"A complete course on IFRS 16- leases" |
"It is a complete guide to international financial reporting standard IFRS 16 leases as well as comparison with the old standard IAS 17 leases Prescribes the accounting treatment for a lease contract under both lessee and lessor accounting.Sets recognition, measurement and disclosure of a lease contract. Provides numerical case studies on how to make transition from IAS 17 leases to IFRS 16 leases.This course tackles sale and lease back transactions under lessee accounting.Prescribes and gives practical solution on how to deal with finance and operating leases under lessor accounting."
Price: 19.99

"Ear Training for Singers and Songwriters" |
"""Intervals"" truly are the building blocks of melody and harmony, and once you can begin to understand their unique qualities and hear them internally, you will begin to sight-read better, and discover chords and harmonies more easily. This course is designed to give you some insight into how music intervals (the spaces between notes in the tunes we love) relate to chords and work together to create the unforgettable songs we love. A little knowledge can go a long way when it comes to music, and once you begin practicing these skills and memorizing the patterns, you will enter a whole new world of appreciation and enjoyment in everything you hear, read and sing. I've composed a series of pieces, one for each interval starting with a 2nd and going all the way to an octave, as well as some exercises and warmups to train the ear for harmony. Use the backing tracks to practice the exercises at your own pace, and revisit the videos as often as you like to help you to develop your memory for the patterns in music. Learn how the scale and intervals work in a step by step process designed to get you internalizing pitch and harmony even when you are not singing or playing! Learn what bass clef chords look and sound like on the piano as well, and maybe even try to play along on some of the pieces if you have a keyboard! For those who have studied solfege, I have taught both ""movable"" and ""fixed"" solfege for 20+ years, but I prefer to teach with movable solfege for this series as it helps to develop a memory for patterns in melody and harmony no matter the key. I've included many pdfs of the sheet music which can be downloaded and printed out to further aid your learning. There are also many backing tracks for independent practice. So let's start training your ear and developing your innate musical gifts!"
Price: 24.99

"GAPD Grau de Ateno Proteo de Dados" |
"Este curso apresenta o GAPD (Grau de Ateno Proteo de Dados) que uma medida heurstica para classificar de forma ordenada e escalar os tratamentos de dados elencados e registrados em um determinado controlador de dados pessoais. O grau tambm pode ser usado para classificar o prprio controlador quando dentro de um contexto de outros controladores como, por exemplo, um conjunto de controladores atendidos por um operador ou mesmo pertencentes a um mesmo nicho de atividade. O GAPD supre uma necessidade de organizar melhor os tratamentos de dados dando maior capacidade na implementao de medida atravs da acurcia na escolha de prioridades de ao por parte dos profissionais de proteo de dados e operadores que fazem este trabalho de forma massiva. O GAPD pode e deve ser usado em conjunto com outros indicadores e medidas similares para otimizar recursos e aes de adequao LGPD e de privacidade."
Price: 99.99

"Mundo Agile" |
"Interesante introduccion y bienvenida para todos aquellos estudiantes que quieran aprender aun mas sobre este mundo Agile.Este curso te va a ensear primero lo que no es Agile, ya que muchos profesan que hacen Agile pero realmente estan siendo lo contrario: Anti-Agile.Seguido, te va a explicar de donde surge este termino Agile, dando una explicacion diferente del manifiesto Agil desde una perspectiva nunca antes vista con ejemplos de principios del siglo XX.Finalmente llegamos a la mejor parte, donde explicamos lo que realmente es Agile, con una explicacion sencilla pero a la vez sumamente enriquecedora que te llevar a entender el por qu utilizamos los valores y principios agiles en los proyectos demandantes del mundo actual.Espero les agrade el curso y sean bienvenidos al mundo Agile."
Price: 19.99

"Aprende a aplicar el Mindfulness a tu vida diaria!" |
"Hola!Te presento un curso de mindfulness con el que podrs crear tus propias sesiones sin depender de escuchar meditaciones dirigidas o instrucciones de otra persona. Aprenders lo que es realmente importante y lo que es prescindible o superficial a la hora de practicar el mindfulness.En este curso entenders la diferencia entre la prctica de la meditacin y la prctica del mindfulness. Aprenders a vivir el momento presente de forma que poco a poco tu atencin plena se ir expandiendo y sers ms consciente de lo que ocurre a tu alrededor. Mejorar tu experiencia de vida al ir dejando poco a poco de juzgar lo que ocurre a tu alrededor y conseguirs ver a las personas y a las circunstancias de cada da como en realidad son y no como t pensabas que son.Alcanzars una calma mental que te permitir descansar mejor y ser ms consciente de la informacin de tu propio cuerpo.Haremos varios ejemplos de ejercicios estticos y de ejercicios dinmicos para que entiendas la base de cada uno de ellos y puedas crear otros nuevos y ensear, si lo deseas, a otras personas."
Price: 19.99

"introduction to artificial intelligence" |
Price: 19.99

"Ethical Hacking v10.2" |
"Hello Everyone,If you are beginner in ethical hacking & want to build your career in cybersecurity & don't have enough knowledge of coding then you are at right place. Yes, in this course you don't need any coding language all you need is just dedication & passion to learn, if you get stuck our Team will always be there for you. In this course you will learn lots of amazing things about hacking with practicals, & guidance how you can build your successful career in Ethical HackingMyself Anshuman (4N5HUM4N), member of Indian Cyber Squad & your instructor during this course. We are a hacking community & have provided Cyber Solutions to many organizations, I personally hacked almost 10,000+ website last year & I have been Hacking from past 5 years.Note : If you have a passion to learn hacking & have a dedicated mindset then only join this course. if you have extra money feed a poor rather than wasting it."
Price: 2880.00

cfacorpfin |
"CFA10: : : : : : : : : : : CFA !!"
Price: 600.00

cfasub8910 |
"CFACFA10: : : : : : : : : : : CFA !!"
Price: 600.00

"Introduction to Li-Fi" |
"This course is an introductory course on Li-Fi (Light fidelity)Technology . We are doing hope that you know about this technology, if you dont know, dont worry, this course is for you because through this course you become Zero to Hero in this field. We implement our technology on one of the familiar and cost effective microcontroller board is Arduino which is to be considered as Advanced learning of this technology, hence one will be of Audio transmission which is considered as basic project.Think of a world where every one is using light source for connecting to the internet. Sounds like a world of science fiction but the technology actually already exsits! It is called Li-Fi and it is the future of wireless connectivity. Li-Fi is a wireless optical networking. It is a form of visible light communications (VLC) system that makes use of light-emitting diodes (LED) for data transmission similar to Wi-Fi. Li-Fi is the only form of VLC that allows the bidirectional transmission of light. The networking ability to integrate with mobile, Laptop ,PC and other devices is a groundbreaking development in this field, one that is define by the speed of data transfer and continuing to make it cheaper and marketable in sense of everyone can use in society. Li-Fi is having several advantage that's why we are learning:- Speed Security Eco-friendly Availability CostIf you are a technology doper and you want to learn the advanced technology then this is RIGHT course for you.What you will Build:Audio Transfer using Li-FiIn this Project you learn that how to transmit Audio signal through Light Source. Basically in this project you will understand components of transmitter and receiver and fundamental of transmitter that is how to transmit audio signal and fundamental of receiver that is how to receive audio signal.Text File transfer using Li-FiIn this Project you learn about how to transfer text data using Li-Fi technology. Basically in this project you will understand components of transmitter and receiver. You will learn that fundamentals of Transmitter and Receiver that how they transmit and receive signals using Li-Fi by mean of using of Arduino.You will get answer :you will get answer of frequently asked questions in Li-Fi technology. and the questions are-What is Li-Fi?How does LiFi work?Why is the Flickering of Light in LiFi Systems Invisible?Why is LED Used in LiFi Systems?Will LiFi be Replacing WiFi When It Is Released?Is LiFi expensive?Do the Lights Have to be Turned On for LiFi to Work?Will Sunlight Interfere with the LiFi Signal?Is LiFi more Secure than WiFi?What does Bidirectional Technology Mean? Hurry up what are you waiting for Get enrolled in this course !"
Price: 19.99

Price: 199.99

OraclePLSQL |
"PL/SQL DeveloperOraclePL/SQLSQLProcedural Language/SQLPL/SQLOracleSQLSQLPL/SQLPL/SQLoracle PLSQL"
Price: 199.99

"PTS , Security+ , CCNA" |
"Computer networking courses are commonly offered at both the undergraduate and graduate levels through certificate and degree programs in computer science and information systems, computer networking technology, and electronics and computer technology. Undergraduate programs generally prepare students for entry-level positions in computer networking careers, and students may be qualified to pursue certification through companies like Cisco and CompTIA. Graduate programs focus more on the research and development aspects of the field.PTS Security+ CCNA"
Price: 19.99

"Your Gateway To Microsoft Excel: The Basics" |
"This course teaches students the basics of Microsoft Excel. In this course we will navigate through excel rows and columns, we will see what is a cell and a cell address. next we will talk about ranges and how to define them. After that, we will introduce formulas and how to use them. next, we will learn about relative and absolute references and their usage with operators. finally we will introduce the most commonly used functions in excel. Have fun learning!"
Price: 24.99

"Master Academic IELTS Task 2 Essay Writing" |
"This course will improve your ability to analyse, plan and write great academic IELTS essay questions.You will be given 1-to-1 instruction on how to read an essay question, brainstorm ideas, and develop convincing arguments and examples.Essay writing TAKES TIME, and cannot be 'rushed' or 'fast-tracked.'Each lecture is a 1-to-1 session in which students will be presented with an essay question, and a series of steps will be taken to develop a full essay plan and draft.Features of this course include:5 tutorial sessions on a range of IELTS essay topicsA range of academic essay questions (downloadable)Downloadable academic essay plans and templatesBonus TWO tutorials for IELTS academic writing task 111 Writing assignment tasks on various Task 2 topics.Topics provided in this course will allow students to feel more confident and comfortable approaching and analysing any essay topic.This course is great for:IELTS students needing to develop their essay writing abilitiesIELTS students who prefer 1-to-1 style tutoring lessonsIELTS students that would like more academic IELTS essay questions"
Price: 49.99

"Ansible for network engineers in Hindi or Urdu. Ansible 2.9" |
"Hi All, We have created this course for the Network engineers. You can learn the ansible starting from the basics and become master of it. We are going to start from very basic and then reach the state where you can automate the devices and use the other tools on your own."
Price: 19.99

"Curso de Anatoma. En este curso virtual de anatoma podrs aprenderte la anatoma humana de una manera muy sencilla y rpida. Este curso online de anatoma te llevar desde lo ms bsico hasta lo mas complejo de la anatoma. Y como ventaja podrs obtener las mejores calificaciones en tu facultad de medicina.Por qu tomar curso en linea de anatoma en linea?Antiguamente a los estudiantes de medicina se les exiga aprenderse de memoria los libros de anatoma, y todo esto por qu no haba acceso a dispositivos con acceso a internet. Es el momento de tomar ventaja a tus compaeros que se quedaron en la antigedad y sacar partido de las nuevas herramientas disponibles y comprobadas para aprender anatoma.Con este curso de anatoma online podrs aprender de memoria todo, de una manera muy sencilla, muchos estudiantes nos agradecen que despus de tomar nuestro curso sus calificaciones aumentan demasiado.Adems, con nuestro Curso Online de Anatoma estudia para el ENARM.Este curso online te servir para tu repaso para el ENARM, que es el examen de especialidades en Mxico. Este curso contiene adems de la anatomia descriptiva, contiene cientos de conceptos clnicos importantes para poder comprender asignaturas como ciruga general, traumatologa, ginecologa, etc."
Price: 19.99

"Escape 9 to 5 - Start your Online Business" |
"Be your own boss & start escaping 9 to 5 with Farid Premani by finding your real passion through IKIGAI and psychological career mind mapping finding the right skill setChoose E-commerce versus E-services - What is the right starting venue for you?Get to know about finding the right product with 200-300% profit margins and sell on Amazon, ETSY, Affiliate stores, Facebook Market Place while on other handScale your company to next level starting on Upwork, Freelancer, Peoplepayhour, Fiverr like reputable placesGet for as low as $50 Harvard and UCA Berkley accredited certifications to boost your profileHow to source right product from China, Local US warehouses and make 2-3X profit marginsFor E-services see from top 50 freelancing platforms how to create stunning profilesMarket testing, research and setting up the right price to win projectsFarid has coached about 15,000 professionals to start their own business and holds Guinness World Record running social not for profit for this cause to alleviate poverty and quality of life.From tier 1 to tier 3 you can earn from $10-100/hr and up-to $100K USD. With these tested methods you can reach your next level of step wise blue print to success you always dreamt off!"
Price: 99.99

"Mandala Art Workshop [ 3 videos + bonus session ]" |
"Mandala means 'circles' in Sanskrit. These designs holds a great deal of symbolism in Hindu & Buddhist cultures.They helps in reduce stress, promote sleep and ease depression & it also increases concentration level , patience.They are used for meditations, prayers, healing art therapy for everyone.Join us in our online session and learn everything you need to get started on your mandala journey. In today's digital world, create something handmade and truly exclusive as nobody can do the same just by downloading a masterpiece !"
Price: 1280.00

"Cabin Crew Assessment Day Mastery Course" |
"Did you know that only 5% of Cabin Crew applicants are successful in securing employment with an airline?Did you know that if your applications in unsuccessful you will often have to wait another year before you can apply again?I have helped hundreds, if not thousands, of people to secure employment as Cabin Crew. Having worked in and studied aviation for over ten years, I share my expert knowledge and tips for success with you in this assessment day mastery course.The course is designed with you in mind. It has activities that are tailored to you and your needs that are essential when preparing for your assessment day. Whether you are unsure about the teamwork assessment, the customer service role-play, the tests, the 1:1 interview or any other element of the Cabin Crew assessment day, I will help you to increase your confidence and to be successful!"
Price: 99.99

"Learn Xero in 7 Lectures & 98 Minutes, Full Accounts A to Z" |
"How can Xero make difference:This is Xero Mastery Course which means you will learn full process of how to post and process business financial data i.e. revenue, purchases, expenses, payments, VAT/GST, and produce important reports such as profit and loss account, balance sheet, ledgers reports, accounts payable and accounts receivable etc. All these topics will be covered in this course.This process will help businesses to manage their accounts and finance on daily basis, and they would be able to make decisions to achieve their objective. Accountants and bookkeepers will be able to learn how to process their client data in short time. This is very focused course where you learn particularly about day to day function of accountants and bookkeepers who want to use Xero for their clients. Freelancers and small business owners will be able to manage their accounts without any help themselves.So, lets try and enhance your knowledge and skills!"
Price: 69.99

"Quickbook Mastery in 60 Minutes- Full Accounts Completion" |
"Why accounting is important, and how to achieve best out of it in short time:Due to fast paced environment, accounting professionals, entrepreneurs, and ambitious accountants and bookkeeper need to keep track of business finance in short time to analyze business growth and profitability. There is no other way than cloud base accounting to achieve these objectives. You can process financial data on daily basis and produce financial reports (P&L, B/S etc) everyday, which can give you an overview of business performance. I have covered important topics from scratch to end to produce these reports with actual financial data posting, and explanation. please note some tasks are repeated for extra 15 minutes."
Price: 74.99

"Learn Excel Based Accounts in 60 Minutes-Complete Accounts" |
"Accounting is important in our day to day life. When small businesses cant afford accounting software, they keep their daily business record on excel. This course has developed a simple method where business can have all their data on excel without using any complicated excel workbooks. Simple Steps Learning core principle is to develop courses with simple and straightforward approach with easy understanding.This course would explain to you what is double entry bookkeeping, and how it works in practical life. You would learn five important steps which will in the end produce your business profit and loss account and balance sheet. These five steps contain day book, journal entry, trial balance, profit and loss account and balance sheet. There is no other simple way than this for your daily bookkeeping and accounts preparation.I hope you would learn new skills which will be beneficial for life! Please note some tasks are repeated for extra 15 minutes. You can skip as per your need. All the bestSimple Steps Learning"
Price: 74.99

"60 Minute Complete Accounts for Freelancers, Basic to Pro" |
"Accounting is important in our day to day life. When small businesses cant afford accounting software, they keep their daily business record on excel. This course has developed a simple method where business can have all their data on excel without using any complicated excel workbooks. Simple Steps Learning core principle is to develop courses with simple and straightforward approach with easy understanding.This course would explain to you what is double entry bookkeeping, and how it works in practical life. You would learn five important steps which will in the end produce your business profit and loss account and balance sheet. These five steps contain day book, journal entry, trial balance, profit and loss account and balance sheet. There is no other simple way than this for your daily bookkeeping and accounts preparation. This course is specifically designed for freelancers, and other online service providers who have small business.I hope you would learn new skills which will be beneficial for life!All the bestSimple Steps Learning"
Price: 74.99

"Sculpt & Burn 14-day Yoga Challenge" |
"Welcome to the 14-day Sculpt & Burn Yoga ChallengeThis two-week series is designed to increase your strength and flexibility, and help you to feel amazing across your whole body.Each 10-minute class focuses on a different area of the body to give you a balanced power throughout. We will use a rep-challenge style of workout, followed by flexibility stretches to lengthen into these areas.This challenge is filled with workouts and stretches I use on a daily basis, I'm so excited to share them with you and have some fun along the way."
Price: 19.99

"Insider Secrets to Hit Songwriting" |
"Is there a magic formula or secret sauce for hit songs? Have you been tirelessly working on your songs, but still haven't written that hit? Do hitmakers know something that you dont? Well, after working for many of the top hit makers in the business for over 25 years - my surprising (or not) answer to that question is Yes! THERE ARE INSIDER SECRETS!"" Either these songwriters have figured it out on their own - or they just intuitively knew how to craft not just great songs - but hits.Having not just signed, worked and/or developed some of the biggest, Grammy Award winning, top charting writers and producers in the world including: Ryan Tedder, Greg Kurstin, Savan Kotecha, Ariel Rechtshaid, Cirkut, Jake Torrey, Bram Inscore, Lindy Robbins I've also signed artists like: The Lumineers, LMFAO, Overcoats, Ariel Pink, Grimes, Kelly Clarkson, Active Child, Big Freedia, Caroline Polachek, SOPHIE, OneRepublic, Peaches, Tiesto, TOKiMONSTA and Cut Copy, to name a few. And while they werent my signings, I also worked closely in the past at EMI Music Publishing with Sia, Rick Nowels, Steve Kipner and Guy Chambers.Im going to share the secrets Ive picked up along the way, not just from my own observations and experiences, but also what Ive learned from the collective 100 hit songwriters who I've personally worked with.So if youre looking for the unfair advantage, the elusive DNA of hit songwriting, or feel theres a bigger songwriting universe outside of your current knowledge set, youre right. The hit songwriting matrix in my opinion, does exist. And Id love to share it with you. So, do you want to take the blue pill or the red pill?"
Price: 94.99

"Workover Advanced Course" |
"The oil and gas industry has an enormous impact on all aspect of daily life. A workover is any operation done on, within, or through the wellbore after the initial completion. Although proper drilling, cementing, and completion practices minimize the need, virtually every well will need several workovers during its lifetime to satisfactory fulfill its purpose.This course looks at the workover operations that are done because the well is not performing up to expectations. In addition, it sheds the lights on the equipment used while performing the workover operations. Main concepts of this course will be delivered through lectures, readings, and various videos. After every lesson, learners will take short quizzes to test their newly acquired knowledge. "
Price: 49.99

"Learn to Meditate" |
"First of all there is no one size fits all practice when it comes tomeditation. Rather there are a number of techniques that can beused, all of which will suit different people and differenttemperaments, this course is carefully designed to help you to finda practice that works for you.I have met many people who say I tried meditation and it wasntfor me, I truly believe that this is because they were shown onetechnique and told to go away and practice. Without everdiscovering if that technique was what worked for them and theydidnt have any support to establish a regular practice.Meditation is much more effective when we understand exactlywhat it is and what we are trying to attain through our practice.When we have an understanding of the mind we are better placedto understand our practice.This course has been carefully designed to support you in finding apractice that works for you. We will explore 6 different techniques,The course is designed so that you practice each technique forabout a week, so as you can experience how it really feels for you,and over the six weeks working through these different practicesyou will discover which one works best for you. 6 weeks is alsohow long it takes to build a habit, so we are working towardsestablishing a practice that will fit in with your life. Along with thedifferent practices we will explore how to set up a practice area,the practicalities of maintaining a comfortable seated position.How to establish a regular practice, that fits with your lifestyle andcommitments, and some of the barriers to establishing a practice.We will explore what meditation is and start to understand thenature of the mind.Throughout the course you will have access to full support via theQ&A section so if you have any questions I will be happy to helpand advice.Meditation is a truly life changing practice. I look forward towelcoming you to the course and sharing the joys of meditation with you"
Price: 89.99

"Sistema de Ventas mas completo realizado en ASP.NET Core y Entity Framework CoreUn excelente curso si deseas aprender a construir aplicaciones web para trabajar en la nube.Aprender a Desarrollar un Aplicativo de ventas que maneje inventario y stock , adems de reportes por rango de fechas.Implementaremos la conexin y el contexto de la base de datos para conectar nuestro proyecto con su base de datos en SQL Server.Desarrollaremos como ejemplo un SISTEMA WEB desde cero ,que vendr con un archivo de Word de apoyo para la escritura de cdigo .Durante todo el curso aprenders a realizar el mantenimiento CRUD de tablas independientes, tablas relacionales, tablas maestro detalle. Tambin realizaremos reportes en PDF,EXCEL,U OTROS FORMATOS.INSCRIBETE YA y comparte este gran curso con nosotros!Para quin es este curso?Personas que quieren construir aplicaciones web.Estudiantes que desean ingresar a la industria del desarrollo de sistemas web utilizando ASP. Net Core.Personas que aprenden desarrollando un proyecto del mundo real incluyendo la solucin de los diferentes problemas que se presenten."
Price: 24.99

"Facebook Live Buduj mark i zwikszaj zasigi i sprzeda" |
"Chcesz pozna narzdzie, ktre pozwoli Ci generowa zasigi na Facebook, ktre moesz zacz wykorzystywa za darmo?Chcesz wypromowa swoje usugi lub produkty?A moe chcesz budowa swoj mark osobist?Ten kurs jest dla Ciebie!W kursie nauczysz si jak przeprowadza profesjonalne live.Poka Ci jak krok po kroku moesz zacz swoj przygod z live na Facebook.Jeeli martwisz si o to, e nie masz sprztu lub nie wiesz jakiego uy to rwnie opowiem Ci o tym w kursie tak aby nie musia si o to martwi.W kursie pracujemy na najnowszym narzdziu Facebooka czyli Creator Studio.Prezentujemy wszelkie ustawienia i konfiguracje na docelowej wersji narzdzia, ktra niedugo bdzie docelow dla wszystkich.Oponowanie live z najnowszymi narzdziami pozwoli Ci by o krok przed konkurencj.Zobacz, e due marki i znani trenerzy i influancerzy wykorzystuj live.Dlaczego?Bo doskonale wiedz, e to najlepsze narzdzie do generowanie zasigu na Facebook.Po przerobieniu kursu rwnie bdziesz mg to wdroy do swojej kariery lub firmy.BONUSDodatkowo bdzie specjalna grupa wsparcia do ktrej dostaniesz link i bdziesz mg doczy w kadej chwili."
Price: 84.99

WebRTC-H5 |
Price: 39.99
