"CompTIA IT Fundamentals ITF+(FC0-U61) EXAM" |
"CompTIA IT Fundamentals ITF+(FC0-U61) EXAM Question UPDATE September 2020 Prepare for the latest updated exam Surely passed the exam. Thank you. I wish you all success. Everyone passed the exam."" This is an Unofficial course and this course is not affiliated, licensed or trademarked with CompTIA in any way.""Best of Luck for your bright career ."
Price: 1800.00

"Desenvolvimento Alexa - Amazon Alexa + Node.js (Javascript)" |
"Nesse curso ser ensinado sobre o desenvolvimento de skills em Alexa, no necessrio nenhum conhecimento prvio, e ensinado sobre como utilizar a ferramenta, explicando a utilizao e estrutura, mostrando a lgica das skills, e tudo isso aplicado no desenvolvimento de algumas aplicaes. ideal para qualquer pessoa que deseje desenvolver habilidades de pensamento computacional e deseje aprender uma nova linguagem de programao."
Price: 39.99

"The Complete Mobile Marketing Course for Beginners" |
"Welcome to our Course !You can Learn complete information related to Mobile Marketing. It is the best course for Mobile Marketing. This course of Mobile Marketing will able you to start your Learning as a beginner. Important Topics you can learn and get Explanation are :Mobile MarketingMobile Technology and ReachMobile Marketing StrategiesMobile Marketing Policies SMS CampaignMobile Website Marketing StrategiesMobile Apps Marketing StrategiesThank you so much !Our Team will Happy to see in Course ! Note that Our team is present every time for you and available here for any questions you may have. You can ask any question which you want. "
Price: 19.99

"How To Paint From Photo References" |
"Course OverviewIn this course you will learn many ideas for how to paint from photo references without copying every detail and nuance. The lessons are packed with useful tips for all levels from beginner to experienced artists.How It Works: Robert will create a series of four paintings all inspired from photos. Each painting is broken down from the very beginning. The steps will include understanding what's included in the original photo; then Robert will extract the elements that are interesting; the scene is re-worked into a new design based on his thoughts and vision. Then a finished painting is completed so you see the idea(s) come to fruition.Assignment One: An assignment that includes seven photo references. You will take each image and use some of the ideas Robert shared in section one to make edits that appeal to you.Assignment Two: Robert completes the same assignment using the exact same images as you. This will give you something to compare your work to so that you aren't left with questions. There are no right or wrongs but it's useful to see how he approaches each image.Your Turn: Create a final painting based on your favorite design. Robert will paint his favorite and toss in a bonus video of another :)When you are finished you will have some fresh ideas and techniques for working from photos."
Price: 99.99

"Witty Owl's English Grammar Illustrated" |
"Specially designed for those who wish to more rapidly develop their English grammar structural understanding, the video lessons at Witty Owl are illustrated with graphically animated famous works of art, and the grammar segments represented by some of mankind's most popular icons in a simple step-by-step approach complete with extensive insights, instructions, and repetition/fixation exercises. Yes, our mission is to make English simple for you, but in this illustrated introduction to its grammar, our greatest joy is to astonish you with a learning adventure you have never experienced before."
Price: 19.99

"Design Patterns in Java Made Simple" |
"More than two decades since design patterns have appeared, many developers consider them the most important discovery in software development. Others still find them a bad idea. And both are right! How comes?In this course, you will learn how design patterns can be applied to make code better: flexible, short, readable. Flexibility is the key element in design patterns. You will learn how to decide when and which pattern to apply by formally analyzing the need to flex around specific axis. You will learn which pattern is adding which kind of flexibility, and what are the most common forms of implementation in practice. You will also learn common pitfalls and ways to overcome them when applying specific patterns."
Price: 29.99

"Canva 3x1 - do zero ao avanado + 6 projetos" |
"Aprenda do zero ao avanado, como criar designs incrveis. Projetos; Logotipo, vdeo board, carto QR Code, prottipo de um aplicativo de delivery, design para redes sociais e muito mais, tudo online e grtis!Seja um Expert em designer aprendendo alguns conceitos de Designer. Ser abordado os recursos bsicos da ferramenta, iremos desenvolver vrios projetos reais que se aplicam a Designer Grfico, Social Media e UI Designer."
Price: 69.99

"Html5, Css3, Bootstrap ve Php ile Web Programlama" |
"Arkadalar bu kurs ile hayalini kurduunuz web sitelerini programlayabileceksiniz!!!Web programlamada olmazsa olmaz dediimiz 3 programlama dilini de bu kursumuz sayesinde reneceksiniz. ncelikle HTML ve CSS dillerini ve komutlarn greceiz.Daha sonrasnda Bootstrap ile sitemize nasl tasarm eklentileri yaplabilir ve nasl dzenlemeler yaplabilir greceiz.Eitimimizin sonunda PHP dili ile dinamik web sitesi yapmn greceiz.Bu kursumuzun hepinize faydal olmasn temenni ederim. Aklnza taklan problemlerinizi ve ya projelerinizi soru/cevap ksmndan yazarsanz sizlere en ksa zamanda faydal olmak adna dn yapacamdan pheniz olmasn.yi gnler. WEBPROGRAMLAMA promosyon kodu ile bu kursa 24,99 TL'ye sahip olabilirsiniz."
Price: 49.99

"Google Sites para PROFESSORES" |
"Google Sites uma ferramenta gratuita onde voc pode criar sites com design profissional de forma super fcil e intuitiva.Nesse curso voc ir aprender sobre:Como criar um SITE a partir de um MODELO no GOOGLE SITESComo REGISTRAR e CONFIGURAR um DOMNIO no RegistroBRComo PUBLICAR um SITE com o Google SitesConhecendo a INTERFACE do Google SitesCONFIGURAES GERAIS do Google SitesHISTRICO de VERSES do Google SitesComo criar PGINAS e estruturas de MENU no Google SitesComo alterar CORES e FONTES do TEMA no Google SitesComo inserir IMAGENS, TEXTOS E ARQUIVOS no Google SitesComo inserir ELEMENTOS DIVERSOS no Google Sites"
Price: 99.99

"The Ultimate Marketing Strategy Course" |
"Learn my unique framework for organizing your entire growth strategy from strategy, implementation and reportingDevelop your strategic part of the brain and impress your bossDesign an implementation system to grow your business predictablyHow this course is arranged:Part 1: StrategyLearn how to think about how to grow a business like a CEO or upper-level manager by defining the most important aspects of your business. We'll use my marketing strategy master document to cover how to define your company vision, important company milestones, setting KPI's, defining customer personas, customer journeys, as well as identifying your competitive landscape.Why should I learn about marketing strategy?Anyone looking to grow their company or advance in their career has to be able to think and act strategically. Thinking strategically is a muscle you have to develop, but there are no real great frameworks for combining the most important aspects of a growth strategy into one unified vision. We'll teach you how to think about each part as part of the whole strategic solution so you can grow your business or get that promotion faster.Do I need any experience or related skills to complete this?All you will need is access to a computer. We will provide all the necessary documents for you to organize and execute your growth strategy.What is included in the certification materials?We will provide you access to all the documents and high definition video walkthroughs that cover the document topics. Part 2: ImplementationAfter gaining a deeper strategic understanding of how to organize your business, we will teach you how to execute an initiative implementation system. You'll learn about the various growth channels, and how to organize and execute individual initiatives for maximum impact.Why do I need to understand how to implement initiatives?Strategy will teach you about the overarching goals of the organization, and an implementation system is your strategy at work. You will learn how to execute your strategy and get feedback from successful and failed initiatives and how to apply that to future work. Part 3: ReportingThe last step in any process is understanding if what you are doing is successful or failing. We'll teach you how to monitor the success of your business by tracking quantitative and qualitative data.Why is reporting important?Reporting allows you to make realtime decisions about whether your strategy and implementation process is truly working as you need it to. By teaching you how to set strategic KPI goals and crafting a story about the success or failure of those goals with qualitative data, you can be a more effective strategic manager."
Price: 19.99

"Body language for entrepreneurs: presenting/influence hacks" |
"What you do speaks so loud that I cannot hear what you say - Ralph Waldo EmersonDo you often feel misunderstood by people? Chances are that you are not using your body language in an effective manner.Knowing that body language means 93% of human communication is non-verbal, not being able to use it means not being able to communicate. Period - Stefan DevitoIn this course, you are going to learn all major aspects of body language, allowing you to read people like a book and making your communication effectiveMicroexpressionsHow to use your armsHow to present betterStanceHandshakeThe eyesYour voiceYour tonality and tonal patternsThe most important thing in communications is hearing what isn't said - Peter F DruckerAfter taking this course you are going toFeel confident in any social situationBe able to use your body language to support what you are sayingRead people like a bookSpot lies and fraudUnderstand what people really thinkDouble your abilities to convince and persuadeThis course is structured to make it easy and intuitive to go from beginner to pro in body languageSection 1: Introduction to body languageSection 2: Understanding body languageSection 3: Catching a liar and reading people like a bookSection 4: Body language & tonality for sales and persuasionSection 5: Body language for effective presentationsI speak two languages, Body and English"" - Mae WestThe knowledge you will gain in this course is essential for the following practical application.Sales and customer relationsBuilding rapport & customer validationTonality for salesBusiness developmentYour personal brandNetworkingConfidenceImpactful Elevator PitchingYour team and clientsHuman lie detectionExpanding teams and hiringPartnerships that thriveLeadershipManaging teamsManaging in flat hierarchiesPortraying confidence and visionStressful business momentsInvestor Pitching(Salary) negotiationsPublic SpeakingSocial environmentUnderstanding team dynamicsBeing more confident in social situationsMore persuasive and credibleAll of these aspects of success as an entrepreneur are possible by making use of 93% of human communication body language and tonality.Get in touch with the way the other person feels. Feelings are 55% body language, 38% tone and 7% words. - AnonymousDo you want to have more business success? More success in social situations, getting a point across or making yourself understood? This body language course will be pivotal in your success in that endeavour.Always remember: Focus on what matters. 93% of our communication is nonverbal."
Price: 199.99

_-eunkmg |
"WebGPUWindowsMacLinux(Ubuntu) WebLinuxWebGoogle Chrome"
Price: 9600.00

"Project with Laravel PHP:Make a doctor appointment system" |
"This is a doctor appointment web-based application made with laravel which you might have used in your daily life to book an appointment with the doctor. The booking application has three types of users namely patient, doctor and an admin.The patients will be able to book an appointment with his doctors. In the frontend, we have a date through which the patient can filter the available doctors on a particular date. He can book a specific time for a particular date which will be also shown inpatient dashboard later. The patient dashboard also shows whether he has visited to doctor or not. If yes, he will see the medicine prescribed by the doctor on his dashboard. He can also update his profile.Admin can create and update the doctor information. Admin can filter the patients and see who has book an appointment on a particular date. He can toggle the status of the patient as visited/not visited. Admin can create department and update and delete them. As an admin, he can get the information about the system on his dashboard. The information such as how many doctors are working in his clinic? how patients have made an appointment? How many departments are in the clinic? etc.As a doctor, he can create an appointment time for a particular date. Each time slot is in the difference of 20min ie: patients can book an appointment with a doctor for max 20min. He can update time slot as well.He can check how many patients have made an appointment on a particular date by filtering through date. Finally, he can prescribed medicine to patients."
Price: 199.99

"Batan Sona Web Tasarm Eitimi" |
"Batan sona web siteleri gelitireceiz.nemli detaylar renecek ve birer Full Stack Developer olacaksnz.Kursun ierii popler web frameworkleri ve web dilleri iermektedir.Gerek hayata odakl projeler gelitireceiz okul sitesinden tutun bir galeri sitesine kadar veya tantm sitelerimize kadar her ihtimali deerlendireceiz.Kursta reneceklerimiz HTML,CSS,CSS ANIMATIONS,CSS FLEXBOX,SASS,SCSS,BOOSTRAP,JAVASCRIPT,JS DOM,AJAX,JQUERY,ANGULAR,NODE.JS,MONGODB,SQL,MYSQL kurs ieriimiz olacaktr.Kursumuz web konusu sfrdan ele alp profesyonel seviyeye gelmenizi amalamaktadr"
Price: 59.99

"Simplify 3D ESSENCIAL - Entrando no mundo da impresso 3D" |
"No curso Simplify3D Essencial, voc ver de forma clara todos os recursos que precisa saber para preparar modelos perfeitos para impresso 3D sem dor de cabea. A impresso 3D vem revolucionando o mercado em todos os setores e mudando a forma como grandes empresas fabricam peas, moldes, ferramentas, etc... Da agronomia a medicina, no importa se voc um profissional que deseja introduzir essa tecnologia em sua empresa ou se voc gosta de criar objetos colecionveis para si mesmo ou amigos, voc precisa saber que imprimir algo vai muito alem de apertar um mero boto e isso meus caros amigos eu venho apresentar a vocs, nesse curso que de bsico tem s o nome. No pense muito, embarque logo nessa jornada comigo e vamos mudar o novo normal com nossas ideias e criaes juntos nesse incrvel mundo da impresso 3D!Te vejo do outro lado, abrao."
Price: 84.99

"PrestaShop For Beginners Start your Own Online Shop" |
"E-Commerce Basics of Presta shop website and Back office.. Start your journey with this one step to achieve your online business and save a lot of money doing while learning skills that makes you resourceful for your online business.. This is for beginners and you don't have to be a skilled developer to create amazing websites, And that is why I am learning you guys the basics.."
Price: 19.99

"Practice Business Intelligence & Microstrategy" |
"More than 50 Microstrategy BI Questions with a Case Study example. Although the Practice does not cover all the aspects of Microstrategy (which is impossible to do in any questionnaire), the practice covers standard and normally used questions in interview. The most simple and obvious aspects (such as can Microstrategy export reports in Excel, or send report to a user through Email etc.) are omitted. This Test will help you prepare for a Microstrategy interview and also give you insights on what to study further and what can be expected from a hiring manager."
Price: 19.99

"Kali - Filipino Martial Arts : Program 3" |
"All the requirements for basic level 3 in Kali - Filipino Martial Arts including;Double StickSingle StickDaggerStick & DaggerEmpty HandsFootworkKali, also known as Arnis or Eskrima/Escrima, is the national martial art of the Philippines.The three are roughly interchangeable umbrella terms for the traditional martial arts of the Philippines (""Filipino Martial Arts"", or FMA), which emphasize weapon-based fighting with sticks, knives, bladed weapons, and various improvised weapons, as well as ""open hand"" techniques without weapons.Please practice the techniques in a safe manner."
Price: 29.99

"Mastering Data Science and Machine Learning Fundamentals" |
"A comprehensive course that will teach you how Data Science and Machine Learning Work.Welcome to Mastering Data Science & Machine Learning Fundamentals for Beginners!Data Science and Machine learning is not just another buzzword. So many professionals who work in different areas such as IT, security, marketing, automation, and even medicine, know that machine learning is the key to development. Without it, so many amazing things that make our lives easier such as spam-filtering, Google search, relevant ads, accurate weather forecasting, or sports prediction would be impossible. This course is the starting point you've been looking for.This course is designed for students and learners who want to demystify the concepts, statistics, and math behind machine learning algorithms, and who are curious to solve real-world problems using machine learning. The course is structured to start with the basics, and then to gradually develop an understanding of the array of machine learning and data science algorithms.No prior knowledge is required to start learning from this course. The course not only guides you through the problems and concepts of machine learning but also elaborates on how to implement those concepts successfully.We will draw on our expertise in data science and AI to guide you through what matters and what doesn't. Each concept is introduced in plain English, avoiding confusing mathematical notation and jargon.We'll cover the data science, machine learning, and data mining concepts and techniques which you are looking for, including:Basics of Machine LearningSupervised Vs. Unsupervised Learning Linear RegressionSupport Vector Machine (SVM)Decision Tree and Random ForestLogistic RegressionK-Nearest Neighbors (K-NN)Naive BayesK-Means ClusteringHierarchical ClusteringEvaluating Machine Learning Models PerformanceNeural Networks Best Practices for Data Scientistand much more!If you're a programmer looking to switch into an exciting new career track or a data analyst looking to make the transition into the AI industry this course will teach you the basic techniques used by real-world industry data scientists. These are topics any successful technologist needs to know about, so start learning today?Become a Data Scientist by enrolling in this course. Even if you are a novice in this field, you will find this illustrative course informative, useful, and helpful. And if you aren't new to data science, you'll still find also this course immensely beneficial.Enroll now!"
Price: 199.99

"Mastering Python Machine Learning FROM SCRATCH" |
"Did you know that if you choose to become a data scientist, you can earn around $120,000 or more in the United States?Well, we can help you reach this exclusive goal with our Python for machine learning for beginners course. Whether you have no prior experience in data science or you are a programmer who's interested in machine learning, this course will serve as the best step by step guide. From coding, package installation, data preprocessing and implementation of algorithms, learn everything with the help of over 40 video lectures and detailed notebooks.This course is fun and exciting, but at the same time we dive deep into Machine Learning. It is structured the following way:Part 1: Data Preprocessing : Importing the Libraries and Dataset,Deal with Missing Data, Detecting outliers, Categorical Data, Splitting the Dataset into the Training set and Test Set, Feature Scaling, Data Preprocessing TemplatePart 2: Regression: Simple Linear Regression, Multiple Linear Regression, Polynomial Regression, Support Vector Regression, Decision Tree Regression, Random Forest Regression, Evaluating Regression Models PerformancePart 3 : Classification: Lectures: Logisitic Regression, K-Nearest Neighbors(K-NN), Support Vector Machine(SVM), Nave Bayes, Decision Tree Classification, Random Forest Classification, Evaluating Classification Models PerformancePart 4: Clustering: K-Means Clustering, Hierarchical Clustering, Recommender SystemPart 5: Dimensionality Reduction: Principle Component Analysis(PCA), Linear Discriminant Analysis(LDA) and Kernel PCAPart 6: Artificial Neural Network(with Keras): Data Preprocessing, Create the ANN, Making Predictions and Evaluating model performanceAnd the best part, unlike costly data sciences courses, this course is both comprehensive and reasonably priced at Udemy.So Enroll now!This ensures that no prior knowledge is required to start learning from this course. The content of this course is specially designed to encompass all the concepts that come under the domain of data science. This course not only guides you through the problems and concepts of machine learning but also elaborates how to successfully implement those concepts.Each concept is introduced in plain English, avoiding confusing mathematical notation and jargon. Its then demonstrated using Python code you can experiment with and build upon, along with notes you can keep for future reference. You won't find academic, deeply mathematical coverage of these algorithms in this course - the focus is on practical understanding and application of them.If you're new to Python, don't worry - the course starts with a crash course. If you've done some programming before, you should pick it up quickly. This course shows you how to start with Python and Jupyter Notebook.If youre a programmer looking to switch into an exciting new career track, or a data analyst looking to make the transition into the AI industry this course will teach you the basic techniques used by real-world industry data scientists. These are topics any successful technologist absolutely needs to know about, so what are you waiting for?Enroll now!"
Price: 199.99

"Machine Learning A-Z: Logistic Regression Using Python" |
"Are you ready to start your path to becoming a Machine Learning expert!Are you ready to train your machine like a father trains his son!""A breakthrough in Machine Learning would be worth ten Microsofts."" -Bill GatesThere are lots of courses and lectures out there regarding logistic regression. This course is different!This course is truly a step-by-step. In every new tutorial we build on what had already learned and move one extra step forward and then we assign you a small task that is solved in the beginning of next video.We start by teaching the theoretical part of concept and then we implement everything as it is practically using pythonThis comprehensive course will be your guide to learning how to use the power of Python to train your machine such that your machine starts learning just like human and based on that learning, your machine starts making predictions as well!Well be using python as programming language in this course which is the hottest language nowadays if we talk about machine leaning. Python will be taught from very basic level up to advanced level so that any machine learning concept can be implemented.Well also learn various steps of data pre processing which allows us to make data ready for machine learning algorithms.Well learn all general concepts of machine learning overall which will be followed by the implementation of one of the most important ML algorithm Logistic regression. Each and every concept of logistic regression will be taught theoretically and will be implemented using python.Machine learning has been ranked one of the hottest jobs on Glassdoor and the average salary of a machine learning engineer is over $110,000 in the United States according to Indeed! Machine Learning is a rewarding career that allows you to solve some of the world's most interesting problems!This course is designed for both beginners with some programming experience or even those who know nothing about ML and Logistic Regression!This comprehensive course is comparable to other Machine Learning courses that usually cost thousands of dollars, but now you can learn all that information at a fraction of the cost! With over 50 HD video lectures and detailed code notebooks for every lecture this is one of the most comprehensive course for Logistic regression and machine learning on Udemy!We'll teach you how to program with Python, how to use it for data pre processing and logistic regression! Here a just a few of the topics we will be learning:Programming with PythonNumPy with Python for array handlingUsing pandas Data Frames to handle Excel FilesUse matplotlib for data visualizationsData Pre processingMachine Learning concepts, including:Training and testing setsModel trainingModel ValidationLogistic regression with sk-learnLogistic regression from absolute scratchImplementing logistic regression on different data setsand much, much more!Enroll in the course and become a data scientist today!Who this course is for:This course is for you if you want to learn how to program in Python for Machine LearningThis course is for you if you want to make a predictive analysis modelThis course is for you if you are tired of Machine Learning courses that are too complicated and expensiveThis course is for you if you want to learn Python by doingThis course is for someone who is absolute beginner and have very little idea of machine learningThis course is for someone who want to learn Logistic regression from zero to hero"
Price: 199.99

"Machine Learning : Random Forest with Python from Scratch" |
"Are you ready to start your path to becoming a Machine Learning expert!Are you ready to train your machine like a father trains his son!A breakthrough in Machine Learning would be worth ten Microsofts."" -Bill GatesThere are lots of courses and lectures out there regarding random forest. This course is different!After taking this course, the curtains of machine learning and especially random forest will be lifted for you. Youll be learning a state-of-the-art algorithm in details with practical implementation.This course is truly a step-by-step. In every new tutorial we build on what had already learned and move one extra step forward and then we assign you a small task that is solved in the beginning of next video.We start by teaching the theoretical part of concept and then we implement everything as it is practically using pythonThis comprehensive course will be your guide to learning how to use the power of Python to train your machine such that your machine starts learning just like human and based on that learning, your machine starts making predictions as well!Well be using python as programming language in this course which is the hottest language nowadays if we talk about machine leaning. Python will be taught from very basic level up to advanced level so that any machine learning concept can be implemented.Well also learn various steps of data preprocessing which allows us to make data ready for machine learning algorithms.Well learn all general concepts of machine learning overall which will be followed by the implementation of one of the most important ML algorithm random forest. Each and every concept of random forest will be taught theoretically and will be implemented practically using python.Machine learning has been ranked one of the hottest jobs on Glassdoor and the average salary of a machine learning engineer is over $110,000 in the United States according to Indeed! Machine Learning is a rewarding career that allows you to solve some of the world's most interesting problems!This course is designed for both beginners with some programming experience or even those who know nothing about ML and random forest!This comprehensive course is comparable to other Machine Learning courses that usually cost thousands of dollars, but now you can learn all that information at a fraction of the cost! With over 50 HD video lectures and detailed code notebooks for every lecture this is one of the most comprehensive course for random forest and machine learning on Udemy!We'll teach you how to program with Python, how to use it for data preprocessing and random forest! Here a just a few of the topics we will be learning:Programming with PythonNumPy with Python for array handlingUsing pandas Data Frames to handle Excel FilesUse matplotlib for data visualizationsData PreprocessingMachine Learning concepts, including:Training and testing setsModel trainingModel ValidationRandom forest with sk-learnRandom forest from absolute scratchImplementing random forest on titanic data setand much, much more!Enroll in the course and become an outstanding machine learning engineer today!Who this course is for:This course is for you if you want to learn how to program in Python for Machine LearningThis course is for you if you want to make a predictive analysis modelThis course is for you if you are tired of Machine Learning courses that are too complicated and expensiveThis course is for you if you want to learn Python and machine learning by doingThis course is for someone who is absolute beginner and have very little or even zero idea of machine learningThis course is for someone who want to learn random forest from zero to hero"
Price: 199.99

"Machine Learning A-Z: Support Vector Machine with Python" |
"Are you ready to start your path to becoming a Machine Learning expert!Are you ready to train your machine like a father trains his son!A breakthrough in Machine Learning would be worth ten Microsofts."" -Bill GatesThere are lots of courses and lectures out there regarding Support Vector Machine. This course is different!This course is truly a step-by-step. In every new tutorial we build on what had already learned and move one extra step forward and then we assign you a small task that is solved in the beginning of next video.We start by teaching the theoretical part of concept and then we implement everything as it is practically using pythonThis comprehensive course will be your guide to learning how to use the power of Python to train your machine such that your machine starts learning just like human and based on that learning, your machine starts making predictions as well!Well be using python as programming language in this course which is the hottest language nowadays if we talk about machine leaning. Python will be taught from very basic level up to advanced level so that any machine learning concept can be implemented.Well also learn various steps of data preprocessing which allows us to make data ready for machine learning algorithms.Well learn all general concepts of machine learning overall which will be followed by the implementation of one of the most important ML algorithms Support Vector Machine. Each and every concept of SVM will be taught theoretically and will be implemented using python.Machine learning has been ranked one of the hottest jobs on Glassdoor and the average salary of a machine learning engineer is over $110,000 in the United States according to Indeed! Machine Learning is a rewarding career that allows you to solve some of the world's most interesting problems!This course is designed for both beginners with some programming experience or even those who know nothing about ML and SVM!This comprehensive course is comparable to other Machine Learning courses that usually cost thousands of dollars, but now you can learn all that information at a fraction of the cost! With over 11 hours of HD video lectures divided into 70+ small videos and detailed code notebooks for every lecture this is one of the most comprehensive course for Logistic regression and machine learning on Udemy!This course is really special for you because we are teaching everything from absolute beginning and for those who wants to go an extra mile and wants to learn maths behind SVM, there is a special gift for those people as well.We'll teach you how to program with Python, how to use it for data preprocessing and SVM! Here are just a few of the topics that we will be learning:Programming with PythonNumPy with Python for array handlingUsing pandas Data Frames to handle Excel FilesUse matplotlib for data visualizationsData Pre processingMachine Learning concepts, including:Model fittingOverfittingModel ValidationData snoopingData encodingSVM with sk-learnSVM from absolute scratch using NumPyImplementing SVM on different data setsLearning mathematics behind SVM (optional)and much, much more!Enroll in the course and become a data scientist today!Who this course is for:This course is for you if you want to learn how to program in Python for Machine LearningThis course is for you if you want to make a predictive analysis modelThis course is for you if you are tired of Machine Learning courses that are too complicated and expensiveThis course is for you if you want to learn Python by doing"
Price: 199.99

"Deep Learning A-Z: Hands-On Neural Networks from Scratch" |
"Are you ready to start your path to becoming a Deep Learning expert!Are you ready to train your machine like a father teaches his son!There are lots of courses and lectures out there regarding DNNs. This course is different!This course is truly step-by-step. In every new tutorial, we build on what had already learned and move one extra step forward, and then we assign you a small task that is solved at the beginning of the next video.We start by teaching the theoretical part of the concept, and then we implement everything as it is practically using Python.This comprehensive course will be your guide to learning how to use the power of Python to train your machine such that your machine starts learning just like humans, and based on that learning, and your machine starts making predictions as well!Well be using Python as a programming language in this course, which is the hottest language nowadays if we talk about machine leaning. Python will be taught from elementary level up to an advanced level so that any machine learning concept can be implemented.Well also learn various steps of data preprocessing, which allows us to make data ready for machine learning algorithms.Well learn all general concepts of machine learning overall, which will be followed by the implementation of one of the essential ML algorithms, Deep Neural Networks. Each concept of DNNs will be taught theoretically and will be implemented using Python.Machine learning has been ranked as one of the hottest jobs on Glassdoor, and the average salary of a machine learning engineer is over $110,000 in the United States, according to Indeed! Machine Learning is a rewarding career that allows you to solve some of the world's most interesting problems!This course is designed for both beginners with some programming experience or even those who know nothing about ML and DNNs!This comprehensive course is comparable to other Machine Learning courses that usually cost thousands of dollars, but now you can learn all that information at a fraction of the cost! With over 11 hours of HD video lectures that are divided into over 60 videos and detailed code notebooks for every address this is one of the most comprehensive courses for Deep Neural Networks and machine learning on Udemy!One important thing to note is that in our course, well be using a data set of COVID19(coronavirus). This is the hottest issue right now around the globe, and our course will tell you how you can deal with such a situation when the whole world is under the attack of the coronavirus. How can Machine/Deep learning help you out?There is an optional part of the course in which we have explained the mathematics behind DNNs. Those students who are not interested in knowing maths of DNN can leave this part but still get enough knowledge of DNNs.Those students who want to go the extra mile, they can take this optional part of the course that contains pure mathematics. Other than this optional part, the whole course is free of hardcore mathematics.We'll teach you how to program with Python, how to use it for data preprocessing and DNNs! Here are just a few of the topics that we will be learning:Programming with PythonNumPy with Python for array handlingUsing pandas Data Frames to handle Excel FilesUse matplotlib for data visualizations.Data PreprocessingMachine Learning concepts, including Model fitting, Overfitting, Model Validation, Data snooping, Data encoding and DNNs with TensorFlowDNNs from absolute scratch using NumPyImplementing DNNs on different data setsHow can we use DNN to fight the coronavirus and save the worldand much, much more!Enroll in the course and become a data scientist today!"
Price: 199.99

"Python for Data Science and Data Analysis" |
"A comprehensive course that will teach you how to use the power of Python to solve real-world data science and data analysis problems.Welcome to Mastering Python for Data Science & Data Analysis!This real-time actionable course is suitable for all skill levels. A programming or statistical background is not mandatory for you to be successful in this course. But you learn Python best by doing. Thats the reason you have a series of mini projects in this course.This course will enable you to build a Data Science foundation, whether you have basic Python skills or not. The code-along and well planned-out exercises will make you comfortable with the Python syntax right from the outset. At the end of this short course, youll be proficient in the fundamentals of Python programming for Data Science and Data Analysis.In this truly step-by-step course, every new tutorial video is built on what you have already learned. The aim is to move you one extra step forward at a time, and then, you are assigned a small task that is solved right at the beginning of the next video. That is, you start by understanding the theoretical part of a new concept first. Then, you master this concept by implementing everything practically using Python.Become a Python developer and Data Scientist by enrolling in this course. Even if you are a novice in Python and data science, you will find this illustrative course informative, practical, and helpful. And if you arent new to Python and data science, youll still find the hands-on projects in this course immensely helpful."
Price: 199.99

"Machine Learning Crash Course for Beginners using Python" |
"Are you ready to start on your path to becoming a machine learning expert? But worried the learning curve is too steep?Well, thats understandable. Machine learning is typically explained using complex mathematical principles. This course, however, cuts through the math and makes it easy for you to learn how machine learning algorithms work.This course will teach you the strengths and weaknesses of todays most preferred machine learning algorithms. Youll also learn the best algorithm to apply in real-world situations.But do you wonder whether its worthwhile to master machine learning in these uncertain times and if machine learning engineers really have a bright future?Listen to what the most relevant experts have to say:Machine learning will automate jobs that most people thought could only be done by people. ~ Dave WatersJust as electricity transformed almost everything 100 years ago, today I actually have a hard time thinking of an industry that I dont think AI (Artificial Intelligence) will transform in the next several years. ~ Andrew NgA breakthrough in machine learning would be worth ten Microsofts. ~ Bill GatesWhen it comes to machine learning, you have an assortment of courses and lectures to choose from. How is this course different from the others?Getting started is the most difficult part when you start learning something new. But the well-planned step-by-step design of this course makes not only getting started easy but also makes moving forward easier.This is how the course is designed and your learning progresses. In every new tutorial, you build on what you have already learned and move one extra step forward. You are then assigned a small task that you solve at the beginning of the next video.You dont need to worry if you dont know Python. We have a course for absolute beginners in Python, as well.This exhaustive course will enable you to use the power of machine learning to solve real-world problems in the workplace. Youll build strong foundational knowledge first before moving on to advanced stuff. Youll start from scratch, and finally, youll learn how to implement a face recognition application.Youll also implement several mini projects in live coding sessions in which youll gain a complete understanding of how to implement any machine learning project. Some errors have been built into your assigned tasks deliberately so that you learn how to find these mistakes in the code and fix them just like a beginner.This course is designed for both beginners with some machine learning knowledge and even for those who know nothing about machine learning.This comprehensive course is comparable to other Machine Learning courses that usually cost thousands of dollars. But now, you can master all that information at a fraction of the cost! With over 9 hours of HD video lectures divided into 45+ small videos and detailed code notebooks for every lecture, this is one of the most in-depth courses for Machine Learning on Udemy!Here are just a few of the topics that you will be learning:Introduction to machine learningImportance of machine learningMachine learning methodsData PreparationModel and optimizationBuilding machine learning models from scratchOverfitting and generalizationPerformance metricsDimensionality reductionOverview of Deep learningMathematical wrap up (optional)Live implementation of projectsFace recognition applicationand much, much more!Enroll in this course and become a Python developer today!"
Price: 199.99

"Data Understanding and Data Visualization with Python" |
"Are you ready to start your path to becoming a data manipulation and visualization expert?Do you know nothing about data manipulation and visualization but want to know them well enough so that you can implement projects?Are you worried that learning data manipulation and visualization is going to be tough?Do you ever wonder if Data Scientists having a good understanding of data manipulation and visualization have a bright future?Listen to what the most relevant people have to say:Data Science will automate jobs that most people thought could only be done by people. ~ Dave WatersJust as electricity transformed almost everything 100 years ago, today, I actually have a hard time thinking of an industry that I dont think Artificial Intelligence/Data Science will transform in the next several years. ~Andrew NgA breakthrough in Data Science would be worth ten Microsofts. ~ Bill GatesData is, without a doubt, the new electricity. Over the next several years, data is going to transform everything. And guess what? Data manipulation and visualization skills are at the core of Data Science.There are lots of courses and lectures out there regarding data manipulation and visualization. But this course is different!This course follows a step-by-step and straightforward methodology. In every new tutorial, you will build on what you have already learned and move one extra step forward. You are then assigned a small task that you solve at the beginning of the next video.You start by first learning the theoretical part of a data visualization concept. Then, you implement everything practically, using Python. We are using Python as a programming language because it has a lot of demand in the market. Plus, it is a super easy and efficient language. Python is the hottest programming language nowadays if we talk about machine learning or data science, and thus for data manipulation and visualization.You dont need to worry if you dont know Python. We have a course for absolute beginners on our channel as well. And by the way, you need not know a lot of Python for this course. You will explore packages and will rely mostly on one-liners as compared to lengthy codes.You will also implement a lot of mini-projects in live coding sessions in which you will gain a complete look and feel on how to implement modules in data manipulation and visualization.With over 12 hours of HD video lectures divided into 75+ small videos and detailed code notebooks for every lecture, this is one of the most comprehensive courses for data manipulation and visualization on Udemy!Youll not only learn how to solve problems in data manipulation and visualization, but you will also be equipped with the right tools in your hand!Here are just a few of the topics that you will be learning:Introduction to Data StructuresImportance of NumPyHow Pandas efficiently processes large data filesData PreparationVisualizations using multiple packagesInteractive visualizations using multiple packagesProcess Covid-19 real data file using PandasGeographic data mappingPlotting directly from Pandasand much, much more!Enroll in this course and become a data manipulation and visualization expert today!"
Price: 199.99

"Feature Engineering and Dimensionality Reduction with Python" |
"Artificial Intelligence (AI) is indispensable these days. From preventing white-collar fraud, real-time aberration detection to forecasting customer churn, businesses are finding new ways to apply machine learning (ML). But how does this technology make accurate predictions? What is the secret behind the fail-proof AI magic? Let us start at the beginning.The focus of the data science community is usually on algorithm selection and model training. While these elements are important, the most vital element in the AI/ML workflow isnt how you choose or tune algorithms but what you input to AI/ML. This is where Feature Engineering plays a crucial role. Feature Engineering is essentially the process in which you apply domain knowledge and draw out analytical representations from raw data, preparing it for machine learning. Evidently, the holy grail of data science is Feature Engineering.So, understanding the concepts of Feature Engineering and Dimensionality Reduction are the basic requirements for optimizing the performance of most of the machine learning models. Sophisticated and flexible models are sometimes useless if applied to data with irrelevant features.The course Feature Engineering and Dimensionality Reduction, Theory and Practice in Python has been crafted to reflect the in-demand skills today, helping you to understand the concepts and methodology with respect to Python. The course is: Easy to understand. Imaginative and descriptive. Exhaustive. Practical with live coding. Establishes links between Feature Engineering and performance of Data Science models.How is this course different?This course is created for beginners, but we will go into great detail gradually.This course is essentially a compilation of all the basics, thus encouraging you to move forward and experience much more than what you have learned. You are assigned activities/tasks in every module. The aim is to assess/(further build) your learning and update your knowledge based on the concepts and methods you have previously learned. Hence, your learning is step-by-step and totally related.Data Science is, without a doubt, a rewarding career. You solve some of the most interesting problems, and in the bargain, you are rewarded with a handsome salary package. A clear understanding of Feature Engineering and Dimensionality Reduction will help you find new business solutions and ensure upward career growth.Unlike other expensive courses, this in-depth course has been priced low and is easily affordable. You can master the concepts and methodologies of Feature Engineering and Dimensionality Reduction at a fraction of the cost of comparable courses. Our tutorials are grouped into a series of short HD videos along with code notebooks.So, without any further delay, start this course. Embrace yourself with the latest AI knowledge.Teaching is our passion:We strive to create online tutorials with subject-matter experts who can help you in understanding the concepts very clearly. We aim to ensure that you have a strong basic understanding before you move onward to the advanced version. Our learning resources include high-quality video content, questions that assess what you have learned, relevant course material, course notes, and handouts. In case you have any doubts, you can approach our friendly team.REMEMBER, the course comes with a 30-day money-back guarantee, so you can sign up today with no risk. So what are you waiting for? Enrol today, embrace the power of feature engineering and build better machine learning models."
Price: 199.99

"Deep Learning CNN: Convolutional Neural Networks with Python" |
"Comprehensive Course Description:Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs) are considered as game-changers in the field of computer vision, particularly after AlexNet in 2012. And the good news is CNNs are not restricted to images only. They are everywhere now, ranging from audio processing to more advanced reinforcement learning (i.e., Resnets in AlphaZero). So, the understanding of CNNs becomes almost inevitable in all the fields of Data Science. Even most of the Recurrent Neural Networks rely on CNNs these days. So, keeping all these concerns in parallel, with this course, you can take your career to the next level with an expert grip on the concepts and implementations of CNNs in Data Science.The course Mastering Convolutional Neural Networks, Theory and Practice in Python, TensorFlow 2.0 is crafted to reflect the in-demand skills in the marketplace that will help you in mastering the concepts and methodology with regards to Python. The course is:Easy to understand.Exhaustive.Expressive.Practical with live coding.Rich with state-of-the-art and recently discovered CNN models by the champions in this field.How is this course different?This course has been designed for beginners. However, we will go far deep gradually.Also, this course is a quick compilation of all the basics, and it encourages you to press forward and experience more than what you have learned. By the end of every module, you will work on the assigned Homework/tasks/activities, which will evaluate / (further build) your learning based on the previous concepts and methods. Several of these activities will be coding-based to get you up and running with implementations.Data Science is certainly a rewarding career that not only allows you to solve some of the most interesting problems, but also offers you a handsome salary package. With a core understanding of CNNs, you can back up your business and ensure emerging career growth.Unlike other courses, this comprehensive course is relatively inexpensive in fact, you can learn the concepts and methodologies of CNNs with Data Science at a fraction of the cost. Our tutorials are divided into 75+ short HD videos along with detailed code notebooks.So, get started with the course and embrace yourself with the knowledge that waits for you.Teaching is our passion:We work hard to create online tutorials with the best possible guide who could help you in mastering the concepts. We aim to create a solid basic understanding for you before moving onward to the advanced version. High-quality video content, meaningful course material, evaluating questions, course notes, and handouts are some of the perks that you will get. You can approach our friendly team in case of any queries.Course Content:The in-depth course consists of the following topics:1. Motivationsa. What can a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) do?i. Real-world applicationsii. CNNs in Reinforcement Learning: AlphaGob. When to model CNN?i. Imagesii. Videosiii. Speech2. Classical Computer Vision Techniquesa. Image Processingi. Image Blurringii. Image sharpeningiii. General Image Filteringiv. Convolution Operationv. Edge detectionvi. Parametric shape detectionvii. Exercisesb. Object Detectioni. Image blocksii. Sliding Windowiii. Feature Extractioniv. Classificationv. Shift Invariancevi. Scale Invariancevii. Rotation Invarianceviii. Person Detection: A Case Studyix. Exercises3. Deep Neural Networks: An overviewa. Perceptroni. Convolutionii. Biasiii. Activationiv. Lossv. Back Propagationvi. Exercisesb. Multilayered Perceptroni. Why multilayered architecture?ii. Universal approximation theoremiii. Overfitting in DNNsiv. Early stoppingv. Dropoutvi. Stochastic Gradient Descentvii. Mini Batch Gradient Descentviii. Batch Normalizationix. Optimization algorithmsx. Exercises4. Convolutional Neural Networks (CNNs)a. Architecture of a CNNi. Filtersii. Stridesiii. Paddingsiv. Volumesv. Poolingvi. Tensorsvii. Exercisesb. Gradient descent in CNNi. Derivativesii. Backpropagationiii. Worked Exampleiv. Implementing a CNN in NumPyv. Exercisesc. Introduction to TensorFlowi. Implementing CNNs in TensorFlowii. Exercisesd. Classical CNNsi. LeNetii. AlexNetiii. InceptionNetiv. GoogLeNetv. Resnetvi. Exercisese. Transfer Learningi. What is transfer learning?ii. When is it possible?iii. Practical techniques for transfer learningiv. Implementation of transfer learning using TensorFlow-hubv. Exercisesf. YOLO: A Case Study5. Projects:a. Neural Style Transfer (using TensorFlow-hub)b. Face Verification (using VGGFace2)After completing this course successfully, you will be able to:Understand the methodology of CNNs with Data Science using real datasets. Relate the concepts and theories in computer vision with CNNs."
Price: 199.99

"Controle Financeiro para P&M empresas (+ Excel DRE)" |
"85% dos pequenos e mdios empresrios do Brasil no tm em suas mos um fechamento mensal, discriminando todas as suas receitas e despesas, bem definido e organizado. So dados como esse que nos fazem refletir do porqu tantos negcios fecham logo nos seus primeiros anos no Brasil.Neste curso, de maneira bastante objetiva, vamos aprender de forma prtica a criar uma DRE - Demonstrativo de Resultado no Exerccio, ferramenta fundamental que todo empresrio deve ter em mos, ms a ms, para anlise que servir como base de decises gerenciais e estratgicas."
Price: 39.99

"Advanced DAX for Power BI" |
"Hear why our Power BI courses are the TOP-RATED on Udemy:""I totally loved this Power BI course! Everything was very easy to understand, but it moved at a fast enough pace that I never got bored. I learned SO much and had fun doing it. In fact, at the end of the day, I didn't want to stop learning -- I wanted to keep charging on to the next lesson!""-Ann S.""Amazing! 5+ stars if you ask me! Concise, superbly organized and prepared. I have learned a ton about Power BI and DAX and enjoyed the course from start to finish.""-Nikola H.""Hands-down the best Power BI courses on Udemy. Courses are well prepared and very hands-on, and the instructor makes the whole experience easy and fun. I recommend it 100%!""-Jorge M.""Where can I leave a 6 star rating?""-Carlos B.__________COURSE DESCRIPTION:For users looking to take their Power BI skills to the next level, mastering Data Analysis Expressions (DAX) is a MUST. In this hands-on, project-based course, you'll put your DAX skills to the test and apply what you learn to some of the toughest real-world business intelligence use cases.You'll be playing the role of Business Intelligence Analyst for Maven Roasters, a small-batch coffee chain based in New York City. Your goal? Use Power BI and DAX to answer key questions and deliver data-driven insights for the business, by analyzing product inventory, repeat customers, store-level performance, and everything in between.We'll start by quickly reviewing prerequisite topics (evaluation context, filter flow, basic measures, etc.), then dive behind the scenes to explore how the DAX formula and storage engines actually work, including query evaluation, columnar structures, and VertiPaq compression and encoding.From there we'll cover helpful tips and best practices for DAX power users, including variables, comments, query formatting and error handling, then dive deep into scalar functions, iterators, advanced time intelligence, calculated table joins, relationship functions, and much, much more. Last but not least, we'll share a sneak peek into performance tuning and DAX query optimization using DAX Studio and Power BI's Performance Analyzer tool.If you're looking to build expert-level data analysis skills using DAX and Power BI, this is the course for you!__________FULL COURSE OUTLINE:Prerequisite Skills ReviewReview the core DAX concepts you should already know, including evaluation context, filter flow, measures, etc.Course Project IntroIntroduce the Maven Roasters course project, and build the data model that well analyze in Power BI DesktopThe DAX EnginesUnderstand the DAX formula and storage engines, data types, VertiPaq encoding & compression methods, etc.DAX Tips & Best PracticesReview helpful tips for formatting DAX queries, adding comments, handling errors, and using DAX variablesScalar FunctionsExplore common DAX scalar functions, including rounding, information, conversion, and logical functionsAdvanced CALCULATEReview CALCULATE modifiers, context transition, interactions with tables, etc.Table & Filter FunctionsCreate calculated tables, review common DAX filter functions, generate new data, etc.Calculated Table JoinsCreate calculated joins between physical and virtual tables in Power BI (UNION, EXCEPT, INTERSECT, etc.)Relationship FunctionsExplore expanded tables, physical & virtual relationships, common relationship functions, etc.Iterator (""X"") FunctionsExplore iterator cardinality, nested iterators, context transition, RANKX, DAX calculation granularity, etc.Advanced Time IntelligenceBuild date tables with DAX, compare custom time periods, manage fiscal calendars, etc.SNEAK PEEK: Performance TuningIntroduce DAX Studio, the Power BI performance analyzer, and common DAX optimization techniques__________Join today and get immediate, lifetime access to the following:150+ page Power BI & DAX ebookDownloadable datasets and Power BI project filesHomework assignments & quizzes1-on-1 expert supportCourse Q&A forum30-day money-back guaranteeSee you in there!-Aaron (Power BI & DAX Instructor, Maven Analytics)__________Looking for the full business intelligence stack? Search for ""Maven Analytics"" to browse our full course library, including Excel, Power BI, MySQL, and Tableau courses!"
Price: 174.99
