arabic-ethical-hacking |
": 100% - - :"
Price: 199.99

"Learn Beautiful Decoupage Tray Making For Your Home" |
"In this course you are going to learn step by step process how to convert plain wooden tray into beautiful stunning decor piece. Topics covered: Decoupage Paper IntroductionHow to paint trayall about decoupage tissueshow to do decoupage on wooden trayhow to make it water proofhow to make crackling effect on trayIn this course we will be showing you 2 beautiful tray."
Price: 1280.00

"Applications of Python Programming in Solar PV Energy Domain" |
"Solar Energy Industry is likely to be worth USD 140 Billion by 2023, having said that, it is indeed a great canvas to innovate, compete and earn a fortune. With the huge diversified demand of clean energy, it is impossible to cater energy demand of a variety of customers without right skill over exclusive technology. With this approach we have come up with this unique course Python in PV, which includes basics of Solar PV Energy as well as Python programming from zero to advanced. The Python in PV course offers information that is beneficial to those aspiring to pursue a field in solar PV technology. It will cover the basics of Solar PV technology, Python programming language, and applications of Python programming in Solar PV Plant Design, Installation, Maintenance and monitoring, with some real-time case studies.Enrolling for this course will propel you further in your career with an exclusive know-how of 'How to make tasks/processes easier and more smart in Solar PV Technology after your learning from this course."
Price: 12800.00

"Scrum Master PSM I PSM II Practice Exam Test Preparation" |
"The Professional Scrum Master Practice Assessment is designed to help you prepare and practice for the Professional Scrum Master Assessment I (PSM I and PSM I)You will have lifetime access to practice tests and future updates without worrying about new fees.Professional Scrum Master (PSM) Certification Exam has been built with an objective to demonstrate knowledge and understanding of Scrum and their ability to apply it in real-world scenarios. The value of the Professional Scrum Master (PSM) Certification is intimately tied to the demonstration of knowledge needed to achieve it.Professional Scrum MasterTM level I (PSM I) assessment is available to anyone who wishes to validate his or her depth of knowledge of the PictureScrum framework and its application. Those who pass the assessment will receive the industry recognized PSM I Certification to demonstrate their fundamental level of Scrum mastery.This practical assessment was not created and is not endorsed by Scrum. org.Important:* Unofficial Practice Test FOR People who want to test their knowledge, only this practice test does not guarantee their approval in the official exam. All certification marks used in this course are owned by the respective brand owners. We do not claim or claim any ownership over any of the brands."
Price: 59.99

"SAP C_FSUTIL_60 Practice Tests" |
"New challenges are part of life and I know that you will overcome them if you really find the right way.We created the SAP C_FSUTIL_60 test practice, for you to have good results and pass your official exam.You will have lifetime access to practice tests and future updates without worrying about new fees.C_FSUTIL_60 - SAP Certified Associate - Utilities with SAP ERP 6.0SAP Certified Associate Utilities with SAP ERP 6.0 certification exam verifies that the candidate possesses proven skills and fundamental knowledge of the SAP for Utilities industry solution. This exam proves that the candidate has a good and overall understanding within this consultant profile, and can implement this knowledge practically in projects under guidance of an experienced consultant.Who should take the exam?This exam is recommended for consultants having entry level qualification for participating in SAP for Utilities projects. Practice Tests structureThe topics covered in this exam include: Billing and Invoicing > 12%Create master data > 12%Customer Service > 12%Configure basic functions 8% - 12%Device Management: manage devices 8% - 12%FI-CA: Manage payments 8% - 12%FI-CA: Post items 8% - 12%Validate integration 8% - 12%Device Management: process meter readings < 8%Important:* Unofficial Practice Test FOR People who want to test their knowledge, only this practice test does not guarantee their approval in the official exam. All certification marks used in this course are owned by the respective brand owners. We do not claim or claim any ownership over any of the brands."
Price: 34.99

"Auditor Interno de Normas ISO 9001:2015" |
"El curso promueve en los participantes el desarrollo de competencias para : Interpretar los requisitos de la Norma ISO 9001:2015, su aplicacin y cumplimiento en los procesos del Sistema de Gestin de Calidad.Implementar herramientas de gestin que permita cumplir a la organizacin cumplir con los requisitos.Disear, planificar e implementar un programa de auditoria interna orientado por la Norma ISO 19011:2018 Desarrollar competencias para realizar Auditorias Internas a un Sistema de Gestin de Calidad Certificado. Aprender, divertirse y disfrutar del curso."
Price: 19.99

"Build Strong Immune system through healing spices" |
"This course will help you learn few basic spices, their health benefits, about using them in cooking and home remedies. This is basic/starter course, you don't need any expertise... Just willingness to learn and an open mind. You will be able to master the knowledge of healing spices and health benefits of spices through fun.By the end of this course, you will be confident about the 6 basic spices(1 bonus) and will be absolutely ready to start cooking with them."
Price: 19.99

"Influence for Real Estate Agents and Brokers" |
"Learn 56 state-of-the-art elite influence and persuasion techniques from my 5 years of influence and performance coaching of top real estate agents and brokers in all different types of situations. I'm a 2x MIT-backed entrepreneur turned executive coach who has worked with (and made better negotiators of) different profiles, and this is course is for you if you're one of these.Who This Course is For- Real estate agents trying to close more buyers or sellers;- Real estate agents trying to convince existing clients of something (how to accept a buyer offer that is below a seller's desired price, for example;- Real estate brokers that want to teach these concepts to their own team of agents;This course is going to help you optimize your influence capability throughout all the five stages of influence:- Pre-Framing (establishing your positioning, reputation and authority before the person even comes to you);- Priming (qualifying and filtering your targets so they become more influenceable);- Contact (truly connecting and understanding the other side);- Disarmament (provoking, weakening an destroying objections the other side may have);- Constriction (providing final incentives to close the person);Throughout this process, I've compiled a framework with my most elite persuasion and influence techniques to use for sales, and I'll share all of them with you on this course. Besides just pure influence and technique, there are multiple bonuses included to help consolidate these influence lessons.These techniques use similar psychological principles leveraged by persuasion scientists and master salesmen. You will see many techniques similar to Robert Cialdini's, Chris Voss's and/or Grant Cardone's, for example, but these will be the deeper, more general psychological persuasion elements (don't be scared by the ""general"" - we will apply them and explore very specific applications of these, for example for closing a prospect on the phone, or getting someone to accept an exclusivity deal). Field-tested and proven in the most extreme situations.Not only will you know about each one of the 56 techniques presented, I will walk you through specific applications of these, and even how to counternegotiate when others use them against you.What This Course IS- An advanced, deep compendium of elite influence techniques that can be applied in multiple contexts, explained in-depth and with examples;- An encapsulated, flexible reference course. Although the techniques gel well together and make up a bigger picture, you can watch any module - or even any specific technique - without knowledge of the others, and it will stand on its own. You can consider it a buffet of techniques. You can go through the whole thing start to finish, or pick and choose here and there. It's all up to you.What This Course IS NOT- A technical sales course. I will NOT tell you about the types of money management fees, HR structures, or others. This course is about person-to-person persuasion principles. Sure, applied in technical situations, but still about the persuasion principles themselves;BEFORE YOU BUY:- IMPORTANT DISCLAIMER: There are multiple influence course for different verticals. Make sure that you purchase the right one for your specific vertical! If necessary, to to my profile and make sure that you are selecting the most correct course;- Make sure to make use of the ""preview"" feature to watch a couple of videos and tell whether this is really what you're looking for;- Instead of being persuaded by how I'm selling the course, ask yourself what your influence goals are, and only then check if this course really is what you want or not (although you always have the possibility of a refund under Udemy's terms, I don't want you to potentially waste your money on something that won't be a fit);Do you want to up your influence and persuasion skills? Does this seem like a good course to assist you? I'd be delighted to have you. Let's meet on the inside."
Price: 104.99

"Cryptocurrency/Forex/Stock market Trading with Elliot waves" |
"Hello,My name is Bobby B and I am a full time trader. I am trading full time since 2017 and I have plenty of experience in this field.In ""Trading with Elliot waves"" class I am going to teach you how I trade successfully with Elliot waves so you can do that too!You will learn:1.Theoretical part:-The 2 types of waves ( impulsive and corrective)-How to identify waves within waves-All types of corrective patterns-ABCDE triangles-Double/triple tops and bottoms in elliot wave`s perspective-The rule of Alternation-Rules for a valid Elliot wave structure-Leading 1st wave and Ending 5th wave Diagonals2.How do I trade (practical part):-How to trade 3rd waves and C waves-How to trade 5th waves-How to trade A waves-How to set targets-How to use Fibonacci retracement tool-How to use Fibonacci extension tool-How to incorporate RSI and MACDYou will participate in a class project where you will practice identifying Elliot waves.My class is for anyone! From beginners to advanced traders.My requirements to you are to have at least basic understanding of trading with technical analysis."
Price: 199.99

"Design of Steel Structures, Practice Exams I" |
"Practice exams on the design of the different elements of a steel structure. Design of both cold formed and hot rolled steel elements. Design of both welded and bolted connections. Design of the tension and compression members. Design of Beams. Design of eccentric connections. Showing details of steel trusses. Design of beams and columns. Design of bracing systems."
Price: 39.99

"MO-200 Microsoft Excel 365/2019 Associate Certification" |
"The course will prepare you for the MOS Excel 2019 or the MO-200 exam by taking you through all of the major skills required. You will also be able to complete a mock MOS Excel exam. These tutorials will get straight to what you need to know for your upcoming exam, no fluff just the skills that are relevant to helping you pass the exam with confidence. The course will cover NEW Excel 2019 skills such as: managing Excel worksheet and workbooks, formatting worksheets, Excel charts and images, Excel functions, formulas, and operations, and lastly, Excel tables. The best part? You will be given a practice test to download to see if you are ready! Good luck!"
Price: 119.99

"Tech-Investing an der Brse: Wachstumsaktien & ETF's 2020" |
"Die Ultimative Tech-Investing-Masterclass fr Anfnger!Lerne erfolgreich investieren an der Brse. Dieser Kurs lehrt alles ber Brse, Aktien, ETFs und Unternehmensbewertung. Du lernst, wie du schnell und einfach ein Wertpapier-Depot an der Brse aufbaust und in dieses investierst. Wir zeigen dir alle relevanten Kennzahlen der Unternehmensbewertung. Welchen Mehrwert ziehst du aus diesem Kurs?Wir starten im Videokurs bei 0. Zu Beginn lernst du die wichtigsten Grundlagen und Fakten, gefolgt von allen notwendigen Informationen zum Thema Brse/ Aktien und wie du in Zeiten der Niedrigzinsen Geld verdienen und erfolgreich anlegen kannst. Anschlieend gibt es die wichtigsten ber die Kriterien und Bewertungskennzahlen im detaillierten berblick. Zu guter Letzt zeigen wir dir die umfassenden Mglichkeiten, Plattformen, Tools und auch weiterfhrende Tipps, die dir helfen noch mehr aus deinen Investments herauszuholen!Wir zeigen dir auch anderweitige Anlagemglichkeiten, sowie das richtige Mindset, das Investoren haben sollten. Auerdem gibt es eine Schritt- fr- Schritt Anleitung fr die Depoterffnung und den Kauf von ersten Aktien.Es gibt auch einen kleinen Exkurs in Richtung des passives Investieren mit ETF'S!Am Ende dieses Kurses hast du nicht nur ein umfangreiches Brsen- Verstndnis, sondern du kannst das Gelernte auch anhand von Anwendungsbeispielen zusammenfassend mitverfolgen.Gib uns die Chance dich zu unterrichten und dir zu zeigen, wie DU dein Geld erfolgreich anlegen kannst!Der Kurs ist sehr umfangreichend und gibt von A bis Z Aufschluss ber alle Daten, Fakten und Tricks. Auerdem geben wir dir Insider Infos und helfen dir wo es nur geht! Du kannst uns natrlich auch eine Nachricht schreiben, wenn du Hilfe brauchst. Wenn Dich das Thema interessiert, dann schau dir gerne die entsprechenden Vorschau-Videos an und schreibe Dich am besten direkt ein. Falls der Kurs am Ende dennoch nichts fr Dich sein sollte, kein Problem. Nutze einfach die 30-Tage-Udemy-Geld-Zurckgarantie.Viel Spa und liebe Gre, Tobias & Fabio"
Price: 149.99

"Learn Forex Trading With Banks - Simple Forex Trading Course" |
"Trading forex with big institutions. Learn all you need to become successful forex trader!The banks want you to lose, so just learn to trade like them...Are you struggling to be profitable in trading of forex or stocks? This course is right for you! I was once struggling, too. I tried lots of strategies, but this one changed my life. Now I want to change yours. This candlestick trading course is for all forex traders, from complete beginners to professionals who want to expand their knowledge, from day trading to swing trading. It is very simple and easy to understand. You will learn forex trading with (like) banks step by step. I will give you some trading tips from my 5+ years of experience, and you will also see real trading examples. After taking this course, nothing can stop you from being successful trader, only your mind. But don't worry, you can master it, too!I will change the price of this course soon, so make sure you enroll ASAP! :) Wish you a successful forex trading (or stock trading)!*QUALITY OVER QUANTITY*"
Price: 49.99

"Grow Your Instagram Profile + New Instagram Limits 2020" |
"Take advantage of the instagram age!Everything you will ever need to become an instagram influencer:Learn professional growth strategies used by the most famous instagram influencers. Create strong and impressive instagram profileGrow your audience and build relationshipsKnow the instagram limits to avoid banget some tips for monetizingSecure your instagram accountLearn instagram marketingand much more...All explained step by step.Enroll now to catch the best price!*QUALITY OVER QUANTITY*"
Price: 49.99

"Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT):Practice DBT Right Now" |
"Interested in Learning Dialectical Behavioral Therapy (DBT)? then this is the right course for you. This is an amazingly useful video course that concentrates on key elements of DBT with a clear, concise, and practical approach. This complete DBT course covers all the four major modules of dialectical behavior therapy namely mindfulness, distress tolerance, emotion regulation and interpersonal effectiveness. You will be able to help clients to balance their emotions, improve relationship with others, manage their crisis and connect with the present moment. . Learn through a video format with examples as well as handouts for DBT skills. This is the complete DBT in video form! I will explain why, when, and how to use the principles and strategies of dialectical behavior therapy (DBT) in individual psychotherapy. Learn skills for distracting in difficult situations and gain better control over your emotions and your life! Learn to use Dialectical Behavior Therapy approach in your work or your personal lifeIn this course you will cover all about different modules of DBT where you will be directed with the step-by-step approach in becoming a professional DBT therapist who can work with clients in counselling and therapeutic settings. This course provides a well-organized, encouraging model to treat individuals with emotional dysregulation.You will learn:use DBT to decrease 'emotional suffering'Use DBT for disorders such as anxiety, stress, depression, worry etc.learn DBT, Mindfulness, Distress Tolerance, interpersonal effectiveness, emotion regulationsExplore the background of DBTLearn Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) skillsLearn how to use Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) in different conditionsHow to use skills to better handle emotionsIncrease Positive EmotionsLearn DBT exercises for mindfulness, and other modules of dbtunderstand what is 'Mindfulness'what is 'Distress Tolerance'what is 'Emotional Regulation'And much more!This DBT course is created keeping in mind that you don't have any prior knowledge of Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT). I have covered DBT as a whole and you will be enable to practice the methods and techniques of DBT with ease. Enroll now and lets get started with it. See you in the course lectures. Good Luck!"
Price: 19.99

"Introduction To Generic Programming in C++" |
"Jump start your career in Generic Programming in C++ with the one of the finest course in this field.Introduction to Generic Programming in C++ is designed to provide a comprehensive introduction to the generic programming field. However, we know you're busy and don't spend time on unnecessary theory and background. You'll complete the course in just one hour - however the lessons will stay with you throughout your programming career.At the end of this course, students willHave solid understanding about generic programming.Student will have solid understanding about template keywordStudents will able to work with multiple parameters to a generic functionStudent will able to do explicit specialization on a generic classWith this course, you will have the opportunity to take your programming skills to the next level.You'll learn by doing in the Introduction to Programming program. This course includes multiple projects to help you understand and remember what you're learning."
Price: 1280.00

"Microsoft PowerApps - Practical Crash Course for Beginners" |
"Learn the fundamentals of Microsoft PowerApps in less than 3 hours!The best way to learn new software is to get comfortable with the most important functionality and then start building your own apps. This course on PowerApp will not waste your time with hours and hours of features that you will never use or remember in a few days from watching. Instead, in this course you will learn everything that you need to know in order to get started on your own apps so you can actually get some hands on experience that will really benefit you.My goal is to teach you how to use PowerApps in a practical way. I will also show you how to use other resources to find solutions for any problem/use case in minutes.Lets get started and in a couple of hours from now you will be comfortable building apps!"
Price: 99.99

"MS Excel Top Tips - Upgrade your Excel Skill to next Level" |
"Microsoft Excel is the most widely used spreadsheet program being used by users across the World. While this program is being widely used by millions of users, still full capability of this program is not known to majority of regular users. There are countless features and shortcuts are available within Excel which can help users to save precious time.In this course I tried to cover such tips which I use on regular basis during my day to day work. I personally found these features very useful and helped me to be more productive.I have tried to make all these features available in same place, so that it can help others also to be more productive while using MS Excel. Hopefully this will be helpful."
Price: 12800.00

"Python Bootcamp: Mini-Course" |
"Learn one of the most sort after skills of this century - PythonThis course will teach you Python from scratch. In this course, you will learn Python 3, the most recent and stable version of Python. By the end of this course, you will have learned:The Python Syntax - Learn how to write Python code using the Python SyntaxPackage ManagementConditional OperationsRange & Map FunctionsCreating FunctionsPython Data Structures"
Price: 199.99

"AZ-900 - Microsoft Azure Fundamentals Practice Tests 2020" |
"FULLY UPDATED to the latest September 2020 - AZ-900 Microsoft Azure Fundamentals exam version!There are a lot of courses out there that are claiming that their courses are fully updated, but they're actually not! Our practice tests contain the latest additions on the new AZ-900 topics, the exam received an update in Septmber 2020.These Microsoft Azure Fundamentals practice tests are patterned after the latest exam format. Our AZ-900 Azure practice tests are TOP-NOTCH and the CLOSEST to the actual exam.What you get?150+ latest practice questionsWe update our question bank twice, every month. You will always find the latest and unique questions across 6 practice tests.Mimics the official exam formatOur tests are similar to the official exam in terms of the exam format as well as the questions asked. The questions are 95-100% similar to what is been asked on the official exam and the time to answer each test as well as the number of questions asked has also been kept the same. You get 60 mins to answer 34 questions, which is what you will find on the official AZ-900 exam.Thorough explanation to each questionEach question has detailed explanation to why an answer is correct and more importantly why other options are incorrect in the context of the question. Such exhaustive explanations will help you understand what the question asks and why/why-not an answer option is correct/incorrect.Reference links to the official MS documentationOur explanations are backed by official MS documentation. There are reference links available for you to read more about the topic/concept asked on the question.30 days money back guaranteeWhen you buy our course, you get a 30-days no question asked refund window. If you don't like the course, you can take a FULL REFUND without even talking to anybody. So, give it a try and if you don't like it somehow, you can always go for a refund (which we are sure that you won't ever be disappointed).Full instructor supportWe respond to and resolve user queries/questions within 24 hours. Ask us anything and we are here to help.Active learner communityOur learners are actively involved with the tests. They post questions and share their exam experiences which helps other learners to prepare even better.The 6 tests cover the following official AZ-900 exam domains:Describe cloud concepts (15-20%)Describe core Azure services (30-35%)Describe security, privacy, compliance, and trust (25-30%)Describe Azure pricing Service Level Agreements, and Lifecycles (20-25%)See you on the course."
Price: 29.99

"This is course about Aldol Condensation Reactions of Aldehydes, Ketones and Esters. This will help you while writing competitive exams. This course is only for Engineering and Medical Aspirants. In this course you will be given some Notes which will help you in better understanding. Also in addition to this, I will give you some Practice sheets and I will give you some Quiz questions which makes your knowledge stronger."
Price: 2240.00

"Neuromarketing Fundamentals - Marketing for the Subconscious" |
"Companies and businesses across the globe spend millions of dollars every year as a part of their marketing budgets. The objective of these companies are simple - to persuade their customers about the value offered by their products or brands.However, in contrast to what many would believe, the typical customer is not a rational thinker who logically analyzes every alternative before deciding a product to purchase. Instead, studies have revealed that the average customer tends to rely upon the decisions that emerge from his/her intuition and other subconscious processes. Neuromarketing techniques attempt to explore the influence of marketing on consumers at a subconscious level.You will discover the fundamental concepts of neuromarketing in this course. We will identify the definition of neuromarketing and the applications in different contexts. We will then explore the rational and intuitive consumer model as well as the role of brand memories in consumer behavior. Subsequently, we will identify the process of how consumers form impressions and concepts before selecting a brand. We will then try to understand the role of decision making, emotions, motivations and other subconscious processes in consumer behavior. Several examples are included in the course in order to further explain some of the key concepts of neuromarketing.The objective of this course is to make you aware about how various subconscious processes influence the consumer behavior. You can then apply these concepts to decipher the current marketing messages of various companies from a neuromarketing perspective. You can also apply these concepts of neuromarketing to craft compelling marketing campaigns for your own products or brands. Neuromarketing techniques can provide companies or businesses a competitive edge by enabling them to understand the finer aspects of intuitive consumer behavior. You can learn some of these concepts in this course and then use that understanding as a starting point to further study, apply and test these principles for your business requirements."
Price: 99.99

"3-Easy-Pieces / Effortless Effective Writing Essentials" |
"How do you transform a flash of inspiration into words? If you can do that well, then you can change your life and maybe the world. I am a published author dedicated to the craft of writing and consume everything I can from all the wonderful authors and teachers available to us in the Information Age. I created this course because I noticed that some fundamentals were missing. Writing is about many things, but unless the writer pushes through to a finished, effective product, then nothing else matters. This course is about freeing you authentic voice and allowing the entire process to feel natural, which allows your best to shine through. Otherwise, how can your flash of inspiration turn into words capable of crossing space and time to inspire others?"
Price: 19.99

Price: 19.99

"Detail knowledge of Geometric Design of Expressway & Advanced Transportation Engineering will make you expert, also you will be taught higher design consideration and parameters for expressways. You will also learn Geometric Design for HIGHWAYS and RAILWAYS on advanced bentley software. The course will also include case study of super communication expressway. The course will also include case study of super communication expressway.THIS COURSE CONTAINS TOTAL SIX MODULES, EACH MODULE IS HAVING VARIOUS SUBTOPICS EXPLAINED. THIS COURSE IS BEST SUITABLE FOR THE STUDENTS WHO FIND THIS SUBJECT AS DIFFICULT, BECAUSE ALL THE COMPLEX PROBLEMS ARE DISCUSSED IN SIMPLE MANNER ON CLOUD WHITEBOARD TECHNOLOGY, ALSO ADVANCED POWER POINT PRESENTATIONS, ANIMATIONS ARE USED SO AS STUDENTS SHOULD UNDERSTAND IN EASIEST WAY"
Price: 19.99

"A to Z Design of Solar Water Pumping System" |
"Welcome to your course ""A to Z Design of Solar Water Pumping System"" this course is designed for the students who wants to endeavour their knowledge in Solar Water Pump designing for their projects, for the solar technician who wants to know optimum power generation from the solar array and use the energy for pumping the water for various application, for the job seekers who wants to get jobs in solar industry and solar pump industry, for the entrepreneur who wants to make career in solar energy and in Solar Pump Sector.This course explains the very basic concept belongs to design and Installation of solar water Pumping System. The one who is completing the course will able to do all manual design calculations, which are required for designing any Solar Water Pumping System. The learner of course will get scientific idea of each an every components needed for solar Water Pumping System."
Price: 49.99

"Certified English classics literature children class" |
"Stories as a way of education, according to ancient wisdom is part and parcel of learning English.No study about this amazing language, with a rich heritage and culture that goes back to centuries ago is complete without a study about Plays as an English learning system.In this Introduction to the tales, as English lessons for you, a student gets to know something about various dialogue conversation sentences, with the characters."
Price: 1280.00

"Manager Mind - Die wichtigsten Management Tools a. d. Praxis" |
"Herzlich willkommen zu Manager Mind die wichtigsten Management Tools aus der Praxis,mein Name ist Sobair, Euer Referent und ich mchte mich zunchst bei Dir bedanken, dass Du diese Online-Seminar-Reihe eingeschaltet hast.Dass Du Interesse an dieser Online-Seminar-Reihe hast zeigt, dass es Dir ein wichtiges Anliegen ist, Dich in diese Richtung weiterzubilden oder Du selbst bereits in einer Management-Position bist und hier Deinen Horizont erweitern mchtest.Was auch immer Deine Intention ist - ich mchte Dich bei Deinem Vorhaben mit dieser Online-Seminar-Reihe untersttzen und Dir die wichtigsten Tools aus meiner gesammelten Erfahrung in Manager-Rollen mitgeben. Hierbei habe ich bewusst die Tools ausgewhlt, die Dir in Deiner Arbeit als Manager einen tatschlichen Mehrwert bieten.In meinem beruflichen Werdegang konnte ich bereits verschiedenste Erfahrungen mit Management Tools sammeln, die ich mit Dir teilen mchte. Am Ende dieser Online Seminar-Reihe sollst Du die wichtigsten Management Tools kennen und anwenden knnen, sodass Du sie zur richtigen Zeit und fr die passende Aufgabe in der Praxis souvern einsetzen kannst.Um einen Einstieg zu schaffen, werde ich mich kurz vorstellen und anschlieend bereits mit dem Wesentlichen der Online-Seminar-Reihe starten und zwar dem Handwerkszeug eines jeden guten Managers. Dazu gehren sowohl eine Reihe von Methoden, aber auch das Verstndnis wichtiger Zusammenhnge, Modelle und Anstze. Neben den klassischen Management-Methoden mchte ich Dir auch praktische Tools zeigen wie Flowcharts oder grundlegende Excel-Skills, um bersichtliche Auswertungen zu generieren. Da Manager Mind aus der Praxis und fr die Praxis ist, liegt der Fokus auf die Anwendung statt auf die Theorie.Lange Rede kurzer Sinn. Ich wnsche Dir viel Spa und Inspiration bei der Online-Seminar-Reihe Manager Mind und lasst uns aus Dir eine gute und praxistaugliche Managerin, bzw. einen guten und praxistauglichen Manager machen!Danke, Euer Sobair!"
Price: 99.99

"Discover Your Hidden Potential & Create a Better Future" |
"Recent studies and researches in many scientific fields are revolutionizing our comprehension of ourselves and how the way of thinking can influence the body then the entire life positively or negatively. The collection and simplification of these remarkable scientific studies led to creating a new and revolutionary approach to positive change named the SNCA approach.The SNCA represents a very simple and powerful approach to positive change and self-development based on scientific facts that can be used by coaches and therapists or by any other people looking for improving their lives. So, the SNCA approach provides fascinating scientific researches and empowering knowledge in a very simple way in order to enhance the lives of people and help them to create a better future.The empowering knowledge contained in this course can fabulously reshape your mind and remarkably transform your way of thinking."
Price: 49.99

"AWS Certified SolutionsArchitect Professional 6 PracticeExam" |
"AWS Certified Solutions Architect Professional Test Made Easy Course consists of 6 Practice tests having more than 600 questions overall. All latest questions are being updated. All questions you could find in any other practice exams, guides , dumps will all be covered in this topic wise. This will make it easy to revise and answer questions asked in any manner."
Price: 19.99

"Habilidades para Construir uma Vida Mais Valiosa." |
"Como podemos vencer nossas dificuldades e limitaes para atingirmos nossos objetivos e vivermos uma vida mais plena e valiosa?Como usar os conhecimentos das cincias da mente para controlar as emoes, melhorar a produtividade e o aprendizado, e mudar outros comportamentos e hbitos?No existe frmula mgica! Qualquer pessoa que te oferea um passe de mgica picareta, ainda mais, j te digo: ""Programao Neurolingustica"", ""Reiki"" e 95% do que vendem como ""Coaching"" e outros temas por a no baseado na cincia.Agora, q que existe, de verdade, so habilidades que ns podemos sim desenvolver para conquistarmos tudo isso. Este curso dedicado para estas habilidades, na teoria e na prtica.Ns acreditamos que voc tem o direito de entender a verdadeira cincia da mente, e de conhecer as habilidades e as prticas psicolgicas que realmente podem te ajudar a construir uma vida mais valiosa! Por isso criamos este curso.Contedo do curso:No curso, passaremos cerca de 8 horas e 30 minutos, tratando destes contedos:Princpios de Neuroanatomia e Neurocincia.Relao entre crebro e mente.Como a gentica pode influenciar nossos comportamentos.Como funciona a ateno e que tcnicas podemos usar para melhora-la.Como entender e modificar os comportamentos em ns mesmos ou nos outros.Como funciona a memria.Por que lembramos algumas coisas e esquecemos de outras.Como ns aprendemos.Tcnicas para melhorar o aprendizado e memorizao.O aprendizado e a neuroplasticidade.Definio e teorias da inteligncia.Como funciona a tomada de decises e tcnicas clnicas para tomar decises melhores.Desenvolvimento e crescimento humano.Como os fatores da infncia moldam quem ns somos.Neuroplasticidade ao longo da vida.Emoo e motivao.A neurocincia das emoes.Vieses emocionais, como as emoes influenciam no pensamento.Depresso: sintomas e modelo cognitivo.Ansiedade: sintomas e modelo cognitivo.Solido e seus efeitos na mente.Habilidades sociais para criar novos relacionamentos e manter os existentes.Bem estar e mindfulness: habilidades para sair do piloto automtico e construir uma vida que vale a pena ser vivida.Inteligncia emocional: reconhecendo e lidando com as emoes.As outras horas so em contedo EXTRA que incluem um Aulo de Neurocincia com mais de 1h. Um pouco sobre os criadores do curso:Eu sou o Ariel. Meus dois objetivos so disseminar o conhecimento cientfico e a ajudar as pessoas a construrem vidas mais valiosas. Em minha vida acadmica, descobri na neurocincia cognitiva a melhor ferramenta cientfica para explorar os mistrios da conscincia e da mente humana, mas foi na terapia cognitiva que eu encontrei a maneira de aplicar estes conhecimentos para ajudar as pessoas. Atravs de minha formao complementar em terapia comportamental dialtica, decidi que iria usar o que aprendi para ajudar as pessoas a tornarem suas vidas mais valiosas, e a conhecerem melhor como sua mente realmente funciona.- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - !! Lembramos que este curso no pretende nem deve substituir a terapia com um profissional da sade mental, caso voc sinta que precisa de ajuda, busque um profissional capacitado, da psicologia e/ou da psiquiatria. Este curso tambm no te capacita como um terapeuta, pessoas passam anos estudando formalmente para adquirirem este ttulo. !!- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -***Nos vemos nesta aventura intelectual que vai ser compreender, cientificamente, o crebro e a mente humana, e conhecer novas habilidades prticas para construir uma vida que vale a pena ser vivda.***"
Price: 579.99
