"Curso Bsico de Analista Financeiro" |
"Este curso tem como objetivo apresentar de forma clara e simples quais so as atividades pertinentes ao cargo de Analista Financeiro dentro de uma organizao e demonstrar algumas tarefas do dia a dia. Ser demonstrado passo a passo algumas atividades, como: contas a pagar, conciliao bancria, emisso de relatrios, relatrios gerenciais e fluxo de caixa, dentre outras."
Price: 39.99

"Analysis of ASC 842" |
"This course provides a basic understanding of the new leases standard, issued by FASB in February 2016. The new standard superseded the previous US GAAP standard 840. One of the main reasons to apply changes to the standard is to enlighten the users of financial statements about the leasing obligations of the entities in a better way.The new standard specifically requires that operating leases of 12 months or more must be reflected on the balance sheet as both assets and liabilities, even if the lessee intends to return the asset to the owner or landlord. The Lessee will record a right of use asset and a lease liability for all leases with a term greater than one year.If any of the five factors are present in the agreement, it's a finance lease for the lessee and a sales-type lease for the lessor. If none of the five factors is present in the agreement, its an operating lease for the lessee and an operating lease for lessor unless two more classification criteria are met and then the lessor will classify the lease as a direct financing lease.At lease commencement, lessees will measure the leased asset (ROU) at the same amount as the lease liability (the present value of lease payments). Initial measurement is the same for both financing and operating leases. The accounting difference occurs in the subsequent recognition. For lessors, lease accounting practices remain largely unchanged."
Price: 49.99

"Trading - L'analyse Technique" |
"L'analyse technique accessible tous, dans ce cours nous allons aborder: les supports rsistances, les trendlines, les impulsions, les corrections, les figures chartistes (paule tte paule, biseaux ascendants et descendants, les ranges.) les vagues d'Elliot, Fibonnacci.... Le Risk Reward. Cette formation est uniquement disponible en Franais. Je vous souhaite un excellent visionnage."
Price: 109.99

"Cration d'un business de livraisons responsable !" |
"Dans ce cours nous allons aborder les fondamentaux pour dvelopper un projet responsable.Je vais vous accompagner sur tout un panel de questions concernant les sujets qui suivent :- Philosophie du travail de livreur responsable - Business plan simplifi - Modes de transports - Administratif et culture d'entreprise - Responsabilit Vous trouverez donc toutes les informations et conseils ncessaires dans ce cours pour pouvoir construire un projet responsable rapidement et avec motivation !"
Price: 24.99

"WatchGuard Fireware Essentials Exam Test Certification" |
"It includes a long list of questions to reinforce what has been studied for the WatchGuard Network Security Essentials certification.It may coincide that some of these questions appear in the official exam.As we have said, this course serves as a reinforcement but does not replace the official and recommended WatchGuard study guides that the student must follow to expand their knowledge.The tests are in EnglishIncluye una larga lista de preguntas para reforzar lo que se ha estudiado para la certificacin WatchGuard Network Security Essentials.Puede coincidir que algunas de estas preguntas aparezcan en el examen oficial.Como hemos dicho, este curso sirve como refuerzo pero no sustituye a las guas de estudio oficiales y recomendadas de WatchGuard que el alumno debe seguir para ampliar sus conocimientos.El test est en ingls."
Price: 99.99

"Resolvendo erros no Pro Tools" |
"Resolver conflitos que impeam o uso do ProTools First. Com a soluo voc poder usar apenas a placa de udio da placa me do seu computador. Voc poder produzir suas msicas e lanar nas redes sociais para que todos conheam seu lado artstico. Tambm poder gravar como um estdio profissional, e garantir uma boa renda. Agora s escolher seu curso."
Price: 39.99

"Achieving NSA level privacy" |
"This course is the most comprehensive and complete course on data security and privacy. Every minor detail on the privacy and anonymity topic is covered in this course. Furthermore, you will learn to survive in this hostile environment where everyone from government bodies to private corporate houses want to snatch your privacy for their use."
Price: 2880.00

"Kolaydan Zora Matematik Tyt ,Kpss,Ales,Dgs" |
"30 gn de matematik biter.Baar gelir.. zel derse paralel konu anlatm ve yeni nesil soru zmleri eklenmektedir.Kolaydan zora konu anlatmlar ve aklamal zmler.Yeni Nesil SorularPratik konu zm teknikleri.leri seviye soru zmleri. Kursumuza ho geldiniz.Baarlar sizlerle olsun.zle ren Baar...SYM Tarznda Yeni Nesil SorularPratik konu zm teknikleri.leri seviye soru zmleri.30 saniye yeterlik. imdi sra sizde ierir dzenli alacak en az iki test kitab bitirecekseniz, Kursumuza ho geldiniz."
Price: 49.99

"Python Sfrdan leri Seviye Python Programlama Dersleri" |
"Udemy' nin en gncel ve en detayl python programlama kursuna katlarak, sfrdan ileri seviye python programlama renmenin tadna varn...Sfrdan Python Dersleri;Veritabanlar (MySql, Sqlite, MongoDb), Veri Analizi (Numpy,Pandas), Bot Yazm (Selenium), Restful Api Uygulamalar, Web Gelitirme (Django) ve ok daha fazlasn python kursumuzda bulabilirsiniz.Kursumuzda batan sona python programlamay renerek fark yaratn nk Python' n poplerlii tartlmaz bir gerektir. Gelin ""Python programlama renmeye"" beraber balayalm.Python dersleri iin her hangi bir programlama gemiinizin olmas gerekmiyor nk python derslerimiz size sfrdan ileri seviye python programlamay adm adm bol bol uygulama yaptrarak retecektir.Python programlama dilini gzel bir ekilde rendikten sonra farkl platformlarda python nasl kullanlr reniyoruz; Python dersleri ile Masast uygulama gelitirme (PyQt5) ve Python ile Web Gelitirme (Django) alannda kariyerinize gzel bir yatrm yapacaksnz.Kurs boyunca,Her konunun kalcln salamak iin bir ok python uygulamas yapacaz.Blm sonlarnda konularn hepsini kapsayan python devlerimizi yapacaz.Kurs boyunca en gerekli python derslerini en gerektii kadar detayl bir ekilde uygulayarak reneceiz. Kurs erii,Python Gelitirme Ortamnn HazrlanmasPython Objeleri ve Veri YaplarPython OperatrlerPython Koul fadeleriPython DnglerPython FonksiyonlarPython Nesne Tabanl ProgramlamaPython ModllerPython Hatalar & Hata YnetimiPython Dosya YnetimiPython Fonksiyonlarn leri Seviye zellikleriPython IteratorsPython Generatorsleri Seviye Python Modlleri & Web ScapingPython ile Bot Yazlm: SeleniumSelenium: Instagram BotSelenium: Twitter BotVeri Analizi: NumpyVeri Analizi: PandasVeri Grselletirme: MatplotlibSQL Database: MySql & SQLiteNoSQL Database: MongoDbWeb Gelitirme: DjangoZaman kaybetmeden Python programlama dnyasna katln ve Python 'n getirdii gzellikleri hep beraber grmeye balayalm."
Price: 49.99

"Help your child excel: Comprehension strategies that work!" |
"Understand how different texts provide show us information differently. Learn about the types of questions that enable comprehension. Understand how to focus the questions for your child to understand the text better. Learn how to teach your child about reading actively. I use video to explain, and provide downloadable exemplars of questions. I also provide discussion support about the texts you choose to work with. You can complete this in one day, or over a month - depending on how many types of text your child enjoys. Once you have learned the main ideas, then it is a 'dip in' system for the relevant lectures. If you have any questions, feel free to send me a message via child_excel@discover.school.nz"
Price: 24.99

"Swing Trading Masterclass For Traders & Investors (NEW 2020)" |
"Attention Traders, Investors & Stock Market Lovers!Finally You'll Start Earning Weekly Passive Income Online By Mastering These Secret Swing Trading Strategies. Get Results or Your Money Back!The Swing Trading Masterclass For Traders & Investors is designed to provide you with all the proven swing trading and technical analysis hacks that will help you consistently score good profits in any market conditions.In this course, you'll master how to identify market moves before they happen with high accuracy using advanced technical indicators. By mastering these proven techniques, you can significantly boost your winning rate as easy as counting 1-2-3.You'll also master how to trade the 25+ most effective chart patterns and candlesticks that work perfectly well for swing trading. This course will help you master the art of swing trading in just a matter of weeks.What you're going to learn in this course can be used for trading securities in any freely traded markets around the world. These include stocks, options, forex, cryptocurrencies, ETFs, and even bonds.In this course, you will learn...The Proven 'Copy & Paste' Swing Trading & Technical Analysis Hacks For Generating Weekly Trading Profits With Real World Examples Included!How to Build a Strong Swing Trading FoundationHow to Apply Proven Technical Analysis Strategies For Swing TradingHow to Choose The Best Chart Time FramesHow to Trade Support & Resistance LevelsHow to Trade Fibonacci Retracements & ExtensionsHow to Trade Bollinger Bands (BB)How to Trade Exponential Moving Averages (EMA)How to Trade Moving Average Convergence Divergence (MACD)How to Trade Parabolic SARHow to Trade Relative Strength Index (RSI)How to Apply Proven Chart Pattern Strategies For Swing TradingWedges and TrianglesFlags and PennantsHead and ShouldersCup and HandleDouble Tops and BottomsRectangle Tops and BottomsRounding Tops and BottomsHow to Apply Proven Candlestick Strategies For Swing TradingHow to Read and Analyze Japanese CandlesticksDoji CandlesticksBullish and Bearish Marubozu CandlesticksHammer and Hanging Man CandlesticksInverted Hammer and Shooting Star CandlesticksTweezer Top and Bottom CandlesticksBullish and Bearish Engulfing CandlesticksBullish and Bearish Harami CandlesticksThree White Soldiers and Three Black Crows CandlesticksMorning Star and Evening Star CandlesticksAnd a lot more...What is more?You will get a lifetime access to this course, without any limits!The course will keep updating frequently with more up-to-date learning resources.Get dedicated support from the course Instructors and the learning community anytime you need!You will also get a 30-DAY MONEY BACK GUARANTEE, so don't hesitate to give yourself a chance to learn new things by just taking this course now!So let me ask you this... Will your investment portfolio grow much faster in the next 12 months after having this swing trading system...Do you have some money to invest?Are you reasonably intelligent?Does your family need extra care or support?Are you willing to learn a new skill that guarantees you a second income for the rest of your life?Would you like to work less and make more?I will assume your answers are the same as mine...Then You Have 2 Clear Choices1. Keep doing things the way you have been and remain frustrated, lose money and simply get use to your average life...or2. Enroll in The Swing Trading Masterclass For Traders & Investors and become a ninja swing trader, start making a good living trading online, and never worry about money ever again.Now You Have a Big Chance to Upgrade Your Swing Trading SkillsListen, if you dont get how important mastering these swing trading strategies is then dont enroll in this program.Keep shlepping away in the same manner you have been, maybe youll get a different result :)In that case, you're going to wake up 6 months from now, with everything still very much the same as it is today - don't know how to trade, have no clue about what's going on with your money, stress, feel frustrated you know how it goes.Is that you want for yourself?No. I don't want that for you either which is why I want you to do something right now. Sign up for this course, learn all the profitable swing trading hacks, and start trading from home today.Simply click the Enroll Now button to get started now!"
Price: 199.99

"OAuth 2.0 in Spring Boot Applications" |
"This video course is for beginner Java developers who are interested in learning how to secure OAuth 2.0 Resources in Spring Security 5. The course covers only the new OAuth 2.0 stack in Spring Security 5.You will learn how to: Perform each OAuth 2 authorization flow,Startup and configure the Keycloak server, Configure OAuth 2 Resource Server, Startup multiple Resource Servers on random port numbers, Configure Spring Cloud API Gateway, Configure and use Eureka Registry and Discovery Service,Build a simple Spring MVC Web Application that fetches data from a protected Resource Server running behind Spring Cloud API Gateway."
Price: 49.99

"Process Diagrams, Flowcharts and BPMN 2.0" |
"In this course you will learn how to read and create business process diagrams, use the Business Process Model and Notation Version 2.0 and get practical tips on using BPMN for your process diagrams. This is a must have skill for business analysts, solution architects, industrial engineers, flow managers, incident managers, product owners and for anyone who wants to communicate complex systems easily with flow diagrams.We will start from the basics and build our knowledge up one component at a time. Course enrollment includes real use case examples, 1-on-1 expert support, LIFETIME access, and a 100% money-back guarantee! If you're looking for a practical process map and process flowchart course that will walk you step-by-step through everything you need to know.Ultimately, the goal of this course is to help you model any existing business process as well as create your own models for completely new processes.The topics we will cover in this course are;History of BPMNHow to use BPMNProcess Models and Diagram TypesCore BPMN ElementsLanes, Pools, Flow Objects, Event Types,ActivitiesGatewaysData ObjectsArtefactsConnecting ObjectsCase Study: Hardware RetailerCase Study: Pizza DeliverySoftware programming flowchartsTools to use for process diagramsYou will;Learn the ins and outs of the process flowchartsGain tangible, real-world experience with examplesCreate your own clean and easy to read process diagramsConfidently ace your business process diagram interview questionsLearn how to utilise different process diagram toolsThis course will help you design your processes perfectly. If you are looking for a new role, this course will help you to pass your interview. If you were enthusiastic and patient enough to listen to this end, then you should definitely register and start the course right away."
Price: 49.99

"Declutter attic, cellar, garage, shed, storage, Room of Doom" |
"Have you got a Room of Doom that you're scared even to LOOK in? A hellhole of a cellar or basement, loft or attic, shed, garage or outhouse, a spare room, an understairs cupboard or an offsite storage unit thats rammed to the gunnels with so much tired, broken or obsolete stuff that you dont remember whats in there... ...you cant get in there to sort it out... ...and you wouldnt know where to start if you did?With this course, you'll transform it into an Ace Space. Maybe youll make a home-studio, a gym or a den. Maybe the grandkids will stay in your spare room. Or youll actually be able to park your car in your garage. With video of me decluttering with clients, we cover:where to start when you dont know where to startwhat youll needmy simple, foolproof 5-Step Decluttering processhow to dispose of your unwanted stuffgreat ways to organise your new Ace Spacehow to stop clutter creeping back so you never get in this mess again. It's time to SHED the clutter and realise your LOFTy ambitions for the space. :-DAre you working against the clock? Moving home? People coming to stay? This course will get you going and get it done in time.Don't put off clearing the attic until you can no longer manage the ladder. Don't wait to downsize until you've suddenly got to do it fast. Don't waste your fabulous storage space. Dive into this course and go from Room of Doom to Ace Space."
Price: 59.99

"Adobe Photoshop 2020 CC fr Angestellte und Unternehmen" |
"Mchtest Du Photoshop in Zukunft fr Dein Unternehmen nutzen? Dann bist Du hier richtig!(Der Kurs behandelt Adobe Photoshop 2020 (CC). ltere Versionen wie Adobe Photoshop CS6 sind natrlich meist kompatibel).Ich bin Justus Zeemann, seit 4 Jahren erfolgreicher Berufsdozent fr die Adobe Produkte. Davor habe ich 5 Jahre eine Marketing- und Unternehmensberatung aufgebaut und mir durch die Betreuung vieler Unternehmen ein umfangreiches Wissen angeeignet. In diesem Kurs zeige ich Dir alles, was Du brauchst, um mit Adobe Photoshop fr dein Unternehmen richtig durchzustarten.Dieser Kurs bietet Dir oder Deinem Mitarbeiter die Mglichkeit in maximal 8 Stunden Arbeitszeit alle wichtigen Funktionen von Photoshop zu meistern. Ich habe meine 20.000 Masterclass Studenten gefragt wer beruflich mit Photoshop arbeitet, und was dabei die grten Herausforderungen sind. Aus diesen Infos habe ich Dir dann diesen Kurs erstellt. Er macht Dich vom Anfnger zum Fortgeschrittenen und zeigt Dir sinnvoll aufbereitet, was Du wirklich brauchst!In diesem Kurs entdeckst Du:Den Photoshop Download, die Installation und die optimale Einrichtung Deines Arbeitsbereiches (der Benutzeroberflche).Wie Ebenen, Ebenenstile, Verlufe, Effekte und Texte funktionieren. Wir schauen uns an, wann Du welche Dateiformate nutzt und wie Du sie richtig speicherst und exportierst.Du erfhrst wie Du Deine Bilder in der Gre anpasst, sie ausschneidest und ihre Farben nderst; und wie Masken funktionieren.Auch die schnelle und einfache Beauty-Retusche darf nicht fehlen.Dieser Kurs ber Adobe Photoshop 2020 CC ist also extrem praxisnah und mit direkten Beispielen versehen. Zustzlich erfhrst Du Tastenkrzel, Tipps & Tricks, erhltst die Kursbilder zum Mitarbeiten und vieles mehr. Dein Vorgehen und Dein Wissen ber Photoshop werden nach diesem Kurs nicht mehr wie vorher sein!Erfahre alles was Du wissen musst:Installation und EinrichtungNavigation, Einstellungen und Tastenkrzel EbenenBildgren verndern Masken, AuswahlwerkzeugeFarbnderungen, TransparenzenGrafiken, Farbverlufe und Effekte Beauty-Retusche fr Zhne, Augen und die HautTexte erstellen, bearbeiten und maskierenDas richtige Speichern und ExportierenNutze alle Kursbilder zum direkten MitarbeitenErhalte Support bei Deinen Fragenuvm.30 Tage Geld-Zurck-Garantie!Wenn Dir der Kurs nicht gefllt, kannst du das Geld fr den Kurs innerhalb von 30 Tagen zurck erhalten. Dies ist Deine Chance!Es ist Zeit, Deine Photoshop-Knste auf das nchste Level zu heben. Schreibe Dich gleich fr den Kurs ein und starte jetzt durch!"
Price: 199.99

"Cartoon Drawing: How To Draw From Your Imagination" |
"Join over 2,000+ active students who are learning cartoon drawing skills every day!This course on how to draw from your imagination will teach you the fundaments of drawing and creativity.You'll be able to become a master visual thinker and problem solver!You don't need the talent to start drawing amazing cartoons. A lot of success stories prove that this is not true:Take a look:""Very enjoyable and easy course. I found the content of proportions and study sheets very resourceful. It will definitely help me develop simple but effective training animations. Best regards to George!"" - Robert""Superb course. I am planning to include the illustrations in my blog posts. Thanks a lot for this course"" - Vinod""I thought this was great fun. The instructor was very well organized and systematic. I went through it in a few days. I wish I had learned this when I was younger.Good teaching style."" - MaryIf you ever wanted to be able to draw your ideas so the world can see them, this course is perfect for you!What you can do with these skills?Good question... well:- Create your own comic books.- Create mobile games.- Improve your sketchnoting.- Learn new skills faster- You can create graphic recordings.- You can create visual notes or visual summaries. - You can illustrate books.- If you're a teacher, you can explain your ideas with simple pictures.- If you're a marketer, you can create more engaging content like blog posts or social media ads.- If you attend a meeting and you are the manager you can explain your products or services with simple drawings so everyone can understand.- Doodle simple pictures.If you're still not convinced, I offer you a full money-back guarantee within the first 30 days of purchasing the course.So take your pen and come to learn a skill for life!- George"
Price: 99.99

"Trading exchange rates - total Forex comprehension" |
"Taking this course will make you a full traderEvery day, hundreds of students sign up for Forex courses only to be disappointed by the lack of confidence and comprehension gained by the end of the training. Learning cool words for 5 hours is great, and you'll be able to sound like a trader by the end of it, but 99% of the time you won't know how to make money which is the goal, right?The purpose of this course is to finally eliminate ALL of the confusion involved with making money with Forex. Who cares about how much you know about the market if all it leads to is consistent losses?After seeing literally hundreds of amazing students like you become profitable after taking ""Momentum Swing Trading Mastery"" I started thinking it might be possible for the average student to gain full comprehension in just a few hours.This course will give you the knowledge you need to say ""Fu*% courses!"" and confidently and masterfully create a system of your own. Heck, maybe you'll be the one teaching the art of trading by the end of this.In this training we'll cover everything from the foundations of trading exchange rates all the way to creating a profitable trading system. Along the way, you'll pick up invaluable breadcrumbs that will ensure long-term success and confidence.Some of the things we'll cover:LiquidityMarket makingInflation analysisEconomic strength analysisTechnical analysisEliminate risk of loss while doubling potential for gainand much more..Learning to make money trading isn't hard, the problem is that every course is simply a catalogue of definitions. If you're looking for a course with the most complex vocabulary that will make you sound cool when talking to strangers go somewhere else because I don't care about that, my job is to teach people how to make money trading Forex. This course will teach you how to create a trading system based on full top-down economic and fundamental analysis and execute with confidence."
Price: 199.99

"1 Hour Programming with Python" |
"Are you interested in learning programming but are confused by all the technical language? That's exactly how I felt when I started; I couldn't even understand the first few minutes of any training. Although the barrier of entry seems large, the payoff is worth it; about 8 months after I was introduced to Python I got a job offer for over $140k!I started to really understand programming once I knew enough to create small projects on my own. The aim of this course is to quickly give you the basic skills of the python language that will allow you to complete small projects on your own, and most importantly; understand the more advanced job-related training that can help land you a ridiculously high paying job.By the end of the hour you'll know:What programming isWhat other popular languages are outBasic commands in PythonHow to program a password on the back-endHow to create a guessing gameIf you're brand new to programming, this is your quick start guide."
Price: 19.99

"SAP Fiori : Temel Seviye SAP Fiori Eitim Seti" |
"Merhabalar , Temel Seviye SAP Fiori Eitim seti kursuna ho geldiniz. Bu kurs dnya apnda Udemy sitesindeki ilk SAP ABAP Developer Edition rn ile SAP Fiori uygulamalarnn utan uca gelitirme imkann salayan eitim setidir. Kendinize ait bir SAP sisteminiz olacak. SAP platformunda gelitirme yapma imkanna sahip olacaksnz. Bu eitim video seti sayesinde sfrdan SAP Fiori rn hakknda bilgi sahibi olacaksnz ve eitim sonunda Fiori UI5 gelitirmesini yapabilecek ve ABAP programlama dili ile SAP ERP katmannda gelitirme yapabilecek duruma geleceksiniz. Sizlere anlatlan uygulamal ierikleri ayn anda sizlerinde yapabilmeniz iin SAP ABAP Developer Edition 7.52 SP4 rnn sizlere hediye ediyorum.Eitim ierisinde sizlere Eclipse uygulamasnn ekranlarn anlatacam. SAP ERP rn ekranlarnn ihtiyacmz olan blmlerini anlatacam. Bu blmlerde ABAP programlama dili ile gelitirme yapacaz.Bir SAP Fiori uzmannn , hem Eclipse uygulamasnda hemde SAP ERP ierisinde hangi ekranlara renmeye ihtiyac varsa , sizlere bu ekranlarn kullanm hakknda detayl bilgiler vereceim. Bu bilgiler sayesinde sizde SAP Danmanlk irketlerinde veya Kurumsal irketlerde SAP Fiori uzman yada SAP Fiori Danman olarak alabilirsiniz."
Price: 409.99

"Spirituality for Emotional Freedom - Core Teachings" |
"In this course you will learn the core spiritual teachings that will help you overcome your problems in life. This course is divided into 4 sectionsSection 1: Root of all sufferingsSection 2: The ultimate solution to eradicate all sufferingSection 3: Troubleshooting problems on the pathSection 4: DesirelessnessIn each section we will look at the scientific reasons for our problems and scientific solutions to overcome our sufferings. ""Suffering"" is an umbrella term for all pains we experience because of our mind, body and world. The suffering includes common problems such as anger, jealousy, low self esteem to major problems such as depression, suicidal tendencies, anxiety and kinds. You will learn:How desire becomes the root of all suffering and why we have worldly problemsIn depth understanding of Law of Karma and how to break the cycleKarma Yog, Jana Yog, Bhakti YogWhat is action-less action How to tolerate emotionsHow to develop equanimityHow to increase consciousnessSolution for all worldly problemsHow to create a distance between self and your thoughts, emotions, and memoriesHow to overcome chronic problems such as depression, anxiety, low self esteem, or any other mental illness"
Price: 199.99

"Kiilerin Franszca snav soru zme tekniklerini renmek ve snav kayg dzeyini ayarlar.Franszca eitimine katk salar.Paragraf sorularnn zm iin farkl yollar renmenizi salar.Sorularn daha hzl zm konusunda size fikir verir.Snav ierisinde birbirine ilikili ve mantksal sorularn zmne ksa yoldan erimenizi salar.Franszca dil seviyesi tespit snavlarnda daha iyi bir sonu elde etmek iin bu kursu tamamlamalsnz."
Price: 59.99

"Kiilerin Franszca snav soru zme tekniklerini renmek ve snav kayg dzeyini ayarlar.Franszca eitimine katk salar.Paragraf sorularnn zm iin farkl yollar renmenizi salar.Sorularn daha hzl zm konusunda size fikir verir.Snav ierisinde birbirine ilikili ve mantksal sorularn zmne ksa yoldan erimenizi salar.Franszca dil seviyesi tespit snavlarnda daha iyi bir sonu elde etmek iin bu kursu tamamlamalsnz."
Price: 59.99

"Arbitration and Conciliation Law in India (in simple Hindi)" |
"The purpose of this course is to help the law students master the Indian arbitration and conciliation law as given under the Arbitration and Conciliation Act, 1996, and as amended by the Amendment Acts of 2015 and 2019.My course covers all the important provisions of the Arbitration and Conciliation Act and I am very confident that my course will prove to be immensely beneficial to the law students with their exam preparation.I have used a mix of both English and Hindi in my course just to keep it informal."
Price: 1280.00

"How to Master Sales" |
"Welcome to our course on How to Master Sales.This course is designed to help you improve your sales skills including understanding needs, planning, preparing, pitching, closing deals, hiring as well as managing sales teams.By the end of this course, you will become a better sales professional, you will be able to determine what you can improve and where you can focus in order to be successful.Here are some of the many things Ill cover for you in this course that trains on how to master the complete sales cycle from start to finish:We will provide you with a clear understanding of the psychology of sellingI will guide you through the sales process and help you build your sales personalityWhy people buyHow to turn your potential buyers from doubters to believersHow to get customers to buy emotionally and justify logicallyHow to be creative in your selling methods and approachesWe will share with you a sales methodology that is proven and works every timeHow to build a business rapport to maximize efficiency for your businessHow to become a better listener and identify customers main pain pointsHow to understand, question, and review the needs, and respond to those needs with your approachHow to identify the best way to pitch your idea and convince people to believe in youHow to prepare effectively for presentationsHow to deliver a quality presentationHow to handle deal-breaking objections and turn skeptics into buyersHow to prepare a sales plan and implement a sales action planHow to choose your sales strategyHow to find, attract, hire and evaluate effective sales employeesHow to manage sales teams and achieve maximum resultsHow to close deals without using high-pressure techniquesHow to scale your business exponentiallyThe ideal student for this course is any professional who wants to improve their sales skills.There are no special requirements necessary to enroll. We only ask that you come open-minded, allocate some time to complete this course, be ready to learn, and ready to commit to improving your sales skills.Until intelligent thought is linked with appropriate action and follow-through, little or nothing is accomplished. So once you've grasped a particular idea or technique and how to apply it, act - put it to work in your career. The results may seem slow at first, but if you're determined to stick with the program, you'll soon discover that you're closing more sales - and reaping the greater cash rewards that come to the top sales professional.Through this course, you will become a better salesperson, a better presenter, a better listener, and a better sales manager, or a combination of them.In order to attend this course, you need to follow the course videos, access additional websites provided in the course, utilize the templates and checklists provided, and engage with the course participants and instructor.If you need personal support, I am here to help!The instructor for this course is AJ who brings a wealthy business and educational background including 20 years of business experience having founded and developed multiple companies. Also, AJ has an educational background teaching Entrepreneurship courses to University students."
Price: 99.99

"How to Make and Sell Online Meditation Courses, Part 2" |
"Hello and Welcome to How to Make and Sell Online Meditation Courses, Part 2. This course is the second part of a two-part series. If you've just finished part one, then welcome.In this course, we'll be building on what we learned and created in part one. We'll utilize your equipment, your studio, and your prepared scripts then go through a systematic, step-by-step process to film and edit your first two videos.In this course you will learn:How to FILM BASE VIDEOS for your first lecture and meditation, by using PHOTO BOOTH or whatever video software you choose.Then, we'll get into the nuts and bolts of using iMOVIE's various powerful features to EDIT and CREATE professional-looking finished videos.Next, you'll learn how to UPLOAD your videos, how to write compelling accompanying TEXT, and how to create your personalized COURSE PROFILE.Then, we'll get into how to engage, build, and maintain, a strong STUDENT FOLLOWING.Then last, and certainly not least, you'll discover strategies on how to start MAKING MONEY.The only requirement for this course is that you complete my previous course, How to Make and Sell Online Meditation Courses, Part 1. You will also still need a Macintosh or Apple Computer with the apps Photo Booth and iMovie, which come installed on most Mac Computers.When you complete this course, you will come away with the knowledge and experience of creating your first two completed videos. Then, you'll be on the road to selling your first online course.The process I'll lead you through is informative, fun, and creative, and you'll be delighted when students start buying and praising your courses.So please join me on this fantastic journey of creating your first online meditation course. Thanks for your interest. Now let's go to class.What students are sayingTop Course, an Absolute Best! Positive and Inspiring. Very clear and precise information, easy to follow, and to retain. Hands-on teaching at its best! Bravo Joseph! Carmen SauciucThis is a lovely course to do. There's something magical about these meditations. Thank you. Gerardine LemercierI wanted to tell you that Ive taken a lot of online courses & yours are some of the best Ive come across Lauren Carterthe meditations are next-level awesome. Courtney SeardExcellent clarification and just amazing. Wow!! Mollie Shannon Rama"
Price: 199.99

"Hypnose lernen Intensiv" |
"EFFEKTIVER, SICHERER HYPNOTISIEREN UND THERAPIEREN NACH DER MARIANI HYPNOSE METHODEDu bekommst ein Zertifikat (bitte melde dich bei mir, wenn du den Kurs durch hast, dann bekommst du es) - ich brauche dann dafr deinen Namen.Wenn du Fragen hast, Fehler findest... melde dich bei mir :)Was ist bei dieser Ausbildung anders als bei anderen Instituten/Schulen?Hier lernst du nicht nur ""Texte lesen"" wie in den meisten Kursen - Hier lernst du wirklich, durch sehr viel Praxisanteil alle wichtige Techniken.Durch Mesmerismus und Nonverbale Hypnose lernst du, dich in den Menschen hineinzufhlen und zu vor-hypnotisieren - schon im Vorgesprch - Du lernst wie du Blitzhypnose einsetzen kannst - das heit, jemanden in wenigen Sekunden in eine hypnotische Trance zu fhren.ber Jafeth MarianiSeit 2009 als Coach und seit 2015 als Heilpraktiker fr Psychotherapie in 2 Praxen ttig (Berlin und Braunschweig)ber 17.000 Follower (aktuell ber 17.000 Follower, davon allein ber 13000 auf Youtube).ber 5000 Klienten gecoacht / therapiertVerschiedene Kurse und Seminare gehalten, Hypnose Events realisiertDAS KANNST DU NACH DER AUSBILDUNG:dich sicherer fhlen im Umgang mit Klienten durch den hohen Praxisanteil der Ausbildunginnerhalb von Minuten oder Sekunden hypnotisierenschon im Vorgesprch den Klienten vor-hypnotisieren (Geheimnisse und Tricks erfolgreicher Hypnosesitzungen erlernen)Krpersprache im Vorgesprch und in der Trance deuten und damit arbeitenDie Grundstruktur einer Hypnosesitzung und Klienteninterview so fhren, dass der Klient bereit ist, mit dir zu arbeitenZiele mit dem Klienten setzen und entwickelnSuggestibilitt testenwissen was man macht, wenn der Klient kaum empfnglich ist, nicht mitmacht oder Angst vor der Hypnose hatwissen wie man Stimme, Sprache und Tempo in der Hypnose am besten einsetztberall hypnotisieren, egal bei welchen Strgeruschendurch Berhrungen in die Hypnose leiten - non verbalVertiefung der Hypnose / Fraktionierte Trance / Arbeit mit MetaphernRegressive oder progressive HypnoseInduktionen Verbal und Non-Verbal einsetzen (auergewhnliche Hypnoseeinleitungen)hocheffektive Techniken wie die Wunderfrage, Februarmann-Einsatz (Erickson), Anker setzen, posthypnotische BefehleWICHTIG:Nach Abschluss der Hypnose-Intensivausbildung verfgst du ber alle erforderlichen Kenntnisse und Fhigkeiten, um erfolgreiche Hypnosen und Hypnosetherapien mit deine Klienten durchzufhren. Bitte informiere dich trotzdem, welche Mglichkeiten dir der gesetzliche Rahmen deines Landes gibt und welche Einschrnkungen evtl. bei der Verwendung der Berufsbezeichnungen Therapeut und Hypnosetherapeut und bei der Anwendung von Hypnose und Hypnosetherapie bestehen.INHALTE DER HYPNOSE-AUSBILDUNG IM DETAIL:Grundstruktur einer HypnosesitzungKlienteninterviewSuggestibilitt testenWas macht man, wenn der Klient nicht mitmacht, Angst vor der Hypnose hatKlient mit Hypnose vertraut machenDie Stimme, Sprache und Tempo der HypnoseInkorporation von StrgeruschenBlitzhypnose und langsame HypnoseKlient aus der Hypnose ausleitenBerhrungen in der HypnoseVertiefung der Hypnose / Fraktionierte TranceStrke trotz Entspannung in der Hypnose sprenAnker Setzen - Moment of ExcellenceIn die Zukunft reisen am Beispiel von Raucherentwhnung oder Gewichtsabnahme,In die Vergangenheit reisen, um alte Kindheitsprobleme aufzudecken und aufzulsenKlienten aus der Hypnose ausleitenOptimale Vorbereitung des Klienten auf die BehandlungMesmerismus, Non Verbale Hypnose, Faszination sicher beherrschen und anwendenBlitz und Schnellhypnose sicher beherrschen und anwendenSchon vor dem Vorgesprch und im Vorgesprch vor-hypnotisieren!Induktionen Verbal und Non-Verbal (Auergewhnliche Hypnoseeinleitungen)Krpersprache in der Trance deuten und damit arbeitenRaucherentwhnung professionell durchfhrenDie Probleme des Patienten wirklich verstehenZukunft und Vergangenheit / AltersregressionWunderfrageFebruarmann-Einsatz (Erickson) /Inneres KindAufdecken tief verdrngter UrsachenEffektive Regressions-TechnikenHocheffektive Trauerbewltigungberwinden von Angst vor der HypnoseWas tun bei nicht hypnotisierbaren - schwierigen Klienten"
Price: 99.99

"SAP Certified Development Specialist - ABAP for SAP HANA 2.0" |
"SAP Certified Development Specialist - ABAP for SAP HANA 2.0 E_HANAAW_16 Test seriesThe ""SAP Certified Development Specialist - ABAP for SAP HANA "" certification exam verifies that the candidate has the knowledge of programming ABAP for SAP HANA required by the profile of an SAP ABAP development consultant. This certificate builds on both the basic knowledge gained in related ABAP-for-HANA training and documentation, as well as on practical experience gained as a member of a SAP HANA team, where the candidate would apply this knowledge practically in projects."
Price: 19.99

"SAP SuccessFactors Recruiting: Recruiter Experience 1H/2020" |
"SAP Certified Application Associate - SAP SuccessFactors Recruiting: Recruiter Experience 1H/2020 C_THR83_2005 Test seriesThe ""SAP Certified Application Associate - SAP SuccessFactors Recruiting: Recruiter Experience 1H/2020 "" certification exam verifies that the candidate possesses the basic knowledge in the area of the SAP SuccessFactors Recruiting: Recruiter Experience application. This certificate proves that the candidate has a basic and overall understanding within this consultant profile of the industry solution, and can implement this knowledge practically in projects under guidance of an experienced consultant. It is recommended as an entry-level qualification to allow consultants to get acquainted with the fundamentals of SAP SuccessFactors Recruiting: Recruiter Experience."
Price: 19.99

"SAP Certified Development Associate - SAP Cloud Platform" |
"SAP Certified Development Associate - SAP Cloud Platform C_CP_11 Test seriesThe ""SAP Certified Development Associate - SAP Cloud Platform"" certification exam validates that the candidate possesses the fundamental and core knowledge required of the SAP Cloud Platform profile. This certification proves that the candidate has an overall understanding and indepth technical skills to participate as a member of a project team in a mentoring role. This certificate builds on the basic knowledge gained through a related SAP Cloud Platform training."
Price: 19.99

"REVIT Structure 2020 Eitim Akademisi" |
"REVIT Structure (Statik), 3 boyutlu yap tasarm ve modelleme yaplabilen bir Autodesk yazlmdr. Parametrik yaps ve oluturduu Yap Bilgi Sistemi (BIM) sayesinde, dokmantasyon ilerine harcanan sreyi en aza indirerek, tasarma daha fazla zaman ayrlabilmesini salar. REVIT Structure; fiziksel ve analitik yap modelinin oluturulmas, yap elemanlarnn kolaylkla modellenebilmesi, donat ve elik modellemenin kolaylkla yaplarak grselletirilebilmesi, metraj oluturmas ve istenilen tm elerle paftalama yaplabilmesi gibi esiz zelliklere sahip olan ileri dzey bir aratr.Mhendis Akademi tarafndan oluturulan ve anlatmlar tamamen n. Yk. Mh. / Dr. Ad. Mehmet ner YELEEN tarafndan oluturulan bu eitim setinde, REVIT Structure'a ait bir ok zellik en ince detayna kadar anlatlmaktadr. Bylelikle reneceiniz tm detayl komutlar ve kullanm kolaylklar ile tasarm srecinizin hem daha ksa hem de daha kolay gereklemesi hedeflenmitir.Eitim ieriinde sfrdan, 18 katl betonarme bir yap modellenmektedir. Modelleme srecinde gereken tm komutlar ve zellikler anlatlmakta, ek zellikler de yine konuyla alakal olacak ekilde gsterilmektedir. ounlukla bilinmeyen veya kartrlan fiziksel ve analitik model kavramlar, betonarme yaplarda donat modelleme, gruplandrma, etiketleme, kt paftasna zg kesit oluturma ve metraj oluturma zellikleri detaylca anlatlmaktadr. Eitimin bu blmlerinde donat modellemesi, TBDY2018 ve TS500'deki kstlar ve snr deerler gz nne alnarak yaplmaktadr. lgili ynetmelik/standart maddelerine direkt olarak deinilerek yaplan modellemeler, eitimin son ksmlarnda metraj ve paftalama ilemlerine kadar ilerletilmitir.Bu eitim setinde REVIT 2020 kullanlmaktadr. Bu balamda son eklenen zellikler ile REVIT Structure' gncel bir ekilde kullanabilmeniz hedeflenmitir.Bir ok devle zenginletirilen REVIT Structure Eitim Akademisi'nde kurulan modelin analizi, Mhendis Akademi'nin bir dier kursu olan ETABS Eitim Akademisi'nde detayl olarak yaplmaya allmtr. Bylelikle farkl iki eitim birbirine entegre hale getirilmitir.Aklnzda hibir soru kalmasn diye bir ok dersi nizlemeli hale getirdik. Kursa kaydolmadan nce ders nizlemelerine gz atmay unutmayn!"
Price: 239.99

"Basics of Electric Circuits 2" |
"In this course one can learn voltage,current, power and energy in inductors and capacitors, series-parallel combination of Inductors and capacitors, voltage and current divider rules, initial conditions in circuits, transient and steady state response of first order RL or RC circuits for DC excitation, transient and steady state response of second order RLC circuits for dc excitation, sinusoidal steady state response, introduction of Laplace transform and solving circuits using Laplace transform.All the topics have number of solved examples to have better understanding of the subject."
Price: 44.99
