"Basics of Project Scheduling" |
"Being able to create an effective Project Schedule is the first step to being able to manage a Project effectively. Creating an effective Project Schedule requires deep knowledge of the work involved. However, knowing the work involved is not sufficient if the method to create a Project Schedule is not known.This course starts from the very beginning where we assume that we have a Work Breakdown Structure (WBS) and thus we know the activities involved in a Project and the amount of time we require for each activity. From this stage, we go step-by-step to create a Project Schedule using Precedence Diagramming Method (PDM). In brief, we discuss the essential of PDM. We draw the network for the Project Schedule and compute the Project Duration. Then, we learn to identify the Critical Path. We discuss essential terms like Early Start, Early Finish, Late Start, Late finish and Total Float. We discuss the meaning behind each term.We round up the course discussing some risks to the Project we can identify from the Project Schedule and how to mitigate these risks."
Price: 49.99

"Social Media Design com Photoshop" |
"**** IMPORTANTE ***Conforme explicado no vdeo promocional, algumas aulas sero liberadas em datas pr-programadas.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------J pensou em aprender como superar o bloqueio criativo e conhecer dezenas de tcnicas de composio que vo te auxiliar a melhorar todo o seu processo criativo?Sobre o cursoO curso Social Media Design com Photoshop foi pensado tanto para as pessoas iniciantes que esto comeando e querem trabalhar com artes para mdias sociais, como para aquelas pessoas que j trabalham e desejam aprimorar suas tcnicas e conhecimentos. O curso apresenta de maneira prtica e criativa como criar artes para diversos segmentos e negcios.De quais segmentos terei aulas com exerccios e exemplos prticos? Mveis e Decoraes Restaurantes e Alimentao Esportes (Marketing Esportivo) (liberado em 25/09/2020) Moda e Loja (liberado em 02/10/2020) Escolas e Cursos (liberado em 09/10/2020)"
Price: 39.99

": Python" |
"Python. 3 : : , , , . . LeNet, AlexNet, VGG ResNet. . Python Keras - MNIST. Keras: . . ( ). ., . . . . , . . ., . . , . 21 - . . , ."
Price: 8299.00

"Autodesk Maya 2020.2 NURBS Modelling Techniques" |
"3d artist Sushil Kumar Lawaniya has recently released a Maya 2020.2 NURBS Modelling Techniques in Autodesk Maya. This course dives deep into curves, surfaces, keeping objects organized, efficient NURBS modeling, time-saving techniques and more.NURBS modeling techniques are used in the visual effects industry for creating highly detailed, hard surfaced models. Learn how to create NURBS surfaces from curves by using the loft, extrude, revolve, and planar surface tools.Learn numerous tips for efficient NURBS modeling, including how to keep objects organized using display layers, how to create accurate scale models using reference images, and discover countless time-saving techniques."
Price: 19.99

"Modelado 3D con SolidEdge 2020" |
"En este curso modelaremos piezas mecnicas y practicaremos el hacer realidad nuestras ideas de diseo utilizando todas las herramientas de la plataforma Solid Edge , iniciaremos aprendiendo como utilizar la interfaz , despus aprenderemos el uso de las herramientas de dibujo , con forme nuestros dibujos sean mas complicados generaremos operaciones booleanas y trataremos nuestros slidos para darle el estilo y acabado que necesitemos de ellos , aplicaremos el concepto de ensamble finalizando con una practica integral de modelado de un mecanismo junto con sus planos de construccin."
Price: 84.99

"Yaam Boyu renmek" |
"Yaam boyu srekli ve etkili renmenin merkezinde hepimizin farknda olmas gereken bir kavram var: evik renme.evik renme, her eyden nce deneyimlerimizden hzl bir ekilde renmek anlamna geliyor. Bunun gereklemesi iin de tecrbelerimiz zerinde yanstc dnmek gerekiyor.Kursa bunu yaparak balyoruz. Yanstc dnme egzersizleriyle, gelecekte hangi konularda gelimeniz gerektiini analiz ediyorsunuz.Bunu yaptktan sonra bilgi ve beceri eksikliklerini tamamlamann etkili yollarna bakyoruz."
Price: 49.99

"Urban Sketching for Beginners" |
"Urban Sketching is a great way to document what you see around, it will help you understand your city better. Also Sketching on a daily basis can improve your way of observing things.In this class I'm going to help you understand the basics of Urban Sketching, how to measure accurate proportions, how to do perspective sketches, hw to arrive at your own style of urban sketching and many more.Join me and lets explore the world through our sketches!"
Price: 24.99

"Event management" |
"This is a topic which will help you to start a career in this field and can also start a business of your own.This course will enhance your creativity skills in event management. If you are looking for improving your creativity in decoration, planning events and providing services to customers then this is the course which will satisfy your needs.This is a short course which you can go through only in a few minutes and will get to know about so much of event management skills.This course covers the following topics:TOPIC 1: What is Event ManagementTOPIC 2: The five W's of event creation and applying them to the creation of an eventconceptTOPIC 3: Event MarketingKeep Learning !"
Price: 29.99

". 3. Deutsch fr Touristen.Teil 3" |
""" "" - , 20:80, 20 % - , ( , )/ ; 80% - , . , . , ! : 1- , , 2 - , . , . 3 . 3 - 12 , : , , , , , , , Perfekt Prteritum, . 27 , 1."
Price: 2799.00

"- , Telegram, Facebook , , . ?- - ;- - , Telegram, Facebook, Google Dialogflow;- - . - - ."
Price: 19.99

"C# Completo e Profissional" |
"Neste curso o aluno aprender de forma prtica a desenvolver aplicaes completas e profissionais utilizando os mais importantes recursos que a .NET Framework oferece, tudo isto de forma clara e objetiva.Aps realizar este curso o aluno sera capaz de desenvolver aplicaes profissionais utilizando a linguagem C# e aplicando de forma correta todos os recursos que esta poderosa linguagem de programao oferece.Alm do que o aluno ser capacitado para ingressar de forma segura no mercado de TI.Alguns dos Tpicos que sero abordados durante o curso:. Estruturas bsicas da programao. Sintaxe da linguagem C#. Desenvolvimento de aplicaes de Linha de Comando. Desenvolvimento de Aplicaes de Ambiente Grfico. Programao Orientada a Objetos. Trabalhar com bases de dados em C#. Trabalhar com manipulao de arquivos e pastas em C#. Trabalhar com bases de dados em C#. Trabalhar com Sockets (Comunicao Cliente Servidor) em C#. Trabalhar com GDI+ (Desenho Vetorioal e Imagem). Trabalhar com LINQ (Linguagem de Consulta integrada ao C#). Criar bibliotecas DLL. Criar um Instalador Profissional para as AplicaesAssim como tambm o aluno aprender os conceitos necessrios das linguagens de programao para poder continuar a desenvolver seus conhecimentos, seja com esta ou qualquer outra linguagem de programao sem qualquer dificuldade e com total segurana."
Price: 579.99

"Mindfulness and meditation for kids" |
"The most valuable gift you could give your child is a simple yet extremely effective technique - Mindfulness and Meditation. Assisting your child in all areas of their life.This course gets straight into practicing mindfulness and meditation without the long explanations. It teaches your child fun and easy exercises, that will not only benefit your child but make it enjoyable for them. Along with 12 meditations to download.Whether you are a parent, grandparent or teacher we all want the best for our children. This life-changing practice will encourage your child to engage in fun, step by step lessons and learn strategies that will benefit them throughout their life.Practicing mindfulness and meditation can assist your child in all areas of life including; Resilience and stress-reductionDecreasing anxiety.Increasing the ability to focus and learn.How to deal with thoughts and emotions.Awareness of their physical body. Patience.Compassion.Positive behaviour."
Price: 39.99

"Joy of Learning Python" |
"This is the best Hands-On Python course. Learn from scratch. No need of any programming knowledge. The course includes thorough coverage of Installation, Python syntax, built in data types and control constructs. The course takes a practical approach to creating and organizing Python programs using functions, packages, modules and classes as part of Python's object-oriented paradigm. This program used case studies and Hands-On Project work with all code files and other resources. This course also covers Python GUI Programming with Tkinter"
Price: 2880.00

"Integrate Free Jitsi Video Conference Api In PHP CodeIgniter" |
"The worlds best video conferences are built on Jitsi.Jitsi is a set of open-source projects that allows you to easily build and deploy secure video conferencing solutions. At the heart of Jitsi are Jitsi Videobridge and Jitsi Meet, which let you have conferences on the internet, while other projects in the community enable other features such as audio, dial-in, recording, and simulcasting.Live streamed video means viewers can participate and watch in real-time. Live stream is the future of video and presents a world of opportunity for school communications and distance learning. It is not only a great way to capture and share events when they occur, but a way to automatically build a video library of all your important school communications and engaging school stories.Once these live stream videos are created, they can be stored and repurposed for your future content needs. With a little planning and research, live streaming can become a core element in your district communications content strategy.Live streaming is coming to a school near you soon.With school closures come a huge need for school districts to get up to speed fast on using live streaming for school communications and remote learning. Whether it's urgent news about a pandemic, ongoing, regular opportunities to reach your school community, or a foundational element to your distance learning, live streaming video needs to be part of your communications strategy.What makes a good school live video?There are endless sources of raw material for live streaming content:Online classroomsSchool board and PTA meetingsSuperintendents/principal messagesIn-service and other meetingsSporting and special eventsPep rallies/assembliesGraduation and other ceremoniesPlays and concertsWhy Jitsi (Features)Jitsi Videobridge passes everyones video and audio to all participants, rather than mixing them first.Better quality, lower latency and if you are running your own service, a much more scalable and inexpensive solution.Jitsi is compatible with WebRTC, the open standard for Web communication.Advanced video routing support for simulcast, bandwidth estimations, scalable video coding and many others.Ubuntu and Debian packages for easy installation.Jitsi is the best, most secure video conferencing solution available for FREE to anyone.Jitsi surpasses 10 million monthly average users!From Beginner to Expert CodeIgniter Developer We know that youre here because you value your time. If you wanted to watch someone program for hours and hours without explaining what theyre doing, youd be on elsewhere.By getting this course, you can be rest assured that the course is carefully thought out and edited. The course is practical oriented and it is a not waste time course as we learn by practical.Dont waste your timeDont waste another minute of your precious life on poor quality videos. Or instructors who you cant understand. Or teachers who have no real world in-person teaching experience. Your time is precious. Take this course and find out why everybody is raving about it.Sign up today, and look forwards to:Building complete and standard school management system.All the knowledge you need to start building any web app you wantChallenges and SolutionsFast and helpful support if you need anything or have questionsMy great sense of humor.Join us NOW as we successfully integrate jitsi video conference api to our existing codeigniter projects !"
Price: 19.99

"Desarrolla tu mejor versin" |
"Seguramente has llegado hasta aqu porque no ests conforme o pleno, porque sabes que an puedes dar ms de t y que tu mejor versin est prxima a desarrollarse, y esto es lo que nos une, el deseo constante de no quedarnos en la zona de confort sino anhelar cada vez ms. El ser humano tiene un gran potencial que necesita ser desarrollado, y ste mdulo, busca acompaarte a hacer anlisis intencionales desde el dnde estamos, a dnde queremos ir y que necesitamos para llegar all.Lo cierto es que Nadie puede impactar un mundo exterior roto y complejo sin tener un mundo interior simple y saludable Y creemos que este ha sido nuestro recorrido durante ste curso, buscar sanar y restaurar el ser interior para entonces salir y conquistar nuestro entorno.Ahora, piensa un momento: Qu pasara si tu vida fuera diferente?"
Price: 39.99

"Account Based Marketing (ABM) 2020 - B2B Marketing Strategy" |
"Account-Based Marketing is emerging each and every day. ABM become highly regarded as one of the most successful B2B marketing strategy. There is no doubt that ABM is the future of B2B marketing. The objective of the course is to help you to understand the concept and process of the ABM strategy that helps to move an entire buying group towards a specific goal. If you are an Inbound marketer then integrating ABM can make a huge difference in your marketing efforts. This course is designed to understand the basics of the ABM. You will learn everything from the basics to have a strong foundation and to have a clear understanding of the ABM Strategy. Although the course will be updated timely to make it as your one-stop guide for Account-based marketing."
Price: 3200.00

"EXCEPTIONAL Creative Writing: 30 Days COMPLETE Course" |
"GET ENCHANTED WITH THE WORLD OF CREATIVE WRITING!Are you really interested in writing creative writing that is sophisticated, captivating, and enthralling content?Do you want to inspiring generations with your content?Do you want to conquer the art of writing fiction and master all the tools related to it?Henry Harvin is there to fulfill your expectations!We present to you an Engaging, Motivating, and Extensive course that will help you in developing the necessary skills to dive into the world of creative writing that will make you a proficient writer of Fiction, Novels, Short stories, Screenplays, Script, Prose, Blogs, Articles and many more in the line.This course is intended to develop the craft of writing creative content and learn to effectively use the necessary tools with the basic rules and regulations that are necessary to apply to become an accomplished writer.The aim of this course is to provide a helping hand to the writers to pen down its creative side in such a manner that provides an enjoyable experience and take the reader away from the real world and dive into the world of ecstasy!By taking up this course, you will:More enthusiastic to write engaging contentInstill confidence to pen down your creative sideNotice a great improvement in your writing caliberThe Creative writing course is about learning the concept of writing and how one can excel in the field to become an expert. Starting from the basics of grammar, punctuation, and vocabulary that form the basis of any writing, the course covers everything. It will guide you through different styles of writing and also enhance your writing style with valuable tips.Todays writing style cannot be considered apt if it is not done keeping in mind the importance of SEO. The course will also help you understand the different aspects of SEO and SMO thoroughly.If you are a person with a creative bent of mind and like to challenge yourself every day with something new then this one is surely for you and will definitely take you a long way in making you a full time professional.The course is designed by some of the eminent personalities from the field of creative writing with more than a decade of experience that will enrich you with its engaging and ready to apply content.By the time you reach the end of this course, you will:Comprehend the principles of creative writing, including form, technique, and style.Become a creative writing enthusiast who can learn to apply the basic rules and conventions to their creative writingDemonstrate a broad understanding of pieces of literature in English and the role played by it in the creation of fiction writing and book writing.Assist in reading, closely analyzing, interpretation, and producing texts in a variety of formats and genres.Apply the principles of creative writing to pen down poems, stories, blogs or essays.Master the universal foundation that help in writing great fictionCreate complex yet realistic charactersConstruct memorable settings that shape the world of the charactersAcquire the art of framing gripping plots that can hook the reader top your piece of writingUnderstand, analyze, and effectively use the English language for writing creative content.Exhibit the professional habits of creative writersDiscover your writing styleImprove readability and searchabilityWho are we?Henry Harvin is a leading organization that believes in adding competency and development of an individual that paves a path of growth. It believes that the evolution of personality and value creation is the root cause of success. It has been into training, skill development, content services, and higher education for years and continues to innovate in products, processes, and personalities to create for maximum operational efficiency.Henry Harvin is well-equipped with trainers who have been in the industry for over a decade and are well versed in their subject. Individuals are trained with an Advanced Learning Management System (LMS). In addition to it, the course is full of practical with examples and ample of recorded videos that make the course interesting and fun.This course at Henry Harvin Education helps the individual to create their own work with the necessary skills needed in writing engaging content and pave a successful path towards a prosperous career as a Writer, Novelist, Journalist, Editor, or a Publisher.The course is packed with:Real-life instances that will help to make the learning process easy and adopt in practically.Loads of examples and videos to light up your writing skill, allow your creative side to bloom.A lot of writing tips and right counsel from the experts of the industry to take you through a remarkable excursion that adds a spark to your creative spirit.Helps you in arriving at your objective of getting into the innovative field as an expert.Who can take up this course?Writers with creative instinct and the one who wants to enhance their skills in the same.Beginners who have the zest to learn and want to be an expert in creative writingThose who are willing to start their professional journey in Creative Content WritingThis Course is for those who already have the zest to explore their creative side and also want to upgrade their writing skillsAnyone who grasp the fundamentals of writing using the English language and also brush up his skillsIf you are interested in writing a book and get it publishedAnyone who wants to get into the limelight by writing excellent pieces of art.Students who have done their Graduation and Post-graduation in English.This course will definitely help you in exploring your creative potential and bring your imagination on to the paper. It also helps you in practicing the elements of craft in writing fiction, poetry, prose, and many more.There is no end to it as you can be a part-timer, freelancer, or a professional Content writer with a big firm who can never go out of demand. It will not only help you secure your position with the money it offers but also assist you to go a long way and reach the zenith of success.Content writing course gives you an opportunity to be:Advertising copywriterArts administratorCreative directorDigital copywriterEditorial assistantMagazine journalistNewspaper journalistPublishing copy-editor/proofreaderTalent agentWeb Content ManagerWriter (screenplays/ Stage Plays/ Scriptwriter etc.)StorytellerNovelistAuthorBloggerWords of appreciation from our Students:This course has helped me a lot in brushing my writing skills at an affordable price. I am very happy that I opted for this course and believe that I will go a long way with the help of this course. Soham TrivediI think every writer who wants to become a skilled writer should definitely do this course Annette RevisI love every bit of this course. I did not know there is so much to learn from it with so much practical and fun exercises to learn and upgrade oneself Punit SharmaToo good! Worth the money. Sakshi SinghalVery nice and easy to understand. You will go with the flow and will not come across even a single dull moment throughout the course, with so much to offer Saima Saeed"
Price: 199.99

"Content Marketing Strategy & Techniques: Beginner to Expert" |
"Henry Harvin v/s Rest of the World: Why I Enroll Here?#1: Learn to develop Content Strategy & Earn Online!#2: Skill to Translate Thoughts into Strategy#3: Experience of Professional Content Strategy#4: Develop essential Language Skills for Content Strategy for International Clients#5: Website Making Skills to create Basic Website and Personal Blog#6: Graphic Skills to design Newsletters, PPT, Logo etc#7: Gain Advanced Research Skills that enables to Write on Any Topic#8: Skill to Identify Target Audience Persona for your Content#9: Know how to Get Freelance projects from India, US, UK and avoid risk of bad debt in international paymentBroadly, What is the Course Curriculum?Module 1: Essential SkillsModule 2: Language SkillsModule 3: Internet Skills (Research, Keyword Planning, Graphic, Website Making)Module 4: Content StrategyWhy Learn Content Writing on First Place?Following are the Top 8 Target Groups who learn content writing. Checkout below why they learn!Digital Marketers / Marketers / Sales / Business Development professionals eradicate the problem of saturation and poor growth in career by leveraging upon the new skillset gained through this courseExisting entrepreneurs/business owners can scale up their business to next level by penetrating into new markets, audience segments, geographies and products through the power of content and internetProfessors / Teachers / Trainers acquire necessary skills to showcase their proficiency on the internet, develop new content types, gain recognition online, build alternate source of income etcBloggers / Content Writers get a tangible proof to showcase their existing proficiency, diversify to new content types and learn new thingsHousewives / Retired / Unemployed individuals can start earning decent amount based on part-time/fulltime/ work-from-home/freelance opportunities available in abundanceAspiring entrepreneurs can start their startup journey by leveraging on skills gained through this courseProfessionals / Corporates can brand themselves as industry thought leaders and domain experts by start writing on their subject at public forums, blogs, social media etcStudents get the opportunity to acquire Internships, Placements and Projects based on their professional content writing, marketing and strategy skills. Additionally, they can start earning full-time/part-time by taking up freelancing projects, work-from-home projects and can start working on their entrepreneurial journey"
Price: 199.99

"Graduate Student Toolkit: Publishing Your Research" |
"Are you tired of struggling with how to develop your research and writing? Do you want to graduate sooner? Do you want to publish your Thesis or other research manuscript? Are you not getting enough support from your research supervisor? Do you want to increase the quality of your research and academic writing? Would you like to know how your Thesis or Dissertation will be evaluated by your supervisor and committee?If you answered Yes to any of these questions, then I welcome you to Research Learning Center and invite you to be a part of our community by enrolling in this knowledge-packed course. All of our courses are developed and taught by me (Dr. Todd Bottom), a Community Psychologist with 15 years of research, teaching, and academic consulting experience.The lecture topics in this course include: Qualities of Good (And Bad) Doctoral Programs How Graduate Research is Evaluated Publishing Your First Research Manuscript The Value of Publishing as a Graduate Student Identifying a Research Topic and Research Questions Dangers of Online Research and Writing Groups Improving Your Academic WritingThe topics of these lectures come from my extensive consulting with graduate students and the most common challenges that they have. I am confident that learning these skills and gaining the knowledge from these lectures will save you time and help you to do better research so that you can graduate sooner. The lectures in this course come from online presentations and workshops that I have given to my own clients and members of Research Learning Center, so you know that you are getting only the best learning content.This course includes many lectures on a variety of skills and experiences that are important for graduate students who are working on independent research projects such as a Thesis or Dissertation. No matter what your field of study, these valuable lectures are sure to help you with your research so that you can graduate sooner. It is perfect for students and early career individuals in just about any research area, including. Psychology Education Social Science Agriculture Engineering Life Science Business and Marketing Sociology Economics Public HealthSo, what are you waiting for? Enroll now and start improving your writing and research immediately. We are happy to have you in our community of scholars!*******************************************************************************Praise for Todd's coaching and consulting...Todd, you are amazing! I appreciate your editing services! The 1st line on my AQR review is congrats for a strong 1st submission. I actually had no dings on my grammar etc. (2020 Ph.D. Graduate, Grand Canyon University)Thanks Todd for help with editing and guiding me in the final stages of my dissertation process. Todd was readily available to consult when needed. I wish he had been on board earlier in the process. (2019 Ph.D. Graduate, Bowling Green State University)Todd surpasses all expectations! He has a wealth of knowledge and skill, provides high-quality professional products and is an absolute pleasure to work with. (Nonprofit Consultant, New York)I highly recommend Dr. Bottom. He is innovative in his approach to solving problems, strategic, highly analytic and persistent. Thanks Todd. (University Research Director, Atlanta)Todd is a passionate and thorough consultant who came through for LCL when it counted most. He provided a comprehensive report that helped to strategically guide the organization through a critical transition period. (Nonprofit Developer, Chicago)"
Price: 119.99

"Managerial Competencies - Unleash and Enhance Part 2" |
"This Program is for Managers to improve Managerial Competencies using Systematic and Data Driven approach. This Program uses Personalized Coaching approach. Managers fix their target competency levels and improve them by carrying out specific action items as guided by this Program. Target Competency Levels are arrived at based on performance targets and expectations of the job role and therefore when Competency Levels are improved, Performance Levels also improve towards achieving Organization's Key Business Objectives."
Price: 9280.00

"Managerial Competencies - Unleash and Enhance Part 1" |
"This Program is for Managers to improve Managerial Competencies using Systematic and Data Driven approach. This Program uses Personalized Coaching approach. Managers fix their target competency levels and improve them by carrying out specific action items as guided by this Program. Target Competency Levels are arrived at based on performance targets and expectations of the job role and therefore when Competency Levels are improved, Performance Levels also improve towards achieving Organization's Key Business Objectives."
Price: 9280.00

"Satta stres ynetimi" |
"Sat keyifli olduu kadar stres yaratan bir sretir. Hedefler, negatif mteri yaklamlar satclar zerinde stres yaratan unsurlar olabilir. Sosyal hayatta yaadmz pek ok faktr de stres faktr olarak karmza kar. Bu eitim setinde aadaki konularda bilgi edinebilirsiniz:Stresin tanmStres yaratan faktrlerSatta stres unsurlarSat stresini azaltmakStres ynetim teknikleriAyrca ek olarakMekan stresini azaltmakStres ve heyecan kontrolnde apalama tekniiKeyifli seyirler"
Price: 49.99

"Descripcin:Ponga a prueba sus conocimientos sobre Gestin de Servicios de TI (ITSM) para tomar el examen de nivel Fundamentos ITIL4. ITIL 4.0 Foundation es el nivel inicial para la certificacin ITIL en Gestin de Servicios de TI (ITSM) que remodela muchas las prcticas establecidas en ITSM para aplicarlo dentro de un contexto ms amplio y orientado a la experiencia del cliente, los flujos de valor y la transformacin digital.!Supere su meta y convirtase en Certificado en Foundation ITIL 4.0!Que ofrecemos:Este curso contiene 6 exmenes, con un total de 400 preguntas con explicaciones.Las preguntas estn relacionadas con el programa de estudios ITIL Foundation ITIL 4 Edition.Puedes tomar los exmenes tantas veces como quieras.Cada pregunta tiene una explicacin detallada.Trminos actualizados.De nuestra experiencia, superando el 80% es suficiente para estar preparado para lograr la certificacin."
Price: 49.99

"Bootstrap 4 le Front - End Responsive Web Tasarm Kursu" |
"Temel dzeyde HTML ve CSS bilenlerin akllarndaki ilk soru, yapacam web sitesi tm cihazlar ile uyumlu olacak m. Uyumlu olmas iin neler yapmam gerekir. te tam da bu noktada kursumuz ile hzl ve etkileimli mobil cihazlar ile uyumlu web siteleri oluturabilirsiniz. Birazck ihtiyacnz olan bootstrap framework n tanmak. Bootstrap ile hazr gelen zgara sistemini tandktan sonra sizin iin herey ok kolay olacaktr. nce bootstrap kendi dkmantasyonundan reneceiz. Blm blm rendiimiz ilevsel snflar bir btn halde projeler zerinde uygulayacaz. Bylelikle siz de bootstrap etkin bir ekilde kullanmay reneceksiniz. Bunun yannda oluturduumuz sitelerin daha gz alc olabilmesi iin animasyonlar ile hareketlendireceiz..."
Price: 49.99

"Stories Of Ourselves Texts: Cambridge International Exams!" |
"Studying the ""Stories Of Ourselves"" Anthology, which are part of the University of Cambridge International Examinations Anthology of Short Stories in English? Look no further, Barbara has you covered! This course will cover everything you need to learn and understand when studying and analysing these texts as part of your coursework or exams! There will also be plenty of revision resources included to help your learning journey!"
Price: 179.99

"How to record your hypnosis audios" |
"This course is aimed to assist complementary therapists and hypnotherapists with producing high quality audio recordings.Being deaf myself i understand the need for good audio and how effective it is.You will learn:* All the equipment and software required (and where to find it)* How to create your own binaural beats that can switch from left to right ear* How to add music, effects, subliminal messages and edit your audio* Export the audio in high quality format for retail or use with clients* Add mantras, remove background noises and edit the ssss and pppp sounds"
Price: 34.99

"WhatsApp Clone App utilizando Android y Firebase" |
"En este curso te voy a ensear como crear una aplicacin similar a WhatsApp desde cero la cual incluye Chat usuario a usuario.Salas de chat con mltiples usuariosAutenticacin con numero telefnicoEnvi de notificaciones Push dispositivo a dispositivoEnvi de notificaciones Push a mltiples dispositivosFuncionalidad de estados similar a WhatsappGuardar y mostrar imgenes con Firebase StorageGuardar y mostrar vdeos con Firebase StorageGuardar y descargar archivos con Firebase StorageAndroid XDiseos avanzados de pantallas en AndroidY MUCHO MAS"
Price: 99.99

"Curso Forex - Trading y los 27 patrones clave para el xito" |
"En este curso encontrars la informacin completa, necesaria y crucial para el dominio y aprendizaje de los patrones de velas ms determinantes y poderosos del Mercado Forex.Este curso pretende guiarte de la forma correcta para comprender el comportamiento e interpretacin de velas japonesas de los diferentes activos en el Mercado Forex.Podrs contar con un contenido de alto nivel de calidad que te permitir adquirir habilidades y destrezas para expandir tus oportunidades de desarrollo personal, profesional y triunfar como Trader Profesional en el mercado de divisas.El dominio de los diferentes patrones de velas japonesas te ayudar a convertirte en un Trader exitoso y te permitir analizar y operar correctamente el mercado de divisas; aplicando este conocimiento tcnico desarrollars la habilidad necesaria para tomar decisiones de inversin en el momento ms adecuado.Un Trader Profesional debe entender cada vela que se forma en el grfico y su comportamiento para encontrar las mejores oportunidades de inversin en los diferentes pares de divisas que analice.Este curso ser actualizado continuamente y estar aqu para aclarar tus inquietudes.Espero verte pronto en clases, Trader.Atentamente,Juan Borrero."
Price: 49.99

"Ace the MS Excel Assessment Test for Your Dream Job in 2020" |
"The job market is competitive. Often, the skills required to get a job are even more advanced than to do the job itself, and if youre looking for a good position, the number of applicants may be in the hundreds. At the completion of this course, you will have mastered the MS Excel Assessment tests to place yourself in the top tier of candidates. As your instructor, I will use my 7+ years of Excel training, analysis, and recruitment to guide you along MS Excel and transform data, formulas, formatting, and calculations from daunting threats to your arsenal of excellence that will impress any boss.So, what are you waiting for? Enroll now and become one of the most sought out candidates for your dream job!"
Price: 39.99

"Exam AZ-120: Administering Microsoft Azure for SAP Workloads" |
"Hello, Students!Are you looking for the best course to test your knowledge?So, you are on the right course to examine your skills. Because this course is designed by our IT team members.In this course, there are 4 Practice tests and multiple Case Studies which gives you benefit while doing your real exam. Each Question required a detailed explanation.By Attempting this test you will get good marks in your Real Exam."
Price: 24.99

"Baselines of Behavior - Basics of Nonverbal Communication" |
"Every true professional shares the desire to become the best version of themselves. The ability to effectively communicate is a key skill related to professional growth and leadership development. Languages differ, however, the nonverbal cues given off are consistent across all humans. Behaviors are not directly linked to the language spoken.Minimal resources, limited employment pools and a lack of buy-in from staff are common problems that many security professionals face. Creating a baseline of behavior and utilizing the additional information gained is free and is an option available to everyone, regardless of their socioeconomic status or background.Youll get a free copy digital copy of Baselines of Behaviors: The Art of Nonverbal CommunicationYoull be exposed to a new mindset that allows for the continual flow of new information while allowing you to make the best decision possible in the given situation.Youll make the first step in building a better foundation for communication, increasing your ability to understand and effectively express expectations.Youll get access to the 55% of communication that the majority of people are unaware of.If youre a busy, career-oriented security professional whos looking for an edge to maintaining a safe site for their clients and their crew, while being able to focus on the mission in greater detail and navigate the politics of the workplace then this is for you!This is not for someone trying the newest fad. Nor is it for anyone who thinks they are or can become a human lie detector. Nonverbal cues dont work like that under normal circumstances. And creating a space which would allow for such precision is not likely to be found in our normal day to day environments."
Price: 199.99
