"Reflexiones De Gloria Creer Para Crear" |
"Es un curso Creado para que cada ser humano vuelva a creer en si mismo usando el amor como base esencial e implemente todos sus valores para poder crear la vida que desea.Buscando asi solucionamos las diferencias que existen en el mundo Actual Y construyendo una vida digna creyendo en tu potencial humano"
Price: 19.99

lioapreh |
" "
Price: 44.99

"SAS Analytics" |
"This course covers a range of introductory statistical topics and uses SAS software to carry out analysis. Emphasis placed on the interpretation of the results. It covers the skills required to assemble analysis flow diagrams using the rich tool set and predictive modeling. Ready-to-use procedures handle a wide range of statistical techniques.Learn how togenerate descriptive statistics and explore data with graphsperform linear regression and assess the assumptionsuse diagnostic statistics to identify potential outliers in multiple regressionfit a multiple logistic regression modelmodify data for better analysis resultsbuild and understand predictive models such as regression modelscompare and explain complex models generate and use score code"
Price: 1280.00

"Vaincre le Trac pour russir vos entretiens d'embauche" |
"Les tudes scientifiques dfinissent le trac comme un malaise ressenti lors de lexcution d une tche ou d une performance devant une personne ou un groupe de personnes, comme c est le cas ici pour les entretiens d embauche.Avoir le trac rduira normment vos chances de russir vos entretiens d'embauche, et ses impacts vont au-del. Je cite quelques consquences du trac durant vos prises de parole en public : Manque de confiance en soi Doute sur ses capacits Retard pour dmarrer sa carrire Se comparer par rapport ses camarades et Amis qui ont dmarr leurs carrire et Impact sur lestime de soi ! ...Cette formation pratique vous apportera les techniques pour donner le meilleur de vous-mme et vaincre votre trac durant les entretiens d'embauche et toute autre prise de parole en public que vous devez faire devant un public.Les objectifs de cette formation sur la gestion du trac durant vos entretiens d'embauche sont : Vaincre le Stress et le Trac durant lentretien dembauche Etre plus confiant ! Avoir plus dnergie et que a se voie ! Faire la diffrence avec les autres candidats ! Permettre votre dtermination de se voir dans votre posture et de sentendre dans votre voix !"
Price: 19.99

"Create Ability Effect In Unreal Engine - Summoner Part" |
"Often times, learning a new game engine can be difficult, especially when it comes to Unreal Engine 4. Unreal Engine 4 makes your effect games stand out, as long as you know how to properly use it.This course will teach you exactly how to use it. The lectures course starts off with the basics. It teaches you how to implement the basics to create great effect that are real to the human mind. From there, you are taught simple, clear concepts. That way its easy to follow and Unreal Engine 4 becomes much easier to use.The best part is, you will use the concepts learned for every single game FX that you will ever develop. You will even discover and love using the difficult feature, the marketplace. While others (who didnt take the course) will find that feature hard to maneuver.By the end of the course, you will be able to:Apply what you learned to build your own effect games.Organize your effect game development to make your workflow not only quality but faster.Make use of Unreals blueprints to expand on every game and create new mechanic which works in your game.Whats more? If you struggle with programming and coding, you are in luck! This course gives you examples upon examples guiding you through the fundamentals of Blueprint programming. So that in little to no time, you will be able to make magic with Blueprints.You will finally get a course that teaches you how to build a game, from A to Z. When you are done, you will know how to make quality 3D that sets you apart.Dont let change stop you from building your skills. Simply click the Enroll Now button to get started right now!More about the Instructor:Merlion SG Academy is an online training website offering video courses taught by industry experts in game development, they has enjoyed sharing their knowledge and has given a way to quickly provide very specific training to those students who learn game development online and helps your career move forward.We believed that Your career is defined by what you know and how well you know it. NOTE FOR STUDENTS - please take a look at Section 1 / Lecture 1 to downloads for the source attachment link with the lesson.)"
Price: 69.99

"LSMW(Legacy System Migration Workbench) online Class" |
"Hi All,LSMW stands for Legacy System Migration Workbench, it is a tool that supports to transfer the data from non SAP systems to SAP R/3. This short course is about LSMW tool which helps in learning and mastering how to load data during data migration activity in Roll-out / Implementation / Support SAP projects. Which includes step by step process right from designing to execution activity."
Price: 1280.00

"Aprenda Probabilidade do Zero com teoria e exerccios" |
"Probabilidade (Teoria e exerccios)Professor: Joselias.Curso online de probabilidade online + Apostila em PDF + suporte para dvidas.O curso servir de base para o curso de inferncia estatstica.O curso de probabilidade destinado aos alunos universitrios, profissionais da rea de cincia de dados e candidatos dos concursos pblicos para Polcia Federal, Auditor ou Analista Fiscal da Receita Federal (AFRF), Fiscal do ICMS, Fiscal do ISS, Analista do BACEN, IPEA, SUSEP, BNDES, PETROBRAS, ANPEC, TRAINEE e outros cargos de nvel superior."
Price: 39.99

"Curso Completo de Licitao" |
"Curso Completo de Licitao - Esse curso voltado para licitantes, empresas, profissionais liberais e estudantes que queiram saber mais aprofundamente sobre a licitao. Neste curso voc ir aprender do bsico ao avanado. Saber de uma das principais plataformas de prego eletrnico. Curso atualizado com o novo decreto do prego eletronico 10.024/2019."
Price: 579.99

PythonPython3 |
Price: 12600.00

"Blender: create Thor's Stormbreaker from start to finish" |
"Hi, this is start to finish course about how to create SrormBreaker with Blender 2.9 and Substance Painter.I'm Marwan Hussein and I will be your instructor in this journey, I will break down the course into these topics* Modeling* Unwrapping* Texturing* Rendering_ Modeling In the modeling section, we will learn how to use Blender 2.9 modeling tools and we will activate some of the Add-ons that will help us to make the modeling process faster like Carver tool and Bool tool.We will set our reference image to help us to make the modeling a bit easier because we will follow the outline of the image.then after that, we will start modeling the Ax and the handle step by step._Unwrapping, in this section we will learn how to use the powerful unwrapping tool that comes default with Blender, and we will use this tool to unwrap the Ax and the Handle step by step_Texturing, in this part we will learn how to make the project ready to send it to Substance Painter and we will make all the texturing inside Substance Painter step by step, and before that, we will use vertex paint inside Blender 2.9 to help us to generate ID color inside Substance Painter and that thing helps us to give specific material to a specific object._Rendering, in this section we will import all the texture that we generate inside Substance Painter and import them back to Blender to apply them on the object ( StormBreaker )and after that, we will set up the light and apply all the texture and we will take a shot with Eevee and after that, we will switch to Cycles to take another shot. until this point, the course finished.I hope the course be helpful for you and I hope you enjoy it. thank youMarwan Hussein"
Price: 54.99

"Animated Engine model design in fusion 360" |
"It is always joyful to make model animation. In this course, I will teach you design, assembly as well as the animation of the model. We will first draw each component of the engine. Each lesson is in the simplest way possible language. You will not find any difficulty even if you not a native English speaker. Fusion 360 is a free software for students and hobbyists. You can easily download it from the official Autodesk website. If you find any difficulty during the course or after completing the course you can ask me, I will respond as soon as possible. Even you have any questions beyond this course regarding fusion 360, I will be glad to help you. If you consider buying this course, It will encourage me to make such courses in the future. If you don't like this course, there is a 30-day money-back option."
Price: 49.99

"SAS A00-212 Advanced Programming Certified Practice Exam" |
"122 UNIQUE practice questions for SAS A00-212 Advanced Programming Certified Practice ExamPractice tests are created by Subject Matter Experts and the questions always stay current with the actual exam.100% verified answers and explanations to each question.After taking the practice test you can atleast get 80% on the main exam.Official Exam Details:Exam Name : SAS A00-212 Advanced Programming Certified Practice ExamTotal Questions : 122Type of Questions : Multiple choiceTime Allowed :80 minsPassing Score : 75 (91 of 122)"
Price: 149.99

"Adobe Lightroom (Cloud Version) - Up to Speed" |
"Welcome to Lightroom Up To Speed:This course helps you to get up and running quickly with Adobes powerful photo editing and management system. This handy step-by-step class starts from scratch, starting with basic Lightroom topics and moving on to more advanced features of the Library module, designed to help you to become more productive more quickly.In no time at all youll be navigating Lightrooms interface, importing, rating, and filtering your photos, managing your photo library, creating and managing collections and post-processing your images. Youll delve into adjusting image exposure, clarity, vibrance and saturation; removing haze from images; adjusting shadows and highlights; changing color and adjusting white balance; using handy tools such as the Brush, Linear Gradient and Radial Gradient tools; cropping and straightening images; fixing perspective problems; creating panoramas and merging photos using HDR; and much more.Who is this course for?This course was created for people new to photography as well as well-seasoned photographers looking to learn a new photo organizing and editing application. This course will also be helpful for those coming from a previous version of Lightroom or those looking to delve more deeply into the Lightroom application.What does this course include?Step-by-step instructional videos that are easy to followDownloadable lesson files allowing you to follow along with the instructorSupport for any questions you may haveWhat Youll Learn:Getting your files into Lightroom.Youll learn how to import images from your computer, an external drive, an SD card or directly from your camera into Lightroom.Learning the Lightroom Environment: Next, well take a look at the various panels and panes in Lightroom. Well learn about Grid View and Detail View, and how to view your photos in a variety of ways.Image Handling: Well go in-depth with managing your images, and youll learn how to create albums, create folders, how to move albums and folders and how to group photos using stacks.Adding Image Information: To help you organize your images and find the ones you want quickly, youll learn how to add star ratings to your images, how to flag them, and how to reject the ones you dont want. You also add keywords to your images and learn how to add and view an images Metadata.Searching for Images: Youll learn how to sort your photos and search your photos using the powerful search feature to quickly find the images that youre looking for. Youll then work with the Filter tool, which allows you to filter images by text, attribute or metadata.Sharing Your Images: Youll learn how to export your images into a variety of formats so that you can easily share them with others or to Social Media. Youll also share your albums online with others as well as learn how to create a Public Web Gallery.Develop Module Basics. Well begin by looking at the difference between RAW vs JPEG processing. Well start out by choosing a camera profile as a starting point and make virtual copies of our images. Youll also learn a bunch of editing shortcuts to help speed up your workflowImage Adjustment Basics: Next, well drive into photo editing. Youll learn how to adjust image exposure, contrast, and clarity as well as tweak the vibrance and saturation. Well discuss how to remove fog and haze from images, how to add texture, adjust the shadows and highlights and blacks and whites, and how to effectively use Lightrooms Clipping Indicators.Working with Color: Well go in-depth working with Color in Lightroom. Youll learn how to set the white balance in an image as well as how to change color in an image. Well convert an image to black and white, add some interesting effects using split toning, apply selective adjustments using the Brush tool, and how to add a gradient using the Linear Gradient tool.Fixing Common Image Problems: To help you fix those pesky image problems, youll learn how to crop and straighten photos, remove spots and other image imperfections using the Healing brush. Youll also make lens corrections, fix perspective problems and even rotate images.Beyond the Basics: In this section, well move into some of the more advanced Lightroom editing features. Youll learn how to adjust contrast using Lightrooms Tone Curve, work with the Histogram and synchronize adjustments across multiple images. Then, youll learn how to merge multiple images into a panorama or an HDR image. Youll work with Presets and learn how to enhance the details of your RAW images using the new Enhance Details feature.Adding Effects and Finishing Touches: Youll end by learning how to add those special finishing touches to an image. Youll learn how to add a post-crop vignette, add grain, reduce color and luminance noise and sharpen your images. Well also add a spotlight to areas of our image using Lightrooms handy Radial Filter tool. Lastly, well take a brief tour of Lightroom Mobile on the iPhone and the iPad.By the end of this course, youll learn how to build and organize your Lightroom library, allowing you to effectively manage hundreds of thousands of images with ease, how to edit your images in Lightroom like a pro, allowing you to effectively and quickly move through your photography workflow.Im also here every step along the way for you so dont hesitate to ask me any questions related to Lightroom or to the course content that come up as you journey through the course. You can post your question in the course or fire me off a direct message. Also, let me know if theres any way I can improve this course.Are you ready to begin your Lightroom journey? Then, click the enroll icon and lets get started!- Roger"
Price: 19.99

"Criando um Servidor VPS para Sites Wordpress e PhP" |
"Ol, Neste curso voc aprender a criar um servidor de hospedagens via VPS (virtual private server), iremos utilizar as Ferramentas SSH e Ubuntu , para fazer instalao de Sites em Geral, resumindo voc no precisar procurar uma empresa de hospedagem cpanel para manter seus sites/domnios no ar.Todos ns sabemos que VPS melhor do que cpanel e que seu suporte de otimizao melhor e mais rpido, melhorando a performace do pagespeed, alm de lhe servir SSL grtis e voc no precisar pagar absurdos em ssl.Irei mostrar planos de VPS de 2,79 euros onde voc pagar apenas cerca de 18 reais mensalmente para manter cerca de 25 a 30 sites no ar.Voc que Iniciante na rea, este curso para voc, tenho muito conhecimento para passar, e estou feliz em ensinar-los."
Price: 54.99

"Regla 80/20 NUTRICIN DEPORTIVA. Principios bsicos." |
"La creacin de un plan nutricional suele estar ligado la mayora de las veces, a una propuesta de mejora en tu cuerpo, en tu salud o en tu rendimiento deportivo. Te planteas definir o adelgazar por esttica, por cuidar tu cuerpo y establecer una serie de hbitos saludables o por optimizar los entrenamientos y complementarlos para aumentar tu rendimiento. Abordaremos todos estos casos con una serie de principios bsicos que te ayudarn a cumplir tus objetivos."
Price: 49.99

"Diferansiyel Denklemler" |
"Bu kurs videolarnda adi diferansiyel denklemler tantlm olup videolar hazrlanrken genel olarak niversitelerin daha ok fen bilimleri ve mhendislik gibi blmlerinde okutulan diferansiyel denklemler I ve diferansiyel denklemler II mfredatlar gz nnde bulundurulmutur. Bu kurs matematik abt 'ye yardmc ieriklere sahiptir. Kurs videolar mfredat ieriine gre sralanm, eitli rnek soru zmlerle konu anlatmlar desteklenmitir."
Price: 19.99

"This course will teach you in depth all the information about Nutrition from the basics of 'whys and hows' to implementing in your as well as you client or your fellow member's life.After the completion of this course you will receive a free stretching guide after you email me the screenshot of course completion on nutrinfitz@gmail.com"
Price: 19.99

"Google Ads" |
Price: 19.99

"World Class Manufacturing & Lean operations" |
"The concepts of ""World Class Manufacturing"" & ""Lean"" are very critical to build successful organizations which are driven by high efficiency in operations & ability to sustain and grow in difficult business times. These concepts are particularly very useful in the present times, due to stiff competition in various business sectors & ever demanding needs of the customer. In the first section on ""World Class Manufacturing"", we aim to give learners a good insight on the concepts of WCM, Historical perspective, philosophy of WCM & how the WCM tools can be applied in organizations. It is covered in 3 Lectures. These Lectures are a bit longer & run from 10 minutes to about 20 minutes in duration & will certainly impart you a good grasp on the concept of World class Manufacturing.Section-1 (World class Manufacturing)(Lecture-1, Lecture-2 & Lecture-3)Lecture-1:Meaning of WCM (World Class Manufacturing)Characteristics of WCM OrganizationFrame Work for WCM based on TQM PhilosophyTQM & WCMLecture-2:PDCA & WCM Infinity LoopApproach to WCM PhilosophyTemple of WCM (Pillars)Explanation of Technical & Management PillarsLecture-3:Implementation of WCM & GuidelinesKPIs ( Key Performance Indicators)KAIs (Key Activity Indicators)WCM Implementation (Main Tools)MUDA, MURA & MURIIn the second Section, which is on ""Lean "", we aim to give Learners a practical insight on what is meant by ""Lean"", understanding the concept of Value, value adding and non-value adding activities, Main types of wastes in any organization and fundamental tools to implement the concept of Lean in any organization. It is also covered in 3 Lectures.Section-2 (Lean )(Lecture-4, Lecture-5, Lecture-6)Lecture-4:Introduction to Lean & Lean (Definition)Macro-Level Benefits of Lean in Any enterpriseLean Practices & the Toyota WayThe 7 WastesLecture-5:What is Value (Value Add & Non Value Add Activities)VSM (Value Stream Mapping)Lead Time & Process TimeA Basic Approach to LeanLecture-6:A few Basic Lean-Tools for improvement, (Some-Insights)5 SPush versus Pull SystemsSMED Kaizen5 Why AnalysisThese Lectures also run from about 15 minutes to 30 minutes in duration & cover multiple topics which are very essential to have a thorough understanding as a ""Lean practitioner"".There are multiple choice Q&A at the end of every Lecture to test your grasp of topic and understanding of the Lecture. There are also a few thought provoking questions to make you think during the various phases of Lecture.All these Lectures have been prepared keeping in mind simplicity of delivery for facilitating a good grasp of all topics covered in the course. With my diversified global experience of nearly 27+ years in the various parts of the world and having world with many cultures, I always believe that a Trainer should step into the Learner's shoe, while preparing the Learning material. This mind-set helps in ensuring high quality, strong retention and an enjoyable learning experience. I welcome you to this course and also request your valuable feedback after completion of the course as this will greatly help to improve the quality of new courses which I shall be adding from time to time in the future."
Price: 1280.00

"Complete Business Budgeting & Variance Analysis Master class" |
"Have you ever been driving a car without a navigator and you dont even know the way?I want you to picture that situation!In Business, running a company without a Budget is the same as driving a car without a navigator!And now, after you got a bit of a glimpse about the importance of budgeting, are you ready to move to the next step?Do you want to take your skills up a notch and distance yourself from the crowd?Are you interested in showing your managers your real worth and participate in shaping your companys future?If the answer is YES, congratulations, you are in the right place already.Rest assured, you are in safe and expert hands!Wondering how would that course qualify you with in-depth real market-based knowledge?HERE WE GOOOO!That course will cover: Introduction to Budgeting Characteristics and Objectives of Budgeting Approaches to Budgeting The Budgeting Process and Practical steps Types of Budget Behavioral Aspects of Budgeting Real Life Case Scenarios Comprehensive Variance Analysis Market-based Examples So Many More TopicsYou will have a golden chance to shine and get qualified in a very hot topic. You review the Finance and Accounting employment & talent acquisitions requirements; you would know that Budgeting and Variance analysis are hot and highly paid.I cant wait to help you along that interesting journey!Please sign up to the course and lets start the hard work."
Price: 99.99

"Machine learning & AI Hands on 3 Projects." |
"Do you feel overwhelmed going through all the AI and Machine learning study materials? These Machine learning and AI projects will get you started with the implementation of few very interesting projects from scratch. The first one, a Web application for Object Identification will teach you deploying a simple machine learning application. The second one, Dog Breed Prediction will help you building & optimizing a model for dog breed prediction among 120 breeds of dogs. This is built using Deep Learning libraries. Lastly, Credit Card Fraud detection is one of the most commonly used applications in the Finance Industry. We talk about it from development to deployment. Each of these projects will help you to learn practically.You know !!Project-based learning has proven to be one of the most effective ways to engage students and provide a practical application for what theyre learning and it provides opportunities for students to collaborate or drive their own learning, but it also teaches them skills such as problem-solving and helps to develop additional skills integral to their future, such as critical thinking and time management"
Price: 99.99

"Design Your PCB Board Using Altium Designer (Arduino Nano)" |
"DescriptionLearning a basic board design is essential for everyone who would like to work in electronics or who would like to design electronic boards or products. Learning board design in the right software can open you door into many companies, help you to get a well paid job and can be used to design very complex and advanced boards.BenefitsHands-on experience of working with PCB Design.Exposure to complete PCB Design.Knowledge of Electronic Components.Understanding of Electronics Project Design Flow.Contents and OverviewYou will start with Arduino Uno reference schematic. You will learn how to re-draw the schematic, modify it, you will learn how to improve it and how to do PCB layout. The course videos are step-by-step and even if you are new in electronics or you have never used Altium Designer before, by repeating these steps, you will design your own board. By the end of this course, you will create all the necessary documents needed to manufacture the board.Within 10 hours you will learn how to:Draw schematic, including tips for component selection and important circuits.Go through the schematic toolbar to explain it and get more familiar with. Create components, draw schematic symbols and footprints.Placing components into your PCB.Route PCB and useful tips about layout.Go through the PCB toolbar it to explain and get more familiar with.Go through the DRC to explain it and get more familiar with.Create 3D model of your board.Create Bill of Material (BOM).Create assembly drawings showing position of components on the board.Generate Gerbers, Pick and Place, Drill file and other files needed for manufacturing.Prepare professional documents needed to manufacture your PCB and assemble your board.For everyone interested, the manufacturing documents created during this course can be used to build your board. Simply use PCB manufacturing data to get your PCB, buy components from Digikey and solder them by yourself.Enjoy .."
Price: 109.99

"PMI-RMP PMI Risk Management Professional Practice Exam" |
"Sample QuestionsQ) There are five inputs to the quantitative analysis of the risk process. Which of the following is not an input to execute the process of quantitative analysis of the risk?a) risk registerb) risk management planc) the cost management pland) Enterprise environmental factorsQ) Don has hired Jerry, a contractor, to complete a part of its project work. The contract was used a cost-plus contract. If Don were to perform a risk control, which would entail the risk in this scenario?a) Don would be because it is the project manager.b) Jerry would be due to the type of contract.c) Don would be due to the type of contract.d) Jerry would be because he is the contractor hiredQ) You are the project of BlueStar project manager in your company. Your business is structured as a functional organization and report to functional manager that you are ready to move on to the process of qualitative analysis of risk. What you need as input for the qualitative analysis of project risks in this scenario?a) qualitative analysis of risks is through the project manager in a functional structure.b) You will need to risk register, risk management plan, project scope, and any assets of the relevant organizational processes.c) You will need to risk register, risk management plan, the outputs of qualitative analysis of risk, and any assets of the relevant organizational processes.d) You will need to risk register, risk management plan, permission from the functional manager, and any assets of the relevant organizational processes.Q) It works as a project manager for TechSoft Inc. is preparing to risk response plan for your project with the project team. How many risk responses are available for a positive risk event in the project?a) Threeb) fourc) Sevend) OneQ) Jeff works as a project manager for BlueWell Inc. He is determining which risks may affect the project. Which of the following are the inputs to identify risks that Jeff will use the process to accomplish the task? Each correct answer represents a complete solution. Choose all that apply.a) Scope of the baselineb) Activity of cost estimatesc) risk registerd) risk management plan"
Price: 164.99

"STI-884 SOCA Sales Small _ Medium Businesses Practice Exam" |
"Sample QuestionsQ) What are the main reasons that there is a huge change in the kind of technology that small and medium-sized enterprises are adopting and are spending money to change their phone systems? (Choose three)a) personal mobility.b) The business excellence.c) Cost control.d) Productivity.Q) What best describes the most recent application of Siemens' tailored to the needs of small and medium-sized enterprises?a) open Scapeb) Unified communciationsc) Open Scape Officed) Life WorksQ) What makes the Siemens Unified Communications solutions unique in the market?a) They are proven and offerings that work with the environment of existing customers and provide easy mature growth and expansion.b) They leverage existing applications such as Microsoft Outlook.c) They offer cost savings and benefits to improve productivity.d) They allow employees to stay connected when they are away from the office.Q) What best describes Open Service Delivery in Open Communications?a) Providing innovative business continuity for your customers.b) Implementing Open Communications in a variety of forms, including managed services and hosting.c) Change the voice and data infrastructure with the new Unified Communications solutions.d) The integration of activation of mobile communications and location independence through networks.Q) What best describes the principle of communication open IT-based communications?a) Open Communications IT-based enables the integration of mobile communications and location independence through networks.b) IT-based Open Communications uses the latest technology to provide innovative business continuity services to your customer.c) IT-based Open Communications can be implemented in various forms such as the managed services and hosting.d) IT-based media open a strong commitment to SIP and LINUX, a clear focus on IT-oriented implementations."
Price: 164.99

"Level 4 - Japanese Candlesticks Trading Mastery Program" |
"The Following Topics are Covered in this Course : Candlesticks with Price Targets from Box Range Breakouts (20 Videos) Bullish Breakout Bearish Breakout Bullish Breakout Implication The Problem with Bullish Breakouts The Precision of Box Range Breakouts Box Ranges - Important Principle Bearish Breakout of Hammer's Support Shooting Star Resistance Breakout Rising Window Strong Bullish Breakout Bearish Breakout with a Falling Window Bullish Breakout in the Same Direction as Long Term Trend Trade Entry at Bullish Breakout Trade Entry at Bearish Breakout Stop Loss Placement at Bearish Breakout Stop Loss Placement at Bullish Breakout Perfect Exit Point Before Price Target Adapting to Changing Market Situation Bullish Breakout with Poor Reward to Risk Poor Reward to Risk at Bullish Breakout Reward to Risk Management at BreakoutThe Hanging Man & The Inverted Hammer (20 Videos) The Hanging Man The Hanging Man & The Doji Not a Hanging Man The Perfect Hanging Man The Hanging Man Like Candle in a Range No Confirmation After a Hanging Man A White Candle After a Hanging Man The Hanging Man After a Shooting Star Stop Loss Placement with a Hanging Man Poor Reward to Risk After a Hanging Man An Inverted Hammer with a Bullish Confirmation An Inverted Hammer that Failed Not a Inverted Hammer An Inverted Hammer Confirming Prior Support The Inverted Hammer without a Confirmation The Inverted Hammer & a Bull Harami The Inverted Hammer & The Hammer The High Probability Inverted Hammer Poor Reward to Risk at the Inverted Hammer The High Reward to Risk Inverted HammerUsing Candlesticks to Avoid Market Traps (20 Videos) Skip this Bearish Engulfing Pattern Avoiding Obvious Traps Skip this Piercing Pattern Watch out for this Falling Window Skip this Bullish Engulfing Pattern Ignore this Strong Bullish Box Range Breakout Skip this Dark Cloud Cover Look out for Obvious Red Flags The Confirmation after a Inverted Hammer Dont Go Short Here Frequent Mistake by Traders Dont Overthink Your Trades Dont Go Short Near Potential Support Ignore Such Hammers A Gravestone Doji After a Rising Window The Classic Hammer Trap Exit on Time Not Reading the Market Correctly Ignoring the Market's Obvious Message Ignoring Strong Signals from Weaker PatternsFluently Reading Candle Charts Like a Book (20 Videos) Downfall Indications Very Strong Resistance Build Up The Power of a Shooting Star The Falling Window Confirmation A Strong Support Build Up The Massive Rising Window The Dark Clouds The Falling Window Effect The Appearance of a Hammer Price Struck in a Range The Rocketing Prices The Power of a Bearish Engulfing Pattern The Box Range at the Top A Powerful Round Number Watch out for Old Resistance The Potential Energy in a Box Range The Falling Bluechip Confusion with a High Wave Candle The Relief at a Bull Harami The Price Approaching Strong SupportCandlesticks & Price Targets with Moving Averages (20 Videos) Why Moving AveragesA Spectacular Rally Tracked by the Moving AveragesThe Challenge with Moving AveragesThe Hammer & The Moving AveragesThe Shooting Star & The Moving AveragesThe Bullish Engulfing Pattern & The Moving AveragesThe Challenge While Riding ProfitsThe Bearish Engulfing Pattern & The Moving AveragesThe Piercing Pattern & The Moving AveragesThe Dark Cloud Cover & The Moving AveragesThe Inverted Hammer & The Moving AveragesA Minor Position at a Series of Inverted HammersThe Hanging Man & The Moving AveragesThe Bull Harami at the Support AreaFrom Lower Lows to Higher LowFrom Higher Highs to Lower HighThe Rally from a Strong Support AreaMarket Clues in a DowntrendSkip This TradeMonitor Your PositionsCandlesticks & Price Targets with Fibonacci Levels (20 Videos) Fibonacci on the HammerFibonacci on the Bullish Engulfing PatternThe Challenge with Fibonacci Entry LevelThe Risk with Fibonacci LevelsShooting Star with Fibonacci Entry & ExitsAlways Maintain a Stop LossThe Precision of Fibonacci LevelsFibonacci on the Bearish Engulfing PatternThe Missed Fibonacci OrderFibonacci with the Piercing PatternFibonacci on the Dark Cloud CoverFibonacci & The Variation of the Dark Cloud CoverThe Hanging Man & The Fibonacci LevelsThe Missed OpportunityFibonacci on Monthly TimeframeManaging the Fibonacci PositionA Trade to AvoidFalling Window & Fibonacci LevelsCandles Confluence with Fibonacci LevelsFibonacci at a Multi Tested Support LevelStandard Disclaimer : The material presented here is for educational purposes only. Please do proper due diligence. There are risks involved in markets. Returns are never guaranteed. The Japanese Candlesticks are a tool, not a trading system. However, they can be used for any timeframe, any asset class (stocks, commodities & currencies) and any financial instrument (spot, futures & options). The principles discussed in this course are applicable to any market in the world, provided the price information is accurate and is coming from a reliable source. This course is not about which broker you should use or how to use your respective broker platform. This course is about educating you on Japanese Candlesticks in detail so that you can apply these principles in your own market and in your own trading style and timeframe."
Price: 199.99

"Online Geld mit Amazon verdienen!" |
"In diesem Kurs lernst du, wie du mit Amazon online Geld verdienst!Es wird absolut kein Vorwissen bentigt und ist somit optimal fr Anfnger geeignet!Ich werde dir zunchst die Mglichkeiten vorstellen und erklren, dann gibt es eine genaue Schritt- fr Schritt Anleitung, die einfach zu befolgen ist!Es werden in diesem Kurs ebenfalls konktrete Umsatzzahlen gezeigt, was beweist, dass die Methode wirklich funktioniert!"
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"220-1001 & 220-1002 - CompTIA A+ - Latest Practice Tests" |
"CompTIA A+ is the industry standard for launching IT careers into todays digital world. CompTIA A+ certified professionals are proven problem solvers. They support todays core technologies from security to cloud to data management and more. The only credential with performance-based items to prove pros can think on their feet to perform critical IT support tasks in the momentTrusted by employers around the world to identify the go-to person in endpoint management & technical support rolesRegularly re-invented by IT experts to ensure that it validates the core skills and abilities demanded in the workplaceThe CompTIA A+ Core Series requires candidates to pass two exams: Core 1 (220-1001) and Core 2 (220-1002) covering the following content:Demonstrate baseline security skills for IT support professionalsConfigure device operating systems, including Windows, Mac, Linux, Chrome OS, Android and iOS and administer client-based as well as cloud-based (SaaS) softwareTroubleshoot and problem solve core service and support challenges while applying best practices for documentation, change management, and scriptingSupport basic IT infrastructure and networkingConfigure and support PC, mobile and IoT device hardwareImplement basic data backup and recovery methods and apply data storage and management best practicesTo validate with CompTIA A+ the exam will test your skills and knowledge of the following key areas :HardwareNetworkingMobile DevicesOperating SystemsHardware & Network TroubleshootingVirtualization & Cloud ComputingSoftware TroubleshootingSecurityOperational ProceduresCompTIA A+ 220-1001 covers mobile devices, networking technology, hardware, virtualization and cloud computing and network troubleshooting. CompTIA A+ 220-1002 covers installing and configuring operating systems, expanded security, software troubleshooting and operational procedures.200-1001 & 220-1002 exams info :No. of Questions: Maximum of 90 questions per exam Type of Questions: Multiple choice questions (single and multiple response), drag and drops and performance-based Length of Test: 90 Minutes per exam Passing score : 220-1001: 675 (on a scale of 100-900) 220-1002: 700 (on a scale of 100-900)The practice tests are constructed to enhance your confidence to sit for real exam as you will be testing your knowledge and skills for the above-mentioned topics. The practice tests are accurate, proven correct by test-takers and will get a pass in the exam yet it is highly important to use our practice tests as a resource, not just the only resource. Upon enrollment, you will receive unlimited access to the tests as well as the regular updates.Best of luck!Practice until you can't get it wrong!"
Price: 19.99

"AWS Certified Database Specialty Practice Tests" |
"AWS Certified Database Specialty Practice Tests course is for anyone who is looking for a study material before appearing the actual AWS Certified Database Specialty exam.AWS Certified Database Specialty Practice Tests provides the following:Covers all the topics required for the latest AWS Certified Database Specialty DBS-C01 Exam3 sets of practice tests with total 150 Questions i.e 50 questions each. and 170 minute time limitSimulates the actual exam environment and patternDetailed explanations and proper references to actual AWS documentation for you to refer and deep dive.Excellent support to all the queries and clarificationsMore value than the Official AWS Practice tests, which are costly and offer only 20 questionsIn addition to the above, Udemy provides a 30 day look in period and compatibility with Web and Smartphones.AWS Certified Database Specialty Practice Tests are prepared by a group of AWS Certified professionals, who have clear all the AWS Professionals and Specialty exams and have a wide industry experience.NOTE - Do not treat these AWS Certified Database Specialty Practice Tests as exam dumps, as it is not allowed to copy exam questions and memorisation would not help to clear the exam nor in actual job.We recommend you Practice all the tests multiple times and make sure you you score above 80% in each of themGo through each of the reference links and detailed explanation to make sure you understand the concepts for both the right and wrong answer.Finally, as always we strive to make the content as unique and accurate as possible, but with the fast pace changes in the Cloud space, some of the concepts and. documentation is bound to be stale. We appreciate you constant feedback to help improve us further.All the Best ..."
Price: 99.99

"Adobe Photoshop CC 2020 Fundamentals Essential Basics" |
"In this course I will teach you everything you need to know about getting started with Adobe Photoshop. This course is for beginners, or people looking to refine their knowledge of Adobe Photoshop. You do not need any previous knowledge of Photoshop, or Design Software. We will start from the beginning and work our way through step by step.In this course we will take a look at the essential tools you need to understand to create projects inside of Adobe Photoshop. I will take you through my creative process, and how I combine the tools together. We will look at how to add text, shapes and enhance images with adjustment layers! In this class you will learn:Color and Adjustment LayersSelection ToolsHow to work with LayersEssential Creation Tools - Brush Tool, Eraser Tool and MORE!How to use Layer MasksBasic Effects"
Price: 19.99

"Learn electronics from beginning by build & design circuits" |
"This is a course that will take you step by step from zero to hero in the field of electronic . This course will help you learn all about electronic using the method of building the electronic board (PCB) so that means that you will build your own board . first we will stat with some knowledge about electronic parts (components) and then we will start designing our circuits after that we will build our electronic board."
Price: 24.99
