presenmaster |
"Udemy1/101/10 5,0005,000U2...PCNo.1SNSYouTubeSNSTEDUdemy"
Price: 10800.00

"Basics Of Health, Safety & Environment Management System" |
"This course is for the newbies, the students, and the recent graduates to give them the knowledge of what is a health, safety, and environment management system.This course is divided into 6 sections, all covering the basics of health, safety, and the environment.In chapter 1. We will discuss - What Is Meant by Health, Safety, and Environment? In which we will cover Basic concepts overview, the need for HSE, definitions of health safety, and the environment.In chapter 2. We will discuss Hazard Identification and Risk Assessment - in which we will learn how to carry out hazard identification and risk assessment, and what is the hierarchy of risk controlChapter 3. Will cover the Fire Safety and Fire Prevention Techniques in which basic information about fire safety is covered like, what is fire, its chemistry, types of fire, and how they are extinguishedIn chapter 4. We will study the Basics of Behavior-Based Safety - we will discuss: What is Behavior, what is behavior observation, and its reinforcement techniquesIn Chapter 5. We will discuss Information about IOSH, OSHA, ISO 45001 & 14001 - Information about the international bodies running the health safety regulations and lawsAnd finally, in the last chapter, we will cover some Frequently Asked Questions about health, safety and environment.A certificate will be provided by Udemy, as soon as you will complete the course, the certificate will be displayed on the screen which you can save and can use for your career upgrading."
Price: 19.99

"Master Patent Search Step by Step tutorial" |
"This course focuses on Patent search with a practical approach! We only use free Web resources to conduct the patent search! We participate in the Udemy refund programm! If you don't like the course you can get 30 days full refund! So there is bascially no risk for you buying this course!Dive right into patent search: We will start with a screencast section where we show a lot of the functionality of a patent database! To lift your search to next level we will talk about operators, truncation and generic terms.After you understood how to use the patent database we will talk about a more strategic way to encounter patent search! You will learn how to use all the information you have gathered and how to use this information in the patent search. Don't worry also here we use a lot of examples to make it really easy to understand!After this we will do a step by step example to conduct the patent search with a strategic approach!Additionally: Other Patent databases - advantages - disadvantagesWe try to create a 5 star rated course! If there is anything not as expected please let us know! We will fix it right away and provide you with the missing information!"
Price: 199.99

"GDScript Programming Projects" |
"A programming course using the GDScript programming language with 6 projects all programmers should know how to do. This language is a great starting point being easy enough for a new person wanting to learn to program without any of the intimidation! By the end of this course, you will develop confidence in your ability to create programs and applications with simple UI that you can easily change in the future.Lessons include:Creating a Random Password GeneratorDeveloping a basic login system that you can later use with games or key registrationLearn to automate boring tasks on your computer like sorting your files on a cluttered desktopLearn the basics into creating an application for basic drawing app and savingDevelop a working currency converter and learn to work with APILearn the basics of creating client and host network for developing your own chatroomGDScript is a high level, dynamically typed programming language used to create content. It uses a syntax similar to Python (blocks are indent-based and many keywords are similar). Its goal is to be optimized for and tightly integrated with Godot Engine, allowing great flexibility for content creation and integration for software and video game development.*** Having a basic understanding of the coding structure or taking my GDScript course prior is recommended for a better understanding"
Price: 174.99

"Complete study of banking in india in 6.5 hours" |
"This course is useful for IBPS PO,CAIIB,JAIIB,CA,CS,CMA,UPSC. This course helps to understand1.Basic banking terms and concepts2.RBI-Structure and functions.3.Banking fundamentals4.Non performing asset(NPA)5.Bank cheques-obligations ,offences ,types of cheques ,crossing of cheques6.Digital banking-fintech, electronic banking ,payment domain, IT in banking7.Bank interest, EMI8.Financial Statements of banks9.Money market introductionThe course also contains practical examples and illustrations to understand the concepts in a better manner. This course captures all the essential features of banking in a bird's eye view."
Price: 1280.00

"Goods and service tax act(GST),2017 with practical examples" |
"This is course is suitable for professionals and students. GST is the most important indirect tax in india. GST is subjected to lot of amendments. This course contains the following :1.Supply under GST2.Charging under GST3.Time of supply4.Place of supply5.Value of supply6.registration7.Input tax credit8.Returns9.payment of taxThis course has detailed explanations and practical problems at the end of the session. This course is helpful for businessmen, students who prepare for professional exams and GST practitioners."
Price: 1280.00

"MB-200 Microsoft Power Platform + Dynamics 365 Core Exam Q&A" |
"Hello IT Persons or learners You know now a days pass a test is difficult so, i am here to help you how you can achieve: your MB-200 certification you just need to enroll and start your learning journey with us the stunning ideas of enhancing the student material is effort of our IT expert"" This test help you to hold your certificate in your own hand""This practice test deals with all topics of Exam Q&Awe provide you a variety of scenario and variety of Q&A that cover new MB-200 examA person looking for passing a certificate exam is the right way so attempt this test and learn from this test this test also help you to increase in your knowledge Also our sharing knowledge is caring of you and helping you to achieve your goal we know how much worth of this certification so we put our great efforts to design this amazing practice test for all of youwe updated no of Q&A as we got new updates Topics of exam1. Perform discovery, planning, and analysis (5-10%)2. Manage user experience design (20-25%)3. Manage entities and data (15-20%)4. Implement security (5-10%)5. Implement integration (15-20%)6. Perform solutions deployment and testing (25-30%)"
Price: 24.99

"Useful tactics and tips for stopping panic attacks" |
"In course you will find how to identify possible reasons for your panic attacks. We will review different causes. You will find and advice how to react when panic attacks arises. We will speak about how to improve your health. Take your life back- you can do it. Invest in yourself and in your future."
Price: 19.99

"Free Domain Free Web Hosting Free SSL Free Web Scanner" |
"The first question that you may have in mind is how difficult is it to setup a website?Of course, it can take weeks or even months to build a complex website. But I am going to show you how to build a website in less than an hour. However, this course will take more than an hour to complete, simply because I am going to explain the topics in detail.How to build a website without knowing anything about it?This is the question that will be answered in this course. I am going to show you how to get free domain, web hosting, SSL, web scanner and more.A. What is the objective of this course?Our objective is to develop a website for free and in the least amount of time.B. What will you learn upon completing this course?You will learn how to get free domain, web hosting, SSL, web scanner and more. However, web design and complex web development are not covered in this course.C. RequirementsNo prior knowledge of the subject is requiredWe will be using different tools to complete this project. Therefore, you will need to sign up accounts from different websites.D. Who can benefit from this course?This course is designed for beginners. If you already have a website up and running, this course isnt for you.E. 30-day money-back guaranteeJust a friendly reminder. All purchases are backed by a 30-day money-back guarantee. So, it is complete risk-free to purchase this course."
Price: 59.99

"Im Handumdrehen: Professional Scrum (PSM 1)" |
"Ein Kurs fr alle, die Scrum lernen, vertiefen und/oder sich auf die PSM 1 Prfung vorbereiten wollen.Der Kurs ""Im Handumdrehen: Professional Scrum (PSM 1)"" bringt Dir auf eine bemerkenswerte Art Scrum nach dem Lehrbuch bei. Es werden Lehrtechniken genutzt, die die Merkfhigkeit steigern. Geschichten und Metaphern sorgen nicht nur fr ein leichtes Einprgen sondern auch fr eine unterhaltsame Vermittlung des Lehrmaterials.Durch praktische bungen & Quizzes wirst Du vom Zuschauer zum Akteur und damit ein zentraler Teil des Geschehens.Ein Kurs, der Dich mitnehmen und mitreien wird! Du wirst zum Scrum Professional ausgebildet, der Scrum selbstbewusst in der Praxis anwenden und andere darin untersttzen kann.Willst Du Deine neu gewonnene Expertise im Anschluss gleich mit einem der beiden renommiertesten Scrum Zertifikate (PSM 1 von Scrum org) nachweisen knnen?Perfekt! Denn der Kurs ""Im Handumdrehen: Professional Scrum (PSM 1)"" ist die optimale Vorbereitung auf die PSM 1-Prfung, egal ob Du Anfnger oder alter Hase bist. Nutze das Momentum des Kurses fr die PSM 1-Prfung und Zertifizierung via Scrum org!Unterhaltsam, kurzweilig & einprgsam - Dein ""Im Handumdrehen: Professional Scrum (PSM 1)""-Kurs.Bis bald!"
Price: 199.99

"Persuasion in a World where Influence matters! Turbo Class!" |
"Congratualtions for picking my class! This is a short but intense class, packed with useful tips, tricks and other tools. Tools which you need if you want to improve your persuasion skills and influence others. We live in a world where influence matters. We consciously and unconsciously persuade almost everywhere and in any situations even as little kids.1. What is this course about? This course is about how to influence and persuade anyone. 2. For whom is this course for? This course is for beginners and pros alike3. What will you learn? You will learn what persuasion is You will learn about the 6 major influence principles We will talk about stronger and weaker forms of persuasion I will show you how you can use persuasion in your daily life I will give you a bag full of quick and easy persuasion tools Bonus: I will share with you additional skills which are useful to become an effective persuader4. How and where can you apply the new knowledge? You can apply this knowledge at home, at work, with family, friends and in business5. How will you benefit? You will become more confident and your sense of security in dealing with other people will be much higher"
Price: 29.99

"Email Marketing: Unlimited emails via Sendy, AWS SES and EC2" |
"We came across Sendy, a self-hosted newsletter application, while searching for an email marketing platform thats affordable and is on-par, in terms of quality, with other premium ones available out there. We have been using it ever since, not only for our company but for our clients as well.Since we work with a lot of startups and small businesses, we thought that they can really save big on their email marketing costs if they use Sendy. However, not much information was available (except for a few Sendy setup tutorials) on how to set it up and how to use it. Thats why we created this course.Through this course you will be able to setup Sendy from scratch and learn how to use it and integrate it with your business. With this knowledge, you can even offer Sendy as a service to your clients or start your own email marketing home business.To leverage the full power of Sendy, you can set it up on an Amazon EC2 instance and get approximately 62000 email sends free per month. You can do this with the full version of this course. This full version also covers Sendy in-depth via hands-on approach. You can see our efforts in creating this course as a testament to the value Sendy brings on table. Heres what Ben Ho, creator of Sendy, says about the full course:Looks like a very comprehensive course. I wish you great success with your course."
Price: 3840.00

"Hagamos un zorro de peluche (mueco de tela articulado)" |
"En este curso haremos un zorro de peluche con articulaciones simples.Este proyecto est pensado para hacer en el tiempo libre y relajarse cosiendo, puede realizarse sin experiencia previa, pero debo advertirte que es un poco como un puzle textil, tiene 31 piezas y es un reto que requiere ganas y paciencia.Para la base del mueco recomiendo usar telas poco o nada elsticas, el diseo est pensado para dividirse en tres colores o estampados distintos, pero es importante que el grosor y elasticidad sea parecido entre las tres telas que elijas.Te acompaar mientras preparamos los patrones, marcamos y cortamos la tela, y cosemos y rellenamos las distintas partes del cuerpo.Te ensear a coser las extremidades de forma que puedan moverse, y podrs decidir si prefieres poner bolas, botones o utilizar nicamente hilo.Finalmente, te mostrar como hago seis tipos de caras distintos, para que puedas elegir los elementos que ms te gusten y darle a tu zorro un toque personal.Para hacer tu zorro necesitars. Imprimir las hojas de patrones que encontrars en la leccin 1Tijeras para papelTijeras para telaPinzas, clips o sobres para agrupar los patrones Lpices o rotuladores visibles sobre la tela Varias telas para la base del peluche y los detalles del a caraHilo, depender de tu diseo la cantidad y variedad que necesites. Hilo de torzal para coser las articulaciones Aguja de coserAlfileresPalillo (de los de comer comida oriental) o pincel fino de forma similar Relleno / guataAlicatesBotones o bolas en caso de querer usarlas"
Price: 19.99

"Sanificare Appartamento e B&B: come Risparmiare" |
"Quali sono le domande che la maggior parte di gestori di appartamenti o strutture ricettive si pongono in questo periodo di Coronavirus? Domande del tipo: come devo pulire il mio appartamento o struttura durante la pandemia? Posso fare le pulizie ordinarie come facevo prima o devo utilizzare metodi come macchine generatrici di ozono o richiedere l'intervento di ditte esterne specializzate? Grazie a questo corso: Saprai con esattezza quali sono i metodi di disinfezione riconosciuti ufficialmente come efficaci contro il COVID-19 e adatti per la sanificazione di interni. Imparerai a realizzare tali prodotti ""fai da te"" risparmiando cos molti soldi! Saprai come svolgere check-in e check-out in sicurezza e cosa fornire in dotazione ai tuoi ospiti Saprai quanto dovrai spendere esattamente per produrre i tuoi prodotti disinfettanti"
Price: 19.99

"Farmacoterapia: desafios multidisciplinares" |
"O curso aborda conceitos e estratgias importantes para a aplicao prtica da farmacoterapia pela equipe multidisciplinar com destaque para as aes do profissional farmacutico no contexto desafiador da rotina diria na prestao de assistncia sade. De posse deste contedo, o profissional poder operacionalizar aes que fazem a diferena em seu dia a dia e enfrentar de forma mais objetiva os desafios da execuo de suas atividades como um integrante da equipe multiprofissional com o intuito de melhorar a segurana e a qualidade assistenciais."
Price: 54.99

"Ace AZ-300 Microsoft Azure Architect Technologies 2020" |
"Want to ace AZ-300 Microsoft Azure Architect Technologies Examination and become Azure CertifiedWhat you'll learnTired of failing the exam two or three times because you have no idea how the AZ-300 Microsoft Azure Architect Technologies Examination is set up . No time for studying and analyzing each videos or powerpoint .Well , you got into the right course .Just practice continuously and you will ace the examWho this course is for: AZ-300 absolute Beginners. No prior Azure experience necessary No Time to study No idea how the exam works Failed multiple attempts Want to practice"
Price: 19.99

"Print on Demand Dropshipping ile Sermayesiz E-Ticaret" |
"Print on Demand Dropshipping yntemi ile hibir rn retip, kargolamak zorunda kalmadan, Tm Dnya'ya Tirt, Kahve Kupas ve onlarca farkl kategorideki rn, kendi tasarmlarnz ile buluturarak satn ve online gelir elde etmeye hemen balayn!Print on Demand Dropshipping, Tm Dnya'da hzla poplerliini arttrmaya ve insanlara kazan kaps yaratmaya devam ediyor. Bu i modelinin bu kadar popler olmasndaki ilk sebep, herhangi bir rn retmeden, kargolamadan ve fatura kesmek zorunda olmadan, Tm Dnya'ya tasarladnz Tirt, ve onlarca farkl kategorideki rn, %150 gibi yksek kr marj ile satabilmeye imkan tanmasdr. POD Dropsihpping'in ne olduunu ve nasl altn nizleme videolar arasndaki ''Print on Demand Dropshipping Nedir?'' adl videodan daha detayl bir ekilde renebilirsiniz. Eitim erisinde Neler Yapacazlk Blmde, eitime bir giri yaparak balayacaz. Bu blmn ierisinde POD Dropshipping'in ne olduunu, nasl altn, bu i modeli ile ne kadar para kazanabileceinizi ve ie balamak iin ne kadar sermaye ihtiyacnz olduunu reneceksiniz. kinci blmde, hibir bilgisayar program bilmeden, profesyonel tasarmlar, mockuplar ve promosyon videolar hazrlayacaz. nc blmde, tasarladmz rnleri satabilmek iin, E-Ticaret sitesi aacaz. Sfrdan internet sitemizi kuracak, SEO optimizasyonu gerekletirecek ve sat almaya hazr bir hale getireceiz. Drdnc blmde, tedariki firmamz olan Printful'da yelik oluturacak ve yaptmz tasarmlar sisteme ykleyerek, retilebilir hale getireceiz. Daha sonra printful hesabmz ile, internet sitemizi balayarak, sat almaya balayacaz. Beinci blmde, internet sitemize farkl stratejiler ile trafik ekmeye ve satl yapmaya balayacaz. Sizde daha fazla beklemeden, online i modelinizi hemen kurun ve kendinize yeni bir gelir kaps yaratn."
Price: 409.99

"Learn Microsoft ASP.Net Core 3.0 fast" |
"With this course, you will learn how to build modern Web APIs with ASP.Net Core 3.0. You will learn step by step, how to create new Web API, implements controllers and endpoints and how to process and respond to a web request. I'll show you how to introduce Dependency Injection, error handling, logging and provide configuration. We will connect to SQL database with EntityFramework Core and Dapper. We will deploy our application in Azure and check its performance with Application Insights.I'll show you the whole modern application development, that everyone is so excited about.Tools needed for this course:In this course, all the lessons are demonstrated using Visual Studio, but you can use Visual Studio Code, which is free, cross-platform IDE. You can, of course, use any code editor you like on Windows, Linux or Mac, so it's really up to youIs this course for you?This course goes through all the important aspects and possibilities of .Net Core 3.0. It's very practical and most of the time after a very short introduction, we will learn while coding our Web API. Many times I'll show you different ways to do stuff and discuss what to choose depending on what you need. If you like to learn things by practice, this course is definitely for you."
Price: 19.99

"Poznaj Node.js piszc aplikacj Express.js w Javascript 2020" |
"Node.js jest jedn z najszybciej rozwijajcych si i jedn z najbardziej popularnych technologii w ostatnich latach. Ten kurs nauczy Ci, krok po kroku, jak zbudowa swoj wasn aplikacj za pomoc popularnego frameworka Express.js. Kurs ma charakter praktyczny zaplanowaem kurs w taki sposb, aby jak najszybciej mg zacz programowa w tym rodowisku uywajc popularnych narzdzi i rozwiza.Kurs zosta podzielony na atwe do przyswojenia czsci: na pocztku na pocztku zajmiemy si konfiguracj rodowiska: zainstalujemy Node.js na Twoim systemie i stworzymy szkielet aplikacji. Nastpnie, stworzymy nasz pierwsz tras i omwimy parametry obiektw dania i odpowiedzi, po czym omwimy bibliotek Gulp.js.Poka, w jaki sposb moemy zapisywa nasze dane do bazy MongoDB. Ostatnie rozdziay s powicone przesyania informacji w Websocket i uruchomienia naszej aplikacji na rodowisku produkcyjnym.Jeeli jeste programist, ktry rozwija frontend przy pomocy Javascript lub jeli jeste backendowcem, ktry chciaby podnie swoje kwalifikacje o Node.js ten kurs jest dla Ciebie!"
Price: 19.99

"Indstria 4.0 - Curso completo e rpido." |
"Este curso inclui uma apostila exclusiva em PDF Prepare-se para conhecer as tecnologias que esto revolucionando as indstrias ao redor do mundo com o uso da robtica, Inteligncia artificial, supercomputadores, tecnologias tridimensionais entre outras para a otimizao das empresas.Ao trmino deste curso voc ser capaz de:*Ter propriedade intelectual para falar sobre o assunto.*Entender suas tecnologias.*Aplicar ferramentas tecnolgicas relacionadas ""Indstria 4.0"".*Assim obtendo melhorias para otimizao de sua empresa.O diferencial deste curso :*Uma apostila em PDF exclusiva do curso.*A utilizao de simuladores reais*Animaes *Explicaes bem claras para uma boa compreenso dos assuntos.Com foco na produo mecnica, as tecnologias da robtica, impresso 3D, usinagem CNC e softwares tridimensionais utilizados na Engenharia Mecnica e na produo industrial, surge com uma srie de vantagens.Pensando nisso, foi criado este curso com os seguintes mdulos:Industria 4.0 -O que Industria 4.0; -IoT A Internet das Coisas; -Computao em Nuvem; -Big Data Na Industria; -Robtica; -Impresso 3D; -A Manufatura Digital; -Integrao de Sistemas; -Segurana Digital. - E muito mais..."
Price: 54.99

"Makeup Marketing - Branding, Photography & Social Media" |
"Are you an aspiring Makeup Artist? Want to get more clients and more income every month? Have you got a brand logo, Instagram, Facebook and website? Don't worry if you don't! I am here to help you with that!Marketing is your BEST friend. I have learnt how to market my business successfully over 7 years, getting more regular clients which lead to quitting my day job as a waitress! I want you to do the same! So i have condensed all my knowledge into one course for you. What you will learn:- Legal requirements to be a makeup artist- How to build a Facebook page, Instagram and website from scratch!- How to keep creative and finding your authentic makeup style- How to edit photos to enhance your makeup and get potential clients interested- What is content creation and how to start doing it- Free Instagram presets to use whilst editing - Free Facebook advert template- Appearance and professional set up in your work place- Health and safety in your work placeAnd much more!Start getting more clients today! Amy x"
Price: 29.99

"CompTIA LX0-101 Linux Part 1 Certification Practice Exam" |
"Sample QuestionsQ) Which of the following key administrator must press the button to switch to the normal mode in VI?a) Altb) Escc) Ctrld) shifte) NoneQ) In order to ensure that the start-up process continues to run after the release, the process should be started with any of the following?a) nohupb) fgc) lived) weighte) NoneQ) In order to ensure the normal user account for mounting and unmounting the file system (e.g., CD-ROM or floppy disk), which subsequently must be added to the appropriate line in the / etc / Fstab?a) nouidchkb) All usersc) userd) carse) NoneQ) Which of the following commands are used to display files in octal?a) ODb) octdumpc) dumpoctd) cat -oe) None"
Price: 174.99

"CompTIA LX0-104 Linux + Powered by LPI Certified Practice Ex" |
"Sample QuestionsQ) Network engineer, you need to configure a topology that does not fail if there is an outage on one layout sheet. However, computers have to wait to talk about the network, in order to avoid clogging. Which of the following topologies to implement the engineer?a) starb) busc) Ringd) meshe) NoneQ) The network topology that uses a central device with point-to-point for all the other devices, which of the following?a) starb) Ringc) mesh d) buse) NoneQ) Which of the following network topologies have a central, single point of failure?a) Ringb) starc) Hybridd) meshe) NoneQ) Which of the following refers to a network that spans multiple buildings that are within walking distance of each other?a) CANb) WANc) PANd) PERSONe) None"
Price: 169.99

"Visualizacin arquitectnica de exteriores con Vray Next" |
"Parte importante en la vida profesional de un arquitecto o diseador, es saber atraer a los clientes con la mirada, una manera de hacerlo es la visualizacin arquitectnica, si sabes mostrar tu proyecto o el proyecto de tus clientes de una manera correcta y realista ya puedes vender cualquier proyecto."
Price: 29.99

"A'dan Z'ye Turbo PASCAL Programlama Dili" |
"- KURS ER -Kurs boyunca renecekleriniz; Turbo PASCAL Programlama Dili Kursuna - GR - Turbo PASCAL Editr Turbo PASCAL Alfabesi Turbo PASCAL Operatrleri Turbo PASCAL'daki Bilgi Tipleri Turbo PASCAL Programlarnn Yaps Turbo PASCAL'da BLOK ve AKI Komutlar Turbo PASCAL'da GR ve k Komutlar Turbo PASCAL'da METN EKRANI Komutlar Turbo PASCAL'da KARAR (KARILATIRMA) Komutlar Turbo PASCAL'da DNG (EVRM) Komutlar Turbo PASCAL'da MATEMATKSEL Komutlar Turbo PASCAL'da ALFASAYISAL Komutlar Turbo PASCAL'da SES Komutlar Turbo PASCAL KTPHANELER (UNT'LER) Turbo PASCAL'da DOSYALAMA Komutlar Turbo PASCAL'da GRAFK Komutlar Turbo PASCAL'da SSTEM Komutlar Turbo PASCAL'da EVRE BRMLERN Kullanlmas Turbo PASCAL Uygulama Programlar "
Price: 409.99

"Talend Data Integration V7 Certification practice tests" |
"Afin d'aider les dveloppeurs ETL en gnral et Talend en particulier dans leurs processus d'obtention de leur certification Talend developer, je partage ce cours sous forme de questions similaires a celles pose durant l'examen de certification Talend.L'ors de ma prparation de cet examen, j'ai rassembl auprs de mes collgues et internet toutes les questions que vous verrez dans ce cours"
Price: 19.99

"Karate DSL: API Automation and Performance from Zero to Hero" |
"Karate DSL - a framework for API automation testing, Performance, and Load testing. This framework is running on Java and using Apache HTTP client to perform Http connections. For the performance testing, Karate DSL has a very nice integration with the Gatling framework. Karate has its own scripting language (DSL - Domain Specific Language), which is pretty simple and can be picked up by people who don't have coding experience. It looks like the Cucumber framework, but it only looks like that. The framework has a predefined set of scripting commands for any operation you might need during interaction with APIs. Also, the framework has native support of JAVA and JavaScript programming languages, so you can create any custom methods and use it in Karate if you need it.The key advantages of the framework:Own easy scripting language. You don't need to have coding skills to start writing testsNative JavaScript support and JSON objects (forget about parsers)Very powerful assertions and JSON schema validationParallel execution (it's very fast)Integration with Gatling for Performance testingWhat you will learn:Basics: what is API and JSON objects. You ll have a clear understanding of the concept of how API works and how to work with JSON objectsHow to set up and configure Karate framework from scratchHow to perform GET, POST, PUT, DELETE requestsHow to make powerful assertions for API responses, traverse through JSON objects, fuzzy matching assertions, and JSON schema validationHow to chain API calls, re-use API response to form new API requestHow to generate random test data, use this test data in API requestsHow to handle authorization headers, access tokensBefore/After hooks, parallel test execution, conditional testing, data-driven testingHow to use Karate scripts for Performance and Load Testing with Gatling frameworkKarate DSL is a really great framework for API Automation and my Number 1 choice."
Price: 39.99

"Sfrdan leri Seviye Profesyonel Python Kursu" |
"Programlama dilleri uzun zamandr var ve her on ylda bir gelitiricilerin ynelimi deitiren bir dil ortaya kabiliyor. Python son zamanlarn en popler ve talep gren programlama dillerinden biri olarak kabul edilir. Yakn zamanda yaplan Stack Overflow aratrmas, Python'un Java, C, C ++ gibi dilleri ele geirdiini ve zirveye ulatn gsterdi. Bu, Python sertifikasn en ok aranan programlama sertifikalarndan biri yapar. Kariyerinize Python'da balamay planlyorsanz ve bununla ilgili becerileri bilmek istiyorsanz Mert Mekatronik tarafndan hazrlanan bu kurs tam sizin iin!"
Price: 409.99

"The Ultimate Podcast Course 2020" |
"If you're looking to start and launch a Podcast and learn the entire process from a seasoned professional and head audio engineer -Then this is the only course you need.Ive put together this course so that you can have a complete and professional guide that will show you everything to make a podcast, while saving you precious time, from choosing the right equipment, recording, editing, hosting, launching, growing your audience, and making money from your podcast and brand right now.Learn Professional Podcasting in 2020 by mastering the most modern and updated skills from a world renowned Producer/ Audio Engineer. I have generated millions of streams from my own personal homemade projects and will reveal some of my secret weapons in this course. My students have gone on to working and contributing to some of the biggest and most reputable Audio Production Companies and Platforms in the world like Universal, Warner, The BBC, Spotify, Landr, Splice etcThis new course was born out of a necessity to demonstrate the power of podcasting and why it's such a no-brainer opportunity to grow audiences right now and start making money from your brand without having to spend or work on expensive studio equipment or buy expensive software programs or marketing teams to master and understand these tools and your future.Join a live online school and community mentored by industry producers and engineers, with monthly challenges and opportunities to get your podcasts played for thousands of listeners worldwide. Level up with a curriculum by an instructor who has worked in audio production for majors, international publishing houses, has tens of millions of streams on multiple platforms grown organically and independently, and has collaborated with Grammy nominated and Award Winning Production teams. THIS COURSE COVERS EVERYTHING IN ORDER TO BUILD AND LAUNCH A PROFESSIONAL PODCAST FROM THE GROUND UPThis course takes a smart and direct focus on the tools and technologies available from little to no starting budget to full blown pro studio set ups so that you can decide for yourself what works be as you learn the actual key tools and skills required to succeed.HIGHLIGHTS:Refresh on the current state of podcasting and why its an incredible medium to grow an audience todayFocus on the most effective and quality modern equipmentBuild professional podcast arrangements, artwork, and themesLearn the proper way to record and set up your studioSchedule interviews and record guests on ZoomProfessionally edit your podcasts on multiple advanced and beginner applicationsTag your podcasts for proper media output and learn about SEOPublish your podcast on key directories like Apple, Spotify, IHeartRadioHost and upload your podcast for free or professionallyPrepare and launch your podcast successfully with powerful marketing strategiesDevelop your podcast audienceMonetize your podcast through advertisementsMonetize your podcast with awesome simple add-on applicationsEXTRA FEATURES:Join an online school and ask me directly or our online mentors and industry professionals your questionsSubmit your podcast to our Student Directory and get feedback as you grow your audienceReal examples from viral experience and success models and templates you can referenceMAKE A SUCCESSFUL PODCAST REGARDLESS BUDGETThese days there are so many technologies out there and opinions on how to produce and podcast, and learning just one software or thinking that it automatically takes expensive equipment can limit your ability to progress. Learning the lessons like the ones above are what its going to take to truly level you up so that youre well ahead of the game in 2020 when it comes to modern audio podcasting.WHY LEARN FROM ME?Im the instructor with recognized industry certification and the resume to back it. Ive worked as a head engineer (mixing and mastering) and co-producer (writing and producing) for majors, indies, and international publishing houses including working with Grammy nominated and Award Winning Productions. Im also a very passionate teacher and have put out one of the highest rated award and bestselling courses on Udemy on Modern Audio Production.Being a self taught producer, Ive gained success with zero budget or studio to begin with, and spent years on my own interning and moonlighting at top world class studios, going through the grind of frustrations struggling to obtain the quality of production on my own as well as building my own audience until eventually gaining international notoriety for projects made on with nothing but a computer and headphones. This is the actual affordable and accessible online course you need to succeed in podcasting. Learn the best technologies and techniques with or without spending money on software or hardware (we cover both success models) for writing and arranging podcasts, recording, editing and producing them, with zero starting experience in sound design or digital marketing needed. My teaching approach is clear, direct, and to the point (including industry secrets and tips Ive picked up over the years all over the world) and I also promise we'll have some fun along the way too!I am so confident youll be satisfied with this course that there is a 30-day 100% money-back guarantee. Now is the time to jump in and start making things happen. So join now and get enrolled and lets start podcasting today!See you in the lessons!Clarian"
Price: 94.99

"Introduction to an Industrial Robot" |
"Have you ever wondered how exactly that industrial robot in your factory works? Perhaps you are a college student looking to compliment your in class material? No matter the reason, this course will offer a high level overview of an industrial robotic system. We will discuss the various components and how they all come together on the factory floor. Through the use of video presentation, robotic simulators and engaging course content, you will walk away from this course better able to appreciate the mechanics, software and hardware of an industrial robot.What are the requirements for this course?None! My intent is to target this course specifically towards an introductory level.What can I expect from this course?We will stay pretty ""high level"" and not get into the specifics on one particular brand of robotics.You will walk away with the ability to understand what each component does and how they work together to complete a robotic system.You will be familiar with industry terminology and ""lingo""What is the target audience for this course?Machine operators looking to further understand the equipment they are working with and grow within their company.Technicians working within an environment and looking to gain more insight on the machinery within their facility.College level students looking to supplement in class material.Anyone with an interest in the industrial robotics market."
Price: 39.99

"2020 : Complete SEO training for wordpress (onpage+offpage)" |
"Welcome to this course, 2020 : Complete SEO training for wordpress (onpage+offpage) improves quality and quantity of your website. This course provides complete guidance about how you can rank #1st on google? How to do on-page and off-page optimization? How you can find profitable keyword? What is keyword research? What is Google analytics? What is sitemap? How you can index your site in google? And many more things!I design this course for SEO beginners, Affiliate marketers, Business owner, online marketers, Web masters, Bloggers etcThis course is less time consuming and straightforward. If you need to learn SEO then join this course. Bottom Line: A good course is better than thousands of courses! Save your money as well as your time!So why are you waiting? Go ahead, take this course and expand your business. Thank you"
Price: 199.99
