"Romancing Your Novel" |
"Have you wanted to write a Romance Novel, begun it and then just didnt feel confident enough to keep on going? Did you have questions you couldnt resolve for yourself? Or did you have an idea but didnt know where to begin? Maybe you worked your way through the first draft, but you feel it just needs something? Its been said many times in many ways, the most effective way to learn to write is to WRITE.In this class, writing is what youll do. As with most things in life, writing for any venue takes a lot of practice. There is, however, another element, one which is elusive.As Somerset Maughm said, there are three rules for writing the novel.Unfortunately no one knows what they are.This kind of leaves the field wide open and since, as any writer will tell you, anything one tells you may be countermanded by another writers method, its all about finding your own voice. So this particular course is designed for those who are already writing or wish to write a romance novel. In this course Peggy Bechko will help you to succeed where you may have hesitated in writing that Romance novel and getting your writing out there.With a lively, personal approach to spark your ideas and writing, topics in this course will include: Getting Started Character and Conflict, which comes first? Pulling it all together Conflict & Action/Planning & Plotting Point of View do you want to get into her head or her skin? Look whos talking inquiring minds want to know Subplots got em? No? Then get em Sexuality-sensuality there are many levels Ending it all Researching the market Wrapping it all up Romancing Your Novel Workshop will guide you on how to get that romance novel written, offer resources to help you move along and enjoy doing it all at the same time. Its a fun and eye-opening course for new and learning romance writers!"
Price: 39.99

"Programacin de Excel con macros usando Visual Basic" |
"ES ESTA TU SITUACIN ACTUAL EN TU USO DE EXCEL? En la ltima empresa para la cual labor not que pasara varias horas a la semana repitiendo una y otra vez el mismo trabajo en Excel, razn por la cual decid contundentemente que esa no sera mi suerte, que tena que buscar la manera de hacer todas esas tareas de forma automtica. Y lo hice: empec a estudiar cmo se programan las tareas en Excel mediante macros usando el lenguaje Visual Basic para Aplicaciones. HAY UNA SOLUCIN PARA TI Si lo anterior describe tu situacin actual, no tienes que pasar por la dura curva de aprendizaje que yo recorr, pues, con este curso que consta de 13horas en 53lecciones en vdeo, descubrirs las herramientas esenciales para aprender a ahorrar tiempo en Excel, al automatizar tu trabajo mediante macros y evitar la prdida de tiempo en tareas repetitivas. Te enseamos desde cero cmo usar el lenguaje Visual Basic para Aplicaciones para programar la hoja de clculo ms popular del mundo. Slo necesitas tener conocimientos bsicos de Excel, no importa si nunca antes has programado. Te entregamos informacin precisa, que no siempre consigues en la red en un solo lugar, y que de otra forma se te hara ms difcil obtener y comprender. Hemos puesto en estos vdeos nuestra experiencia de aos de prctica y han sido elaborados con base en un completo contenido que pone a tu disposicin las estructuras bsicas de un lenguaje de programacin (estructuras selectivas, estructuras repetitivas, etc). Aunque el curso se ha desarrollado usando Excel 2007, no importa la versin de Excel que uses, pues, desde el primer video te mostramos cmo alcanzar el ambiente de programacin de Excel en las versiones 2002, 2003 y 2010. De acuerdo a nuestra experiencia, puedes completar este curso en 1 2 meses, por supuesto eso depender del tiempo que le dediques."
Price: 69.99

"Tabletop Photography" |
"In this course, we deal with one of the broadest fields in Photography: Tabletop. We will walk you through four different shoots for four different types of subjects: Food Drink Product (Necklace) Flowers We've also included a workbook with examples and lighting schemes you can replicate and learn how to take your own tabletop photography to the next level, as well a workbook with photographs and an explanation of the lighting setups we used to achieve them."
Price: 39.99

"Learn Java From Scratch" |
"A widely used language for server-side development, Java is platform independent, so your programming skills are readily transferable, and comes with extensive libraries for applications in almost any conceivable field of computing. In this course expert programmer introduces the concepts and techniques of Java, as well as the basics of object orientation. You’ll learn the fundamental syntax and how to work with objects, variables, loops, and libraries, then practice your skills by creating a pair of programs that work like an instant messenger. This course is step one on your road to becoming a skilled Java developer with all the exciting possibilities that offers. In this Course you’ll learn the fundamentals of Java, a popular, platform-independent language for server-side development. The contents of this course include: Learning Java In this chapter you’ll be introduced to Java, learning what it is and what it can do for you. We’ll look at the Java Development Kit and the NetBeans IDE (integrated development environment) and get started working with Java by coding a small project. Procedural Java This chapter looks at the basics of programming in Java. You’ll learn about methods, variables, arrays, loops, conditional statements, and more. From Structures to Objects This chapter begins by looking at how to create and manipulate user-defined structured data types in Java, then using that as a basis, moves on to explore objects and classes. More About Objects In this chapter you’ll learn some more advanced techniques for working with objects. You’ll be introduced to inheritance, abstract classes, and interfaces. Java IO Libraries and Exceptions In this chapter you’ll learn about the IO libraries provided by Java and how Java handles exceptions. Creating a User Interface This chapter will explore the basics of creating a Java GUI (graphical user interface). You’ll learn about components, containers, layout managers, and more. Creating a Chat Program This chapter will walk you through the entire process of creating a simple chat program with Java. We’ll create a user interface, add behavior to it, then create a network client and server and connect the GUI to them. The lessons are wrapped in a feature-rich interface that lets you jump to any topic and bookmark individual sections for later review. Full-Screen mode provides a hi-def, immersive experience, and Watch-and-Work mode shrinks the video into a small window so you can play the videos alongside your application. Also included are exercise files that give you an easy way to try out the techniques you learn."
Price: 19.99

"How to Draw Pinups and Sexy Women" |
"So, you want to draw sexy pinups but you can’t find books or video courses on the subject? I have what you’re looking for, and just for taking the time to check out this video, I’m going to give you free access to a few hours of my How to Draw Sexy Pinups. This pinup course is different. It will teach you the principles of how to draw sexy pinups, like what makes pinup women beautiful, and why a pose is sexy verses one that is not sexy, or how not to go too far and make porn instead of a pinup. I show you how to make successful pinups, that believe it or not, can make you money. At the end of the course, after you are drawing awesome pinups, I teach you how to make money doing it. I take you from the very beginning of how to quickly draw sexy women, their proportions, different techniques of drawing the poses, like gesture, construction, my newest techniques, and more. I show you the very foundations of what makes pinups sexy, like twist the body, what angles are sexy and why, put weight on one leg and why, and much more. You want to draw sexy pinups. This is how you do it. During this course, we draw many sexy pinup women, in many sexy poses, but better than that, we also learn why those poses are sexy, and how to invent our own sexy poses for our own pinups. I show you how to think creatively in the process. We learn how to draw hands, and specifically, how to draw them for pinups. Hands are so important in a pinup, so we need to do it right. We learn how to draw feet for pinups. How to draw hair for pinups. How to draw expressions for pinups. How to draw folds and clothes for pinups, even how to draw sexy shoes and hair. This is the complete guide to drawing pinups. Why wait? Watch the free lessons, then buy the course. You have nothing to lose because Udemy offers an iron clad, money back guarantee. So start watching your awesome pinup course."
Price: 74.99

"KleurBEWUST - Modieus met kleur voor zelfbewuste vrouwen" |
"Deze cursus werd samengesteld door de trainers van Image Masters, opleiders van image consultants. Een cursus boordevol frisse en leuke nieuwe technieken om kleur in je kleding te gebruiken. Of je nu gewend bent om altijd zwart te dragen, of juist een kast vol kleur hebt, met deze cursus kom je echt verder. Je leert o.a. het hoe en waarom van kleuren combineren, van kleur op je lichaam, kleurcontrasten, wat kleur communiceert, en hoe je kleuren kunt gebruiken om bepaalde effecten te bereiken. Alles aan de hand van aansprekende voorbeelden. Je kunt de cursus in één keer doorlopen, of over wat langere tijd uitsmeren. Je haalt er het meest uit, door van elk onderwerp de opdrachten te doen, zodat je meteen leert hoe je al die nieuwe kleureffecten in je eigen kleding kunt creëren. Reacties van deelnemers: Ik heb veel plezier gehad met de informatie uit de cursus. Zelfs door alleen de video's te bekijken merkte ik al dat ik anders naar kleding in de etalages ging kijken Ik begrijp nu, waardoor ik soms niet serieus werd genomen. Dat gaat me niet meer gebeuren! Door de cursus begrijp ik, dat ik met de kleding in mijn kast maar beperkt kan combineren. Leuk, al die voorbeelden. Daardoor is alles makkelijk te volgen. Ik wist niet dat er zoveel over kleur in je kleding te zeggen viel. Reuze handige tips. Dank je wel."
Price: 39.99

"Derivadas Parciales" |
"En este curso estudiaremos todos los temas relacionados con el calculo diferencial multivariable, los temas a desarrollar son, 1. Funciones de varias variables 2. Limites de funciones de varias variables 3. Derivadas parciales 4. Regla de la cadena 5. Diferencial total 6. Derivada direccional 7. Vector Gradiente 8. Maximos y minimos 9. Problemas de optimización 10. Multiplicadores de Lagrange"
Price: 19.99

"Matrix Algebra" |
"This course would help in developing understanding on Matrix Algebra. It starts with a lecture on Introduction to matrices to build(brush) up fundamentals and then progresses towards discussing intermediate levels topics including Algebra of matrix, Transpose and Determinants of a matrix, Adjoint and Inverse of matrix. Throughout the course, emphasis is on learning Matrix Algebra using practice problems. Practical applications of theoretical concepts is of paramount importance too. There is a section dedicated in applying Matrix Algebra constructs for solving system of linear equations. Curriculum for the course is organized into five different sections containing 12 video lectures and around 3 hours of content. Every section is coupled with sample solved examples and practice problems in the form of a Quiz. This course is continuously monitored and I shall be more than happy in assisting students on Matrix Algebra queries. Last but certainly not the least - Feedback is much appreciated!! "Happy Learning" !!"
Price: 29.99

Willpower+ |
" ~Get the Audio Book for FREE when you purchase the course!! ($39 value)~ *****Are you struggling to get results in your life; maybe you are trying to lose weight, be more productive or take consistent action on a really big goal you have set for yourself? If that is the case then this course is for you. Its designed around the revolutionary insight that people dont fail, systems do. Its the ultimate success system to help you achieve extraordinary results and set the stage for a truly vibrant, bigger more fulfilling future.How amazing would your life be if you learned to manufacture willpower on demand in any area you desired?What would you create?Who would you become?What kind of people would you attract into your life?If you want to discover the answers to those questions and more, then you are ready to get started with this course.Oh and one last thing that's really important.To be clear, I'm not throwing out random tactics. I'm handing you a system.Remember tactics are short-term. Systems are forever.Hope to see you on the inside.Dean (from Canada)PS. Keep being awesome my friend"
Price: 199.99

"How To Outsource SEO With Fiverr" |
"*Last Updated August 2018* This course shows you how to find clients that are looking for SEO services. Once you find these clients you can charge your own price for the services and outsource the work for a fraction of the cost using Fiverr and other outsourced workers we provide. We show you how to offer great customer service for your clients and generate profit by outsourcing all of the SEO work. These customers also can potentially turn into repeat buyers earning you profit month after month. We additionally show you how to evaluate customers websites, create your own advertisements for offering services, how to use Paypal and essentially create your own SEO outsourcing business."
Price: 19.99

"Handbuilt Pottery Techniques and Projects" |
"This course teaches you the hand building techniques for making objects/pots with clay. If you are creative minded person who likes to make different things and likes to learn new techniques for giving life to your ideas, this course is for you. We use clay and some very basic hand tools in this course and it means you don't have to buy any expensive equipment. All the lectures in this course are delivered in HD video format and you'll be able to see how exactly I make things using clay. This course is perfect for you if You are person wanting to make different things using your creative imagination or A student looking to increase your understanding of clay as a material or You are interested in clay-mation or You are a budding sculptor or a pottery artist or A home maker wanting to make good use of time or Someone who just wants to have some creative funInterest in learning something new is the only pre-requisite for joining this course. I am working on adding some more lectures about animal sculpture and masks making. You'll get an email update when I upload those lectures.So, hop on and let your creative journey begin!"
Price: 59.99

"Become a Calculus 1 Master" |
"HOW BECOME A CALCULUS 1MASTERIS SET UP TO MAKE COMPLICATED MATH EASY:This 395-lesson course includes video and text explanations of everything from Calculus 1, and it includes 110quizzes (with solutions!)and an additional 28 workbooks with extra practice problems, to help you test your understanding along the way. Become a Calculus 1 Masteris organized into the following sections:PrecalculusLimits & ContinuityDerivativesApplications of DerivativesAND HERE'S WHAT YOU GET INSIDE OF EVERY SECTION:Videos: Watch over my shoulder as I solve problems for every single math issue youll encounter in class. We start from the beginning...I explain the problem setup and whyI set it up that way, the steps I take and whyI take them, how to work through the yucky, fuzzy middle parts, and how to simplify the answer when you get it.Notes: The notes section of each lesson is where you find the most important things to remember. Its like Cliff Notes for books, but for math. Everything you need to know to pass your class and nothing you dont.Quizzes: When you think youve got a good grasp on a topic within a course, you can test your knowledge by taking one of the quizzes. If you pass, great! If not, you can review the videos and notes again orask for help in the Q&A section.Workbooks: Want even more practice? When you've finished the section, you can review everything you've learned by working through the bonus workbook. The workbooks include tons of extra practice problems, so they're a great way to solidify what you just learned in that section.HERE'S WHAT SOME STUDENTS OF BECOME A CALCULUS 1 MASTERHAVE TOLD ME:This course is absolutely amazing, I use both this course and the calc 2 course to be able to keep up with accelerated, without this i would be screwed. She's very easy to understand. -DeanV.I'm really enjoying how the course has been simplified and made easy to understand. The quizzes after every section helped solidify the concepts. Everything is explained in detail and with great simplicity. I really like the way Krista teaches, It's quite clear, straightforward and easy to understand. It's comprehensive interactive course and totally worth the time and money! I bought all calculus volumes. -Ghaith A.Very well-made. Instructor explained everything clearly; found no difficulties understanding topics of study through instructor's teaching methods. Done very well, overall! Glad to have invested in this course! -Anish S.AWESOME TUTORIALS! GREAT COURSE! DEFINITELY RECOMMENDED! -Bonnie H.There is very clear instructions. I'm learning this before actually taking calculus in college so I can have a deeper understanding of math (I'm a math major). She explains everything very thoroughly and works through every problem as if you're a beginner. I will say that I am terrible at receiving audible information but brilliant with someone showing me how to do something on a board and she makes it very clear at understanding everything. I am very pleased to have this much course coverage. I feel like I have my own personal tutor without the expense. Btw if you like math, trigonometric identities are fun! -Christian R.I am very satisfied with this course. It is very clear, delivers all the interesting topics I like that I am taken from knowing little to actually knowing the calculus including the applied mathematics too. This is only Calculus I but it gives me not only sense of accomplishment and understanding but also the foundation for the future courses. -Robert B.I'm self studying mathematics for my electrical engineering degree and this course has been very VERY helpful. I find myself doing these videos before my homework. It makes me want to keep learning. Thank you Krista. -Lester S.YOU'LL ALSO GET:Lifetime access to Become a Calculus 1 MasterFriendly support in the Q&A sectionUdemy Certificate of Completion available for download30-day money back guaranteeEnroll today!I can't wait for you to get started on mastering calculus 1.- Krista :)"
Price: 199.99

"How To Increase Your Energy Naturally" |
"Are you tired of being tired? To combat fatigue, exhaustion, low energy and even brain fog there are many natural non toxic remedies. Did you know that you can increase your energy and eliminate fatigue naturally? In this course I will show you how to use natural methods to increase your energy. There are many natural supplements that you can take to energize your life. See how simple lifestyle changes can immediately change the way you feel. In this course you will learn what vitamins and minerals are essential for energy production. You will learn about herbal remedies that have been used for centuries to combat fatigue. Did you know that your body is full of toxins and heavy metals? And that these toxins contribute to fatigue and ill health. Learn how a gentle detoxification will increase your energy. Learn about adrenal fatigue and insulin resistance. Discover how your body produces energy. See what cutting edge nutraceuticals will enhance your energy.Learn why they work. See what other natural modalities can be used to combat fatigue. Read about some medical studies on cutting edge nutrients. To increase your get-up-and-go you must increase your cellular energy. Find out which four nutrients are vital for increased vim and vigor. Learn about a powerful supplement that helps you overcome chronic fatigue and repair your body's mitochondria. Find out which supplements work on a cellular level to restore energy. If you've ever wanted to get through the day with energy to spare this course is for you. Here's what you will find in this course. Informative videos downloadable mp3 audios so you can listen on your ipod downloadable pdfs for each section. And instant access to a more energized life. Leave with a 5 step plan to combat fatigue and increase your energy. Don't spend another day wishing you had the energy to live life to its fullest. Sign up for this course now."
Price: 19.99

"The 30-Minute Quick Start Guide To Automating Your Business" |
"So you're finally ready to start automating part of your business to either sell, have more time for family and going on vacations (enjoying life?!) or simply offloading some of the maintenance work which will free you up to focus on growth and larger picture tasks. It's about time you start taking care of yourself! I don't blame you at all. Most of us start a business to live an ideal lifestyle, travel and build wealth, but we often get caught up within the business and find it hard to take a step back and enjoy what we've built. Life Without This Course:Continue Googling how to automate your business - Rinse and repeat!Spend more time simply learning how to hire someone than it takes to do the boring tasks you're trying to outsourceCycle through dozens of assistants only to give up because of how terrible the work isRead countless blog post on how to do so - Rinse and repeatNever actually find the right person for the job who makes your life easierLife With This Course:A complete step-by-step guide from start to finishCut through the terrible people out there to find the A playersLearn how to create a job post that automatically weeds out the horrible and draws in amazing talentEvery system and tool I use to cut down the management time of my team membersA built in case study of me doing everything I teach you to hire my most recent team memberHiring your first amazing and qualified VA for $4 /hour in hours, not weeks!I often hear, ""I just want the freedom to take off for the weekend without having to work"", or ""I can't hire someone because X(insert personal excuse)"". The truth is you can hire someone for $4 /hour and get amazing work from someone you can trust to maintain your business and someone who won't take up more of your time. Your goal is to sleep better at night, not worse... I'll show you exactly how to make that a reality.Would you manage a VA for 5 hours a week if it saved you 10+ hours? Of course you would. Would you pay $4 /hour for you to make $100 /hour? I can see the gears turning in your head....But how do I find someone who I can trust to do an amazing job, won't take up more of my time or run off with my Credit Card to buy a brand new BMW?You're going to look over my shoulder as I hire my latest virtual assistant, the super simple strategies I use to find A+ people, how to weed out the horrible and all of the systems I use to manage, pay and communicate with my team. Don't worry, your money is NEVER at risk when hiring the way I do. I have no clue where I would even begin to outsource!Starting is literally the hardest part. Once you experience the power of working with a virtual assistant, you'll never go back. I'll show you how to pinpoint the tasks you should be outsourcing right away and get you on your way to outsourcing them to amazing people within a few hours. I'll also show you everything from finding your first task to outsource to building a team of amazing people who work night and day to ensure your business becomes more profitable every month without taking more of your time. We have over 850+ successful students in this course who are living your dream. Do you want life without this course or with this course?"
Price: 29.99

"eBay Hacks: Optimize eBay Seller Listings" |
". As a successful eBay Powerseller for over 14 years, I have developed, discovered and used all kinds of different listing tricks and techniques in my eBay business. Recently, I realized that these listing tricks really add up to a powerful set of advanced strategies that most eBay sellers, even experienced eBay sellers are NOT using - to their detriment. So, eBay Hacks was born! In eBay Hacks - Listing Hacks, I will show you how to easily outsell your competition on eBay by creating ""PowerSelling"" listings. With these proven strategies, youll never worry about competition on eBay again, because youll know exactly how to beat them! Youll discover these powerful tricks to outshine your competition: This simple thing you can do to your photos that get your listings tons more clicks... Creating titles that drive high traffic to your listings, not your competitors... How to strategically add certain images inside your descriptions to boost sales... The simple, 4-part formula to easily creating descriptions that SIZZLE your items... Easy ways to add value to your listings in hyper-competitive markets (no one does this!) Turn every listing into mini-ads that boost all your sales at the same time! Use my proven pricing strategies that sell more product... How to add powerful social proof to your listings to dramatically boost sales... And much more! Take a look at the course below and remember, it is fully guaranteed, so you have nothing to lose! If you want your listings to stand out, make tons more sales and blow the doors off your competition, then this is the course for you!"
Price: 79.99

"How To Find Great Deals On eBay Amazon & Online - eBay Hacks" |
"Student Review For ""How To Find Great Deals On eBay Amazon & Online"": ""Excellent... Just when I thought I knew about selling on eBay, you teach me so much more. Learned a lot. Thanks for all the good links, too!"" - Charlie If you want to find amazing deals and bargains on eBay, Amazon and other online ecommerce websites, then this is the course for you! As a successful eBay seller for over 16 years, I have developed, invented and used all kinds of ""deal-finding"" tricks and techniques - these are amazing ways to find great deals and then flip them for higher profits OR give them as gifts. One day, I realized that many of these eBay Hacks (as I call them) are not only quite advanced, but they are also not really taught in a ""system"" like this, anywhere. With these proven strategies, youll discover eBay's ""Invisible Listings"" - listings which most eBay buyers will never see, let alone find - and how you can easily find them, snipe them (even Buy It Nows!) and keep them OR flip them for quick & easy profits! You'll discover: How to use simple research to find profitable eBay deals... How to spy on successful eBay sellers to determine their top products... How to find top eBay PowerSellers' products & even find their secret product sources... How to find out how much an eBay seller accepted in a best offer... How to reverse-engineer eBay listings and sellers to discover hidden, yet highly-profitable deals... Creative & strategic ways to find killer deals and then get these killer deals delivered to you daily... My reverse sniping strategy that lands you killer eBay deals... How to know as soon as a killer deal hits the internet - and where to find it and snag it... My Ninja wholesale sourcing technique - I show you an example generates an additional $1,500 a month... My Jedi copy / paste Amazon product sourcing strategy that require zero investment and zero shipping! Killer Amazon and online resources / tools that automate many of these strategies... And much more! Included in this course is a Bonus Report that lists all the eBay Hacks featured in one, easy-to-follow list so you can begin implementing immediately! Be sure to scroll down and preview several of the lectures for FREE. This course is fully guaranteed, so enroll today!"
Price: 79.99

"Sensory Explained Simply -- Early Childhood Edition." |
"Sensory Explained Simply is a guide to understanding sensory processing difficulties in children. The video is approximately thirty minutes in length and provides an in depth explanation of individual roles of the sensory systems as well as how the systems integrate to support the child's development and overall functioning. The course is structured in a series of easy to understand chapters that help demystify this complex topic. Sensory Explained Simply is an invaluable tool for parents, teachers, occupational therapists, speech and language pathologists, physical therapists or anyone who works with children and wants a better understanding of how they develop and function."
Price: 29.99

"Oracle APEX" |
" Tienes miles de planillas de clculo e informacin por todos lados y deseas crear un sistema ultra-rpido para agrupar toda esa informacin en un solo lugar? Si tu respuesta es s no esperes ms! comienza HOY con el desarrollo de aplicaciones web con Oracle Application Express (APEX). El curso completo tiene 66 videos de aprendizaje, divididos en 11 mdulos. Cada mdulo te dar un nuevo nivel de conocimiento en el Desarrollo de Aplicaciones Web con Oracle APEX. Empezaremos por lo ms bsico con la creacin de informes y formularios por medio de los asistentes e iremos avanzando en complejidad tanto en la personalizacin de los Informes Interactivos con estilos CSS, SQL y PL/SQL como en la utilizacin de plugins, imgenes, grficos, reportes, desarrollo de asistentes propios y la creacin de la pgina de dashboard que concentra toda la informacin de nuestra aplicacin. Con el curso de formacin en video de Oracle APEX con ms de 15 horas, descubre cmo desarrollar con facilidad y rapidez una aplicacin web utilizando Oracle Application Express. Se encuentra impartido en clases a un paso lento mostrando paso a paso cmo crear una aplicacin web para la Gestin de Cursos, Alumnos, Matrculas y Profesores DESDE CERO para que los alumnos tengan suficiente tiempo para absorber toda la informacin. Oracle APEX es una herramienta para el desarrollo de aplicaciones web productivas de forma rpida y segura, que se ejecuta en una base de datos Oracle. Esta herramienta est destinada tanto a usuarios como a desarrolladores. Para los usuarios que tienen limitada o ninguna experiencia en programacin APEX les permite crear fcilmente informes, formularios y cargar los datos desde hojas de clculo y archivos de texto a la base de datos. Tambin permite a los desarrolladores construir rpidamente formularios, informes y desarrollos menos complejos de aplicaciones web centradas en una base de datos. El entorno de desarrollo de APEX es completamente web y permite a los desarrolladores concentrarse en las caractersticas y funcionalidades de las aplicaciones, es decir la lgica del negocio y no en los detalles relacionados con la interfaz. Por qu debera tomar ste curso? Podrs ir desde principiante absoluto hasta ser capaz de desarrollar tu primera aplicacin web con Oracle APEX en cuestin de horas, sin tener que pagar miles de dlares por la formacin. Estas listo para empezar? "
Price: 99.99

"How to Make an iPhone App - Use a Pre-Existing Slot Machine" |
"Like this course, but can't afford it? Try our Bingo course for free. This process has generated us thousands of dollars in revenue very quickly. Slot machine apps are a great source of revenue, and this course will show you exactly what you need to do to reskin a specific source code in Xcode so that you can create your own Slot Machine app for iPhone, iPad, or iPod Touch very quickly and inexpensively to start making money almost immediately. You will see every single edit necessary to launch an app, and in less than 2 hours. This includes the very first steps you take after you get your hands on a source code (learning how to test the app) to editing the app in Xcode, and all the way to submitting the app to the App Store for review. The tutorial uses a REAL source code example and completes every single step necessary to reskin the app from start to finish, and is structured in that way. While this uses a specific code (that you can purchase), the course is still very useful for reskinning any app. It will give you the knowledge necessary to understand documents that come with source codes that you can purchase at very low prices. This is perfect for any beginner that is interested in entering the world of app development, but does not want to spend a ton of money or time creating an app from scratch and hiring developers. Instead, you can focus on monetization through in-app purchases and ad networks, which, by the way, is part of this course. You can literally reskin one source code 100 times using this tutorial to generate large profits incredibly quickly."
Price: 49.99

"Creating Puzzle Pieces with Illustrator and Photoshop" |
"This course will show you how to create puzzle pieces of any size or shape using Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop. You will learn how to create a square puzzle template in Adobe Illustrator, then we go on to creating a circle puzzle template in Adobe Illustrator and import the template into Adobe Photoshop where we break it up into pieces, apply effects and export the individual puzzle pieces, which we then batch re-size and rename for use in your standard and retina iPad project. Recommend for anyone that has purchased CartoonSmart.com 's Story Tellers Kit and would like to know how to create puzzle pieces the easy way or anyone that would like to have an easy to use reference on how to create puzzle pieces or templates for use in their latest project or App. Create puzzles quickly and easily with minimum effort and without having to use the pen tool or purchase expensive limited plug-ins. Use the shape tools, line tool and shape builder in Illustrator. Use Photoshop's trim and save for web tools. Preparing your images for use in your project or App. Learn how to create a re-size action. Batch rename in Photoshop, adding -ipadhd extension to your images with minimum effort. This course is just over an hour long and includes examples for creating a square template and a complete circle puzzle, and also includes templates for a triangle, a star and an ellipse, and includes the working Photoshop and Illustrator files."
Price: 19.99

"Marketing Communications for Professional Marketers" |
"Marketing communication is a fundamental and complex part of a company's marketing efforts. If failed can lead to serious and sometimes fatal consequences on the company image.In this course, Senior Examiner at the Chartered Institute of Marketing, Chris Fill, explores all the essentials and beyond of Marketing Communications. From the Marketing Communication Mix to Marketing Communication and Relationship and Corporate Communication, this 4 Hours course is packed with information and insights. This first section serves to clarify ideas about the principles of marketing communications. After exploring the scope, role, and tasks of marketing communications, ideas concerning the reconfiguration of the marketing communications mix are presented. This includes explanations about the individual tools, media, including the impact of digital media, and the many ways content is generated today. The second section, the role of marketing communications within the development of buyer/seller relationships is explored from an audience perspective. The first part of the lecture considers a range of forms of communications, and the second examines a range of exchange preferences. The third and final section brings these two elements together in the form of a marketing communication/relationship dynamic. This video shows how understanding an audience's preferred relationship with a supplier should shape the type of marketing communications mix used to communicate with them."
Price: 149.99

"Learning Corel Painter X3 - Be Creative With Painter" |
"This Corel Painter X3 training course from Infinite Skills teaches you the fundamental tools and techniques that are available to you in this widely used pixel-based painting program. This course is designed for the absolute beginner, meaning no prior Corel Painter experience is required. You will begin with the basics as the course introduces you to the Painter desktop and the useful tools and commands in the program. You will learn the different brush controls, such as dab, stroke, and method, as well as advanced controls and custom variants. The course will show you the different effects available in the effects menu, selection tools and commands, and how to work with text. Once you have learned the basics in this video tutorial, you will begin to create projects in a variety of styles. Follow along with the course as it teaches you to create a watercolor still life, a pastel portrait, an abstract painting, humorous caricatures, and much more! By the completion of this computer based training course, you will have a clear understanding of how to use the many tools and techniques available in Corel Painter X3 to create your own works of art. You will have learned about the advanced techniques and new features in this program and how to apply them to your creations. Working files are included, allowing you to follow along with the author throughout the lessons."
Price: 49.99

"Learning Android App Creation With C#" |
"This Android App Creation with C# training course from Infinite Skills teaches you how to create applications for Android using Mono and C#. This course is designed for the absolute beginner, meaning no Android App Creation experience is required. You will start out by touring the user interface and learning the interface widgets, including text and edit view, AutoComplete edit, and radio buttons and groups. This video tutorial takes you through the creation of a social networking app with messaging and photo sharing, while covering basic Android development concepts. The course will teach you basic concepts such as setup, UI development, working with local and remote data, and interfacing with SMS and email. Finally, you will learn how to publish the App to Google Play. Once you have completed this video based training course, you will have developed the necessary skills needed to create and submit your own Android Apps to the Google Play store. Working files are included, allowing you to follow along with the author throughout the lessons."
Price: 49.99

"Learning iOS 7. Build iPhone & iPad Apps A IOS 7 Tutorial" |
"This Learning To Build iOS Apps training course from Infinite Skills will teach you about the world of iPhone and iPad App development and how to use xCode and Objective-C to create a functional IOS App. This tutorial is designed for the absolute beginner, and no previous iPhone / iPad App development experience is required. You will start with an introduction to iOS and the SDK. The course then jumps right into teaching you to create your first functional Mobile App. As the lessons progress, you will cover topics such as: using the UIKit to build your interface, exploring the UITableView, implementing UIWebView navigation, and a number of advanced view controllers and features. This video tutorial also covers Geolocation, working with the social features of iOS, and how to communicate with the Cloud. You will also work with the iOS Dev Center and learn how to submit your completed iPhone / iPad App for inclusion in the iTunes App store. Once you have completed this computer based training course, you will have developed the necessary skills required to create your own iOS App and submit it to the iTunes store for millions of people to download and enjoy. Working files are included, allowing you to follow along with the author throughout the lessons."
Price: 49.99

"Learn QuickBooks Pro 2014 the Easy Way" |
"Save Time and Money by Learning This Popular Accounting ProgramManage the Accounting for Your Own Small BusinessCreate Estimates, Statements, and DepositsKeep Track of Payments and BillsReconcile Bank StatementsManage Your Own Accounts With this Popular ProgramQuickBooks is a very popular accounting software package, used in small businesses throughout the world. It was developed and marketed by Intuit, and originally released in 1994. Over the course of its history, many convenient features have been developed, including the addition of QuickBooks Online, a subscription service that can replace the outright purchase of QuickBooks software, and QuickBooks Point of Sale, which is meant to replace a business's cash register and keeps track of sales receipts.If you are a small business owner, or a freelance accountant, you can use QuickBooks to keep track of accounts payable, receivable, to pay bills, to keep track of payments or debts, and to maintain organization in terms of your business or personal finance.Overview and ContentsOver the course of 75 video lectures and more than seven hours of content, this QuickBooks Pro 2014 tutorial will teach you all of the necessary fundamentals of this popular and comprehensive accounting software. You will learn how to install and set up the QuickBooks software, beginning with creating a file for your company. With this basic knowledge, you can move forward to developing a chart of accounts, creating estimates and invoices, and organizing a variety of financial statements. By the time you reach the end of the lectures, you will be a skilled QuickBooks Pro 2014 user, able to complete the most necessary accounting tasks all in one organized program.This class is perfect for accountants or small business owners who are looking for a comprehensive and organized method for doing their books. At the completion of this course, you will be fully equipped to use QuickBooks Pro 2014 for all of your small business accounting needs."
Price: 99.99

"Master Adobe Photoshop Elements 12 the Easy Way - 14 Hours" |
""People thought my Photoshop purchase was a jokethat is, until they saw my photos!" Are you new to Photoshop Elements 12? Do you want to improve your images so they look spectacular? Now you can. Thats because, you dont have to take the perfect shot anymore to get incredible results! In our Learn Photoshop Elements 12 online training course, youll discover how to turn your photos into masterpieces. Watch as your professional trainer shows you how to navigate the Adobe Photoshop Elements 12 interface and gets you introduced to its enhanced features. Learn basic techniques for photo correction in addition to more advanced topics. Discover practical tips and tricks for retouching and enhancing images such as correcting skin blemishes and teeth color, clearing red eyes, using filters, fixing lighting exposure, and much more. Get ready to make your photos look amazing and to impress your family and all of your friends! All of our videos are high-definition videos, therefore, they are best viewed with the HD setting on, and the videos enlarged."
Price: 74.99

"How to Use Instagram Video for Business and Building a Brand" |
"This course provides detailed knowledge about applications you can use to harness the power of Instagram to market your business. Instagram has over 150 million users on the platform, 16 billion photos shared, and 1 billion likes happening each day, the photo-sharing and editing platform is one of the most engaging channels on social media. With over 150 million active users on Instagram make sure you are one of them! In this course I will show you specifically how to: 1. Create custom text in Instagram for your pictures for business use. These are strategies and tips you have never seen before. 2. Creative ways to use video in Instagram for your business. 3. Use Instagram for business 4. Cultivate a following 5. Leverage Instagram video for promotion and create videos that show client appreciation. Includes a list of 10 apps that will enhance your photo-sharing experiences. Please note: This is NOT a step-by-step beginner course that will teach you how to take pictures for Instagram. In this course you will learn how to harness the power of Instagram Video for your business."
Price: 19.99

"Scholarship Winner: Learn Strategies to Pay for College" |
"Be a Scholarship Winner In this course, you will learn how to earn free money for college from a $100,000 scholarship winner. This course is structured for you to receive all the necessary tools to succeed in the scholarship process. From step-by-step strategies to real-life examples, you will be equipped to handle any scholarship application. The course provides hands-on learning with action steps for you to complete. You also can ask questions to the instructor. So, don't get bogged down in student loan debt. Instead, enroll in this course and be a SCHOLARSHIP WINNER!"
Price: 49.99

"Web Application Performance Testing" |
"This course is designed to teach people in a workshop format how to plan and conduct a performance test. The objectives of this course is to define the processes, tools, issues and challenges for performance testing in a variety of web environments. Working through a series of self paced video tutorials, you will learn to develop a workable strategy for performance testing of an enterprise system.This course does not focus on problem analysis, tuning, debugging, or tools."
Price: 19.99

"Pareto para Programadores-El eslabon Perdido del seniority" |
"Has notado que hay desarrolladores de Software que trabajan 10 veces ms rpido que el promedio? Lo que le lleva a un desarrollador promedio un da completo de trabajo a ellos les puede llevar menos de una hora terminarlo. No importa si tienen que Crear Programas, hacer paginas, hacer Diseo Web. Tampoco importa que lenguaje de Computacion usen; puede ser Java, C#, Visual Studio, Angular, Python, java script o incluso C. La mayora de esa velocidad en el desarrollo de software se puede atribuir a la tcnica. Al igual que un jugador de baloncesto puede ser un mejor tirador por el aprendizaje de las tcnicas adecuadas, un desarrollador puede convertirse en un mejor codificador y ofrecer mayor valor al aprender mejores tcnicas. Hoy en da de forma ms fcil y rpida debido a Internet, los Cursos Online, Google y la cantidad de ejemplos dando vuelta. Incluso estudiar a distancia carreras como ingenieria de sistemas, analista de sistemas, computacin, etc. Hemos estado tomando lo que figura en este libro para las personas que se suman a mi equipo y les enseamos las tcnicas que los hacen rpidos. Despus de aprender y trabajar en este marco, la mayora de mis programadores nuevos son capaces de duplicar su productividad en el primer mes. Muchos triplicar o cuadruplicar su productividad. Ve a decirle a tu jefe que puede ofrecer el doble de puntos funcionales que lo que haces hoy. Dile a tu jefe que en vez de tener que contratar a ese otro programador, t puedes lograr que se haga. Tu jefe te amar, y la entrega de ese tipo de valor es que te mantendr con trabajo e incrementara varias en varias veces lo que ganas! Esa es mi promesa al trmino de este libro. Me decid a armar un libro de todo esto por un par de razones. En primer lugar, estoy cansado de heredar proyectos que parecen un choque de trenes cuyo cdigo base es una maraa de cosas y no hay manera de rescatar algo. Hay muchos ms proyectos en el mundo que lo que mi equipo puede asumir as que espero que este sencillo enfoque sea una alternativa atractiva a lo que estas acostumbrado a leer. En segundo lugar, esperamos que podamos aprender de ti. Los miembros de mi equipo aprenden todos los das el uno del otro. Con su ayuda, podemos aprender ms, ser an mejores desarrolladores y ofrecer ms valor a nuestros clientes. Code Simple! Nicolas Rossello"
Price: 24.99

"Taller Prctico de Autoconocimiento" |
"Este taller de autoconocimiento est pensado para ser cursado a lo largo de 30 das seguidos. Se trata de un desafo que toda persona debera aceptar en algn momento de su vida: el desafo de autodescubrirse y autoconstruirse a s misma. Las personas que conocen bien los rasgos de su identidad personal son personas ms felices porque llevan vidas coherentes con sus valores y desarrollan carreras acordes a sus fortalezas. Al trmino de este desafo sers una persona nueva con una misin de vida definida y preparada para ser puesta en marcha. Te animo a que aceptes el desafo ;)"
Price: 79.99
