievable goals.Starting with identifying why resolutions don't work, this course will take you through setting goals as if you are running a project, from identifying your needs to setting tasks and deadlines, then maintaining progress.The course will also provide some valuable resources and techniques that you can use to support your progress to hitting your resolutions and goals.Students completing the course will have the knowledge to build a systemic approach to taking on goals and hitting them.With a minimalist design and short snappy videos, you will be able to focus on the content and work with the instructor on each concept covered, and you will receive a certificate of completion upon finishing the course."
Price: 24.99

"How to attract your first 5,000 Tweeting Fans" |
"Are you new to Twitter? Feeling overwhelmed? confused? or just wondering how to get more followers? Feel like you are spending too much time on twitter with no results to show for it? Are you not able to grow a targeted following no matter what you try? I Know Because I Have Been There Too My name is Bryan Fleming. I have been on Twitter since 2008. I used to waste hours on Twitter trying to grow a loyal following. Almost everything I tried just did not work. It felt like I was getting nowhere fast. There was too much noise. How could my message and tweets stand out? How did people seem to easily get 1,000 or 10,000 or 100,000 followers on Twitter? It wasn't until I finally stumbled onto a few simple tools that a light bulb went off. I took a few things that did work on Twitter and took away the rest. It wasn't until I started doing the right things consistently that I started to attract Twitter followers with almost no work at all. I put these steps in a simple checklist. Now I can grow any twitter account to over 5,000 target twitter followers fairly quickly. You can too. Stop wasting Time on Twitter If you are not getting the results you want from Twitter then it's because you are spending your time doing the wrong things. Stop wasting time on things that just don't matter (and most things just don't matter). They won't build up your following. I will show you my buildingsocial twitter account and exactly how I was able to get over 5,000 targeted twitter followers to it. You can do the same for your Twitter account or ones for your clients. My simple 3 step system works for any Twitter account. Even if you are just getting started. Imagine Watching your Twitter account gain new followers every day. Getting traffic to your website when you need it - Just send a Tweet. Watching your Tweets get shared among your new followers. Becoming popular by having such a large Twitter following. No Longer feeling overwhelmed or confused by Twitter. Will It Really Work For You? You are probably thinking you don't have enough time to build a large Twitter following. You don't. We are all too busy. That's why my system only requires you to have 5 minutes per day. Almost everything is automated with a few simple tools. You just need to do 1 simple 5-minute task every day. Maybe you are thinking it won't work for you. Well I can tell you that once you see how my system works you will agree that it will work for anyone. In any market or niche. It doesn't even matter if you don't know a single thing about Twitter. Just follow my proven steps. Watch your Twitter account (Yes even YOUR Twitter account) gain new followers ever day. Almost like magic. How to Attract Your First 5,000 Twitter Followers Reveals Exactly what I did to build up my buildingsocial Twitter account. I show you the exact tools I use and how to set them up. Get my simple weekly schedule for maintaining your Twitter account(s). You will get only the steps that produce you real results with Twitter. I removed everything that doesn't matter. You will not waste any time. You will get an easy to follow system. No fluff. Start watching your Twitter following climb day after day. All included in an easy to course. You can go through it in 1 hour. Don't Be Fooled Don't let the size of this course fool you. I have invested over 100 hours of my own time and $6,327 of my own money and resources compiling and perfecting this information. This course contains everything you need to grow your own Twitter following to 5,000 or more followers. Nothing more. Now you have a choice to make. You can spend over 7 years in the trenches like I have, testing every piece of free information and every so-called Twitter trick or hack... or... You can follow my how to attract your first 5,000 followers course that simplifies everything I have learned about growing your twitter following quickly without spending any time. A few days from now you could still be trying to piece together free information, hoping that it will work. or... You could be well on your way to watching your Twitter following grow each and every day. The only thing between you and success is a simple short course. Get started growing your Twitter following now."
Price: 19.99

"How to Immigrate to Canada Using Express Entry" |
"This course is designed to allow you to know with confidence that you are eligible to apply for Canadian Permanent Residency via the Express Entry System and what you will require in order to begin your application. This course includes an overview of the Express Entry system, the eligible immigration streams, the related terminology, the required documentation for your specific type of application and how to obtain them, your required English language score and accepted tests. By the end of this course, you will know which immigration stream you fall within, what your National Occupation Code is, how to obtain the required documents for your application, how to create your Express Entry Profile, how to create your Job Bank account, and what the next steps are to achieving your goal of living in Canada. This course is taught by a Regulated Canadian Immigration Consultant (RCIC) and is updated any time changes are made to the Canadian Immigration System."
Price: 34.99

"Inteligencia Emocional con tu Dinero" |
" TE INTERESA TRANSFORMAR TU CAPACIDAD PARA GANAR, MANEJAR Y DISFRUTAR DEL DINERO? La inteligencia emocional con tu dinero implica el Ser consciente de tus capacidades, temores y dificultades en relacin al manejo del dinero. Entrenar tu Inteligencia emocional con tu dinero es fundamental para conocer tus dificultades para ganarlo, manejarlo y disfrutarlo y a su vez, asegurarte un presente y futuro prspero en dinero, salud y satisfacciones. Cuanto mayor es tu Inteligencia Emocional Financiera, mayores son las posibilidades que se te abren en la vida para crear, sostener, disfrutar y administrar el dinero en forma gratificante, placentera y exitosa. La inteligencia emocional con tu dinero es una habilidad que te permite manejar tu dinero con confianza, seguridad y placer, y a la vez, combinarlo con el amor, la salud, las relaciones familiares y el crecimiento espiritual de manera equilibrada. EN ESTE CURSO APRENDERS LAS CLAVES PARA: Activar tu manera de ganar dinero en forma prspera.Optimizar tu forma de manejar el dinero.Habilitarte para disfrutar del dinero con placer, conciencia y confianza.Permitirte compartir tu dinero con amor y lmites saludables.Generar un estado de Prosperidad Integral = Dinero + Amor + Salud + Placer + Crecimiento Personal-Espiritual. A travs de los recursos y herramientas combinadas de la Psicologa, Coaching Transformacional y el Taosmo, recibirs informacin clara y didctica que cambiar para siempre tu manera de relacionarte con Tu Dinero y te permitir crear Prosperidad Integral en tu vida. AL INSCRIBIRTE EN ESTE CURSO, RECIBIRS GRATIS: Material en PDF con Ejercicios prcticos para entrenar tu Inteligencia Emocional Financiera y lograr resultados concretos en tu vida. ESTE CURSO ES DICTADO POR PABLO NACHTIGALL: Psiclogo clnico- Ejerce su actividad profesional en la ciudad de Buenos Aires, Argentina. Especialista en Inteligencia Emocional Financiera y Liderazgo Transformacional. Dicta seminarios, conferencias, capacitaciones y psico-coaching para empresas y pblico general en Argentina y Colombia.Colabora como psiclogo en diversos medios de TV, radio y Web Sites en Argentina, Colombia y USA. Es autor de 6 libros publicados en Argentina, Uruguay y Colombia. Su ultimo libro es INTELIGENCIA EMOCIONAL EN LA EMPRESA (Editorial Granica-2018). Opcional: Puedes adquirir el libro ""Bendito Dinero: Cmo generar Prosperidad Material y Espiritual en tu vida"" (Ediciones Urano) de Pablo Nachtigall, en formato e-book. PARA MAS INFO: BUSCAR EN WEB . .. . Pablo Nachtigall (web personal)"
Price: 59.99
