kshatracourse |
": , , . ( . ) , (, , . . - , ) : , . , /. . , .! . . . !"
Price: 1799.00

"Build an Instagram Bot with Java and Selenium" |
"In this course we're going to learn how to build an Instagram bot from scratch.We will learn more about the programming language Java and the Selenium test framework.The bot will give us information about followers and followings.Another feature the bot can do is unfollow the users that do not follow back.In the end it will be possible to scrape the likers of a posted image."
Price: 34.99

"Programao Scala: Introduo aos Fundamentos" |
"O curso busca introduzir os conceitos fundamentais da linguagem Scala permitindo ao concluinte do curso resolver problemas de computao utilizando a linguagem. O aluno aprender ferramentas poderosas da linguagem como pattern matching, try/cath e o for yield. Ao longo do curso o aluno ser desafiado atravs de exemplos e exerccios a pensar em solues de problemas propostos. "
Price: 19.99

from-prospects-to-customers-workshop |
". . . ."
Price: 279.99

"Crack That Goddamn Interview !" |
"Do you know the most important thing , which determines whether you get hired for your dream job or not ?It is the manner in which you exhibit the skills , experience & vision which you already possess. People generally possess a lot of knowledge & expertise in their respective fields, but they just don't understand one simple thing. Learning , understanding & even updating about a subject is one thing, while learning to effectively communicate is totally the other. Attend 35 minutes of this course to discover the innovative ways to reply to some of the most asked questions in any interview. I am absolutely confident, that you are going to add a lot in your ability to communicate your skills during any goddamn interview, after attending this course. Plus, there is an e-book summarizing all the contents told to you in the course as well. Your improvement is my sole objective, because I firmly believe, that we all deserve the best rewards for our efforts."
Price: 49.99

"Git et Github pour les nuls" |
"Bienvenue dans cette formation Git et Github pour les nuls !Je suis Tiffany Lestroubac, 28 ans et ingnieur en dveloppement informatique. Je serai votre formatrice tout au long de ce cours.Tout le monde doit bien dbuter un jour, cette formation sadresse donc toi, si tu es dveloppeur et que tu veux passer la vitesse suprieure avec Git ou si tout simplement Git et Github tintresse.Au cours de cette formation, nous verrons comment installer Git et le configurer. Nous apprendrons les commandes de base de Git et Github, et comment les utiliser au mieux.Ces deux outils sont devenus incontournables dans le monde du dveloppement et leur connaissance vous sera demand dans presque toutes les entreprises ou vous postulerez. Il est donc temps de vous y mettre et booster votre CV.La formation est compose de vidos explicatives, de screensharing (utilisation de git en partage dcran), et de quiz pour que vous puissiez apprendre de manire simple utiliser votre nouvel ami Git.Ne vous en faites pas Git et Github sont totalement gratuits et tu pourras donc reproduire au fur et mesure ce que je fais sur mon cran pour une meilleur maitrise.QUI SUIS-JE ?Ingnieur informatique de formation, je suis passionne par le dveloppement depuis ma tendre enfance. Jai travaill autant pour des grands groupes que pour des petits clients. Je suis galement mentor, professeur, et valuatrice pour lcole Openclassrooms. Je donne aussi des formations pour Mon Compte Formation , programme de formation de ltat financ 100%.Jaime partager ma passion et jespre que ma formation vous plaira !MES FORMATIONSCar la thorie, nest rien sans la pratique, cette formation est conue pour que vous puissiez reproduire chaque instant les exercices que je vous propose"
Price: 19.99

"The cbd business" |
"We will take you through a journey of setting up a CBD business which will create you revenue immediately. The revenue you build will depend on how much time and resources you have to invest. In this ever growing industry, its a great time to be apart of the CBD world. We will give you insights, hacks and remove all the hurdles we have learnt over the past 5 years within the industry. These skills can be applied to any business. The most important part, we will help you with the correct mindset to approach each part of the business.Course structure:2+ hours of Video lectures 12 Quizzes 1 Assignment "
Price: 99.99

"Music Theory: Fundamentals" |
"Welcome to Music Theory: Fundamentals- Part 1!In this course, you'll learn about the foundational building blocks of Music Theory! I've broken down each section step by step so that anyone looking to get started in music can follow along. I wanted to make an in-depth music theory course that's easy to follow (and at the fraction of the cost of a college course!) You'll see that in this course, I break down each topic into modern and relatable terms. I'll encourage you to find your own musical voice without zooming on to the next subject. I'm adamant about practicing and using real life examples so that connecting the dots and understanding the bigger picture becomes much easier!Music Theory: Fundamentals- Part 1 is a great introduction:for the student without any musical knowledge but interested and open to learning new concepts.for the skilled musician looking to frame what they might already know in a structured way.This class is great for anyone and everyone!This class specifically touches on the first concepts of most basic or intro music theory courses! This is Part 1 of my Music Theory: Fundamentals series.The Overarching topics included in Part 1 are:The Musical AlphabetThe StaffThe KeyboardNotes and DurationMeterDynamics and Tempoand you'll learn so much more! Treble Clef, Bass Clef, Grand Staff, Alto and Tenor Clefs, Ledger Lines, White Keys, Black Keys, Half Steps, Whole Steps, Accidentals, Note and Rest Divisions/ Subdivisions, Time Signatures, Dynamics, Tempo....and so on!We'll also cover the benefits of using Staff Paper vs. using a Notation Software!As a student, you will have access to:Over 3.5 Hours of Lesson Videos21 Downloadable Files*These Include:Comprehensive Review Sheets that summarize the important topics of each sectionLesson Specific Practice Sheets along with answer keys for eachBlank Staff Paper for you to practice writing withI'm excited for you to get started! Remember, take your time with these music theory fundamentals and by the end of the course, you'll have a solid understanding of the first foundational topics of music. There's so much to learn, but I hope you're looking forward to jumping in! I'll see you in the course!"
Price: 34.99

"Exam MS-700: Managing Microsoft Teams Questions & Answers" |
"Preparing for Exam MS-700: Managing Microsoft Teams? Great, I'm here to help you pass it EASILY!I collected 94 questions that most frequently appeared on latest Exam MS-700: Managing Microsoft. For every question, I provided exactly the same possible answers that you'll have on real exam, and the correct answer(s). Also I added explanation on why that answer is correct, and this is for those who want to learn more. Explanation is either textual, or link to the relevant page on which you can see why that particular answer is correct, or both.I collected these questions while I was preparing myself for Exam MS-700: Managing Microsoft Teams. Literally I only knew answers to these, and I passed from the first try. Here are some of my experiences from when I took the exam:On Exam MS-700: Managing Microsoft Teams, there were 48 questionsI had 3 hours to finish (finished in 1.5 hours)I needed 700 points to pass (had 843)Exam costs $165 USD (September 2020.), but price may vary if you are not from the USA.I had yes/no questions, single choice, multiple choice and scenario questions (exactly the same ones as I'm giving you in this course)"
Price: 24.99

"Industrial Safety Processes" |
"Industrial Safety Practices covers 21 topics relevant to occupational health and safety practice in industrial environments. Topics include safety by design, woodworking, welding, heavy vehicles, confined spaces, working at heights and other key activities. Industrial Safety Processes is designed to provide solid background information for both new and experienced OHS professionals. It is modeled after reference material required for various North American OHS certifications: CRSP, CRST, and CST. While is it is not an exam prep course, Industrial Safety Processes is usually taken by students to increase their chance of being successful in those examinations. It is also commonly taken by new OHS professionals or non-OHS personnel to become rapidly familiar with best practices in managing health and safety issues relating to industrial and construction activities."
Price: 149.99

"Certified Kubernetes Administrator CKA practice exams 2021" |
"100% Made in ItalyPass the exam on the first try ! don't waste your money paying retake Latest Exam QuestionsIncluded in this Certified Kubernetes Administrator Practice Test course:- practice tests with real exam questions Total Questions : 110+Type of Questions : Multiple choiceDuration : 200 min Passing Score : 7030-day money-back guaranteed if you are not satisfied with the quality of this course for any reason!7/24 support from Q&AFeel free to join me on linkedin Marco Bambili"
Price: 19.99

"Natural Light Done Right" |
"This practical course will teach you what makes a great food photo and how to achieve it from beginning to end. I've got you covered from using your phone to your DSLR using actionable techniques to transform flat, lifeless images into captivating photos that impress. Hello and welcome!I hope that you're as eager as I am about learning new techniques and improving your food photography. Photography is definitely a journey, and I want you to be patient with yourself with wherever you are. I've tried to cover all areas so that no one is left behind, and the more seasoned photographers still have room to learn and grow.There is a popular quote that is so true:Knowledge is power but knowledge without action is uselessAnd that's so true of photography! You need to apply and practice what you learn here in this course. The more you practice, the easier it will become.How to make the most of my course, in the fastest possible way. Beginners should start with Section 1, if you are intermediate, you can skip until Section 3.Section1: We will talk about camera gear and accessories used in food photography. I will discuss camera bodies, give my recommendations on different lenses, tripods, and accessories. I will explain how to make the most of your mobile camera too. This course is designed for anyone with a camera, so it's important to start taking photo's with whatever camera you have!Section 2: This is for absolute beginners, or photographers using automatic mode on their camera's up until now. I will go through the basics of how camera exposure works so that you understand it, but you do not need to know every technical aspect of photography. I will show you the essentials. We will cover -ExposureWhite balanceCamera AnglesShutter speedsRAW vs JPGWhere to focus in the scene11 ways to create depth in your imagesSection 3: We will look at all the aspects that make up a good food image. I'll also show you how to read food images. This is really an important skill to have. It will help you to understand what you like in an image, and how you can recreate it in your own work.Section 4: In this section, we will look at how natural light behaves and it's characteristics. I include one of my biggest takeaways from this course - What to STOP doing and what to START doing to dramatically improve your images. We're going to cover the directions of light and how we determine which one to use, and why. We will talk about your light source - ie window/door/outdoors as we are working with natural daylight, and how to modify and shape the light with bought modifiers, or using things that you have at home. There are 3 behind the scenes videos showing the set up using the different directions of light.Section 5: How are different moods created? We will look at what makes up a dark & moody image and a light & airy image. We will also look at the differences between hard and soft light, and how to create them. Section 6: We will look at simple editing techniques in Lightroom & Photoshop. It's nothing advanced or too fancy, just enough to really bring out the best in your images. I've filmed an easy video of how to make a composite in Photoshop (Join 2 photos together) and included PDF's of the most commonly used shortcut keys in Photoshop to make editing quicker. I'll also show you how to get rid of colour casts in Lightroom.Who is your instructor?Jacqui Nightscales is a South African food photographer living in Dubai.Being a professional photographer for almost 20 years, she has years of experience in both private and commercial photography.Apart from a full-time photography business, it is her mission is to inspire people to create food images that they're proud of, and to transform their photography journey to an enriching and successful one.The highlights of this course include: All techniques are applicable whether shooting with your phone or DSLRNail Manual Mode so you can shoot confidentlyTroubleshoot all reasons that you could be getting BLEH photosDiscover my top tips to STOP doing & START doing to change your photos TODAYUnderstand how to recreate an image that you really likeLearn how to edit your images to make them POP3 behind the scenes videos from real shootsStart immediately and learn at your own paceAll course content is downloadable.You're 100% protected by a 30 day money back guarantee. Take the course for a test drive, put everything to work, and see how it works for YOU specifically. If at any time you feel that you didn't get the results that you expected, just let us know and you will be refunded, no questions asked. Sound fair?FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONSI've got A's for your Q'sDoes it matter if I'm new to food photography?Nope! If you're just getting started, I think this is the best way to start learning. You'll learn a ton about light, tips and tricks for styling your scene, and how to edit your images afterwards.How do I know it's for me?Do you love food photography? Then it's for you. I've seen absolute beginners get gorgeous images, and more seasoned photographers understand the difference it makes when you light a scene correctly.What happens if I already know the basics? Will I still learn a lot?If you are here, it means that you are still struggling with natural light. I will clear up any doubts and get you on your way to taking stellar images.What gear will I need?You only need a camera. Your phone camera or a DSLR. Everything else is optional. I recommend having a tripod but you can shoot free-hand. All light modifiers can be made using things around the home, or cheap alternatives will be suggested to help you to shape the light.What if I don't use Lightroom/Photoshop?I will tell you about other free software that you can install on your phone to edit your images from there.How long will the course take to complete?You can watch the entire course in one day, but you will need to practice to truly grasp what you've learnt. Knowledge is not power. Action is power. You must apply what you've learnt.So the Real Question Is... Is it worth gambling a few minutes of your time to check this out?Even if it only does HALF of what I've claimed today, it will pay for itself as soon as you'll start to see real results faster than you ever dreamed possible.Ready to grow?Let's get started"
Price: 29.99

"yatrmc-profesyonellere mteahhitlerle ilgili tavsiyeler" |
"naat sektr, mteahhit firmalar, inaat projeleri hakknda farkndalmz arttracazProjelerin tm srelerini greceizDnyada zel ve kamu tm iverenlerin mteahhit seerkenki kriterlerini reneceiz.hale almalarnn etaplarnn, dikkat edilmesi gereken konularn zerinde duracaz.Mteahhitlik szlemelerinin yaps ve tercih edilen normlar hakknda bilgi sahibi olacaz.Gelen teklifleri deerlendirirken lkemizde dikkat edilmesi gereken hususlarn altn izeceiz."
Price: 409.99

"How to Create A Robot-Friendly Resume for Online Job Search" |
"This course covers the wide spectrum of job application processes with special focus on creating a resume that is compliant with the Applicant Tracking System (ATS) and other digital candidates ranking system. The main objective of the course is to arm job seekers with information to create captivating resumes that would guarantee selection by the ATS. The course takes a cursory look at the changing nature of recruitment processes and highlights the pre-application preparations required to create a digitally focused resume. The course also brings to the fore the various skillsets needed by candidates to gain the leading edge, including hard, soft and ""plus"" skills as well as where and how to acquire them. Moreover, the course succinctly presents the personal-branding concept and how candidates can leverage this to stand out. As a bonus, the course presents implementable tips on creating compelling profile on LinkedIn."
Price: 19.99

"How to Cook the Real Spanish Paella!" |
"In this course, you will learn all the tips and tricks to cook the best Paella ever with only 1 hour and a half. And the best of all is that no previous experience is required! Enroll in this course, get introduced into Spanish cuisine, and I promise that you will learn a set of skills that you won't regret.I developed this course with the intention to allow people to eat a good paella, since if you visit our country, most restaurants will be tourist traps and simply sell frozen paellas at ridiculous prices. So my idea was to give some knowledge to the community, so everyone can enjoy and master this awesome dish! On top of that, it will allow you to be the best host. You will impress all your friends and family thanks to this dish.PS: The shown recipe is intended for 4 people, but you can do it for as many as you want! (You will only need a bigger pan)"
Price: 19.99

"Pilates - A Beginners Guide" |
"Bring strength into your day by utilising these programs. Whether you are able to move freely, Looking to get stronger or Add a mobility / stretching sequence pattern into your current training program, You will find plenty of easy to follow routines and tips on how to use exercises that suit you and your body."
Price: 19.99

"SEO para Criao de Contedo" |
"Se voc deseja crescer a audincia do seu site na internet, ento seja bem-vindo a este curso.Aqui voc ver tcnicas de criao de contedo, explicadas de maneira super fcil para que voc aplique e conquiste de verdade uma autoridade dentro da internet.Seja para pessoas ou negcios, este um curso dinmico que vai te ajudar muito. Isso porque contm os insights de SEO que alavancam seus contedos, artigos e produtos, fazendo eles aparecerem nas buscas orgnicas do Google."
Price: 369.99

"Direitos autorais e plataformas digitais" |
"Aprenda o segredo das grandes produtoras e dos artistas que mais ganham dinheiro no mercado fonogrfico. Aulas simples e objetivas onde compartilho todo meu aprendizado ao longo de 4 anos nesse mercado, com rendimentos que somam 1.5mi de reais , dezenas de carreiras de sucesso entre outras conquistas possveis a quem compreende esse mercado."
Price: 54.99

"Cmo Conversar con Desconocidos para iniciar una relacin." |
"Bienvenido al curso! En ste curso aprenders a iniciar, desarrollar y cerrar conversaciones con personas desconocidas, para iniciar algn tipo de relacin ya sea personal, profesional o de negocios. Todo esto a travs de la utilizacin de la comunicacin persuasiva.Aprenders:El poder que tienen tus conversaciones para relacionarte.Generar objetivos con tus conversaciones.Tomar la iniciativa para conversar con desconocidos. Que decir, cmo decirlo, cmo acercarnos y generar conexiones inmediatas.Los lugares recomendables para iniciar una conversacin segn el tipo de relacin a iniciar. Ya sea personal, profesional o de negocios.Conocers lo que es la comunicacin persuasiva y cmo aplicarla en tus conversaciones.Las etapas de una conversacin.Estructurar mensajes de acercamiento.Cmo lidiar con los rechazos.Conocer el poder de los vnculos, identificarlos y como adentrase a ellos durante la conversacin.Evitar los silencios incmodos.Conocers lo temas favorables de conversacin.Por qu, cmo y en qu momento terminar tus conversaciones.Tcnicas de cierre de conversaciones.Crear conversaciones adictivas y que los dems quieran ms de ellas.Elevar tu confianza para dar el paso inicial a cualquier tipo conversacin.Saber que no necesitas ser un gran conversador para relacionarte, ms que t mismo.Y cmo aplicar stas tcnicas en tu da a da.Todo esto a travs de ciertos principios, tcnicas y estrategias respaldadas cientficamente, que se desarrollarn de manera muy sencilla y prctica, dejando un poco de lado la pesada teora.Al terminar el curso sers capaz de conversar con desconocidos y conocidos como si fueras todo un experto, y podrs abrirte muchas puertas en lo personal, en lo profesional y tambin en los negocios, conociendo a muchas personas que pueden cambiar por completo tu vida, as como tomar la responsabilidad y la iniciativa de traerlas a tu vida y no solo esperar a que suceda. Descubre el poder de las conversaciones!Atreve a dominar esta poderosa herramienta que puede cambiar tu vida por completo!"
Price: 79.99

"Hello, Newman Storytelling Email Training" |
"People are looking for someone who will be real with them today. Sharing your story will help you keep the customers you've earned and help you to hop off the hamster wheel of finding new traffic sources to replace the people that have drifted off your list.It's Time To STOP getting new customers and learn to Keep The Ones You HaveLearning how to get your audience to know, like and trust you can be gleaned from a hit show from the 90's....I'll show you how...Stop investing your money in solo ads, Facebook ads, Google ads, even Pinterest ads....and make use of the great list of people who already have some attachment to you...It doesn't matter if you are a plumber, a lawn care company, a dentist, whatever you are you need an email list to stay connected and keep connected to your customers or clients or prospects. Hello, Newman Storytelling Email Training will teach you very practical, step by step methods to get up and running with an Email Service Provider (yeah, we teach you what that is and how to get one and use one for free), and then six in-depth ways to learn how to create stories to keep your list engaged.Storytelling has kept people connected for eons....the internet hasn't changed that...if anything it has made story more important today...connect with Hello, Newman Storytelling Email Training today."
Price: 99.99

"The most innovative magic tricks in the world" |
"""The most innovative magic course in the world.""That will make you a professional in the field of ""street magic"".In addition you will get social values and abilities in almost any situation.Your self-confidence will increase insanely, people will always want to bearound you and get your attention, it will improve your social status.you will be able to break the ice during business meetings and dating.All the tricks are performed with things that you encounter on a daily basis:cards, coins, smartphones, bills, straws, bottles, pens and many other things.You can do the tricks anywhere, anytime."
Price: 29.99

Negotiateen |
"Cuando nos encontramos en procesos de negociacin y detectamos que, por algn extrao motivo, caminamos hacia el bloqueo, nos sentimos intimidados o tenemos la sospecha de que nos quieren engaar, es posible que estemos cayendo en la trampa de una tctica empleada por la otra parte. A menudo, las tcticas son evitables y se pueden combatir antes de que conduzcan hacia el fracaso.En este curso, a travs de la analoga de las actitudes que muestran de forma natural nios y adolescentes, repasamos 12 tcticas que podemos encontrar y combatir en negociaciones en las que adultos se comportan como nios."
Price: 19.99

"The Complete Investor Bootcamp" |
"What are your financial goals?Do you want to supplement your traditional income?Are you planning for an early retirement?And ultimately, do you strive for financial freedom?On the way to achieving financial success, there are very few things that are as important as an in-depth understanding of where and how to invest.Dont leave your cash sitting in the bank just because the stock market feels too sophisticated.Whilst investment manager and mutual fund fees can be very expensive at times, you shouldnt let this stand in your way.To get ahead of the game, you can now learn how to invest on your own. Become a prepared investor who understands how the stock market functions.You dont need to be an expert in the field of finance. This course will help you unravel the defining concepts of financial markets, right from the get-go. You will learn about value investing and how to measure the performance of stocks, indexes, mutual funds, and ETFs.We will explain different risk measures, and you will get to know how to be a disciplined investor who is aware of the underlying volatility on the market. That way, you will be better able to earn a living with none of the guessing games and uncertainty.Put your resources to work and get a clear idea of what kind of investments are available to you today.This course aims at developing your financial skills and aptitude. The key thing to remember is that there is no magic bullet for making six- and seven-figure profits overnight. This isnt realistic and you should not trust anyone promising you such outcomes. Its all about governing your money properly!What we will do together is cover some very important topics that will build a solid foundation for becoming knowledgeable enough to invest in the stock market. Using your own analysis and forming your own ideas are two of the main skills you will acquire along the way.In this course, you will also learn how to:- Download financial data and interpret the data available in different financial sources- Calculate rates of return and volatility measures- Understand the concepts of correlation and diversification- Interpret the Modern Portfolio Theory and use the Capital asset pricing model to determine expected return on equity in stock valuation models- Build the efficient frontier in Excel- Calculate the Sharpe and Treynor ratios, as well as indicators like M2 and Jensens alpha- Distinguish between public and private equity securities- Compute the intrinsic value of a stock using the Dividend discount model- Use the industry life cycle model- Define primary and secondary markets- Calculate and interpret the value, price, and total return of an index- Contrast the different weighting methods used in index construction- Characterize behavioral finance and its relevance to understanding market anomalies- Review the principles of technical analysis, and examine common chart patterns- Describe the different types of investors, and consider the various aspects of the asset management industryDont forget that the course comes with Udemys 30-day unconditional, money-back-in-full guarantee. And why not give such a guarantee, when we are sure the course will provide tons of value for you?Go ahead and subscribe now! Acquire these skills and leap at the opportunity to set yourself apart from the crowd. Take no chances when planning for your future! Let's start learning together today!"
Price: 199.99

"Microsoft Windows 10 MD-100 Exam Prep - Like A Boss" |
"Looking to take that crucial first step towards the Microsoft 365 Certified: Modern Desktop Administrator certification? Hoping to get the best value for your educational (and career) investment? And, are you hoping to enhance your chances for exam success by practicing with Microsoft's Official practice test?If so, you've come to the right place. In this course on deploying and configuring Windows 10, Microsoft Certified Trainer and bestselling instructor Brian Culp delivers an efficient and timely overview of the skills and knowledge you'll need to pass the MD-100 exam.Here's what Like a Boss certification students have to say:""I've completed my AZ-900 certification after completing your Azure Fundamentals Beta program. Thanks so much for the practice test... It really helped a lot. Thanks again. Kind regards, Callum."" - Callum Davies""It was simple fantastic... This course could saved me a lot of time trying to get all the concepts in an understandable way. Easy to follow and the best approach possible. Now, all I can say is thank you. Please do not quit doing these courses, you have a gift in the way of teaching that can be found only 1 between million."" - Jose Alcazar LuqueThe MD-100 will serve as the foundation for validating your skills with the operating system platform used by over 95% of Fortune 500 companies. It is the first step towards more advanced (and more career-enhancing) certifications in the Microsoft 365 Certification Track like Teams Admin Associate, Security Admin Associate, and Enterprise Administrator Expert. (Check out free preview lesson #2 for more details.)Here's what's included:over 5 hours of video instruction, with lots of hands on exercises using the Azure Admin PortalReview quizzes to reinforce learningseveral downloadable handouts to help gide you along your path to certification, and best of all-1 official Microsoft-approved practice exam (delivered through a partnership with MeasureUp) that's available through the Like A Boss companion website* - you'll know exactly where you stand going into test day.Brian has been teaching people about Microsoft solutions for over 15 years, and some of his content has been selected by Microsoft as their official training for Office 365 Admins. Now, he brings that same expertise to some of Udemy's highest-rated and best-selling courses. There's a reason for the thousands of five-star reviews.""Excellent content! Just what I was looking for to enhance productivity at the office."" -Paige Popejoy""Great personality and explained things well. Felt like he was at my desk explaining it to me."" -William Potts""I can't believe how much I learned. The instructor is great and the lessons were so easy to follow."" Sherie L.Microsoft 365 Certifications can make you a lot more valuable in emerging market for Information Technology talent as companies all over the world hire - and compete for - Windows and Azure and expertise.As always, you get ongoing support, and you're always covered by Udemy's refund policy. Enroll now, get certified, and start your path towards Azure expertise. See you in class!*details about the MeasureUp practice exam add-on are included in the course Welcome email."
Price: 189.99

"Financial Analysis: Financial Statements & Accounting Ratios" |
"To be able to analyze a company's performance is one of the most fundamental skills in the business world. And let's face it, it is not easy. It requires a deep understanding of shareholder expectations, profitability, liquidity, risk management, and operating efficiency. This course is meant to teach this complex analysis in the easiest possible way! You do not need any accounting or finance background to start. By the end of this course, you will be able to explore a company's financial statements, understand key ratios, and compare companies on 'like with like' parameters.Who should take this course:Accounting and Finance StudentsBusiness StudentsAspiring AccountantsProfessionals EntrepreneursBusiness Owners InvestorsStartup foundersPrerequisite: This course starts from zero, no background knowledge is required to start learning in this course. Even 12 years old can learn Financial Analysis in this course. Money-Back Guarantee: Nothing to lose! If you will not be satisfied with the course, Udemy offers 30 days money-back guarantee! Introduction to the teacher:Chartered Accountant 12 years of work experience 12 years of teaching experience as visiting faculty PwC alumniI am a Certified Chartered Accountant (ACCA) from the UK with 12 years of professional work and teaching experience and have taught more than 4,000 students in class and 100,000+ students on Udemy!"
Price: 149.99

"Autodesk Revit Practice Tests" |
"This set of practice tests its designed to challenge your Revit Architectural, Structural and General BIM knowledge to get confortable with the modeling processes.Take this exams as a referal to find oportunity areas for your modeling knowledgeBIM it's now on a second digital revolution where communication skills and programming would create a different value to construction and infrawstructure BIM projects, the core stream would be reflected in responses and computer analysis rather than handmade models. The materials and the access to the course is for lifetime, Mark the topics you already new and review the unknown materials so the course tracking can follow your preferences and more related courses can come to production. Go at your own pace, jump between sections for certain topics, and make as many questions as you feel . Be the first to know of future courses regarding BIM, take advantages of all the opportunities that may appear and use it to improve your work performance and get better job positions"
Price: 39.99

"Autodesk Revit Dynamo 2.0 Tests" |
"This set of practice tests its designed to challenge your dynamo knowledge and help you to get confortable with the coding process.Take this exams as a referal to find oportunity areas for your coding skillsBIM it's now on a second digital revolution where communication skills and programming would create a different value to construction and infrawstructure BIM projects, the core stream would be reflected in responses and computer analysis rather than handmade models. The materials and the access to the course is for lifetime, Mark the topics you already new and review the unknown materials so the course tracking can follow your preferences and more related courses can come to production. This exams would be redesign each 6 months to mantain accuracy and versioning processes, and would set a checkpoint for furter exams and courses.Go at your own pace, jump between sections for certain topics, and make as many questions as you feel . Be the first to know of future courses regarding BIM, take advantages of all the opportunities that may appear and use it to improve your work performance and get better job positions"
Price: 39.99

"Quantity Takeoffs from Autodesk Revit" |
"This course its designed to teach you how to extract quantity takeoffs from Revit 2019 so you analyze the quantity methods proposed, create calculated values, add shared parameters, and sort properly quantity schedules Its an incredible opportunity required for the course of Value Engineering and a must for Site use of BIM models.BIM is now on a second digital revolution where communication skills and programming would create a different value to construction and infrastructure BIM projects, the core stream would be reflected in responses and computer analysis rather than handmade models.We will review several samples, set a complete recommended scheme for shared parameters and quantities, review some workflows using Revit 2019 On this course we will ground concepts for a practical use of quantities to excel documents and for databases so we can communicate with the computer and its capabilities would reflect those results.Communication is the core competence require for a fluent BIM Coordination, so quantities would speed up the process of contracts, requests for construction and procurement documents.This course complements with other courses such as Modeling for Revit, Value Engineering and Tracking, and it willalso set a new requirement for future courses using Revit Models with other workflows. Go at your own pace, jump between sections and enjoy a lifetime access of contentAlso, we have a direct response for any topic listed, so we can improve the content. Be the first to know of future courses regarding BIM, take advantage of all the opportunities that may appear and use it to improve your work performance and get better job positions."
Price: 49.99

"Dynamo Complete" |
"This course its designed for teaching you how to create geometries on Dynamo and insert them on Autodesk Revit 2018. BIM its on a deep expansion for the AEC (Architecture, Engineering and Construction) Industry so each time more and more projects are developed over this methodology changing the quality standards for construction and design. This time we have reach a limit on how to model things, Revit cant use Curves, and Surface the way Rhinoceros or Alias can. Dynamo is no part of Revit 2018, to increase capabilities of the software and give to users a complete approach on complete model generation, with the advantages of BIM, having a model with information relevant to design and construction. The course is divided in 3 Parts, Basics of Dynamo, Geometry uses and how everything interacts with Revit, so either you pick elements from revit and complement in Dynamo or viceversa. This course goes from scratch showing most common functions, allowing you to learn by necessity, so It wont review all tools just the basic ones so you can start running on dynamo and learning by practice Its not a Dynamo Course since it will not cover all tools and processes but certainly it would teach you geometry use. It complements with the BIM Dynamo for Analysis. The course has 4 review exercises directly involved with dynamo script creation, as well as I recommend you to recreate the lessons in dynamo. The materials include the scripts saw on the course plus the Custom Nodes created specifically for it. Are you tired of taking courses that go to fast with a lot of content? Dont worry go at your own pace, jump between sections for certain topics, the access is for lifetime. Also, we have a direct response for any topic listed, so we can improve the content. Be the first to know of future courses regarding BIM, take advantage of all the opportunities that may appear and use it to improve your work performance and get better job positions."
Price: 199.99

"BIM Infrastructure Anchors from Civil 3d to RVT" |
"This course explores and teaches you practical BIM uses of Dynamo with Civil 3d and Revit, specifically for land work arounds.It has some elements of Dynamo Player and basical concepts to understand about Civil 3d and Revit 2018.Its an incredible opportunity to explore posibilities and extend BIMresponces for Civil Engineering.BIM is now on a second digital revolution where communication skills and programming would create a different value to construction and infrastructure BIM projects, the core stream would be reflected in responses and computer analysis rather than handmade models.This course its another one required when you are refering to site work and topography manipulation.We will start form a topography file on civil 3d and start using functions to develop a deep knowledge on the process required to place Anchors over surfaceCommunication is the core competence require for a fluent BIM Coordination, and I do believe that generative design would shorten and improve the BIM adoption rate on design processes, so we are talking on a quantum leap to coordinate with construction and engineering systems.This course complements with other courses such as Dynamo Basic Modeling, Mastering Geometry with Dynamo, and it willalso set a new requirement for future coursesThe course has several sample scripts to follow up so then you can do your own, and also includes all references, scripts and sample values reflected.Go at your own pace, jump between sections and enjoy a lifetime access of contentAlso, we have a direct response for any topic listed, so we can improve the content. Be the first to know of future courses regarding BIM, take advantage of all the opportunities that may appear and use it to improve your work performance and get better job positions."
Price: 54.99

"BIM Document Creation Processes With Revit 2020 with Dynamo" |
"This course is the second of a series of new developments towards bringing Dynamo as main platform tool on BIM processes for any type of project.Dynamo its expanding on Autodesk Softwares, its now available on Civil 3d, Formit, Alias, and Advanced Steel, and as far as I had reasearch posibilities still remain endless so next series of courses would explore the limits of Dynamo for all users on several workflows.Overviewing a Revit model depends every time on the views enable and the characteristics that define the elements visible, its a complete process to do it properly and transform information and elements into readable data values.This is an incredible opportunity to get access to workflows for Schedules, Drafting Views, Blueprints and Query Documents, on an easy way that can finally accelerate production documents.This course its designed for Middle Dynamo Users so they can create with the Practical BIM Nodes and jump into customize the scripts the way they need it This course its a recommended first step with no prerequisites but can be complemented with Revit Basic Modeling, Parametric Families Modeling, Dynamo geometry and Dynamo Analysis, and it would be a prerequisite for future courses of DynamoDynamo its been used all over the world for speeding up Revit Models, Enabling impossible modeling, Project Management, QTOS and Documents, and to set around workflows between different types.Unravel your full potential for Modeling and Programming and enjoy at any time the freedom of posibilities to make technology work the way you need it to.Take advantage of posting questions, and join on all channels to be uptodate for all the amazing posibilities that in any time can transform your way of working, to change it forever"
Price: 44.99
