Excel: |
", "" "", , Excel. , , : ! , , , , , -! 6 - ( ), !-, - ! , . , , , ! , Udemy 90% 15+ , . , , !, 30 . !"
Price: 199.99

"How to trade Stocks using 1000 Account & Technical Analysis" |
"WHAT WILL I BE LEARNING? If you clicked this Day Trading course video, you are wanting to learn and understand to Trade ,and not only that, but how to make money from Trading, and even a living out of this. This Day Trading course has been designed to take the mystery out of Trading Technical Analysis, and the confusion that comes with it. whether learning from You-tube or some guru, A lot of people are scared of the Day Trading markets because they dont feel entitled to be there, and think you need a degree to Day Trade Stocks, when in today's modern society of being able to make money online that is not at all the case. I have broken down this Day Trading course to tell a story from beginning to end. each section is in the place it is to help you understand and take the previous information from every Trading lesson to be put all together in a simple and understanding way. Most videos are kept to a 3-5 minute time where it gets everything you need to know with your attention and focus still in tact. I show how to Trade Stocks and use Technical Analysis live without beating around the bush to help you finish this course being able to Day Trade the Markets, and even revert back to it when you have Trading questions. For every intricate video that takes longer than 5 minutes to go into more detail, I place a Trading summary video that recaps everything. if you are a learner that wants all the knowledge on hand right away. I also add Day Trading Resources, and links That will connect you to Brokerages directly, Day trading Books, Technical Analysis Books, and much more! there is Trading quizzes that Summarize a whole Trading Section, And also a Mid-Term to make sure your memory of the most important things Will be Refreshed over, and over again.What is Day trading? In this detailed Day Trading course, I break down every mainstream Technical and fundamental analysis term you have heard in the Day trading world. such as: Bullish and bearishWhat are Shares Going long vs short-Making money in real time-how to place orders live Limit orders market orders Day trading Technical analysis Candlesticks Reading Charts Level 2-Reading the tape Support and resistancePSYCHOLOGY OF TRADING: Psychology-Why traders lose-Greed-Fomo (fear of missing out)-Impulsive trading-Moving onBASICS OF TRADING: What is a broker Gambling vs trading-Understanding the market-Long term vs. Swing trading-How to buy and sell stocks-What are shares and how are they traded? as I break down every single Day Trading section in high quality and easy to follow form, i tell A story that is taking every puzzle piece and putting it together in the last 2 sections. I cover everything and refresh your memory on what you learned in the first sections, so you dont have to follow along confused and still wondering how to day trade.I will show you how to make money in real time, and not just teach you how to trade, but really break down and show you how to be not only consistent, but also profitable.FUNDAMENTAL OF TRADING: How to place trades How to buy the stock sell the stock Live trading on the set ups that are taught-Breakout Strategies-Vwap Breakout strategy LIVE TRADING IN REAL TIME: I show myself making money with a $1000 account to show you how to make consistent profits. And in the last Day Trading lecture, I summarize everything to help you understand the flow and the morning routine of how to be a mentally focused Day trader, so you can enjoy what you do on a Monday-Friday basis using my sketch pad, I break down confusing terms as if you were Re-learning your ABC's. making it so simple and relatable to every day life. if you experience confusion, I Hone in on the different learning styles. Every single lesson has a written summary explaining the key points you need to know and can print out helping you study more efficientlyThis course is to help change your life as a new trader and overall perspective on the stock market from the big bad wolf of all street, to a career that has freedom to live life on your terms. Lets dive right in, and feel free to enjoy the preview videos that are in this lesson, can't wait for you to join me on this journey"
Price: 149.99

"Cartography and Mapping with Surfer" |
"Surfer or Golden Software Surfer is one of the top softwares used by different Geoscience industries to create maps and to do cartography. it can be defined as a Gridding , Contouring and surface Mapping software. Surfer can be used to Visualize Data, Analyze Data and communicate the results in the form of 2D or 3D maps or sections. In this Training we are going to take have an overview about how the software works and how you can use it as a GIS tool to create different types of maps and how to use the built-in tools to do various tasks."
Price: 99.99

Struts2+Spring+Hibernate |
Price: 29.99

"Storytelling "" Communication skills "" -" |
" Storytelling. . .. . Storytelling is the second difficult skill in communication skills after public speaking and it shows how you can simplify and explore your message and recommendations using a simple and interested way in personal discussions as well business discussion. in this session we will learn different simple and advanced techniques about storytelling in addition how and when efficiently we can use it.that's why story telling techniques will make you efficient negotiator and excellent communicator and it suits all levels and ages."
Price: 49.99

"Crer Une Marque Comme Les Grandes Enseignes" |
"La nouvelle stratgie (totalement inconnue) pour Crer une marque depuis ton canap grce au Print On Demand ! Dcouvre tape par tape les marches suivre pour crer une marque prenne et bien solide. Que ce soit en Print On Demand ou en Dropshipping, une marque se construit de la mme faon."
Price: 199.99

"I & II Thessalonians" |
"No other book of the Bible gives a clearer sequence and detail of the events that surround the glorious return of Jesus Christ than the two letters that Paul writes to a young church at Thessalonica (Greece) who fear that they will be left behind when that great day comes.Classes include:Introduction - This first lesson will review the history of the city of Thessalonica as well as the circumstances surrounding the writing of these two epistles (letters).Genuine Conversion - In the opening section of his letter Paul, the Apostle, describes the attributes that reveal a genuine conversion to Christ.True Ministers - In this lesson, Paul defends against attacks by the false teachers in the Thessalonian church by listing the credentials that identify true ministers of God's word in every age.True Churches - After having laid out the necessary credentials for recognizing true ministers of the gospel, Paul does the same for true churches.Preparing for the End - In this lesson, Paul outlines the actual order of events that will take place when Jesus returns.8 Ways To Be Ready - In the final section of his letter to the Thessalonians Paul outlines eight ways to prepare for the sure return of Jesus Christ.Intro to II Thessalonians - In his second letter to this church, Paul continues to encourage and praise them for their faithfulness and provides even more teaching about the second coming of Christ.Events Before the Last Day - Paul continues teaching this young church about the events that must occur before Jesus' second coming.Who is the Man of Lawlessness? - This lesson examines the various theories put forth to explain the identity of the ""Man of Lawlessness"" Paul refers to in this epistle.What is the Deluding Influence? - This lesson examines the nature of God's will and how it accommodates man's will in relation to his ability to choose or reject salvation.The Judgement Day - This lesson reviews Jesus' teaching about His return in Matthew 24-25 in order to complement the instructions that Paul provides the Thessalonians on this same subject.Be Ready - In the final lesson on this series Mike summarizes the Apostle Paul's arguments on being ready for Jesus' sure return."
Price: 19.99

"9 Secrets of SEO Writing" |
"Do you want to earn a name as a great SEO writer?All these and more: add to your skills when it comes to SEO writing with a great course offered by HENRY HARVIN!This course will give you a thorough understanding of SEO copywriting which is a must if you want to establish yourself as a good writer. Get a clear understanding of the subject and be a proficient SEO writer after the completion of the course. This course will give you the confidence and expertise to write compelling content.It is very important to understand what your reader will get hooked to. This course will help you to understand their needs and write effective content that helps you gain better rankings. This will also give you an understanding of how to make your content engaging by giving you an in-depth knowledge of persuasion, tone, and storytelling that forms an important constituent of the content.Not only writing effectively but making your content free from errors like spelling, grammar and plagiarism are all the parts of the course. Now write and edit the content with confidence as it will definitely boost your skills. It definitely lays a road for you to do great SEO writing.Whether you are a newbie or an experienced writer the course has a lot to offer to everyone. For a nitwit, this course will offer great insights and help you to understand the nuances of SEO writing right from the scratch. On the other hand, an experienced writer can take his writing skill to another level with this one.During the tenure of the course, some important study material will be provided in the form of videos and printed copies. During the sessions exercises, and practical sessions are taken to make the concepts clear. The trainers are experienced and carry a multitude of experience in the field of SEO writing. They guide you through the course and are always ready to solve your concerns.After the completion the course will help you in the following ways:UNDERSTAND the concept of Search Engine optimization writing in detailCOMPREHEND the difference between content writing and SEO content writingLEARN to write competent copy that helps you achieve good rankingGET the skills to write copies that are engaging, unique and well-structuredLEARN the importance of SEO, SEM, and SMOGET the skill to perform keyword analysis to target potential customers.GET the flair to write for national and international clientsLEARN to write blogs, websites, social media, newsletters, etc. based on SEOGET the skill to write SEO friendly content for websitesUNDERSTAND the importance and usage of keyword density and its frequencyGAIN the knowledge to formulate an effective strategy for contentLEARN to review plagiarized contentCOMPREHEND the importance and benefits of on-page and Off-page optimizationUNDERSTAND the Ways to measure success, improve effectiveness, and develop better future campaigns.ACQUIRE the knowledge and expertise to write blogs and promoting itUNDERSTAND the concept of content marketingGET the knowledge to understand the power of social mediaBECOME proficient in evaluating social media impactGET the confidence of being an expert SEO writerWords of appreciation from our Students1. Great course! The course gives an insight into useful content writing practice. With this course, I learned a lot about SEO writing. Nimesh Srivastava2. This course will make you learn everything you need to know about search engine optimization Writing, Highly recommended. Shreya Verma3. The course was informative and to the point. The trainer had the best of the knowledge about the subject. He went out of his way to bring out the best and gave ample attention to every participant. I found the course really good as it gave us with much-needed knowledge; Devanshi Sinha4. This course is great for someone like me who wants to have a piece of in-depth knowledge about SEO writing. This course is great in that reference and has really increased my confidence. Shankey Bharadwaj5. It is too good to miss and one must get enrolled in this course to make himself fit for the industry. Apoorva Manuel"
Price: 199.99

"21 Email Etiquette Rules Every Professional Should Follow" |
"Are you seeking a good response through your emails?Do you want to create a big impact through your powerful emails?Do you really feel that you need to save time while writing emails and get a quick response?Henry Harvins short yet powerful course could change the direction of your career by making a great impact.The course will definitely help you gain the necessary skills and make you proficient in writing an email that will draw a positive response and have an impact that will lead you towards your goal.This course in no time will make you a master of writing an impactful email and save a lot of time. Moreover, it will establish a better relationship with the employees and your team through improved communication. This simple course will lead your way and make you understand how to make your emails more effective. If you will learn the art of saying something in such a manner that in few words it makes a bigger impact; what could be better than that as it will not only saves a lot of time but also make you a better communicator.This rewarding course can take you ahead in your career and can leave a positive footprint in the minds of your colleagues and teammates. No matter what new tools pop up email will always be the most important way of communication in the professional world. If you are a part of the professional world then writing an effective email is a must as it is the need of the hour.Having good business writing skills is an important component that gets you going in a job as it is an important tool that helps you communicate better and is a reflection of your personality and thought process.The course will help you in the following ways after the completion:By the end of this course, you'll be able to have better communication with your team and you can also collaborate better with them. You can achieve the goal of learning business writing skills, email writing skills, and email etiquette with this one that will help you go a long way. The best part is you can save a lot of time in this whole exercise and increase your productivity. In addition to these, you will also be able to learn how to assign task through the mails, writing a persuasive subject line, make your emails scannable and share the rules of email,Develop an awareness of the potential use of digital communicationMaster the art of writing effective emails to achieve clarity and successful communicationLearn to work within the set of principles to ensure professional, & effective email writingComprehend the usage of perfect grammarLearn to write professional emailsGet the knowledge to avoid errors by proofreadingGain an understanding of the notion of netiquetteGet the knowledge to write powerful emails every time you write professionallyAcquire the skill to contribute to a positive workplace culture through emailNever indulge in writing an embarrassing or ineffective emailGet efficient in saving time and eliminating stress when writing emailsAbsorb the tactics and learn email writing skills in simple stepsLearn to strike the right cord and set the right tone while writing emailsGet the skill to learn email etiquette and business writing techniques that will help you in the long runAvoid committing errors in an email that may baffle peopleAcquire the skill to improve communication within teamsAll in all, it saves time in writing and responding to emails and get results fasterGet the skill to write clear email messages that explain everythingWords of appreciation from our Students1. A must for a professional. Very nicely explained and I learned many things from this course. Lateef Hussain2. it was an informative session and good for beginners. The course was full of enriching content and a set of rules that must be followed to make you a better writer and communicator. Shraddha Malhotra3. Valuable learning experience as it can be applied on a daily basis and can help you go a long way in your career. everything was explained greatly and the rules are easy to understand. Neelima Matthew4. I liked everything in the course, the learning experience was really good and helpful. Jwaala Singh5. I Learnt a lot and would recommend joining such a creative course. Mandeep Singh"
Price: 199.99

"Feedly: Automatiser ma Veille digitale - Flux RSS & Contenus" |
"Feedly se charge de vous vous proposer quotoidiennement le meilleur du contenu qui vous intresse: toi de renseigner les blogs que tu aimes, les journaux ou magazines qui te correspondent. Objectif ? Ne rien rater des tendances et des actualits importantes pour ton secteur.Feedly utilise les flux RSS mis disposition par les diteurs. Mais Feedly propose galement une liste de contenus complmentaires:Comptes TweeterComptes FacebookJournauxSites web & BlogsGoogle AlertsEt une fois le contenu enregistr, Feedly vous offre des outils pour l'archiver mais surtout pour le repartager facilement ta communaut. Feedly est galement enrichit par un outil d'intelligence artificielle qui va chercher encore plus de contenu.Feedly est complet et assez largement gratuit, bien quun abonnement professionnel soit disponible 7,99 par mois. Il permet deffectuer une recherche parmi tous les flux, traquer des mots-cls afin dtre notifis de nouveaux articles en relation ou encore lintgration des services comme Facebook, Twitter ou autre IFTTT."
Price: 124.99

"Azure Data Engineering - Interview Preparation Practice Test" |
"In current market there is high demand for cloud skills. However there is also high shortage of resources availability. This course will help candidates to become capable to face the interview confidently.This course will help the candidates on below points:Focus on fundamentals of Azure servicesHow to understand and articulate the application architectureWhat are plus and minus of each serviceWhere to use which service and whyThe real world challenges being faced by developers in day to day jobEnforce on learningTo groom themselves and prepare to grab the opportunity in the marketPattern of course lectures:Real world questionsExplanation - hints on how to answer the questionDemo to justify the answerQuiz / practice test - to enforce your learningImportant Note: I am on the way to add new video contents. Considering the urgent requirements in the market, I am releasing the course for public early. You can wait or buy now. The course will be available to you lifetime.Current Topics: Articulate architecture and experience, Azure Data Factory, Storage Services, Azure Databricks, Azure SQLFuture additions: Cosmos DB, Focus on unstructured data, Streaming (Stream analytics and Spark streaming), design scenarios and many moreThis course is NOT question-answer bank to mug up. The course is designed by consulting to Sr Architects who are working on large enterprise data applications on Azure.Prerequisite:Candidate must have knowledge of Azure.Experience in Azure is required. However if you have no experience, enroll the other course on Udemy (Fast track - Learn Azure Data Engineering with Mini Project) to gain a project execution experience on Azure."
Price: 19.99

"Entreprendre sans argent, sans risque et sans chec" |
"Vous ne pouvez tre que sceptique face un titre pareil. Et pourtant. Vingt-sept super-entrepreneurs amricains sont partis seuls, sans argent, sans possibilit demprunter et ont dvelopp des business plus de 500 millions de dollars. Leur faon de grer un business est radicalement diffrente de celle qui est enseigne dans les cole de commerce en France. Cest galement trs loin de ce quutilise la majorit des incubateurs Franais. Entreprendre et crer son entreprise est le souhait de beaucoup. Rares sont ceux qui franchissent le pas.... car ...Je nai pas de bonne ide...Je nai pas assez dargent...Je nai pas les comptences...Je ne connais rien en gestion...Entreprendre est trs risqu...Tous ces mythes sont un frein votre succs !Ce cours a pour objectif de vous donner les connaissances indispensables pour russir. Il aborde uniquement les thmes qui peuvent pour permettre de trouver un march et gagner de largent. On ny parlera donc pas de comptabilit, de droit, de finance ni de chiffres.Vous comprendrez dans ce cours comment la logique procdurale vous aidera rentrer dans le concret, sans risque, sans argent et sans chec. Trs rpandue aux USA, cette logique est peu connue en France."
Price: 129.99

"Microsoft 70-662 Exchange Server 2010 Configuring Exam" |
"143 UNIQUE practice questions for Microsoft 70-662 Exchange Server 2010 Configuring ExamPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can atleast get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : Microsoft 70-662 Exchange Server 2010 Configuring ExamTotal Questions : 143Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :85 minsPassing Score : 75 (107 of 143)"
Price: 149.99

"My Advance Trading Course - Band Trading Techniques" |
"My Advance Trading Course - Band Trading TechniquesThe profitable simple Trading system means an Advanced Trading system for me.Bank Nifty SpecialDay and Very Short Term Positional Trading SystemAre you in a searching mode of any profitable trading system? Have you enrolled so many courses and you fill something is missing?Are you tired of constant losses in the market?And you have started losing confidence in all those complicated indicators?And you struggling to find ideal entry and exit points in the market?You even find it difficult to spot trends in the market and often catch the trends when it's too late.It doesn't matter whether you are a novice or an experienced trader, if the answers to all these questions are big ""YES"", then this course is a perfect solution for you.Now, what is My Advance Trading Course - Band Trading Techniques?Please read carefully, if a trading system (Strategy/Technique) is very simple and it makes me profitable consistently. It gives me regular income then I can say that this simple trading system is the Advanced Trading System for me. If I have a profitable simple trading system then why should I do complicated things with my chart? It will unnecessarily divert my mind all the time and will force me to do things that are out of Trading rules. Remember, as a trader if you want to become a successful trader then keep things easier and simple without adding so many indicators, complex structures, etc. Simple things will make you Profitable, Successful TraderMy Trading Success FormulaDear Friend if you want to become a successful trader, please watch the 1st preview lecture of this course. If you don't want to purchase this course, no matter Don't Enroll. But watch that preview video if you want to achieve something in your trading career.The path, direction, way, road, the destination of Successful / Profitable Trading is the only that I thought in that video.My Advance Trading Course - Band Trading Techniques teaches how to combine band and Price Action Trading. We do NOT promise that you will turn rich overnight. We do not make ridiculous and false claims (like those you see in other courses and Online Advertisements) that you will make 5000$ per trading session.This course WILL, however, offer you my years of experience in the stock market. You will understand the pitfalls and keys to succeed in price action trading and the stock market. You will be saved from hundreds of mistakes I made in my Trading Journey.So whether you want to generate some side income by trading or if you want to make trading your only source of income (like our Traders), then this course is for you.Course StructureIntroduction1) Trading Secret Formula- Preview2) Trading With Bollinger Band- Preview3) Introduction- Very Important Lesson- Belief SystemFoundation to Successful Trading4) Price Action Basic5) Money Management And Risk to Reward 6) Why 90% of traders lose money in the market?7) Trading Mindset / How to Control Emotions?My Secret Weapon - Band Trading Techniques 8) Band Trading Technique 19) Band Trading Technique 210) Band Trading Technique 3"
Price: 9920.00

"Preparation for Web Design Interview Test and Tips" |
"Hello Dear Students,You can launch a new career in web development today by learning HTML & CSS. You don't need a computer science degree or expensive software. All you need is a computer, a bit of time, a lot of determination, and a teacher you trust. I've taught HTML and CSS to countless coworkers and held training sessions for fortune 100 companies. I am that teacher you can trust. Don't limit yourself by creating websites with some cheesy site-builder"" tool. This course teaches you how to take 100% control over your webpages by using the same concepts that every professional website is created with.This course does not assume any prior experience. We start at square one and learn together bit by bit. By the end of the course you will have created (by hand) a website that looks great on phones, tablets, laptops, and desktops alike.In the summer of 2020 the course has received a new section where we push our website live up onto the web using the free GitHub Pages service; this means you'll be able to share a link to what you've created with your friends, family, colleagues and the world!"
Price: 199.99

"How to GROW your Instagram the right way" |
"Are you struggling on growing your Instagram account? Or maybe you just feel that you are growing but not in the exact way you want to, you are not really reaching out to your target market? Not exposing your brand to the relevant target market?We use Instagram in order for us to reach out to more potential clients that at one point will become our clients. Join Big.Consulting to learn more on how to grow your Instagram the right way.You will learn:* How to reach out to your target marketing on Instagram* How to increase your page exposure by using hashtags and engaging with others* Use the story as a tool to grow* Everything you need to know about hashtags * Use Instagram insights to help you grow and reach out to the relevant target market and few more hacks and tips.So if you are using Instagram to grow your business and to engage with your target marketing this session is perfect for you!You can ask me questions about your account."
Price: 39.99

"InDesign 2020" |
Price: 89.99

"Oracle APEX Admin with ORDS" |
"Oracle Application Express (APEX) is one of the most exciting application development tools in the software development industry. APEX provides a true Rapid Application Development environment that can help you implement an idea right from concept to a working production level application in a short period of timeIn this course You will learn to create oracle database and install apex and configure embedded pl/sql gateway and ORDS"
Price: 1600.00

"yi bir konuma ancak ok iyi bir konuma metni ile mmkndr. Bu eitimde Konuma metninizi hazrlama, iyi bir giri yapma, etkileyici bir ekilde bitirme zerine rnekler greceksiniz. En nemlisi okunmak iin yazlm bir metin ile dinlenmek iin yazlm bir metin arasndaki fark reneceksiniz.Konumanz hangi benzetme, metafor ve hikayelerle konumanz zenginletirebileceinizi deneyimleceksiniz.Bu kursun temel amac, ierii ne olursa olsun yapacanz konumalar en etkili, fark yaratacak ekilde yapmak ve vermek istediiniz mesajn dinleyicinize ulamasn salamak.Kendinizi ve fikirlerinizi daha iyi ifade etmek ve bylelikle etki alannz gelitirmeye hazr msnz?O halde, hadi balayalm"
Price: 49.99

"MOON - All About Trading 4 in 1 & Use of Investment App" |
"""MOON - All About Trading 4 in 1 & Use of Investment App"" promises you unique and enjoyable learning with a storytelling narrative.In this course, you will learn 4 basic principles of investment.1. Security2. Psychology Management3. Fundamental and Technical Analysis4. Risk ManagementIf you don't have enough knowledge and skills on these topics or if you want more for yourself, this course is for you!Course StructureNo time wasted. We are aware of the value of time. That's why we have offered you a unique visual and auditory experience, in favor of fast, enjoyable and easy understanding, which is our priority.Course ContentThe Ultimate Guide for Investors on Selective Thinking & Accepting Loss & Dealing with Market Pressure Take Responsibility Stay Safe Shape Your Emotions Know Your Enemy Make Rules Make a Choice Take Risk Stop-LossInvestment ApplicationMicrosoft Excel based investment management and tracking application. It's free forever for our students and fully customizable.WarningThe investment application contains the programming language called visual basic, supported by Microsoft Excel and the file is shared with our students in the resources section of our course as open source. Due to the fact that the file is shared as open source and users have full authority on it, the relevant application file is only requested to be downloaded from the source section of our course. It should be remembered that content from external sources can be changed to threaten your security.It is guaranteed by the instructor that there is no content that could threaten your safety in the file in the resources section of our training."
Price: 74.99

"The Catch Class - Sharing the Gospel Naturally" |
"The Catch is a Bible based curriculum that will walk you through scripture, technique, and train you to share the Gospel effectively. You will learn how God sees the ministry of reconciliation and what He says about it in His Word. You will also learn how to use your Bible as a road map and a tool to minister the Love of God to people. The Catch will help you to speak with great compassion and boldness about the goodness of God, and helping to lead others into a personal relationship with Jesus Christ."
Price: 19.99

"Algoritmos e Lgica de Programao com a Linguagem C" |
"Uma das matrias ou assuntos mais difceis de todo estudante de programao a temida lgica mais precisamente a lgica de programao ou quando comparamos com a engenharia civil a fundao para construir seus grandiosos sistemas web, desktop e mobile. Nesse curso procuro passar para vocs a experincia que vivo dentro de sala de aula com os alunos de cursos tcnicos e de graduao.Vamos aprender a trabalhar numa ferramenta de programao o DevC++ e construirmos nossos primeiros algoritmos desde um simples printf, scanf at chegarmos em programas mais complexos onde ir exigir estruturas de seleo, laos de repetio que so os famosos while, do..while, for...At chegarmos ao momento de criarmos nossas prprias funes. Esse o meu primeiro curso produzido na Udemy e espero que seja proveitoso para voc...e qualquer sugesto, dvida fico feliz em receber seu feedback.Cordialmente,Kane Chan"
Price: 39.99

"Introduction to water colour painting" |
"This course contains realistic water colour painting tutorial. For this I choose human ear, as an example. This course includes real time step by step tutorial. I divided the entire drawing process into 19 parts with descriptions. From this course you will study, how to paint an ear in water colour ,basic theory of water colour painting, materials used for water colour painting, and how to make skin tone.I am Alna Poulose, a fine art artist from kerala, India"
Price: 19.99

"Wordpress Crea tu propia pagina web sin cdigo" |
"Te interesara conocer cmo puedes crear t mismo el sitio web de tu negocio personal o tu portafolio sin codigo? Te comento que existen herramientas como Wordpress las cuales te permiten crear prcticamente cualquier tipo de pgina web que puedas imaginar e incluso puedes lograrlo sin escribir una sola lnea de cdigo.Conoce como utilizar WooCommerce, Elementor y otros plugins populares de Wordpress. Ademas, seras capaz de comprender como funciona el panel administrativo de esta herramienta y como puedes instalar plugins, temas de wordpress y mucho mas! todo esto sin una sola linea de codigo.En este curso sers capaz de sin tener ningn conocimiento previo en el rea de desarrollo web, puedas conocer como crear tus propios sitios y cuales son esos plugins que permiten que personalicemos nuestro sitio de forma visual sin escribir nada de cdigo y todo esto en una sola hora de contenido. Si este perfil encaja contigo te comento que Wordpress es una muy buena opcin para ti y tu sitio web. Ahorra el dinero de pagarle a alguien ms para que desarrolle tu sitio web y personaliza tu mismo a tu gusto. Usa tu inteligencia, usa Wordpress."
Price: 19.99

"Vers la certification ISTQB Syllabus Niveau Fondation" |
"La notion de cycle de vie du logiciel fait son apparition la fin des annes 60, il dsigne toutes les tapes du dveloppement d'un logiciel, depuis lide de dpart jusqu la fin du cycle de vie du logiciel en passant par les tests. Cest ainsi que lon commence dissocier lactivit de test du debugging .ISTQB, c'est quoi ?Suivant lenvironnement dans lequel on volue et les objectifs quon se donne, il faut choisir la spcialisation qui sera la plus adapte son propre contexte.Aujourdhui, plusieurs organismes dlivrent des certifications dans le domaine du test logiciel.Alors dans toutes ces offres, quelle certification choisir ?ISTQB est la plus populaire dans le monde. Elle propose plusieurs niveaux de certification, ainsi que des spcialisations pointues (Agile testeur, Security tester).LInternational Software Testing Qualifications Board (ISTQB ou, en franais Comit international de qualification du test logiciel) est une garantie de comptences, de connaissances, de comprhension, de professionnalisme, dindpendance et dthique.Dans cette formation que vais-je retrouver ?Les examens prsents dans cette formation sont bass sur Le syllabus Testeur Certifi Niveau Fondation Version 2018 (en version franaise).Vous pourrez vous entraner en conditions relles d'examen (dure, nombre de questions et pourcentage de russite).Vous y trouverez des questionnaires choix multiples de 40 questions chacun. Pour russir cet examen, il faut obtenir au moins 65% de rponses correctes (cest--dire au moins 26 rponses justes).Les 6 chapitres du syllabus seront abords dans l'ensemble des questions proposes. Chapitre 1 : Fondamentaux des tests Chapitre 2 : Tester pendant le cycle de vie du dveloppement logiciel Chapitre 3 : Tests statiques Chapitre 4 : Techniques de test Chapitre 5 : Gestion des tests Chapitre 6 : Outils de support aux testsLe nombre de questions par chapitre dans ces 3 examens (pour un total de plus de 120 questions corriges) respecte la mme rpartition de lpreuve de la certification.L'intgralits des questions sont accompagnes d'une correction explicative dtaille afin que vous puissiez comprendre vos erreurs pour vous amliorer.Inclus dans cette formation :Test 1 : 40 questions en 1hTest 2 : 40 questions en 1hTest 3 : 40 questions en 1hA venir Test 4 : A paratre d'ici fin 2020Ce cours contient des entranements aux examens de la certification ISTQB et ne contient pas de contenu pdagogique."
Price: 19.99

"1ST DEFENSE - Online-Selbstverteidigung" |
"1ST DEFENSE ist der beste Selbstverteidigungs-Videokurs, ganz speziell auf Mdchen und Frauen zugeschnitten! Einfache und effektive Selbstverteidigung in jeweils nur 3 Schritten. Sofort anwendbar und kinderleicht zu merken sind. Entwickelt von Deutschlands bekanntestem V.I.P Bodyguard ""Peter Althof"" und ""Tini"", die dir alle Techniken, Tipps und Tricks zeigt!Das Programm ist fr alle Mdchen und Frauen, die lernen mchten, sich wirkungsvoll vor Belstigungen und Angriffen zu schtzen. Damit jedes Mdchen und jede Frau sich wieder sicher, stark und selbstbewusst in ihrem Alltag bewegen kann. Das Programm ist so einfach, dass selbst 7 jhrige Mdchen innerhalb von Minuten die Techniken anwenden knnen. Modedesignerin und Model Sarah Kern sagt ber 1ST DEFENSE: Fr mich ist dieser Kurs das Effizienteste berhaupt, ein absolutes Muss fr jedes Mdchen und jede Frau.""Mehr als 10.000 Frauen sind mit dem Programm von 1ST DEFENSE schon strker, sicherer und selbstbewusster geworden. Du kannst es auch! Hol dir den Kurs jetzt und starte dein Training mit Tini!Du bekommst 12 Monate Zugang zum Online-Videokurs und kannst die Videos sehen, wann, wo und wie oft du willst. Zustzlich bekommst du ein Online-Training pro Woche, in dem du die Techniken mit Tini trainieren und noch besser lernen kannst. Du hast auerdem Zugang zur 1ST DEFENSE Facebook-Gruppe, in der du dich mit den anderen Teilnehmer*innen austauschen kannst.In der wchentlichen Q&A Session beantworten Tini und Peter Althof deine Fragen rund um das Thema Sicherheit und Selbstverteidigung. Also sei dabei und werde mit 1ST DEFENSE stark, sicher und selbstbewusst! Wir freuen uns auf dich!"
Price: 49.99

"CompTIA SY0-401 Security + Part - 2 Certified Practice Exam" |
"Sample QuestionsQ) Joe, the network administrator must create a virtualization host that has additional storage requirements. Which of the following protocols should be used to connect to a SAN company? (Choose two.)a) Fiber Channelb) SCPc) ISCSId) FDDIe) SSLQ) Security Administrator generates a key pair and sends the key to the third party request file. The third party sends back a signed file. In this case, the file will be sent to the administrator:a) Californiab) CRLc) KEK.d) CSR.e) NoneQ) Chief Privacy Officer, Joe, is concerned that employees send email to addresses outside of the company, that contain PII. He asks that the security methods to implement technology that will reduce this risk. Which of the following would be the best option below?a) DLPb) HIDSc) Firewalld) Web content filteringe) NoneQ) Reacting to the incident on a Linux server, the administrator must disable unused services. Which of the following commands can be used to see the processes which listens on TCP port?a) Lsofb) Tcpdumpc) upperd) Ifconfige) None"
Price: 154.99

"HP0-J34 Implementing MSA Storage Certified Practice Exam" |
"Sample QuestionsQ) What are the current types of users is provided by default when setting up the MSA2000? (Choose two.)a) Workb) FTPc) monitord) copee) administratora) MSA2012fc you implemented in the process of filing volumes. What do you have to choose before selecting the volume to imagine?a) LUNb) masterc) virtual diskd) displaye) NoneQ) It can be used to update the controller firmware G2 MSA2000?a) CLIb) FTPc) SNMPd) telnete) NoneQ) What needs to be established in 2008, the Windows Server operating system, the system functions to provide MSA2300fc highly available access to data?a) MPIOb) services clusterc) Opening of Fiber Channel servicesd) BCCe) None"
Price: 149.99

"Google Meet 2020 - Learn to Teach Online or Host Conferences" |
"Hi there! Welcome to my Google Meet 2020 course. My name is Kevin O'Brien and I'll be your Meet Coach! Learn everything you need to know about Google Meet in 2020 with this complete guide!WELCOME!Are you giving online classes to students or holding meetings with your work colleagues? Then Google Meet is the perfect solution for you. Whether you're an absolute beginner or just looking to freshen up your current Google Meet knowledge, then this is the course for you. I'll guide you through all the steps required to get up to scratch in no time, most importantly in a fun and helpful way.BECOME A MEET-MASTER!There are a lot of online video applications out there on the market for teachers and at-home workers in need of a tool for holding work meetings, but Google Meet is shining through as the most efficient and user-friendly application of them all. if you're usually a Skype or Zoom user, then you'll love Google Meet.Together we'll cover Drive's most useful functions including:Getting Setup and RequirementsStarting a MeetingInviting Guests to Meetings (Students or Work Colleagues)Google Meet SettingsPresent a Tab or Document to your MeetingCreating Meetings via Google CalendarCamera and Microphone SettingsPlus much much more...I've divided this course up into bite-sized video lectures to help you get on track easier and quicker. Before you'll know it you'll be saving so much time using Meet so you can spend more time on other projects. So put the kettle on, make yourself a cup of coffee and let's get started :)"
Price: 19.99

"BANK HACKING : Les Cyberattaques" |
"Une formation 100% Pratique et culturelle en piratage des systmes d'entreprises et des systmes bancairesTout au long de cette Formation, vous saurez comment accder des systmes distance de plusieurs maniresVous aurez le mode d'emploi complet des chapeaux noirs et les mthodologies employes par les cybercriminelsObtenez dans cette formation des connaissances en black-Hat Hacking afin dapprhender les cyberattaquesA l'issue de ce cours, le hacking n'aura aucun secret pour vous et vous saurez comment procdent les pirates informatiques"
Price: 199.99

"Le Guide Ultime du marketing sur Pinterest en 2020" |
"Pinterest accueille chaque mois plus de 300 millions d'utilisateurs uniques. Pourtant, la plateforme reste encore peu utilise dans le cadre du marketing digital, surtout en France, alors qu'elle permet d'offrir une visibilit et un engagement avec un cot trs faible compar des plateformes comme Facebook, Instagram ou Snapchat.De loin, Pinterest est le rseau social avec le moins de concurrence, un cot d'acquisition trs faible et surtout ultra-efficace.Elle se dveloppe trs rapidement avec une croissance de 30% par an et nulle doute qu'elle deviendra un pilier du marketing digital pour apporter du trafic dans quelques annes. C'est le moment ou jamais de dcouvrir ce site et des astuces que j'ai acquis avec mes diffrents comptes, permettant d'automatiser le contenu et de crer une source de visites automatise sur votre blog ou site e-commerce personnel.Quelques chiffres en vrac, pour vous convaincre de la pertinence de Pinterest en France et dans le monde :200 milliards dpingles sur Pinterest (+100 milliard cette anne, une preuve de croissance).La France est le troisime march de Pinterest, avec 11 million d'utilisateurs actifs.55% des utilisateurs ont entre 18 et 34 ans.Il y a 322 millions d'utilisateurs actifs au total, c'est presque autant que Twitter ou Snapchat.70% des usagers sont des femmes et 30% des hommes.85% des recherches sont effectues avec un mobile.En plus de cela, Pinterest est une plateforme qui est pargne par les rcentes polmiques concernant les rseaux sociaux et est considre par 9 utilisateurs sur 10 comme un lieu digital ultra-positif. C'est une bonne nouvelle pour votre business, avec des clients heureux de dcouvrir vos publications ou publicits.Dans ce Guide Ultime, vous dcouvrirez :Les fondamentaux de Pinterest (cration de compte Business, recherche d'une niche)Les manires de crer une pingle optimise SEO - recherche Google & PinterestComment crer un tableau efficaceMa technique pour automatiser Pinterest trs facilement avec une audience qualifieDes logiciels pour raliser des visuels percutants pour vos pinglesLes rgles de bonnes pratiques sur la plateformeMes techniques ultra performantes de Growth Hacking pour faire grandir votre compte trs rapidementDes recommandations issues de longues annes d'exprience pour crer des pingles efficacesLes manires d'utiliser les outils internes d'analyse de donnes pour amliorer votre stratgieComment crer une publicit sur la plateforme Pinterest AdsMes astuces personnelles sur cet outilPour finir, je tiens tre toujours d'actualit sur la plateforme qui volue trs vite et cette formation est jour avec la dernire version de la plateforme."
Price: 29.99
