"Algebra nivel bsico a nivel experto" |
"En el presente curso, el alumno aprender:- Concepto de Algebra- Suma algebraica- Resta algebraica- Multiplicacin de monomio por monomio- Multiplicacin de monomio por polinomio- Multiplicacin de polinomio por polinomio- Divisin de monomio entre monomio- Divisin de polinomio entre monomio- Divisin de polinomio entre polinomio- Problemas algebraicos al lenguaje matemtico nivel bsico- Problemas algebraicos al lenguaje matemtico nivel medio - Problemas algebraicos al lenguaje matemtico nivel avanzado."
Price: 24.99

"Learning data structures and algorithms ( An algorithm is a set of steps used for accomplishing a task, while a data structure is something used to store data, the manipulation of said data is done with algorithms. )allow us to write efficient and optimized computer programs. Our DSA tutorial will guide you to learn different types of data structures and algorithms and various programs on data structures and algorithms using python and their implementations."
Price: 1600.00

"SAP Beginner's Guide - Transport Management System" |
"SAP Beginner's Guide - Transport Management System focuses on concepts and major tasks to administrate the SAP TMS. The course is suitable for all beginners who want to gain knowledge in SAP administration. The course covers the following topics: System Architecture, Systems Patching, TMS and SAP Client.- The course covers all versions of SAP system, including ECC and S/4 HANA. Each section will will walk through all the essential steps required for maintaining TMS. The course will worth your money. You can always review a particular topic just in case you forgot how to do it."
Price: 19.99

"**Note that : all questions are taken from various resources and provided by experts , students ,teachers and also from various open source resources.So it may happen that you could see some questions which are available on the other sources also . ****** All questions are updated regularly by the feedback and memory based questions provided by students who are giving exam.***Please read above before purchasing.Skills measuredConfigure data access and auditing (20-25%)Manage backup and restore of databases (20-25%)Manage and monitor SQL Server instances (35-40%)Manage high availability and disaster recovery (20-25%"
Price: 29.99

"PRONTO! Learn the Italian language: Complete Italian course" |
"Become an ""ITALIANO VERO"", a ""TRUE ITALIAN"" by mastering the Italian language and learning all about the Italian culture!You will get unlimited access to more than 25 HOURS of FULL HD lessons with Italian teachers with practical exercises to do after finishing each unit of lessons. 30-Day Satisfaction or money back guarantee.Master the 4 pillars of the Italian language:PARLARE (speaking)SCRIVERE (writing)LEGGERE (reading)and CAPIRE (understanding)There are also PDF files which you can download for each of the 90 lessons to study and practice, as well as an AUDIO MP3 version of the lesson to listen to again.The course covers from the most basic level A1 to more advanced content A2.PRONTO! teaches:STORIA ITALIANA (Italian history)STORIA DELLARTE (art history)MUSICA (music)CIBO (food)BEI POSTI DA VISITARE (beautiful places to visit)The PRONTO! course ""L'ITALIANO VERO"" offers students more than 90 lessons in a 3-month program divided in the following sections:GRAMMAR and all technical aspects to master Italian from the most basic content (for example: the alphabet), to the use of prepositions, conjugation of regular and irregular verbs, singular and plural forms of nouns, articles, use of adjectives, adverbs and many other grammatical rules.PRONUNCIATION of all the Italian letters: VOCALI e CONSONANTI (vowels and consonants), with exercises to repeat after the teacher guides the student to the correct and authentic pronunciation.VOCABULARY and CONVERSATION on different subjects:SITUAZIONI FORMALI E INFORMALI (formal and informal situations)PRESENTARSI (how to introduce yourself)PARLARE DI TE STESSO E DEGLI ALTRI (talking about yourself and about others)LE PROFESSIONI (professions)DIRE E CHIEDERE DA DOVE VIENI (conversation about where you come from)I NUMERI (the numbers)IL CORPO (the human body)VIAGGIARE IN ITALIA (travelling in Italy)e tantissimi altri temi (and many other subjects).ITALIAN CULTURE: Learning all about Italy and the many things loved about this beautiful country.After HUNDREDS of students have attended in-person lessons and successfully completed the program with great results, PRONTO! has decided to transition to digital lessons to make our community larger!Once you enroll in the course, you will also have access to the private Facebook group where we will share our experiences on learning this wonderful language and learning all about ITALY, while we also get to know each other!BENVENUTO A PRONTO!"
Price: 39.99

"Introduccin a la Permacultura" |
"Bienvenido a este curso de introduccin a la permacultura.En este curso vamos a ver lo siguiente:el orgen de la permaculturala definicin de la permaculturalas tres ticas y los principioslos temas, las estrategias y las tcnicaslos elementoscmo conectar los elementos Finalmente vamos a hacer un ejercicio prctico sobre las conexiones.Este curso est abierto a todas las personas que tienen inters por la permacultura, pero no estn seguras de lo que significa ""permacultura""."
Price: 19.99

"7 Essential College Hacks Program + BONUS" |
"This is a course for high school seniors & college students who are looking to be a TOP PERFORMER and get READY to excel in college. The 7 Essential College Hack Program + BONUSES cover topics ranging from Secrets to Getting Easy A, Secrets to Connecting With Professors, Secrets to Taking Care of Yourself in College, Secrets to Choosing the Most Suitable Major, and MORE. The BONUS lectures include Secrets to Graduating Earlier, Secrets to Creating a WOW LinkedIn, and MORE."
Price: 19.99

"Banka Hesab Ama Garantili A-Z Shopify Dropshipping Eitimi" |
"Covid-19 nedeniyle inanlmaz hzla byyen e-ticaret dnyasna dolar kazanma iddasyla girmeye hazr msnz?Bu kurs ierisinde;Dropshipping Nedir?Dropshipping Sreci Nasl ler?Ni Pazar Seimi ve Winner rn Seimi Nasl Yaplr?Shopify Dropshipping iin Web Sitesi Kurulumunun Tm AdmlarKuracamz Site iin Alan Ad Alma ve Mail Hesaplarn OluturmaShopify Maaza Al ve Alan Adnn Maazaya BalanmasWeb Sitesinin OluturulmasCanva Uygulamas ile Web Sitemiz iin Logo OluturmaSitemize Ekleyeceimiz Olmazsa Olmaz Uygulamalar ve KurulumlarWeb Sitemize Ekleyebileceimiz Uygulama nerileriWeb Sitemize Ekleyeceimiz rnn Tedarikisini BelirlemeWeb Sitemize Ekleyeceimiz Politikalar ve Yasal YkmllklerAmerika'da irket Amak ve 50 Dolarlk ndirimAmerika'da irket Amaktan Neden Korkmamalyz?Amerika'da Uygulamal Olarak irket Amak ve 50 Dolarlk ndirimi KullanmakEIN ( Vergi Kimlik Numaras) Belgesi ve irket Kurulum Belgesiirketimiz iin Telefon Numaras Almakirketimiz iin Adres AlmakITIN (Bireysel Vergi Kimlik Numaras) Uygulamal Olarak AlmHayat Boyu deme Alma Sorununun zm in Banka Hesap BavurusuPayPal ve Stripe Hesap Allar ve Banka Hesabn EklemeDropshipping iin En Doru Pazarlama Yntemi - Gerilla PazarlamaTm bu admlar ve ok daha fazlas bu eitim ierisinde sizleri bekliyor. Deerinden daha fazla indirim veren tek eitim imdi sizlerle. Eitime katldnzda Amerika'da irket kurmak isterseniz 50 Dolarlk indirimi bu eitimden alabileceksiniz.Hayallerinize ulamak iin hayat boyu deme alma sorunu yaamadan tm dnyann olduu gibi sadece sata odaklanmanz salayacak eitimimiz balyor.Haydi Dolar Kazanalm !"
Price: 59.99

"Introduction to Data Analytics for Accountants" |
"Data Analytics, Data Science, Artificial Intelligence are not buzzwords anymore; these are realities, the amount of data available in the world and generated every day require these set of skills. The Data revolution is impacting almost every industry, including accounting and finance.This is a beginner level short course on data analytics for accountants and finance professionals.The course aims to give you a birds-eye view of what is data analytics, the process, and various tool that help to carry out data analytics rather than teaching a single tool.We will cover in this course- Overview of Digital Skills and where Data Analyst role fit in this world.- What is Data Analytics- Different structures of Data- Types of Data Analytics- Process of Data Analytics- Few popular tools to perform Analytics and examples- A brief introduction to machine learning and its use in finance"
Price: 19.99

"Rseaux lectriques(calcul des grandeurs lectriques)" |
"Ce cours plus important parce que donne toutes les informations ncessaire pour dvelopper la comptence des ingnieurs et techniciens au monde Il permet de augmenter la exprience de la calcul dans thorique aussi la pratique pour facilit de trouver les solutions compatibles aprs l'analyse des calculs ensuite traits les situations des problmes au niveaux de l'industrie"
Price: 19.99

"Adobe Photoshop for Absolute Beginners in HINDI" |
"Hello, My name is Joseph. I am a Professional Photography and Photoshop Retoucher for over 6 years. If you are an absolute beginner to Photoshop Retouching then this course is perfect for you. This course will teach all about Photoshop Retouching in Hindi and Photo Editing in Photoshop in Hindi without boring you with technical jargon. Rather than simply telling you what are the functions of each and every tool in Photoshop this course will teach you how to use them on real projects so that your experience of learning Photoshop in Hindi or Photoshop Retouching in Hindi is fun and full of excitement. Become a Professional Photo Editor by Mastering Photoshop in HindiIf you are a photographer then you know that taking pictures is only half work. Photo editing and photo manipulation is the other half work in photography. This course will take you from zero levels to a level where you can edit pictures like a pro. Adobe Photoshop for Absolute Beginners in HINDI, this course is designed for those who want to perfect their Photoshop Retouching skills fast and without wasting time. What you will learn in this Adobe Photoshop for Absolute Beginner in HINDI Course. Layers in Photoshop Importing Pictures in PhotoshopAuto Corrections in PhotoshopTransform and Combining ImagesAdjustment Layers LevelsCurvesVibranceColor & Hue/ SaturationText Editing in Photoshop Layer StylesResizing and CropBasic Selection TechniquesLayer MaskPhoto RetouchingExportingI give you a 30-day 100% money-back guarantee, so if you aren't happy with buying this course, I will refund your money- no questions asked!I can't wait to see you on the course, so hurry up!Enroll now, I will help you learn Photoshop like a pro!Joseph K"
Price: 12800.00

"The Complete Guide for your SUA Project (for any versions)." |
"In this course, I will walk you through each step in details from beginning to completing your SUA project in less than 10 hours.We will go through 3 process:1- Transaction Posting2- Month-end Procedure3- Year-end ProcedureWorking toward the end of the course, you will be able to complete and fully understand a basic Accounting System."
Price: 199.99
