"Scrum, alm da Sprint" |
"Quando passamos um tempo de Sprint a Sprint apenas recebendo e demanda e entregando, perdemos o melhor que a agilidade tem a oferecer, para voc eu fiz este curso como reflexo e caminho para lugares alm das Sprints.Scrum, alm da Sprint.Sesso 1 - Apresentao e aberturaApresentao instrutorApresentao do cursoSesso 2 - O framework Scrum, expandindo a PercepoScrum alm do bsicoComo os princpios e valores tracionam o frameworkCerimnias uma abordagem para um propsitoSesso 3 - Um mundo alm da SprintComo criar e manter um projeto de sucessoEscolha de EquipeOn boardRoadmapFluxo de ProjetoHard Skill tcnico e negcioEntregveis e seus resultados.Sesso 4 - Entendendo e aplicando medies e mtricasComo utilizar Pontos, throughput, burnUP, burnDown, CFD, Histograma e Lead Time run chartReflexes sobre pontos e capacity e throughputAgile Minute - Comparativo de throughput e evoluo por pontosAvaliao de entregas e acordos de trabalho DOD e DOREntendendo variabilidade e previsibilidade com Lead Time Chart e HistogramaEntendendo as diferenas e utilizando corretamente Burndown, BurnUP e CFDSesso 5 - Agil, Scrum e tradicional, quais as reais diferenas e seus ganhos.Vamos entender qual os ganhos e benefcios da agilidade. Saiba argumentar.Agilidade como soluoSesso 6 - Vamos entender as iteraes com o cliente tecnicamente.Entenda as diferenas entre UI, UX, CS e CX.Como dar uma melhor experincia aos seus clientesSesso 7 - Soft Skills e alguns conselhos de Deming.Entender que alm do conhecimento importante a relao entre as pessoas para um proposito.Soft Skills e os 14 princpios para sair de crises"
Price: 54.99

"UCAS 101 : Getting into top UK universities" |
"You will learn everything from what top UK universities look for, including how to choose courses, how to write a winning personal statement, how to get an outstanding reference, how to tackle with admissions tests, how to perform the best on interview, how to choose your firm and insurance choices, and what to do on the result day. This course is the best for Year 12 and Year 13 students. However, the younger students will gain benefit from this course in terms of early preparation.Please note that even this course is obviously for learners under 18 years old, the purchase of this course must be done by parents or adults over 18 years old who agree for their children to attend this course."
Price: 49.99

"Degerli 7. Snf velileri ve retmen arkadalar tamsaylar blm 2 yi de devam iin tamamladm. Her ikiside Lisenin temeli olan konudur.Detayl olarak yine tm ince ayrntlarna kadar anlattm en nemlisi de parantez den karma konusu benim imdiye kadar rencilerimizin ok zorland bir konu ama birde benden dinlemenizi tavsiye ederim ki kendime matematik te 18 yln birikimi var ve koluk eitimlerim ile ocuklarmzn nerede ne yapacaklarn ok iyi rendim.O yzden anlatmlarma bunlarn hepsi yansyor."
Price: 44.99

"LeetCode with JavaScript and Data Structures" |
"In my LeetCode course, I will walk you through, step-by-step, all the different types of questions that appear during interviews! I have taken many coding interviews so I know what it feels like to really struggle during those technical interviews. In this course you will learn data structures and advanced algorithms solutions with JavaScript! These are the questions you need to prepare to get into Google, Facebook, Apple, Amazon, JPMC, Goldman and much more! What is LeetCode?LeetCode is a massive collection (1,050 and counting) of challenging coding problems. It has just about every problem you can imagine. In fact, many companies (including the Big 5 tech giants) use interview questions they find on LeetCode!"
Price: 199.99

"Certificate Course on Advance MS. Excel with Data Analytics" |
"Data Analysis with Excel is a comprehensive tutorial that provides a good insight into the latest and advanced features available in Microsoft Excel. It explains in detail how to perform various data analysis functions using the features available in MS-Excel.Analyzing large data sets with Excel makes work easier if you follow a few simple rules: Select the cells that contain the data you want to analyze. Click the Quick Analysis button image button that appears to the bottom right of your selected data (or press CRTL + Q). Selected data with Quick Analysis Lens button visibleMicrosoft Excel is one of the most widely used tools in any industry. While some enjoy playing with pivotal tables and histograms, others limit themselves to simple pie-charts and conditional formatting. Some may create an artwork out of the dull monochrome Excel, while others may be satisfied with its data analysis."
Price: 1600.00

"SolidWorks : Sfrdan Uygulamal Eitim Seti" |
"Neler reneceiz.3D kat modelleme, Montaj ve Teknik Resim bilgilerini renerek tasarmlarnz gerekletirebileceksiniz. Bu sayede, gze daha gzel hitap edici grnler ve tasarmla elde edebileceiz.Uygulamalarla birlikte hayal gcmz geliecektir. Bu sayede bir parann hangi acdan ve hangi komutlar kullanabiliriz daha kolay karar verebiliriz. Oluturduunuz tasarmlarn imalat ve montaj resimlerini kolaylkta kt alabilir hale geleceksiniz. Bu sayede retim ve planlamalarnz hz kazanm olacaktr."
Price: 49.99

"Operating system - Introduction" |
"This course consists of twelve sections and at the end of these sections students will be able to get basic idea about those 12 topics1. Introduction 2. Types of systems3. System components 4. Operating system services5. Process state6. Process control block7. Process scheduling 8. Context swith9. Cooperating process10. Interprocess communication11. CPU scheduling12. Layered approach13. Virtual machines14. System design and implementations15. Mechanism and polices16. Threads"
Price: 19.99

"Android Studio Tasarm Dersleri" |
"Mobil Uygulama Tasarmlarn ieren eitim setidir.Kurs ieriinde Profil Arayz oluturma, Profil kart oluturma gibi mobil uygulama tasarmlar bulunmaktadr. Orta dzeyde android uygulamalar bilgisine sahip olan kiilerin kendi mobil tasarmlarn gerekletirebilecekleri ve kendilerini gelitirebileceklerini bir eitim setidir. Mobil tasarmlarn arka planlar,dizaynn oluturulmas ve tasarmda dikkat edilmesi gerekenleri iermektedir. Bu kurs ile kendi mobil tasarmlarnz gerekletirebilecek seviyeye geleceksiniz. "
Price: 409.99

"The Best Learning Strategies for Exam Success" |
"I graduated the University of Cambridge with a double first in Natural Sciences, and have since been working as an Academic Tutor to help students unlock their potential through learning. Quick and effective study has been hugely important to my life, and I want to give you my method for exam success so that you can skip the learning curve of how to study, and get right to successful studying itself!"
Price: 104.99

"Focaccia al formaggio di Recco" |
"Questo corso ti guider passo-passo a preparare la focaccia col formaggio di Recco, famosa in tutto il mondo.Il corso articolato in varie sezioni, dai ""ferri"" del mestiere necessari, alla ricetta, alla tecnica per stendere le sfoglie sottilissime, e infine due BONUS GRATUITI per la cottura nel forno a legna e una gustosa variante della ricetta"
Price: 29.99

"Start with Mini Volleyball (1st part)" |
"Mini volleyball is an excellent way of developing a volleyball game, but in volleyball there are very long pauses between contacts with the ball. With mini volleyball you can either waste your time a bit or use it for a comprehensive development of your players with a great overlap into higher age categories.The coaches of the smallest volleyball players usually do not have a great coaching background, and rather than a sophisticated methodology, they need a simple clue to tell them what to start and what to follow. This course helps to develop basic volleyball skill to players 6 - 9 years under supervision of adult coaches.In the this course you will find a simple tutorial on how to teach mini volleyball basics, based on enough demonstration videos, insights and experience working with a group of fresh schoolchildren.The course is intended for adults, parents and volleyball coaches who want to start teaching children mini volleyball and basic volleyball skills."
Price: 29.99

"Learn Nunchucks - beginners to advanced" |
"Nunchucks beginners to advanced as delivered in the Kung Fu Living online training systemThe Nunchaku or Nunchucks is a traditional martial arts weapon consisting of two sticks connected at one end by a short chain or rope.The nunchaku is most widely used in martial arts as a training weapon, since it allows the development of quicker mind / body coordination and teaches 3 dimensional movements and patterns that also appear in unarmed Kung Fu combinations.The two sections of the weapon are commonly made out of wood, while the link is a cord or a metal chain. Modern-day nunchaku can be made from metal, plastic or fiberglass and bear in mind that possession of them is illegal in some countries, except for use in martial arts schools. Foam or plastic Nunchucks are generally available for safer training and we indeed recommend that you learn with them.The exact origin of nunchaku is unclear, it is often suggested that they were adapted by Okinawan farmers from a non-weapon rice-flail implement for threshing rice. It is very common that a farming community, who are under military dictatorship and forbidden from carrying weapons, will adapt their agricultural hand tools to use as weapons.Though Im told there are police officers who use nunchucks instead of side-handled batons, it is unlikely that you will have need of these skills to defend yourself in a real confrontation. That shouldnt stop you from learning and enjoying these skills. Nunchucks are simply fun in the way that people enjoy juggling, but the improved coordination and neurological patterns developed will undoubtedly overflow to your other martial arts practice and other areas of life.In this program you will learn three forms (a form is a choreographed set of moves that enable you learn the most useful techniques within the context of other techniques).The first form you will learn is for a single Nunchucks.The second and third forms are for double Nunchucks.Each form is short enough to be remembered (this is martial arts, not memory training), and should be practiced until it can be done without thinking. Indeed, when you get to the 3rd and most advanced form, each hand will be doing different things and can only be done when each movement is learned at an unconscious level.The program is set out for you to train every day using several short videos. Adding to your skills in easy to follow steps, you will build superb skills that will become second nature.Some videos are called Repeat Drills, these are of simple techniques that you need to learn so that you can do them without thinking. Once you press play, they will simply repeat continuously until you hit stop. This will enable you to practice each movement many times with a constant visual reference to help you get it right. You dont want to practice until you get it right, you want to practice until you cant get it wrong.It is tempting to rush ahead, but you will find that to learn these skills thoroughly, it is best that you master each part as you go even if that means repeating the same day several times. Excellence takes patience and determination. Remember Kung Fu means mastery through discipline."
Price: 99.99

"CompTIA Network+ (N10-007) Practice Test" |
"Our CompTIA Network+ (N10-007) Practice Test is the most effective and pertinent for you to pass the exam on the first go. In fact, you will not only pass your exam but also get a profound understanding of the respective subject.With our CompTIA Network+ (N10-007) Practice Test, you will come to see that all of the questions and answers in our exams are chosen after a professional analysis."
Price: 39.99

"AWS Certified SysOps Administrator - Associate Practice Test" |
"Our AWS Certified SysOps Administrator - Associate Practice Test is the most effective and pertinent for you to pass the exam on the first go. In fact, you will not only pass your exam but also get a profound understanding of the respective subject.With our AWS Certified SysOps Administrator - Associate Practice Test, you will come to see that all of the questions and answers in our exams are chosen after a professional analysis."
Price: 34.99

"Formation Complte SYSTEME-io - Matrisez pour Gagner" |
"Dans cette formation pas pas vous allez dcouvrir comment utiliser et construire un tunnel de vente efficace de A Z.Vous avancez de faon logique dans un parcours simple vous guidant dans toutes les tapes conduisant votre prospect de la page d'inscription la page de commande, de paiement puis dans le site membre pour suivre vos formations.Construisez votre liste de prospect avec des belles pages d'inscriptions, des formulaires ou des popup.Crez vos espaces membres et hbergez vos formations vidos, audio ou PDFCrez vos tunnels de vente pour prsenter vos offres.Crer vos bons de commande, bon de rduction avec des systmes de paiement intgr.La commande passe, votre nouveau client reoit ses accs automatiquement par email sa formation (Identifiant + mot de passe) ou les informations s'il s'agit d'un vnement (webinaire, sminaire ou sances de coaching)Et tout a compltement automatis !Pour accder ""Formation Complte SYSTEME-io - Matrisez pour Gagner"", cliquez sur Ajouter au panier On commence tout de suite de l'autre ct dans le 1er module..dans lequel on va tout de suite paramtrer l'outil correctement pour tre tranquille et pouvoir avancer efficacement !Ludo."
Price: 99.99

"Yoga Is Breath- Pranayama Sequences of Ashtanga Vinyasa Yoga" |
"In this course we will go step by step to a wonderful journey to Pranayama. We will learn asanas for expanding our lungs capacity, how to write and read Pranayama sequences, practice Pranayama sequences from beginner level to advanced, how to use bandhas during Pranayama but the most important thing is that we will feel our breath. After completing this course you will get an extra certification from Yoga Alliance and you can add the YACEP hours to your continuing education."
Price: 34.99

"SAT & ACT GRAMMAR ""The Perfect Score""" |
"This is the ultimate grammar class. Even though it is geared for SAT and ACT, students can sill take this class and walk away with a FULL understanding of the English Grammar. Each section is broken down into detail explanation of each grammar rules follow by an extensive amount of practice questions . "
Price: 149.99

"Manager pour la premire fois" |
"Cette formation est articule autour de 26 vidos (au format MP4, donc lisible par tout type dappareil numrique), allant de 8 19 minutes chacune.Soit prs de 6 heures denregistrement, auxquelles il faut ajouter les lectures et les exercices dapplication. Largement ce que les organismes de formation classiques vous offrent durant deux jours en prsentiel.Ce cours voque les points suivants:Comprendre et dmystifier la fonction de managerLquipeLe jeune managerLes responsabilits dun managertre un manager et un leaderManagement et leadershipSavoirs et savoir-treQuelques soft skills matriser: savoir motiver / inspirer / faire adhrerLes qualits attendues dun manager et dun leaderSe connatre pour bien managerApprocher son style de managementLes diffrents styles de managementLe management situationnelGrille managriale et comportement des dirigeantsLentreprise libreLe management bienveillantConnaitre lautre: le collaborateurPerformanceMotivationComptenceAdaptation du management au type de collaborateurAdquation entre poste et collaborateurBtir lquipeMatriser les 100 premiers jours de sa prise de fonctiontude dun bel exemple mconnu du passQuattend-on dun jeune (ou dun nouveau) managerQue faire avant sa prise de fonctionLes premiers joursImprimer son style et sa marque dans les 3 moisBluffer ses collaborateurs au quotidienSavoir dlguerSavoir recadrerSavoir fixer un objectifSavoir runirSavoir couterSavoir coacher"
Price: 194.99

"Programa de Integridade" |
"Neste curso iremos explicar o que o Programa de Integridade, qual a origem da palavra Compliance, quais so os pilares de um programa de integridade, quais polticas eu preciso ter para garantir estes procedimentos.Vamos tambm apresentar uma estrutura organizacional baseada em nossa experincia em mais de uma dezena de diagnsticos de governana corporativa realizada por ns em diversas empresas de todos os portes.A importncia de um efetivo cdigo de tica e conduta disseminado e assimilado por todos, bem como a construo de um canal de denncias e um comit de tica com o efetivo mandato da organizao para conduzir este programa."
Price: 54.99

"Communicating Under Pressure" |
"If you are considering a communications course because you want to become a better communicator, more assured and confident in stressful or pressurized situations, then congratulations, this course is for you. You will learn the key techniques and insights to effectively communicate and get more of what you want from every situations.Been there and done that!Im Simon McAuliffe, a trained psychotherapist, founder of BBA (Building Better Abilities), a business consultancy specializing in helping individuals and teams perform and communicate more effectively. For the last 25 years, I have worked across over 40 countries for some of the largest multinationals at all levels in these organisations. However, i didn't start at this level and it has been a fascinating journey.My experiences have given me valuable insights into the world of effective communication using some of the best proven learning techniques available today.As the founder of my company I appreciate how essential communication skills are for success. Like most people, I had to learn the hard way and have made many mistakes but these have been instrumental in getting me to where I am today. Some of my key learnings are: Understanding what is going on internally. Clear awareness of my preferred communication style and that of others. How to maintain optimum levels of confidence when communicating. How to prepare well, along with an awareness of the key behaviours of effective communication.What youll learn in this course.Whos in control, you or your chimp?This course provides insights from the latest research in neuroscience and how the brain impacts our ability to communicate effectively especially when you are under pressure to perform. I am going to show how to understand and manage your chimp and yes, you have a chimp!Be your best under stress!We have all been in pressurized situations. This course will show you how you can get the best from yourself when you are stressed and under pressure when communicating. How to find your sweet spot during a difficult interview, having a difficult conversation, handling conflict and in tough negotiations.How your personal communication style impacts your success!Want to know more about how you like to communicate and understand the communication styles of others? Look no further, this course offers a free communications styles report (called Forte), which will provide crucial insights into your communication style and your ability to adapt to those around you. This tool has used by millions of participants and by some of the largest fortune 500 companies in the world.Three steps to success!The three step model examines the key skills associated with communicating effectively. It explores the impact of rapport building, questioning, listening and body language on communications. Not only do we look at the theory of effective communication, I also demonstrate what best practice looks like.This course has been designed to be: PRACTICAL, UNDERSTANDABLE, DIGESTIBLE and most importantly I want it to be RELEVANT to you as a learner. To embed the learning we use practical demonstrations to show the skills in action.Please note: this course focuses exclusively on oral communication skills.Overall, this course will make you the best communicator you can be."
Price: 129.99

"Wie Du virtueller Assistent wirst" |
"Hast Du jemals davon getrumt, Dein eigener Chef zu sein oder von berall auf der Welt aus arbeiten zu knnen? Ich habe es getan, indem ich ein virtueller Assistent geworden bin. Ich reiste in ber viele Lnder und brauchte nur eine Internetverbindung. Sowohl groe Unternehmen als auch kleine Unternehmen sind auf der Suche nach virtuellen Mitarbeitern, aber es ist schwierig, Kandidaten zu finden, die wissen, wie die die bentigten digitalen Aufgaben erledigen knnen.Dank der Online-Technologie ist die Arbeit von zu Hause aus eine echte Mglichkeit. Mit der wachsenden Zahl von Unternehmern, die von zu Hause aus arbeiten, ist auch die Nachfrage nach Personen gestiegen, die virtuell ber dieselben Technologien administrative Untersttzung leisten knnen. Das Starten eines eigenen virtuellen Assistentengeschfts ist einfach, aber das Starten eines erfolgreichen virtuellen Assistentengeschfts erfordert etwas mehr.Mein ""Online-Kurs"" Wie Du virtueller Assistent wirst ""ist ein 8-Tutorials-Training fr virtuelle Assistenten, in dem Du alles, was Du wissen musst, um erfolgreich als virtueller Assistent zu starten."
Price: 99.99

"Script writing" |
"Welcome to this course. We will cover the correct way to write a script.Many of us do not realize the importance of this matter in our life.There are a lot of photographers and lecturers online who must write the correct scriptAnd not only them, but also anyone trying to start making a movie or series or even writing a short story and visualizing it in a professional way.If you are any of these people or even interested in this, you are in the right placeWe will address in this course the following:Writing Effective ScenariosHow to Write a Movie ScriptHow to write the script and dialogue Before starting the screenwriting and dialogue processLearn the most important mistakes in writing a scriptTypes of scriptIn the end of the course, you will learn the most important basic points that should be in your pocket when writing a script.To reach professionalism"
Price: 24.99

"Haareschneiden mit Methode - Der Graduierte Bob" |
"Graduierte Bobs sind klassisch und edel. Sie knnen je nach Styling sehr unterschiedlich aussehen: Wellig oder glatt, texturiert oder auch schmal anliegend. Durch die leicht diagonale Linienfhrung bekommt der Look die typische Bobform. Die Graduation nimmt ihm etwas die Schwere und sorgt fr die Variabilitt. Dieser Kurs kann einzeln als Session oder als Workshop gebucht werden."
Price: 29.99

"Systematic Haircutting - The Graduated Bob" |
"Graduate bobs are classic and classy. Depending on the style, they can look very different: wavy or smooth, textured or even slim fitting. The soft diagonal lines give the look the typical bob shape. The graduation takes the weight off and ensures the variability. This session is one part of a whole workshop."
Price: 29.99

"GitLab - Gestione di base, CI/CD, Pipeline e tanto altro" |
"Con questo corso imparerai ad utilizzare le principali funzionalit messe a disposizione da GitLab, come ad esempio la creazione di progetti, la gestione delle issue, la gestione delle utenze, la creazione della documentazione e tanto altro ancora.Inoltre verr analizzato in dettaglio il modulo CI/CD per applicare i concetti di DevOps e realizzare le tue pipeline"
Price: 19.99

"likeup idiomas- Ingls para Iniciantes. Mdulo 1" |
"Hello guys, How is it going? tudo bem? Sou o professor Ricardo Von Groll e iniciaremos juntos a nossa jornada de aprendizado em lngua inglesa. Sejam muito bem-vindos ao nosso mdulo 1 do curso de ingls likeup idiomas. Bem, mas quem sou eu? E o mtodo de ensino?Sou professor de ingls a mais de 15 anos, trabalhei em instituies de ensino superior e em escolas de idiomas. Hoje, tenho a minha prpria marca, a likeup idiomas. Morei e estudei na Austrlia, sou graduado e certificado em ensino de lngua inglesa para aprendizes no-nativos, especialista em aquisio de segunda lngua e mestre em letras, mais especificamente em ensino de lnguas pela Universidade FEEVALE/RS. Durante meus estudos e pesquisas, pude primorar o meu mtodo prprio para ensino de ingls. Portanto, sim.....h todo um estudo embasado por trs do mtodo que utilizaremos durante as nossas aulas de ingls. Claro, para esse ambiente online, adaptaes foram feitas, pois os meios diferem e necessitam de mudanas para uma melhor performance do ensino e da aprendizagem. O que aprenderemos neste curso?Neste modulo 1 do curso para iniciantes da likeup idiomas voc aprender tudo que voc precisa saber sobre o famoso ""verb to be"" no presente simples. Alm disso, iremos alm do tradicional que muito importante, claro, mas podemos ir alm, afinal a vida feita de desafios! O assunto o verb to be no simple present (presente simples), mas a base adquirida ser utilizada em todas as etapas do seu aprendizado da lngua ingls. Sim, essa base do mdulo 1 ser utilizada at mesmo nos nveis mais avanados da lngua, ou seja, ela essencial para o seu futuro enquanto aprendiz de ingls! Lembre-se: base forte, sentido significativo!H gramtica neste curso?Pois bem, esta uma pergunta recorrente de alunos, seja para aulas online, aulas ao-vivo, presenciais, etc. A verdade que no h aprendizado de uma lngua sem gramtica pois ela que determina o padro para o idioma. Mas calma!!!! Neste curso e em qualquer outro curso nosso, no trabalharemos o que chamamos de ""gramatiques"", ou seja, voc NO ter aulas, explicaes ou interaes do tipo: "" o presente simples ou simple present um tempo verbal utilizado em lngua inglesa para explicitar situaes cotidianas no presente. Ele composto por um sujeito, que pode ser um pronome pessoal, um substantivo........."". Ao invs disso, trabalharemos os padres que a gramtica constri para a lngua. Como assim? Simples.....se o presente simples utilizado para falar sobre rotina no presente....falaremos sobre rotina durante as aulas, tipo..... o que voc faz nos finais de semana, trabalha com o que, como a sua cidade, seus amigos, os amigos dos amigos, como est o mundo hoje e assim vai! Voc no precisa saber os nomes tcnicos para falar uma lngua, precisa saber utiliz-los na prtica. Ento, se voc procura um curso para aprender gramtica da maneira tradicional, com nomes, exerccios gramaticais, etc.... talvez esse no seja o mtodo ideal para ti, ok? Mas caso queiras saber tudo isso na prtica e em que situaes e momentos deves e podes utilizar certas estruturas, bem, esse curso indicado para voc.Como o curso?Desenvolvemos este curso online de maneira mais orgnica. Isso quer dizer que o contedo precisa ser mais real, partindo sim, do tradicional e indo muito, mas muito alm! Afinal, o verb to be muito legal! Por exemplo, geralmente quando abordamos ou estudamos o verb to be, o tradicional aprendermos as estruturas e depois passarmos a utilizar situaes de cumprimentos, descrever pessoas, profisses, etc. Coisas como: ""Hey, how are you? "" I am fine and you?"" ou ainda ""She is a teacher"" e ""He is nice"". Claro que isso tudo importantssimo e obviamente est em nosso curso. Porm, em nossa opinio, no deve ser tudo. Podemos e devemos ir alm, aprender e utilizar coisas mais elaboradas mesmo quando somos iniciantes. Como curiosidade, que tal se ns te falssemos que ao aprendermos o verb to be podemos tratar de assuntos bem mais elaborados do que aqueles tradicionais, apenas. T, mas mesmo neste curso de iniciantes? Sim, mesmo neste curso de iniciantes! E ento, aceita o desafio?Quais as habilidades trabalhadas no curso?Como queremos agregar conhecimento de valor na vida dos nossos alunos ensinando ingls de maneira mais significativa, trabalharemos todas as habilidades necessrias para comunicao, ou seja, a audio, leitura, escrita e fala. Srio......? a fala tambm? Sim, a fala est inserida no contexto deste curso. Adaptamos, criamos e apresentamos situaes e ferramentas para essa habilidade em particular, pois ela de longe a mais solicitada por quem procura curso de ingls. Em um ambiente online, ela precisa ocorrer de maneira diferente da tradicional, diferente de como ocorreria em uma aula ao-vivo ou presencial, mas a boa notcia que h maneiras e ferramentas para se trabalhar cada uma das 4 vias da comunicao citadas anteriormente e que so apresentadas neste curso ajudando muito no seu desenvolvimento! ok? So let's go and let's get it started!"
Price: 39.99

"Functional Hapkido Essentials" |
"Hapkido Essentials is the evolution of Master Mays teaching since 1995 of this Dynamic Martial Art. Self Defence skills are becoming a major requirement with our dynamically changing world. Getting to a qualified instructor in modern times is fast becoming a challenge globally. Now a student can train Functional Hapkido directly with a Korea Certified 8 dan. Master May from Choson Martial Arts.Hapkii"
Price: 49.99

"Comment crire le ""nouveau Rocky""" |
"Rocky est le Film de boxe sur le tat Unis au 20 me sicle.dj 50 00 000 de personne ont vues ce film, ce que a veut dire c'est que vous pourrez vous mme vous vous faire voir par des milliers ,centaine de milliers, millions .Dans ce cours,vous aurez comme consigne toute simple, vraiment.De suivre la lettre le discours expliquer, et rflchir comment vous devez lappliquez sur votre business,association,etc...Je ne vous dis pas que cela sera facile,mais vous russirez si vous vous mettez au travail avec la ""bonne nergie"" autrement dis que vous croyez en ce que vous faites,vous dites,vous crivez.etc...merci c'tait Alexis Professeur sur Udemy."
Price: 29.99

"La diablerie de l'humanit Comment vendre 100 poduits" |
"Bonjour vous cher lecteur.Dans ce cours,vous aurez comme consigne toute simple, vraiment.De suivre la lettre le discours expliquer, et rflchir comment vous devez lappliquez sur votre business,association,etc...Je ne vous dis pas que cela sera facile,mais vous russirez si vous vous mettez au travail avec la ""bonne nergie"" autrement dis que vous croyez en ce que vous faites,vous dites,vous crivez.etc...merci c'tait Alexis Professeur sur Udemy."
Price: 39.99

"Ultimate Cricket Batting Course: All Levels" |
"Calling all batsmen!Do you want to learn new batting skills or improve your technique and stroke play?We can help with that. After all, thats what were passionate about.BUY this batting course for step-by-step visuals, in-depth explanations on how to play each shot, key tips and technical advice.After each segment, theres also a batting masterclass.Keep loving the game! We do.Please note: This course must be bought by individuals 18 or older, or under supervision by a parent or guardian."
Price: 59.99

Price: 4200.00
