"YouTube Masterclass : Guide Complet pour Matriser YouTube" |
"Vous tes ici parce que vous voulez crer une chane YouTube populaire, n'est-ce pas ?Peut-tre, tes-vous nouveau sur YouTube, ou peut-tre avez-vous de l'exprience mais vous avez besoin d'aide pour dvelopper votre chane existante.YouTube est l'endroit idal pour dvelopper votre propre marque, gnrer du trafic vers votre site web et gagner de l'argent grce aux publicits YouTube et aux promotions de vos produits et services. Et c'est la voie parfaite pour vous permettre de lancer votre chane YouTube.Si vous cherchez dvelopper votre propre marque, obtenir plus de vues et d'abonns ou crer une chane en partant de zro, c'est la plateforme idale pour vous !Quelle que soit votre motivation pour lancer une chane YouTube, vous tes au bon endroit.La Masterclass YouTube est la formation la plus complte, la plus riche en action et la plus enrichissante pour YouTube que vous puissiez trouver sur Internet - ou alors vous tes rembours.C'est le seul endroit o vous trouverez tout ce dont vous avez besoin pour commencer crer des vidos qui obtiendront des vues qui convertiront vos visiteurs en abonns qualifis, et vous feront gagner de l'argent !La Masterclass YouTube est un cours rapide et efficace qui vous permet de passer de zro comptence une chane YouTube complte avec des vidos, des vues et des abonns de haute qualit.Bien qu'il existe de nombreux cours sur YouTube qui se concentrent sur des aspects spcifiques de la cration d'une chane YouTube, il est difficile de trouver un cours complet comme celui-ci, qui s'adresse aux dbutants et tous ceux qui ont besoin d'augmenter rapidement leur audience sur YouTube.Ce cours est conu pour tous ceux qui ralisent des vidos (ou qui veulent en raliser) et qui souhaitent dvelopper leur marque avec une chane YouTube. Donc si vous tes un dbutant complet ou quelqu'un qui a une chane qui a besoin d'aide, vous tes au bon endroit.Que pourrez-vous faire aprs avoir suivi ce cours ?Dmarrer une chane partir de zroObtenir des vues sans abonnsTransformer les tlspectateurs en abonnsCrer des vidos sans gros budgetNaviguer sur la plate-forme YouTubeDevenir partenaire YouTubePubliez et optimisez votre vido avec des titres, des descriptions, des balises et des vignettes de qualitDveloppez votre marque grce aux vidos YouTubeAmliorez votre canal en utilisant l'analyse des statsGagnez de l'argent avec vos vidos YouTube - grce aux publicits, aux produits et services, aux sponsors,...Utiliser les meilleures techniques pour crer et dvelopper une chane YouTubeAmliorez votre chane YouTube, obtenez plus de vues et d'abonns, et gagnez plus d'argent !Quel que soit votre niveau d'exprience ou le type d'appareil photo que vous utilisez, ce cours approfondi est conu pour vous fournir tout ce dont vous avez besoin pour lancer une chane YouTube succs.Que vous souhaitiez crer une chane pour promouvoir votre entreprise, enseigner une comptence ou simplement partager l'histoire de votre vie par le biais de vlogs, en comprenant ce qui fait le succs d'une chane YouTube, vous pouvez reproduire et obtenir plus de vues, plus d'abonns et gagner de l'argent par vous-mme. Ce cours vous montre exactement comment le faire.Contenu et vue d'ensembleCe cours vise enseigner aux nouveaux YouTubers ce qu'il faut faire pour crer de superbes vidos et en tirer profit. La plupart des leons sont des tutoriels pratiques o nous vous expliquons non seulement ce qu'il faut faire pour russir, mais o je vous montre exactement comment le faire.Vous commencerez par les bases - les meilleures pratiques pour tous les YouTubers. Ces conseils vous permettront de vous mettre dans l'tat d'esprit d'un YouTuber.Vous apprendrez utiliser la plateforme YouTube. Vous crerez un compte, vous serez reconnu comme partenaire de YouTube et vous saurez comment naviguer dans le Creator Studio.Vous apprendrez ensuite raliser de superbes vidos avec du matriel professionnel et conomique. Vous apprendrez raliser de superbes vidos avec n'importe quel appareil photo, enregistrer de superbes fichiers audio, clairer des vidos avec un quipement de bricolage bon march et monter des vidos de manire efficace.Aprs avoir appris crer de superbes vidos, vous apprendrez les publier sur votre chane YouTube avec des titres, des descriptions et des balises qui sont faciles rfrencer et qui vous permettront d'obtenir le plus grand nombre de vues. Vous apprendrez mme concevoir et tlcharger une vignette personnalise qui augmentera le nombre de vos visites. Vous apprendrez d'autres stratgies d'optimisation pour obtenir le plus grand nombre de vues et d'abonns.En apprenant utiliser l'analyse des stats, vous saurez quelles vidos fonctionnent et quelles vidos ne fonctionnent pas. Cela vous aidera dvelopper rapidement votre chane YouTube grce la cration intelligente de vidos - ne ralisez que les vidos que vous savez qui fonctionnent.Enfin, vous apprendrez comment gagner de l'argent avec YouTube. Vous apprendrez gagner de l'argent avec vos vidos YouTube de plusieurs faons, notamment grce la publicit, YouTube Red, aux produits numriques et physiques, au parrainage et au financement. la fin de ce cours, vous disposerez d'une chane YouTube dont vous serez fier. Vous raliserez des vidos de haute qualit que votre public aimera. Vous aurez de plus en plus d'abonns pour renforcer votre marque. Et vous gagnerez de l'argent grce votre chane YouTube.Grce notre garantie de remboursement pendant 30 jours, rien ne vous empche de vous lancer dans l'aventure ds maintenant et d'essayer le cours.Allez-y, cliquez sur le bouton d'inscription, et je vous vois dans la premire leon !"
Price: 199.99

"Learn to create WebXR, VR and AR, experiences using Three.JS" |
"WebXR brings both VR and AR to the browser. The API has the massive forces of Google and Amazon behind it so it looks like immersive experiences, using only a browser, are going to make a huge impact in the near future. WebXR works great in the Oculus headsets and the Chrome Android browser is already supporting the API for both AR and VR experiences. But WebXR only harnesses the sensors on a mobile device and creates an agreed definition of how to use this data. To actually visualise 3D content you need a WebGL library and there is no better one to use than Three.JS. This mature Open Source library has many users around the globe and is supported by many developers. Three.JS is at version 118 at the time of writing and is a robust, production ready library. Recently WebXR support was added to the library. Making it easy for developers to create immersive experiences. In this course you'll learn how easy it is, using Three.JS, to create VR and AR experiences. To get the best from the course you will need to be comfortable with JavaScript coding. No other prerequisites are required. The course is split into 10 sections. Introduction - I introduce the history of WebXR, give you a basic primer for those of you new to 3D concepts and show you the Three.JS website and the WebXR examples. A Three.JS Primer - is for Three.JS novices to bring you up to speed on the library. An introduction to WebXR using Three.JS - we look in earnest at your development environment and create our first WebXR examples. Using complex assets with Three.JS - most things you create for immersive experiences will need complex assets and sourcing, editing, loading and working with them is the subject of section 4. The WebXR API - gives a review of the WebXR API. Creating an Architectural Walk-Through - in section 6 we start to create real world examples of immersive content with an architectural walk-through. Placing a Product in a Room - WebXR lends itself to showing real products in a persons home and that is the topic for section 7. Using WebXR for games - VR is perfect for games and we look at the basic ingredients of a game using WebXR in this section. Using WebXR for training - covers the important topic of using VR for training. Conclusion - we look at some WebXR examples to inspire you and review what youve learnt. The only tools you'll need are a code editor, in the course I use Brackets, freely available online. The course includes comprehensive resources and code examples. Each code example comes with two versions, one for you to code along with and another that is complete in case you hit a problem. I show you how to use github to host your development work on a secure server so you can easily test your work on a headset, such as an Oculus QuestIts going to be fun.You get a 30 day money back guarantee, so you're nothing to lose, go virtual today."
Price: 79.99

"PgMP- 2 Complete Practice Exams (PgMP 4th Edition)" |
"THIS IS NOT A COURSE, THIS IS ONLY EXAM PRACTICE QUESTIONS.The PgMP - 2 Complete Exams contains two complete PgMP exams, each has 170 questions, created based on The Standard for Program Management Fourth Edition"".Each exam has four hours to answer the given 170 questions. After you finish the exam and get your score, you can review the question answers to get help and define your weak points that you should recover.The question answer includes the nearest reference in the The Standard for Program Management Fourth Edition to the question subject.The % of Questions from each domain are similar to the real exam.This is a hand picked questions resembling the real exam. THIS IS NOT A COURSE, THIS IS ONLY EXAM PRACTICE QUESTIONS.Practice Test Instructions:You can pause the test at any time and resume later.You can retake the test as many times as you would like.The progress bar at the top of the screen will show your progress as well as the time remaining in the test. If you run out of time, dont worry; you will still be able to finish the test.You can skip a question to come back to at the end of the exam.You can also use Mark for Review to come back to questions you are unsure about before you submit your test.If you want to finish the test and see your results immediately, press the stop button."
Price: 64.99

"BitCoin : Crypto Trader PRO" |
"Ces dernires annes, nous vivons une sorte de rvolutionavec le boom des cryptomonnaies et du coup, De plus en plus de personnes souhaitent apprendre trader ces crypto-monnaies qui sont trs lucratifs mme en temps de crise de l'conomie traditionnelle.Mais il faut tout de mme faire attention une chose qui va en fait guider tes actions et surtout viter de t'embourber dans la tonne d'informations sur le sujet, car tu sauras exactement quoi faire sans perdre du temps. En effet, il y a 2 types d'approches stratgiques qu'il faut considrer avant de te lancerdans les cryptomonnaies, il faut faire la diffrence entre :- Premirement : Linvestissement moyen long terme en crypto-monnaies qui permet deffectuer des gains sur plusieurs mois voire annes en procdant comme a quelques oprations seulement par semaine.A ct de a, il y a la stratgie du trading de crypto-monnaies. Cette deuxime permet de faire des bnfices grce lachat et la revente de crypto-monnaie dans un court laps de temps (quelques minutes plusieurs heures) en appliquant des stratgie de ""day trading"" ou de "" swing trading"" en prenant quand mme pas mal de risques, ce qui justifie les gains levs.Dans cette formation, nous allons traiter justement du trading des crypto.et dans la vido suivante nous tu vas justement apprendre le faire pas pas. Le but est de mettre en place un co-systme pour maximiser les gains en prenant le moins de risque possible.C'est une formation Complte, qui couvre tous les aspects de A Z;Sans aucun prrequis technique;Dans un langage extrmement simplifi;C'est une formation sous forme Tutorielle simple qui est tout fait Adapte pour le particulier dbutant, mais aussi initi qui veut une approche structure, solide et prenne dans le temps;Qui ne ncessite surtout pas de sixime sens.Concrtement, il y a 5 + 1 modules que je vais dtailler ici afin que tu te rendes comptes rellement des bnfices que tu vas en tirer.Module 1 : Les FondamentauxC'est l'incontournable partie theorique qui va te permettre de bien comprendre ceque c'est qu'une cryptomonnaie, une blockchain, un mineur, les principales crypto sur le marchBrf que tout cela devienne familier pour toi afin que tu agisses en toute connaissance et sans complexe.Tu verras notament les 5 principales raisons pour lesquelles tu dois considrer srieusement les crypto comme une vritable solution pour investir sur la dure. Module 2 : Ce qu'il faut absolument faire avant mme de commencerJe te livre ici, les vritables secrets de trader rguliers qui vont te permettrede d'agir comme un pro, mme si tu es un vritable dbutant.Module 3 : Stratgie d'investissementIci, tu vas dcouvrir les 2 seules approches et surtout celle qui te permettra de maximiser tes gains tout en limitant les risques, voire les anantir. Module 4 : Comment faire du crypto trading ? Guide completC'est un module pratico pratique. Je te prends par la main depuisle choix du broker en toute scurit, jusqu' passer tes ordres d'achat de crypto monnaies.Et surtout je te montre aussiComment t'assurer une protection 100% efficace si le cours venait chuter ou si tu te trompe ?Comment prendre tes bnfices automatiquement mme si tu n'tes pas prsent devant ton cran ?Et aussi la rgle obligatoire mais simple respecter quand tu interviens en bourse. Attention, ne pas en tenir compte peut te faire perdre compltement ta mise. Je te montrerai alors l'astuce pour t'entrainer et te tester d'abord, sans dpenser le moindre centime, histoire de bien rder le systme avant de commencer investir pour de vrai.Et donc viter de perdre ton argent simplement cause de ton inexprience.C'est un vritable tuto guid, avec des vido courtes, pour que tu puisse retrouverles information rapidement. Tu n'as qu' me suivre Et la fin de se module tu es compltement autonome pour acheter et vendre des bitcoins comme si tu n'as fait que a toute ta vie.Module 5 : Analyse techniqueLanalyse technique (AT) vous permet danticiper les hausses et les baisses des cryptos grce des indicateurs techniques pour y percevoir une tendance et ainsi miser au bon moment.Je te donnerai aussi une une mthode complte pour faire de l'analyse technique ton principalalli pour trader en toute confiance.MOdule bonus : Rponses aux Questions ImportantesPour finir et tre sur que tu as vraiment tout pour trader avec susccs sur les crypto, je vais rpondre aux questions frquentes que me posentles gens qui se lancent dans l'investissement sur les crypto.Il est fort probable que tu te pose les mmes questions et donc j'ai fait ce module entier pour tout clarifier.Tu l'auras compris, on reprend tout depuis zro jusqu' ce que tu sois compltement l'aisepour trader en toute connaissance et donc sans risque incontrl!Ce programme unique t'offre toutes les cls pour tre autonome la fin de la formation."
Price: 99.99

"Fiori Analysis" |
"SAP Fiori is a new user experience (UX) for SAP software and applications. It provides a set of applications that are used in regular business functions like work approvals, financial apps, calculation apps and various self-service apps.SAP Fiori provides 300+ role-based applications like HR, Manufacturing, finance, etc. When you open the SAP Fiori home page application, you will see a picture of the flowers. It is because Fiori means flowers in Italian."
Price: 19.99

"Advertise on Facebook as a Pro: Learn about Campaign Types" |
"Join Rita Zinger for this brand-new class on Facebook Advertising. You don't have to be a marketer, it's clear and right to the point. In this class, you will learn:How to set up different campaign types on FacebookWhat's the difference between each campaign on FacebookWhich campaign to choose for your goalIt is the perfect class for someone who is struggling to get good results with Facebook advertising and even became disappointed in it. We'll learn different campaign types in order to improve your marketing strategy and reach your goals. You won't spend money on Campaigns that do not work anymore.By the end of this class, you will have a new ability that helps you to execute your marketing plan in no time. You won't spend your money on advertising that does not work anymore! Reasons to TAKE THIS COURSE right now!Lifetime access to all lectures!Certificate upon completion by UdemyOnline support for any question Everything that you will learn in this course is original and tested!"
Price: 19.99

"CCNA IN HINDI Cisco CCNA 200-301 full course with real lab" |
"Welcome to the New CISCO CCNA 200-301 Complete course in Hindi.This is a Cisco CCNA in Hindi course. Here, you will learn everything from the beginning. I know many people don't know anything about networking, If you are too one of them, then do not worry, this course covers both the fundamentals of networking as well as all the topics in the new Cisco CCNA 200-301 exam and even more than that.This course helps you prepare for the newest CCNA 200-301 exam. This is your first step towards attaining your Cisco certifications.This course is unlike other CISCO CCNA courses as it contains:A large amount of practical video content with detailed explanations.You will get access to all the labs, notes, and commands that we are going create in this course. So that you can practice offline at your home.Software - Networking Plus, where you can easily practice CCNA 200-301 Quiz, Interview questions, etc that will help you to prepare for the exam.Ask yourself these questions:Are you ready and prepared for the labs in the new Cisco CCNA 200-301 lab exam?Are you able to troubleshoot Cisco networks?Are you confident with your ability to configure networks as required by Cisco to pass the CCNA?Answer:This course helps you prepare for the exam and gain the confidence to pass the exam!There are many topologies and many labs in this courseFeel free to take a look at the course description and some of the sample free videos.You will get many videos in the future that will help you to up-to-date with the industry.I look forward to seeing you on the inside! #CCNA_200_301 #CISCO_CCNA #CCNA #CCNA_IN_HINDI"
Price: 19.99

"Video Marketing for beginners" |
"I am Vathani Ariyam, the author of this online course, Video Marketing for beginners; it shows you how to create videos for the first time.Ideally, a business should promote using videos, as this is the best marketing strategy currently. Most people worry about creating a video, but there is no reason for it, not a daunting task, and will not cost you a lot of money.The main reason for marketers to create more videos helps to boost the business as most people like to spend their time watching videos rather than reading articles about your products or services. It is crucial to create videos for your business because your competitors use more videos to promote their business.When you start to create the videos for your business, you need to do market research and plan it well before you begin to create your videos. Further, we all become overwhelmed when we start to create videos, but soon we will come over it with constant practice.Video marketing gives you many benefits. It introduces you and your business. It will show as an expert in the field of your industry. Then you can use the services of SEO so that your video can rank quickly on the first page of Google search. Videos rank in hours, whereas articles take weeks to rate, thereby your business benefits.I have given step by step guide for creating a video for your business, a process of doing it, the equipment you need to make the videos, and last but not least, how to promote a video.I have been creating my videos; I wholeheartedly agree that you will be nervous at the start, but you will soon get over it, as you have to publish videos regularly. If you are a small business owner, this course will benefit you in many ways.Thank you for picking up my course, and I am sure the tips I have given will be of great use to you. If you like my system, please do not forget to leave; a useful review also needs help to clarify anything, please message me."
Price: 29.99

"Improve English from Intermediate to Advanced - Course 2" |
"Are you stuck at an intermediate English level? This course will help you move on and improve your English to an advanced level. It is relatively easy to achieve an intermediate level of English. However, many of those intermediate ESL students often face frustration when they try to improve their English skills further. This is the second of my English courses specifically targeted at intermediate level English students to help you:build your advanced vocabulary (collocations, idioms, phrasal verbs, expressions, etc)use English grammar rules like a nativeget familiar with different English accentspractice your pronunciation and intonationand finally, take your English to an advanced levelTopics we will focus on in my From Intermediate to Advanced English Course 2:ways of talking about future eventsEnglish quantifiersbusiness negotiationsintroducing items in a business meetingAmerican slang expressionshow to talk about the present and future possibilitiestopical phrasal verbsexpressions with make and douse of modal verbs for possibilitiesAND MORE!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~What will you get in my course?~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~5 practical English lessons based on specific video episodesover 150 advanced English words, collocations and expressions in context with detailed examplestranscripts of all episodesinteractive exercises and quizzesvocabulary and grammar rules cheat sheetslifetime access to course materialsfuture updates***Please message me if you have any questions about Improve English from Intermediate to Advanced - Course 2.***"
Price: 64.99

"German B2 - Upper Intermediate German" |
"Learn German from an experienced German teacher!The course begins with an introduction to the easier part of German B2 grammar and goes step by step further into the subject. This course is taught exclusively in German (with English and German subtitles).In addition to the 43 grammar lessons, this course also contains videos about German idioms, tongue twisters (pronunciation), mnemonics, how to get rid of learning blocks, German quotations, dictations, related words and exams.There is also a question marathon in which you test whether you still have gaps from the previous language levels.In general, this is a very interactive course where you will also learn advanced vocabulary for the B2 level.Goals:Become competent in German B2 grammar Learn more about the German culture through idioms and quotes Receive valuable tips on how to learn German more efficiently Learn the B2 vocabulary You will learn the following: Grammar:Futur II Nominalisierung von Verben mit Nomen Adjektive mit Prpositionen Modale Zusammenhnge verbal & nominal Nomen mit Prpositionen Erweitertes Partizip I & II dass Stze Adversativstze Zweiteilige Konnektoren Negation durch Vor- und Nachsilben Partizip I als Nomen Mittelfeld im Hauptsatz - tekamolo Indirekte Rede als ob Konditionale Zusammenhnge Fugenelement ""s"" bei Nomen Konzessive Zusammenhnge nominal & verbal Zustandspassiv von und durch Wortbildung - Vorsilben bei Nomen Alternativen zum Passiv Generalisierende Relativstze Feste Verbindungen von Nomen und Verben Subjektlose Passivstze Konsekutive Zusammenhnge Feste Nomen-Prposition-Verbindungen Indefinitpronomen Kausale Zusammenhnge Verweiswrter im Text Nachsilben bei Adjektiven Uneingeleitete wenn-Stze Vergleichsstze Temporale Zusammenhnge Subjektive Bedeutung des Verbes ""sollen"" Wortbildung -weise bei Adverbien das Verb lassen Verbverbindungen Konditionalstze Wunschstze Bonus:German idioms how to get rid of learning blocks German quotes Dictations Exams mnemonics Tongue twisters related words This course is for all students who are learning German and have already completed language the level B1.If you are not familiar with the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages; Here is a quick overview:A1 - Complete BeginnerA2 - basic levelB1 - intermediate levelB2 - Upper intermediate levelC1 - advancedC2 - competentI hope to see you soon as a new student in my course!Enroll in this course now!"
Price: 99.99

"Treinamento para Aprender Melhor" |
"Por que voc estuda, estuda, estuda e no consegue aprender?Por que voc no consegue estudar?Sou de Humanas! Sou de Exatas! Voc tambm usa esta desculpa para defender a sua dificuldade?Neste curso voc alm de aprender como acelerar sua aprendizagem e a evitar ciladas que interferem diretamente em sua performance estudantil, ter ainda como bnus contedo do treinamento de Controle Emocional. claro, que poder ainda contar com as atualizaes que sero inseridas de tempos em tempos, para que o seu aproveitamento e a nossa entrega sejam alinhadas com o propsito de obter sempre os melhores resultados.Vamos nessa!"
Price: 39.99

time-management-for-freelancer |
Price: 9000.00

"Enerji Ynetimi" |
"Bir kuruluta Enerji Ynetim Sistemi kuruluunun detayl olarak gerekletirilmesi, planlama, uygulama, kontrol etme, denetim ilemleri, dkmantasyon, enerji verimlilii ile ilgili temel kavramlar, enerji verimlilii salayacak yntemler ve aklamalar, enerji ynetimi ile ilgili ok geni bir dkman arivi ve gerekli dosyalar detayl bir ekilde anlatlacak aklnzda hi bir soru iareti kalmayacaktr.unu ok ak belirtmeliyim ki bu eitim size Enerjiyi Ynetmeyi tm detaylar anlatacak bu yn ile sadece bir 50001 :2011 veya 50001:2018 eitimi deildir."
Price: 409.99

"Business, start-up, entrepreneur: Insights, tips and reports" |
"Are you interested in knowing more about the successful business and startup?Do you want to know about how these business operate and are on track of building great companies?Some of business and industry unknown facts you may wish to know about?So, here we present before you this video series where we bring before you about business real facts and happenings all around the globe.It covers about the businesses who are making their mark in the industry.It shows you the latest tips and techniques that will help in thriving your business.These latest real business insights video series is a must for you if you want to keep update with the latest business happenings around the world.So, if you are still unsure or in doubt, Udemy has a refund guarantee period.So, what are you waiting for now?Click the enrol button and we are eager to see you in!!"
Price: 19.99

okenglish |
"+++father, mother, child, family This is a book. ...--2021--? (1)(2) My monthly salary starts from NT$30,000 to NT$36,000. I receive a monthly salary in the range of NT$30,000 to NT$36,000. In my family, I am the external boss and my wife is the internal boss. In my family I am the breadwinner while my wife is the caregiver.() I am suffering from the effects of too little sleep.The museum worth to visit. (worthto visit)The museum is worth visiting.We against the new policy. ()We are against the new policy.against= We oppose the new policy.oppose= We are opposed to the new policy.opposedBecause of it was raining yesterday, so I went to work by bus. Because of raining yesterday, I went to work by bus. = Because it was raining yesterday, I went to work by bus.= It was raining yesterday, so I went to work by bus.because of because!"
Price: 1200.00

"Cute Kawaii Drawing Course for Beginners" |
"Learn the art of drawing kawaii and have fun. Learn in a simple way to make cute and fun drawings in the most varied Kawaii styles. Accompany your sons who like to draw and learn and make cute and fun drawings together. In this course you will develop the skills you will need to get the confidence you need to design your own kawaii and cute characters."
Price: 49.99

qualitymanagement |
"9001:2015 : 9001:2015 . . . ."
Price: 149.99

"A Responsabilidade de Scios em Empresas Brasileiras" |
"Neste curso, o aluno aprender todas as regras de obrigaes e responsabilidade de scios nas diversas modalidades de empresas existentes no Brasil, bem como, aprender como se d a desconsiderao da pessoa jurdica e quais as regras especficas de responsabilidade solidria dos scios por dvidas tributrias, trabalhistas e com direito do comsumidor.Atualizado com as disposies da Lei n. 13.874/2019 (Lei da Liberdade Econmica) e da Lei n. 13.467/2017 (Reforma Trabalhista)Contedo Programtico das Aulas1. Definio de Responsabilidade Civila. Dano Moral e Dano Material2. Espcies de Responsabilidadea. Responsabilidade Solidriab. Responsabilidade Subsidiriac. Responsabilidade Subjetivad. Responsabilidade Objetiva3. Espcies de Sociedadesa. Empresrio Individualb. Sociedades de Responsabilidade Ilimitadac. Sociedades de Responsabilidade Mistad. Sociedades de Responsabilidade Limitada4. Regras de Responsabilidadea. Do Empresrio Individualb. Na Sociedade de Responsabilidade Ilimitada: Soc. Em Nome Coletivo)c. Na Sociedade de Responsabilidade Mista: Soc. Em Comandita Simples e em Comandita por Aes)d. Nas Sociedades de Responsabilidade Limitada:i. Sociedade Limitadaii. Sociedade Annimaiii. Soc. Individual Limitadaiv. Empresa de Responsabilidade Limitadae. Na Sociedade Comum5. A sada e Excluso de Scios6. A Responsabilidade da Sociedade com o scio retirante7. A responsabilidade do scio retirante com a empresa8. Responsabilidade Solidria de Sciosa. Causas de Corresponsabilidade dos sciosb. Desconsiderao da Personalidade Jurdicac. Incidente de Desconsiderao da Pessoa Jurdica9. Regras especficas de corresponsabilidade dos sciosa. Responsabilidade por dvidas tributriasb. Responsabilidade por obrigaes trabalhistasc. Responsabilidade por obrigaes com consumidores8. Aula de Concluso e Jurisprudncia.9. Apostila em PDF para Downloado"
Price: 69.99

onlinesalon_automation |
Price: 19800.00

"Insta Rvolution-Russir sur Instagram en 2020" |
"Dans ce cours tu vas apprendre bien utiliser Instagram.Instagram est la plateforme utiliser pour les entrepreneurs du web.Dans ce cours je t'offre en bonus ma formation Insta Reels qui est la seule et unique formation sur les reels d'Instagram, l'outil lanc par Instagram pour concurrencer TikTok.Si tu veux tirer le plein potentiel d'Instagram ce cours est parfait pour toi."
Price: 29.99

"Traefik Edge Router Course" |
"Traefik is an open-source reverse proxy written in GO and marketed as an Edge Router. It supports automatic TLS and HTTP/2 by default and other cloud native features. In this course, I want to discuss Traefik as a reverse proxy and load balancer and also Enable full HTTPS on it."
Price: 199.99

"The Ultimate Content Marketing Course" |
"Learn a cutting edge content marketing processUse our content marketing master document and blog post template to ensure you are following the blog post process correctly every timeUnderstand content marketing best practices and tips so you can optimize your process quicklyHow this course is arranged:Part 1: Introduction and Course OverviewWe'll teach you my cutting edge process for content marketing so you can grow your organic traffic and increase growth and revenue at your company. We'll give you my master content marketing document which is a dedicated process for strategizing, researching, managing, and creating the best content on the planet.Why should I learn about content marketing?Content marketing is one of the highest impact growth channels you can pursue for your company to increase growth and revenue. It increases your authority and trust with the customer and it gives you a steady stream of evergreen traffic which brings you high-quality relevant business leads over time. We'll teach you our process, give you our documents, templates, and tips, and teach you how to write the best content on the planet with our secret tips and process.Do I need any experience or related skills to complete this?All you will need is access to a computer. We will provide all the necessary documents for you to organize and execute your sales process.What is included in the certification materials?We will provide you access to all the documents and high definition video walkthroughs that cover the document topics. Part 2: Master Content Marketing DocumentOur master content marketing document is our secret process for our beginning to end content marketing strategy. You can organize your entire implementation strategy in one place to understand how you are performing over time. We give you our templates and guidance on what to do and not do and what to focus on key parts of the process so you can get up to speed and start your content marketing process immediately.Why do I need to understand how to implement a content marketing process?Content marketing is one of the most crucial growth channels of any company or business. If don't correctly, you can count on it to supply you a steady supply of leads for the life of the business.Part 2: Writing Our First Blog PostWe're going to turn you into a writer and designer. You heard me correctly. We'll give you our blueprint for writing the top content on the planet. I am not a natural content writer, but using our process and template, we simplify what you have to do every time based on a few key criteria which we teach in this course. You'll also learn our favorite tool for turning any failed artist into a blog imagery design genius so you can turn boring old blog posts into some of the best content on the internet.Why do I need to understand how to write and design great content?The internet is so competitive with content that you have to be the best of the best in order to stand out. We give you the process we use to simplify how to be the best written and designed content on the web."
Price: 19.99

"Japons para principiantes. El mtodo completo. Nivel 1" |
"Aprende todo el japons necesario para aprobar los exmenes oficiales: Gramtica, escritura, lectura, audios...todo lo necesario lo tienes en este completsimo curso que adems incluye ejercicios de todo tipo para reforzar lo aprendido, as como recursos gratuitos.Por qu no me das la oportunidad de ensearte un japons directo, til que enriquecer tu vida tanto personal como profesional?"
Price: 19.99

"Japons para principiantes. El mtodo completo. Nivel 2" |
"Aprende todo el japons necesario para aprobar los exmenes oficiales: Gramtica, escritura, lectura...todo lo necesario lo tienes en este completsimo curso que adems incluye ejercicios de todo tipo para reforzar lo aprendido, as como recursos gratuitos. Por qu no me das la oportunidad de ensearte un japons directo, til que enriquecer tu vida tanto personal como profesional?"
Price: 19.99

"C# para Iniciantes: Aprenda Programao de C# do zero" |
"Ol,Bem-vindo ao Curso C# para Iniciantes: Aprenda Programao de C# do zero.Voc quer aprender C# mas no tem nenhuma experincia? Nosso curso fundamentos de C# para iniciantes o lugar perfeito para voc comear. Nesse curso a gente explicou C# .NET para te dar tudo que voc precisa para poder usar C#.Codifique com C# hoje!Inscreva-se e domine os fundamentos do C # e da programao com o framework .NET, porque voc vai ter muitas opes sua frente. Voc pode escolher construir aplicativos mveis ou mudar de emprego e trabalhar como desenvolvedor web. A gente quer que voc saiba que quando voc conhece bem os fundamentos, mais fcil mudar de tecnologias. por isso que voc est num timo lugar para comear com C#.Todos meus alunos vo ter a chance de aprender no apenas as definies, mas tambm as razes e as maneiras de fazer.que voc vai aprender?Programao de C# e Caractersticas de C#Visual Studio IDEAplicativo de ConsoleVariveisTipos Primitivos e Tipos No PrimitivosExpresses de Controle de FluxoArrays e ListasManuseio de erros e DepuraoFunesArquivo de leituraEscrevendo para ArquivoDateTimePor que voc iria gostar de fazer este curso?Nossa resposta simples: A qualidade do ensino.Ao se inscrever voc vai sentir o conhecimento de desenvolvedores experientes da OAK Academy.Nenhum conhecimento prvio necessrio!No necessrio nenhum conhecimento prvio para aprender e o C# fcil de entender para os iniciantes.Este curso comea com o bsico. Primeiro, voc vai aprender a instalar as ferramentas e algumas terminologias. Em seguida, o show vai comear e voc vai aprender tudo com a prtica. Tambm vou te ensinar as melhores prticas e atalhos.Passo a passo, simples e fcil com exercciosAo final do curso, voc vai ter um conhecimento slido da linguagem C# e insights valiosos sobre como as coisas funcionam nos bastidores e tambm vai estar muito confiante nos princpios bsicos de codificao e desenvolvimento de jogos e desejoso de aprender mais. A boa notcia que, como as ferramentas gratuitas e populares so usadas, voc no precisa comprar nenhuma ferramenta ou aplicativo.Qualidade de produo de vdeo e udioTodos os nossos vdeos so criados / produzidos como vdeo e udio de alta qualidade para fornecer a voc a melhor experincia de aprendizado.Voc vai,Ver com clarezaOuvir com clarezaSe mover pelo curso sem distraesVoc tambm vai ter:Acesso vitalcio ao CursoApoio Rpido & Amigvel na seo de perguntas e respostasCertificado da Udemy de Concluso pronta para DownloadMergulhe agora!A gente oferece a voc total apoio, respondendo todas as perguntas.Te vejo no Curso!"
Price: 199.99

"CFA / FRM - Derivatives a detailed preparation guide" |
"This course covers options, forward contracts, futures contracts, and swaps. By the end of this course you will have a good knowledge of how these contracts work, how they are used, and how they are priced. Individuals who are skilled at analyzing derivatives are in great demand in New York, London and other financial centers throughout the world."
Price: 49.99

"Atelier Manipulation Photo Isomtrique sur Photoshop CC" |
"Dans ce nouvel atelier ddi la manipulation photo sur Photoshop, vous allez raliser un montage photo en 3D isomtrique. Pour cela, vous allez suivre une procdure balise faisant appel diverses techniques afin d'obtenir le rendu attenu.A la fin de cet atelier, vous serez capable en reproduisant le mme workflow, de crer vos propres rendus isomtriques avec vos propres rglages visuels.Cet atelier pas pas s'adresse aux dbutants ayant tout de mme quelques bases dans l'utilisation de photoshop.Si vous tes curieux d'en savoir plus, je vous dis tout de suite dans cet atelier cratif."
Price: 24.99

"Raliser en partant de 0 un Impact de Tir sur After Effects" |
"Dans cet atelier After Effects, vous allez raliser en partant de 0 un impact de tir et de la fume entirement conu dans After Effects et apprendre intgrer ces lments dans une vido live.Vous apprendrez ainsi mobiliser et adapter diffrents outils et effets expliqus durant l'atelier afin d'obtenir les effets attendus. A la fin de cet atelier, vous serez capable de raliser votre petite librairie d'impacts customiss et de les intgrer dans vos propres vidos.Ce tuto pas pas s'adresse aux dbutants ayant des connaissances basiques dans l'interface du logiciel.Il est ralis sur After Effect CC mais est compatible avec la version CS6.Pour toutes questions avant, pendant ou aprs l'atelier, je suis votre disposition dans l'espace d'entraide.Si vous voulez apprendre impacter vos squences d'action vido simplement, je vous dis de suite dans cet atelier."
Price: 19.99

"Le niveau ultime du Yoga : le Supra-Yogi" |
"Le programme du Supra-Yogi vous fera passer du niveau dbutant/modr celui d'intermdiaire. En seulement quelques semaines, vous deviendrez plus souple, plus fort.e, plus endurant.e, vous gagnerez en quilibre, en force mental, en confiance en vous, et vous aurez un corps plus harmonieux. La diffrence sera vidente pour les autres comme pour vous tel point que tout le monde voudra connatre votre secret."
Price: 59.99

"Kali - Filipino Martial Arts : Program 5" |
"All the requirements for basic level 2 in Kali - Filipino Martial Arts including;Single & Double StickSingle DaggerStick & DaggerEmpty HandsFootworkKali, also known as Arnis or Eskrima/Escrima, is the national martial art of the Philippines.The three are roughly interchangeable umbrella terms for the traditional martial arts of the Philippines (""Filipino Martial Arts"", or FMA), which emphasize weapon-based fighting with sticks, knives, bladed weapons, and various improvised weapons, as well as ""open hand"" techniques without weapons.Please practice the techniques in a safe manner."
Price: 34.99

9-mwvbzg |
" 9 , 7 3 E"
Price: 2400.00
