cfasec_3 |
"CFALevel 2Level 3top down CFACFA10: : : : : : : : : : : CFA !!"
Price: 600.00

cfasub67 |
"CFACFA: : : : : : : : : : : CFA !!"
Price: 600.00

"Academia Minecraft Education Edition para Educadores" |
"Minecraft: Education Edition uma plataforma de aprendizagem baseada em jogos que oferece aos educadores uma maneira transformadora de envolver os alunos no uso do Minecraft e despertar sua paixo pelo aprendizado!Oferece recursos especiais para educadores, como tutoriais fceis, ferramentas de gerenciamento de sala de aula, inscrio segura, colaborao em sala de aula e toneladas de exemplos de aulas, alm de uma rede global de mentores e suporte tcnico.Os educadores esto usando o Minecraft: Education Edition para ensinar uma variedade de assuntos, desde histria e qumica at sustentabilidade e lnguas estrangeiras, e podem mapear as aulas diretamente para resultados de aprendizagem especficos e padres curriculares.Minecraft: Education Edition ajuda a preparar os alunos para o seu futuro trabalho, desenvolvendo habilidades como colaborao, comunicao, pensamento crtico e pensamento sistmico por meio de metodologias ativas. O ambiente de aprendizagem aberto d aos alunos a liberdade de experimentar, incentivando a autoexpresso criativa e a resoluo de problemas.Este curso foi desenvolvido para orientar os educadores a experimentar como o Minecraft: Education Edition oferece suporte ao aprendizado alinhado aos padres e fornece planos de aula e mundos para comear no jogo. Esses planos de aula podem ser usados para fornecer ideias sobre como o Minecraft: Education Edition pode oferecer suporte a resultados de aprendizagem especficos. Eles tambm podem ser modificados e ajustados para garantir a relevncia para seus alunos de maneiras que no seriam possveis de outra forma.Exploraremos como o Minecraft: Education Edition oferece suporte ao ensino e aprendizagem por meio de uma interface que permite a avaliao e o feedback do conhecimento do contedo e das habilidades do sculo 21 por educadores e alunos."
Price: 489.99

"Facebook Marketing Masterclass - lerne alles ber Facebook" |
"Wrdest du gerne ein Facebook Marketing Profi werden? Oder mchtest du dir ein ortsunabhngiges Online Business mit Hilfe von Facebook aufbauen? Dann ist dieser Kurs genau das richtige fr dich.In diesem Kurs zeige ich dir Schritt fr Schritt wie du profitables Facebook Marketing betreiben wirst. Du lernst alles von Anfang an und brauchst auch keine Vorkenntnisse in Online Marketing oder Facebook fr diesen Kurs.Was genau sind aber die Inhalte mit denen wir uns in diesem Kurs beschftigen wollen:1. Aufbau einer eigenen profitablen Facebook Seite. Was ist eigentlich der Unterschied zwischen einer Facebook Seite und einem Facebook Profil? In diesem Teil werde ich auf die Unterschiede von einer Facebook Seite zu einem Facebook Profil eingehen. Ich werde dir zeigen was du bei der Erstellung deiner Facebookseite beachten musst. Was du fr Informationen hinterlegen musst damit deine Facebookseite in den Suchmaschinen besser gefunden wird. Ebenfalls werden wir uns mit Content Strategien und Posting Plnen fr Facebook beschftigen. Wie du mehr Reichweite Organisch aufbauen kannst und deine Seite skalieren wirst.2. Facebook Werbeanzeigen erstellen. Du wirst hier lernen wie du erfolgreiche Facebook Werbeanzeigen erstellen wirst. Wir werden uns mit den Unterschiedlichen Mglichkeiten einer Anzeige beschftigen. Ich werde dir auch noch zeigen wie du Instagram Werbeanzeigen erstellen wirst um damit deine Zielgruppe zu erreichen. Wir werden uns mit der Analyse deiner Zielgruppen beschftigen und ich werde dir ein paar Hilfreich Tools mit an die Hand geben die zu deinem Erfolg als Werbeanzeigenmanager beitragen werden.Ebenso werden wir auf das Tracking deiner Facebook Werbeanzeigen eingehen. Wie du ein Facebook Pixel erstellst und dieses auf deiner Website einsetzen wirst.3. Facebook Gruppenmarketing. Ich werde dir erklren wie du erfolgreiches Facebook Gruppenmarketing betreiben wirst. Auf was du beim Posten achten musst, und welche Posting und Content Strategien du dafr verwenden kannst. Auerdem werden wir uns mit der Analyse deiner Facebookgruppen beschftigen und wie du deine Facebookgruppen gewinnbringend fr dein Unternehmen einsetzen kannst.4. Facebook Marketplace. Warum sollten wir diesen berhaupt nutzen? E-Commerce kannst du auch super ber Facebook betreiben. Im Facebook Marketplace werde ich dir ein paar ntzliche Informationen geben wie du Produkte besser verkaufen wirst und wie du ber den Marketplace Werbeanzeigen erstellen kannst um die Reichweite deiner Produkte zu erhhen.5. Facebook Events. Du wirst erfahren warum es wichtig ist diese Funktion in Facebook zu nutzen. Wir werden gemeinsam ein Event erstellen und dieses auch bewerben.6. Tools fr deinen Facebook Erfolg. Ich werde dir ntzliche Tools und Seiten zeigen, mit denen du besser deinen Erfolg auf Facebook steuern wirst.7. Aufbau einer eigenen Facebook Marketing Agentur. Hier werde ich dir verraten wie du mit dem gelernten eine eigene Agentur aufbauen kannst. Was du alles bei der Grndung einer Agentur beachten musst, und wie du mit dieser Agentur Geld verdienen wirst.8. DSGVO. Ich werde dir hier mit dir auf die Datenschutzgrund Verordnung eingehen. Warum diese DSGVO auch fr uns sehr relevant ist und auf welche Dinge wir als Agentur oder als Seiten Betreiber achten mssen.9. Abschluss und Ausblick.Du lernst bei mir nicht nur die Theorie, sondern auch die Praxis. Durch praktische Einblicke in die Konten unserer Kunden siehst du, wie Facebook ADS in der Realitt aussieht.Als Lernuntersttzung bekommst du: Alle PDFs Checklisten Fallstudien Viele Updates, an denen wir schon arbeiten Einen direkten Draht zu uns fr alle deine FragenFr wen eignet sich dieser Kurs:MarketerStartupsPR-SpezialistenSelbststndigeEntrepreneureVerkuferSalesFhrungskrfteIch hoffe ich habe dich neugierig gemacht und kann dich hoffentlich gleich in meinem Kurs wiedersehen."
Price: 119.99

"Certified Key Performance Indicators Professional (CKPIP)" |
"The purpose of this KPI & performance management course is to highlight the elements of key performance indicators (KPIs) management that lead to an effective and efficient organizational performance. This course will provide a strong foundation in deploying performance management by developing the next generation of KPI architects. These KPI architects will form the basis of the organization performance measurement capability. In addition, this obtained performance knowledge will help you in understanding, establishing, activating, reporting and generating value by using KPIs across the organization. By completing this course, you will gain both the theoretical understanding and practical experience of using a variety of performance management tools and techniques for KPI (or measures, or metrics) management.9 FREE TEMPLATES, PHONE APP, CERTIFICATION & SYSTEM are included with this master course: (With explanation during the course)1) ""KPI Mega Library"" Phone APP with 36,000 KPIs 2) Kippy Cloud system (To host strategy, KPIs, projects, & appraisals)3) Balanced Scorecards template with dashboards (Excel) 4) Projects template with dashboards (Excel) 5) HR appraisal template with individual KPIs (Excel) 6) Quarterly performance review template for review meeting (PPT) 7) Strategy & KPI Terminologies for future use (PDF) 8) Kaizen Initiative Template and process (Excel)9) FREE Exam to be a ""CERTIFIED KPI PROFESSIONAL"" (Online Exam)."
Price: 124.99

"Clearing Fear and Anxiety with light keys" |
"Fear and anxiety can arise for anyone regardless of age. The practices in this product can not only offer quick relief but also release the root causes of it in order to provide permanent relief. These can be used by anyone who is looking to create more harmony, ease and freedom in life. You will learn very simple tools and techniques, from the Light Key System, that anyone can use to gain more awareness and ease. It is very useful for children too with respect to learning & coping with systems such as school.This course can help anyone children, parents, employees, or for that matter, anyone who is struggling in life.Light Key healing system Light Keys healing system is a self-healing modality that helps the individuals to heal their body, life, and being. The system consists of a set of high vibrational keys, practices, protocols, processes, and frequencies that can lead the practitioners to embrace their divinity and mastery. This system is channelled by Nirmala Raju (Also known as Nila or Nimi). If you are an energy healer and are looking for different quick relief protocols for your clients or if you are someone who is interested in developing and working on oneself, you may like to try the Light Key healing system where you do not need to focus, concentrate, meditate or buy expensive packages!Practise is so simple that even children are drawn to it naturally!Emotional baggage and limiting beliefs drop away effortlessly.The system is so flexible that you can either experience the quick relief first or choose to build your mastery right away by choosing the right course."
Price: 44.99

"CyberArk Defender Certification: 2 Full Practice Exams" |
": ) You will find:2 exam models: Each test contains 65 up-to-date questions to be completed in 90 minutes. Just like the real certification exam. You will find detailed explanations for each answer so if you miss one, you know what was wrong and focus on that area to learn about it. Also, a link to specific CyberArk documentation with more details is provided when available.The exams have questions and answers covering the 7 knowledge domains mentioned in the official Study Guide by CyberArk:Account OnboardingApplication ManagementOngoing MaintenancePassword Management ConfigurationSecurity and AuditSession Management ConfigurationUser Management Configuration: ( You WON'T find:You won't find an exam dump / brain dump. These are not exam questions for you to just memorize and repeat. We want you to test yourself, learn and gain confidence to successfully take the exam!Please note that these tests are intended to improve what you know or find weak areas you should focus on. We highly recommend studying, reading and THEN taking this test. Practice tests itself shouldn't be used as an unique toot to prepare for an exam.So, if you are thinking about taking the CyberArk Defender certification, CDE Certification, or just want to learn more about Privleged access management and CyberArk, this exams can help you.>> Content update: September 2020 includes: +new questions with version 11 features +more detailed CyberArk documentation <<"
Price: 24.99

"Full Stack Data Science Course - Complete 2020 Edition" |
"Learn how to engineer, analyze, build, and deploy intelligent Machine Learning models in this Full Stack Data Science Course created by The Click Reader.In this data science course, you will be learning each stage of the entire data science project lifecycle to become a full-stack data scientist. You will learn how to collect, clean, and store data into a data warehouse as well as perform Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA) on the collected data using statistical and graphical analysis.We will learn about the 6-stage Machine Learning workflow and how a model can be deployed into production using a Web API. By the end of this course, you will have learned how to plan and develop data science projects from scratch."
Price: 199.99

"Usando o MS Access 2016 de uma forma fcil e objetiva." |
"Capacitar o usurio, tendo em vista o aprendizado dos recursos de uma ferramenta de gerenciamento de banco de dados, desde a manipulao do cadastro de informaes, passando pelo cruzamento de dados, at o resultado em consultas e relatrios atravs da utilizao de criao de tabelas, relacionamentos, consultas, formulrios, relatrios e noo de macro, fazendo com o desempenho de suas atividades se torne extremamente otimizado."
Price: 39.99

"Monte sua agncia de comunicao Gesto e operacional" |
"A experincia de 30 anos do empreendedor e profissional da comunicao Srgio Said na fundao e conduo de uma agncia com alcance internacional, transformada em um curso dinmico e extremamente prtico. As aulas incluem ensinamentos que no so aprendidos na faculdade, como, por exemplo, segredos estratgicos do mundo dos negcios e do empreendedorismo, vivncias adquiridas junto a clientes, a conquista de mercado e como administrar uma agncia desde o seu surgimento at ela se tornar de grande porte.Esta a segunda parte de um curso em 2 etapas. Nestas aulas, voc aprender sobre a parte operacional e de gesto."
Price: 69.99

"Intense English Course for Beginners" |
"What will you learn in this course?+ 3 of the basic grammar tenses and some fundamental grammar patterns+ a lesser-known use of the Present Continuous Tense+ tons of idioms and everyday vocabulary!+ learn lots of new vocabulary and grammar or build upon some knowledge that youve already gotYou have access to loads of practice questions and worksheets that test your comprehension, grammar and vocabulary skills.With a number of carefully crafted Grammar and Grammar-in-Use videos, you will be able to quickly understand the basic rules and build upon them adding new Vocabulary. Learn Grammar through witnessing the everyday life of the Browns - a young American family and their friends.Who is this course for?- total beginners (age: 10 and beyond)- beginners who have some experience with learning English but without much success. - A1 - B1 students who would like to brush up on their English. This course is NOT for:- English learners at intermediate and beyond-intermediate level- Learners who believe that learning English should be a tedious and boring thing to to"
Price: 19.99

"C++, od podstaw do eksperta" |
"W kursie tym dziel si moj dotychczasowo poznan wiedz o C++. W trakcie trwania tego kursu podczas rozpatrywania danego zagadnienia zaczyna bd od teorii i opisania sownego danego zagadnienia po czym opisywa bd przygotowany przeze mnie kod linijka po linijce. Pocztki s do wolne, dane zagadnienia opisuje bardzo dugo i nie rzadko do nuco jednak pniejsze wykady nabieraj tempa i nie zajmuj cennego czasu na zbdne powtarzanie si. Po ukoczeniu kursu powiniene umie pisa programy konsolowe w jzyku C++, powiniene umie korzysta ze rodowiska Codeblocks, powiniene umie programowa obiektowo w jzyku C++ oraz zna podstawy biblioteki STL."
Price: 204.99

"Forensic science and CSI -CERTIFICATION (ACCREDITED)" |
"This course is based on introduction to forensic science and crime scene investigation. Forensic science is the application of scientific principles and techniques for imparting justice to criminals. Forensic science plays an important role in crime scene investigation, which is based on methods of protecting, processing and reconstruction of crime scene.Course structure is designed as-First 5 lectures are based on introduction to forensic science-Remaining 9 lectures are based on crime scene investigationNote: Students who will complete this course will receive Certificate from recognized institute registered under Government of India"
Price: 1280.00

"Curso de guitarra para principiantes" |
"Hola, mi nombre es Celia y soy tu profesora de guitarra. Soy pedagoga musical especialista en guitarra y te doy la bienvenida al curso de guitarra para principiantes, donde t marcas el ritmo de tu aprendizaje y decides dnde y cundo aprender. En este curso que he preparado para ti, aprenders todo lo necesario para poder acompaarte en tus canciones, desde la posicin y afinacin de la guitarra hasta tocar diversas canciones. Todo ello est dividido en 23 sesiones en las que aprenders diferentes contenidos.Realizaremos ejercicios prcticos en los que aprenders tus primeras 6 canciones con los acordes y rasgueos ms utilizados en la guitarra. Adems encontrars sesiones de repaso para recordar y mejorar los conocimientos adquiridos, as como recursos descargables de las explicaciones de las sesiones.Si lo que quieres es aprender de manera sencilla y a tu ritmo has llegado al lugar adecuado. Que empiece tu aprendizaje!."
Price: 39.99

"Learn Hydraulics and Fluid Mechanics" |
"students can learn hydraulics and fluid mechanics from basics with help of the practice tests. The Basic knowledge of all the topics in Hydraulics and Fluid Mechanics is provided. The practice tests are given in the course such that the students can get a comprehensive idea of the subject. The practice tests are multiple choice questions. then the key for the tests are provided apparently. Students will be able to know the detailed explanation of the subjects that i will provide after the completion of all the tests."
Price: 1280.00

"The Most Successful Poker Course to Crush the Toughest Games" |
"This is the only course that will help you crush the most number of poker games. With the expert guidance from renowned poker barons, you will get to learn how to be a champion in the game. Learn the art & science of playing winning poker with the years-long experience of the most trusted poker players in the industry. Get 32+ exclusive poker video tutorials teaching you the master techniques of being a professional poker beast at the table. From playing small-stakes games to playing high-stakes poker tournaments, you will get to learn it all in this state of the art poker learning course. Additionally, you also enjoy the benefits of getting detailed positional hand-range charts, level-wise quizzes, and hand-history sessions along with the course. The minute you enroll for the most successful poker course, you also get quick access to, especially curated poker cheat sheet and glossary."
Price: 2560.00

"Reinvent the Room: Synchronous and Asynchronous Teaching" |
"In this, the first of three mini-courses led by veteran teacher and instructional coach Melissa Barry, teachers will dive into the difference between synchronous and asynchronous instruction. Topics covered include how to get started with a unit, the importance of creating student agendas, how to facilitate whole class discussions, and creating an environment for group collaboration."
Price: 34.99

"Learn How to Create a YouTube Channel with a High CPM Niche" |
"Have you always wanted to start a YouTube channel but couldn't for some reasons, not to worry, with this course you will learn how to create a YouTube channel from scratch as a beginner and also how to choose the best niche with the Highest CPM ( in other words you will earn the Highest Revenue per month via Adsense ).You will learn how to Make and Edit your videos and thumbnails before uploading them on YouTube, including a FREE! download link to a FULLY Licensed Adobe Photoshop, After Effect, Media Encoder, and OBS Studio zip files.The Best Practices, Tips, and Secrets the Pro use.Monetize your channel [Hack!]With this course, you'll learn how to make money on YouTube without creating your own videos (Bonus)Course Updates:How to Create a YouTube Channel from ScratchHow to Join the YouTube Partner Program within few monthsLearn the Most Profitable Niche with the Highest CPMHow to set-up your YouTube settings like the Pro [ Best Practices ]Best Software for Making, Editing and Exporting your videos for YouTube [ Both for Mobile and PC ][ Adobe After Effect CC 2020, Adobe Media Encoder, OBS studio Free Download Available in this Course ]Best Software to use for Creating your Thumbnails [ Photoshop CC 2020 Free Download Available in this Course ]How to Create and Edit your Videos before you Upload on YouTubeHow to Create your Thumbnails before you Upload on YouTubeHow to run your SEO like a Pro using VidIQ, Google keyword Planner, and YouTube search suggestBest Practices to Rank your Videos on YouTube [ How the YouTube search engine works ]How to write best converting Titles, Description, and TagsBest Time to Upload, How Many Videos to Upload Weekly, Monthly, etc, How to schedule your Videos to upload automatically on a Set DateWhere to Share your videos for good Engagement and Views"
Price: 199.99

"Set Up Your Digital Marketing Agency & Get Your First Client" |
"Launch Your Digital Marketing Agency Without Hiring An Employee/Freelancer Even If Youre A Non-TechieDesigned for Professionals, Business Owners and anyone who wants to run profitable Digital Marketing AgencyThe program that is designed to help you implement a low-cost model and start hunting clients in any economyHERES WHAT YOU WILL LEARN IN THE CLASSDiscover your niche you loveIdentify services that your clients would want to buyHow to qualify clients & host a foolproof sales callYou will get hands-on training on finding a prospect in your desired industry.You will get Exclusive access to my outreach templates that I have fine-tuned over the years, further it is approved by my mentor (who is an ex-IBM with 25+ years of experience in marketing). I use these messages even today."
Price: 1920.00

"Intermediate SQL for data analysis (no installation needed!)" |
"This course is for people who already own basic knowledge of SQL who want to expand their knowledge and really become data savvy and either land a BI job, improve their skills, or become a self reliant business user in their organization. If you want to get work as a data analyst, if you are a junior analyst and want to get better fast, or if you are a developer, a data scientist or a student who is used to working with R and Python but need to up your SQL game - this is the course for you. If you are a sophisticated business user who uses sql mainly to extract data to worksheets and continue in excel - you will be delighted in what you'll be able to do WITHOUT excel after this course. The course focuses on tackling real life day to day problems, and does not waste time with endless joins and needless focus on syntax. Syntax is always a google search away, understanding what's possible (i.e., know what you don't know) is not."
Price: 79.99

"Memahami Laporan Keuangan" |
"Ketika Anda ingin memulai usaha atau sudah memiliki usaha, Anda pastinya memikirkan keuntungan yang akan didapat dalam menjalankan usaha tersebut. Namun, apakah Anda mengetahui bahwa usaha Anda ini untung atau tidak? Disinilah laporan keuangan mempunyai peranan penting bagi usaha Anda. Selain untuk mengetahui keuntungan usaha Anda, tapi juga untuk mengambil keputusan berdasarkan kondisi keuangan usaha Anda. Pada kursus ini akan membahas tentang informasi dasar yang perlu Anda ketahui mengenai laporan keuangan seperti neraca, laba rugi, arus kas, harga pokok penjualan, break even point, dan periode pengembalian. Diharapkan setelah mengikuti kursus ini, Anda telah memahami dasar-dasar tentang laporan keuangan dan cara penghitungannya sehingga nantinya Anda dapat mengetahui kondisi keuangan usaha Anda."
Price: 280000.00

"Memahami Cara Mencatat Transaksi di Laporan Keuangan" |
"Hi Para Pejuang Bisnis! Kursus kali ini akan seru banget karena kita akan mulai praktek pencatatan transaksi sampai akhirnya tersusun laporan keuangan yang utuh. Pusing? Gak kok, kita bantu dengan cara sederhana dan bertahap pastinya! Kursus kali ini berisi materi mengenai Memahami Cara Mencatat Transaksi Pada Laporan Keuangan. Disini Rekan-rekan akan dijelaskan oleh Akuntan terbaik langsung mengenai bagaimana memahami suatu transaksi keuangan dan cara mencatatnya, bagaimana Memahami pengelompokkan transaksi keuangan dan juga Memahami keterkaitan setiap laporan keuangan"
Price: 280000.00

"Japanese Sake -All You Need to Enjoy the World of Sake-" |
"This course is for anyone who wants to broaden his or her horizon through being knowledgeable about Japanese sake. This can be a comprehensive first lesson for sake novices and also a good material for refreshing knowledge of intermediates. As finishing this course, you will have comprehensive understandings on sake and be able to enjoy Japan's classic and unique drinking culture without hesitation. You'll be able to talk about sake to friends, choose, taste, and serve sake right, and ask for exactly what you want at a restaurant or bottle shop.Japanese sake is drawing great attentions internationally. UNESCO designated Japanese cuisine as world intangible cultural asset in 2013 and the awareness of Japanese foods and also sake is rising. Many wine professionals are now involved in sake and sake competitions have been taken place worldwide. It is certain that sake will or has already been one of the major drink options all over the world. Sake is like a new international language, when you speak it, it will definitely helps you have better social communication.[Instructor]Koji Uenoyama: A sake certified sake expert (Kikisakeshi, Sake Sommelier 2012 by SSI) and has been active in sake industry especially as a bridge between sake in Japan and international world of sake. Sake School Osaka (2013-)Founder. Sake tasting and learning session for international visitors to JapanHana Sake Bar (2017-)Management. An international sake bar in Osaka. Appeared in New York Times.Sake World Cup (2018-)Founder and main organizer. A tasting event of ""sake made OUTSIDE Japan.""Sake Brewery (2018-2019)Former employee of Daimon Brewery. Joined their reborn project as a new project leader. Engaged in launching new products, sales and marketing, managing the brewery restaurantArkansas Sake Project (2019-)Translator, advisor to a sake project in Arkansas USA.A member of ""Walk in US, Talk on Japan (2017, 2018),"" a government-run cultural exchange program. Chosen as a international sake expert.Osaka-Kansai EXPO 2025Chosen as one of the key persons to promote Osaka to the world and appeared as international sake expert in the city's introductory video for the final presentation of its campaign. Osaka won and the event will take place in 2025."
Price: 59.99

"MEP Fabrication Detailing in Revit 2021 & Practical Project" |
"In this course, you will learn how to create HVAC Modeling with MEP Fabrication Detailing in Revit 2021. The course will show you how to Link Architecture models into Mechanical Template. You will learn how to create Levels and Grids and Copy/Monitor theme. The course will show you how to create Duct systems, manually. You will learn how to Calculate With DuctSizer Software for Sizing Ducts easily and Draw Ducts in Fabrication and How Adding Of Duct Fittings And Duct Accessories in Fabrication Detailing. Finally you will Export PDF From Report Fabrication Detailing"
Price: 39.99

"Kettlebell course for beginners" |
"This course is for anyone who would like to use kettlebells as part of there fitness routine. You will learn a number of kettlebell exercises and how to put them together as a mini workout circuit. Some of the exercises you will be learning are, Kettlebell Swing, Kettlebell Clean, Kettlebell Press, Goblet Squat and deadlift and more. Also this course includes a Warm up and cool down video."
Price: 19.99

jcccvjex |
". . . , , , , . , , , . , - , : , , . , : , , ? - , -, : - . , . , , . ! :)"
Price: 12299.00

"Design com Canva: Rpido e Fcil. Turbine suas Redes Sociais" |
"Esse curso para pessoas leigas, que precisam de ajuda no sentido de potencializar as suas redes sociais. Se voc tem conhecimento na rea de Design Grfico esse curso pode no ser para voc. Aqui dou vrias dicas sobre posts que acredito ser relevante a muitas pessoas. Seja bem vindo ao mundo Digital."
Price: 114.99

"Haz una Vida con un mayor Significado!" |
"La mayora de la gente es esclava del tiempo y del dinero. La mayora de la gente va por el hermoso camino de la vida sin ningn rumbo fijo por cual llegar. Esto se debe a que no se conocen a si mismos, a que no se comprenden y por ende tampoco comprenden a los dems, ni mucho menos a la vida. Precisamente este curso va enfocado a las personas que ven que hay algo mas grande que la propia Realidad que los Rodea. Que hay algo mas grande por lo cual esperar..."
Price: 420.00

"The Ultimate Job Interview Framework" |
"You do a great job. Youre well regarded and have decided to look elsewhere. Something isnt clicking. Your interviews are going nowhere and you cant figure out why . . . or maybe youre getting to final rounds but not getting the offer . . . or the right offer. The problem is that the skills needed to find a job are different than those needed to do a job. Thats where I come in. You are an expert at what you do but this is a different game than the one youre playing.I am an interview and career coach who, unlike a lot of career coaches, spent most of his career in executive search and is a member of the Forbes Coaches Council, a group of top coaches in the country. I am extremely good at interview preparation; after all, when I worked in search, I filled more than 1200 full-time positions plus consulting assignments.This class will help you understand why, so often, the interview seems nothing like the job description, what your first decision MUST be when you get a phone call out of the blue from a screener, The Single Best Question to Ask on Any Interview, how to answer, ""Tell me about yourself,"" or ""Walk me through your background"" in a way where you connect the dots for interviewers immediately instead of making them work hard (and why that is important, how to answer behavioral interview questions (not everyone should use the STAR framework. Some should use SOAR and some should use PAR), plus great questions to ask at the end of an interview so that you know what their expectations will be for you, as well as theirplans for following up with you and whether they have reservations.There is a lot packed into this series AND you will have to practice to be great!"
Price: 19.99

iyankmtj |
"1- 2- 3- 4- 5- 6- 7- 8- 9- 10- 11- 12- 13- 14- 15- 16-"
Price: 19.99

"Aviation: Learn to Fly an ILS Approach" |
"This course is designed to teach you what is and how to fly an instrument landing system (ILS) using a simple flight simulator (try to figure out how a professional pilot works).During these lessons you will meet the procedures to learn the theoretical and practical knowledge about how to perform:A correct approach briefingHow to read an aeronautical ILS chartCorrect configuration of the airplaneLocalizer interceptionGlidesplope interceptionGlide path descentStandard operational proceduresPhraseology and communicationsAt the end of course the student will take a short multiple questions exam in order to verify its knowledge before starting to practice through a simulator or maybe proceed with the real flight training becoming a private Pilot."
Price: 24.99
