"Proyeccion de estados financieros, Modelos financieros, FP&A" |
"En ste curso aprenders a realizar proyecciones de una unidad de negocios, empresa o proyecto, y materializar la proyeccin en los estados financieros, lo cul te servir para hacer simulaciones, identificacion de patrones para decisiones, alinear la produccin con el flujo de caja y el balance general.Podrs alinear las necesidades del mercado, con el plan de produccin, con los recursos operacionales para producir, con la posicin financiera, con la inversion requerida, con el flujo de caja para que te de seaes sobre las necesidades de caja y te servir de plataforma para que tu realices procesos de valoracion, anlisis de punto de equilibrio, anlisis de capital de trabajo y simulaciones estocasticas."
Price: 44.99

"Full Introduction into Python Basics" |
"This course introduces the core concepts in python to get you started in creating your own python scripts. It will show you the basics and provide you with the information necessary and empower you to teach yourself. By the end of this course, you should be creating your own python scripts."
Price: 24.99

"The secrets of How to Present Like a Pro" |
"Are you a course creator or business person who wants to share your knowledge, but can't get over the challenge of presenting online?Hi, my name is Kevin Cavanagh and if you want to succeed with Confident communication, then read on!Many course creators suffer from the idea that presenting live or on camera means you have to be uncomfortable.But nothing could be further from the truth.And if you're a course creator who want to create successful courses and get paid... THIS course is exactly what you're looking for.I'd like to invite you to join the ""The secrets of how to present like a pro"" course to help you with Confident communication and this course will provide you with all the tools and tips you need to ace your communication skills !In fact, ""The secrets of how to present like a pro"" will give you the confidence to:* Forget about being uncomfortable on camera ever again...* I'll show you how to sound authentic and connect with your audience...* Learn how to sound, look and feel confident...* Master communication confidently - a valuable tool for all of your life...* With this course you will be confident to create courses that get you money...... and much, MUCH more!And best of all... you'll start seeing results with the ""The secrets of how to present like a pro"" in less than 60 minutes.Bottom line: every course creators who want to create successful courses and get paid should understand that...* The tips and techniques in this course have been learned over years* This could be the only thing you need to start your online business.* I will even share my secrets about of how to calm the nerves you might feel when presenting on camera.The ""The secrets of how to present like a pro"" course holds the key to your success with Confident communication.Join me now and lets get started together."
Price: 44.99

"VA Level Up Skills Combo (Filipino Version)" |
"""The more skills you have, the higher salary you can get.""In VA Level Up Skills Combo, I will be coaching you the freelancing skills I learned from $1000 each international online courses I purchased for the past few years. The information here isn't shared in dept in public videos like YT.These skills help me to get hired FAST as a virtual assistant to random freelancing websites, including Fiverr, Upwork, and OnlineJobs PH.Guess what?You can get hired fast too. No bachelor's degree is neededno need to be tech-savvy. Whether you are a nursing graduate or any other courses in college not related to IT, you can surely do this. Simple and easy to understand. Proven and effective with lots of additional bonuses and tips. I intended to make the online course short and straight to the point because I want you to get in action fast to earn money quickly. The clock is ticking. We need to provide the financial needs of our family. We're on this journey together! You've got this!What are you waiting for? Join us now!"
Price: 19.99

"leri Seviyede (Advanced) Cmle Kurma Kursu" |
"Bu kursu dizayn etme sebebim, yllar ierisinde rencilerimden gelen ""Cmle eitliliimizi nasl arttrabiliriz?"" minvalinde sorulara cevap bulmak ve bu ii kknden zmek. Bu kurs ile birlikte, ngilizce'deki cmle yapsn, cmle eitlerini, ileri seviyede cmlelerin nasl olutuu ve bunlar nasl oluturmanz gerektii ve yine ngilizce cmle eitliliinizi arttrmak iin gerekli olan dil bilgisi (grammar) altyapsn da renmi olacaksnz. En az A2 seviyesinde olmanz yeterli. imdiden baarlar ve iyi dersler diliyorum. Sayglarmla, Cem Kaya."
Price: 19.99

"Google Certified Cloud Professional Architect Exam Questions" |
"100% questions in our Google Certified Cloud Professional Architect Exam Questions are the real questions that are collected in our real exam.We ensure you can pass your Google Certified Cloud Professional Architect Exam (PR000088) on the first attempt and become GCP Google Certified Cloud Professional Architect.All of the questions and answers are verified by our Cloud Expert team. We update questions frequently to keep updated with Google. Question has a detailed explanation of why an option is correct and docs reference. ----------InstructorWe're awslagi team, We have 5+ years experience in the IT industry and have extensive experience working in multiple cloud platforms. We're providing all cloud actual exam questions AWS, Google Cloud and Azure. You can follow us on our website if certified exam you are interested in is not available on Udemy. 100% of the questions we provide are the real questions that are collected in our exam. All of the courses are always up to date and verified by our cloud experts team.With our materials, we make sure you can pass cloud certified exams in the easiest way.We hope you benefit a lot from our courses.---------------------------------This course also comes with:Lifetime access to all future updatesA responsive instructor in the Q&A SectionA 30 Day ""No Questions Asked"" Money Back Guarantee!Join us for this course if you want to make sure to pass Google Certified Cloud Professional Architect Exam at the first attempt in the easiest way.----------------------------------Who this course is for:Anyone wanting to pass the exam.Cloud Engineers.Google Cloud Engineers.Junior/Senior Developers.Cloud Solutions Architects.Technical ArchitectSolutions Architect"
Price: 19.99

"[MasterClass] Master Photoshop CC 2020 in a Week!" |
"In this course we are gonna learn all the concepts needed to become an expert in photoshop. You dont need ANY kind of knowledge about photoshop, or even designing in general (for that matter), to take this course.This is a concept based courseI am going to teach you every single concept that you would need, to master photoshop. With these concepts, you would be able to turn your imagination into reality(and I'm not even kidding). So let me put it this way; Im not going to teach you how to play 50 songs on a guitar but I am gonna teach you how to play the guitar itself so that you can play any song in the world!What we Would Do in this Course?In this course we are gonna learn how to change colors as such, no one can ever noticeAdvanced MaskingManipulationsRemoving unwanted areas form an imageTop 10 most used Blending ModesColor grading and CorrectingRemoving stuff from complicated backgroundsRetouchingThen finally making stuff like business cards, t-shirt designs and book covers. Well, these are just three topics but after watching this course you would be able to make all kinds of stuff like flyers, brochures etc, because you would know the concepts by that time""Concept is what matters"" -Walter LewinClass exercisesWe would also do some class exercises and assignments to refine our concepts to its limits...but, if you're not interested in those then it's okay, you can skip them. I would not come out of the screen to scold you, I promise!Man, am I excited for this journey!"
Price: 19.99

"Full Stack BLOG website development with MERN" |
"Welcome to Become a Full Stack / MERN Stack (Mongo Express React Node) Powered Blog site from Scratch to Deployment.This course is the best guide to mastering the MERN Stack, taking you from total beginner to full-stack expert, capable of making your own impressive, fully-featured blog site from scratch to deployment to the AWS Cloud Hosting.You've learned React and can create amazing front-end interfaces. But deploying them requires more. You need logicand a place to put it. By combining your front-end UI with a back-end solution and cloud hosting, you can build powerful and interactive full-stack applications. In this project-based course, I will show you how to combine React, Node.js, and Amazon Web Services (AWS) in a full-stack, full-featured website, including user-friendly forms for posting articles and comments. Learn how to create an interface from React components, develop a Node.js server, tie in a MongoDB database, and deploy your site on Amazon Web Services. By the end of the course, youll have the skills to take your client services to the next level: full-stack web applications that are truly interactive.Learning objectives:Creating the app componentUsing React-Router linksSetting up an Express serverRoute parameters in ExpressAdding the comments functionalityInstalling and adding MongoDB to your projectRewriting the endpointsAdding React hooksAdding buttons and formsPushing code to GitHubRunning a full-stack app on AWSBuilding an extensive backend API with Node.js & ExpressExtensive API testing with PostmanIntegrating React with our backend in an elegant way, creating a great workflowBuilding our frontend to work with the APIThis course has so much more, It does not make sense to write them all here. But I can guarantee that this course is your gateway to become a FullStack JavaScript Developer.Enroll in this course. This is revolutionary :)Even if youre new to React or Node, youre in good companyyoure going to understand every line of code that we write together.No matter your skill level, this course has something for you. Whether it serves as the start of your next big project, your first production-ready MERN Stack app, or just a great addition to your developer portfolio, youre not going to want to miss this course.You will master your JavaScript skills, Understand Core Node JS programming, Build fast, flexible and scalable API with Node JS.Not only that, but you will also learn React JS from scratch. You will learn to build lightning-fast frontend web apps that will consume the data from the API you build.This course is unlike any other course you have seen online. This course first focuses on giving you a deep understanding of the topic before diving into building practical projects.This course shows you how to master the most in-demand technologies of the present time in an easy, fast, and effective way. Grab this opportunity, don't let it go!So what are you waiting for :) Let me take you on A Wonderful Journey to Learn Node JS and React JS from Scratch and build A MERN Stack Blog Site Project along the way!"
Price: 24.99

"Embedded System Design - Getting started with 8051" |
"The course made for students who want to learn and program 8051 microcontrollers and new to the embedded world with regional language Tamil. 8051 .In this course, well study 8051 with embedded C programming. Were going to study about the 8051 microcontrollers with Keil 8051 IDE. Keil Micro vision is a very old and very popular IDE used for microcontroller programming. 8051- KEIL IDE . To check our written program and to create a schematics diagram with a popular simulation tool called Proteus 8 professional Proteus 8 Professional .Course Highlights1. More on Practical2. Program flow behind the scene3. Youll learn two Real-time projects4. Step by Step Procedure to learn embedded c programming5. Before programming detailed explanation on topics with a simple manner6. Plan to do PIC microcontroller and wireless protocols like Bluetooth GSM, GPS, RIFD series on the same course so youll get free course updates7. Real-time Hardware videos will be added on the Upcoming month8. Youll get Source code and design will be free for your reference 1. 2. 3. .4. .5. .6. PIC . 7. 8. . Whats Exclusive?1. Live doubt clarification session on every month last Saturday2. Youll get a free assessment if you want to test your skill(not necessary) ?1. .2. .Learn software1.Programming software - KEIL 5 IDE2.Simulation Software - PROTEUS 8 PROFESSIONAL 1. - KEIL 5 IDE2. - PROTEUS 8 PROFESSIONAL."
Price: 1280.00

"Modelo Multi Estratgico para la Enseanza Efectiva en Lnea" |
"En este curso se presenta el Modelo Multi Estratgico para la Enseanza en Lnea (MEL). Este modelo, que usa los ltimos hallazgos sobre cmo aprendemos (neuroaprendizaje), permite establecer prcticas especficas y concretas que al usarse correctamente aumentan el aprovechamiento acadmico del estudiante. No solo mejorars tus cursos en lnea y la satisfaccin de tus estudiantes de forma significativa, tambin estars capacitado para ayudar a otros docentes a hacer lo mismo, ya que conocers la razones detrs de cada decisin de diseo. Mi inters es que todos pueden crear experiencias educativas efectivas en lnea. Se incluye en el curso las presentaciones para que luego de estudiar y aprobar el curso puedas capacitar a otros en este modelo."
Price: 19.99

"Introduction Objectifs Organisation Public concern Pr requis Quest ce que la BI Les domaines dutilisation de la BILE CONTEXTE INFORMATIQUE : problmatique rsoudre Au niveau des Applicatifs existantsAu niveau des donnes oprationnellesAu niveau de lanalyse de lactivit de lentrepriseLinformatique dcisionnelle Le processus de prise de dcisionLa transformation de la donne en informationLes utilisateurs de linformationLvolution de la BIARCHITECTURE GLOBALE BI Vue densemble dun systme informatiqueLes composants dun systme dcisionnelPrincipes architecturaux BIPr-grouper certaines donnesTout organiser selon des vues ""mtiers""ARCHITECTURE DES DONNESLes donnes de lentrepriseOffrir des temps de rponses performantsEntrept de donnes BI - DWHEntrept de donnes BI - DMDfinitions Structures multi dimensionnelleLes caractristiques des donnes de l'entrepriseTECHNOLOGIES BI Outils BI ClassiqueRfrences BIZoom Restitution SAP BO BI 4.0Entrept de donnes BI - DMDfinitions Structures multi dimensionnelleLes caractristiques des donnes de l'entrepriseORGANISATION DUN PROJET BICaractristiques des projets dinformatique dcisionnelsCycle en V RAD (Rapid Application Development)Les phases dun projet BILes livrables du projet BILes caractristiques des donnes de l'entrepriseCONCLUSIONArchitecture BI Exemple 1Architecture BI Exemple 2Architecture BI Exemple 3BIBLIOGRAPHIES - REFERENCESOuvrages sur la BIInformations sur la BISites diteursGlossaire"
Price: 194.99

"English language Speaking New proficiency Certificate Course" |
"In the course, what the students will be doing is learning English speaking skills through vocabulary lessons here, by the teacher.Each chapter covered in the course is cumulatively cone in its approach towards the subject.The medium of instruction for the course is English and along with the captions and the reference textbook content of the course, in complementary learning with the practical demonstration of the steps, work towards the objective of enhancing the students grasp of the language. In the resources, both audio visual and typed notes for the students, as further learning is added in, so as to ensure that the student gets a comprehensive teaching of the course subject."
Price: 1280.00

"Indian Classical Dance Exercise&Fitness Certificate Course" |
"Various choreography ready to do dance itemsDance steps sets to learn or to put into a song, for learning or performingBharatanatayam lessonsSemi classicalFolkVarious fusion art forms.ChoreographyReady to do Lessons for learning and performingMix of different types of steps to see and learn and do, either for private class knowledge or for stage performances"
Price: 1600.00

"Rdiger une fiche produit idale qui convertit mieux" |
"Formation thorique & pratiquetre bloqu, ne pas savoir comment parler de ce qu'on vend, comment prsenter les informations pour que a intresse vos visiteurs, c'est un problme rcurrent que j'entends lorsque je collabore avec des professionnels, qui se lancent dans le E-commerce...oui qui se sont dj lancs. On ne sait pas par o commencer, comment on doit enchaner nos ides, dans quel ordre les prsenter...a peut prendre des heures juste rflchir pour poser un plan...Cela m'est arriv aussi...la galre de crer du contenu pour vendre mes prestations, et tout ce stress quand je voyais que a n'avanait pas...Et l je compensais ce manque de crativit par...la bouffe...Heureusement, j'ai perdu quelques kilos depuis que j'ai trouv comment rdiger une page produit idale qui converti mieux. Pour mettre un terme une bonne fois pour toute a ce syndrome de la page blanche et vous donner lassurance de produire a tous les coups des contenus de qualite, des contenus qui se boivent comme du petit lait, voici une FORMULE MAGIQUE que vous allez trouver dans le cours.Cette mthode pour organiser facilement vos idees et pour les presenter dans le bon ordre, va vous permettre de preparer vite et bien TOUS VOS CONTENUS de fiches produit. Cest une mthode UNIVERSELLE, pour etre sur quau final, la PERCEPTION DE VALEUR de ce que vous presentez/vendez sera MAXIMALE.Venez dcouvrir cette mthode : Thorie et de pratique surtout ! Vous serez au cur de cette mthode. Dans cette formation 100% en ligne dune dure de 2h, vous allez apprendre rdiger une fiche produit idale qui convertit.Vous allez enfin savoir comment mettre en avant vos produits/services pour persuader vos visiteurs de passer laction.Et surtout leur faire vivre une exprience produit inoubliable.LWEB a conu cette mthode pour quelle soit adaptable nimporte quelles activits, nimporte quels produits ou services que vous allez mettre la vente.Elle vous accompagne chaque tape pour que jamais vous ne vous ne vous sentiez perdu dans le processus et la mthode enseigne.Aucune comptence technique nest requise. Vous devrez simplement suivre la mthode enseigne de la fiche produit idale.Que vous ayez dj un site e-commerce ou que vous envisagiez den avoir un, cette formation est indispensable si vous avez besoin de convertir encore plus vos visiteurs. Vous allez apprendre leur donner confiance en vous et surtout leur faire vivre une exprience produit inoubliable.Ce quoi vous aurez droit :Un programme de formation aguerri et reconnuUne mthode pdagogique efficace vos cts avant, pendant et aprs la formation"
Price: 59.99

"Final Cut Pro X Kurgu Eitimi 101 (Balang Seviyesi)" |
"Daha nce ok az profesyonel kurgu program deneyimi olmu ya da hi deneyimi olmayanlar iin Final Cut Pro X Kurgu Eitimi 101 harika bir balang olacaktr. Zaman Kurgucu iin kymetlidir. Bu eitimde greceiniz tm videolarda zamannz verimli kullanmak iin ilk adm atacaksnz. BU KURSTA RENLECEKLERKurgucu iin olmazsa olmaz; alma dosyalarn (video,ses vb.) profesyonelce dzenlemek.Final Cut Pro X arayzn tanmak, dilini renmek ve mantn anlamak.Library nedir? Event nedir? Nasl alrlar?Dosyalar programn iine atmak. (Import)Zaman izelgesi oluturmak.(Timeline)Kurgu aralar nedir? Nasl alr? (Tools)Ksayol tular nedir? Nasl dzenlenir? Ksayol tularn kullanarak ok daha hzl alabilmek ve zaman verimli kullanmak. (Shortcut keys)Video ve seslerin senkronu (Synch)Videolar bytmek-kltmek / grnrlk seviyesi (Scale / Opacity)Gei Efekti eklemek ve dzenlemek. (Transitions)Video efekti eklemek ve dzenlemek. (Effects)Video veya sese uygulanan ilemleri zaman izelgesindeki tm videolara veya seslere uygulamak. (Paste Attributes) Render nedir? Final Cut Pro X'te nasl alr?Zaman izelgesine mzik eklemek.Balk/Yaz eklemek. (Titles / Generators)Kurgusu yaplan videoyu dar karmak. (Export)Kurgucu gibi dnmeye giri.Eitimi Tamamlayan Herkese BTRME SERTFKASI verilecektir.HAD BALAYALIM"
Price: 409.99

"Ayurveda for Healthy Life - Level 1" |
"This course will help you learn about the foundation and concepts of Ayurveda. You will learn how to apply the teachings of Ayurveda in everyday life. The main aim of Ayurveda is to protect the health of a person. This course will educate you the right diet and lifestyle to be followed which will help in maintaining a healthy life.The balanced and the imbalanced state of doshas will be explained.The concept of Three doshas will help in determining the body constitution which is essential to choose what food and activities suits you the best. You will be provided with the diet and lifestyle tips for each dosha dominance.You will learn the concept of Agni which is the key to health. Tips to balance Agni or digestive fire will be provided. You will learn different ways to boost immunity as per Ayurveda.The dinacharya or the daily regimen will help you in following a daily routine which will make sure that all the doshas are in balanced state. In addition you will be learning Ayurvedic Recipes and Ayurvedic life hacks.Quizzes are provided for self assessment.Overall you will be learning the basics of Ayurveda and will be able to apply them in your daily life.You will be provided with a certificate after the completion of this course."
Price: 74.99

"Pratik Bilgilerle 2 Saatte Sfrdan Wordpress Eitimi" |
"Bu kursta sfrdan balayarak alan ad oluturmay, hosting almay ve tm kurulum ilemlerini adm adm reneceksiniz. Kodlama bilgisi ve herhangi bir temel bilgi gerektirmeyen en yaygn web sitesi oluturma arac olan Wordpress'in kurulumunu sizlere anlatacam.1 saatlik pratik eitimde rendiiniz bilgiler ile sitenizi kurabileceksiniz. Wordpress ak kaynak kodlu bir web sitesi aracdr ve yazlmsal gvenlii Wordpress tarafndan salad iin eitimi tamamladktan sonra istediiniz bir sektrde web sitesi oluturabilir ve gvenle yaymlayabilirsiniz."
Price: 59.99

"Oracle Database 12c SQL Certificacion 1Z0-071, curso oficial" |
"Este curso esta basado en los documentos oficiales del curso para la certificacin OCA Oracle Database SQL 1Z0-071. El curso inicia desde lo mas bsico para que cualquiera que quiera aprender pueda tomar el curso. Concluyendo con un nivel de experto, ya que el curso esta alineado al proporcionado por oracle university. El contenido en los vdeos detalla cada uno de los temas y muestra ejemplos concretos de cada una de las sentencias de las que se habla. Todos los scripts utilizados en los ejemplos se adjuntan como archivos descargables para que realices tus propias pruebas de las sentencias sql, adicional a estos tambin podrs descargar contenido adicional que te ayudara a reforzar las lecciones."
Price: 29.99

"El curso ms completo en espaol sobre Affinity Photo Redescubre las infinitas posibilidades de tu pc aprendiendo a realizar los fotomontajes ms llamativos Aprende a usar la mejor alternativa para photoshop en costo y prestaciones Aprende a trabajar con Designer y con Photo. Aprende a realizar retoques profesionales a tus retratos fotogrficos utilizando esta potente herramienta."
Price: 19.99

"Primavera Power BI Integration, Interactive Dashboard" |
"Microsoft Power BI . : "
Price: 119.99

"React + Redux 2020," |
", JavaScript , . , , , . , React, Redux Firebase , , React Redux , TypeScript, Jest, GraphQL -, , . . . ! ."
Price: 144.99

"Speak English Clearly and Effectively" |
"Many students do learn English in school, but as subject. They know the words but not able to put in correct order. When it comes to speaking, students often say they forget or failed to convey the message because they get so nervous when theyre speaking English.Most people are afraid of making mistakes or afraid that no one will understand them. Its this fear that stops some people from speaking at all.Your goal for speaking English should be to convey your message, not to say a perfect sentence. Dont be afraid of mistakes! A mistake is not always going to stop people from understanding you.You should know the fact that people understand you when youre speaking English even with mistakes. Every time you communicate with someone in English, you improve your English speaking skills and you will get better with practice, so its important to keep trying.Course details:In this course, You are guided through basic sentence structure and patterns. Basic Grammar (including tenses) to help you with the right words. Conversational videos to give you an idea of speaking and to practice the same. The course is simple and intelligible which can be taken by anyone. Making you understand that- We all make mistakes. Your message is most important.The first step to gain confidence in speaking skills is lots of listening. You need to get the sound of English conversation in your head.The only way to gain confidence is repetition, if you want to be successful at speaking English.NOTE: If you think that after taking this or any course you will start speaking fluently; well definitely not at very instant. You need to put your efforts, your practice and time to reach that level. Just like one who workout in gym. Course is your first step to have clear idea. We wish you good luck for your speaking journey."
Price: 1920.00

"**Note that : all questions are taken from various resources and provided by experts , students ,teachers and also from various open source resources.So it may happen that you could see some questions which are available on the other sources also . ****** All questions are updated regularly by the feedback and memory based questions provided by students who are giving exam.***Please read above before purchasing.The Oracle Certification Program certifies candidates on skills and knowledge related to Oracle products and technologies.Credentials are granted based on a combination of passing exams, training and performance-based assignments, depending on the level of certification. Oracle certifications are tangible benchmarks of experience and expertise that Oracle claims to help a participant stand out in a crowd among employers."
Price: 29.99

"WordPress Offline Website Design Course for Beginners" |
"This WordPress offline website creation course for beginners is the best course to build yourself in website design. This awesome WordPress course is designed specifically for those who are just about to start a career or build a skill around web design. Whether you want to create a small blog or a more advanced website, this course will clear the coast for you to fulfill your dreams. In this course, we are using a powerful software that allows us to create multiple websites without deleting any. Unlike some other softwares where you can only design one website at a time. That is, if you want to create a second website you need to delete the first before the second can be created. But here, you are at liberty to create and test run as many websites that you want to create without any limitations. You can use this software to design different websites for different people and once they want to have it live running in the internet, all you need to do is to back it up in your local site with a plugin and install same plugin in your new live website and restore your local site in the new live website. Very Simple!!! With this, your success is guaranteed in your pathway to becoming a professional website designer."
Price: 19.99

"Master the Foundations of Google Adwords (SEM) 2020/21" |
"In this course you will learn the Foundations of Google Adwords, you will learn everything you need to know to pass the Google Adwords examination if you wish to go onto take this, and you will gain valuable search and PPC (pay per click) skills which will set you up for a successful career in search engine marketing, biddable media and PPC advertising. I promise to deliver the following modules to help you on your road to success, I look forward to teaching you, I hope you enjoy the course content and good luck!The course content is robust and will include the following and more:An Introduction to Google AdvertisingIn this course you will cover an understanding of the key objectives and goals needed to start advertising on Google.You will learn about the 3 principles that Google is built aroundYou will understand what is meant by the term campaignYou will learn about the detail of each campaign type including search, display, video, shopping, app and specialized campaign typesYou will learn about the concept of SMART campaignsYou will learn about how campaign types determine where your adverts will appearMastering the Foundations of Google Adwords - Part 1Understand what a text advert isHow to drive traffic to a site, service or productSet up campaigns and marketing goalsUnderstand where text adverts will appear based on setting selectedHow to target campaigns by device, location and languageHow to determine a budget and bid strategyHow to create ad groups around themes and productsHow to build keywordsHow to create text ads using headline, URL and DescriptionHow to create dynamic search adsThe importance of ad extensions, start and end dates and ad schedulingThe theory on how adverts end up in front of a consumerMastering the Foundations of Google Adwords - Part 2How to prompt searchesTo understand the 5 match types and how to use theseTo apply the 5 match types to keywordsTo complete task challenges set to apply your search advertising knowledgeThe value of dynamic search advertsMastering the Foundations of Google Adwords - Part 3To define an ad auctionTo understand the second-price auction modelTo understand ad rank and ad positionTo describe the 5 factors that influence ad rank and ad positionThe 3 factors that influence quality scoreThe difference between average cost per click and actual cost per clickMastering the Foundations of Google Adwords - Part 4How to improve ad rankIncreased your knowledge of quality scoreWhere to find quality score in Google Ads InterfaceThe factors that impact quality scoreTactics which can be used to improve each of the quality score components (Expected CTR, Ad relevance and Landing Page Experience)Mastering the Foundations of Google Adwords - Part 51. What a text ad is2. Understand the 3 key components of a text ad3. Explore ways to improve text ads4. Learn best practice and produce excellent Google ads creative 5. Learn how to use responsive search advertising to optimize campaign performance6. Best practice ideas to create excellent ad creative7.The optimum use of ad extensions8.The fundamentals of responsive search adverts (RSA)9. The importance of ad extensions10. The three universal ad extensions every marketeer should use11. Identify and create each of the three universal ad extensionsMastering the Foundations of Google Adwords - Part 6Mastering the Foundations of Google Adwords - Part 7Mastering the Foundations of Google Adwords - Part 8Mastering the Foundations of Google Adwords - Part 9Mastering the Foundations of Google Adwords - Part 10"
Price: 99.99

"ServiceNow Certified System Administrator exam cracker 2020" |
"This course is designed for individuals who are preparing for the ServiceNow Certified System Administrator exam. This course consists of 2 practice exams and helps you to pass the actual certification. Appearing in practice exams allows you to understand your preparation level and ensures that you get a proper coverage of all the topics.Topics included as per Exam Blueprint:1. User Interface & Navigation 20%ServiceNow OverviewLists and FiltersForms and TemplatesBranding2. Collaboration 20%User AdministrationTask ManagementNotificationsReporting3. Database Administration 30%Data SchemaCMDBApplication/Access ControlImport Sets4. Self-Service & Process Automation 20%Knowledge ManagementWorkflows/Flow Designer5. Intro to Scripting & Application Tools 10%ScriptingMigration and IntegrationDevelopmentWho this course is for:Students preparing for the ServiceNow Certified System Administrator (CSA) ExamServiceNow Admins and other professionals who want to prepare for CSA Exam"
Price: 1280.00

"Bachata - Ladies Styling & Technique Course for Beginners" |
"Incognito Bachata Ladies Styling Course - BeginnersWelcome to our Bachata Ladies Styling Course. This is perfect for all beginners or ladies who wish to solidify their fundamental techniques. Essential for every dancer who wishes to shine and add personality to her Bachata dancing.Don't Wait Another Minute -- Start Dancing TODAY!Have you always wanted to learn Bachata or to improve your technique? Do you want to impress your friends at your favorite gathering or family function? Burn calories and get in shape while dancing and having FUN??? Build confidence and improve your social life?We have over 20 years of experience in teaching Latin dance. We have developed a unique learning technique focusing on Core Techniques which we have identified and broken down for you in incredible detail. These Core Techniques are right at the center of your learning and a fantastic way to target techniques you may be weak on.These Core Techniques allow you to learn dance super fast, in a very efficient intelligent way. Minimum effort - maximum results. All perfect to get you dancing with tons of style and confidence.Why Bachata Ladies Styling?Are you confident in following your partner and also adding styling when you can?Would you like to learn essential dance tips that will make you more elegant, sensual and graceful?What do you have to learn to improve recognizing the signs from your leader?Can you spin well and finish effortlessly?Would you like to improve your musicality?How can you make your footwork sharp?Would you like to take more risks on the dance floor being creative and expressive?We explain what you can do to enhance your dancing from the basic steps into very complex shines, body movements turns and much more. Explaining, in a simple and detailed manner, how to apply attitude to your dancing and improve your posture.Focus on details of head, hands, use of arms, ladies timing, turns, spins, hip movement and how to enhance your dance with dramatic and sensual moves.This provides a good, solid foundation and exercises in elemental concepts, such as Latin and contra-body motion, posture, finger placement and how to spot during turns. How to isolate the various parts of the body which will enhance your style!Lets get dancing Bachata !!!!"
Price: 24.99

"Bachata-Ladies Styling & Technique Course for Improvers" |
"Incognito Bachata Ladies Styling Course - ImproversThis course will build on what you learned on the Incognito Bachata Ladies Styling Course - Beginners and cover all essential aspects of Bachata Ladies Styling on the dance floor.If you are unsure of any of the fundamental techniques or just want more practice, we recommend and invite you to complete the Incognito Bachata Ladies Styling Course - Beginners course.During this course you will discover that dancing is more than a movement its a passion and love for music and your body is an instrument to express it.We expand and introduce new Core Techniques essential for this level.During this course we will cover:Recap of essential techniquesBody Isolation exercisesBody coordinationArms movementSpinning and turn type drillsVariety of footworkDeveloping confidenceMusic InterpretationPractice videos"
Price: 24.99

"Runas O Orculo Nrdico Sagrado" |
"As runas so uma linguagem de magia que nos leva a evoluo, atravs do autoconhecimento. Este curso foi elaborado para atender aos iniciantes e passar algumas vises para aqueles que j conhecem esse orculo.Este curso contm 34 aulas e mais de 6 horas de vdeo, alm de uma apostila exclusiva."
Price: 249.99

"Life Coaching For Women - Change Your Life In 6 Weeks" |
"This life coaching course contains 6 life transforming modules that can help you to change your life, set and achieve your goals, increase your self confidence, self worth, self love, self respect, and your overall happiness. I packed five years of experience of working as a life coach and conducting my signature life coaching program into this 6 week transformational self study course, with the desire and intention to make it possible for women who have the desire to change and improve their life be able to do so.If you are ready to change your life for the better and start working on manifesting your dreams into reality, this course is for you! If you lack self worth (feeling unworthy of good things in life, impostor syndrome, being taken advantage of in relationships, finding it hard to say ""NO"" to others...), self confidence, and self love - this course might be of the best investments you will ever make! If you are feeling stressed out, overwhelmed, and like time is ""slipping"" trough your fingers and you are not able to accomplish all the tasks you need (and want) to do, this course is for you!If you want to increase your happiness, feel better about yourself and about your life, and inspire more positive emotions - this course is for you! If you desiring or thinking to be a life coach yourself, this course can help you to experience the process on your own and decide whether you would like to lead other people trough a similar transformational journey."
Price: 29.99

"Accounting For Beginners" |
"New to Accounting? Kickstart your journey with this course to master the basics. The Accounting Equation, T Accounts, Debits and Credits, and more? There's nothing to be scared of here. Want to learn Accounting? You are in the right place! Accounting for beginners helps Students, Business Owners, Entrepreneurs, Investors and anyone with a desire to learn Accounting Basics. I created this course to simplify complex accounting terminology and concepts. I am a qualified accountant with over 20 years of experience. Teaching has long been a passion of mine, and I relish the challenge of making Accounting entertaining, educational and engaging. Accounting for Beginners will help you learn the theory of Accounting & Bookkeeping quickly and efficiently. If this sounds like something that will help you out at work or in your studies then this course is a must for you."
Price: 19.99
