"Facebook Ads - Do Bsico ao Avanado !" |
"Aprenda Como Fazer anuncios no facebook de uma vez por todas.DO BSICO AO AVANADO !Curso totalmente PRATICO !Como j dizia Bill Gates ""Se sua Empresa no estiver na internet, daqui um tempo, sua empresa no ser mais uma empresa "" . Atualmente cada vez mais empresas, ou at mesmo pessoas, deixam de fazer propagando em sistemas antigos, como banners, cartazes, televiso, e esto investindo 100% em plataformas Digitais. O facebook, uma das Empresas Mais Ricas do Mundo, gera receita justamente desta forma, fazendo com que outras empresas sejam vistas, e desta forma, quanto mais eles ajudam essas outras empresas, mais ele cresce.. Hoje , sem dvidas, uma das formas mais utilizadas de propaganda digital, e voc no pode ficar fora disso !"
Price: 129.99

"Improve Your Posture Now!!" |
"This class is guaranteed to not just improve your posture but also increase your wellbeing that goes along with being upright and functional in this world. What separates this posture class from the many others online are a difference in the understanding behind the science of biomechanics (your bodies muscular functions) and in a deeper understanding and exploration into the perception and awareness of your body. While most posture classes teach exercises from an older and outdated model of fitness, this class will use newer models of functional fitness, somatic awareness, and tensegrity to benefit your body, and especially your spine, in the functioning of healthy and efficient movement. We will be focusing a lot on your experience through the class. Instead of me just telling what to do and having you do, we will explain reasoning behind movements and also a lot of time in your own explorations of the movements and the after effects. The real growth comes not from being told, but from experiencing for yourself. This is a different paradigm for learning and when it comes to improving any part of your body it is the most crucial (yet seemingly the most left out of other postural classes.). Through this experiential awareness, you can begin to reclaim your own power back to your body and yourself. I want you to succeed in having more efficient and healthy posture! My best students are ones who dont need to come back to the same classes because theyve learned and taken control of their bodies through the class content. More than anything, youll learn a new way of comprehending what healthy and efficient posture is. It is such a radical shift in the perception of our bodies in relation to how we hold ourselves up through the pull of gravity and daily obstacles that once understood, better posture becomes 1000 times easier.These posture improvement exercises are gentle, therapeutic, and suitable for all ages and physical abilities"
Price: 24.99

"Photoshop Composite Masterclass: Learn from a Pro" |
"Learn how to create a stunning composite in this Photoshop Composite Masterclass, where you can learn from a pro! At the end of this course, you will have created your own composite using some very simple methods and have the know-how to create many more!I am Tom Kai, A professional photographer and graphic designer with an incredible passion for creating. I've been working in the creative field for the past 10 years and in that time I've learned a lot of useful information that I want to share with YOU! I am excited to have you in my ""Photoshop Composite Masterclass: Learn From A Pro"" This class is designed for those starting out using photoshop or those who may already be familiar with the program and want to learn how to make professional composites in a simple and easy way! Being able to create composites in photoshop is a fantastic skill to have for both photographers and graphic designers because today, many companies are looking for skilled compositors to create stunning ads and marketing campaigns that are out of this world, and this course is designed to give you just that skill and the edge you need to land some great clients! This course is in depth enough for those familiar with Photoshop, but also beginner friendly as I walk through my whole process, I am sure you will be able to follow along. I will be walking you through some shortcuts and tricks that I've learned over the years that have helped me improve my own workflow and the quality of my composites.This course is made using the most up-to-date version of Photoshop as of September 2020, however the principles and skills taught in this course can and will apply to other versions as well. You can also download a free trial of Adobe Photoshop from their websiteIn this course you will learn:Where to find good quality, free-to-use photos for compositingHow to import and set up your photoshop workspaceHow to composite multiple images into one creationColor Grading to unify multiple images to have the same color and lightingHow to add special effects and details to your compositesHow to properly export your finished piece for various placesTips about Photoshop that you may not have known before!Shortcuts that can save you hours!"
Price: 94.99

"Personal SWOT Analysis in 30 minutes" |
"The best way to explore and figure out your crucial goals is performing a personal SWOT analysis.What you get in this online course?1. Why knowing strengths & weaknesses are important2. 9 questions to find your strengths and weaknesses3. Know opportunities and threats you face4. Solid action plan for personal growth5. Your complete SWOT analysis6. Direct access to me through 1 to 1 video coaching7. Helps you to know and prioritize your important goalsCourse requirements1. Willingness to learn new methods2. Willingness to do assignment"
Price: 1280.00

"12-Day Fluency Blueprint" |
"The No.1 reason why English learners don't become fluent is they think ""LEARNING"" and ""STUDYING"" are the same.Speaking a language is a SKILL, just as much as riding a bicycle or shooting a basketball. You don't acquire proficiency in a skill through studying it from books. Instead you need to gain experience performing the skill!So, the ONE THING you need to understand is this...The TRUTH About Fluency is...You cannot buy it!You can only BUILD it!And the 12-DAY FLUENCY Blueprint will show you the ONLY 100% GUARANTEED and PROVEN way to become fluent in English.But don't misunderstand! This course is NOT a promise to make you fluent in 12 days.Learning a new language takes years. It even took you several years to learn your native language!Instead, this course is a ""BLUEPRINT"".A blueprint for a house is a detailed set of instructions on HOW to build it.In the same way, the 12-Day Fluency Blueprint is a detailed set of instructions on HOW to build your FLUENCY!What will you get in this course?12 Pre-Recorded Video Lessons:- Achieve FLUENCY regardless of where you're from or where you live.- Understanding TRUE Fluency- 3 Keys To Learning Like A NATIVE- Improve Your ACCENT- Build Your Writing Skills- Build Your Listening Skills- Be A Better Conversationalist- UNLOCK Your MEMORY- 4 Ways To Practice Your Speaking- Breaking Plateaus- How To Powerfully Impact People's Lives- Test Taking Tips (IELTS, TOEFL)+2 BONUS FREE lessons from my online weekly coaching program."
Price: 1280.00

"Aprenda a programar com a Linguagem C" |
"C a linguagem de programao de propsito geral universalmente associada ao sistema operacional UNIX. No entanto, a popularidade, eficincia e poder do C foram produzidos porque essa linguagem praticamente no est associada a nenhum sistema operacional, ou a nenhuma mquina em particular. Esta a razo fundamental pela qual C conhecida como a linguagem de programao de sistemas por excelncia.Vantagens da Linguagem de Programao C:A linguagem de Programao C poderosa e flexvel, com comandos, operaes e funes de biblioteca que podem ser usados para escrever a maioria dos programas executados no computador.Linguagem de Programao C usado por programadores profissionais para desenvolver software na maioria dos sistemas de computador modernos.Linguagem de Programao C pode ser usado para desenvolver sistemas operacionais, compiladores, sistemas de tempo real e aplicativos de comunicao.Um programa C pode ser escrito para um tipo de computador e movido para outro com pouca ou nenhuma modificao.Neste curso de programao com a Linguagem voc aprender:1. Introduo Programao com a Linguagem de Programao CO que Algoritmo?Histria da Linguem C?Apresentao do Curso Preparando o ambiente de desenvolvimento.2. Conceitos Bsicos na Linguem de Programao CFazendo o primeiro Hello WordEntrada e Sada de DadosTipos de dados Operadores de atribuio.3. Dicas de Programao Como programar pelo Celular?4. Estruturas de Controle Estrutura de deciso IFEstrutura de deciso IF / ELSEEstrutura Switch5. Estrutura de Controle - LaosEstrutura de controle WhileEstrutura de controle Do WhileLao FOR5. Arrays (Vetor e Matriz)Introduo Array Unidimensional - Vetor Criando e entendo a Estrutura de VetorIntroduo Array Bidimensional - MatrizCriando e Entendo a Estrutura de Matriz6. Funes Conceito de Funes Funes Numricas Funes Recursivas 7. PonteirosIntroduo PonteirosPonteiro e VetorPonteiro e Funo8. Alocao Dinmica de MemriaIntroduo a Alocao Dinmica de Memria Alocao Dinmica de Memria: malloc (), calloc (), free () e realloc ().9. StringsIntroduo StringsString e Funo Ponteiro e StringFuno Strlen()Funo Strcpy()Funo StrcmpFuno Strcat()"
Price: 39.99

"Google Analytics (2020) the complete guide for beginners!" |
"Hello, welcome to this complete Google Analytics (2020) the complete guide course. this course is designed in such a way that after completion of this course you would be completely comfortable in using Google Analytics. this course also helps you to get the Google Analytics Individual Qualification certificate, this GAIQ certificate helps you to win clients in the freelancing marketplace like Fiverr and Upwork, etc. After completing this course you will also able to measure your website metric like website traffic, new users returning users by advanced data segmentation process.now in this course, you will hands-on experience with real-world data in Google Analytics. Now, one of the most important question before getting started is why am I able to teach or why would you trust me?Hello, my name is Hameed Ali Khan and I am a Software Engineer in the private IT sector in India. I have more than 3 years of experience in both software engineering as well as Digital Marketing. Enroll in this course and get your Google Analytics certificate as soon as possible."
Price: 19.99

"Improvisao para Saxofonistas passo a passo." |
"Agora voc vai aprender de verdade ! ASSISTA O VDEO e CONFIRA A DIDTICA . Com uma metodologia nica e consagrada internacionalmente . O professor Ivan Meyer de forma clara e objetiva aborda os assuntos mais complicados de uma forma que o Aluno possa entender o passo a passo . BASTA ASSISTIR O VDEO AQUI DISPONVEL.Voc esta comprando os arquivos ( Playbacks, mp3, videos e partituras que foram produzidos pelo Prof.Ivan Meyer com exclusividade para esta aula ) Nesta aula voc aprender como improvisar ! Uma aula que um Batismo no mundo da Improvisao e tendo o Prof.Ivan Meyer como seu Padrinho o aprendizado sempre um porto seguro . Com a experincia de quem da aulas h dcadas , o aluno conduzido a um passo a passo sem pular as etapas que acabam no futuro sendo empecilhos para o desenvolvimento.Aprender a improvisar em Summertime e far exerccios que podero ser usados em outras situaes . O Melhor de tudo voc poder assistir a aula completa aqui antes de comprar . Isso s o Prof.Ivan Meyer faz para voc !Assista o vdeo de apresentao da aula que na verdade aula completa e voc ira conhecer uma das didticas de maior sucesso no mundo do saxofone . Ter acesso a todos o materiais usados na aula com playbacks e partituras exclusivos e mais as vdeopartitura . Um preo barato pelo alto nvel do material e informaes contidas nesta aula ! Assista o vdeo e ver que improvisar no um Bicho de 7 cabeas mas sim 7 notas ! Abrs Prof.Ivan Meyer"
Price: 69.99

"Coquetelaria 9.0" |
"Nesse curso voc aprendera quais so e para que serve os utenslios usados no bar, os principais condimentos e ingredientes, categorias e finalidades de drinks, o que fermentao e destilao e claro um passo a passo de como fazer os 9 drinks mais tomados e conhecidos no mundoDry MartiniSweet MartineMargarita Cuba Libre Mojito Gin Tnica NegroniAperol Spritz Moscow Mule"
Price: 39.99

"Networker Efficace on e off-line" |
"Sono Giovanni Romolo Flaccomio, networker professionista e formatore.In questo corso ti spiegher quelle strategie di Network on e off-line che utilizzo tutti i giorni con il mio team e che ci hanno permesso di raggiungere risultati importanti nella nostra azienda e di realizzare i nostri obiettivi.Preparati: perch questo corso rivoluzioner completamente il tuo modo di fare Network Marketing."
Price: 199.99

"C Language - Learn Computer Programming with C (skill set)" |
"You never had a machine programmed before, and thought or learned that C is a decent programming language to start with.You are right there! You may be student who is struggling in understanding Programming. You may have some experience with other languages, but you want to learn C to add to your resume. Or maybe you stayed on a low-paying schedule job and want to move to a better, higher stage. This course will solve your issues related to Computer Language Programming.The truth is that learning how to use C is not only an amazing programming language, but also allows you to improve programming in other computer languages!Why learn C ?C is also called the mother of all languages since there were so many other languages developed in C.While C is simple, it is one of the strongest languages ever produced. It was developed more than 40 years ago, it remains widely used and is often the most common and widely-used programming language in the world in the top 5 or 10.Learning C will potentially enhance your programming skills irrespective of your specific domain.You will become a more effective programmer by studying how things work ""under the hood"" and by knowing memory space, CPU architecture, etc.If you want to become a better developer, learning C is a great way to start!Why to choose this course for learning C language Programming?You will grasp the basic concepts of the C Programming Language by the end of this course and become more marketable to programming levels.You will understand variables, keywords, operators and different data types of C Language. You will be capable of using feature like Looping, Array, Pointers, Control Blocks.Best part of this is along with the programming examples solved by me in the course, I have created a downloadable document for you have 20 more problems to try your hands on. But if you got stuck in between I have provided the solutions for that too.You'll really know the core language most modern languages use, and will be in a position to apply for real time programming positions!If you have used the C language previously, your comprehension of it will be improved by this course.You will learn how to write quality code and become a great troubleshooter. This course not only teaches how to code in C, but alsogives all the information on ""why"" you do the things you do. You'll fully understand the C programming language concepts at the end of this course.So don't think twice and click on Buy Now to get started."
Price: 8320.00

"Writing Reusable Framework in iOS, Swift and Cocoapods" |
"Frameworks are best described as jet packs for your apps. They boost performance, extend capabilities, easy & manageable code sharing. They are not just bundle of snippets of code but they offer APIs and streamline the development process. Frameworks are capable of reducing development cycle and promotes code re-usability. They help you write dynamic, fluid code that can work with simple integrations.When you write an app, you typically import Foundation or UIKit frameworks. The point of having these frameworks is to define methods, functions and classes in a succinct fashion. As a user of these frameworks, you don't care what underlying implementations says, you just give it an input and get an output. Imagine if you are working on Bluetooth based app and you had to write all the low level code to manage hardware yourself, effort of months will turn into years and this is where frameworks help us.Now just like Apple and others create and distribute their frameworks, you can do that too and this course is all about learning to create your own framework and not only re-using it yourself but distributing it to others in developer community and make your name while giving back to the community."
Price: 19.99

"Get over your fear" |
"people will learn the definition of self doubt and why they suffer from it ,how to deal with it and get rid from it for ever how to switch the negative thoughts into positive, put some strategies to your life to help you to be more confidencesome steps to get start your goals"
Price: 199.99

"Basic Bookkeeping: An introduction of accounting" |
"Numbers! Wherever you go, you are bound to see them. On addresses, license plates, phones, prices, and of course, money! Numbers connect us all to each other in many more ways than we might imagine. Essentially, our world revolves around numbers. Some of us enjoy dealing with numbers while others may have a fear of them, or even a phobia. For those of you who have already recognized and appreciate the impact that numbers actually have on just about everything, you deserve a cookie. Welcome to Basic Bookkeeping!"
Price: 24.99

"STL - Standard Template Library And DSA Interview Questions" |
"STL- Standard Template Library is a must if you want to start Data Structures and Algorithms. Some don't know about this and are at a lot of disadvantage. Start STL in C++ and you will not be scared of the complex codes, and able to understand.In this course, we will cover everything regarding STL, which includes - - Containers, Iterators, Functions, Algorithms,which includes - Vector, Set, Map, String, Stack, Queue, Doubly Ended Queue, List, etc.- Later we will discuss some of the famous interview questions to get you started, and I'll be providing proper tips and notes for next steps also. We will also have a Q and A sections where you can ask your doubts and I will be answering them. If I found something should is missed, I'll update the course frequently and you will be updated accordingly.Hope you learn and enjoy!!!"
Price: 3200.00

"Curso de Psico Oncologia" |
"O curso de Psico-Oncologia aborda os principais temas de atuao na rea da oncologia, trazendo os principais conceitos nesta rea (alm do papel do psiclogo). Dentre eles: comunicao e cncer (suas principais implicaes), dor do paciente oncolgico, tanatologia, luto complicado ou patolgico pela perda da sade, cuidando do cuidador e cuidados paliativos."
Price: 84.99

"Solve Unlimited C++ Practice Questions (Basic to Expert)" |
"Question : What is the best way to learn C++ Programming Language ?Answer : Practice, a lot of practice.You will be provided a complete environment for students to solve unlimited C++ practice exercises. No requirement to install cross-platform IDE (Visual Studio, Code:Blocks etc.). Just Sign up and start practicing.Choose your level, start from your level and master the technique to resolve C++ problems. Our main target will be hand-on experience of C++ coding with a lot of examples and their solutions. At the end of the course, students will be able to solve problems from basic to expert level and guess what ? We are always there to help you for each exercise 24/7.Which programming language is often seen as a badge of honor among software developers? C++Which programming language can you learn that when added to your resume, will often get you a job interview? C++Which programming language is routinely ranked in the top 5 programming languages by popularity, and been consistently in the top 10 for close to 20 years? C++If you are ready to get that first paid programming job, or to move up to a more senior programming position, then this course is for you!Your new job or consulting opportunity awaits!Why not get started today?Click the Signup button to sign up for the course!"
Price: 29.99

"Exterior Ballistics: History, Theory and Implementation" |
"This course introduces the history, theory and basic implementation of exterior ballistics. It is geared for everyone from the practically-minded who want to refresh their knowledge of ballistic coefficient to the technically-minded who want to learn in broad strokes about the field, to the programmer-minded who wants to code an implementation. The course walks through a wide range of material conceptually, and presents fairly deep details with regard to implementing a simple exterior ballistics solver. In some parts it would be helpful to have a modest mathematical and programming background."
Price: 24.99

"The Secret Of Success On YouTube Channel" |
"What Will You Learn?Get meaningful understanding of how YouTube works Most powerful secrets to grow your Channel How to create effective Videos How to engage with the audience earn money making videos on Youtube understand the secrets to success on Youtubetarget a audience Impressive YouTube Channel Techniques Penetrating Tips to rank better in search results Save time and Work smarter on Youtube Know what works and what doesn't Be able to create solid YouTube growth strategies Learn the most effective strategies to attracting relevant and genuine YouTube SubscriberFundamentals of a successful YouTube channelFinding your niche Audience captivation Planning Channel branding Monetization New channel startup Playlists Social sitesPlanning and strategyContent planning Find trends Find videos to make Scheduled video production Niche strategy become an authority on your topic Keyword research Competitor analysis Thinking YouTube"
Price: 114.99

"Email Marketing Between Simplicity And Complexity" |
"Increasing your visibility as well as your authority and trust online, is something that can definitely encourage sales, a lot of them.But making a name for your brand online is not an easy task, it is crucial that you understand how to properly make use of the most effective techniques in order to do so.Is there really one simple trick that can make that happen? That can really make your brand popular online and help you skyrocket your sales in complete autopilot?Content Marketing is perhaps the closest thing to such a notionContent marketing is currently one of the biggest trends in digital marketing as a whole and is an area that many website owners and brands are investing in heavily right now, thanks to the impressive returns that they are seeing.While there is no such thing as a magic bullet when it comes to getting your brand known and encouraging sales, content marketing is perhaps the closest thing to such a notion and can help you to drastically increase your visibility as well as your authority and trust.Content marketing doesnt only ensure greater loyalty and give you a big audience to sell to though: it also gives you more impact and authority.Think about your favorite celebrity. Someone that you really look up to, whose work you admire and who you think has got their life up together. Imagine if they recommended a certain item of clothing, or a certain health supplement. Would you be more likely to buy it?The answer for the general population is a resounding yes.Thats means, youll be able to see things like...More impact and authorityBuild that kind of trust and authority directlyInstead of working with an authority, you are going to become that authorityEverything you release will become a hit, because of the groundwork you put in at the startYour sites will be filled with fans not just readersEnsure that the work you put in now keeps on paying dividends long into the futureCompletely transform your successBuild immense authority and a huge list of readersCreate something that is much bigger than a simple brandYou become a movement. And thats how you achieve the maximum measure of successWhat am I going to get from this course?What is the Content Marketing Blueprint?Why Content Marketing is Crucial for SellingHow Content Marketing Creates Fans and BuyersTypes of Content MarketingFrequency, Length and Other Forms of ContentAdvice for SchedulingHow to Write Good The Anatomy of a Great Blog PostWhy Infographics Are Fantastic for Internet MarketersWhy Your Brand is Crucial for Your ContentYour Articles As Products - How You Should Really be Selling Your Site ContentWhat is Guest Blogging and Why Should it Interest Me?Some Tips for Successful Guest BloggingHow to Get Your Visitors to Write Your Content For YouYour Guide to Fast and Effective Content CurationTools and Resources for Your Content MarketingClosing Words on Content Marketing More Reasons its Perfect for Your Marketing Strategy"
Price: 119.99

"Curso de introduccin al trading (incluye una sesin 1 a 1)" |
"Curso de introduccin dirigido a quienes recin se inician en el mundo del trading. Con este curso aprendern a leer y a analizar cualquier grficos de precios, as como tambin una estrategia bsica de inversin con la cual abrirn sus primeras posiciones en el mercado a travs de una cuenta demo."
Price: 49.99

"Photoshop Effects - Create Great Photo Effects in Photoshop" |
"If you want to learn how to create some cool effects for your photos, then this the course for you. In this course you'll learn With step-by-step lessons guiding you through this wonderful journey, you'll learn the creating effects from scratch.You'll be creating amazing and great effects that can be used to make your photographs even better.You'll be making specific Photoshop effects for your photos by utilizing just the right tools and techniques.I can guarantee that you'll learn many cool stuffs in this course.I'll be always available to answer any messages, discussions, questions, or feedback that you have."
Price: 19.99

"Guia alimentar brasileiro: aplicao prtica" |
"Voc tem interesse no tema nutrio e no conhece o guia alimentar para populao brasileira? Ou voc conhece o guia mas tem dificuldade em colocar em prtica as recomendaes contidas no mesmo? Se voc se encontra em um destes grupos voc encontrar neste curso os meios que permitam que voc coloque em prtica todas as recomendaes do guia e assim adequar o seu (ou pessoas que voc orienta) padro alimentar s recomendaes mais atuais de nutrio e sade. Neste curso, o contedo ser apresentado de forma simples, alm de abordar questo prticas que o guia no consegue abarcar ao mesmo tempo que faz um link com resultados de estudos cientficos recentes publicados na rea."
Price: 54.99

"Womens Confidence and Mindset" |
"Do you ever find yourself apologizing for minor issues? Do you have difficulty accepting praise or compliments? Do you ever downplay or minimize your accomplishments? Do you worry that your confidence is misperceived as cockiness?This a complete course showing you tips and strategies on how to transform your confidence. You'll Learn how to strengthen your communicate skills, speak up, share your ideas, learn to say no, how to deal with the Imposter Syndrome and much more."
Price: 149.99

"Coronavirus Risk Awareness" |
"This course provides science and technology qualified information about the coronavirus and it's particular properties that have allowed it to become pandemic.It provides easy to understand and memorable knowledge through highly visual course content.The course explains how we get caught out and what techniques we can develop into habits that keep us focussed and safe.Armed with better understanding and techniques to improve situational awareness will allow individuals and teams to protect health and business from the consequence of coronavirus in all situations."
Price: 29.99

"Curso Rpido para Automao de Testes com Appium + Ruby" |
"Curso Rpido de Automao de Testes Mobile com Appium + RubyNesse curso rpido de automao de testes mobile, com Appium e Ruby, voc vai aprender como iniciar um projeto do zero! Isso mesmo, voc vai ver como iniciar um projeto de Automao de Testes Mobile para Android e iOS, completamente do zero, de forma rpida, fcil e simples. E o melhor: COM O MESMO CDIGO!Ento, se voc quer dar os primeiros passos na Automao de Testes Mobile, esse o curso ideal.Para mais cursos e informaes e cursos, acesso nosso site."
Price: 39.99

"This course provides students a complete platform of LIVE project i.e. Residential Bungalow in very detail depth so that students will analyze and design the project. This course enables the big confidence in the students for performing Static as well as Dynamic analysis. Response spectrum load case is playing very important role in dynamic analysis."
Price: 1280.00

"Aprenda a criar Logotipos, Sites, Posts e marketing, do zero" |
"O que voc vai aprender?Vamos te ensinar o passo a passo de como criar tudo do ZERO!Fica tranquilo! Mesmo que voc no tenha experincia e nenhum conhecimento sobre design ou web design, voc aprender tcnicas e ferramentas de criao usando apenas UMA plataformaO que vamos te Ensinar:Logotipos e brandingSites, Landing Pages, Blogs e E-commercePosts para mdias sociaisEstratgias de marketingPor que fazer o curso?01 Autonomia para criar sempre, o que quiser e como quiser02 Investimento baixo com contedos que vo te ajudar a dar o start nas suas criaes03 Plataforma de automatizao que vai te ajudar a criar com mais eficcia em menos tempo04 Aulas prticas que no exigem conhecimentos tcnicosPara quem esse treinamento?Para Quem quer inserir seu negcio ou servio no mundo digitalPessoas que buscam uma forma SIMPLES, RPIDA E PRTICA para criar seu logo, branding, site e artes para mdias sociaisCoaches, palestrantes, terapeutas, micro empreendedor entre outros profissionais geradores de contedos."
Price: 99.99

"Don Peln, haz tu desvanecido !" |
"Este curso contiene algunas lecciones bsicas para cortar tu cabello en casa, como por ejemplo: tcnicas con la mquina y sus respectivos peines o guas, tcnicas con las tijeras y el espejo. MATERIALES:-Al menos una mquina de peluquera que se pueda conectar a la corriente. -Peines o guas de la mquina : desde la gua N 1 (3mm) hasta la N 4 ( 12 mm) como mnimo. - Un espejo pequeo o mediano que se pueda manipular facilmente-Un espejo grande, preferiblemente fijo a la pared o con su respectiva base-Unas tijeras con buen filo-Una capa de peluquera para cubrirnos (opcional)- Peine o cepillo (opcional)"
Price: 24.99

"Inteligncia Emocional : O Poder da Transformao" |
"Daniel Goleman afirma o QI (quociente intelectual) representa apenas 20% das aptides necessrias para se tornar uma pessoa bem sucedida.Os outros 80% restantes so formados por diferentes fatores da Inteligncia Emocional que, juntos, formam o QE (quociente emocional).Inteligncia Emocional uma das soft skills (habilidades comportamentais) mais valorizadas no mundo.Neste curso, o participante ir aprender sobre a competncia inteligncia emocional, tornando-se mais assertivos no gerenciamento de conflitos e a buscar a melhor verso de si mesmo, progressivamente. Ir entender a importncia de mapear os acionadores das emoes e lidar melhor com a Inteligncia emocional. Desenvolver seu potencial e construir lastro nos componentes da IE. Fornecer tcnicas para aumentar a capacidade de influenciar as pessoas e obter a colaborao em direo aos resultados.Os mdulos do curso so:Mdulo 01 : Introduo do cursoMdulo 02 : Quanto Custa o Analfabetismo EmocionalMdulo 03 : Como Combater as Emoes TxicasMdulo 04 : Vcios EmocionaisMdulo 05: A Cincia da FelicidadeMdulo 06 : Alfabetizao Emocional como PrevenoMdulo 07 : O Poder da ResilinciaMdulo 08 : O Poder da EmpatiaMdulo 09 : Comunicao no-violenta"
Price: 144.99

"AWS Certified Big Data - Specialty Practice Questions" |
"Our AWS Certified Big Data - Specialty Practice Test is the most effective and pertinent for you to pass the exam on the first go. In fact, you will not only pass your exam but also get a profound understanding of the respective subject.With our AWS Certified Big Data - Specialty Practice Test, you will come to see that all of the questions and answers in our exams are chosen after a professional analysis."
Price: 34.99
