"Arduino Hardware Only For Beginners" |
"In this course, you find series of videos that covers an introduction to programming(python,,,,etc) and explanation of Arduino hardware ,we are going to start learning Arduino from start to mastering the implementation of various applications, so I aim through this course to explain Arduino from the concept of hardware and software. Create a template that includes codes, copiers, and bulk codes without a qualification to create a final set of codes for various projects. Arduino card on request: It is an electronic card on which there is a controller and it is the spirit of this card, and through, this control is programmed and interacts with the sensors which are connected, programmed and obtained from them on different values and outline everything and define specific terms of your Design. You do not need to address the circumstances. Maintenance, you must learn Arduino well if you want to create program controlled projects."
Price: 89.99

"Life history of Gymnosperm and Angiosperm" |
"In this course you have to learn about the whole life history of gymnosperm as well as angiosperm as more their species as well as their different families and how it can be important for human being. That plants are also important for our nature. so I hope at the end of the course you all know about the gymnosperm as well as angiosperm."
Price: 1280.00

"Wealth Is The Comfort Of The Mind" |
"The Good New Is, You Dont Need Medication To Calm Your Mind...If youve followed the fitness and health industries over the past few years, theyre always coming out with something newThats rightTAlthough many people may look at medication as a quick fix for stress and anxiety, there is a better wayOne of the most effective and NATURAL ways to calm is your mind is through meditation.Meditation doesnt cost you any money, can be done almost anywhere, and its been scientifically proven to have positive effects on both your mind and your bodyAlthough meditation is a natural solution that everyone should embrace for calming the mind and improving overall well-being in our busy and hectic worldThere Are Some Misconceptions About Meditation...Many people think that meditation is about achieving enlightenment or that its used to recreate the effects of hallucinogenic drugs...and many think meditation is a practice related to various religionsAlthough it can be all of those things, meditation is all about practicing control over your thoughts.At the core, meditation is an ancient practice used by billions of people around the world thats used to focus your thoughts and clear your mindIn our busy world, its often hard to control our thoughtsReacting to our environments is often the case, and when youre reacting, you dont have control When you discover how to successfully practice the ancient art of meditation, you can take back control in your day-to-day life and calm your mindIve been using meditation for years to improve my overall calm and general well-being, and I want you to be able to do the same thingsIts not hard, as long as you learn from someone that knows what theyre doingThats why Ive put together the ultimate guide to calming your mind with the power of meditation...This Is A Complete Guide That Will Teach How To Calm Your Mind, And Improve Your Overall Health And Well-Being NaturallyWhy perception is everything and how to take back control of your mind and your life...And over to meditation if youve never meditated before, youll discover exactly what meditation is, why you need it, and how to get started today...Meditation is a great way to calm your mind and take back control, but did you know it can also improve your health and even help you become more successful in your career?The different types of meditation are revealed and youll discover which one is the best for you depending on how things are currently going in your lifeA simple, step-by-step meditation program you can use to get started today...How to become more present and use meditation in everything that you do...Youre better than you are right now hot to tap into your best you for ultimate performance in every facet of your life...Most of us just walk through life, going through the motions like a zombie Discover how to come come back to life with meditation...Discover what a flow state is and why its important to the human brain...Should you take supplements or should you avoid them? This question is answered inside the guideWhy were wired and tired and how to have more energy than youve ever had without caffeine or other artificial stimulants...The morning ritual you should adopt that will give you more energy, more calm and more focus each and every day...An introduction on CBT or Cognitive Behavioral Therapy and how you can use it to better control your thoughts...How use CBT to change your life forever and overcome anxiety...The simple, yet natural way to sleep better and wake up more rested each day..."
Price: 99.99

"Basics of Electronics Everything about Transformers" |
"A transformer is a passive electrical device that transfers electrical energy from one electrical circuit to another or multiple circuits. A varying current in any one coil of the transformer produces a varying magnetic flux in the transformer's core, which induces a varying electromotive force across any other coils wound around the same coreThis course covers the below topics about transformers- Definition of Transformers- Working Principle- Working Formulae- Losses in Transformers- Three parameters of transformers- Transformer on load and no-load conditions- Transformer Rating- Role & Types of Transformers- Application & Efficiency of Transformers- Numerical Problems"
Price: 1280.00

"2018 Residential Mechanical Inspector (M1) - Practice Exam" |
"This practice exam is designed for those taking the (2018 Residential Mechanical Inspector, M1) exam from the ICC. Test yourself on the most important areas of the code and learn the answers to some of the most challenging code questions. Included in this comprehensive practice test are the keys to understanding how to take a code exam. Dont rely on your own experience for the exam. Completing multiple practice questions is essential for passing a building code examination and the best way to eliminate taking an exam multiple times.Included in the practice exam:60 Question multiple-choice examCode references for every questionThis exam covers:General AdministrationHeating/Cooling/Water HeatersExhaust and Ventilation SystemsDuct SystemsCombustion AirChimneys and VentsFuel Supply SystemsMaterial required:International Residential CodeWith this practice exam and the required texts you will learn to:Build speed in finding references in the text so that you do not run out of time on an examLearn to use tables and apply them to questionsNavigate the code book(s) thoroughly including footnote comments on tables and exception references"
Price: 24.99

"Introduo a Engenharia de Dados com Azure" |
"Nesse curso que no requer qualquer conhecimento prvio na rea voc ir aprender de forma 100% prtica como iniciar na rea de engenharia de dados com a plataforma de computao na nuvem da Microsoft.Instalao do SQL Server na sua mquinaRestaurao de um banco de dadosCriao da sua conta no AzureProvisionamento dos recursos necessrios na nuvemMovimentar dados da sua mquina local para a nuvemRealizao do processo de ETL com Data factoryCriar um Data Warehouse com Azure SQLConectar as tabelas criadas no Power BI"
Price: 399.99

"Mental Physical and Financial Wellness after Retirement" |
"Many people lose focus on an important aspect of life i.e. Retirement. Once they reach that age, only then they realize that they are not prepared to face the challenges. This Training enables participants to plan and prepare well in advance so that they can look forward to retirement with optimism, hope, and positivity."
Price: 1920.00

"Alongamentos bsicos para iniciantes" |
"O curso de alongamentos bsicos para iniciantes foi idealizado para todas as pessoas que tem vontade de praticar alongamento, melhorar sua flexibilidade, mas no sabem por onde comear.O curso apresenta exerccios bsicos, explicados passo a passo e percorrendo o corpo todo em 10 aulas prticas. Algumas delas apresentam focos mais especficos. So eles:- Coluna- Tores- Posterior das pernas- Alongamentos para abertura frontal- Alongamentos para abertura lateralAlm de uma parte terica para aprender mais sobre o alongamento e o nosso corpo. Tambm est incluso uma prtica meditativa que apresenta um trabalho de respirao, presena, auto-percepo e relaxamento, e uma prtica de relaxamento que guia um processo de entrega do peso."
Price: 279.99

"Understanding Nonverbal Communication in 2020" |
"In this course you will be able to learn (and relearn) the basics of nonverbal communication. With the added variable of masks, gloves, and social distancing.Many people's prior understanding of social cues and nonverbal body language is unusable in today's society. The Success Bistro presents to you this course to help you continue bringing success into your life.Nonverbal communication is very important in today's society, by understanding what nonverbal cues mean you enter a new realm of secrets that many of today's successful people use. This consists of understanding not just body language but also facial expressions gestures in space.However, in today's current situations your prior understanding of nonverbal communication will be unusable due to many restrictions and barriers.That's why we at The Success Bistro wanted to help you understand and relay the secrets behind decoding hidden messages in facial expression body language and more, in the new normal. One that everyone is still learning itNot only will you be taught the basics of nonverbal communication, but also additional information that you need to know in 2020, with added variables of masks and social distancing."
Price: 19.99

"3 Steps to be Fabric Expert" |
"Why You Should do this Course?Imagine for the moment, you are looking at a fabric and you know which type Fabric it is, Which type of weaving it is, what might be the approximate minimum cost of the Fabric, and most important in your circle anyone want to know about the fabric in their mind your name will pop up first because you have taken this course.What You will Get?In this course you will get -12 different types of Fabrics12 Types weaving (With Practical Assignment to understand weaving) 3 Types of Knitting with 4 Designs of Knitting.To be a fabric expert you need to understand Weaving thoroughly, so I have given an assignment to you in the course.So I recommend you to take a step towards becoming fabric expert by knowing all types of fabrics and 2 Fabric Making methods that are weaving and knitting.Best Luck.."
Price: 1280.00

"Google Forms Actualizado - Aprende desde cero" |
"Google Forms es una herramienta gratuita que nos permite recopilar informacin muy fcil. Para usar esta aplicacin slo necesitas una cuenta de Google, la misma con la que entras por ejemplo a Gmail o Google Drive.En pocos minutos puedes crear Formularios desde tu computador, tablet o smartphone y as tener a disposicin en todo momento esta gran herramienta. Tambin aprenders que la informacin que obtengas de tus Formularios se registrar en tiempo real en una hoja de clculo y en grficos estadsticos para que puedas realizar los mejores anlisis.Te espero!"
Price: 49.99

"Let's practice together and speak English with confidence" |
"Let's study all the English grammar lessons and answer the activities together inside each and every lesson. For you to make sure you totally understood the lesson.This course will answer all your questions regarding grammar lessons. In an easy and simple way using activities and pictures. You will be able to understand natives.However, you will be able to identify the correct from the incorrect sentences and use the right tense to speak with."
Price: 19.99

"Upgrade your DATA Management & Communication Skills" |
"Get everything in one course. We are a team of talented trainers making Job-Related Courses for young students & working professionals.Our online video tutorials help you confidently list 'Advanced Skills' on your Resume.Learn this course is extremely easy as all the videos are available in the Hindi Language.This course has everything you get in 6 different courses. Please check the content of our course before buying it.1) Excel (Beginner+Advanced)2) Access (Beginner+Advanced)3) Data Analytics4) VBA Programming5) Presentation Skills6) Spoken English"
Price: 1280.00

"Introduccin a COMSOL Multiphysics" |
"Este curso es una introduccin al software COMSOL Multiphysics, que est diseada para que los estudiantes, los ingenieros, los investigadores... sean capaces de utilizar el software desde cero para realizar simulaciones fsicas de forma sencilla y prctica. No importa si no tienes experiencia en Elementos Finitos ni en COMSOL, sers igualmente capaz de entenderlo todo y terminars el curso con dominio de la materia.Despus de varios aos ejerciendo como Ingeniero Industrial, me he dado cuenta que dominar los Elementos Finitos para resolver problemas fsicos hoy en da es algo muy necesario en la ingeniera y est muy demandado. Y adems, la demanda va en aumento. Saber realizar este tipo de simulaciones te puede otorgar muchas oportunidades laborales y muchos beneficios econmicos. Y por si fuera poco, realizar estas simulaciones en COMSOL te va a ofrecer an ms ventajas, ya que es un software muy completo que te ofrece multitud de mdulos fsicos para la simulacin, como pueden ser anlisis estructurales, qumicos, de fluidos... Por este motivo, en pocos aos se ha convertido en uno de los lderes del sector y de los programas que ms buscan las empresas en la figura del ingeniero.El gran problema siempre ha sido la complejidad para aprender que conlleva, ya que su entendimiento no es fcil. En este curso yo intento facilitarte todo este proceso de aprendizaje y mejora, y vas a ser capaz de realizar y entender tus propios problemas fsicos en poco tiempo, gracias a la explicacin paso por paso y detallada de un problema mecnico y estructural completo (una viga en voladizo) y realizando diferentes variaciones para realizar tambin un anlisis vibracional. Aunque existen ms mdulos de simulacin en COMSOL, este problema es idneo para comprender el funcionamiento general del software y entender las bases de las simulaciones fsicas en COMSOL.En otras palabras, lo que pretendo es aportar mi granito de arena y ensearte todas esas cosas que me habra gustado saber en mis inicios y que nadie me cont. De esta forma podrs aprender a resolver distintos tipos de problemas rpidamente. Y por si fuera poco, estar a tu disposicin y te responder todas las preguntas que quieras en el menor tiempo posible.Aprender COMSOL nunca haba sido tan fcil como ahora. A qu esperas en unirte?"
Price: 179.99

"Introduccin a Siemens TIA PORTAL - Programa PLC desde cero" |
"Este curso es una introduccin muy completa al software Siemens TIA Portal, que est diseada para que los estudiantes, los ingenieros, los investigadores, los programadores... sean capaces de utilizar el software desde cero para realizar programacin PLC sencilla y prctica. No importa si no tienes experiencia en PLC ni en Tia Portal, sers igualmente capaz de entenderlo todo y terminars el curso con dominio de la materia.Despus de varios aos ejerciendo como Ingeniero Industrial y controlando y automatizando diversas plantas de fabricacin, me he dado cuenta que la programacin PLC es una de las herramientas ms potentes que existen y ms demandadas en el sector industrial y elctrico. Y adems, la demanda va en aumento. Ser un experto en este campo te puede otorgar muchas oportunidades laborales y muchos beneficios econmicos. Y por si fuera poco, realizar el control en TIA Portal te va a ofrecer an ms ventajas, ya que es un software extremadamente potente, desarrollado por la empresa Siemens y que permite una gran versatilidad en todas las operaciones de PLC. Por este motivo, hoy en da es el software lder del sector y el programa que ms buscan las empresas en la figura del ingeniero para programacin PLC.El gran problema siempre ha sido la complejidad para aprender que conlleva, ya que su entendimiento no es fcil. En este curso yo intento facilitarte todo este proceso de aprendizaje y mejora, y vas a ser capaz de dominar en poco tiempo todas las herramientas que necesitas para realizar PLC. Adems, al final del curso vas a entender tus propios problemas de control, gracias a la explicacin paso por paso y detallada de dos problemas de competencias muy amplias y actuales que abarcan prcticamente todas las funciones de TIA Portal. En otras palabras, lo que pretendo es aportar mi granito de arena y ensearte todas esas cosas que me habra gustado saber en mis inicios y que nadie me cont. De esta forma podrs aprender a resolver distintos tipos de problemas rpidamente. Y por si fuera poco, estar a tu disposicin y te responder todas las preguntas que quieras en el menor tiempo posible.Aprender TIA Portal y PLC nunca haba sido tan fcil como ahora. A qu esperas en unirte?"
Price: 179.99

"Learn IAS 16- property, plant and equipment" |
"It is a complete guide kit for those who want to learn the treatment of IAS 16 the property, plant and equipment based on IFRS syllabus.This course provides a clear guide on how to recognise an item of property, plant and equipment as well as initial and subsequent measurement of non-current asset. Also it includes the depreciation accounting, de-recognition and review of useful life of an asset along with several case studies and quizzes. After studying this course you will be able to practice the IAS 16 properly whether for studying or career."
Price: 19.99

"C ++ OOP" |
", , , , , (, , ), , , , , / , , , 2"
Price: 3200.00

"Calculus : Let's learn Differentiation" |
"This course on calculus : Differentiation is a comprehensive course on the differentiation part of calculus. After completing this calculus course you'll got a good knowledge about differentiation and you'll be able to solve the problems related to differentiation. Calculus is an important part of maths and generally asked in competition exams. This course on calculus will also help you in competition point of view.In this calculus course you'll learn differentiation and differentiation by plotting graphs. Then we'll learn differentiation of trigonometric functions. Our 3rd topic will be differentiation of logarithmic functions and differentiation of exponential functions. After this we'll discuss some important substitution for trigonometric functions. In this course we'll also learn theorems of differentiation like chain rule of differentiation, product rule of differentiation and also quotient rule of differentiation.At the end we'll differentiation of infinite series and differentiation over integration.To sum up all of this we'll solve some illustrations.So, hurry up and finish this calculus course."
Price: 19.99

"C Programming for Beginners" |
"Hi welcome to this comprehensive course on C Programming for Beginners. C is the most widely used, middle level programming language and is used in Operating system, in game development, to build graphic user interface. Apart from this c is also taught in our colleges as a part of academics So it would be a good idea to first learn C and then move to some high - level languages.The topics that we'll cover in this course on c programming are:1. Introduction to C.2. Structure of a C program3. Variables in c.4. Operators in c language.In this we'll learn Arithmetic Operators Relational Operators Logical Operators Bit Wise Operators Tertiary Conditional OperatorAfter then we'll learn about:5. Loops in c6. Arrays in c language.7. Conditional Programming8. Switch Statement9. Algorithm10. Flow Chart11. Functions in c programming12. Recursion13. Structure and Union in c programming.And along with this well also write various logical program of c language on IDE to make ourselves comfortable with programming."
Price: 24.99

"Adm Adm 9.Snf Matematii" |
"Bu kurs size lise mfredatndaki Mantk konusunu kavratmay amalyor. Mantk nitesinde;nermeler ve Bileik nermeler1. nermeyi, nermenin doruluk deerini, iki nermenin denkliini ve nermenin deilini aklayacaz.2. Bileik nermeyi rneklerle aklar, ve, veya, ya da balalar ile kurulan bileik nermelerin zelliklerini ve De Morgan kurallarn doruluk tablosu kullanarak gstereceiz.3. Koullu nermeyi ve iki ynl koullu nermeyi aklayacaz.4.Her ve baz niceleyicilerini rneklerle aklayacaz.5.Tanm, aksiyom, teorem ve ispat kavramlarn aklayacaz."
Price: 154.99

"Watercolour: the basics" |
"Become a confident watercolour artist in under 10 hoursNo previous art experience requiredLearn a new skill and master wonderful watercolour painting!Starting with the very basics, I will teach you how to use watercolours.I will guide you through some simple techniques to understand the workings of this popular art material.In this course we will:Learn basic watercolour techniquesBuild up your skillsIncrease your confidencePut theory into practicePaint different subjects including: cactus, seascapes, florals, landscape and figuresMake a portfolio of work"
Price: 84.99

"Learn Python from Scratch" |
"This Course will provide you the level of understanding about Programming Language and Practical Exposure of Python Leaning and its features of highly enrich Variables,data Types,Collection(Tuple,List,Sets,Dictionary),Class, Object , Simple Inheritance ,Multilevel Inheritance,Hybrid Inheritance , Database connection , Creation of Table,Update,Delete of Tables,Selection of data from table etc using Python . The Extensive uses of Packages and its scalability , File Handling through Python ."
Price: 19.99

"Nadie Sabe Como Invertir." |
"Maximiza tus inversiones y tu ahorro...Hoy es el da en el que encuentras la super oferta de un artculo que estabas buscando desde hace mucho tiempo Al fin lo encontraste!Est enfrente de ti y recuerdas que apenas ayer, tuviste que pagar la renta y te entristece descubrir que por el momento, no puedes adquirirlo porque tu bolsillo te dice: No me alcanza.Otro da; tu mejor amigo te busca para ofrecerte un negocio que parece ser muy lucrativo y necesita inversin, pero no tienes idea de cmo evaluar si es o no una buena oportunidad, por lo que con frustracin le dices a tu amigo: Tal vez en otro momento, o an peor: No tengo dinero.Te sientes decepcionado, pensando en una forma para salir adelante y aprovechar las buenas opciones que te llegan, pero no conoces algn buen modelo para incrementar tus ingresos invirtiendo o evitar la escasez de dinero.No es comn que dentro de nuestra formacin educativa incluyan en los programas bsicos el buen manejo de nuestras finanzas.En este ameno e interesante libro, el autor nos presenta un modelo sencillo y efectivo para incrementar nuestros ingresos, as como de evitar y eliminar por completo deudas innecesarias.Al final, te dars cuenta de que la libertad financiera ser una simple cuestin de administracin.En este curso se ven las dos primeras secciones del libro: Nadie Sabe Cmo Invertir, disponible en Amazon."
Price: 19.99

"Numerologa en magia" |
"Te ha pasado que ves el reloj y son las 11:11, 12:12, 3:33, etc? Conoce los mensajes.Aprende a descifrar los nmeros que miras en tu vida diaria.En el ocultismo occidental existen correspondencias con los nmeros, cada nmero tiene una frecuencia y una fuerza mgica. Conoce sobre estas y cmo puedes aplicar este conocimiento en la efectividad de tus prcticas mgicas como hechizos. invocaciones y cargar de poder tus herramientas mgicas.Aprenders:El significado de los nmerosLos nmeros maestrosTu nmero mgicoLos mensajes de los espritus a travs de los nmerosInterpretar el significado de nmeros repetidosInterpretar cdigosHechizo de proteccin con tu numerologaMagia con cada nmeroAplicar los nmeros en los hechizos"
Price: 19.99

"Blender 2.8 + Beginner Metro Station Course" |
"In this blender beginner series I will try my best to get you a touch of every aspect of blender. We will be using eevee render engine to create this metro bus station animation in ocean. You will learn basic modelling, texturing, materials and basic animation using key frames. So hope you stay along for the ride and please leave a review if you liked it."
Price: 149.99

"Google Analytics Mock Test -Latest- 2020" |
"These Mock tests will give you feel for the real exam and type of questions being asked in the exam. Try this multiple times to get the confidence before real exam.Having a certification is always a plus point on your resume.This course comes with 30 days return policy. Feel free to use it at your discretion."
Price: 1280.00

"30-minute Business Plan" |
"The course introduces the main concepts everyone should know while approaching to Project Management and Business Plan analysis. You will learn how to ""read & understand"" the main parameters such as gross operating margin, depreciation, cash flow, Net Present Value, Pay Back Time and so on.The course is very basic. It allows to accompany a theoretical approach with a practical one. We will try to apply the theory to a simple case study and you will take away an excel model you will can freely modify and use for your current activities.The course is in very basic English to reach as many people as possible all around the world."
Price: 19.99

"Mis Mejores Recetas Tailandesas. Por el Chef Rodrigo Ponce" |
"En este curso 100% Online, te ensear 19 recetas clsicas de la cocina Thai, platos exquisitos, con intensos sabores que te sorprendern por lo sencillas y rpidas que se preparan. Ideales para deleitar a tu familia o quedar como expert@ en una cena con tus amigos!??Estas son las recetas ganadoras del Restaurant Lemongrass, el mejor de La Serena, Chile, segn tripadvisor. Recetas que hemos mantenido en secreto, pero ahora las revelaremos con lujo de detalles para que las puedas disfrutar en la comodidad de tu hogar.El curso consiste en 20 clases en videos, los cuales puedes ver cuando quieras y cuantas veces queras, acceso de por vida! Tambin incluye listado de ingredientes y todo lo que necesitas para cocinar.nete a ms de 400 alumnos felices que ya estn cocinando y experimentando con estos nuevos y exticos sabores.Aprenderas:-Conocer los aderezos y como balancear sabores para resultados perfectos.-Ingredientes thai tradicionales y sus reemplazos.-19 recetas espectaculares para que te luzcas como profesional.-Entradas, salteados, currys, tallarines y postres.-Todas las tecnicas y secretos profesionales que los chefs no revelan.-Tendrs acceso ilimitado de por vida al contenido.Muy importante: He enfocado las clases para hacerlas en casa, con ingredientes y utensilios comunes y corrientes, que se encuentran normalmente en todas partes. Si hay algn ingrediente que no puedes encontrar, te dir la alternativa para reemplazarlo, sin perder el sabor, para que as no tengas ninguna excusa y te pongas en accin!"
Price: 24.99

Price: 5120.00

"learn easy digital marketing" |
"Easy Digital marketing for the beginner students who doesn't know about online marketing and making their profile better.This is my first course so please adjust with the background noise and with my eye contact. i fell sorry for it but from next time i'll make sure to make a better eye contact and noise cancellation mic."
Price: 1280.00

"How to STOP male pattern hair loss & REGROW your own hair!" |
"Through this course you will learn EXACTLY how to stop your male pattern hair loss and regrow your own hair using SCIENTIFICALLY proven and FDA approved medication. You can source these medications YOURSELF from your health care professional! Don't get ripped off by the large hair loss clinics!These are the same medications that the EXPENSIVE hair loss clinics SELL for thousands of dollars. I will take you behind the curtains of an 8 BILLION DOLLAR hair restoration industry and share with you the secrets that the EXPENSIVE hair loss clinics don't want you to know because they are protecting their profits.I will show you:-WHY you are losing your hair.-The TYPE of hair loss you have.-How to STOP your hair loss.-Which MEDICATIONS work based on SCIENCE & RESEARCH.-Are there any SIDE EFFECTS to the medication?-WHERE you can get the medication exactly.-Before & after PHOTOS of men who have used the medication.-Hair loss MYTHS you must debunk to beat your hair loss.-AND much much more!I started losing my own hair and going bald 9 years ago when I was 24 years old. It was an EXTREMELY STRESSFUL experience for me. I LOST my CONFIDENCE and self esteem, I became very SELF CONSCIOUS. I started to distance my self from social situations and it started to impact my MENTAL HEALTH. I knew if I didn't do something about it, I would end up COMPLETELY BALD like my father and BOTH my grandfathers. I was DESPERATE to stop my hair loss! So one day when I saw a TV commercial for a hair loss clinic, I didn't think I had any other options so I NERVOUSLY booked an appointment. The entire experience with the hair loss clinic was BLOODY HORRIBLE. I walked into a waiting room with a bunch of other men, everyone had their heads buried in a magazine, no one making eye contact. AND to top it off, I ended up paying $3200 UP FRONT + $150 per month for the hair growth medication.I was tricked into spending thousands of dollars at a hair loss clinic through their advanced sales tactics. When I later found out that I could source the same medication my self for a fraction of the cost, I felt RIPPED OFF and taken advantage of. It's now my MISSION to share all the hair loss knowledge I have acquired over the past 9 years, with other men who are going through hair loss just like I did. I want to show you how you can source the same CLINICALLY PROVEN and FDA APPROVED medication that the expensive clinics are selling, YOURSELF from your health care professional. I want to STOP expensive hair loss clinics PREYING on desperate men and charging them thousands of dollars for this medication, like they did to me!PLEASE take this course BEFORE you go to a hair loss clinic and BEFORE you start your hair growth journey, It will save you THOUSANDS of dollars and more importantly it will SAVE your hair. I TRULY believe in my HEART, this is the best hair loss course available on the internet because it's honest, science-based and easy to follow. I promise you will know EXACTLY how to tackle your hair loss based on scientific evidence.I have personally experienced male pattern hair loss and successfully beat it using the CLINICALLY proven hair growth medication mentioned in this course. Nine years after my hair loss started, I still have a full head of hair now at age 33! I have MORE hair now than I did 9 years ago at age 24 (as you will see in the course videos). THE MEDICATION WORKS! It would be an honor to be your hair growth coach and to share with you everything I've learned over the past 9 years, I've read through countless books and many hard-to-understand science research studies and I have compiled all my knowledge into this easy-to-follow, easy-to-understand course using simple language. Take the leap of faith and I'll see you inside the course. Kind Regards,Shak"
Price: 99.99
