"Disea un asador de gas con SolidWorks!" |
"Este curso NO es para aquellos que buscan una descripcin larga y aburrida sobre las caractersticas de SolidWorks. En su lugar, aprenders de la forma que ha demostrado obtener buenos resultados; aprender haciendo. En este contexto, este es un curso totalmente prctico que te permitir disear un asador de gas con SolidWorks. Con esto en mente, el desarrollo del curso ser de la siguiente forma:1er. Parte: Diseo del asador2da. Parte: Subensamble del asador3ra. Parte: Diseo de la estructura de soporte4ta. Parte: Subensamble de la estructura de soporte5ta. Parte: Ensamblaje del asador de gas6ta. Parte: Dibujos de ensamble (instrucciones)"
Price: 89.99

"Electronic devices on microcontrollers." |
"This course focuses on the development of real electronic devices on microcontrollers. This course is designed for beginners electronic engineers. In this course, you will gain additional experience in designing electronic devices based on microcontrollers. You will improve your knowledge of the C programming language. Also, you will improve your knowledge of circuit design."
Price: 19.99

"Henna Brow Training" |
"Henna Brows is a brow styling service in which a brow is tinted using a natural Henna Dye, the dye tints the brow hairs but also colours the skin beneath, giving a much deeper and longer lasting colour.A Henna brow treatment can literally transform the thinnest brow style into a much fuller looking brow, giving not only a great finish but also a long-lasting effect, it can fill gaps in sparse brows and can form a full brow on someone suffering from hair loss or Alopecia.This treatment can stain the skin for up to 2 weeks, and on the hair for around 4 weeks, so much better than a conventional tint.Maintenance will be every 4-6 weeks, but can be done as soon as 2 weeks, without any real problems.Your clients will love the effect Henna gives their brows, and will enjoy the longer lasting nature of it.Its a great add on treatment for anyone offering a basic brow wax and tint; Make-up artists, Therapists, who want to offer a longer lasting solution, or new Therapists interested in offering brow treatments."
Price: 39.99

"Cmo reducir el riesgo de un ciberataque?" |
"61% de los lderes de tecnologas de informacin y seguridad han expresado su preocupacin por el incremento en ciberataques registrados hacia sus empleados que trabajan desde casa durante la crisis mundial derivada del COVID19.Sabas que se han contabilizado anualmente ms de 150 millones de ciberataques en latinoamrica?Sabas que durante los ltimos meses los ciberataques y fraudes en lnea se han incrementado dramticamente?Conoces cules son y cmo protegerte?El objetivo del curso es aprender a implementar prcticas bsicas de una buena ciberhigiene para reducir el riesgo de un ciberataque a travs de la identificacin de las amenazas a las que se encuentran expuestos de acuerdo al giro de su mbito laboral y a la informacin que generan, ya que de acuerdo a la Interpol los cibercriminales estn atacando en mayor volumen, severidad, y/o alcance las redes de computadoras y sistemas de individuos, negocios, as como de organizaciones globales durante un periodo en el que las ciberdefensas pudieran estar ms relajadas."
Price: 34.99

"Introduction to Tapping Meditation to Clear Limiting Beliefs" |
"In this 7-Day Introduction to Tapping Meditation Course, we learn the art of tapping on meridian points to help center ourselves, release blocked energy, and free ourselves from limiting beliefs. In other words, it is an introduction to tapping, using limiting beliefs as our point of focus. We learn the tapping technique, learn to notice our inner critical voice, isolate limiting beliefs, and learn to create our own personal tapping scripts to deepen our experience and insights.It is important to note that tapping meditations need not be limited to limiting beliefs. Tapping can be for healing, releasing stress and anxiety, or coping with difficult emotions. We focus on limiting because they are a good point of focus to introduce the concept of tapping since they affect so many people."
Price: 34.99

"Zoom For Teachers Using Distance Learning" |
"This course was designed to help teachers use Zoom more effectively as a teaching tool in their classrooms. From starting a Zoom, tips and tricks for effective management and engagement strategies, ways to make Zoom bombing less likely (and stop one if it gets through), as well as tested/effective ways to have a Zoom class that you are confident in and provides students the level of curriculum and instruction that you desire."
Price: 24.99

"The 11 steps of leadership. A holistic approach." |
"In this course we examine leadership from an holistic approach and in a concise way. We are taking a thorough but compact look at the differences between a manager and a leader, at company culture, its importance for both people and business and how it is connected with leadership, the main characteristics of a leader, what it takes to become a leader, the steps that you need to follow in order to become a great leader and make a difference, how to handle real life situations via your leadership.We give you real life examples and we analyze examples of thorough leaders from ancient history till today via their quotes and their way of living.By completing this course, you will be able to handle real life situations as a leader, you will know what to do in order to acquire or improve your leadership skills and you will have a clear understanding on how to build your company's culture based upon your leadership abilities in order to improve people's lives and increase your R.O.I.This course is the result of knowledge and a hands on experience of 25+ years in 10+ industries in leadership positions."
Price: 19.99

"Tar Mitolgico Teraputico" |
"Este um curso contempla o simbolismo das 78 cartas dos arcanos mitolgicos (arcanos maiores e menores) desde seus aspectos mais filosficos at seus significados mais cotidianos.Bem como 7 tipos de tiragens mostrando na prtica a aplicao do tar. Acompanha tambm 3 ricas apostilas de apoio.Toda estrutura foi pensada para dar maior suporte e riqueza de informaes para que o aluno seja capaz de fazer leituras claras e profundas, podendo atuar na rea como tarlogo teraputicoAo final do curso, o aprendiz receber o certificado de concluso.Tarots recomendados para o curso so: Tarot Mitolgico ou o Tarot Rider WaiteAmbos possuem o mesmo sistema estrutural e seus campos simblico so semelhantes.Podem ser encontrados em diversas livrarias."
Price: 249.99

"Complete Git and GitHub Course: Beginner Friendly Approach" |
"In this course, you would learn Git and GitHub from beginner to advanced levels using a practical approach. I have tried as much as possible to make the course simple, easy to understand and beginner-friendly.Now, what is the importance of learning git and GitHub?If you are a developer or a software engineer and you hope to work either as a freelancer or in a software development company, then the knowledge of Git and GitHub* is a MUST. This is because git is the version control system that helps you track and manage changes on a project while you collaborate with other developers. It also helps you participate and contribute to open source projects of potential employers.Course ApproachIn this course we begin by learning the basics of git and then together, we create a project that is uploaded to GitHub. we then go into some advanced concepts.The course is organized to cover the following1. Basics of the command line.2. Basics of Git3. Practicing Git4. Some advanced Git concepts5. GitHub5. Using Git in Visual Studio Code.By the end of this course, you would be comfortable using Git and GitHub."
Price: 99.99

"Curso Terico de Iniciao Inteligncia Artificial" |
"- Redes Neurais Artificiais- Data Mining- Machine Learning (Aprendizado de Mquina)- Deep Learning (Aprendizado Profundo) - IoT (Internet das Coisas)- Cloud Computing (Computao em Nuvem)- Big Data- Os 7 Princpios da Inteligncia- Industria 4.0 (4 Revoluo Industrial)- Os Fundamentos Tericos da Eletrnica- Os Fundamentos Tericos Computao- Algoritmos- Robtica- Impactos Econmicos da Automao Industrial- Fundamentos da Fsica Quntica- Energia e Eletromagnetismo- Painis Solares"
Price: 39.99

"Digital Advertising : How to create a Digital strategy" |
"Digital advertising has transformed Marketing through sophisticated technology and platforms that has created efficient and effective ways to reach audiences. But with it has also brought a raft of irrelevant and cluttered advertising from advertisers that havent applied the right principles and approaches. A lumen study claims that 90% of digital display ads are viewed for less than 1 second. That is a lot of wasted advertising.That creates an opportunity for advertisers to stand out from the crowd.The course provides a fast track way to differentiate yourself from the average advertiser to make your ads cut through and be distinctive with relevance and meaning.The course overcomes the most common pitfalls that average advertisers fall into such as jumping straight into buying ads on a platform, spreading too thin across channels and creatives lacking focus, not matching targeting with relevant creative, not segmenting your audience and misattributing what is truly valuable and profitable.The worlds' biggest advertisers apply the advertising models, theory, principles and approaches covered in the course.The course is designed for beginners with some basic knowledge of digital advertising.At the end of the course delegates will be able to:Apply the right digital advertising principlesBe able to create your own audience segmentationDrive personalisation by matching data signals with relevant creativeKnow how to make your brand culturally relevantUnderstand creative and targeting best practice across Paid Social, Programmatic Display, Online Video and Search platformsUnderstand the role of digital channels and which of the 34 ad formats in the course will be relevant to your objectives / KPIs.Know the best in class approach to using influencers to tell your brand storyKnow how to use different social platformsKnow the difference between paid, owned and earned social media and how best to apply themUnderstand how programmatic display advertising worksHow to maximise attention spans with online videoUnderstand Best in class approach to paid (PPC) and organic (SEO) searchUnderstand how to plan your remarketing approachKnow how to maximise your brand safety measuresKnow how to create tracking across your user journeyKnow what to track and whenChoose the right attribution model and be able to assign the right value for your campaignCreate your own testing plan with hypothesis test"
Price: 19.99

"What to expect when Mom has Alzheimer's" |
"A beginner's guide to surviving your parent's Alzheimer's, created for adult children with busy lives. Learn from modules that are less than five minutes each. After all, finding learning-time when a parent has Alzheimer's is as hard to find as a good night's sleep.This course goes beyond the biology of the disease. Learn how Alzheimer's is impacting Mom and her abilities in each stage; how Mom's condition impacts the person living in her home and participating in her care; and how you as an adult child can get involved, even if you live at a distance. Exercises guide you through easy to create documents that increase in value as the disease progresses. Links to additional resources are provided throughout. (The modules in this class apply to Dad as well!)While this course cannot help you stop, slow or reverse your Mom's Alzheimer's, it can help you care for Mom, her care partner and yourself so that Mom always has someone to speak up for her when she is no longer able to do so. In this way, you support Mom's dignity and affirm her value as a person."
Price: 19.99

"Direito para Concursos: comeando do zero" |
"Por meio deste curso, a Coordenar leva at voc o contedo necessrio para iniciar seus estudos nas disciplinas jurdicas, com foco em concursos pblicos da rea administrativa e policial. Com videoaulas objetivas e material didtico exclusivo, sero tratados os principais conceitos para o iniciante e fornecidas orientaes e dicas importantes para o concurseiro. As lies comeam pela compreenso do direito enquanto rea do conhecimento, passam pela estrutura e leitura da lei e avanam para o estudo da parte inicial da Constituio da Repblica (art. 1 ao art. 5), contedo comum maioria dos concursos. O curso tambm conta com aula de resoluo de questes."
Price: 39.99

"Capacitacin Plataforma Tienda Nube" |
"Este programa apunta capacitar y entrenar a aquellas empresas o emprendimientos que busquen obtener el mejor rendimiento de la plataforma Tienda Nube de manera integral con el objetivo de poder contar con un canal de ventas online automtico y efectivo.MODULOSGestin de VentasGestin de ProductosMedios de PagoMedios de EnvoCanales de ComunicacinAdministracin de tu tiendaAlertas de Stock"
Price: 19.99

"Ansible for Network Engineers Ansible 2.9" |
"This Course will help you learn the Ansible. We will give you start with few basic modules. Once your basics are clear you can use any module and create your own scripts. We have also covered the basics of Ansible in this Series. We have tried to cover even smallest things in this course. Once you will be done with this course you will be master of Network automation and will be able to automate all the networks."
Price: 19.99

"Geotechnical Engineering course Level 1" |
"Geotechnical Engineering course this course is for civil engineers, students, and structural engineers who interested in learning about geotechnical engineering Level 1 Geotechnical Properties of Soil:1- Geological Soil ( classification, types, description, properties, and physical relations ).2- Water in soil ( subsurface water, flow of water, darcys low, coefficient of permeability, flow nets, seepage analysis, piping, filter design, total and effective stresses, earth dams).3- Shear strength ( friction, cohesion, mohr circle, mohr-coulomb theory, shear parameters calculations, triaxial test, soil behavior under shear, sensitivity, and activity of clay, residual strength).4- Stress analysis ( stress-strain relationships, stresses due to different loads, bulbs of pressure, shear stresses, contact pressure ).5- Stability of slopes ( shear strength parameters, stability analysis of infinite and finite slopes , slopes design methods, slopes protection and treatment).6- Earth pressure ( coefficients of earth pressure, methods of calculating earth pressure).7- Compaction of soil.8- Settlement in soil ( elastic settlement due to concentrated load-area load-circular or irregularly shaped load consolidation ).9- Bearing capacity of the soil. Level 2 Site Investigation, SubsurfaceExploration and Geotechnical Report:1- General requirements.2- Information required from site investigation.3- Boreholes layout.4- Exploration in soils and rocks.5- Groundwater.6- Geotechnical problems must be taken into consideration.7- Field tests.8- Laboratory tests on soils and rocks.9- Data must be included in the soil report.10- Prepare a geotechnical report.11- Foundation properties of soil types.12- Foundation properties of rock.13- Important topics. Level 3 Shallow Foundation Design:1- Isolated footing.2- Combined footing.3- Strap-beam footing.4- Wall footing.5- Strip footing.6- Project 5 stories building-foundation .7- Raft foundation.8- Project 10 stories building-foundation. Level 4 Deep Foundations and Basement Design:1- Piles.2- Piled Raft.3- Project 15 stories building-foundation.4- Pile cap.5- Project bridge foundation .6- Deep shaft foundations.7- Buoyancy rafts and basements8- Drag-down effects on deep foundations9- Buoyancy raft foundation10- Basement box foundations11- Piled basements12- Project 3 underground basements13- Geotechnical design report14- Technical report case study -check on foundation report- Level 5 Retaining Structures And Deep Excavation:1- Conditions of the adjacent properties.2- Confirmation of the conditions of the site.3- Design criteria.4- Cantilever retaining walls.5- Counterfort retaining walls.6- Sheet pile retaining systems. Steel sheet pile. Secant piles. Tangent piles. Diaphragm walls.7- Soldier piles.8- Soil nails wall.9- Full open cut.10- Braced excavation.11- Anchored excavation.12- Strutting systems.13- Top-down construction.14- Stability analysis very important15- Excavation and protection of adjacent buildings. Level 6 Design Of Dewatering Systems:1- Methods of dewatering.2- Open sumps3- Deep wells4- Well points5- Confined aquifers6- Unconfined aquifers7- Pumping tests8- Selection of dewatering method9- Determination of hydraulic parameters10- Determination of the capacity of wells11- Estimation of the number of wells12- Dewatering and ground settlement very important Level 7 Foundations On Week Soils:1- Collapsible soil2- Definition and types of collapsible soil3- Procedure for calculating collapse settlement4- Foundation design in soils not susceptible to wetting5- Foundation design in soils susceptible to wetting6- Expansive soils7- Nature of expansive soils8- Swelling test9- Foundation consideration10- Construction on expansive soil11- Sanitary landfills12- General nature of sanitary landfills13- Settlement of sanitary landfills Level 8 Soil Improvement And Groundation Modification:1- General principles of compaction2- Empirical relationships for compaction3- Field compaction4- Vibroflotation5- Blasting6- Precompression7- Sand drains8- PVD9- Lime stabilization10- Cement stabilization11- Fly-Ash stabilization12- Stone columns13- Sand compaction piles14- Dynamic compaction15- Jet grouting16- Deep mixing Level 9 Advanced Soil Mechanics And Foundation Design:1- Soil dynamics2- Design of machine foundations vibration impact-earthquake3- Cofferdams components, dimensions, stability4- Geotextiles5- MSE walls6- Bridges foundations7- Bridges on land8- Bridges over water9- Tunnels construction and design Softwaresplaxis 2dplaxis 3dgeostudioslide midas gts nxmidas gen geotechnical engineering course :1- 2- 3- 4- 5- 6- 7- 8- ________________________________________________ ECP-AASHTO-FHWA-ACI PLAXIS 2D PLAXIS 3D ALLPILE SLIDE WALLAP-MIDAS GTS NX- GEOSTUDEO- CSI SAP -CSI SAFE -CSI ETAPS 9 . 0020114264956700201020155870"
Price: 39.99

"Salesforce Certified Administrator: Practice Test & Vouchers" |
"This Salesforce Certified Administrator practice exam course covers all the information needed to pass the exam on your first try!Not only just questions this course will provide explanation of each option which will give you practical understanding of Salesforce platform.On top of it, will guide for website which can tentatively provide voucher to wave off 100 USD on your certification cost.Are you ready to pass the Salesforce Certified Administrator(ADM 201)? Find out by testing yourself with this new offering on Udemy. Each of the 5 practice tests in this set provide an entire exams worth of questions, enabling you to confirm your mastery of the topics and providing you with the confidence youll need to take the exam.The tests in this set are timed, so youll know when youre taking more time than the official test allows, and at the end of the test youll receive a personal breakdown of the questions you answered correctly and incorrectly (DETAILED EXPLANATIONS) to improve your knowledge and make you more prepared to pass the actual exam.This Practice Exam Course covers EVERYTHING you need to pass the exam on your first try!I highly recommend reading the explanations provided after each practice test, not only for the correct choices, but also for the incorrect ones. This will help improve your understanding about this feature rich platform and increase your exam score dramatically.By paying attention to these and repeating all the tests until you get 90% or more on each one, you should be able to ace the real exam with confidence.The Salesforce Certified Administrator (ADM 201) validates an examinee's ability to:Getting Around the AppUnderstand the data model and navigationExplore the Lightning ExperienceFind answers in Help & TrainingGetting Your Organization Ready for UsersSet up the company profileConfigure the user interfaceSet up activities and calendarsConfigure search settingsSet up ChatterEnable mobile access with Salesforce1Setting Up and Managing UsersManage user profilesCreate and manage usersTroubleshoot user login issuesUnderstand SalesforceA capabilitiesSet up Chatter Free Users and InvitesSecurity and Data AccessRestrict loginsDetermine object accessSet up record accessManage record access with the role hierarchyDeal with record access exceptionsControl access to eventsManage field-level securityCustomization: FieldsAdminister standard fieldsCreate new custom fieldsCreate selection fields: picklists and lookupsCreate formula fieldsWork with page layoutsWork with record types and business processesMaintain data qualityManaging DataImport new records using import wizardsUpdate existing records with the data loaderKeep records up to date with Data websiteMass transfer records between usersBack up data with a weekly exportMass delete recordsReports and DashboardsRun and modify reportsCreate new reports with the report builderFilter reportsSummarize report data with formulas and visual summariesPrint, export, and email reportsBuild dashboardsAutomationEmail TemplatesSet up workflow rules and Process BuilderAutomate leads and casesManaging the Support Process* *For virtual classroom attendees, this content is delivered as an online module.Automate the support processUnderstand the Salesforce ConsoleEnable collaboration in the Service CloudAnalyze support data with reports and dashboards"
Price: 1280.00

"Earthquake Analysis in Depth using STAAD Pro & IS 1893:2016" |
"In this class, you will learn how to analyze any Structure for Earthquake (Seismic) Loads using STAAD Pro software. The following two methods of Earthquake or Seismic Analysis are covered in this class in complete detail:Equivalent Static Analysis Method - Empirical MethodDynamic Analysis Method - Response Spectrum MethodThe course covers both the beginner level and Advanced concepts of Earthquake analysis. The Earthquake analysis has been carried out with respect to the Indian Standard Code IS 1893:2016. However, the concepts shown here can be easily transferred to any country code since most of the international codes are based upon similar concepts.I am really excited to teach you. Welcome aboard."
Price: 199.99

"Learn Linux from scratch for absolute Beginners" |
"This course is designed as an introduction for beginning learners without previous Linux training.By the end of this course, you will have a good understanding of the importance of Linux, why you should learn Linux, you will get familiar with the command-line interface.- You will understand the command syntax and its options and arguments.- You will learn how to work with directories and files. How to create, list, copy, and remove them.- You will have a good understanding of files and folders permissions then you will learn how to change permissions and ownership.- You will learn how to view files and how to use filters and regular expressions to filter the output on your screen.- You will learn how to perform administrative tasks like system shutdown, network configuration, viewing processes, package management, and updating the users password.- You will learn redirection.- And you will learn how to use the text editor and how to create and edit files."
Price: 149.99

"Strategies for Stocks Trading and Options Picking" |
"This course includes a plethora of material necessary to be successful in the stock market and make well thought out decisions regarding stock trading. In order to make the best trading decisions possible, I will showcase a number of tools and methods that can significantly aid you in your quest to become a better stock investor. We will cover beginner and intermediate level knowledge to get you on the right path and I will also provide my personal tips and strategies that have helped me expedite my growth significantly.Who this course is for:Beginners wanting to gain insight into stocks, options, and stock picking strategiesTraders looking for new ideas and tricks to improve their returnsInvestors thinking of new tactics necessary for keeping up with a changing marketPeople interested in finding out more about fundamental concepts of the stock marketAnyone motivated to learn a new skill and use it for their benefit"
Price: 109.99

"Aprende Python en un solo da" |
"Aprendizaje de cosas tiles e importantes de Python para poder abordar posteriormente cursos mas complejos de ciencia de datos y machine learning.Formas de almacenar datos: Tuplas, Numpy Arrays, listas, diccionariosConceptos clave y bucles, nomenclatura abreviada en PythonProgramacin orientada a objetos y formas de estructurar proyectos complejos.Implementacin de algoritmos para su resolucin de ejercicios"
Price: 49.99

"FALDA SWING - Disea y aprende a coser tu propia falda" |
"En este curso aprenders a todo el proceso de confeccin de esta falda pasando por todas estas fases:- Seleccin de herramientas y materiales- Toma de medidas- Realizacin del patrn desde cero- Hacer la marcada en tela - Cortar el tejido y mrgenes de costura- Entretelar la cinturilla y confeccionarla- Montaje y confeccin de falda- Preparacin de la cremallera y confeccin de la misma- Preparar el bajo y hacer un dobladillo- Creacin de un gran lazo desde cero- ltimos retoques de la prenda y acabado final con la planchaTodas las unidades van acompaadas de vdeos y en algunas lecciones te adjunto Fichas descargables para que puedas imprimirlas y te sirvan de ayuda."
Price: 34.99

"FALDA HONEY -Disea y cose tu falda + Patrn pdf descargable" |
"En este curso aprenders a confeccionar de inicio a fin esta Falda de 3 quillas, a tomar medidas, seleccionar los mejores materiales y herramientas para tus proyectos, a descargarte el patrn y seleccionar tu talla, marca, cortar la tela y dar los mrgenes de costura adecuados. Adems veremos cmo se han de entretelar los tejidos, cmo se monta una cinturilla sobre la tapeta, hacer un dobladillo, remallar y sobrehilar la prenda, realizar ojales y botones y todo el proceso de confeccin de una falda. Adems, te ensear truquitos para darle el acabado final con la plancha."
Price: 34.99

"Autodesk Revit - Familias Parametricas" |
"Las Familias de Revit son las unidades constructivas en 3D y las unidades grficas en 2D en las que se puede subdividir cualquier proyecto. Por tanto, cualquier proyecto estar formado de innumerables familias. Ser capaz de construirlas con total libertad es clave para tener un control total de Revit. En este curso te explico las bases fundamentales para poder construir familias con todos los parmetros necesarios. Para que los objetos puedan cambiar al instante sus dimensiones, sus materiales o su visibilidad entre otros aspectos.- Archivos de plantilla de familia. Eleccin de la plantilla adecuada para la familia a construir. Plantillas basadas en objetos.El temario del curso es el siguiente:- Archivos de plantilla de familia. Eleccin de la plantilla adecuada para la familia a construir. Plantillas basadas en objetos.- Punto de insercin de los objetos modelados. Diseos con ejes de simetra.- Herramienta: Tipos de familia. Construccin y tipos de parmetros. Parmetros compartidos. Tipo o ejemplar.- Parmetros de Longitud. Planos de referencias y cotas. Vinculaciones. Restriccin de equidistancias.- Parmetros de Material y Visibilidad.- Posibilidad de crear diferentes tipos de familia dentro de una misma.- Frmulas matemticas sencillas para relacionar unos parmetros con otros. Frmulas condicionales.- Anidar familias dentro de otras y asociar sus parmetros. Parmetro de tipo de familia. La importancia de la eleccin de la categora de familia de la pieza.- Cargar familias terminadas dentro de otras. Parmetros de tipo de familia tambin para estos casos.- Parmetro de ejemplar: Compartido, para transferir familias secundarias cargadas en los proyectos como objetos sueltos.- Matrices paramtricas conectadas con frmulas matemticas. Anidar objeto base y asociar sus parmetros.- Parmetros de ngulo. Uso de lneas de referencia. Alineaciones obligatorias para el correcto funcionamiento.- Parmetro de ejemplar: Basado en plano de trabajo, para asociar objetos con caras, con lneas de referencia o con planos de trabajo.- Parmetro de ejemplar: Siempre vertical, para permitir giros, volteos y simetras en ms direcciones.- Frmulas matemticas complejas. Condicionales. Requisitos cuando interviene un parmetro de tipo de familia en una frmula. - Organizacin de parmetros para simplificar el funcionamiento de las familias complejas.- Configuraciones de visibilidad para las diferentes piezas. Representaciones en 2D para los diferentes niveles de detalle."
Price: 99.99

"Elevate your Leadership" |
"Inside this course you'll discover the 4 stage leadership process and the 15 sub steps to elevate your leadership to its highest level. We not only go through the leadership process but have insights, tools and systems for you to use as a resource inside your organization. The purpose of leadership is to increase your influence. Influence can only be raised in two ways. Both will be defined inside this course."
Price: 149.99

"Croquetas. Tcnicas de Cocina." |
"No es lo mismo hacer de comer que saber cocinar, y esto es lo que se ensea en las Escuelas de Cocina; de hecho no existiran.Jose con los conocimientos de varias escuelas como Cocinero y como Restaurador y con ms de 20 aos en los fogones, ensea en un curso completsimo terico-prctico, para que se conozca El Gran Secreto de la Croqueta.Su curso est compuesto por los siguientes temas , ms recetas ms caractersticas de cada tcnica ( y 12 para crear):O.Un Poco de Historia.1.Introduccin.2.Concepto de Croqueta.3.Elaboracin de Velout.4.Tratamiento de Velout a Quenelle.5.Rebozar Quenelle.6.Mtodos de Coccin de Croquetas.7.Decoracin de Croquetas.8.Ejemplos de Croqueta y Recetas."
Price: 79.99

"Herramientas digitales bsicas para todo emprendedor" |
"Quieres aprender a utilizar las herramientas bsicas para llevar a cabo tu propio proyecto?Te gustara hacer tus propias publicaciones de calidad para RRSS?Alguna vez has tenido dificultades a la hora de organizar tu proyecto?Entonces tenemos el curso perfecto para ti, en el que nos adentraremos en 5 de las herramientas digitales ms tiles y que te ayudarn a llevar tu proyecto al prximo nivel.Trabajaremos con WhatsApp Business para aprender a gestionar de la forma ms eficiente a nuestros clientes y conseguir nuevas ventas, Canva como herramienta para crear todo tipo de materiales de marketing, Canvanizer para definir el modelo de negocio del proyecto y poder compartirlo de la forma ms dinmica posible, Asana para la gestin de equipo y, por ltimo, veremos G-suite, en donde crearemos nuestra propia cuenta de Google, la personalizaremos a nuestro gusto y veremos las herramientas gratuitas que esta nos proporciona."
Price: 29.99

"The 10X Lead-Generation Method with LinkedIn" |
"We are thrilled to announce our brand new highly anticipated and actionable online crash course for business owners, freelancers, recruiters and sales people who set their top priorities to accelerate growth for their businessWhat you will get:2 hours easy to digest online courseConstant updatesPacked with actionable Tips & hacksLearn easy automation, saving timeBest Practices & best ToolsGrow your network consistently & automatedGet the highest value out of LinkedInBehavioral insightsMany downloadable files"
Price: 149.99

"Embody Joy" |
"Do you feel .....?NO excitement for Life when you wake up in the morning. STUCK trying to change how you feel.UNINSPIRED and frustrated that ""positive thinking"" does not work. This course is for YOU ifYou find that JOY is fleeting. You know that happiness comes from WITHIN, yet this concept of inner joy is a MYSTERY to you.You are drawn to people who RADIATE JOY and you want to be one of them. Hey there! In the situation of global epidemic, when our usual ways of keeping ourselves busy and entertained became unavailable, it's now more than ever important to tap into happiness and JOY INSIDE. Yet, for many of us, the concept of ""inside JOY"" is a MYSTERY. I, like many of you, struggled with this concept and was absolutely mesmerized by people who radiated JOY. Until it finally hit me that we need to approach JOY in a vary systematic way! We need to train our body and mind for JOY!Doing things randomly such as practicing positive thinking, reading self-help books, going to yoga classes, meditating WILL SIMPLY NOT CUT IT. We need a system. We need to practice POSITIVITY in a systematic way! Through the years of practicing and teaching yoga, I gravitated and collected practices and meditations that cultivate JOY, and this course is a culmination of everything that I've learned. The program is designed to support you in committing to a more JOYFUL way of being, to inform you what cultivates JOY, and to help you transform how you CREATE your experience. This course is unique because instead of focusing on just a physical, mental, or emotional layer of our being, we will create space for all those layers to work together to create a lasting and profound change on all levels. GET READY FOR TRANSFORMATION as we bring the benefits of physical practice, meditations, and inquiries to our mat!During the course, I will ask you to be reflective about your own story, and journal about how you experience the world now, and we will use these opportunities of reflection as a way to deepen the transformation. Bon Voyage! Hugs,Julia"
Price: 59.99

" l'tudiant en mdecine ou mdecine dentaire qu'il soit interne ou externe devra connatre des notions d'anatomie humaines pour cela des livres et des supports accompagns d'illustrations et de schmas doivent tre disponibles pour l'tudiant les dessinateurs dessinent et schmatisent sur des papiers mais pourquoi pas sur de vritables sujets humains autrement dit sur le tissu cutan de l'tre humain lui-mme"
Price: 199.99

"How to achieve 10X Growth in Career, Business & Life" |
"Context10X Growth is neither a fancy word nor a myth but a very doable and achievable feat.All one needs is the right guidance & toolsThis is not just another motivational session but a deep introspective, Practical Workshop that sets you on the path towards 10X Growth.This workshop aims to transform both Individuals & BusinessesDo YouFeel Stuck in your Profession / Business / Enterprise / Career?Think your team/ organization can be much more productive & Growth focused but not there yet?Why is this Relevant to youGrowth is innate element of Nature & a sign that we are aliveHence growth is no more an option but an obligationYou could be a Professional, Team Lead or an EntrepreneurAs long as you have the Passion, Commitment & Determination to achieve 10X Growth This is for you.Key DeliverablesBreaking the 10X Growth myth & demisting itProven Framework to achieve 10X ResultsUnderstanding the Core of 10X & Reprogramming our mindsPracticing & Living 10X LifestyleReal life examples as case studiesCustomized Sales CoachingA guaranteed change in perception to life"
Price: 12800.00
