sphfwfho |
Price: 1200.00

"Photoshop CC Eitim Seti 2020 (Detayl ve Uygulamal)" |
"Adobe Photoshop Eitim Setimizi satn aldnzda ve eitim videolarmz izlediinizde, sizde greceksiniz ki sfrdan balasanz dahi ileri seviye profesyonel Photoshop kullancs olacaksnz. - Setimizde hi bilmeyen arkadalar iin btn imleleri tm detaylaryla anlatmaya altk.- leri seviye kullanclar iin, almalarnda hzlanmalar iin 1999 ylndan beri tecrbe ettiim yntemleri uygulamal olarak gsterip, kullanclarn daha hzl alabilmelerini amaladk.- Setimizi aktif olarak gncelleyip, programn geneline hakim olmanz dnda yaptmz almalar ile hayal gcnz gelitirmenizi hedefledik."
Price: 279.99

"Primavera P6 / 6" |
"Primavera P6 / 6. , , . . , . . . Primavera P6 / 6 : (EPS) (WBS)"
Price: 24.99

"Master Diploma In Autocad with Vastu & Building Planning" |
"In this learning of Autodesk autocad training course , Expert Aakash jakati will teach you all the tools used to draw , modify, annotate , insert , parametric - geometric constrains and express tools .AutoCAD is a computer-aided design and drafting platform designed for businesses of all sizes. It offers 2D documentation, 3D design and collaboration functionalities within a suite. The product is available both in cloud-based and on-premise deployment options.AutoCAD features 2D drafting, which allows users to create custom dimensions for drawings, and replicate these conventions for other drawings across the same project. Users can also customize drawing-sheet layouts and sizes and preview the changes in elements at varying scales.This course offers you following benefit :All videos are downloadable.Most comprehensive course with 115 videos of lectures. Detailed explanation of each tool featured in Autocad.Taught by certified Autocad professional.Learning vastu concepts and vastu implementation in real world.Master Building Floor Plan with tools and standard measurements .Building Floor Plan (.dwg) file available for reference and submission.Self assessment quizzes link at end of session."
Price: 6400.00

"AZ-900 Practice Test with 250+ Most Probable Questions" |
"Do you want to pass AZ-900 in the very first attempt?Do you want to go through all probable questions before the exam?Then you're at the right place. We have consulted candidates who have already passed the AZ-900 exam and collected the questions from them. If you have any queries about any of the questions, then you can contact the author.Features1. Covered all knowledge areas of AZ-900 Exam.2. Most probable questions from AZ-900 Exam.3. Detailed Explanation of the Answers.4. Regular update of questions based on AZ-900 Certified candidates review."
Price: 19.99

"Tcnicas de Liderana" |
"Abordaremos neste curso algumas tcnicas de liderana, visando o desenvolvimento pessoal e da equipe como um todo! Falaremos da Liderana Situacional para o Indivduo e para a Equipe, Liderana Servidora e Lder Coach! Desejo, do fundo de meu corao, que sua experincia com as pessoas seja maravilhosa e voc possa encontrar a luz que brilha dentro de cada um que cruzar seu caminho!"
Price: 69.99

Jenkins-CI/CD |
"A comprehensive tutorial on how to integrate your favorite tools with Jenkins , Learn how to use different pipelines ,Starting from building a basic pipeline to integrating your Jenkins with email and slack IRC , Learn how to be resilient on Jenkins by using distributed builds , split your jobs into master-slave architecture to reduce the pipeline timing The tutorial touches most of the devops use cases , do enjoy and subscribe"
Price: 1280.00

"Digital Design using Verilog HDL programming with practical" |
"This is a complete Verilog HDL programming course for beginners as well as higher level, as it is from scratch to the application level. This course not only discuss the concepts in Verilog HDL programming but also discuss the applications.This course gives clear picture on simulation and writing a test bench using task and system task and illustrated with examples. For that, it provides file based examples like writing data in to file, reading data from file and loading data in to memory. Also some general examples like counter, clock diver using counter, pulse generator and random generator.This course used to build Finite State Machines (FSM) diagram from the requirements and realization of FSM in to hardware model, then translation of hardware model FSM into verilog code for both Mealy & Moore and demonstrated with examples.This course also shows some projects like Memory controller, FIFO controller and Error detection & correction using Hamming code. and finally it gives basic knowledge on FPGA's."
Price: 3200.00

"Azure Function" |
"This course was born due to the huge demand for these questions:Do you want to start developing an Azure Function?Do you want to raise your knowledge about Azure Functions ( for yourself, or exams )?Are you currently developing an Azure Function and you want to know more?Do you want to master the Azure Function development and usage?This course provides you:Basic knowledge of Azure Function for your Azure examination.Mind-set to understand the Azure Function features and usageGuidelines and approaches to follow during the developmentPractical session for structure your code and your projectRecommendations and tips for testing, logging and securityWhat's more?Explanation about the concept of Serverless, what is into the Azure and how to use itSharing experience and cases by my last 5 year in Azure cloudPractice details to enhance or sharp your development experience"
Price: 1000.00

"30 Day Homeschool Transformation For The Overwhelmed Parent" |
"If you are thinking of homeschooling or have recently made the decision to homeschool and already find yourself struggling with feelings of fear, frustration, guilt and burnout, then this is the course for you.If in your darkest moments, you tell yourself that youre not cut out for the job of homeschooling your children (even though you very much are), then this is the course for you.In this 30-day crash course, we get up close and personal and dive deep into the most common negative patterns and mindsets that sees ordinary parents like you homeschooling their kids from a place of worry and fear.This simple and honest quickstart crash course will guide you through 30 of the most common bumps in the road and provide you with the strength and inner calmness to make this homeschooling journey a success.In this course you will learn how to:Stay Motivated, and Avoid OverwhelmRemove negative homeschool stereotypesMinimize stress that is wasting learning timeReclaim your confidenceEliminate common homeschooling worriesCreate the homeschool experience that you (secretly)longed forMaintain a peaceful homeschool householdBecome more intentional while homeschoolingEnjoy your new homeschooling lifestyle rather than dread Monday morningsMove forward on a more a peaceful and productive homeschooling journeyBe brave, be awesome and show up with confidenceGuarantee: I know you will love this course. However, I offer a no-questions-asked 30-day money-back guarantee if the course does not meet your needs for any reason.Your homeschool transformation can start right here, right now. If you are ready to begin then enrol now and I look forward to seeing you within the course!"
Price: 59.99

"Corso di fotografia intermedio: scattare piu' velocemente" |
"In questo corso imparerari ad usare le modalit operative di qualsiasi macchina fotografica in modo pratico ed efficace in base all'effetto fotografico desiderato ed alla scena inquadrata, uscendo dall'imbarazzo e dalla lentezza che ti fa perdere molte delle fotografie che volevi scattare.Se parti da zero o ancora meglio se hai appena frequentato un corso di base e non sai ancora come essere veloce e reattivo con la tua macchina fotografica, questo il corso che fa per te. Impara con questo corso definitivamente ad imparare a fotografare in modo corretto!"
Price: 24.99

"How to Use Lightroom for Beginners" |
"Do you want to edit your photos with one of the most powerful tools to date? Lightroom is used by professionals all around the world to transform their photos into award-winning and gallery-worthy photos. The trouble is, editing programs contain their own language and methods that are different than learning to use a camera. Many beginner photographers struggle to grasp these programs so end up sticking with the more basic, automatic programs. THIS COURSE IS FOR YOU IF: - You've struggled with learning editing programs like Lightroom in the past. - You want to give professional results to paying clients!- You've used other programs like Photoshop or Snapseed and want to learn Lightroom. - You want to take advantage of the powerful organization tools that Lightroom provides. - You want to be able to ask a professional your own questions about editing.- You simply want to up your Insta game and give WOW results to your pictures that no one else is doing!THIS COURSE IS NOT FOR YOU IF: - You are happy with your current editing program. - You feel you're already giving professional results to clients and they are paying you well. - You like spending hours browsing Youtube tutorials and learning by trial and error. - You are already well-versed in Lightroom.This is the most straightforward course on Lightroom you'll find. I'll take you through the Develop section of Lightroom, going over each panel and its use. You'll be able to start editing photos right away and as I show you in this course, it's very easy. I don't use complicated terms or make assumptions that you already know certain things on editing. I've broken the course down into concise, but educational videos. Get the information you actually need without the fluff. I've also included at the end a bonus section where I walk through a complete editing process after a photoshoot so you can see all the pieces put together and additional techniques. In addition to all of this, you'll be invited to be part of a private Facebook group to share your progress, pictures, receive constructive help and additional tutorials by myself and others. You'll be able to contact me for additional help or questions as well, so you won't have to do anymore endless searching!I look forward to teaching you!"
Price: 59.99

"Job Search Bootcamp" |
"CVCover Letter(Grammarly, Google TranslateCross Search)"
Price: 29.99

"Portfolio & Statement fr Knstler" |
"Die Digitalisierung verndert die Welt und auch unsere Arbeitsweise. Fr die meisten Kunst-Stipendien, Kunst-Wettbewerbe und Ausstellungsbeteiligungen bewirbt man sich heutzutage online. Deswegen ist das Digitale Portfolio ein Muss fr jeden modernen Knstler, der seine Karriere aufbauen oder strken mchte. In dem Kurs lernst du, wie du professionell dein Digitales Portfolio erstellst und ein Knstler-Statement schreibst."
Price: 54.99

"The 3-4-1 System of Play for the 9v9 Game Format" |
"This course is about the 3-4-1 system of play for the 9v9 Youth Game format. It is a progression from the 2-3-1 system of play used for the 7v7 Game format, as part of a game development model for youth players U9 to U12. This course provides the student-Coach the opportunity to learn all the aspects of this system of play, from building play from the back to the different ways of penetrating in the final third and create scoring opportunities. The use of presentations, game animations, and graphical illustrations will provide the student with a better learning experience of the subject. Additionally, the author has provided proven practice plans related to the subject, assignments to challenge the student coach in its learning, and fun quizzes to check the level of learning at each lecture."
Price: 34.99

"E-learning: Google Sala de Aula" |
"Este curso apresenta de forma objetiva como utilizar a ferramenta google sala de aula (classroom). As aulas foram construidas com roteiros simples e de fcil entendimento. Os movimentos do mouse foram suavizados e, tambm, foram inseridos destaques nos menus e botes mencionados.Alm disso, o curso trs exemplos da prtica didtica no ensino a distncia."
Price: 39.99

"The Complete Traefik Training Course" |
"Want to learn how Cloud Native Edge routers work? Need to deploy a Reverse Proxy? The Complete Traefik Training course helps you get from 0 to production with Traefik the Cloud Native Edge Router with hands-on labs and valuable lessons built on real-world deployments. The course is built based on real-world customer deployments and using this experience to build a quality course with actual scenarios."
Price: 89.99

"Home Business Freelancing Online. Freelancing Home Business" |
"What many may not realize is that there are literally hundreds even thousands of opportunities to start an online business from home. What was once a far-away dream is now a very tangible, very reasonable reality.Thats where I come in. In this video course, Ill show you all the basics of how to make money from home.Home Business 2020.Earn Money Home Business Online How to start & earn from home business online. From a freelance photography business to an eCommerce store to sell your old clothes from your attic, well discuss how to find the right match for your interests and skillsets, where to find the best resources to learn and explore, and how to set up and get rolling.While I cant say I know what living the dream means to you specifically, I have this crazy feeling that it might involve learning how to make money from home.Home Business Freelancing Online. Freelancing Home Business How to earn from home business by freelancing online and start a business. Make money online by freelancing business."
Price: 19.99

"La programmation pour enfants avec Scratch" |
"Nous avons conu ce cours pour faire dcouvrir aux enfants, de manire ludique, les principes de la programmation des jeux vido via le langage Scratch.Le jeu vido choisi au cours de cet atelier est T-Rex Game, aussi appel Chrome Dino, qui est lanc systmatiquement lorsque vous ntes pas connect Internet sur le navigateur Google Chrome.Le langage Scratch, dvelopp par linstitut de technologie du Massachusetts (MIT), est un environnement de cration simple et adapt spcialement pour les enfants. Ce programme leur permet de crer leurs propres jeux vido. Ils dfinissent leurs ides, rgles du jeu, graphismes, bruitages, bandes sons. la fin de ce cours, les apprentis programmeurs repartent chacun avec leurs jeux cls en main. Ils auront toujours un accs la plateforme en ligne pour crer dautres jeux partir de leurs connaissances et imagination."
Price: 19.99

"Management Performance rocks: Liquidity, Music and Templates" |
"Do you also know this: Nothing is going right? There is not enough money? And as if there were holes in the money buckets? What can you do? Ensure liquidity. Emotionalize the right key figures with music. Choose the right routines and implement them continuously like breathing and brushing your teeth every day. Curious? Yes. Then this is the right place for you. You will receive templates around the calculation of the financial range, fixed cost plan, distribution plan, future plan and a 10-year plan for management performance freaks. After that you would like to monitor your figures only ... and your management performance rocks!"
Price: 29.99

"How to Design a Squarespace Website in 10 Easy Steps" |
"I'm Siska Hines, your website coach. Follow along as I design a new website for an example company called Goat Yoga. Youll learn the essential Squarespace features to get you started, while also learning how to implement a branded content plan on a new site. Plus, you get these content freebies:1 Brand Guidelines example1 content outline exampleBy the end of your course, youll learn how to design your Squarespace website efficiently so you can get it done waaaay before your launch date!"
Price: 24.99

"American Sign Language for Business - Beginner" |
"This course is designed to teach students about basic business terms and vocabulary within American Sign Language (ASL). Learners will review the basics of ASL including the alphabet, numbers, basic sentence structure, telling time, and facial expressions. Additionally, learners will expand their vocabulary with basic business related terminology and expressions such as handshapes, greetings and salutations, common technology and office terms, and more. After completing this course, learners should have a basic understanding of ASL in relation to business and be able to communicate in rudimentary terms with deaf co-workers."
Price: 49.99

"How to practice your harmonica to get amazing progress fast!" |
"In this course you are going to learn how to practice the harmonica in order to ramp up your skills to enable you to play with other people or on your own with much more confidence:My system (make sure it is progressive):1. Warm up - hahahoohoo (challenge yourself on speed and stamina), chugging, blues shuffle, trains (trumpet warm up)2. Nuts and Bolts - one or two subjects a day - all techniques (make sure it is progressive)3. Ear training - singing tunes, scales, intervals, improvising, recorded sound analysis, rhythms, random notes on two harps or more (if you can sing it you might be able to play it - otherwise not so much)4. Repertoire - preparing and memorising progressively tricky/interesting tunes for performance5. Fun - whatever fun is to you! And warm downHow, why, and when to practise your harmonicaWhy is practice important in music?A regular practice routine helps develop discipline, and aids in the development of music skills and better technique, fine motor skills and muscle memory. Students who practise regularly improve far more rapidly than those who practise sporadically.Why should I practice my instrument?Practice is the process of getting closer to achieving your musical goals. When we practice, we take elements of our playing that we find difficult, and play them carefully until they are easy. Once what you are practicing becomes second nature, playing your instrument becomes a lot of fun.How can I learn music?Practice playing chords, notes, and scales on your instrument. After you've mastered the concepts of notes, chords, and scales, learning how to produce these sounds with your instrument is the first step to learning how to play music. Start by practicing chords first, then move on to notes, and finally to scales.What happens when someone practices a musical instrument?Practice is the act of rehearsing a behaviour over and over, or engaging in an activity again and again, for the purpose of improving or mastering it, as in the phrase 'practice makes perfect'. ... Playing a musical instrument well takes much practice. It is a method of learning and of acquiring experience."
Price: 74.99

"Administracin de Windows Server 2016" |
"En este curso se tratan tres aspectos fundamentales de la administracin de Windows Server 2016, (1) instalacin y mantenimiento de servidores, (2) manejo de redes y (3) administracin de identidad y autenticacin. El curso se imparte de forma eminentemente prctica. La estructura del curso est basada un 90% en el temario de la certificacin MCSA: Windows Server, tomando como referencia sus guas oficiales de estudio y adems varios textos nuevos de administracin de Windows Server 2016.Es por esto que como administradores de sistemas o futuros debemos estar a la vanguardia de la tecnologa, en este curso aprenders desde cero TODA la implementacin y administracin de Windows Server 2016 en sus roles y caractersticas.Aprende a:Identificar licenciamiento, edicin y tipo de instalacin que mas conviene a una infraestructuraImplementa los principales roles y caractersticasConoce toda la administracin de Active Directory Domain Services, el principal rol de Windows ServerRealiza la configuracin de servicios de red como DNS, DHCPDespliega polticas de grupo GPOImplementa servicios de Escritorio remotoY mucho mas...No puedes quedarte en versiones anteriores, Windows Server 2016 incorpora muchas nuevas funcionalidades que hacen la vida diario de un administrador mucho mas sencilla y productiva al igual que ayuda a minimizar costes a las empresas y aumentar su produccin."
Price: 34.99

"Fully Accredited Professional Certificate in Angelic Healing" |
"This course is designed, keeping in mind that you don't have any prior knowledge and understanding of Angels, Archangels, Guardian Angels, and Mediumship etc. So, we have completely avoided jargon and have simplified it for you. This course will enable you to practice Angel Therapy for physical, mental, spiritual, and energy-related issues.The accredited certificate will be provided by India's leading CPD provider - Virtued Academy International."
Price: 199.99

"Domine o seu crebro: Neurocincia e desenvolvimento pessoal" |
"Descubra a Abordagem Neurocognitiva e Comportamental. Aprenda como 4 estruturas cerebrais comandam nossa vida e como pegar o controle.A ANC (ou Abordagem Neurocognitiva e Comportamental) uma abordagem fascinante e multi-disciplinar que surgiu aps 25 anos de pesquisa cientfica. Combina as reas da neurocincia, psicologia social, cincias comportamentais e muitas outras, dando origem a uma teoria abrangente, que fornece uma viso nica da complexidade da natureza humana. Foi inicialmente desenvolvida pelo cientista francs J. Fradin.Como diretor do Institute of Neurocognitivism eu tive a oportunidade de trabalhar com o Dr. Fradin e me tornar expert nesta abordagem inovadora. Desenvolvi este curso para tornar o seu trabalho acessvel a todos, independentemente do conhecimento anterior. Sou mais comunicador do que cientista. E esse o meu contributo para o seu trabalho: explicar uma coisa complexa de uma forma acessvel e interessante.Este curso mais do que uma compilao de aulas. quase uma entidade viva, um trabalho em progresso, que evolui com o tempo. O que esperar:Garantia de reembolso total de 30 dias, sem perguntasDisponibilidade do instrutor: respondo a quaisquer perguntas que voc possa ter em um curto espao de tempo. Eu sempre respondo no mximo em 24 horas, mas geralmente sou muito mais rpido.Anncios semanais educacionais, principalmente no blog, sobre como nosso crebro funciona e o impacto na nossa vida diria. contedo totalmente novo, ideias interessantes que eu enviarei semanalmente.Com base nas questes dos estudantes, vou adicionando novos contedos de forma regularO contedo se encontra sempre atualizado, conforme surjam novas pesquisas cientficas.Ferramentas para desenvolvimento pessoal e para criar relaes autnticasEspere desenvolver uma nova abordagem revolucionria, baseada na estrutura cerebral ativa. Olhe o mundo de outra forma e reconhea os padres que governam nossas vidas e das pessoas nossa volta. Exerccios, trabalhos de casa, colocando a teoria em prtica de uma maneira divertida. Voc tambm ter acesso ao nosso grupo no Facebook, onde poder trocar suas experincias com a ANC e aprender com outras pessoas.O que est esperando? Comece agora!"
Price: 149.99

"CSS Friday: Learn Up-to-Date CSS Styling Techniques (Weekly)" |
"CSS Friday is a weekly series, It's the most up-to-date real-world solution for a wide range of every day (and old web design) problems.We'll cover all aspects of CSS, including properties, grids, flexbox, responsive layouts, preprocessors, gradients, positioning, and the most up-to-date styling techniques.Instructor Rahul Giri returns every Friday, bringing you mini real-world and timely tips that will help new and experienced web developers alike create more beautiful websites and more efficient code. Tune in and learn how to take more control over the style, layout, and even the user experience of your web designs."
Price: 199.99

"Instant Wordpress Website Traffic - 1000 Eyes In One Day" |
"Teaching you the strategy on how to avoid waiting months and months to build up traffic and start seeing traffic right away with my strategy that I will detail in this course. This does not involve PPC or ads and it's simple to do. The tragedy is that many people have websites and struggle everyday to see foot traffic (e.g. website traffic) to their pages each month. This method will open your eyes to getting traffic easily to any post or website you make from now on."
Price: 94.99

"Facebook Ads For Online Entrepreneurs (Hands On Bootcamp)" |
"Do you want more email leads for your business?Do you want to sell your courses, webinars or in person events?Then WELCOME and this course is the right fit for you. This course is not just ""theory"" it's a hands on bootcamp. We will see how to create effective Facebook ad campaigns for online business owners (coaches and consultants).Here are the topics covered inside:Big mistake people make with Facebook Ads and why they failMy Facebook Ads strategy template for success (Free download)Facebook Ad proper setup to build solid foundationFacebook Ad campaigns for leads and sales (step by step process)Facebook ads to build your BRAND and promote your videosFacebook Ads to create retargeting campaignsInside this course, I will share case studies and actual Facebook Ad campaigns.You will see and learn from actual live Ad accounts and campaigns. This class does come with a 30 day money back guarantee so you have nothing to lose. ENROLL right now and let's dominate Facebook ads together."
Price: 199.99

"Salesforce Integration With External Systems" |
"Salesforce is the world's No. 1 CRM provider with billions of transactions per day. Salesforce has one of the broadest set of integration services available with options for query, batch, and streaming. In this course, we'll explore all the major Salesforce Integration APIs, and see when each one is the right fit for a given situation. You'll learn how to use each API to get data in and out of Salesforce effectively.What are the topics we will cover in this course?Overview of Salesforce APIsUsing SOAP API to Integrate with Enterprise AppsCreating Lightweight Integrations using REST APIBulk API in SalesforceConsuming External Services via Apex CalloutsCalling External Webservice from Lightning Web ComponentsStreaming API- PushTopics, Platform Events, Change Data CaptureCalling External Webservice from Aura ComponentsFetching Data from Salesforce via External SystemSending Data from Salesforce to Java Application using Streaming API"
Price: 99.99

"Professional Scrum Master Exam (PSM I) - Practice Exams" |
"Validate your Scrum framework knowledge and demonstrate your fundamental level of Scrum mastery by earning the Professional Scrum Master (PSM 1) certification!The Scrum Master is one of the most important roles in the Agile Scrum team. And, as it goes, the higher the level of importance, the higher the earning potential.And that certainly applies to the Scrum Master as they make over $90,000 (USD) per year!I think it is fair to say you could live on that wage.So what does the Scrum Master do?In short, the Scrum Master is responsible for promoting and supporting Agile Scrum. They do this by helping everyone understand Scrum theory, practices, ceremonies, rules, and values, while also removing project roadblocks, assisting with backlog management, practicing agility, and facilitating events and ceremonies as needed.So, with the position being well compensated, having interesting responsibilities, and being a key part of the Agile team, I have a question for you...Have you considered becoming a Scrum Master?Well, just like a Scrum Master helps the team achieve their goals, we want to help you achieve yours! We proudly introduce you to our Professional Scrum Master Practice Exams!And even if playing the role of a Scrum Master isn't of interest to you, having that level of in-depth knowledge of Scrum would significantly elevate the value you can bring to your Agile Scrum team and your organization.Enrollment into our practice test course provides you access to two simulated practice exams. The contained 150 questions will not only prepare you to pass the PSM but our detailed explanations on each question will also greatly enhance your Scrum Guide knowledge.So regardless of whether you want to become a certified Scrum Master, gain notoriety for having a coveted certification, or you want to increase and validate your knowledge of Agile Scrum, these practice exams are exactly what you are looking for!Get ready to achieve certified status.Enroll and Prepare to Pass!Let's hear what our students had to say: Clear and concise! Incredibly easy to adapt the mindset and apply to the test. - Adam The course is awesome and comprehensive if you want to effectively prepare for the PSM1 level. Questions have been compiled very nice, very easy to understand and explanations after answers are very useful! Thank you, Jeremy and Vivek for the great course! - Aykhan This practice exam is well written and the questions are easy to understand. Though I have not achieved a passing score, it is a great resource to practice and study for the real exam. I also like the fact that I can retake the test as many times I want and hit the pause button to resume later. Other great features of the exam are the ability to stop and start anytime and skip questions and come back later to it. Lastly, once the test is submitted I can see the results and explanation for those questions I got wrong. Overall, it is a great way to test my knowledge, practice, and prepare for the big day. - GemberBut wait, why should you become certified? Enhanced credibility - Shows you possess the skills needed to be successful in the role and as a member of the teamAn increased salary - Those who have achieved a level of certification often earn more than their uncertified counterpartsA boost over other candidates - When applying for positions, earned certifications help to differentiate you and help you stand above other job applicantsCome join more than 85% of technology professionals and get certified today!For best results, we encourage you to keep practicing until you can consistently achieve above 92% on both practice examsThese practice exams are not endorsed by, in partnership with, nor affiliated with Scrum(dot)Org"
Price: 24.99
