"Oracle Human Capital Management (HCM/HRMS)" |
"Oracle HCM is a set of modules of the Oracle ebusiness suite applications. These modules allow you to manage the Human resources data, information and day to day transactions in an efficient manner. This course will provide you basics of Oracle ebusiness suite HCM modules."
Price: 24.99

"Facebook for Business Pages Insights Content EdgeRank" |
"A detailed walk-through Facebook for Business or Brands. We cover account and Page creation. We then turn to Content and how it interacts with Search and EdgeRank. We explore Facebook's Graph Search and then turn to deep dives into the new look and feel Facebook Insights and the new version of EdgeRank."
Price: 24.99

"Scrum: un marco para el desarrollo gil de proyectos" |
"De qu trata este curso? Este curso te acerca a uno de los marcos de desarrollo de Software y gestin de proyectos ms efectivos y utilizados en la actualidad. Modalidad El curso incluye screen-cast, ejercicios y links a informacin complementaria. Valor agregado El contenido del curso ser actualizado en funcin de los comentarios de los participantes. Es un curso completo, muy til y con un enfoque incremental! UPDATE 08/2015: EN FUNCIN DEL FEEDBACK DE LOS CURSANTES, SE AGREG UNA NUEVA SECCIN CON UN EJEMPLO PUNTA A PUNTA! Razones para tomar este curso Tus proyectos nunca llegan a trmino? Tu equipo de trabajo est desmotivado? Sientes que es posible entregar ms valor de producto? Queres tener una buena introduccin al marco de trabajo Scrum? Introduccin a los marcos giles Scrum: un enfoque iterativo incremental Roles Scrum Master Product Owner Equipo Reuniones Artefactos"
Price: 24.99

"Learn to pronounce, read & write Italian in less than 3 hrs" |
"COURSE RECENTLY UPDATED: Q&A Webinars Added (your questions got answered!) </p> OVER 1,700 STUDENTS HAVE TAKEN THIS COURSE! 5 STAR RATING! Would you like to be able to pronounce Italian well and impress your friends? Would you like to be able to read anything in Italian correctly, with the authentic Italian melody? In this in-dept course you will learn exactly that! If you: like to eat at Italian restaurants are planning a trip to Italy are currently a student of Italian or intend to start learning it soon are an opera signer or musician love all things Italian... then this course will help you! This is the most comprehensive course ever created on Italian pronunciation. No stone is left unturned and within just 3 hours you will be able to: read any Italian word correctly have great pronunciation write any Italian word that you know or hear We start with understanding what makes Italian easy to pronounce and why some things often trick you, when it comes to speaking Italian (but not after this course!) We then have a close look at the 2 most important factors for an excellent Italian pronunciation. We then practice all the sounds of the Italian language and help you master them, for that real, authentic Italian flare. We'll also look in detail at tricky spelling scenarios, and clear all doubts about the pronunciation of words like 'bruschetta', 'prosciutto', gnocchi' and many others. And we'll finish strong with understanding where to stress each word (Italian has no rules but I will share some tricks!) and how to speak entire sentences with the right intonation and cadence. When you finish the course you will also get a Certificate of Completion! What's Inside The course has 44 Lectures, built around 18 Core Lessons. For each lesson you get: Instructional Video (me on camera, with my whiteboard) Downloadable mp3 to take the lesson with you Downloadable PDF with the Lesson Notes and Vocab Lists Practice Video (interactive slideshow with the correct pronunciation of over 200 words) Downloadable PDF of the Practice Video You can rest assured that all your doubts will be cleared by the time you complete the course. If not, you can always ask me Questions in the Q&A Section! I'm there to support you. Grazie, Manu PS: and don't forget, this comes with a 30 Day ""No Questions Asked"" Money Back Guarantee, so you can try the course with confidence."
Price: 19.99

"Django Framework Dersleri" |
"Yedi dolarlk indirip kodu iin : http://bit.ly/djangokupon Bu ders zellikle trkiyede php ve asp gelitiricilerinin kendilerini bir adm atp MVC ile kod yazabilmek iin php veya asp frameworklerini renmeleri yerinde teknolojinin son nimeti olan ve instagram ve pinterest gibi devasa projelerin alt yapsnda kullanlan bi mimari olan django framework' renerek tm admlar tamamlamalarn salar. Gelitirdiiniz projeler yksek sayda hit almaya baladnda siteniz yavalar ve kullanclar skmaya balar dolaysyla onlar kaybedersiniz ve hitiniz der bu ksr dngden kurtulmak iin modern bir framework kullanyor olmanz ve shared hostingleri terk etmeniz gerekir. imdi size djangonun neden en iyi seim olduunu kantlayacam. Php ile gelitirilen byk web siteleri : Wikipedia ve facebook Wikipedia : 2001 senesinde yazlm bir internet projesi ve veri tabanna veri yazp sonra url get ile ekmekten baka biey yapmyor ayrca u anda var olan teknolojilerin hi birisini kullanmyor o yzden 2013 ylnda php iin referans gsterilmesi gereksiz. Facebook : 2004 senesinde kurulduunda markn farkl bir seenei yoktu fakat sonradan friendfeed'e 15 milyon dolar nakit ve 32.5 milyon dolar facebook hissesini babasnn hayrna vermedi bu kadar para baylmasnn nedeni aslnda Python ile yazlm alt yapsn facebook'a adapte etmekti ve ettide zaten bkz.(Tornado). Ve tornadoyu ak kaynak olarak paylatlar. Django gibi geni apl deil sadece c10k problemine zm getiriyor ve realtime sistemler iin kullanlyor ayrca django ile senkronize alabiliyor yani tek bana tornado ile gelimi bir sistem yazmak sz konusu deil . Bunu ben demiyorum kendileri diyorlar Interoperability with other Python frameworks and servers "You can mix Django and Tornado handlers in a single server." Yani Django ve tornadoyu birletirerek kod yazabilirsiniz demiler adamlarn eksii olmasa bunu demezler. Ruby ile gelitirilen servisler : Twitter , Hulu Ruby tercih etmeme nedenimde tornadonun python ile yazlm olup django ile senkronizasyonunun yaplabilmesi. Ruby ile realtime bir sistem kuracaksanz node.js kullanmay zorunlu klyor zaten twitter.com 'un mesajlama sistemindeki rezaleti ruby'deyki realtime eksikliini aka gzler nnede seriyor. Bu nedenle tartmasz kullanlmas gereken framework django. Son olarak kurstaki rnek projede u anda ingilizce anlatmlar bile bulanamayabilen bir ok rnei izleyerek renebileceksiniz. Tercih ettiim aylk 5 dolar vps servisi : Digitalocean"
Price: 19.99

"LinkedIn Career Success Starter for High School & College" |
""What a great resource! Especially helpful for shy or introverted young people." Dr. Pauline Wallin, Clinical and Media Psychologist http://drwallin.com What do you want to be when you grow up? As a high school or college student you probably hear that question a lot. It’s an exciting time of life with many social activities and memories in the making as the clock is counting down to the day you begin your career. But, whether you realize or it not, you’re already making strides towards becoming the person you will be when you soon “grow up.” To help you make the most of this time and give you opportunities to be successful, I developed this how-to course on personal branding and networking. You’ll also learn about how to position your skills and how to make connections on LinkedIn. Mixing videos with presentations, the course is conveniently delivered on-demand. You may progress at your own pace, which makes it easy to update and upgrade your accomplishments and network as you move though high school and into college. About Your Instructor Barbara Rozgonyi is the mother of three creative young adults and is a nationally recognized expert on the topics of social media, marketing, PR and personal branding. She’s developed programs for many organizations, including one of the largest community college in the U.S., the College of DuPage in Glen Ellyn, Illinois. The author of the LinkedIn chapter in "Success Secrets of the Social Media Marketing Superstars," Barbara blogs at http://wiredprworks.com. In September 2013, she was honored to be selected as one of two U.S. reporters to cover Social Media Week Berlin for Nokia. An accomplished speaker and sales trainer, she enjoys teaching people and companies how to optimize their LinkedIn profiles."
Price: 99.99

"Cold Process Intermediate Soapmaking 2" |
"Ever dream of making beautifully swirled soaps? Well now you can in this Intermediate Soapmaking class featuring many popular swirling techniques. You will learn about the different types of swirling and see step by step demonstration videos walking you through the process. This is a comprehensive, course consisting of slideshow presentations, videos, downloadable PDFs, and quizzes to highlight important information in a professional format. Youll be able to learn everything you would in a traditional classroom and ask any questions along the way all from the comfort of your home. Topics include: Pot Swirling Funnel Swirling Faux Funneling Drop Swirling Linear/Taiwan Swirling Simple Marbling Supplies & equipment Step by step demonstration Tips & tricks And more Includes: Intermediate 2 Manual PDF Our classes are unique in the industry. Each course is designed in logical sequence in a well thought out curriculum. Classes are very comprehensive and cover small details that are often overlooked in other courses and books, but make life easier for soapmakers (things we wished we had learned as a new soapmaker). The class is built on a professional platform, where you can learn at your own pace on your own time, anywhere in the world. You just need internet access and a desire to learn."
Price: 89.99

"Cold Process Beginner Soapmaking" |
"Ever wanted to learn how to make soap from scratch but didn't know where to start? Now is your chance. This course will teach you everything a beginner should know including how to create your own recipes. This is a comprehensive, course consisting of slideshow presentations, videos, downloadable PDFs, and quizzes to highlight important information in a professional format. You'll be able to learn everything you would in a traditional classroom and ask any questions along the way all from the comfort of your home. Over 4 hours of content. Main topics: Basic chemistry of soapmaking Recipe building Supplies & equipment Safety considerations Step by step demonstrations Colorants, scents, and additives Molds and preparations Fats and lye Cutting, curing and storing Packaging And more Course includes: 23 lectures and demonstrations 220+ slides 50 page downloadable PDF manual 4 quizzes 4+ hours of content Our classes are unique in the industry. Each course is designed in logical sequence in a well thought out curriculum. Classes are very comprehensive and cover small details that are often overlooked in other courses and books, but make life easier for soapmakers (things we wished we had learned as a new soapmaker). The class is built on a professional platform, where you can learn at your own pace on your own time, anywhere in the world. You just need internet access and a desire to learn."
Price: 89.99

"Colorants in Soapmaking" |
"Confused about which colorant to use? How about choosing colors for your project? This class walks you through all things color, including making infusions and creating better color. This is a comprehensive course consisting of slideshow presentations, videos, downloadable PDFs, and quizzes to highlight important information in a professional format. You'll be able to learn everything you would in a traditional classroom and ask any questions along the way all from the comfort of your home. Topics include: Pigments, Oxides and Ultramarines Micas Dyes Natural colorants - herbs, clays, etc. Color Infusions Choosing color combinations Choosing the best colorant for your soap projects Tips and tricks to better coloring And more Mica painting, dusting, veining, and more Includes: Colorants Manual PDF Our classes are unique in the industry. Each course is designed in logical sequence in a well thought out curriculum. Classes are very comprehensive and cover small details that are often overlooked in other courses and books, but make life easier for soapmakers (things we wished we had learned as a new soapmaker). The class is built on a professional platform, where you can learn at your own pace on your own time, anywhere in the world. You just need internet access and a desire to learn."
Price: 89.99

"Scenting in Soapmaking" |
"Learn all about how to use various essential oils and fragrances in your soap, including how to combine scents for your own custom blends. This is a comprehensive course consisting of slideshow presentations, videos, downloadable PDFs, and quizzes to highlight important information in a professional format. You'll be able to learn everything you would in a traditional classroom and ask any questions along the way all from the comfort of your home. Topics include: Essential Oils Blending EOs Fragrances Blending FOs Common issues in scenting How to avoid or fix scenting issues And more Includes: Scenting Manual PDF Our classes are unique in the industry. Each course is designed in logical sequence in a well thought out curriculum. Classes are very comprehensive and cover small details that are often overlooked in other courses and books, but make life easier for soapmakers (things we wished we had learned as a new soapmaker). The class is built on a professional platform, where you can learn at your own pace on your own time, anywhere in the world. You just need internet access and a desire to learn."
Price: 89.99

"Soap and Cosmetic Business" |
"Learn many aspects of running your own soap or bath and body company, including business set-up, marketing your products, selling at craft shows, online, consignment and wholesale, liability insurance considerations, record keeping and more. This is a comprehensive, course consisting of slideshow presentations, videos, downloadable PDFs, and quizzes to highlight important information in a professional format. Youll be able to learn everything you would in a traditional classroom and ask any questions along the way all from the comfort of your home. Topics include: Business start-up Writing a business plan Basic marketing Selling online and at craft shows Selling consignment and wholesale Protecting your company Record keeping Finding professional help Includes: Business Manual PDF - 101 pages of info with worksheets and activities Our classes are unique in the industry. Each course is designed in logical sequence in a well thought out curriculum. Classes are very comprehensive and cover small details that are often overlooked in other courses and books, but make life easier for soapmakers (things we wished we had learned as a new soapmaker). The class is built on a professional platform, where you can learn at your own pace on your own time, anywhere in the world. You just need internet access and a desire to learn."
Price: 139.99

"SAP BW Introduction Training 2017 - SAP BW 7.4" |
"Course Updated On : 09th Aug2018 SAP BW is very Niche Skills and market has lot of demand for BW consultant as this skill provides best business solutions, eventually giving higher Turnovers & Profits but due to scarcity of such skilled manpower companies are bound to pay High Wages provided you must have sound knowledge about it.Why Learn SAP BW? As of 2015, the average SAP BI/BW starting salary is over $150,000! SAP BI/BW is a recession proof career as it is not related to IT. Big Data, Reporting. Analytics. Ride the wave with SAP BI/BW. Recommended For Anyone with an interest in SAP BI/BW Anyone interested in learning about data warehousing Anyone that has some knowledge of SAP and wants to get into the BI/BW space So if your a fresher or your already working with SAP looking to make your career in SAP BW then this is the perfect course for you. The course have loads of document on the relevant topics which will not find online. After going through this course you'll get a good Introductory knowledge of SAP BW to get in depth knowledge about the topics, We would request you to follow along the other SAP BW trainng courses of Cogent Tutorials"
Price: 94.99

"Introduction to Mobile Game Programming for Beginners" |
"OVER 1,000 SUCCESSFUL STUDENTS HAVE ALREADY TAKEN THIS COURSE NEW FEATURE! Full Source Code Shared Lesson-by-Lesson so you can follow along easily! LATEST: Course Updated Again On October 31st 2014 _______________________________________________ Start programming your own games, with no outlay and no experience whatsoever, immediately - just like my current 1,000+ students! Nothing to pay out at all. No expensive software is needed - and nothing else is required. About this course: Over 1,000 very happy students No expensive software is needed - and nothing else is required. Full, free lifetime access All future extra lectures and upgrades are always included for free Unconditional Udemy 30 day money-back guarantee - that's my personal promise of your success! Regular free surprise bonuses to increase your income even more! Now includes image files and place-holder sounds so you can implement the course right away! You also get full, free access to the entire source code of the game we build together in this course! That is a $499 value! WATCH OVER MY SHOULDER AS I: Set up a Corona SDK project from scratch Design, Program and Tweak a fun and challenging mobile game (YOU GET ACCESS TO THE SOURCE CODE!) Today, you can start programming your own mobile game so you too can cash in on this amazing growing industry, with no outlay whatsoever - and with ZERO prior experience! We'll start with your first game, and the sky is the limit with the knowledge you'll acquire in this course. This complete course has been taken by over 1,000 students already - see the amazing reviews below! Indie developers such as Dong Nguyen (Creator of Flappy Bird) have reportedly generated over $50,000 per day in earnings from their mobile games (that's $350,000 dollars in a week!). Now you can get a piece of that pie and you will need no prior programming knowledge, no super-computers, and you won't need to spend a penny on additional software. I stress that you need no prior experience and there's nothing to buy or pay for. Nothing! What you will learn in this course: In Section 1we go over a quick introduction to Corona SDK and we will set up your very first project. In Section 2 we dive right into programming by making your first "Hello World!" program. (No programming course would be complete without one!) We then continue to introduce variables,tables,storing tables within tables and more! Section 3 is all about Control Structures. In this section we cover if blocks, while loops, repeat loops, for loops, functions and we also go over the importance of scope. Section 4 is where the magic happens and the fun part begins. You will get to program your very first game in this section! You'll learn how to display images on the screen, make the images move and respond to touches, and you'll learn how to create a menu and game mechanics. THIS STUFF IS FUN! ... and much, much more! You've taken the time to read this far down, and hopefully you've watched some of the preview lessons. Now it is time to take action and get started with the course so you too can be part of this exciting and developing mobile game industry. Click the "take this course" button, top right, now ...every hour you delay is costing you money..."
Price: 19.99

"Mobile Actionscript 3 Basics" |
"Justin Dike, lead developer and owner of CartoonSmart.com teaches this course in Actionscript 3 development for mobile platforms. As of Flash CS5.5, Adobe has given developers the option to quickly export their Actionscript 3 projects for iOS or Android. As most developers now know, the Flash Player platform isn't doing so well on mobile platforms, but Adobe Flash as a development tool is ironically thriving with its easy export options and hundreds of thousands of experienced Actionscript programmers. This is an exciting time to be learning Flash and AS3 for mobile development, and specifically game programming. These tutorials were recorded using Flash CS5 but the Actionscript 3 demonstrated is the same as it was a couple versions ago."
Price: 19.99

"Actionscript 3 Side Scrolling Games" |
"Justin Dike, lead developer and owner of CartoonSmart.com teaches every step in programming a side scrolling Flash game with Actionscript 3. Use the arrow keys to move a character around and attack while traversing a vector based environment (you can easily draw the entire level to play on using vector shapes or movie clips. Also included is alternate code to use with a mobile device's accelerometer (tested on the Android & iPhone OS). Topics include: Add new classes for different enemies. Add new classes for objects like coins to collect. Swap in new art to easily create new levels (just cut and paste, or draw in new art). Add more levels, including animation that the player could collide with. Add more objectives (items to pick up or areas on the board to go to) Adjust how many enemies are on stage, where they spawn from, and how often they appear. Change the physics of the game, speed or attack intensities of the enemies As usual with Justin's tutorials, source files are included."
Price: 19.99

"iOS 7 Option Screens for UIView or Sprite Kit Based Apps" |
"In this tutorial, we will focus entirely on creating an Options or Preferences screen, using a Single View Application (or UIView based project) or Sprite Kit based project. We'll create UISwitches, UIButtons, UISliders, UISegmentedControls (and groups of buttons that act like segmented controls), and finally, a UIPickerView. Picker views can be made up of single or multiple columns of "spin-able" data (for example, Apple's Clock app has a Timer function made up of a double column UIPickerView). In our hypothetical project we will create a 3-column picker view which populates itself using data from a Property List file. This data is split into a column for the level name ("Ocean, Bad Lands, etc"), a column for the mode of game play ("Kill X" number of enemies, "Collect X" number of coins, or "Beat the Clock") and third column for a number parameter to tweak the difficulty of each game mode (for example, you could add more time to the "Beat the Clock" mode or add more enemies to kill). We will make the wheels interconnected as well. So if you spin the first wheel to set the level, it will change the other two wheels to default to the settings defined in the Property List for the level. If you spin the middle wheel to change the game mode, it will automatically change the third wheel to use a different range of numbers (one mode of play might be best with a small range like 1-15, but another might work better in increments of ten, like 60-300). All of our data is stored in a singleton AppData class, which serves as a go-between to use (or test) our preference variables with any other class. You'll see how to test any changes made in the OptionScreen class with the main game / app class. The source projects are saved in increments throughout the tutorial series, and uploaded in the Supplemental Materials tab at notable breakpoints. You'll get both UIView and Sprite Kit based projects. The images to use are included as well."
Price: 19.99

"Freelance Business Secrets: Get Freelance Clients" |
"If you are just getting into freelancing/coaching/consulting this is perfect for you. Regardless of your current experience, you will be able to attract your first paying client or customer. Working directly with clients can lead to a high income with a lot of personal freedom. This course will work for you, whether you just want to start a home based business or want to build a big company. It all starts with your first client. So let's make it happen!"
Price: 49.99

"Straight From Business School: Create Financial Statements" |
"Learn how to launch and run a business by studying the same topics that our MBA instructors have learned at America’s best business schools. Our MBA Classes are taught by students and graduates of top-20 MBA programs with decades of business experience and are designed for entrepreneurs, high school graduates, and employees of Fortune 500 companies and nonprofit organizations around the world. Our classes give you the feel of attending an elite business school right from your home or office, without the cost or admissions requirements of traditional universities. It's never been easier to learn something new. About The Class: Learn how to read and create essential financial statements, including The Balance Sheet, Income Statement, and Cash Flow Statement."
Price: 19.99

"Learn the Fundamentals of Adobe Edge Animate" |
"Adobe Edge Animate is a robust motion graphics and interactivity tool designed as a motion graphics tool that allows you to create and deploy motion graphics and interactive projects to the web and DPS publications., In this 5.5-hour course, author and teacher Tom Green shows you what it can do. You’ll learn how to create animations, add moving elements to a static HTML page, how to create and use symbols and add web fonts to your Animate projects. You’ll also see how Animate integrates with Photoshop, Illustrator, and Fireworks and how to use to use the Animate Code panel to add interactivity, looping, and code to your projects. This quick but rich course finisheds up by showing you how to add your Animate compositions to InDesign CS6 projects and even iBooks."
Price: 19.99

"CPA 101: How To Master Affiliate Marketing In No Time" |
"This is a step by step Guide For Making a Passive Income with CPA Marketing This course is for newbies and Professionals who are struggling to make money online.With this course get into any CPA networks you want including MaxBounty, Neverblue, Peerfly etc,We GUARANTEE that you will make money after finishing this course if you follow the steps mentioned. What You Will Learn The course is designed to teach you: How to become a CPA marketing expert from scratch How to find high converting offers from OfferVault How to get into any CPA network GUARANTEED How to select offers from a CPA network The list of the top CPA networks How to get targeted traffic from Free methods How to get high converting traffic from Paid methods Exclusive bonuses that will blow your mind off Who Should Take This Course Beginner's guide to making money online with internet marketing. If you have any questions, you can ask us any time and we will always be there to answer your questions."
Price: 99.99

"Real Numbers" |
"This course covers algebraic topics including integers and real numbers, number lines, the order of operations, square roots, absolute value, and inequalities. The course curriculum aligns to content that is common to most high school algebra 1 courses as well as college level developmental mathematics. Content is taught through interactive video lectures that include guided practice problems and the associated live action solutions. The curriculum is organized into 2 chapters (sections), containing a total of 19 video lectures that are approximately 10 minutes in length each. The course culminates with end of chapter assessments to check for skills mastery. Answer Keys are included for all assessments. The instructor for this course is a certified math instructor with over 10 years of middle school, high school, and college level teaching experience. This course is one part of our comprehensive Beginning Algebra course."
Price: 19.99

"Mastering QuickBooks v 2014 for Lawyers Training Tutorial" |
"Using QuickBooks in a law firm comes with unique challenges. From setting up and maintaining a legal company file to managing trust accounts, QuickBooks includes several powerful features for law professionals. This QuickBooks training course includes a module specific to the practice of law. You will learn how to create and effectively manage a legal company file as well as use QuickBooks for trust accounting. In addition, youll receive our complete QuickBooks curriculum. Watch, listen and learn as your expert instructor guides you through each lesson step-by-step. During this media-rich learning experience, you will see each function performed just as if your instructor were there with you. Reinforce your QuickBooks training with the text of our printable classroom instruction manual, additional images and practice exercises. You will learn how to set up a QuickBooks company file, pay employees and vendors, create custom reports, reconcile your accounts, use estimating, time tracking and much more.Whether you are completely new to QuickBooks or upgrading from an older version, this course will empower you with the knowledge and skills necessary to be a proficient user. We have incorporated years of classroom training experience and teaching techniques to develop an easy-to-use course that you can customize to meet your personal learning needs."
Price: 19.99

"ESL English: Understand Native English Speakers, Beginning" |
"""ESL English"" is the ""magic sauce"" of English listening. In each lesson, you'll enjoy many practice exercises written by Nina, the author of twenty English textbooks for major New York publishers, including her bestselling listening book, ""Whaddaya Say"". ""ESL English"" is for people who are serious about understanding English -- people who want to be the best. Both the beginning level,""ESL English"", and her intermediate listening course, ""More ESL English"", are in the Udemy for Business program. Nina teaches business English to employees of some of the biggest companies in the world; Toyota, Microsoft, Mitsubishi, and others. She has a Master of Arts in Applied Linguistics/Teaching English from the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA), and she taught her listening program at Harvard University as a teaching fellow. ""ESL English"", ""MORE ESL English"", and ""(How to get) Your Best English"" are Steps 1, 2 and 3 in her popular English listening skills program. ""Easy, natural way to listen to native English speakers. I would absolutely recommend it. Before taking this English course, I went through many English courses, but none of them were as comprehensive as 'ESL English'. It takes you by the hand and teaches you the real secrets to understanding native English speakers. Easy to follow and entertaining. I would absolutely recommend it."" Salvatore Scaniglia""Exactly what I wanted to learn! I couldn't recognize those English sounds before going through these lessons."" Vadim Dzyuban""This English course helps you a lot on your listening, 5-star recommended."" Sant CheungLet's look at two sentences. One is written English and the other is spoken English. Nina will teach you the most common rules for pronunciation changes when English is spoken at a natural speed.Example:Written English: Can you get me a cup of coffee.Spoken English: Step 1: *Kin *ya *git me a cup *a coffee? Nina will teach you to hear the most popular pronunciation changes in natural spoken English and what the ""rules"" are! Step 2: *Kin *ya *git me a cupa coffee? She'll teach changes at the sentence level --sentence blending rules, and you'll learn how to be more comfortable with the ""rhythm"" of natural English. Listening is the heart of English. What does that mean? It's the foundation. If your listening isn't top level, then your conversation can't be top level, either. Think about conversation. You talk, THEN YOU LISTEN. If you don't understand what the person said to you, your conversation can't work.After this course, you'll be able to understand English spoken at a natural speed much better. When you can understand the real spoken English around you, you can also improve your English conversation, grammar, vocabulary, and even pronunciation. If you can hear it more correctly, you can say it more correctly. Very important -- You'll get lots of practice exercises with many different native English speakers from the real world in each lesson. This practice will help you to test and improve your hearing and understanding of real English speakers in real situations. Note: There are three courses. ""ESL English"" is the beginning listening course. ""MORE ESL English"" and ""(How to get) Your Best English"" are the intermediate and advanced levels. Please choose the right level for you. If you'd like to take the whole listening program, please take ""ESL English"" first.Ci thin ni ting Anh M / / / / Meningkatkan berbicara bahasa Inggris Amerika / Melhorar a fala Ingls Americano / Mejorar el habla Ingls Americano / / / ngilizce, , Ingls, Ingls, Ingles, Anglais, Englisch, Inglese, Inggris, angleina, Anh "
Price: 29.99

"Mastering Microsoft Word 2013 for Lawyers Training Tutorial" |
"When it comes to Microsoft Office programs, law firms have unique needs. This Word training course includes training specific to the practice of law. You will learn how to perform legal reviews, create citations and authorities and use legal templates. Mastering Word for Lawyers Made Easy features 19 video lessons with 1 hour of instruction. Watch, listen and learn as your expert instructor guides you through each lesson step-by-step. During this media-rich learning experience, you will see each function performed just as if your instructor were there with you. Reinforce your learning with the text of our printable classroom instruction manual, additional images and practice exercises."
Price: 19.99

"Microsoft Outlook v 2013 for Lawyers Training Tutorial" |
"When it comes to Microsoft Office applications, law firms have unique needs and we are here to help. This Outlook training course includes training specific to the practice of law. So, you will learn how to effectively manage legal contacts, tasks and digital security. In addition, youll receive our complete Outlook training curriculum for the entire program. During this media-rich learning experience, you will see each function performed just as if your instructor were there with you. Reinforce your learning with the text of our printable classroom instruction manual, additional images and practice exercises for you to use in your own software. Mastering Outlook for Lawyers Made Easy features 23 audio/video lessons with expert instruction. Watch, listen and learn as your expert instructor guides you through each lesson step-by-step. We have incorporated years of classroom training experience and teaching techniques to develop an easy-to-use course that you can customize to meet your personal learning needs as you need them. Whether you are completely new to the Outlook software or upgrading from an older version, this training course will empower you with the knowledge and skills necessary to be a proficient user in Microsoft Outlook. Plus, teaching you extra features and functions used in law firms."
Price: 19.99

"Mastering Microsoft Excel 2013 for Lawyers Training Tutorial" |
"When it comes to Microsoft Office programs, law firms have unique needs. This Excel training course includes training specific to the practice of law. You will learn how to effectively use legal templates, legal business functions (such as the Pv and Fv functions) and simple IOLTA management. Mastering Excel for Lawyers Made Easy features 13 video lessons. Watch, listen and learn as your expert instructor guides you through each lesson step-by-step. During this media-rich learning experience, you will see each function performed just as if your instructor were there with you. Reinforce your learning with the text of our printable classroom instruction manual, additional images and practice exercises."
Price: 19.99

"Workshop in Probability and Statistics" |
"This workshop is designed to help you make sense of basic probability and statistics with easy-to-understand explanations of all the subject's most important concepts. Whether you are starting from scratch or if you are in a statistics class and struggling with your assigned textbook or lecture material, this workshop was built with you in mind."
Price: 39.99

"Craigslist Secrets - How to Successfully Sell Your Stuff!" |
"Over 1000 successful students enjoying this course! ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ Learn how to make money selling your stuff successfully on Craigslist, a popular and free site! After taking this course, selling your stuff online will be both easy an profitable, and accomplished without any special software or skills. Every wonder why some folks sell their items much faster on Craigslist? Do you wonder how you could best get rid of the things you have laying around? How you can make your buyer feel like they got a great deal? At the end of this course, you will be able to: Sell your used items for the price they're worth. Make quick sales. Practice the best methods to posting photos Write attention grabbing titles and descriptions Remove the clutter from your life! You will have the tools and methods that will make your spring cleaning not only profitable, but also a breeze, as well as fun! Master selling techniques using Craigslist! A great skill to have for both beginners and intermediate Craigslist sellers. The format is video lectures with notes, that contain tips and bullet-ed summaries. Try the techniques in this course, and come back to tweak them and learn more. What this course is not: Selling services or techniques that go against Craigslist Terms of Service (TOS). In fact, I'll show you that you don't need to break any rules to get your stuff sold! I designed this course to be easily understood by both beginners as well as intermediate Craigslist users."
Price: 19.99

"Beginner Xcode Programming: Reskin a Photo Booth App" |
"Like this course, but can't afford it? Try our Bingo course for free. This course will show you exactly what you need to do to reskin a specific source code in Xcode so that you can create your own Photo Booth app for iPhone, iPad, or iPod Touch very quickly and inexpensively and start making money almost immediately. You will see every single edit necessary to launch an app, and in less than 2 hours. This includes the very first steps you take after you get your hands on a source code (learning how to test the app) to editing the app in Xcode, and all the way to submitting the app to the App Store for review. The tutorial uses a REAL source code example and completes every single step necessary to reskin the app from start to finish, and is structured in that way. While this uses a specific code (that you can purchase), the course is still very useful for reskinning any app. It will give you the knowledge necessary to understand documents that come with source codes that you can purchase at very low prices. This is perfect for any beginner that is interested in entering the world of app development, but does not want to spend a ton of money or time creating an app from scratch and hiring developers. Instead, you can focus on monetization through in-app purchases and ad networks, which, by the way, is part of this course. You can literally reskin one source code 100 times using this tutorial to generate large profits incredibly quickly. Check out the source code that we will be using."
Price: 44.99

"Guide to Starting and Growing an Online Business" |
"There are many courses out there on how to grow an online business. Our courses are DIFFERENT. This course is less about giving you an abundance of information and more about you taking focused ACTION. Rather than passive absorption of large amounts of information you may have seen in other courses, we built this course in a way that divides the information into manageable chunks. More importantly, each and every lesson has specific ACTION ITEMS that helps you implement what you learn immediately. Here's what you'll learn in this course: How to create a service product and accept payments online How to build a big email list and leverage email marketing How to promote and market your business with guest posting and social media How to diversify your online income with affiliate marketing, ebooks & online courses Even if you dont have products earning money yet or technical skills. If youre ready to grow a genuine online business that can lead to more income, time, and location freedom, then this course is for you. Chris & Tal"
Price: 34.99

"Beginning Aircraft Structures for Pilots" |
"Welcome to this course on ‘Aircraft Structures’. Aircraft Structures is the first video course in our series of training products produced by Digital Aviation Training, which is designed to teach aviation enthusiasts, pilots and aspiring pilots, the workings of modern aircraft. Written by a professional airline instructor and qualified commercial pilot with many years industry experience, the course will offer you an introduction to aircraft structures. Illustrated with comprehensive 3d graphics and professionally nitrated throughout, it contains the following three topics: Aircraft Loads – In this topic you will learn the following subjects:Typical Loads on an Aircraft Elastic Properties Structural Safe-Life Fail-Safe StructuresDamage Tolerant Structures. Aircraft Fuselage – In this topic you will gain an understanding of the construction of a typical aircraft fuselage including:Monocoque StructuresSemi-Monocoque StructuresEffects of PressurisationFlight-Deck WindowsPassenger Cabin Windows Aircraft Wings – In this topic you will learn about the construction and components of a typical aircraft wing including:Aircraft Wing SparsAircraft Wing RibsAircraft Wing StringersAircraft Wing Torsion Box. You will also receive a PDF file containing the full course for your convenience. By the end of the course you will have acquired a comprehensive knowledge base, one that will be invaluable to your future aviation career. As a pilot or potential pilot you must acquire a thirst for knowledge, the more knowledge you attain, the better the pilot you will become. By acquiring additional information and understanding of all the aircraft systems, you will be more able to converse intelligently with your fellow aviators and impress any potential future selection board. In addition, you will become a safer, more able pilot in the process. Aircraft structures is a must-know subject, it is the bases from which system understanding is built and will help you toward gaining the knowledge required to achieve a position on the flight deck of a major airline, if that is your ultimate goal. Having taught airline pilots for many years, I know the information you require to be a professional pilot and can guide you toward that goal. This is the first of many courses we will produce, and is an excellent foundation in which to begin your education."
Price: 34.99
