"Learn to Trade Option Spreads for Income SIMPLE AND CLEAR" |
"What makes this option trading course different is that we take it step-by-step, will show you explicitly what is done to generate income regularly from option spreads. The focus is on Simplicity and Clarity. We start off with clear explanations and examples each step of the way, and then move on to show you step by step how we would actually do it live on a trading account online.We'll cover: The most common types of options spreads that are usedCREDIT and DEBIT spreadsA quick review of some basic but important option trading termsA Clear introduction to option credit spreads and debit spreads are and why they are so usefulHow to put together an option credit or debit spread for a stock you think will be going up or staying flat, OR going down or staying flatMultiple step by step examples where we put together a real option credit and debit spread based on actual stock and option table informationWell also be looking at some situations where instead of spending huge amounts of cash to buy a call or put option, we use an option debit spread to invest in the same direction but using just 10% of the moneyWell cover important things to keep in mind when trading option spreads, as we approach the expiration dateAnd then well look at executions of an option credit and debit spreads using my live online broker account, recorded in real time!As we know, the future stock price for any company we want to invest in can only go a few different ways:-more or less flat,-a little bit up or a little bit down, -significantly up or significantly down... Option Spread investing allows us to make profits in all of these outcomes."
Price: 39.99

"How to Start a Successful Drop Servicing Business" |
"Drop servicing is known as the ""profiting off the difference in price from one service provider to another."" It's one of the simplest businesses to start, is super easy to implement for beginners, and can be widely profitable without much time invested on your part.If you can drop service effectively, you can scale an Online Business that helps other businesses and entrepreneurs, provides jobs to service providers, and puts money in your pocket (without you having to provide the service or trade your time for money).Service-based Businesses like this are perfect because they...Require 0 money to startRequire 0 investment for the life of the BusinessRequire 0 risk on your partAre 100% profitCan be started immediatelyOn top of that, drop servicing allows you to get all of those benefits, but without you having to be the one that wastes time providing the service. It truly is one of the most innovative and new ways anyone can make money from home.Name another Business that can claim all of those things... it doesn't exist.Sound to good to be true? I challenge you to enroll and see just how you can start a successful drop servicing business today.All you need is a computer, internet access, and a desire to learn how."
Price: 199.99

"How To Launch Your Online Course For Beginners" |
"Knowing the best online tools and marketing techniques are the keys to creating a financially successful online course.Launching an online course does not have to be difficult. With the help of this guide, you will learn key aspects of a successful online course launch.You will learn beginner-friendly tools and tips, gain key insights on course design, creation, editing, and launching.Topics covered:3 Best Ways to Record and Publish Your Online Course3 Things to Avoid When Launching an Online Course5 Things You Should Know Before Launching Your Online Course6-Step Pre-Launch Course Checklist7 Steps to Create and launch Your Online CourseHow to Choose the Best Course ContentHow to Make Money with Your Online CourseTop 3 Best Ways to Market Your Online CourseTop 5 Best Tips for Launching Your Online CourseTop 5 Best Tools for Creating an Online Course"
Price: 99.99

"3 Pasos para crear exito pensar, meditar y actuar" |
"Bienvenidos a mi nuevo curso los tres pasos para crear exito Pensar, Meditar Y Actuar Es un curso desarrollado para quienes an no han descubierto su potencial ilimitado y la forma de usarlo para crear el exito real.Espero que estos tres pasos te ayuden a evolucionar y cambiar viejas costumbres por nuevos hbitos que te proyectan a la creacin del exito.Es un curso simple que podras disfrutar completamente gratis por tiempo limitado asi que descubre como pensar, meditar y actuar para crear exito."
Price: 19.99

"Aprenda a Pregar Mensagens Bblicas" |
"O curso Aprenda a Pregar Mensagens Bblicas foi preparado para conduzir voc por uma jornada fantstica na arte da pregao. Vamos comear pela compreenso do texto bblico em seu contexto original, passar pela interpretao da mensagem para os dias atuais at chegarmos ao momento de comunicar a mensagem para o pblico. Deus continua chamando pessoa para anunciarem o Evangelho de Jesus Cristo ao mundo. ""Porque 'todo aquele que invocar o nome do Senhor ser salvo'. Como, pois, invocaro aquele em quem no creram? E como crero naquele de quem no ouviram falar? E como ouviro, se no houver quem pregue?"" (Romanos 10:13,14).Se Deus est chamando voc para pregar a Sua Palavra, ento, o mnimo que voc deve fazer ouvir e se preparar!"
Price: 399.99

"Logic Pro X 10.5" |
"In this course we explore the exciting new features in the Logic Pro X 10.5 update.Topics include:The Live Loops GridThe Step SequencerThe Sampler, Quick Sampler and Auto Sampler instrumentsThe Drum Machine Designer UpdateThe new Drum Synth InstrumentThe New Remix FXThe New Logic Remote App fro iPhone and iPadThis course is for Logic Pro X users who want to get up to speed with the new features."
Price: 19.99

YouTube |
"2020 YouTube - , , . () YouTube - . - , . , . , , YouTube YouTube. YouTube ( YouTube )."
Price: 199.99

"Vestacp Installation and configuration" |
"I know if you have a website you always think about hosting and the expensive prices of different hosting providers or you may have a high traffic website that you can't find great hosting that can handle your website traffic. so you're coming to the right course. in this course, I am going to show you how can you purchase your own server with your needs like RAM and CPU capacity you will need and then configure and install it for hosting your website on that. I forgot to say the whole work we're going to do is free of charge because we're going to use an open-source control panel which is one of the best alternatives to Cpanel or DirectAdmin and has all the features they have.you will learn how to make your own web hosting or your own WordPress managed hosting with all the access you need to it like SSH access or Wp-cli which are limited in most hosting providers and the one which provides those are very expensive.If you want to learn more about Vestacp watch the introduction video or visit Vestacp website"
Price: 19.99

"BigBlueButton & Jitsi Installation & Configuration" |
"Today, video conferencing technology has a wide audience. Virtual audio and video conferences provide the ability to talk to people in different places without the need to move people. This technology is especially suitable for business users in different cities or even different countries. Because it saves time, money and hassle related to business travel.Today, the use of video conferencing has increased and includes such things as holding daily meetings, negotiating and doing business, interviewing people, teaching and virtual education, and so on.In this short course, we will learn how to set up Jitsi and BigBlueButton on a private server so that you can use this technology in a personalized way. You can set up a video conferencing service on the main domain of your website to chat with your staff or teach your students. Both services are open source and you can customize the service depending on your needs.The result of the courseAfter this course, you can easily set up the Jitsi and BigBlueButton video conferencing service on your own domain."
Price: 19.99

"Let's make a stuffed fox (jointed fabric doll)" |
"In this course we will make a stuffed fox with simple joints.This project is designed to be done in your free time and relax by sewing, it can be done without previous experience, but I must warn you that it is a bit like a textile puzzle, it has 31 pieces and it is a challenge that requires will and patience.For the base of the doll, I recommend using fabrics with little or no elasticity, the design is meant to be divided into three different colors or patterns, but it is important that the thickness and elasticity is similar between the three fabrics you choose.I will guide you while we prepare the patterns, mark and cut the fabric, and sew and fill the different parts of the body.I will teach you to sew the limbs so they can move, and you can decide if you prefer to put beads, buttons or use only thread.Finally, I will show you how I make six different types of faces, so you can choose the elements you like the most and give your fox a personal touch.To make your fox you will need: To print the pattern sheets that you will find in lesson 1Paper scissorsFabric scissorsClamps, clips or envelopes to group patternsPencils or markers visible on the fabricVarious fabrics for the base of the doll and the details of the faceThread, the amount and variety you need will depend on your designTwisted thread to sew the jointsA sewing needlePinsChopstick or fine brush Filling / waddingPliersButtons or baeads in case you want to use them"
Price: 19.99

"1Y0-731 Citrix NetScaler 8.0 Administration Practice Exam" |
"91 UNIQUE practice questions for 1Y0-731 Citrix NetScaler 8.0 Administration Practice ExamPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can atleast get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : 1Y0-731 Citrix NetScaler 8.0 Administration Practice ExamTotal Questions : 91Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :60 minsPassing Score : 75 (68 of 91)"
Price: 149.99

"Basic Martial art kung fu, Physical fitness, streching" |
"This course is good for learning basic martial art kung fu, fitness and streching exercise, cardio work out and weight loss. In this course student can learn basic martial art kicks, punches, stances & stomach exercise those who wants to do physical work out. we recommend all the people who want to begin physical/stretching exercise, basic martial arts kicks, punches and stances."
Price: 19.99

"Realidad aumentada: de bsico a master con UNITY y Vuforia." |
"Bienvenido al mundo de la realidad aumentada con UNITY!Si te entusiasma el tema aqu aprenders desde lo bsico hasta aplicaciones ms avanzadas con el uso de scripts.El curso incorpora tests para evaluar algunos de los conocimientos que vayas adquiriendo.Siempre contestar a tus consultas a la brevedad posible. Sintete libre de preguntar cualquier duda que tengas para los proyectos que se desarrollan en el curso o las aplicaciones relacionadas que desarrolles.En este curso desarrollamos proyectos bsicos y avanzados de realidad aumentada con la ayuda de diversos assests gratuitos del Assest Store de UNITY. Incorporamos interacciones con la realidad aumentada con VirtualButtons, adems de una aplicacin de instructor hologrfico de un sistema solar que puede ser manipulado en tamao y posicin.Se desarrollan proyectos con el reconocimiento de imgenes simples (image targets) y otros para mundo real como ground plane y MidAir para elementos suspendidos en el aire o voladores.Aprenders escaneo 3D con tu celular o tablet android y aplicar este modelo en tu base de datos de Vuforia para realidad aumentada. Desarrollamos un proyecto de SnowSpeeder.Adelante!"
Price: 19.99

"PG Diploma in Piping Design Engineering" |
"Welcome to this course. This course is designed to provide you entry-level knowledge of Piping Designing. You can find even more syllabus, is covered in this course than the standard PG Diploma in Piping Design Engineering. And if compare the cost, it cost you nothing as compared to a standard course.This Course is a perfect combination of theoretical study as well as practical work. You will Learn the use of your knowledge into practical work by some examples of exercises. Module 4,5,6,7 are coming soon.Besides, this course is designed by unique approaches like colors that are used in this course are set according to the level of difficulty of the topic. Like for easy topics, normal bright colors used that make the learning experience much pleasant. On the other hand for difficult topics, dark & intense colors are used that enhance human concentration.Application-based learning enhances the curiosity in the human mind to learn something, so this course is designed, at every step you will find the application of the topic or concept. Videos are small but the content is much in them, this makes you feel satisfied at the end.All these approaches are a result of several experiments, that I performed on my students to understand their different learning patterns.To learn more about the content in this course see the syllabus video."
Price: 12800.00

freelanc-dlia-webdesigner |
" , 1000$. . , . , ."
Price: 19.99

"Mobile DevOps: Release Xamarin Apps Automatically" |
"How much time do you spend every time you need to release a new version of your Xamarin app? Is it minutes, hours, or days?You need to:build the apptest to make sure it works properlycreate an IPA file, and make sure it works properlyupload it manually to the AppStore...and then repeat the same process for the Android version. In case you need to show it to QA before you submit, the process gets even longer.But what if there was a way to run this process automatically? Without you having to bother with all mentioned above?Wouldn't that be great? QA gets the beta version, they approve it, and the version is automatically released to production every single time.Luckily, this is possible.Enter Azure DevOps.Enter Mobile DevOps course.In the ""Mobile DevOps: Release Xamarin Apps Automatically"" course, I'm going to show you how to quickly and easily set up the automated build and release process, that will: Build both iOS and Android versions of your Xamarin app AUTOMATICALLY every time there is a change Run tests on every build, so that those sneaky bugs don't end up in the productionContinuously release BETA VERSIONS to your QA team, without you having to do anything about itAnd finally, how to push QA-approved versions of your Xamarin app directly to the APP STORES, much faster than before. So that customers can sooner enjoy your new features!I'm going to guide you step-by-step through the whole process, from start to finish. In a clear, and easy to understand way, you are going to learn how to set up your own release process, that will save you hours and hours of manual work in the years to come.""Mobile DevOps: Release Xamarin Apps Automatically"" course comes with 30 days money-back guarantee. If you don't like this course, just request a refund. No hard feelings. My goal is to make you a happy Xamarin developer who will know how to use Azure DevOps, so you can actually make the app build and release phases an easier process.With all that being said, click the enroll button and Ill see you inside!"
Price: 199.99

"Simulado - QualityStage Fundamentals Mastery Exam P2090-095" |
"Utilize esse simulado para se preparar para a certificao: IBM InfoSphere QualityStage Fundamentals Technical Mastery Test v1 (P2090-095).Simulados so nada mais do que um grupo de questes, relacionadas e bem parecidas com o exame original, com a funo de testar o seu conhecimento, sua velocidade de raciocnio e agilidade nas respostas. Alm disso os simulados acabam ensinando! Ao final da questo ter um comentrio relacionado a pergunta! Assim possvel testar o seu conhecimento e aprender ao mesmo tempo!Ser que a Certificao P2090-095 importante?A Certificao IBM InfoSphere QualityStage Fundamentals Technical Mastery Test ajuda os alunos a criarem credibilidade e confiana, validando sua experincia com uma credencial reconhecida pelo setor e ajuda as organizaes a identificar profissionais qualificados."
Price: 39.99

"GCP Professional Cloud Security Engineer - Exame prtico" |
"Use este exame prtico para se preparar para a certificao: Professional Cloud Security Engineer.Os simulados nada mais so do que um conjunto de questes, relacionados e muito semelhantes ao exame original, com a funo de testar seus conhecimentos, sua velocidade de raciocnio e agilidade nas respostas.Alm disso, o simulado acaba ensinando! No final da pergunta voc ter um comentrio relacionado pergunta! Desta forma, voc pode testar seus conhecimentos e aprender ao mesmo tempo!Essa uma certificao importante?Esta certificao ajuda os alunos a construir credibilidade e confiana, validando sua experincia com uma credencial reconhecida pelo setor e ajuda as organizaes a identificar profissionais qualificados."
Price: 39.99

"GCP Professional Cloud Network Engineer - Exame prtico" |
"Use este exame prtico para se preparar para a certificao: Professional Cloud Network Engineer.Os simulados nada mais so do que um conjunto de questes, relacionadas e muito semelhantes ao exame original, com a funo de testar seus conhecimentos, sua velocidade de raciocnio e agilidade nas respostas.Alm disso, o simulado acaba ensinando! No final da pergunta voc ter um comentrio relacionado pergunta! Desta forma, voc pode testar seus conhecimentos e aprender ao mesmo tempo!Essa uma certificao importante?Esta certificao ajuda os alunos a construir credibilidade e confiana, validando sua experincia com uma credencial reconhecida pelo setor e ajuda as organizaes a identificar profissionais qualificados."
Price: 39.99

"Introduccin a la Ingeniera del Software" |
"Este curso pretende dar una visin introductoria de qu es la Ingeniera del Software, y cmo se aplica al desarrollo de aplicaciones, a la hora de definir los pasos a seguir en dicho desarrollo, y las herramientas que se pueden utilizar, para garantizar un producto de calidad al final del proceso."
Price: 19.99

"Examen de Prctica Fortinet NSE 4 6.0" |
"En este curso podrs encontrar las preguntas de practica para estar listo al momento de presentar tu certificacin de NSE 4, se pueden observar preguntas de seleccin mltiple, algunas preguntas contienen imgenes que muestran configuraciones de ejemplo, y capturas de pantalla. Las preguntas son en ingles y son tomadas del material de estudio para presentar la certificacin de la versin 6.0, algunas preguntas siguen vigente en versiones posteriores."
Price: 49.99

"Curso Photoshop: Retoque fotogrfico de cero a profesional" |
"Hola! Cmo ests? Soy Sebastin Burgio, diseador grfico.Utilizo Photoshop para retocar y editar toda clase de fotografa que requiera mejoras. Este software me permite dar un estilo personal y profesional a mis proyectos.Con Photoshop, cualquier diseador o fotgrafo podr sacarle provecho a sus trabajos ya que este ofrece herramientas completas. Adems, este trae el software Adobe Camera RAW, que te simplificar mucho el trabajo. En este curso desde cero de Adobe Photoshop para principiantes, tendrs acceso a mltiples clases que te ayudarn a dominar el software para retoque fotogrfico.Empezaremos el curso aprendiendo a manejar Photoshop desde lo ms bsico. Aprenders a moverte por la interfaz y reconocer las herramientas que el software trae.Poco despus, descubrirs cmo hacer mscaras, correcciones de color y cmo revelar imgenes en Adobe Camera RAW. Siguiendo, realizaremos la post-produccin de una fotografa. Nos centraremos en el tratamiento de piel y pelo. Veremos cmo separar la fotografa en frecuencias bajas y altas. Trataremos la luz, licuaremos correctamente nuestra imagen, prepararemos un fondo y crearemos acabados finales.En la cuarta seccin, retocaremos una fotografa de exteriores. Aprenders a darle un estilo personalizado a tus fotografas. Revelaremos la imagen en Adobe Camera RAW. Te ensear a retocar los colores de la imagen por separado. Aplicaremos un proceso llamado ""Dodge & Burn"" el cual nos servir para dar volumen a nuestras imgenes. Ajustaremos la iluminacin y haremos nuestros acabados finales. Finalizaremos el curso con un proyecto final. Les propondr un proyecto en el cual pondremos en prctica todo lo que hemos descubierto durante el curso, haciendo un fotomontaje de una nave en New York. Revelaremos nuestra imagen, buscaremos los tonos de color, trataremos correctamente las luces, aplicaremos Dodge & Burn y haremos acabados finales.Este curso est dirijido a todas aquellas personas que quieran aprender a manejar Adobe Photoshop desde cero, destinado al retoque fotogrfico digital. Post-produce tus fotografas desde cero con este curso. Nos vemos en clases!"
Price: 19.99

"Anger and Conflict Management" |
"Join expert counsellor and trainer Sarah Terry as she guides you through this course. Explore your anger from every angle and don't be afraid to make friends with it! Learn what Anger is and how we experience it in our bodies! Learn some really easy strategies for controlling your anger and also learn how to manage conflict in a positive way."
Price: 19.99

"PDDM Professional Diploma in Digital Marketing Practice Exam" |
"Sample QuestionsQ) web spiders have a key function within the search. What is that? Choose one of the following:a) Site Indexingb) Site Rankingc) Site Analysisd) Translate the siteQ) Implement Search Engine Optimization (SEO) involves two key aspects. Which ones are they? Choose one of the following:a) Loco and offsiteb) and micro-sitec) Out of office and directoryd) Onsite and directoryQ) You want to have the display the product name as the primary search link in the organic search results. Which meta tags will help you achieve this? Choose one of the following:a) Titleb) Descriptionc) Keywordd) ReloadQ) You are making the offsite optimization on your website. Which of the following would be part of the exercise? Choose one of the following:a) Inbound linksb) registration directoryc) Domains Registrationd) canonicalizationQ) What does a search reveals about the person looking? Choose one of the following:a) Place and intentionb) Geography and agec) The sentiment and purchasing powerd) Intention and age"
Price: 144.99

morimoto |
Price: 24000.00

"Erfolgreich studieren!" |
"Kompakt und bndig aus mehr als 20 wissenschaftlichen Lektren und vielen Gesprchen mit Professorinnen und Professoren steht dieser Kurs fr dich mit wertvollen Lerninhalten bereit, um in deinem Studium die besten Noten zu erreichen. Am Ende dieses Kurses wirst du zum einen wichtige Tools erfahren, die du in deinem Studium kostenlos einsetzen kannst, zum anderen wirst du elementare Lernstrategien u. a. von Vera Birkenbiehl sehen, die im Bereich Wissensmanagement als Ikone gilt. Die Kombination aus der theoretischen Lehre und den praktischen Erfahrungen aus meinem Bachelor- und Masterstudium sollen dir dabei eine perfekte Mischung geben."
Price: 19.99

"MongoDB & Python Kursu" |
"Veritaban Nedir ?Veritaban ihtiyacmz olan veya daha sonralar ihtiyacmz olacak btn verileri depoladmz sistemdir. Gnmz uygulamalarnn(web,mobil,masast) neredeyse tamamnda yerel veya uzak sunucuya balantl veritabanlar bulunur. Veritabanlarna depoladmz bu bilgileri daha sonralar kullanabilir, zerlerine dzenlemeler yapabilir veya bu verileri anlamlandrarak bilgiler elde edebiliriz.NoSQL Nedir ?Son yllarda verinin inanlmaz boyutlara ulamas ve katlanarak artmas sonucunda mevcut olarak kullanlan ilikisel veritaban sistemleri yerine ortaya atlm bir kavramdr. likili veritaban sistemleri ile arasndaki en byk fark ilikisel veritaban sistemlerinde veriler tablo ve stunlar ile ilikili bir ekilde tutulurken NoSQLde json bir yapda tutulmasdr.NoSQL sistemlerin avantajlarna deinmek gerekirse ilk olarak performans gsterilebilir. Okuma ve yazma ilemleri ilikisel veritabanlarna gre ok daha hzl olmaktadr. kinci olarak ise NoSQL sistemler yatay olarak geniletilebilirler. Binlerce sunucu bir arada alarak inanlmaz derecedeki veriler zerinde ilemler yapabilir.Ayrca eklemekte fayda var ki gnmzde Byk Veri alannda yaplan almalarda NoSQL sistemler youn olarak kullanlmaktadr.MongoDB Nedir ?MongoDB 2009 ylnda gelitirilmi ak kaynak kodlu bir NoSQL veritabandr. Bugn piyasada Cassandra, BigTable, Dynamo gibi birok NoSQL veritaban bulunmaktadr.MongoDBde her kayt bir dokman olarak ifade edilir. Ve bu dkmanlar json format eklinde saklanr. Daha nce ilikisel veritabanlaryla ilgilenenlerin bildii table yapsn burada collection, row yapsn document, column yapsn ise field alr.Gnmzde aktif olarak kullanlan pek ok programlama dili iin driver destei bulunmas bakmndan bugn NoSQL sistemler ierisinde en ok tercih edilenlerden biridir."
Price: 399.99

"Advance Telecommuting Skills with G Suite & Google Drive" |
"Students build advanced telecommuting skills by learning key software included in Google Drive, G Suite communication tools and engaging special features in Google Apps. Students will demonstrate mastery through a series of hands on exercises that include tips and tricks to make them look great! This course is ideal for remote workers, distance learners, educators and anyone who wants to become a Google Drive expert and conquer this pandemic."
Price: 24.99

"dog caring and grooming" |
"Dog caring and grooming course is a course introduces you to dog grooming and why it is necessary.You will learn dog feeding ,dog breeding ,dog groups and types of dog coats. You will also learn the importance of a pre-grooming health check. this course is very important for dog owners and dog lovers."
Price: 19.99

"StartNow: Vietnamese for beginners (Southern)" |
"Xin Cho! Welcome to StartNow - Vietnamese for beginners. This course is aimed at beginners looking to get around and learn the basics of Vietnamese. The course is split into 10 Lessons covering 2 levels (Absolute beginner - beginner) with 5 hours of video lessons. Each lesson focuses on a different aspect of day to day life and travel in Vietnam, split up into 4-6 minute videos.We tried to focus on giving the most useful expressions and vocabulary that are used most frequently in southern Vietnam. The aim of this course is to equip the listening with the skills to order food, check into a hotel, go shopping and recount some basic experiences. There are also optional Vocabulary lists for anyone looking to expand their learning.Most importantly we want you to be understood. If this is your first tonal language you need to understand the importance of good pronunciation and we have highlighted this in our course design. 100 words spoken properly will get you so much further than 500 words mispronounced. This is why each section contains a pronunciation lesson which focuses on a vowel or consonant pair. If you have any questions or concerns regarding the course please drop a comments and myself or Tam will get back to you as soon as possible. Thank you! Kai & Tam"
Price: 29.99

Upwork. |
"Upwork - , . - . , . , , "" "". , sales/project- Upwork. , . Upwork, . """" - , . . , . , Upwork , , , , . """" , , , . ! :- , Upwork- - TOP rated Upwork. , :- - Upwork- , , , , . , :- - - - - . ! Upwork!"
Price: 44.99
