"Certified Kubernetes Application Developer - CKAD" |
"In Today's competitive world you will need to prove your technical skills through the certification which is a standard practice is exhibiting your skills.'Kubernetes is one of the highest trending technology in Cloud Computing as of today. Kubernetes had the fastest growth in job searches, over a lot from a year before as reported recently by a survey conducted by Indeed."
Price: 1280.00

"Corso di psicologia clinica sui disturbi sessuali" |
"Ciao!In questo corso imparerai a riconoscere le caratteristiche cliniche, l' eziologia e i trattamenti impiegati per i disturbi sessuali.Questo corso, da inquadrarsi nel settore della Psicologia Clinica, offre una descrizione delle norme sessuali, delle disfunzioni sessuali e dei disturbi parafilici mantenendo fede al DSM-5, considerato il manuale punto di riferimento per ogni psicologo clinico.Ho deciso di offrirti la versione EBOOK all' interno del corso, cos che tu possa rivedere le slide in qualunque momento lo desideri.Alla fine di questo corso sarai padrone dei concetti fondamentali per la comprensione dei disturbi della sessualit.Siediti comodo e...Ci vediamo dall' altra parte!"
Price: 119.99

"Advanced Functions: A Complete Course on Precalculus" |
"This course extends students experience with functions. Students will investigate the properties of polynomial and rational functions; broaden their understanding of rates of change; and develop facility in applying these concepts and skills. Students will also refine their use of the mathematical processes necessary for success in senior mathematics. This course is intended both for students who plan to study mathematics in university and for those wishing to consolidate their understanding of mathematics before proceeding to any one of a variety of university programs."
Price: 199.99

"Time management for corporate" |
"Time management is the process of planning and controlling how much time to spend on specific activities. Good time management enables an individual to complete more in a shorter period of time, lowers stress, and leads to career success.Time management is the art of having time to do everything you need, without getting stressed about it. Learn more about this essential skill.Managing your time well can help you improve in your career. Organizing each day helps you to complete work on time, stay engaged during ..."
Price: 19.99

"Become a Superhuman Mixed Martial Artist" |
"This course was created by Dillon Freed, founder of Killer Instinct Sports, GeniusCOMPETITOR, BoingVERT, BoingDASH, Basketball Brain and more. The program will teach you how to use your mind to dominate the competition. If you are a boxer, martial artist, or mixed martial artist - this program is for you! Learn how to visualize, the power of self-talk, and a secret formula to calm your nerves before a fight!"
Price: 19.99

"Secure Notes App in SwiftUI, Keychain, FaceID, TouchID" |
"SwiftUI makes creating UI simple but there are several other components that go in while developing apps and in this video course you will learn how to build complete app from start to finish. You will not only learn about SwiftUI but you will also learn how to save data in Core Data. You will learn to secure data by putting it behind password which will be saved in keychain so you will learn how to access, save, update and delete from keychain. You will also learn to integrate local authentication and provide biometric authentication so if your user's device supports Touch ID or Face ID based authentication then you will be able to secure notes with biometric authentication."
Price: 19.99

"Build Responsive website using HTML5, CSS3 and JavaScript." |
"In this course we will build an amazing looking website using HTML5, CSS3 and JavaScript for Macdonald's..We've four sections in this courseAdding HTML5Adding CSS3Adding JavaScript Testing the responsive design with responsive test toolNote: the course is free until i upload the rest of the videos.. Don't waste this chance to enroll into this course for free.You can find the website we will create in this course on my twitter account as as pinned tweetFollow me on twitter for gifts and competitions ( Yossefzedan_ ) you can copy and paste the username you will find the same profile picture as udemy and you can find the url on my udemy profileI'm Yossef Zedan, a web design consultant certified from University of Michigan in the U.S and University of London in the U.Kwhen you enroll into the course if you need a consultation you can send me an email or message on twitter Good luck.."
Price: 129.99

"Salesforce Certified Nonprofit Cloud Consultant Exam" |
"Salesforce Certified Nonprofit Cloud Consultant Test seriesThe Salesforce Nonprofit Cloud Consultant program is designed for consultants who have experience implementing Salesforce Nonprofit Cloud solutions in a customer-facing role. The intended audience has proven experience with installing and configuring Salesforce Nonprofit Cloud. The Salesforce Nonprofit Cloud Consultant is able to successfully design and implement Nonprofit Cloud solutions that meet customer business requirements, are maintainable and scalable, and contribute to long-term customer success."
Price: 19.99

"CSS Grid For Beginners - Simple and Ezy" |
"This is a beginners course, (which gives a little more...merging into an intermediate level) that will teach you how to use CSS grid to build responsive websites without breaking a sweat. You will learn how to setup CSS Grid columns and rows, You will learn about Grid Areas to move divs and other containers around on your web page. Do you want to use CSS Grid to build a responsive website? Of course you do. You will see how ezy it is to do this by combining Grid Areas with media queries. But wait, there's more! Learn about nested CSS Grids, Grid Lines, aligning and justifying containers and finally - a bonus video at the end of the course that teaches you how to use the developer tools provided by Google Chrome and Mozilla Firefox to help you visualize the CSS Grid."
Price: 24.99

"Forex Trading : Fibonacci Retracement Level (Advanced)" |
"Forex Trading Advanced Fibonacci RetracementIf you are Fibo lovers or beginners who want to make a consistent trade, this is for you. In this course, traders will be exposed to real setup using Forex Trading Advanced Fibonacci Retracement.We also will be transparent for you by showing which true setup and fail setup, which other mentors failed to provide.The best thing is :1) This fibo provide an auto ""Risk to Reward Ratio"", which manage your trade based on win to loose ratio.2) This fibo also provide auto-setup Entry, Stop Loss, and Take Profit so you don't have to know where is the best price to put your stop loss and take profit.3) Entry will be using a price action that we will show traders on the lesson. This is the best entry setup that is suitable for this Advanced Fibonacci Retracement.4) Advanced Fibonacci Retracement setting is provided with an explanation for each level.5) we provide interactive quizzes that help our students to understand more.Bonus :- Included Money management tips on the lesson.Warning :Trading is very risky because it is involved with your capital. So trade at your own risk. We do not bear any risk involving with trader's winning or losing. We providing best education ever to improve the trader's experience and knowledge."
Price: 124.99

breath-training |
Price: 24000.00

"Antenatal Course" |
"Nurse Andrea will provide you with a tool kit of things that moms and dads need to know""in preparation for your baby's arrival. The course is packed with essential knowledge, tips and real life experience including: Dads role as a project manager; Emotional aspects of pregnancy; Natural labour and C-sections; Breathing; Pushing; Parenting; Tips for going home; Breastfeeding; Baby baths and much more!"
Price: 1600.00

"Unity - C# 2020 Sfrdan 2D-3D Oyun Gelitirmeyi renin" |
"Oynadnz oyunlarn mutfak ksmnda yer almak iin harika bir frsat. Artk hayalinizdeki oyunu 2D veya 3D olarak programlayabilir, Playstore,AppStore gibi maazalarda yaynlayabilir ve gelir elde edebilirsiniz. Sektre adm atarak, kendini gelitirmek isteyenler iin hazrlanm bir eitim seti olduundan sizler bu eitim setini bitirdikten sonra greceksiniz ki baladnz noktadan ok daha ileride, hayallerinizi geree dkebilir bir seviyeye geleceksiniz.Program gereksinimleri, ykleme ve arayz bilgilerinin yan sra; halihazrda yaplm, severek oynadnz oyunlarn da nasl yapldn renecek, ufkunuzu genileteceksiniz. Aslnda imkansz gibi grnen bu iin, kendinizi gelitirerek ne kadar da kolaylatna ahitlik edeceksiniz. Elenip, retmenin yan sra bu iten gelir elde etmeye baladnzda bunu bir meslek haline getirebilir ve hayatnz bu iten kazanabilirsiniz.Bu kursta 2'er adet 2D - 3D oyun yapacaz. Her biri kolay ve orta seviyelerinde olacak. Sizlere kendi trlerinde oyunlarn nasl yapld hakknda bilgi verecek ve ncesinde rendiklerinizi uygulayarak pekitirmenizi salayacak. Kendinizi gelitirmi olmann yan sra, elinizde gelitirebileceiniz oyun projeleri ve istediiniz projeye sfrdan balamaya yetecek kadar bilgi olacak.Ayrca bundan sonra gelitireceim daha da ileri seviyede kurslar hi zorlanmadan bitirebilecek ve kendinizi ok daha gelitirebileceksiniz."
Price: 309.99

"Curso Cisco EIGRP nivel CCNP Encor by SeaCCNA" |
"Es un curso especialmente desarrollado para quienes quieren obtener rpidamente slidos conocimientos en la utilizacin del EIGRP, vamos a tratar los diversos contenido necesarios para que puedas operar el protocolo EIGRP al mismo nivel que un alumno que haya concluido un curso de nivel CCNP Encor.En el nuevo CCNA 200-301 Cisco ya no brinda el EIGRP como uno de los protocolo a aprender, y por su importancia muchas veces para entrar al mercado de trabajo, creamos este curso para que puedas sumar los conocimientos de EIGRP a su CCNA."
Price: 24.99

"Learn how to write Arabic Calligraphy in Ruqa Script" |
"Learn how to write all the letters of the Arabic Alphabet in the Ruqa Script by worldwide renowned master Mothana Al Obaydi16 self-paced videos using a special top view camera - watch Mothana as he explains how to write each letter with the dot system and a traditional Arabic calligraphy penEach letter or group of letters is divided in it's own video."
Price: 49.99

"AWS Certified Advanced Networking - Specialty Practice Test" |
"Our AWS Certified Advanced Networking - Specialty Practice Test is the most effective and pertinent for you to pass the exam on the first go. In fact, you will not only pass your exam but also get a profound understanding of the respective subject.With our AWS Certified Advanced Networking - Specialty Practice Test, you will come to see that all of the questions and answers in our exams are chosen after a professional analysis."
Price: 34.99

"KiCAD PCB Design For Embedded Systems & Electronics Projects" |
"This course will help you to know the basics of KiCAD and how to use it as a tool for PCB design projects. And it'll also teach you how to formulate a project/product idea and document it in such a way that it becomes easier for you to plan and design each part of the complete system. And ultimately, help you develop a systematic way to approach PCB hardware design projects. Both as a hobbyist or as an engineering student. This course is Project-Based. You'll learn KiCAD by doing practical project examples through this course.Design 3 PCB Boards and Learn The Essentials of KiCADSimple LED Flasher BoardPIC18F-Based Development BoardSTM32-Based USB-Powered LED Controller BoardCourse's Contents and OverviewThe course starts with an introduction to printed circuit boards (PCB) technology. And then shifts the attention to PCB design CAD software tools and mainly focusing on KiCAD which is the main topic of this course. Then, you'll get introduced to KiCAD tools for schematic capture and PCB layout editing through a very basic example board. Afterward, I'll teach you a very intuitive PCB design methodology to get any project done just in 10 actionable steps. And we'll be sticking to this methodology for all the project examples we'll be doing thereafter.Then, the last 3 sections will be dedicated to the 3 projects for this course. And in each one of them, we'll be doing:HW Req. StatementSchematic DesignSchematic CaptureERC CheckFootprints AssignmentPCB Layout & RoutingDRC CheckGenerating Fab.-Ready Output Files (Gerber)Generating BOM FileGenerating POS For SMT servicesYou'll learn when and how to do each step in detail through this course and three times in 3 different projects. Just to make sure you've got a very good understanding and vision for the PCB design workflow.Enjoy The Course!"
Price: 49.99

"Sfrdan Borsa Teknik Analiz , VOP ve Matriks ALGORTMA" |
"DKKAT!!!Kursun bir an nce sizlerle bulumas iin para para yklemeye baladm. O nedenle tm blmler henz eklenmedi. Viop tan takas analizine algoritma kodlamadan matriks eitimine kadar ok detayl bir eitime sahip olacaksnz. Ayrca Piyasada olan ve uzun sredir biriktirdiim tm belgeler yabanc kaynaklar kitaplar da sizlerle paylaacam.Bu kursu hazrlamadan nce kendim de yllarca sadece duyumlar zerinden ilem yapyordum. Sonrasnda bu iin matematiini renmem gerektiini ve kimseye muhta olmadan kendi bama karl ilemler yapmam gerektiini anladm. Yllarn verdii tecrbe, bilgi birikim ve aktarma konusunda hevesim nedeniyle de bu kursu hazrladm. Kurs sonras teknik analiz , formasyonlar , Viop ve Arac kurumlar konularnda birok bilgiye kolayca ulaacaksnz. stadlara muhta olmadan , grafik bilginiz ile sabrla kazanmaya balayacaksnz. Kursa katlan rencilerime algoritma kodlamay retmenin yannda belirli bir sayya ulaldnda yapacam ekili ile kendim tasarladm ve uzun sren almalar sonucu oluturduum algoritmik robotu (yazlm) hediye edeceim. Ayrca 7 gn 24 saat soru sorabileceiniz iletiim kanallarm her zaman sizlere ak olacak. Dier eitimlerdeki gibi satn aldktan sonra iletiim eksiklii veya yeni bilgi ekleme sorunlar yaamayacaksnz. Mmkn olan her srede yeni bilgiler , eitimler ve devler eklenecektir.Eitimde grmek zere..."
Price: 389.99

Publish |
"Is your manuscript ready to go to press? Are you overwhelmed by a myriad of publishing possibilities? Want to get straight to the important stuff?Its time to take charge of your author career.Gone are the days when there was a single path to publication that only a golden few could tread. Today there are as many options as there are opinions about the right and wrong ways to go about it.In this course, you will:Discover your author personalityUnderstand the pros and cons of each publishing pathLearn the steps to publication for Agented, Small Press, and Self-PublishingDevelop an individualized action plan with personal goals that will lead to publicationBuild your author platformAmazon best-selling authors Megan Haskell and Greta Boris have traveled the road from aspiring to author. With more than twenty years of combined writing and publishing experience, Greta and Megan believe theres no single right way to publish, only the best way for you and your project. They will become your guides as they help you find your best path forward and keep your stories rolling.Registered students will also receive a free digital copy of their book by the same name, PUBLISH: Take Charge of Your Author Career.What people are saying: Very informative! I learned the difference between traditional and indie publishing. So much of the information was eye opening. Really good information on how to publish and great tips for writing a query. I learned a lot! Thanks. Well organized, enthusiastic presentation of the different viewpoints of my publishing options. I appreciated the clear slides and concise information. You make a good team! It was great to get both indie and traditional perspectives."
Price: 79.99

"AZ-900 Microsoft Azure Fundamental - Practice Tests Sep 2020" |
"Want to test your exam readiness for the Microsoft Azure Foundation Certificate (AZ-900) and feel confident to pass your certification exam first time? Then these ultimate sets of practice exams are for you! Azure Fundamentals exam is an opportunity to prove knowledge of cloud concepts, Azure services, Azure workloads, security and privacy in Azure, as well as Azure pricing and support. Candidates should be familiar with the general technology concepts, including concepts of networking, storage, compute, application support, and application development.AZ-900 Exam will measure your skills based on the following four skillsDescribe cloud concepts (15-20%)Describe core Azure services (30-35%)Describe security, privacy, compliance, and trust (25-30%)Describe Azure pricing Service Level Agreements, and Lifecycles (20-25%)Each Practice Set contains 45 questions from four categories, one-hour durationa balanced number of random questions to cover each categoryDetail explanation of each correct and incorrect answerReference diagrams to explain the topicReference links for further studies"
Price: 19.99

"Excel para profissionais do Campo" |
"Nesse curso vou apresentar como montar uma planilha estruturada, apta para receber dados e gerar informaes confiveis.nesse curso voc ira ver: Estrutura de pastas e arquivos, configuraes de segurana, conhecendo as propriedades do excel, O que o excel e como ele pode nos auxiliar, dashboard em tempo real, gerando relatrios para impresso, tabela dinmica, desenvolver um projeto real para um cliente."
Price: 39.99

"Risk Management ( PMI-RMP ) Practice Exams" |
"The course included above of 200 questions with correct answer and explanation.you need to read the RMP standard before start this course to be familiar with questions and explanations and some rules.These questions will help you to pass the RMP exam from first time.I wish good luck with your exam and pass it fom the first time.as a piece of cake."
Price: 19.99

"Aprende a crear tu plan alimentario saludable" |
"Te gustara aprender a crear tu propio plan nutricional?Quers aprender a armar un men de comidas?Con este curso puedes tomar control de t alimentacin fcil y rpidamente. Con herramientas digitales para que no tengas que sacar ningn clculo.En 30 minutos puedes tener a tu disposicin todas las herramientas y el conocimiento de cmo armar tu propio plan alimentario personalizado.Este curso est guiado por un Licenciado en Nutricin, con conceptos claros y entendibles para cualquier nivel."
Price: 19.99

"Marketing from Scratch for Complete Beginners" |
"Are you Interested in Growing your Business without Investing more money but don't know where to start?You want to start a business but don't know about the very basic concepts and finding everything Strange, Complex, and Irritating?Do Words such as Marketing and Promotions and seems a bit strange to you?If your answer is YES to anyone then this course is exactly for you. This course is targeted at the Beginners who know nothing about the Marketing but have an urge to know and learn exactly what it is from scratch. In this course, you're gonna learn about the very basics of Business stuff and promotion methods. It will include all those topics which are necessary for a beginner to learn like -Q) What is Marketing?Q) What are the various types of Marketing?Q) How to launch a marketing campaign?Q) What are the Advantages of different marketing types?Q) What are the real-life marketing campaigns?Q) What are the strategies to grow business by using marketing methods?Q) Different variants of Marketing with 0$ marketing methods?After completing the course you will have good enough knowledge of all the above-mentioned concepts and know various stuff about the Marketing and Business market which now seems complex and strange to you. I'll be explaining each and everything in this course in the easiest and the best possible way of keeping in mind the fact that you're a beginner and don't know a heck about Marketing. Also, I will be adding more stuff in the course and will regularly keep on updating with new tutorials so that you can take the maximum advantage out of the course."
Price: 199.99

"Product Experimentation: A/B Testing in R with Tech Examples" |
"Have you always wondered how companies like Google, Facebook, Amazon use experimentation to launch successful products?Do you want to apply product experimentation at your start-up or your current role?Or maybe you are interviewing for a role in big Tech and wondering how to succeed in those interviews?With the rise of smartphones, Product testing has really come to the forefront. If you do a google search for Experimentation or A/B testing, you will come across thousands of blogs and articles that discuss this topic. Unfortunately, most of them are either full of inaccuracies and misinterpretation of mathematical concepts Or they are too difficult to understand. This is not surprising. A/B testing is a deep area - there are many nuances involved throughout the process from conceptualization & design all the way to implementation & analysis. This course addresses this. I have designed this course to go deep into important statistical concepts but in a way that is easy to understand using everyday examples. In just two hours, you will learn -What product experimentation is and how to do it rightWhat is A/B Testing, Multivariate Testing and Multi-armed Bandit TestingWhat is the relevance of statistics in AB testingWhat do statistical concepts such as confidence intervals, Type 1, Type 2 errors, p-value, statistical significance and statistical power mean And how do they fit in the big pictureAnd How to calculate sample size and duration for a successful A/B testAll these concepts will be reinforced with real world examples from companies such as Amazon, AirBnb, Square and Uber. I will also provide you with templates and cheat sheets that have really helped me in my career. In 2 hours, you can master product experimentation and immediately start applying it in your job or interviews . See you in the course!"
Price: 49.99

"C# le Sfrdan Barkodlu Sat Program Yapm" |
"C# ile temel dzeyde bilgi sahibi olduunuzu dnyor ve ne yapmanz gerektiine karar veremiyorsanz bu kurs tam size gre. Hangi programlama dili olursa olsun belirli bir altyap sonras eer proje retmiyorsanz, o alanda ilerlemeniz mmkn deildir.Proje almanz yaparak hem kendinizi gelitireceksiniz, hem de para kazanmann kaplarn aralayacaksnz. Bu proje belki de sizinsektrde para kazanacanz ilk iiniz olacak, baka alanlar iin program yazma yeteneiniz geliecek. Kursumuzda sfrdan balayarak gerek piyasada kullanlabilecek pratik, etkili ve gelitirilmeye ak bir proje yapacaz. Hi bir adm atlamadan adm adm ilerleyeceiz. Hatalarla karlaacaz hatalar dzelteceiz, sonucu elde etmek iin en mantkl yntemleri deneyeceiz.unu da sylemeden edemeyeceim, siz bir projeyi 2 defa yaparsanz 2. yapnzda daha az ve daha performansl kod yazarsnz. Dolaysyla mmkn olduu kadar proje retmenizi tavsiye ederim. Her seferinde farkl mantk, algoritma, yaklam...Neler yapacaz?Visual Studio'da Nesneleri Etkin KullanmaC#'da Form TasarmC# zel Nesneler Oluturma (textbox, button, label vb.)C# Private - Public Metod KullanmC# Class Oluturma/KullanmaEntity FrameworkSqlLocalDb Veritaban Oluturma/KullanmaDateBase First Ynetemi le Model OluturmaVeritaban in Tablolar Oluturma/KullanmaLambda Fonksiyonlarn Kullanma (Veritaban tablo ilemleri iin)Veritaban Backup/RestoreRldc Report KullanmC# Termal Yazcdan kt Alma (Bilgi Fii)C# le Temel-Orta ve leri Dzey KodlamaProjenin Setup Haline GetirilmesiHadi kolay gelsin hepinize"
Price: 49.99

"Blender ile Animasyon Dersleri (Balangtan ileri Seviyeye)" |
"Merhaba, cretsiz bir program olan ve olduka iyi aralara sahip Blender program ile 3d ve Karakter animasyon yapmay reneceksiniz. Graphic editor, doopsheet, timeline editor, NLA editor ve dier animasyon arayzlerini detaylac reneceksiniz. Kurs bittiinde artk kolaylkla animasyon yapabilecek seviyeye geleceksiniz. Kursumuz karakter animasyonu zerine olacaktr. Dersleri yklemeye devam edeceim. Ders u an grdnz kadar deildir. Duruma gre animasyonla alakal farkl derslerde yklebilirim. Her hafta ders ykleme alacam. Kursun banda temel bilgilerden bahsediyorum. Bilenler sonras derslere geebilirler. Unutmayn ki dediiniz cret hi bir zaman rendiklerinizin karl deildir. "
Price: 59.99

"Learn Flutter & Firebase Backend in Arabic- Build Real app" |
"ios . ! Flutter , Google Google Adwords Dart Fluttter. flutter firestore. flutter flutter firebase&firestore Flutter flutter&firestore"
Price: 49.99

"Comunicacin Asertiva y Emocional" |
"Qu aprenders en este curso?A partir de este curso podrs comunicarte ms asertivamente, pudiendo tener mas impacto en las personas con las que te relacionas. Podrs comenzar un proceso de transformacin personal que potencie tu impacto positivo en tu vida, trabajo y relaciones. Este es un curso para aprender cmo nos comunicamos los humanos, la importancia de nuestras emociones en la comunicacin, nuestro lenguaje no-verbal, y reconocimiento del impacto de nuestra forma de comunicarnos en el vnculo con otras personas.Con este curso podrs comprender los pasos necesarios para comunicarte en coherencia con lo que sientes, piensas y haces, dando mensajes contundentes y tambin entendiendo mejor lo que los otros nos quieren decir."
Price: 19.99

"Google Certified Associate Cloud Engineer Exam Questions" |
"100% questions in our Google Certified Associate Cloud Engineer Exam Questions are the real questions that are collected in our real exam.We ensure you can pass your Google Certified Associate Cloud Engineer Exam on the first attempt and become GCP Google Certified Associate Cloud Engineer.All of the questions and answers are verified by our Cloud Expert team. We update questions frequently to keep updated with Google. Every question has a detailed explanation of why an option is correct.Here is an example:Q. Your company has a mission-critical application that serves users globally. You need to select a transactional, relational data storage system for this application. Which two products should you considerA. BigQueryB. Cloud SQLC. Cloud SpannerD. Cloud BigtableE. Cloud DatastoreAnswers: B is correct because Cloud SQL is a relational and transactional database in the list.C Is correct because Spanner is a relational and transactional database in the list.----------InstructorWe're awslagi team, We have 5+ years experience in the IT industry and have extensive experience working in multiple cloud platforms. We're providing all cloud actual exam questions AWS, Google Cloud and Azure.100% of the questions we provide are the real questions that are collected in our exam. All of the courses are always up to date and verified by our cloud experts team.With our materials, we make sure you can pass cloud certified exams in the easiest way.We hope you benefit a lot from our courses.---------------------------------This course also comes with:Lifetime access to all future updatesA responsive instructor in the Q&A SectionA 30 Day ""No Questions Asked"" Money Back Guarantee!Join us for this course if you want to make sure to pass Google Certified Associate Cloud Engineer Exam at the first attempt in the easiest way.----------------------------------Who this course is for:Anyone wanting to pass the exam.Cloud Engineers.Google Cloud Engineers.Junior/Senior Developers.Cloud Solutions Architects."
Price: 19.99

"Aprende a Leer el Tarot de una Buena Vez. Intuitivamente." |
"En este curso aprenders tcnicas para descubrir por ti misma el significado de las cartas. Leer un Tarot es como aprender a leer un libro. Antes de que puedas leer una novela, debes dominar tu abecedario, y lo mismo sucede con el Tarot: las cartas son como tu nuevo alfabeto. Con las tcnicas que presento en este curso, podrs formar palabras y crear oraciones del lenguaje del Tarot. Aprenders a hacer lecturas completas y descubrirs cmo las cartas trabajan en conjunto, para crear significados ms complejos y precisos. Si lo que buscas es un curso en donde te repitan por horas los significados de las cartas, quiz este no sea el curso para ti. En cambio, este curso te ofrece herramientas practicas para que aprendas a leer el Tarot de una buena vez."
Price: 19.99
