"Face Detection in Android" |
"In this course, well develop an android face detection application that lets you do detect human faces in an image. Everybody is using with Machine Learning in day to day Life. This course will help you to develop your very own application to detect face in image. We are going to use Mobile Vision API to achieve our goal .We will develop the app to detect faces in image within an 1 hour time. It will be fun learning this course. Android Phones are most used in today's world. We will be developing the app which will support Android 6 and upper version of Android. We will start with small piece of code and then see magic of face detector."
Price: 1280.00

"How To Be A Digital Real Estate Owner: The Complete Guide" |
"Have you wanted to take part in the economic future of digital real estate?Inside How To Be A Digital Real Estate Owner: The Complete Guide, you will learn how to buy, make and sell digital real estate. Not only will you be able to start buying and selling digital real estate right away. You will have a comprehensive understanding of what digital scarcity actually is. Based on the blockchain, the course shows you how to find and make these opportunities.After taking the How To Be A Digital Real Estate Owner: The Complete Guide You will learn how to+ Connect you browser to Meta Mask+ Make NFTs using Ethereum Blockchain+ Buy the next big website domain names+ Make digital content lockers for websites+ Resell profitable NFTsSign up and start learning this highly lucrative business skill TODAY!"
Price: 139.99

"Ultimate Hashicorp Certified Terraform Associate Exams" |
"The Terraform Associate certification is for Cloud Engineers specializing in operations, IT, or development who know the basic concepts and skills associated with open source HashiCorp Terraform. Candidates will be best prepared for this exam if they have professional experience using Terraform in production, but performing the exam objectives in a personal demo environment may also be sufficient. This person understands which enterprise features exist and what can and cannot be done using the open source offering.With the rise of cloud native application and devops, it is essential to learn and understand infrastructure as code and in particular Terraform. Terraform has become the infrastructure as code tool of choice with Fortune100 companies and this certification is becoming a must have!This course contains practice tests questions that will help deepen your knowledge of Terraform from a theory and coding perspective. These practice tests will prepare you to understand the required topic from theory and from practical Terraform coding as well as real world deployment configurations in a multi-cloud architecture. I do hold the Terraform certification and understand how prepare to pass his challenging exam on your first attempt. I have used my many years of expertise in devops, infrastructure as code, cloud and Terraform to create the most challenging question to help you master all the topics being tested in the exam.Questions include BOTH Terraform theory as well as Terraform code questions and answers. I have included explanation for the solution and related links to the Terraform docs when available.The level of the questions should help you be fully ready for the Terraform certification and be able to handle any questions that they may throw at you. I will be adding more practice tests at no extra cost and will be updating the tests questions regularly to keep you on your toes till exam day.Prepare for the exam by mastering Terraform rather than hoping to get the same questions as previous exams!Terraform version: Terraform 0.13 and 0.12Assessment Type: Multiple choice, Multiple Answer questions and True&FalseQuestions: 50 for each practice testDuration: 1 hourThe practice tests mimic the conditions of the real exam with 50 questions for a duration of 60 minutes."
Price: 19.99

"A Complete Cyber Security Guide For Beginners 2020" |
"** ACCORDING TO EPISTLE NEWS: ""Dhabaleshwar is one of the best Cyber Security Instructors on the internet. He has taught more than 100,000+ cyber security enthusiasts from over 180 countries including employees from PayPal, airbnb, CocaCola etc."" **** SPECIAL $199 BONUS: FREE 70+ DOWNLOADABLE RESOURCES. In order to make the student experience more amazing, there is a free download at the end of every video of this course (it contains every slide & PDF & 300+ helpful internet links & resources) making the course up to date, easy to understand & even more fun and engaging! ***** ""In today's world Cyber Security is not optional, its a necessity."" - Dhabaleshwar Das (CEO & Founder 7 Defence) ***Welcome to ""A Complete Cyber Security Guide For Beginners 2020 ""! We assume you have NO prior knowledge in the field of cyber security and hacking. But No Worries! by the end of it you'll be able to fight black-hat hackers and secure system like security experts!In this course, you will learn everything you need to know about cyber security.not only technical details but also career paths. This course covers all of the important topics you will learn from the basic of cyber security to earning money from cyber security + I will share my experience of real life SCAMMERS and how to cleverly outwit them! + I'll show you ways to EARN money ethically in the field of cyber security.This course is taught by Dhabaleshwar Das the CEO and Founder of 7 Defence (Which is a leading company in the field of Information Security). He has trained more than 100,000+ cyber security professionals. His students have not only qualified exams like CEH but also some toughest ones like CISM & SSCP. This course will focus on topics like Vulnerabilities, Malwares, Encryption, WordPress Security, Google Dorks & Google Hacking Database, Digital Certificates, Social Engineering, Phishing, Scammers, Hacking, Earning money in the field Of Cyber Security etc.You know,You Chose the right career path for you.........................CYBER SECURITY.........................................Here is the proof of that:-Exciting career opportunities as security analyst, security engineer, security architect, forensics investigator, cybersecurity specialist, and more!Cyber security positions are expected to rise 6 million globally by 2019 (source: Forbes, January 2016)If you are already in the IT field, expect a 9% raise in pay for security expertise (source: Forbes, January 2016)Median salary for information security analyst for 2015 is $90,000 (source: US Bureau of Labor Statistics)According to the Cyber Security Jobs Report, there will be approximately 3.5 million unfilled cyber security jobs by 2021.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------NO BORING STUFF HERE! I have explained everything a total beginner needs to learn in the field of cyber security in the most interesting and amusing manner. I have been teaching and coaching students for the past few years and they really like the way I explain. One such review is, ""I had achieved a lot of knowledge related to Cyber Security with the help of this course and thanks for making it easy and understandable with making less short videos with beautiful presentations which helps students to keep focus on course instead of getting bored.""The best thing is if you face any doubts, I am here for you. You can contact me in countless ways as mentioned in the course like, Udemy Message, Udemy Question Tab, Instagram Id of 7 Defence, My personal Insta Id, My personal FB page, 7 Defence Fb Page etc. You will receive the answer within 12hrs.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- THE DEMAND FOR CYBER SECURITY PROFESSIONALS IS INCREASING AT A VERY HIGH RATE !!!!!!!! THEY ARE SEARCHING FOR PEOPLE LIKE YOU ......This course will prove to be a steeping milestone in your cyber security & Ethical hacking career and by the end of this course you would be familiar with the field of Cyber Security and would have gained sufficient knowledge that will help to jump start your career as an information security professional.Don't Wait For The ' Right Time ' because It Never Comes. Just Go Ahead And Do It NOW!Enroll now and make a difference :)"
Price: 199.99

"CSS Grid Complete Course - Simple and Ezy" |
"This is a complete CSS Grid course covering all aspects in a concise and simple way. I will teach you how to setup CSS Grid rows, columns, grid areas, grid lines, and much much more. I tried to explain this both graphically as well as verbally. On completion you will be able to use CSS Grid on any web page and discover how easy it is to finally be able to place containers like divs or semantic elements anywhere, even nesting them inside each other or overlapping them. Included in this is tuition on how the content of the containers themselves affects the grid and what you can do to make sure your content is displayed properly. And all this -responsively- to suit anything from a desktop computer to a phone! There is also a video on using the developer tools in Google Chrome of Mozilla Firefox to visualize your grid."
Price: 19.99

"CIPS L4M5 Commercial Negotiation - Practice Papers" |
"Welcome to CIPS L4M5 practice exams. This module is Commercial Negotiation. These practice exams have been written by a professional teacher who has recently taken the exam herself, so are as close as possible to the real questions set by CIPS. Each exam paper consists of 60 questions and is 1h30mins long - which is exactly what you will have in the exam. This is the perfect way to practice your timing for the real exam. As some students have noticed, some of the exam questions published by CIPS are not covered in the Study Guide. Where possible I have included known exam topics that aren't in the study guide here. The pass mark for this exam is 70%[please note that these exam papers are not word-for-word the questions in the real exam. That would be copywrite infringement. However, they are as similar as can be]"
Price: 19.99

"Microsoft Excel 2019 en moins d'une heure pour dbutants" |
"Excel est le tableur le plus utilis dans le monde de lentreprise dit et commercialis par Microsoft et fait partie de la suite Microsoft Office 365. Le programme permet de faire des calculs numriques et des prsentations graphiques, de traiter et d'analyser des donnes et de travailler avec des macros et VBA (Visual Basic pour Application).Pendant cette formation Microsoft Excel 2019 pour dbutants, vous allez dcouvrir en dtail lenvironnement et linterface de Microsoft Excel 2019 avec les diffrentes zones, comme vous allez apprendre les bases de la gestion dun classeur ainsi que les dplacements et les slections simples dans une feuille de calcul, comprendre les notions de base concernant les cellules. Puis, vous allez travailler avec les lments ncessaires pour grer les feuilles de donnes, les lignes et les colonnes. Et enfin, vous allez apprendre la saisie des donnes et leurs modifications en abordant les premiers calculs avec Microsoft Excel 2019.Cette formation Microsoft Excel 2019 vous permettra de connaitre les techniques de copie ou de dplacement de cellule avec la souris, avec les raccourcis claviers ainsi quavec les commandes du ruban.A l'issue de cette formation Excel 2019, et par lassistance de Alliance Baudruche PEMOSSO, formateur et Microsoft Office Specialist, vous aurez les connaissances et comptences ncessaires pour travailler efficacement avec Excel 2019 dans la saisie et lorganisation de donnes."
Price: 24.99

"BootCamp Hro Word 2019 - Orient Emploi" |
"Bonjour, dans cette formation BootCamp Hro Word 2019, nous allons apprendre Microsoft Word ensemble. Il s'agit d'un cours bas sur des projets.Nous travaillerons sur des documents du monde rel tels qu'une lettre commerciale officielle, une newsletter mensuelle, un trs long rapport commercial, un calendrier et un document produit PDF interactif et visuellement excitant.Ce cours s'adresse aux dbutants. Vous n'avez besoin d'aucune connaissance pralable de Word ni d'aucune exprience en publication assiste par ordinateur. Nous allons commencer par les bases, mais nous allons rapidement travailler avec des fonctionnalits modernes et jour.Vous travaillerez avec des images, des logos et des couleurs d'entreprise spcifiques. Vous allez crer des modles d'entreprise et des styles rutilisables, en les personnalisant automatiquement l'aide du publipostage.Vous apprendrez crer une newsletter mensuelle avec des liens et des vidos prts tre partags et comments. Vous apprendrez prendre en charge de longs documents ; les nettoyer et ajouter des graphiques professionnels, des infographies, des tableaux et bien plus encore, y compris des fichiers d'exercices. Nous vous donnerons une feuille de triche imprimable.Je serai l pour vous aider. Si vous vous perdez, vous pouvez dposer un commentaire sur la section ""Questions et rponses"" de la vido qui se trouve sous chaque vido et je vous rpondrais.Alors cher(e) ami(e), il est maintenant temps de passer de Word Zro Word Hero et de devenir le professionnel de Microsoft Word dans votre bureau."
Price: 189.99

"Fancy New Guy Training - Introduction to Manufacturing" |
"Can you picture yourself having a career in manufacturing? Get started here with this Introduction to Manufacturing! You will learn about the vast career opportunities in the field of Manufacturing. Start with the basics to understand how a part is born. Then explore the careers available in MAN VS ROBOT, an engaging way to learn about different kinds of careers that fit you! Then get your skills starter kit with 'Machining 101' and learn about some of the common tools, processes and tasks used in manufacturing!"
Price: 39.99

"Matemticas : Lmites" |
"Hola matemticos! Espero que estis con ganas para aprender este tema de lmites al 100% para sacar las mejores notas en vuestros exmenes! Despus de terminar este curso, los lmites os van a resultar muy sencillos. No se os resistir ni uno!En este curso vamos a ver los siguientes contenidos:Concepto de lmite desde cero. Lo planteamos con tablas de valoresCmo resolver lmitesIndeterminaciones: la parte fuerte del cursok/00/0Infinito/InfinitoInfinito-Infinitouno elevado a inifnitoLHopitalInterpretacin grfica de lmitesEn el puntoEn el infinitoEste curso est diseado para poder entenderlo sin haber estudiado nada parecido antes. Empezaremos el tema desde 0, para comprender los casos ms enrevesados. Al acabar las clases, dispondrs de recursos y tablas que podrs usar fuera de clase, que te permitirn poder resolver cualquier ejercicio. Este tema es muy importante a medida que las matemticas avanzan, por lo que tener este curso a tu disposicin es una herramienta interesante de cara al futuro. Te recuerdo que una vez adquirido el curso, podrs disponer de l de por vida.Despus de todo esto, espero que el curso os guste y os ayude a entender este tema a la perfeccin. Un saludo y nos vemos en clase!"
Price: 19.99

"Como Especificar a Vegetao no seu Projeto" |
"Nesse curso voc vai aprender tudo o que precisa saber para Escolher com segurana a planta ideal do Seu Projeto de Arquitetura, Design de Interiores e Paisagismo.O Foco Essencial do Curso que Voc:Se sinta seguro na hora de especificar a vegetao do seu projeto e tire de uma vez por todas o fantasma de que a planta vai morrer ou de que o jardim ou projeto iro ficar feios.Aprenda a especificar as melhores espcies vegetais para cada tipo de ambiente: pleno sol, sombra, meia sombra, sombra intensa.Desenvolva projetos de paisagismo com segurana, se diferencie no mercado levando mais reconexo com a natureza nos seus projetos e encantem seus clientes.Tenha confiana para lidar com os clientes, equipes de jardinagem e lojas de plantas de forma direta e eficiente.Pratique no seu dia a dia aplicando a metodologia ensinada no curso e os materiais oferecidos."
Price: 234.99

"Autodesk Revit & Robot Structural Analysis + Sheets + BOQ" |
"This course not just a tutorial on software Revit and Robot but it is a complete understanding about structural design analysis, how civil engineer must begin with the project, how he/she must think, how we can determine the dimension of the element before modeling them check it in the software. In this course we will design a 15 stories of a residential buildings, within the work we will define and design all types of slabs such as (waffle slab, one way ribbed slab, two way ribbed slab, flat slab and solid slab), all types of foundations such as (isolated,combined,strip and mat), earthquake loads, columns and beams and shear walls + Advanced lectures in Revit + Advanced lectures in Robot + design a swimming pool in Robot"
Price: 49.99

"Introduccin a la programacin desde cero para principiantes" |
"Ests interesado en aprender a programar?Quieres dar un giro a tu vida laboral comenzando a trabajar como desarrollador de software?Dispones de algn conocimiento de programacin y buscas afianzar los conceptos aprendidos?Si has respondido que s a alguna de estas preguntas, este es tu curso. En l aprenders, desde cero, todos los conocimientos necesarios para aprender a programar. No importa que no tengas ninguna experiencia anterior en el sector, aqu veremos desde los conceptos tericos ms bsicos, hasta las clases prcticas que nos permitan generar programas funcionalmente completos.Utilizaremos el lenguaje Java, idneo para empezar a programar. A travs de este lenguaje, y de un entorno de desarrollo (IDE), diseado especialmente para el mbito educativo, BlueJ, vamos a ver todos los aspectos relacionados con el Paradigma de Orientacin a Objetos (POO): clases, objetos, atributos, mtodos, encapsulamiento, sentencias condicionales, bucles, ...No lo dudes y comienza a aprender desde ya! Convirtete en un experto programador, inscribindote en este curso!"
Price: 19.99

"Neurociencia Prctica Para Todos" |
"Conocimientos bsicos y prcticos del ""modus operandi"" del Sistema Nervioso Humano. OBJETIVO GENERAL: Proporcionar una adecuada enseanza del cerebro, la mente y la esfera sentimental, dirigida y motivada hacia el desarrollo de las competencias cognitivas y las habilidades humanas transversales, herramientas invaluables para el quehacer de la vida diaria.PILARES FUNDAMENTALES: Bases neurobiolgicas: cmo es y cmo funciona tu cerebro.Neurohbitos saludables: qu daa y qu nutre tu cerebro.Competencias Mentales: las habilidades que tiene tu cerebro para interactuar en la vida diaria y cmo potenciarlas. Habilidades Humanas Transversales: cmo incentivar la inteligencia sentimental, la empata, la neurocomunicacin."
Price: 39.99

"Money Management Made Easy" |
"Here you will learn to manage your income in a right and effective manner. How you can easily increase your income by developing and deploying your unique skill set. You will learn how to create a systematic savings plan and how to use this savings to work for you and generate additional income passively. "
Price: 1280.00

"Renda Extra com Aulas de Ingls" |
"Neste curso eu vou abrir o jogo pra voc!Vou compartilhar os segredos das minhas aulas de ingls para que voc possafazer sua renda extra.Voc quer saber como usar a frmula secreta para divulgar suas aulas de ingls, como engajar os alunos, preparao do material, preo, carga horria ideal e certificado?No curso vamos mostrar de forma simples e eficaz como dar uma boa aula de ingls, de um jeito fcil que vai trazer engajamento para os seus alunos. Vamos tocar em vrios assuntos tal como, material do aluno e do professor, divulgao com as mdias sociais e outros assuntos que voc precisa saber.No perca esta oportunidade.Veja o que voc vai ganhar alm do curso!!Est incrvel o material especial PREPARADO PRA VOC!OLHA AS VANTAGENS ABAIXO!!!MATERIAL ESPECIAL PARA O PROFESSOR1- Dicionrio Offline2- Coleo de Livros Cambridge3- Compounds4- Preposio5- Vdeos de Pronncia6- Vocabulrio Cambridge7- Expresses idiomticas8- Livros de Oxford9- Ingls tcnico10-Vocabulrio de negcio11-Lista de verbos estticos- Stative-verbs-list12-Advrbios de freqncia13-How to Avoid Common Errors - Livro14-English Grammar For Dummies - Livro15-Alongamento - Straching16-Toeic - Simulao com Respostas/Exame/Livro17-Ingls para Crianas18-Futebol Regras que voc precisa saber19-Expresso Idiomtica 20-Teste de Ingls para verificar o nvel do aluno21-Cronograma de AulaCom este material, voc ter velocidade para dar suas aulas de ingls, pois no necessrio preparar o material para o aluno que tem o nvel zero at o intermedirio. J est pronto!!!""OPORTUNIDADES NO SURGEM, VOC QUE AS CRIA"""
Price: 39.99

"Pediatric First Aid Training" |
"This Paediatric First Aid training course is for everybody who is responsible for the welfare of children. It examines how you should adapt and employ basic First Aid techniques for a child or baby. The course looks at every medical situation from treating minor cuts and grazes, to performing CPR on an unresponsive infant.Treating a casualty with First Aid is a hard but rewarding experience. Being able to help a child in distress or pain is an especially admirable talent and one that all parents or child-minders should ideally know.By the end of the course, youll know how to interact with a young casualty, how to keep them calm, and when to call an emergency. It should prove to hold invaluable information for keeping children and babies safe from illness, and potentially life-threatening conditions."
Price: 19.99

"Programming & Problem Solving - (SPPU-FE)" |
"Who Can Enrol This Course?First Year Engineering Students (Sem I & II) from SPPU (Savitribai Phule Pune University). Covered entire university prescribed syllabus All exam oriented theory questions are included All programs are shown practically through Python IDEStudents from any university having subject or part of subject as Python Programming .Anyone who want to learn Python Programming Professionally and make career as a software developer in Python can enrol for this course."
Price: 6720.00

"How to become a better software developer?" |
"In this class, students who are aspiring to be software developers will learn about the roles and responsibilities of a developer, the challenges that a developer faces on a daily basis and the resources available to aspiring developers to sharpen their skills. Developers understand customer needs, perform project estimation/scoping, planning, create artefacts such as design/architecture documents, product documentation, write code for new features, fix internal and external bugs, ensure quality of code. Developers face challenges such as scoping errors and bugs. Developers can tone their skills by forming teams, brainstorming ideas, attending webinars/meetups, competing in hackathons, reviewing developer resources and practicing code patterns."
Price: 19.99

"Create Your Best Life" |
"Create Your Best Life is designed to help you head towards achieving the life you would love to live. 7 days of easy to do activities that will help you create the vision you want for your life with easy broken down steps to achieving your desired outcome. This course also focuses on ways to love and look after yourself along the way to creating your best life!"
Price: 29.99

"Narcissistic Abuse to Freedom" |
"This course is designed to help you to understand Narcissistic Abuse and ways that you can move towards Self-Love and Freedom. This course should not be mistaken for therapy. Included are signs of Narcissistic Traits, ways you may beable to protect yourself from this abuse, how you can learn to love yourself after Narcissistic Abuse, how you can move forward and deal with triggers when they arise."
Price: 49.99

"College Physics 1: One-Dimensional Kinematics" |
"This course contains the one-dimensional kinematics section of my full calculus-based College Physics 1 course. In this section, I discuss topics which include the relationship between position, velocity, and acceleration and using the kinematic equations in both the x and y directions to solve problems. The course has video lectures that cover the detailed concepts of each topic and I go through plenty of example problems so that you can master these concepts. There are also detailed solutions of extra example problems so that you have plenty of practice. After completing this course, you will have a firm understanding of the one-dimensional kinematics material taught in your College Physics 1 class and be able to tackle any problem involving one-dimensional motion."
Price: 19.99

"Intro to practical insights on AGILE concepts and roles" |
"The basic materials in this course are designed for new entrants to the Agile world to decide what roles, if any, will best suit them. Veterans will love getting off their rusty-dusty and solidify their foundations! Advanced materials in subsequent courses are for those who want to pursue details of specific roles; need the opportunity to discuss and bounce off the true meaning of Agile mindset, processes, and much more, and progress towards real agility. Bonus features are also available in advanced courses. People in leadership roles will benefit a great deal to avoid pitfalls, ensure successful implementation and establish continuity. All lessons are designed ina an unconventional real life operational mode as opposed to only offering classroom information on the various subjects that are discussed therein. Simply put, it is not your usual run off the mill ""here are the basics, go get your certification"" deals!"
Price: 19.99

"Maturidade Crist" |
"Ensinar os fundamentos da f crist. Apresenta a Bblia, suas verdades centrais da f, e como fonte para instruo, consolo, encorajamento e proximidade de Deus. Voc j ouviu algum dizendo que deseja mudar para pior? Nunca! As pessoas SEMPRE desejam mudar para melhor. Mas nem sempre isso o que acontece, no mesmo? Voc j ensinou, ensinou, treinou e pensou que as pessoas j haviam aprendido. Ento, de repente, v que algumas delas tm atitudes totalmente contrrias ao que voc ensinou. E voc se pergunta onde errei? Por que as pessoas no mudam de verdade? ""E no vos conformeis com este sculo, mas transformai-vos pela renovao da vossa mente, para que experimenteis qual seja a boa, agradvel e perfeita vontade de Deus. - Rm 12:2Uma mudana para melhor vem somente atravs da transformao. Esta a maneira de Deus tratar conosco. Ele quer nos TRANSFORMAR NA IMAGEM DE SEU FILHO. Isto ocorre pela Proclamao do Evangelho e discipulado, no poder do Esprito Santo."
Price: 39.99

"English speaking Skills -Level 1" |
"This course is designed as an Introductory course of the series on English Speaking Skills. Its the first part and in this course I will be teaching you Greetings in English Language. For this course you should know the basic english alphabet , sentence formation and after this course - You will be able to meet and greet people confidently, effectively and accurately. So, I would highly recommend you to enroll in this course series, this first one and upcoming too to sharpen your English Speaking Skills."
Price: 1280.00

"English speaking skills-Level 2" |
"Welcome to the English Speaking Skills-Level 2, the lessons of English Conversation. This is my second course in this series of spoken english. In this course you will learn to speak english in an effective, efficient and impressive way. You will be learning basically the right and great ways to express good manners, your exclamatory feelings, whether surprise, anger, wonder, anxiety, any emotion with the accurate words and sentences in English language. In this course you will also learn Phrases and how to use them perfectly in English Communication. You will improve your English Speaking Skills and will be able to speak out in an outstanding way. This course is a building block in your personality development and lifestyle upgradation. Speech is a reflection of your personality and lifestyle. So, enroll in this course and more of my courses in this series to enhance your basic worth and learn Communication in English perfectly, This is an art!"
Price: 1280.00

"Generalidades del Big Data, todo lo que debes saber" |
"Aprenders qu es Big Data y porque, actualmente, las organizaciones estn implementando soluciones de Big Data. Te explicaremos qu es lo que caracteriza el BigData, las diferencias con la analtica de datos tradicional, los nuevos perfiles que requiere el desarrollo del Big Data y cmo contribuye Big Data a la transformacin de la sociedad en general. Inscribete al curso que no te arrepentirs."
Price: 19.99

"CompTIA Cybersecurity Analyst (CySA+) Practice Test" |
"Our CompTIA Cybersecurity Analyst (CySA+) Practice Test is the most effective and pertinent for you to pass the exam on the first go. In fact, you will not only pass your exam but also get a profound understanding of the respective subject.With our CompTIA Cybersecurity Analyst (CySA+) Practice Test, you will come to see that all of the questions and answers in our exams are chosen after a professional analysis."
Price: 34.99

"CompTIA A+ Core I Exam(220-1001) Practice Questions" |
"Our CompTIA A+ Core I Exam(220-1001) practice Test is the most effective and pertinent for you to pass the exam on the first go. In fact, you will not only pass your exam but also get a profound understanding of the respective subject.With our CompTIA A+ Core I Exam(220-1001) practice Test, you will come to see that all of the questions and answers in our exams are chosen after a professional analysis."
Price: 34.99

"CompTIA A+ Core II Exam(220-1002) Practice Questions" |
"Our CompTIA A+ Core II Exam(220-1002) Practice Test is the most effective and pertinent for you to pass the exam on the first go. In fact, you will not only pass your exam but also get a profound understanding of the respective subject.With our CompTIA A+ Core II Exam(220-1002) Practice Test, you will come to see that all of the questions and answers in our exams are chosen after a professional analysis."
Price: 34.99

"Certified Information Systems Security Professional - CISSP" |
"Our Certified Information Systems Security Professional - CISSP Practice Test is the most effective and pertinent for you to pass the exam on the first go. In fact, you will not only pass your exam but also get a profound understanding of the respective subject.With our Certified Information Systems Security Professional - CISSP Practice Test, you will come to see that all of the questions and answers in our exams are chosen after a professional analysis."
Price: 34.99
