"CISSPCISSP Domain2" |
Price: 2400.00

"ITIL 4s Guiding Principles" |
"The ITIL 4 Guiding Principles course is brought to you by Dr. Suzanne Van Hove and Doug Tedder. Both are ITIL Experts with each bringing over 20 years experience working, consulting and teaching in the field.In this course Doug and Suzanne will share their personal experiences with you while they bring you up to speed on ITIL 4. The course was created to help IT Service Management Professionals get a handle on ITIL 4 and all it has to offer. Please note that this course introduces ITIL 4 and discusses the differences between ITIL V3 and ITIL 4. If you have studied and passed the ITIL V3 Foundation Exam this is the perfect way to understand the new features of ITIL 4. This course is not designed to prepare you to take and pass the ITIL 4 Foundation exam. If you want to prepare to take and pass the ITIL 4 Foundation exam or are new to ITIL or IT Service Management, then you will want to take the full and accredited ITIL 4 Foundation Training Course from GogoTraining.What is ITIL 4 All About?ITIL 4 combines the best of ITIL V3 and expands it to include the key principals of Digital Transformation providing a larger systems application of ITIL into the enterprise. This brings ITIL into the fast-paced complex world we live in. ITIL 4 is designed to give organizations a comprehensive system for the management of information technology in our modern service economy. In so doing it covers the full delivery and sustenance of tech-enabled products and provides guiding tools to for the interface of IT into the wider business strategy.In This Course You Will Learn:ITIL 4's Guiding PrinciplesThe Key ITIL 4 PracticesGeneral Management Practices Service Management PracticesTechnical Management PracticesWe look forward to having you learn more about ITIL 4 with Doug and Suzanne. "
Price: 19.99

"SEO YouTube professional ( #1 ) course" |
"# 1. ======== ======== ======== ======== 1 ======== 8 : mohmdashrf.2018@gmail.com ."
Price: 49.99

"Complete python boot camp: (Python and adv Python, Numpy)" |
"The course is divided into mainly two parts: basics and advanced. A person who is beginner or never have done programming can benefit from the course. Those folks who have done some amount of programming can take good benefit of advanced topics. All these topics are taught as concept and hands-on practicals.The course contents are:PythonWhy python?Installation of Development EnvironmentVariables, Strings, ListCondition, Loops, FunctionsDictionaryTuplesFile HandlingJSONExceptionsComprehension (List, Dictionary, Tuple)Advanced TopicsIteratorGeneratorRegular ExpressionNetworking, Web InteractionDatabase, SQL, SQLiteDatabase: Single table, multiple tablesMulti-threading, Multi processingCustom ModulesObjected Oriented ProgrammingClasses and ObjectsInheritance, Exceptions, IteratorNumPyNumpy array operationsIndexingSlicingStackingVarious hands-on practicals and exercises are also provided as part of recordings"
Price: 5760.00

"Learn Web Automation By Making Instagram Bot With Python" |
"At this course we will learn how to automate every instagram stuff with python. We will implement this application for making more instagram followers etc. We will learn selenium basics, tkinter, python and other related issues from beginner level. At the end of the course, people became capable for automate everything like twitter, tinder, mail etc.."
Price: 54.99

"Goal Setting for Transformation- Design your Success Path" |
"In the midst of playing a myriad of roles in our lives, we tend to get caught up in a whirlwind of expectations and boundaries. There surfaces a need self-discovery to give more meaning to our identity and grow as an individual.To create any kind of change, to make any progress, or to design personal growth, one needs to set a goal and build clarity in terms of direction. Is there a change that you have been wanting to make, but are unsure of how to begin? Do you often feel unproductive even though you are in the middle of a multitude of tasks? Do you get a feeling being stuck in a rut? Have you been experiencing the desire to do something more? Do you sometimes get a sense of loss of identity? Are you more aware lately, of life just whizzing past and that you need to do something? Do you want to make a change, but are unsure of what exactly it is? Do you find yourself often waiting for the right moment to do something?If you answered a YES to any of the above questions, this course if for YOU!This series of video segments will use tools, techniques and exercises to take you step-by-step into the process to bring about transformation in your life. It will -Begin a journey of self-discoveryBust some myths on self-confidence managing emotionsGive you clarity on what you ACTUALLY wantTransforming your goal into a natural direction of progressGive you the much-needed boost to finally go ahead and get what you have always wanted!And a BONUS segment on- A step-wise guide to managing your journey to your success"
Price: 1280.00

"Inteligncia Emocional para Comunicao em pblico" |
"Uma formao pra transformar o patamar da sua Comunicao corporal e Oratria.Um forte impacto e Energia para o Desenvolvimento dos seus objetivos.Um ponto final nos problemas de Ansiedade, confuso, insegurana, complexos e incertezas na hora de se comunicar, vender, fechar negcios, dar aulas, Apresentar Projetos etc.Contedo de alto impacto e exclusivo! pra quem toma deciso inteligente e pensa no Futuro.Te vejo na Aulaaaa !!"
Price: 189.99

"Complete Mini Volleyball Guide (2nd part)" |
"Do you want to train children, but you lack inspiration?Are you interested in mini volleyball, but you dont know where to start?Can you see errors at children in training, but you dont know how to eliminate them?We are presenting you an innovation! The unique mini volleyball course for volleyball training when you can start to work with children from 9 - 12 years, which will guide you through the process of training with young children. For children, the training will turn into an entertaining game while learning the right basics of technique at the same time. For both you and children, a volleyball training will become a joyful event, which you will be looking forward to!The online mini volleyball course is composed by almost a hundred of games and exercises.The unique mini volleyball course is full of games and exercises in 3 modules and 19 lessons, which open you the door into the world of big volleyball. It is ideal for the development of children volleyball skills. You will get to know the levels of minivolleyball according to the age of children. We will show you how to develop the strength and speed abilities. We will take you through the basics of overhand and underhand hit as well.The course is intended for adults, parents and volleyball coaches who want to start teaching children mini volleyball and basic volleyball skills."
Price: 29.99

"Sfrdan Adobe Premiere Pro 2020 ve Kurgu Teknikleri" |
"Merhabalar, Adobe Premiere Pro 2020 yazlmnn btn nemli terimlerini sfrdan hi bilmeyenler iin tek tek aklayan bir kurs mu aryorsunuz? Hogeldiniz! Bu kurs her eyi Adan Z'ye eksik brakmayp sonunda sektrde iyi bir kurgu ynetmeni olmanz salar. Her tarzda youtube videosu kurgulamak iin yeterli pf noktalar yannda fragman, tantm filmi ve sinema filmi kurgulamak iin hem teknik bilgi hem de sanatsal ve felsefi bilgi temelleri retilmektedir. Bu kursu aldktan sonra emin olun yalnzca bir montajc deil, ne istediini iyi bilen bir ynetmen bile olabilirsiniz. nk video ve filmcilik mesleinin ekim aamas ile birlikte en nemli aamas kurgu aamasdr. Buras iin mutfadr!"
Price: 19.99

"Medical Coding Practical Lab (Beginners)" |
"In this course, you will be learning basic Medical coding with guidelines including practical examples to understand the usage of those ICD-10 CM codes.There are ways we can learn medical coding skills from the safely of your own home. This course is for Registered Nurse, pharmacy graduate or any life science graduate which helps you to understand the modern technique of organizing your coding skill and one way of taking your coding to next level in your professional life, based on my experience I have created small course videos to enhance your coding skill and right mindset for better career growth.Medical Coding is converting a disease, diagnosis or symptoms, procedures, drugs, medical tests, treatments, and procedures found in clinical documentation into standard codes (ICD-10) which helps for payment purposes and quality improvement purposes.A new career in medical coding is only months away when you trained by Experts, the worlds leading, and best in the business of healthcare. Take your first step toward a brighter future."
Price: 8320.00

"College Physics 1: Two-Dimensional Kinematics" |
"This course contains the two-dimensional kinematics section of my full calculus-based College Physics 1 course. In this section, I discuss topics which include position, velocity, and acceleration vectors, using the 2-D kinematic equations to solve problems, and one and two-dimensional relative velocity. The course has video lectures that cover the detailed concepts of each topic and I go through plenty of example problems so that you can master these concepts. There are also detailed solutions of extra example problems so that you have plenty of practice. After completing this course, you will have a firm understanding of the two-dimensional kinematics material taught in your College Physics 1 class and be able to tackle any problem involving two-dimensional motion."
Price: 19.99

"College Physics 1: Newton's Laws of Motion" |
"This course contains the Newton's laws of motion section of my full calculus-based College Physics 1 course. In this section, I discuss topics which include forces, free-body diagrams (FBDs), and applying Newton's first and second law to solve problems. The course has video lectures that cover the detailed concepts of each topic and I go through plenty of example problems so that you can master these concepts. There are also detailed solutions of extra example problems so that you have plenty of practice. After completing this course, you will have a firm understanding of the material involving Newton's laws of motion taught in your College Physics 1 class and be able to tackle any problem that applies Newton's first and second law."
Price: 19.99

"Nutricin Vegetariana y Vegana: Crea tu Dieta Plant Based" |
"Este es un curso diseado para ayudarte en tu transicin hacia una alimentacin Plant Based, vegetariana o vegana.En l se encuentra toda la informacin cientfica sobre los nutrientes potencialmente crticos del vegano, presentados en forma sencilla y clara.En el curso se ofrecen datos muy importantes sobre el modo de optimizar los nutrientes de los alimentos vegetales.Tambin se hallan gran cantidad de recursos para organizar un plato vegano y armar tu dieta vegetal de forma muy fcil y prctica."
Price: 39.99

"Beginners Mindfulness For Mental and Physical Health" |
"An introduction to mindfulness- This course is perfect for those who have never practiced mindfulness before. It will teach you how to incorporate mindfulness into every day, creating good habits and routines which actually last! Mindfulness is amazing for reducing stress, revitalising your nervous system and physical body, introducing more calm into your life and reducing overwhelm. If you are struggling with mental health or physical health challenges mindfulness is perfect for healing. When we are stressed our body induces the fight or flight response, which comes from our nervous system. With busy lives, we are exposed to increased levels of stress which mean that our nervous system and adrenal glands are working extra hard. Just like us- when they work too hard they get tired, causing burnout which manifests as physical or mental symptoms. So, by reducing our stress levels, we are able to better nourish our nervous system and our overall health improves. Cells need rest and calm to recuperate, so mindfulness is a great way to allow deep inner healing.Every person is different, so their mindfulness journey will look different, which is why we focus on how you can implement mindfulness into your individual lifestyle. We also focus on how mindfulness 'feels' rather than achieving perfect results. The reason I think this approach is best is because often we learn something new, get enthusiastic, implement it in a big way for a few weeks, then when we get bored with it we stop! So by implementing tiny, easy steps into everyday routines that already exist in our life, we are able to sustain our overall level of mindfulness because the transition is smaller. You will be introduced to meditation, yoga, mindset changes and breathwork which are easy tools for nourishing the nervous system and reducing stress. I also give you two guided meditations designed for beginners which you can download and have for life."
Price: 29.99

"Guida al superamento della patente nautica entro 12 miglia" |
"Sei stanco di pagare centinaia di euro per un corso di patente nautica che non si adatta al tuo stile di apprendimento?Non hai tempo per imparare centinaia di quiz a memoria senza capire come individuare la risposta esatta?Allora sei nel posto giusto!Questa ""Guida al superamento della patente nautica entro 12 miglia"" ti fornir delle lezioni interattive che vertono sulle informazioni esclusivamente necessarie al superamento della prova teorica, al fine di condurti al conseguimento del titolo di abilitazione nel minor tempo possibile e con ottimi risultati!Durante tutto il percorso insieme ti spiegher, attraverso una serie di schemi semplificativi, tabelle riassuntive e trucchi mnemonici, come risolvere tutti i 1152 quiz presenti nel database ministeriale, divisi da me in 3 sezioni: Elementi e funzionamento della naveLeggi e regolamenti della navigazione da diportoNavigazione e meteorologia Inoltre ti suggerir manuali per lo studio individuale ed applicazioni gratuite che potrai scaricare per esercitarti, nonch risolveremo insieme quasi 100 dei quesiti pi complessi.Vieni a scoprire una nuova metodologia di preparazione: efficace, semplice ed economica!Ti aspetto."
Price: 29.99

"Sfrdan ileri seviyeye ingilizce" |
"Bu kurs balang seviyeden ileri seviyeye ingilizcen gelitirme amacyla hazirladm. Grammar konu anlatm ve egzersiz , rendikten sonra kelime , okuma, yazma , konuma ve dinleme kaynaklar ekledim. Bu kurs bittirdiinizde orta seviye ingilizceniz olacak.Kurs aldktan sonra, benimle iletiim kuracaksnz ve zel konuma grubumuzu size ekleyeceim, ve kursunuz bittikten sonra birebir konuma 2 (45 dakkalk ) ders ayarlayp konuacaz.Bunun diinda, kelime renmek iin, dinleme pratk yapmak iin da bir ka uygulamalar ve konuma , yazma , okuma , ve dinleme ipular reteceim"
Price: 409.99

"CompTIA PenTest+ (PT0-001) Practice Test" |
"Our CompTIA PenTest+ (PT0-001) Practice Test is the most effective and pertinent for you to pass the exam on the first go. In fact, you will not only pass your exam but also get a profound understanding of the respective subject.With our CompTIA PenTest+ (PT0-001) Practice Test, you will come to see that all of the questions and answers in our exams are chosen after a professional analysis."
Price: 34.99

"Certified Cloud Security Professional - CCSP Practice Test" |
"Our Certified Cloud Security Professional - CCSP Practice Test is the most effective and pertinent for you to pass the exam on the first go. In fact, you will not only pass your exam but also get a profound understanding of the respective subject.With our Certified Cloud Security Professional - CCSP Practice Test, you will come to see that all of the questions and answers in our exams are chosen after a professional analysis."
Price: 34.99

"Memory Masterclass: Learn how to Develop a Super Memory" |
". ! """" . : * 10 . * . . ! * . . : ."
Price: 19.99

"RHCSA RHEL8 EX200 Sample Exam Red Hat Certified System Admin" |
"There are two exams here for you to practice the RHCSA version 8 EX200. Exam 1 is extremely thorough in providing the answers to the questions. Not only that, I show you how to do the setup for your home lab to simulate what a real RHCSA exam is like. For example, setting up an NFS server yourself is not required for the actual exam, but you do have to know how connect an NFS client to an NFS server, so these EX200 exams are very practical. You will create two nodes (similar to the exam), so you don't have to guess how a task might work. You'll actually be doing all the tasks and seeing the results :)Exam 2 offers hints for each task and each task number is directly related to the same task from Exam1 (with some added curveballs). Exam 2 does not provide the answers. I do this not only to encourage participation and for students to ask questions, but also as a way for you to learn the material. However, I should also stress this: Exam1 is enough to guarantee that you will pass the RHCSA for RHEL8. Exam2 is supplementary for your career.Happy practicing!"
Price: 19.99

"Se lancer dans l'investissement crypto !" |
"Ce cours fonctionne a la maniere d'un recit. Il s'agit ici du premier chapitre. Je vous parle d'abord de la blockchain et du lien avec les cryptos. Plongee ensuite 10 ans en arriere a la naissance du bitcoin. pourquoi le Bitcoin monte, pourquoi les fiat se debasent. Ce qu'est un altcoin et le fameux triamgle d'incompatibilite qui fait que la blockchain parfait n'existe pas encore. Vous apprendrez a lire l'actualite, utiliser les fonctionnalite de base d'un graphique, passer des ordres, transferer des fonds sans vous planter.Vous identifierez un placement a 12% qui n'existe que sur la crypto sur une plateforme bien connue de pret/emprunt (qui vous rembourserait la formation), a placer un ordre intelligent sur le Bitcoin illustre par une simulation sur 7 ans d'historique. Vous apprendrez a vous frotter a la Defi, via Anyswap.Puis une plongee avec des exemples concrets sur les riques inherents a la crypto et comment les dejouer (risque de marche, risque de hack, risque de scam, risque de perte des acces, risque de conformite). Je vais creer chez vous les conditions d'une vigilance tranquille, seul moyen de survivre a long terme dans cet espace.En bonus, je vous montre avec quel outil j'ai identifie un trade a +70% sur ETH et comment on peut rafler la crypto la plus attendue de l'annee NuCypher a l'aide d'Ethereum.Je vais vous faire profiter de mon experience de plus de 4 ans d'investissement avec succes dans les cryptos ainsi que des 4000 heures que j'ai passe a creuser ce sujet. 15 ans de pratique du trade d'actions en background. Que vous gagniez du temps et de l'argent et que vous soyez content de cette formation est mon but.Tant que le volume est gerable, la phrase ci-apres est valide: Je me propose de repondre a vos questions eventuelles et je tiens egalement a votre disposition le support Powerpoint au bout de trente jours.Merci de votre confiance!Eric"
Price: 79.99

"Dog Health and First Aid" |
"The complete canine health & first-aid course covers a huge amount of vital information relevant topet owners, pet professionals and others working in the veterinary profession. The course is available worldwide.A variety of learning aids are used including videos, images, slideshows, summary sheets and quizzes. All being taught to you, by a veterinary surgeon.Topics covered include - communication, signs of pain, clinical examination, CPR, bandaging, gastric torsion, pyometra, wounds, trauma/shock, diarrhoea, kennel cough, heart problems, parasites, allergies, common ear and eye problems, toxins, seizures, diabetes, Alabama rot, seasonal canine illness, lungworm and much much more.There is an added HOW TO section to help with everyday questions such as How to bath an eye - How to cut my dogs nails - How to collect a urine sample and moreThis course is exciting and informative, and although first-aid doesn't replace your vet, it does help you to save your dogs life!On completion you will have earned 10 hours of CPD and a you can request an emailed PDF certificate to mark your achievement"
Price: 24.99

"Quel che conta la relazione" |
"Il corso finalizzato ad una conoscenza guidata e graduale dellarte contemporanea e alle sue dinamiche interne e vuole fornire le basi per una lettura critica basata sulla conoscenza e non sullimprovvisazione e per sollecitare una personale capacit di analisi e di confronto attraverso uno studio sistematico dellargomento.Ognuno di noi pu avvicinarsi all Arte con modalit diverse e personalissime ma, se vuole comprenderne il senso, come avviene per qualsiasi espressione di cultura, deve avviare un percorso di conoscenza e di studio. Potr cos attuare un suo progetto di studio per una comprensione ulteriore. Il corso impostato sulla condivisione di un codice linguistico comune che far meglio comprendere le complesse problematiche dellarte contemporanea (concetti estetici, analisi stilistica, analisi iconografica, autoreferenzialit) che non possono essere banalizzate in una serie di luoghi comuni."
Price: 49.99

"The Wordpress Course" |
"The Wordpress Course - Get up and running without the fluff.With technology constantly changing, Wordpress has been around for many years and will continue to be one of the main ways for websites to be developed. More than 1/3 of all websites on the internet are built on Wordpress. With the plethora of themes both free and premium, plug-ins, and different ways to customize a Wordpress website leaves many people hesitant to spend time learning this skill set.In this Course you will be able to learn what Wordpress is, why you should learn it, and quickly get up and running building a site you can launch and add to your portfolio. I will teach you this all within 3 hours.NOTE: This course will always be updated to cover the latest version of WordPress. Covers WordPress 5.0 and later.The goal of this course is to provide anyone with an invaluable skill set to quickly learn how to make amazing Wordpress websites without any code. In this course I will take you on a step-by-step journey learning new technologies without the need to spend countless hours prepping. The Wordpress course assumes no prior knowledge to building or designing websites which allows me to teach you the essentials needed without the added fluff.All you will need is a computer and internet connection. Thats it!I will walk you through creating a Wordpress website using amazing themes and plug-ins with a FREE Wordpress environment that you can install on your computer saving you costs on hosting and domain name purchasing. This course also provides additional lectures if you decide you want to host and launch your website.This course uses the Wordpress 2020 and Astra themes with a free plug-in Elementor to show you do not have to be a developer in order to make custom websites for your brands or clients.What will I learn?Introduction to CourseWhat is WordpressLocal by FlywheelWordpress Administrative PortalBuild a Site using Wordpress 2020 Theme and AstraThemes In-depthPlugins In-depthHostingResourcesExtend WebsiteYou will be guided through the fundamentals without the extraneous detail so you can get up and running quickly building Wordpress websites from start to finish. Information covered will consist of how to create beautiful, responsive designs that will work across all devices showing off uniqueness and professionalism.There are no additional costs in the course. Each section progresses on the knowledge necessary to start designing a Wordpress website while providing additional information and bonus lectures on if you were to upgrade to premium themes and plug-ins.This course is taught by Wordpress teacher Samuel Bifalco, who has a decade of experience product managing websites and mobile applications spanning an array of frameworks, libraries, and technologies. In the last five years many Wordpress websites have been custom developed using what you will learn in this course to grow your brand and client presence."
Price: 29.99

"Automatizacin de Cimentaciones Superficiales en CSI SAFE" |
"En el curso en mencin se aprender el uso completo del software CSI SAFE para simplificacin y optimizacin de los modelos de cimentaciones superficiales como las zapatas aisladas, zapatas combinadas y plateas de cimentacin, el objetivo del curso es que el profesional se familiarice completamente con todas las herramientas y bondades que nos facilita el programa CSI SAFE al utilizar elementos finitos en todos los modelos estructurales."
Price: 94.99

"Comment aller ""plus vite"" sur un de vos business" |
"Bonjour vous cher lecteur.Dans ce cours,vous aurez comme consigne toute simple, vraiment.De suivre la lettre le discours expliquer, et rflchir comment vous devez lappliquez sur votre business,association,etc...Je ne vous dis pas que cela sera facile,mais vous russirez si vous vous mettez au travail avec la ""bonne nergie"" autrement dis que vous croyez en ce que vous faites,vous dites,vous crivez.etc...merci c'tait Alexis Professeur sur Udemy."
Price: 19.99

"Scrum Master Certification PSM I Exam Prep 2020" |
"WHAT IS SCRUMScrum is a framework based on the principles of transparency to all stakeholders along with continuous inspection and adaptation to changing conditions. These result in a methodology embracing change and promoting an environment where all members of the project team share an equal voice regarding how the application will deliver value to its users.Using Scrum requires people specific Scrum-roles, information describing the features and functions of the application, information needed to ensure that the workings of the project is transparent to everyone on the team, and processes that govern the operation of the project team.There are three types of roles internal to a Scrum team and one thats external. Internal roles are:Scrum MasterThe primary goal of the Scrum Master is keep the Development team productive. The Scrum Master must lead by example and act as a servant-leader for the team, coaching them to make sure they understand and follow the Scrum process and that they operate in a collaborative and professional manner.From the perspective of the Product Owner the Scrum Master represents the Development team ensures that their issues, concerns, and roadblocks are taken into consideration by the Product Owner.Development TeamThe Development Team is responsible for delivering the product. The team is typically cross-functional in terms of expertise and experience and the team as a whole is accountable for the delivery and quality of the application.Development teams are also self-organizing. This means that the team, not the Product Owner or Scrum Master, are responsible for defining rules dictating how they work together. The Product Owner is responsible for defining the backlog of what needs to be accomplished, but the Development Team is responsible for defining how it is completed.There are no titles or sub-teams within the Development team. Members of the team may have different skills, specializations, and experience, but they all have a voice in the operation of the project and all contribute to the creation of the application.The Scrum Master and the Development Team are collectively referred to as the Scrum Team.The external role is that of the Business Owner. Although this is sometimes omitted in descriptions of the Scrum methodology, but it is nonetheless an important one. The Customer is the group or organization who is sponsoring the project and who will ultimately use it. The Business Owner represents the customer and is the source for application requirements.Product ownerThe product owner, representing the product's stakeholders and the voice of the customer (or may represent the desires of a committee), is responsible for delivering good business results.Hence, the product owner is accountable for the product backlog and for maximizing the value that the team delivers. The product owner defines the product in customer-centric terms (typically user stories), adds them to the Product Backlog, and prioritizes them based on importance and dependencies. A scrum team should have only one product owner (although a product owner could support more than one team). This role should not be combined with that of the scrum master. The product owner should focus on the business side of product development and spend the majority of their time liaising with stakeholders and the team. The product owner should not dictate how the team reaches a technical solution, but rather will seek consensus among the team members. This role is crucial and requires a deep understanding of both sides: the business and the engineers (developers) in the scrum team. Therefore a good product owner should be able to communicate what the business needs, ask why they need it (because there may be better ways to achieve that), and convey the message to all stakeholders including the Development Team using a technical language, as required. The Product Owner uses Scrums empirical tools to manage highly complex work, while controlling risk and achieving value.Communication is a core responsibility of the product owner. The ability to convey priorities and empathize with team members and stakeholders is vital to steer product development in the right direction. The product owner role bridges the communication gap between the team and its stakeholders, serving as a proxy for stakeholders to the team and as a team representative to the overall stakeholder community.As the face of the team to the stakeholders, the following are some of the communication tasks of the product owner to the stakeholders:Define and announce releases.Communicate delivery and team status.Share progress during governance meetings.Share significant RIDAs (risks, impediments, dependencies, and assumptions) with stakeholders.Negotiate priorities, scope, funding, and schedule.Ensure that the product backlog is visible, transparent and clear.Empathy is a key attribute for a product owner to havethe ability to put one's self in another's shoes. A product owner converses with different stakeholders, who have a variety of backgrounds, job roles, and objectives. A product owner must be able to see from these different points of view. To be effective, it is wise for a product owner to know the level of detail the audience needs. The development team needs thorough feedback and specifications so they can build a product up to expectation, while an executive sponsor may just need summaries of progress. Providing more information than necessary may lose stakeholder interest and waste time. A direct means of communication is the most preferred by seasoned agile product owners.A product owner's ability to communicate effectively is also enhanced by being skilled in techniques that identify stakeholder needs, negotiate priorities between stakeholder interests, and collaborate with developers to ensure effective implementation of requirements.WHAT TO EXPECT IN THIS COURSEThis course is for you if you are : IT professional looking for material to get prepared for the Scrum CertificationCurious and want to get a fundamental knowledge about the Scrum FrameworkWhat you'll get in these practice exams ? Challenge yourself and reinforce your scrum knowledge.Get prepared for the certification through real life practice examsReal life simulation of the exam conditions with 60 minutes for 80 questions.In this Professional Scrum Master I (PSM I) practice tests I've covered all topics you need to prepare your exam :The Theory of ScrumPillars of ScrumScrum Events Scrum ArtifactsScrum ValuesScrum RolesWhen you pass the PSM I certification you demonstrate your knowledge of Scrum. This certification is appreciated by different industries like software development. As stated by the creators of scrum, Scrum is easy to understand difficult to master. You must prepare carefully and focus on details of different edges of this framework to pass your exam from the first try. Please, when you're taking a practice exam, try to focus on details and respect the given time. This way you can simulate the real world exam conditions. ABOUT THE PROFESSIONAL SCRUM MASTER CERTIFICATION PSM I The official certification page at scrum (dot) org states : ""People who have passed PSM I, achieving certification, demonstrate a fundamental level of Scrum mastery. PSM I certificate holders prove that they understand Scrum as described in the Scrum Guide and how to apply Scrum in Scrum Teams.""According to the same source, ""the Professional Scrum MasterTM level I (PSM I) assessment is available to anyone who wishes to validate his or her depth of knowledge of the Scrum framework and its application. Those who pass the assessment will receive the industry recognized PSM I Certification to demonstrate their fundamental level of Scrum mastery"".DISCLAIMERThe terms Scrum Open, Professional Scrum, Professional Scrum Master, Professional Scrum Product Owner, PSM I, PSM 1, etc. represent the protected brand of Scrum (dot) org. The content of this course and the different practice tests are neither endorsed by, nor in partnership, nor affiliated with Scrum (dot) org.This list of practice tests is the final step in preparing your PSM I (Professional Scrum Master ).All terms containing the word ""guide"" like ""the Scrum Guide"" or ""The Guide"" refer to the official The Scrum Guide available online at scrumguides (dot) org.The statements made and opinions expressed herein belong exclusively to the creator of this course and are not shared by or represent the viewpoint of Scrum .org. This training does not constitute an endorsement of any product, service or point of view. Scrum .org makes no representations, warranties or assurances of any kind, express or implied, as to the completeness, accuracy, reliability, suitability, availability or currency of the content contained in this presentation or any material related to this presentation. In no event shall Scrum .org, its agents, officers, employees, licensees or affiliates be liable for any damages whatsoever (including, without limitation, damages for loss of profits, business information, loss of information) arising out of the information or statements contained in the training. Any reliance you place on such content is strictly at your own risk.Please Note : This set of Practice Tests is completely independent from the official certification site and the price of this practice tests course doesn't include the PSM I official exam price."
Price: 69.99

"Scrum Product Owner Certification PSPO I Exam Prep 2020" |
"WHAT IS SCRUMScrum is a framework based on the principles of transparency to all stakeholders along with continuous inspection and adaptation to changing conditions. These result in a methodology embracing change and promoting an environment where all members of the project team share an equal voice regarding how the application will deliver value to its users.Using Scrum requires people specific Scrum-roles, information describing the features and functions of the application, information needed to ensure that the workings of the project is transparent to everyone on the team, and processes that govern the operation of the project team.There are three types of roles internal to a Scrum team and one thats external. Internal roles are:Product ownerThe product owner, representing the product's stakeholders and the voice of the customer (or may represent the desires of a committee), is responsible for delivering good business results.Hence, the product owner is accountable for the product backlog and for maximizing the value that the team delivers. The product owner defines the product in customer-centric terms (typically user stories), adds them to the Product Backlog, and prioritizes them based on importance and dependencies. A scrum team should have only one product owner (although a product owner could support more than one team). This role should not be combined with that of the scrum master. The product owner should focus on the business side of product development and spend the majority of their time liaising with stakeholders and the team. The product owner should not dictate how the team reaches a technical solution, but rather will seek consensus among the team members. This role is crucial and requires a deep understanding of both sides: the business and the engineers (developers) in the scrum team. Therefore a good product owner should be able to communicate what the business needs, ask why they need it (because there may be better ways to achieve that), and convey the message to all stakeholders including the Development Team using a technical language, as required. The Product Owner uses Scrums empirical tools to manage highly complex work, while controlling risk and achieving value.Communication is a core responsibility of the product owner. The ability to convey priorities and empathize with team members and stakeholders is vital to steer product development in the right direction. The product owner role bridges the communication gap between the team and its stakeholders, serving as a proxy for stakeholders to the team and as a team representative to the overall stakeholder community.As the face of the team to the stakeholders, the following are some of the communication tasks of the product owner to the stakeholders:Define and announce releases.Communicate delivery and team status.Share progress during governance meetings.Share significant RIDAs (risks, impediments, dependencies, and assumptions) with stakeholders.Negotiate priorities, scope, funding, and schedule.Ensure that the product backlog is visible, transparent and clear.Empathy is a key attribute for a product owner to havethe ability to put one's self in another's shoes. A product owner converses with different stakeholders, who have a variety of backgrounds, job roles, and objectives. A product owner must be able to see from these different points of view. To be effective, it is wise for a product owner to know the level of detail the audience needs. The development team needs thorough feedback and specifications so they can build a product up to expectation, while an executive sponsor may just need summaries of progress. Providing more information than necessary may lose stakeholder interest and waste time. A direct means of communication is the most preferred by seasoned agile product owners.A product owner's ability to communicate effectively is also enhanced by being skilled in techniques that identify stakeholder needs, negotiate priorities between stakeholder interests, and collaborate with developers to ensure effective implementation of requirements.Scrum MasterThe primary goal of the Scrum Master is keep the Development team productive. The Scrum Master must lead by example and act as a servant-leader for the team, coaching them to make sure they understand and follow the Scrum process and that they operate in a collaborative and professional manner.From the perspective of the Product Owner the Scrum Master represents the Development team ensures that their issues, concerns, and roadblocks are taken into consideration by the Product Owner.Development TeamThe Development Team is responsible for delivering the product. The team is typically cross-functional in terms of expertise and experience and the team as a whole is accountable for the delivery and quality of the application.Development teams are also self-organizing. This means that the team, not the Product Owner or Scrum Master, are responsible for defining rules dictating how they work together. The Product Owner is responsible for defining the backlog of what needs to be accomplished, but the Development Team is responsible for defining how it is completed.There are no titles or sub-teams within the Development team. Members of the team may have different skills, specializations, and experience, but they all have a voice in the operation of the project and all contribute to the creation of the application.The Scrum Master and the Development Team are collectively referred to as the Scrum Team.The external role is that of the Business Owner. Although this is sometimes omitted in descriptions of the Scrum methodology, but it is nonetheless an important one. The Customer is the group or organization who is sponsoring the project and who will ultimately use it. The Business Owner represents the customer and is the source for application requirements.ABOUT THE PROFESSIONAL SCRUM PRODUCT OWNER CERTIFICATION PSPO I The official certification page at scrum (dot) org states : ""The Professional Scrum Product Owner level I (PSPO I) assessment is available to anyone who wishes to validate their knowledge of the Scrum framework and ability to support value creation and delivery. Those who pass the assessment will receive the industry recognized PSPO I Certification to demonstrate their mastery of the content.""According to the same source, people that have passed PSPO I and achieved certification demonstrate a fundamental understanding of the Scrum framework, and how to apply it to maximize the value delivered with a product. They exhibit a dedication to continued professional development, and a high level of commitment to their field of practice. Achieving PSPO I is the minimum demonstration of knowledge any Professional Scrum Product Owner should be able to make.DISCLAIMERThe terms Scrum Open, Professional Scrum, Professional Scrum Master, Professional Scrum Product Owner, PSPO I, PSPO 1, etc. represent the protected brand of Scrum (dot) org. The content of this course and the different practice tests are neither endorsed by, nor in partnership, nor affiliated with Scrum (dot) org.This list of practice tests is the final step in preparing your PSPO I (Professional Scrum Product Owner).All terms containing the word ""guide"" like ""the Scrum Guide"" or ""The Guide"" refer to the official The Scrum Guide available online at scrumguides (dot) org.The statements made and opinions expressed herein belong exclusively to the creator of this course and are not shared by or represent the viewpoint of Scrum .org. This training does not constitute an endorsement of any product, service or point of view. Scrum .org makes no representations, warranties or assurances of any kind, express or implied, as to the completeness, accuracy, reliability, suitability, availability or currency of the content contained in this presentation or any material related to this presentation. In no event shall Scrum .org, its agents, officers, employees, licensees or affiliates be liable for any damages whatsoever (including, without limitation, damages for loss of profits, business information, loss of information) arising out of the information or statements contained in the training. Any reliance you place on such content is strictly at your own risk.Please Note : This set of Practice Tests is completely independent from the official certification site and the price of this practice tests course doesn't include the PSPO I official exam price."
Price: 69.99

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