"PMI PGMP Program Management Professional Practice Exam" |
"Sample QuestionsQ) What is the term given to ads that are usually located between the mast and the content of a web page? Choose one of the following:a) Button adsb) Skyscraper adsc) leaderboard add) MPU adsQ) Have you heard of the term frequency limit. What does it mean? Choose one of the following:a) A limit is applied on an ad, you can view the Web sites.b) A limit is applied to thenumber of times an ad is displayed.c) A limit is applied to the costs incurred by a company for the ad to appear.d) A limit is applied to the geographic display of the ad.Q) What is the term used to describe when a customer comes to a specific web page and complete the default action? Choose one of the following:a) Conversionb) Calculationc) trackingd) ReboundQ) Have you heard of the 'lease' term in online advertising. What does it mean? Choose one of the following:a) Your ad willhave a fixed position for a certain price and time.b) Your ad will have a fixed position for a certain number of clicks.c) Your ad will have a fixed position for a number of impressions.d) Your ad will have a fixed position for a certain budget.Q) You are aware that the conventions Privacy Policy apply to any digital marketing campaign. What is the implication of this for your campaign digital display, and what can not do? Choose one of the followinga) Track Retargetingb) Trace for analysisc) Trace to device informationd) Trace to previous activities"
Price: 149.99

"PMI-ACP PMI Agile Certified Practitioner Practice Exam" |
"Sample QuestionsQ) What are the key advantages stakeholders could create an Agile approach?a) The ability to process thechange-bypass management, the inclusion of new requirements and changes directly in the team as you meet every dayb) The timely delivery and continuous valuable software, providing greater visibility and the opportunity for more frequent adjustmentsc) Increased access to the project and less reliance on formal reports and meetings was to better understand the work in progress and the team is accepting riskd) Flexibility teams to make changes mid iteration according to business needs or priorities change, increasing the team's ability to meet project commitmentsQ) What is the first thing that a team needs to do to estimate user stories for a project?a) Order user stories based on priorities.b) Plan a teammeeting to understand them.c) Define the extent story points.d) Estimate through the function point analysis.Q) A point is the story:a) relative measure of the size of a user's history.b) Period needed to user stories completea.c) Priorities of the user story in the backlog.d) Business value of the user's history.Q) According to the Agile Manifesto, which follows the voices of most value we are described?a) cooperation with customers, following a plan, business software, and individual interactionsb) Working software, individual interactions, responding to change, and comprehensive documentationc) individual interactions, business software, customer collaboration, and responding to changed) In response to the changes, individual interactions, processes and tools, and customercollaborationQ) On a particular project, the quality of the product is measured at regular intervals and is consistently below the acceptable level. In a lean environment, how should the problem be solved?a) The team should implement more rigorous tests at the end of each development cycle.b) Management should lead the team on specific actions you should take to improvequality.c) Management should lead the team trying to improve himself and reduce errors in the system.d) The project champion should review the acceptable quality threshold to ensure that it is realistic."
Price: 154.99

Price: 24000.00

"Relationship Coaching Toolkit: Transform, Heal & Grow Love" |
"Grow Love With Ease!Are you tired of trying in relationships? Would you like to feel that your relationships flow with ease and love, that appreciation and joy grow from them instead?This course will help you achieve this with your partner, your friends, your children and your family members...in fact anyone that you choose to love.WHO THIS COURES IS FOR:You may be single and wanting to start afresh in your pursuit for love...You may be in a relationship which is loveless and you want to get that love back...You may be a parent who is struggling to understand and connect with your children...You may want to resolve conflict with a friend, family member or colleague at work...You may purely want to explore how you can open up to unconditional love for others...You are in the right place...I would like to share with you some simple, yet very powerful techniques that I have learnt over the last 20 years. These are proven tools that will raise your awareness of your own personality behaviours; help you identify your own relationship needs and enhance your communication style with others so that love grows.In the UK, there is a phrase...""you need to work hard at marriage"". I don't agree with this statement. You need to CHOOSE to nourish a marriage, you need to CHOOSE to nurture your children, you need to CHOOSE to spread loving kindness to others. It is purely about CHOICE. We are all capable of love, even if we have not been loved.YOU hold the power to transform everything in your life. All you need to do is believe it and hold clear intentions about what you truly want. Yes there is some 'spring cleaning' to do in the process. But it is all possible.WHAT YOU WILL GAIN:The goal is for you to become well equipped to navigate any relationship in life and to know yourSELF. This Toolkit provides you with the tools - so what are they?DIAGNOSE & REPAIR:1. I will teach you how to check your understanding in any communication dialogue with any person, so eradicating the first signs of misunderstanding - the root of most conflict.2. I will show you how to release negative or constrained beliefs (stereotypes) and invite in a new, more collaborative perspective, which will feed (rather than stifle) your relationships.3. I will offer you a 'first aid kit' tool to repair damage in any relationship, by engaging conscious active listening and compassion. This will clear unfinished business, allowing you to start afresh.CREATIVE SOLUTIONS:4. I will explain the theory of personality preference (Jung's theory) and how this awareness can be used as a tool 'to speak another person's language', build respect and trust.5. I will share how love is specifically expressed in life - 'The 5 love languages' and how you can identify your primary and secondary love language, together with your partners (or significant other) so you satisfy each other's needs on a daily basis.6. I will offer fun practical exercises so you can keep your significant other's 'love bank account' in credit (and in return request deposits in your own 'love bank account') so your vital energy and enthusiasm is nourished.FORWARD PLANNING FOR SUCCESS:7. I will teach you how to engage a new pattern of behaviour (archetype) into your love life which brings in a fresh, young and playful attitude and set of behaviours.8. I will guide you in creative ways to plot out and create the desired outcome for your chosen relationship (with partner/child/friend/chosen other) and use the law of attraction to manifest this effectively.Incompatibility, life changes & challenges and misunderstandings are inevitable in life but given self awareness and tools, we can CHOOSE to consciously grow through these transitions and come out the other side stronger, more aware and evolved.I invite you to adventure, explore and learn about your own relationship with love and how you can grow more of it with the significant others in your life.I do so hope you join me :-)Sonya XPS automated captions have been enabled for this course (so making it more accessible for foreign students), however some words may not translate correctly."
Price: 184.99

"Oracle Identity Manager API" |
"This course is completely designed for someone who had already completed our other parts of Oracle Identity Manager courses.This is an advance course, where we will try to perform various operations on Oracle Identity Manager with Java OIM API.So candidate must have java knowledge to take most advantage out of this course.Here we will cover various OIM API related to User, Account, Entitlement etc.So it will be a complete hands on journey.System Requirement RAM: 8 GB +OS : 64-bitProcessor: 2 core ProcessorHard Disk : 50+ GBEclipse IDE"
Price: 19.99

hydroponics-hindi |
", (COVID-19) , , , , , , , , ? "" 40 / - - , - ! ! !"
Price: 29.99

"132kV 20/26 MVA Transformer Protection Panel Drawing" |
"I have covered following topics in this training * General Characteristics * Symbol & Legends* Single Line Diagram * List of Apparatus *AC Supply Distribution* DC Supply Distribution* DC Loop * DC Supervision * Space Heater * Normally open & close contacts*DC Change over scheme* DC Fail Alarm* Current Transformer Circuit * Differential Protection * Over Current Protection * Restricted Earth Fault Protection * Neutral Over Current Circuit* NGR Circuit* Concept of Binary Inputs* Concept of Binary Outputs* Trip & Lockout relays* Close Block Circuit *Breaker Failure initiation* 11kV CB Tripping*Alarm and Annunciation Circuit* Trip Circuit Blocking* Detail View of Devices* General Arrangement * Terminal Detail* Discuss Short circuit rating and continuous current rating I appreciate for any further question and always available to answer.Best Regards Muhammad Kashif"
Price: 49.99

"321 Go Digital" |
"Definimos o 321 Go Digital como um Kit de sobrevivncia para o seu negcio ou um start para desenvolver o seu negcio no meio virtual.Tudo comea com a ampliao do olhar sobre o seu potencial, e sobre o ambiente de negcios, mindset de crescimento. Com o mindset de crescimento voc ir desenvolver com o mximo potencial as habilidadessoft necessrias s atividades operacionais, e as competncias hard para elaborar e definir atividades tticas e estratgicas. Assim, voc ter todas as ferramentas para transformar um negcio tradicional em um negcio inovador.Voc desenvolver uma estrutura nica, de ponta a ponta, para testar ideias inovadoras e entender como uma organizao, que definida e desenvolvida em torno da execuo, pode se adaptar para promover e impulsionar a inovao.Tudo o que voc precisa para ter um negcio de sucesso, sintetizado em um s lugar. Voc ser mentorado por pessoas que sabem o que esto fazendo, ter suporte de um time e uma comunidade em constante expanso e estar pronto para monetizar o seu negcio em pouqussimo tempo.O consumidor omnichannel, sua empresa tambm precisa ser. Se seu negcio no for localizado no google, ele no existe para seus clientes, simples assim.Inovar uma necessidade!Desenvolva com maestria e alta performance seu projeto!Ns oferecemos a mistura perfeita de teoria e prtica, estratgia, e aplicao.321 Go Digital vai dar um Up na sua vida!"
Price: 249.99

"The Most Important Six English Tenses" |
"Grammar is the backbone of the language! Being good at grammar helps you improve your four language skills: listening, speaking, reading, and writing. In this course, there are six videos and each video is a very detailed one. You'll learn about the verb from of each tense. You will also learn how to use negative and questions in each tense. This is the best course for first time English grammar tense learners or those who have tried to learn before but have not had success. Beginner and Intermediate English learners will find this course most helpful as it covers the basics of using English tenses. The concept and understanding of English verb tenses is very important in establishing effective communication. Verb tenses are learnt in order to comprehend that in a given situation or in accordance with the time, an appropriate tense should be used so as to maintain effective communication.This course is for those individuals who want to review or polish their skills of proper communication in accordance with Verb Tense. In this course you will review English Grammar Tenses in a very simple, perfectly structured and uncomplicated way. It means that you will remember English Grammar Tenses better and, as a result, you will improve your English Grammar Skills and speak better English. It is a well crafted course. It teaches you how to build English grammar sentences which are perfect in both structure and tenses. It takes you step by step to be able to differentiate among subject, verb, and object. Doing the oral exercises several times will ensure that you can use the tenses spontaneously when you speak. These exercises also include many daily expressions that will allow you to improve your general fluency and pronunciation. Certainly, this course is useful even if you only want to refresh your grammar in an amusing quick way. You can also use this course as a first aid kit and check back from time to time if you dont remember the usage or structure of a tense. In this course we will review how to use these top six tenses in English: 1. Simple Present tense2. Present Continuous tense3. Simple Past tense4. Past Continuous tense5. Present Perfect tense6. Simple Future tensePerfecting the basics is much more important than knowing advanced English grammar. If you can perfect these six main tenses in English, you will be able to speak and practice English in everyday life! Each part contains an explanation of how to make and use each tense. These explanations are meant to be a review of the tense before the main practice. The examples are designed to help you understand and make a variety of different questions and sentences in English. Please leave an honest review and rate this course"
Price: 19.99

"Oracle APEX - Projeto bsico prtico" |
"Neste curso, daremos continuidade em nosso aprendizado, dessa vez botando a mo na massa, em um projeto real, para aplicar e fixar todo o aprendizado que tivemos no nosso curso bsico.Aplicaremos aes dinmicas, validaes, CSS e muito PL/SQL. Espero que ajude vocs a consolidar todo o conhecimento.Contem comigo sempre e bom curso!"
Price: 39.99

"The Premium Solar Energy Grid-Tie System Design (Unlimited)" |
"Grid-tied solar systems - also known as on-grid solar - are the most popular kind of solar panel system. The beauty of a grid-tied solar system is that it creates a two-way relationship between your home and the grid. In addition to importing power from the grid (as you already do), you can *also* export power to it. This means that during the day - when your solar panels are producing plenty of surplus power - you can actually export (i.e. sell) power to the grid. Your power exports earn you bill credits from the utility, dramatically reducing your power bill. The savings can be huge: you could see electricity usage charges of $0 for the year.This course is going to provide a smooth learning journey about the solar energy grid-tie system. you will get real-life experience as a bonus."
Price: 19.99

"Como criar e publicar um site usando templates HTML prontos" |
"Opes disponveis Nessa aula apresentamos algumas opes disponveis para voc no fazer este curso e logo em seguida apresentamos como, mesmo assim, este curso ir te salvar de gastar seu tempo a toaExemplo prtico do zero Sem enrolao, vou publicar um site feito por cdigos e cheio de efeitos para te mostrar como isto possvel de maneira bem rpida e a partir da ser a sua vez de fazer o mesmoCriando o seu site Como fazer uso do desenvolvimento web disponvel de forma gratuita e paga na internet para atender as suas necessidades especficasDomnio e hospedagem Como criar o seu domnio, o que e como funciona hospedagem, como colocar o seu site na internetPersonalizando os cdigos Ajustando os efeitos, as imagens, personalizando e tornando apresentvel o seu siteDemais templates e como utiliza-los Algumas outras apresentaes de como publicar sites na internet e onde encontrar as ferramentas certas."
Price: 39.99

"How to make and publish a business website in HTML templates" |
"Available options: This class is about the options you might use to set up your business on the web without buying this course. Of course this is not the intention here and we'll prove you why buying this course is going to make you save a whole lot of money and time, which is most preciousHands on it: Without wasting your time, in this class I show you an example of how to make a website completely working, made by code, with effects, published, for you to see how easy is thatDo it yourself: In this class you start doing your own website with professional work already done by experts, with paid and free versions according to your needHosting and Domain: How to create a domain and how to host your website, how all that stuff works to get your place onlineShaping the codes: How to adjust, edit and modify, images, texts and whatever is necessary to get your website fully yoursMore templates and examples: Some other presentations on how to make and publish professional websites with useful tools."
Price: 19.99

"Aprende a programar con el lenguaje Go (Golang)" |
"Este curso esta hecho para que entiendas GO, y puedas programar en el al final del curso, te enseo tanto teoria como practica, para que sepas los fundamentos y tambien sepas como usarlos, acompaame en el recorrido de todo los secretos que esconde este lenguaje Go es un lenguaje de programacin open-source que hace muy fcil construir software que es simple, confiable y eficiente.Go es una excelente seleccin como lenguaje de programacin porque fue desarrollado por los mismos profesionales que crearon el lenguaje de programacin C, Unix y UTF-8, elementos considerados unas de las contribuciones con mayor influencia en las ciencias de computacin.Go fue creado por iluminados en las ciencias de computacin en una de las mejores, sino la mejor, empresa de ingeniera de software que ha existido - Google.golang es un lenguaje interesante que rapidamente se esta volviendo necesario en las empresa, asi que si lo aprendes seras una pieza esencial y necesaria en las empresa y startup de la actualidad."
Price: 19.99

"Bisnis property adalah bisnis yang sangat menguntungkan, terlebih jika kita mengetahui seluk beluk didalamnya. Salah satu cara untuk berbisnis property adalah dengan mengambilalih kpr macet lewat cessie.Disini akan disampaikan seluk beluk mengenai pengambilalihan kpr macet lewat cessie. Sangat cocok bagi investor property atau bagi developer property.Jadi simak informasinya dan semoga sukses."
Price: 34.99

"Learn how to paint a bust from WWII" |
"INTRODUCTIONThis video contains the basics of painting a face at 1/10 scale. We will learn how to paint the eyes with a high level of detail, how to apply lights, shadows and different skin tones and also to mimic the look of a beard shadow.I will show you techniques to paint the hair and eyebrows and how to work the hat to simulate the wool texture.The last part of the video I will dedicate to expose all the necessary steps to represent a camouflage type splinter using a mixed technique of airbrush and brush."
Price: 29.99

"MS-100 Microsoft 365 Identity and Services Course with Sims" |
"This course is way more then the average training course on Udemy! Have access to the following:Training from an instructor of over 20 years who has helped thousands on their certification journeyLecture that explains the concepts in an easy to learn method for someone that is just starting out with this materialInstructor led hands on that can be followed even if you have little experienceHands on simulations that can be practiced 24/7 regardless of if you have Windows 10, Server 2019 or even a Microsoft 365/Azure Subscription in front of youThe hands on activities in this course will prepare you for all the lab based scenario's that show up on the MS-100 examTOPICS COVERED INCLUDING HANDS ON LECTURE AND PRACTICE TUTORIALS:IntroductionWelcome to the courseUnderstanding the Microsoft EnvironmentA Foundation for Microsoft ADDS (Active Directory Domain Services)A Foundation of RAS, DMZ, and VirtualizationA Foundation of the Microsoft Cloud ServicesUsing Assignments in the courseSetting Up a Practice LabIntroduction to Practicing Hands OnCreating a free Microsoft 365 Azure AD AccountDownloading a Windows 10 ISODownloading Windows Server 2019 ISOGetting Hyper-V Installed on WindowsCreating a Virtual Switch in Hyper-VInstalling a Windows 10 Virtual MachineInstalling a Windows Server 2019 Virtual MachineInstalling Active Directory on Windows Server 2019Joining a Windows 10 Computer to a Microsoft DomainSetting up and Administration of your Microsoft 365 Tenancy and SubscriptionsOverview of using the Microsoft 365 Admin CenterOverview using the Azure AD PortalEvaluating Microsoft 365 Subscriptions for Your OrganizationManaging Subscriptions and Upgrading Existing SubscriptionsCreating and Licensing a UserA Foundation of Administration with PowerShellPowerShell with Microsoft 365, Exchange Online and TeamsPlanning a Microsoft 365 implementationPlanning for Microsoft 365 On-Premises InfrastructurePlanning the Identity and Authentication SolutionManaging DomainsConfiguring Active Directory Domain Services to Support Additional Domain NamesAdding, Configuring, and Verifying Additional Domains NamesSetting the Primary Domain Name in Microsoft 365Configuring User Identities for a New Domain NameConfiguring Workloads for a New Domain NameDesign of Identity StrategiesEvaluating Requirements and Solutions for SynchronizationEvaluating Requirements and Solutions for Identity ManagementEvaluating Requirements and Solutions for AuthenticationPlanning, Implementing Identity Sync and Migration by using Azure AD ConnectPlanning Migration of On-Prem Users and GroupsUnderstanding the Designs of Directory SynchronizationCleaning of Active Directory using the Idfix ToolImplement Directory Synchronization with Directory Services, Federation Services, and Azure EndpointsIdentifying Users and Mailboxes to be Migrated and MethodIdentifying Data to be Migrated and Method and the Sync ProcessMonitor Azure AD Connect HealthUnderstanding the Microsoft Exchange Migration OptionsIntroduction to Exchange MigrationsCutover Exchange MigrationsMinimal Hybrid Exchange MigrationsFull Hybrid Exchange MigrationsPST, IMAP, and Third Party Exchange MigrationsManage Azure AD identitiesPlanning Azure AD IdentitiesManaging UsersPerforming Bulk User ManagementManaging Product LicensesManaging GroupsManaging Passwords Settings for Azure AD and ADDSImplementing and Managing Azure AD Self-Service Password Reset (SSPR)Managing Access ReviewsImplement Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA)Understanding Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA)Administering Multi Factor Authentication (MFA)Configuring Multi Factor Authentication (MFA) Apps or UsersReporting Data for Multi Factor Authentication (MFA) UtilizationManage User RolesUnderstanding Role Based Administration (RBAC)Planning User RolesConfiguring RBAC within Azure ADAdministrative Account RolesDelegating, Managing, and Allocating Admin RolesSecurity and Compliance Roles for Microsoft 365Implementing Access for External Users of Microsoft 365 WorkloadsIntroduction to Adding External Users to Microsoft 365/Azure ServicesEnabling Guest Support for Microsoft 365 ServicesConfiguring Azure AD B2B Settings for Guest SupportConfiguring Guest Settings and Support for Microsoft TeamsConfiguring Guest Support for SharePoint OnlineConfiguring Azure AD Access Reviews for GuestsPlanning Office 365/Microsoft 365 Workload and Apps deploymentManaging Microsoft 365 Apps for Enterprise DownloadsMicrosoft 365 Apps for Enterprise Deployment using the Office Deployment Tool (ODT)Using the Office Customization Tool (OCT) for assisting Apps for Enterprise DeploymentPlanning for Microsoft 365 Apps for Enterprise UpdatesPlanning for Office for the WebConfigure Application AccessConfiguring Application Registration in Azure ADUnderstanding the Azure AD Application ProxyPublishing Enterprise Apps in Azure ADManage Microsoft 365 subscription and tenant healthManaging Service Health Alerts and Creating Service RequestsConfiguring and Reviewing the Microsoft 365 Usage Reports and Analytics FeatureScheduling and Reviewing Security and Compliance Reports"
Price: 19.99

"Rejuvenescimento facial" |
"Curso de fcil aprendizado, isento de aparelhos, usa-se somente produtos especficos e conhecimento de manobra de massagens.Voc quer um curso rpido, dinmico e com praticidade em estudar a hora que voc quiser?Voc quer uma tima estrutura com vdeos aulas, material em PDF ?Voc quer ao final do curso ter o domnio completo do trabalho?Voc quer entrar no mundo da beleza com pouco investimento e mais lucro? Voc quer autonomia em sua jornada de trabalho e ganhando dinheiro na hora?Voc quer ser reconhecido (renome) no mundo esttica ?Este curso vai lhe proporcionar conhecimentos tericos e prtico com as vdeos aulas, apoio em PDF Conecte-se comigo nas redes sociais.rosianeheckert"
Price: 199.99

"Curso Complementario al Curso de Acciones - Anexo 1 -" |
"Este es un curso complementario donde se profundiza la prctica de la estrategia en casos reales.Que aprendern los estudiantes:- A entrenar su mente para detectar patrones.- A buscar fcilmente oportunidades reales en el mercado.- A detectar patrones de alta probabilidad en el mercado.- A usar una herramienta de escaner fcil y rpida."
Price: 49.99

"Curso Complementario al Curso de Acciones - Anexo 2 -" |
"Este es un curso complementario donde se profundiza la prctica de la estrategia en casos reales.Que aprendern los esutidantes:- A entrenar su mente para detectar patrones.- A buscar fcilmente oportunidades reales en el mercado.- A detectar patrones de alta probabilidad en el mercado.- A usar una herramienta de escaner fcil y rpida."
Price: 49.99

"Curso Complementario al Curso de Acciones - Anexo 3 -" |
"Este es un curso complementario donde se profundiza la prctica de la estrategia en casos reales.Que aprendern los esutidantes:- A entrenar su mente para detectar patrones.- A buscar fcilmente oportunidades reales en el mercado.- A detectar patrones de alta probabilidad en el mercado.- A usar una herramienta de escaner fcil y rpida."
Price: 49.99

"Como criar anncios que convertem no Facebook e Instagram" |
"Nesse curso voc vai descobrir os principais mtodos para criar anncios com alto engajamento e converso.E vrios outros benefcios como:Descobrir os principais segredos para fazer um bom anuncioOs 6 princpios do copywritingIr ver vrios exemplos de anncios na prticaMdulo exclusivo para ecommercers e dropshippersMdulo exclusivo para produtores de contedoE muito mais.Ento adquira agora mesmo e aproveite as 4 horas de contedo para aumentar a performance dos seus anncios.attRafael."
Price: 579.99

"Japanese for relationship building (JLPT N4/ JLPT N3)" |
"Hi, I am the instructor of Japanese for relationship building (JLPT N4/ JLPT N3), which is a Japanese language course where you learn the phrases regarding dating relationship building process! Suitable for intermediate level--JLPT n4 and JLPT n3.Want to transform your Japanese into something more concrete in life?Want to have more fun in Japanese than just reading or writing?DescriptionDo you have a practical mindset with language study?Do you get bored easily with textbook-like conversations that are lifeless?Are you trying to master Japanese because there is a dream you want to achieve?It is easy to get bored even irritated with grammar-loaded pages and unfamiliar phrases in the textbooks in front of you. Sometimes, it is even hard to remember what you just learned last week! You get tired and even lose interest in continuing with the next chapter.I understand how it feels.I remember when I got to the intermediate level in Japanese, information eluded me easily and I was distracted ALL THE TIME. Not that I couldn't concentrate but simply bored with the same process every week.I wondered, when was I ready to hold a conversation in real Japanese...I had a dream.I wanted to live in Japan.I wanted to speak at the same level as a Japanese person....Yet, it seemed so far away...Until one day, I started to write blogs in Japanese, talk with Japanese friends and made a Japanese boyfriend...I realized that all the years I spent on this language were meant to create this reality.Imagine having conversations that are more practical and purpose-driven.Imagine you are learning the phrases so you can use them RIGHT AWAY!Imagine you are learning the language of Japanese and the language of LOVE...-------------------------------------In 2016, I met a young Canadian man who was looking for a Japanese girlfriend. He didn't have ANY background in the Japanese language but he had GREAT enthusiasm and confidence in himself. I taught him some Japanese phrases and told him about the psychology of Asian women. He fully embraced it.Then, one day, it happened....After months of searching, he found her.To my surprise, he manifested the whole thing in 6 months!Now, they are about to have their first baby, happily married in Canada.---------------------------------------Language is just decoration if it cannot improve your life.Learn how to put your knowledge into use RIGHT AWAY has the potential to change everything for you.It has certainly changed mine.All the jobs and businesses I built are based on the JAPANESE language.I work with Japanese clients confidently and they trust me because of my mastery over the language. I can write books in Japanese, teach business in Japanese, read newspapers and listen to university-level Japanese lectures and understand it.The advantage of English speakers is that we are action-takers.We do what we set our minds to.This is a trait that Japanese society admires and it strengthens your image when you come to live in Japan. Knowing the knowledge, you open up your door to miracles.How do I know? Because I did it!When I landed in Japan the second time, I negotiated with my Japanese Airbnb owner to sublet the house to me without any extra fees. He did. But he did it because I spoke the language perfectly and had a passion for business, just like he does. So he helped me in any way he could when I stayed in that city.No friends. No Family.If I can do this, you can too!Because...I am only revealing it here.It took me a YEAR to master katakana and hiragana!When I learned how fast people on average do that, I felt so embarrassedLater on, I tried to hack this language and quickly obtained n1 within 4 years from a complete beginner. (If I could master the Kana in 3 months, that could be 3 years!)The whole secret lies in language success is the SPEED to which you can turn the knowledge into practical use.This means you need to use it RIGHT AWAY!===============================================WHAT THIS COURSE ISN'TThis course isn't another dry grammar Japanese Conversation CourseNor does it require hours of sitting in front of a computer screen watching video after video, until your eyes grow droopy.This course is about delicious and stimulating phrases on Japanese interactions, delivered succinctly.It is all about knowing the phrases and structures so you can put to practice--as soon as tonight if you feel like to!Okay, ready to get started? Pull up a chair, grab your laptop and lets begin this exciting adventure together, today.To you and your near-future success in Japanese!*This course is NOT for BEGINNERS!!IS THIS YOU?You are learning Japanese for a purpose.You want to embrace this culture by incorporating it into your life.You don't have the time (or be honest. brain space) for huge, long, drawn-out courses.You are ready to manifest a beautiful life stage with this magical language.HERE'S WHAT YOU'LL GET IN DELICIOUS JAPANESE: ...HOURS OF BRIGHT, ENGAGING VIDEO TUTORIALS chopped into digestible 3 to 5 minute bite-sized chunks.REAL DATING PROCESS FROM THE FEMALE PERSPECTIVE so you can immerse yourself in the right pace of the dating game.80+ downloadable slides so when you visit Japan for a while you know what to expect!WHY TAKE THIS PARTICULAR COURSE?There are MANY courses out there based on the grammar level...but this course is based on practical experience, more targeted and right to the point. In fact, you will NOT find another course like this in the market!=)THANK YOU FOR YOUR TIMEI can't wait to help you to take a step closer to your dream/goals where you can explore the richness of life and the happiness of a wonderful life journey! I am dedicated to teaching you how to manifest your dreams in another country (i.e Japan) so there will be more Series to come!- Vivian, The Japan Nomad GirlP.S. I'd love to get to know more about you and your goals for taking this course!Enroll in Japanese for relationship building now, and feel free to ask any question!"
Price: 119.99

"Computer Vision In Python! Face Detection & Image Processing" |
"Computer vision is an interdisciplinary field that deals with how computers can be made to gain high-level understanding from digital images or videos. From the perspective of engineering, it seeks to automate tasks that the human visual system can do. Computer vision is concerned with the automatic extraction, analysis and understanding of useful information from a single image or a sequence of images. It involves the development of a theoretical and algorithmic basis to achieve automatic visual understanding. As a scientific discipline, computer vision is concerned with the theory behind artificial systems that extract information from images. The image data can take many forms, such as video sequences, views from multiple cameras, or multi-dimensional data from a medical scanner. As a technological discipline, computer vision seeks to apply its theories and models for the construction of computer vision systems.DistinctionsThe fields most closely related to computer vision are image processing, image analysis and machine vision. There is a significant overlap in the range of techniques and applications that these cover. This implies that the basic techniques that are used and developed in these fields are similar, something which can be interpreted as there is only one field with different names. On the other hand, it appears to be necessary for research groups, scientific journals, conferences and companies to present or market themselves as belonging specifically to one of these fields and, hence, various characterizations which distinguish each of the fields from the others have been presented.Computer graphics produces image data from 3D models, computer vision often produces 3D models from image data. There is also a trend towards a combination of the two disciplines, e.g., as explored in augmented reality.The following characterizations appear relevant but should not be taken as universally accepted:Image processing and image analysis tend to focus on 2D images, how to transform one image to another, e.g., by pixel-wise operations such as contrast enhancement, local operations such as edge extraction or noise removal, or geometrical transformations such as rotating the image. This characterization implies that image processing/analysis neither require assumptions nor produce interpretations about the image content.Computer vision includes 3D analysis from 2D images. This analyzes the 3D scene projected onto one or several images, e.g., how to reconstruct structure or other information about the 3D scene from one or several images. Computer vision often relies on more or less complex assumptions about the scene depicted in an image.Machine vision is the process of applying a range of technologies & methods to provide imaging-based automatic inspection, process control and robot guidance in industrial applications. Machine vision tends to focus on applications, mainly in manufacturing, e.g., vision-based robots and systems for vision-based inspection, measurement, or picking (such as bin picking). This implies that image sensor technologies and control theory often are integrated with the processing of image data to control a robot and that real-time processing is emphasized by means of efficient implementations in hardware and software. It also implies that the external conditions such as lighting can be and are often more controlled in machine vision than they are in general computer vision, which can enable the use of different algorithms.There is also a field called imaging which primarily focuses on the process of producing images, but sometimes also deals with processing and analysis of images. For example, medical imaging includes substantial work on the analysis of image data in medical applications.Finally, pattern recognition is a field which uses various methods to extract information from signals in general, mainly based on statistical approaches and artificial neural networks. A significant part of this field is devoted to applying these methods to image data.ApplicationsApplications range from tasks such as industrial machine vision systems which, say, inspect bottles speeding by on a production line, to research into artificial intelligence and computers or robots that can comprehend the world around them. The computer vision and machine vision fields have significant overlap. Computer vision covers the core technology of automated image analysis which is used in many fields. Machine vision usually refers to a process of combining automated image analysis with other methods and technologies to provide automated inspection and robot guidance in industrial applications. In many computer-vision applications, the computers are pre-programmed to solve a particular task, but methods based on learning are now becoming increasingly common. Examples of applications of computer vision include systems for:Automatic inspection, e.g., in manufacturing applications;Assisting humans in identification tasks, e.g., a species identification systemControlling processes, e.g., an industrial robot;Detecting events, e.g., for visual surveillance or people counting, e.g., in the restaurant industry;Interaction, e.g., as the input to a device for computer-human interaction;Modeling objects or environments, e.g., medical image analysis or topographical modeling;Navigation, e.g., by an autonomous vehicle or mobile robot; andOrganizing information, e.g., for indexing databases of images and image sequences.MedicineOne of the most prominent application fields is medical computer vision, or medical image processing, characterized by the extraction of information from image data to diagnose a patient. An example of this is detection of tumors, arteriosclerosis or other malign changes; measurements of organ dimensions, blood flow, etc. are another example. It also supports medical research by providing new information: e.g., about the structure of the brain, or about the quality of medical treatments. Applications of computer vision in the medical area also includes enhancement of images interpreted by humansultrasonic images or X-ray images for exampleto reduce the influence of noise.Machine VisionA second application area in computer vision is in industry, sometimes called machine vision, where information is extracted for the purpose of supporting a manufacturing process. One example is quality control where details or final products are being automatically inspected in order to find defects. Another example is measurement of position and orientation of details to be picked up by a robot arm. Machine vision is also heavily used in agricultural process to remove undesirable food stuff from bulk material, a process called optical sorting.MilitaryMilitary applications are probably one of the largest areas for computer vision. The obvious examples are detection of enemy soldiers or vehicles and missile guidance. More advanced systems for missile guidance send the missile to an area rather than a specific target, and target selection is made when the missile reaches the area based on locally acquired image data. Modern military concepts, such as ""battlefield awareness"", imply that various sensors, including image sensors, provide a rich set of information about a combat scene which can be used to support strategic decisions. In this case, automatic processing of the data is used to reduce complexity and to fuse information from multiple sensors to increase reliability.Autonomous vehiclesOne of the newer application areas is autonomous vehicles, which include submersibles, land-based vehicles (small robots with wheels, cars or trucks), aerial vehicles, and unmanned aerial vehicles (UAV). The level of autonomy ranges from fully autonomous (unmanned) vehicles to vehicles where computer-vision-based systems support a driver or a pilot in various situations. Fully autonomous vehicles typically use computer vision for navigation, e.g. for knowing where it is, or for producing a map of its environment (SLAM) and for detecting obstacles. It can also be used for detecting certain task specific events, e.g., a UAV looking for forest fires. Examples of supporting systems are obstacle warning systems in cars, and systems for autonomous landing of aircraft. Several car manufacturers have demonstrated systems for autonomous driving of cars, but this technology has still not reached a level where it can be put on the market. There are ample examples of military autonomous vehicles ranging from advanced missiles to UAVs for recon missions or missile guidance. Space exploration is already being made with autonomous vehicles using computer vision, e.g., NASA's Curiosity and CNSA's Yutu-2 rover.Tactile FeedbackMaterials such as rubber and silicon are being used to create sensors that allow for applications such as detecting micro undulations and calibrating robotic hands. Rubber can be used in order to create a mold that can be placed over a finger, inside of this mold would be multiple strain gauges. The finger mold and sensors could then be placed on top of a small sheet of rubber containing an array of rubber pins. A user can then wear the finger mold and trace a surface. A computer can then read the data from the strain gauges and measure if one or more of the pins is being pushed upward. If a pin is being pushed upward then the computer can recognize this as an imperfection in the surface. This sort of technology is useful in order to receive accurate data of the imperfections on a very large surface. Another variation of this finger mold sensor are sensors that contain a camera suspended in silicon. The silicon forms a dome around the outside of the camera and embedded in the silicon are point markers that are equally spaced. These cameras can then be placed on devices such as robotic hands in order to allow the computer to receive highly accurate tactile data.Other application areas include:Support of visual effects creation for cinema and broadcast, e.g., camera tracking (matchmoving).Surveillance.Driver drowsiness detectionTracking and counting organisms in the biological sciences[Reference: Wikipedia]"
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