"Customer Success How to Understand Your Customers" |
"If you want to deliver the fantasticresults your company needs in today's crazymarketplace, its time to start listening to your customers like never before.Listening is the where you start; it's thebeginning of deeperunderstanding. Understanding your customersprovides you with clearinsight. And this clearinsight will help you solve the realproblems they need to solve. But, its not always easy to understand today'scustomers because they can be hard to figure out. So youve got to go deeper and become an Insight Miner. This course will show you how to begin.In this course, you are going tolearn some critical pieces to the customer puzzle: The three little words that will change your relationships withcustomers foreverWhy you must grasp The Four Spinning Plates of businessHow to close the growing ""experience gap"" between your company and your customersHow the Customer Engagement Pyramid is anessential building block to successWhat customer insight really is and isn'tHow ""Big Data"" is different than ""Big Insight""How to create winning propositions the will turn reluctant prospects into loyal customersPlus,you''' get fourcase studies about companies that have made Customer Understandinga big part of their success (plus, one that wasn't listeningand paid a steep price):NetflixSherwin WilliamsAndre RieuChateauformYou've got to understand your customers now more than ever because someone, somewhere is already listening to them to try to steal them away. There's no time to waste soget started today."
Price: 19.99

"Publishing Demystified: Guerilla Indie Book Publishing" |
"A combination of audio and text to get you started on successfully publishing and marketing your book. In the course, you will find the following: * How to submit your works to Literary Agents * How to work and submit to an Editor * Guerilla Marketing and Grassroots Techniques to promote your books * List of Editors * List of Media and Talkshow Contacts *Tips for working w/ Graphic Designers * Tips from Best Selling Authors and Literary Professionals * List of book Printing Companies * List of African American Bookstores, Book Reviewers and Book Clubs * How to create your Media Kit * How to Monetize Your Works for Amazon and much more! This course will be updated monthly with new lectures. Join now and take advantage of our low introductory rate. Enroll in this course now and start learning how to market and distribute your works on the grassroots level in addition to online retailers. 30 Day Back Guarantee/ No Questions Asked"
Price: 29.99

"31 Days of Online Marketing Ideas" |
"I decided for the month of October to document some of my regular online marketing tasks as I do them. Plus it was incentive for me to get things done. The result was these short videos, since I decided to create one video tip a day. After the first two videos, they are in no particular order and you may or may not need to do all of the tasks I've mentioned. -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Explains things in a way non-tech people can understand This course is really helping me, because I'm learning about all these resources and applications that I didn't know were out there. I'm a complete newbie to internet marketing and had no idea where to start. This is totally giving me direction. I like that she explains how to use the different apps in a way that is easy to understand by someone who is not that tech-savvy. - Amy B-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------"
Price: 29.99

"Customer Success How to Put Your Customers First" |
"For far too long, companies have put themselves first, ignoring their customers in the process. Theyve been happy to take peoples money without really considering their points of view. Now, theres a real sea change taking place: the most successful enterprises are learning how to put their customers first. This course, How to Put Your Customers First, lays out the key principles every size and type of business needs to embrace. It starts with understanding that you are living in a me first world. To succeed in it, you must navigate a new path forward to we. In this course, you are going tolearn key elements about putting customers first including: The customer roller coaster every business is on What Jeff Bezos, founder of Amazon, really believes about customers The real brand gap between companies and customers Why you must reframe your issues with customers The Upside Down Org chart The Five Cs on the Path to Trust The three questions that form the Customer Experience Triangle The three simple rules to adopt to show customers they are first Why making things simple is a critical strategy Over forty ways to become simple The stark difference between right and left brain thinking Why understanding human emotions is so important How to tell customer first stories that touch the heart and deliver results The true value of gratitude You will also see three case studies that demonstrate how to put customers first and why its so important to building a better future: TD Bank Safelite Auto Glass Jason Terry / NBA Player The journey to putting your customers first will pay off for your company for many years to come. Please enroll today!"
Price: 19.99

"Customer Success How to Exceed Your Customers Expectations" |
"In today's hyper competitive market, your company needs a competitive advantage much bigger than justlow prices. That advantage is value. But value may not be what you've been led to believe it really is. This course will provide key concepts,frameworks, and case studies to help you meet and exceed the expectations of your customers.In this courseyou will learn how:The Value Universe effects every customer on their journey from expectation to loyaltyPeople decide what their real needs areHyundai Motors used customer insight to create an entirely new vehicleJobs to Be Done thinking will revolutionize your companyCostco delivers extreme value to millions of customersCustomer Lifetime Value will change the way you evaluate the real value of your customers Every student who successfully completes this course will be better prepared to engage in the battle for new customers. This knowledge will also prepare you for a more successful career."
Price: 34.99

"The Art Of Persuasion" |
"How come some people so easily manage to persuade to others while you struggle? What's the secret to effective influential communication? With The Art Of Persuasion you're getting all the answers you need. You will discover secrets about human behavior and learn why people behave the way they do. If you ever observed anybody losing control of their behavior, now you will now why. You will learn about the true reason why people do what they do and what really drives their behavior (hint: it's never their logic!). And then we will move on to the second part, in which you will get hands-on, ready-to-use tips and techniques to persuade others. We will look at 3 groups of techniques: based on human nature, social triggers and psychological triggers. And finally you will get a list of the secret words that control mind. The words that will make your persuasive communication 3 times more effective! This content was first presented to the audience of almost 100 people by the invitation of The University of Nottingham Malaysia and UNMC Psychology Society . Here is what some of the students told me after attending it: "It was a fantastic one!! I've learn a lot and what impress me the most is that I am able to apply was taught immediately for my work. Example was really simple and easy to understand, and most importantly, it's very practical to be used in daily practice!! Well done!" "I love the talk especially when you talked about the technique to persuade. Through that, I learnt how to persuade people slowly and let them accept my view.""
Price: 24.99

"Microsoft Excel Beginner and Intermediate with Certificate" |
"This is a beginner and intermediate Microsoft Excel training class that requires no prior knowledge of Excel. The training provided in this class covers MAC and PC. Ideal for students who use a MAC and just as applicable to students who use a PC. The class starts be describing the interface and then explains different functions a user can utilize to perform a variety of analysis. This is a beginner and intermediate level class, no prior excel experience necessary. Following is a list of topics covered in class: Layout Standard Toolbar Formatting Toolbar Home Tab Layout Tab Tables Tab Charts Tab Smart Art Formulas Data Review Functions Sum Average Max Min Count Vertical and Horizontal Lookup Vertical and Horizontal Lookup with Index SumIf and AverageIf The IF Statement Nested IF Statement Vlookup nested inside an if statement"
Price: 19.99

"Investigative Interviewing" |
"Interviewing is carried out on a frequent basis across the globe. Investigative interviewing is the narrower band of criminal & disciplinary enquiry although it still connects with the fundamental process of speaking to people. Often steeped in mystery and conjecture the thought of conducting such a process fills many with fear and trepidation. This entry level course provides the practical tools to enable you to confidently conduct an investigatory interview with both witnesses and those individuals that may have contravened your organisations disciplinary code or are subject of a grievance and reach a decision that is both fair and lawful. Used widely across the business community and the public sector the same elements have been adopted by the UK Police. Ian Kirke is the Managing Director of leading UK Risk Consultants TFS (www.tfsuccess.com). "TFS is providing Hertfordshire with a bespoke "out-of-custody" interview package to enable us to train all our uniformed response and neighbourhood officers. This training is providing officers with skills in recognising when out-of-custody interviews should be staged, how to stage such an interview, interviewing both cooperative and non-cooperative suspects, and dealing confidently with legal representatives; all in all professionalising and adding a consistency to out-of-custody interviewing in Herts. Shane O'Neill, Detective Chief Inspector, Hertfordshire Constabulary What others have to say: As an experienced LP professional I believe that that the TFS approach to interviewing is like a breath of fresh air. The process driven methodology provides a practical framework that can be used to match all investigatory outcomes from low level disciplinary & grievance procedures to complex criminal investigations. An invaluable tool providing a significant ROI for investigators, especially those with limited experience, I highly recommend the programme. Gary Tattersall, Group Risk Manager, Jack Wills As an experienced investigator working within an ever changing company, time considered for investigations has always proven to be limited. The TFS investigation and interview techniques offer a structured process that is easy to follow, quick to prepare and gets the results required whilst demonstrating a clear understanding of investigations in business and knowledge of employment law. I also liked the approach to the training, particularly with the role-play exercises, it makes it go beyond just theory. Leyton, Morgan Head of Business Protection at Sally Salon Services Some of the best bits: How to manage different personalities presented: Liar, truth, silence, mixture, etc. Tested repeatedly via Employment Tribunals G.D, Space.UK Knowing that failure to obtain an admission is not the end of the line S.D, JD Sports Confidence in doing the right thing practically and legally O.C, Sainsburys Supermarkets Applying a consistent model to unique situations A.H, Waitrose Flow chart system OC, TSS Fantastic structured way / process to investigate TP, Tesco 5 WH, flowchart of events MB, Selco"
Price: 29.99

"Leadership and Change" |
"If you want to make a difference, you have to adapt to the ever-changing world of work. But people don't like to change. So, how can you move your team through a transition, when fear of the unknown, resistance and all kind of emotions kick in? By preparing for those reactions; by trying to understand resistance instead of trying to break it down; by coaching your team and looking after yourself. This course guides you through some simple principles sprinkled with a bit of management theory to help you prepare a change plan that will move your team through change. It's not just the change period that's important, but making sure the results are sustained in the long-term. Each section consists of one short video lecture, perfect for watching over a cup of coffee. You can then use the supportive materials to go over the material as you create your action plan. The sections include: A video presentation with action points, theory and moments of reflection to apply the learning to your particular situation. A PDF document with the slides from the presentation. A PDF transcript of the script. The audio version of the lecture, in case you want to listen to it again in your MP3 player."
Price: 34.99

"Encuentre su Mejor Idea de Negocios y Haga Dinero con Ella" |
"::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: nase y descubra por qu ms de 1300 estudiantes satisfechos prefieren nuestros cursos en Udemy! ::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: COMIENCE A RECIBIR DINERO POR HACER LO QUE LE GUSTA, BUSCANDO UNA IDEA DE NEGOCIOS Y HACINDOLA REALIDAD. NUESTRA GARANTA: SI DESPUS DE SEGUIR TODO EL PROCEDIMIENTO NO CONSIGUE UNA SOLA IDEA DE NEGOCIOS, LE REGRESAMOS SU DINERO!!! Imagine, es otro lunes por la maana, usted conduce camino al trabajo o est esperando el autobs, como hace cada da. Que est haciendo?Escuchando la radio?Pensando en cuanto tardar en llegar el fin de semana? En 3 meses desde ahora, ser 3 meses ms viejo. Que estar haciendo en ese momento? Seguir escuchando las mismas canciones de siempre camino al trabajo? O habr decidido que es tiempo de ganar suficiente para tener la ingresos residuales, invitar a sus amigos a cenar o viajar y conocer el mundo? Para los ms geeks, tengo unos datos interesantes: :::::El empleado promedio dedica cerca de un 40% de su da a tareas relacionadas con su trabajo::::: Considerando que un 33% restante lo utilizamos para dormir y otro 15% para comer, asearnos y otras tareas de rutina, esto solo nos deja con un pequeo 12% para cualquier otra cosa. Le gustara que ese 40% de su preciado tiempo estuviese mejor invertido, o quisiera aprovechar ese valioso 12% para desarrollar un nuevo estilo de vida? Pues no es el nico, con eso suean millones de personas cada da. Cual es el problema? Perdn si lastimo sus delicados sentimientos pero soar no sirve de NADA, N-A-D-A. No sirve de nada si todo lo que hace es seguir soando sin mover un dedo para convertir su sueo en realidad. Lo bueno es que puede cambiar eso y este curso tiene lo que necesita para iniciar. Si cada persona que soara con tener su propio negocio viera su sueo hecho una realidad, probablemente tooodos seramos emprendedores. Pero esto no ocurre en la realidad. Admtalo, probablemente ha fantaseado con ser su propio jefe, con tener la libertad de escoger su propio horario, y an as sigue atrapado en ese empleo anticuado o peor an en la casa sin nada que hacer. Pues bien, amrrese bien los pantalones y arrollese las mangas porque ha dado con la oportunidad de reivindicarse. --no, en serio, arrllelas, va a TENER que trabajar-- En este curso le presentaremos el proceso exacto que tiene que seguir para pasar de no tener ninguna idea (o demasiadas) hasta la produccin y validacin de una idea exitosa. Al matricular nuestro curso obtendr: Acceso instantneo a ms de 20 clases con texto y video explicativos Cuaderno del emprendedor con indicaciones paso a paso y espacio para desarrollar los ejercicios Una gua que lo llevar desde la generacin de la idea hasta su primera venta Repositorio de recursos del estudiante Cero riesgo de inversin gracias a la garanta de reembolso total Actualizaciones constantes con material adicional El proceso que les comparto en el curso est probado y puedo dar fe de ello. A mi mismo me permiti pasar de no saber que hacer con mis aburridas certificaciones y ttulos en manejo de proyectos, a tener hoy da un interesante trabajo como lder de proyectos internacionales, dando consultora a entidades gubernamentales y privadas. Pero vamos al grano, despus de todo no estamos ac por mi sino por usted. Se imagina todo lo que podra hacer si finalmente pudiese tener su propio negocio! Pues si lo puede hacer, encontrado una idea exitosa y convirtindola en negocio. La inversin es baja y le garantizo que con las tcticas que aprender y el material prctico que se incluye, podr iniciar una nueva y excitante etapa en su vida. Si quiere seguir esperando para actuar, adelante, espeeeere... espere 1 mes, 6 meses o 1 ao... :::::Pero sepa que mientras usted sigue escuchando la misma msica camino al trabajo, muchos otros irn adelante para entonces, y habrn multiplicado exponencialmente la suma simblica que usaron para acceder a este conocimiento::::: As que, valientes, los espero adentro... a los dems, tal vez algn da nos volvamos a cruzar ;)"
Price: 39.99

"Creating Your Business Strategy" |
"If there is one thing that an entrepreneur brings to the table that no one else brings, it's vision. Without a clear sense of where one is going, and an understanding of how to organize people, resources, and money to get a business off the ground, nothing happens. Nothing. Vision is important. But vision isnt enough. Its the entrepreneurs responsibility to establish and execute business strategy with energy. Creating Your Business Strategy Failure to Plan Means You Plan to Fail will equip students with the skills they need to create a business plan for a business of their choosing. Lessons from the previous three modules will be integrated into this Capstone session. You will learn how to take what you have learned in previous modules and apply it to creating a business strategy for a company you wish to start. Creating Your Business Strategy Failure to Plan Means You Plan to Fail will help you to identify your Unique Value Proposition, understand your own Competitive Competency, and master the Four Keys of a Business Strategy. This course is divided into eight sessions. The first session, Introduction, is designed to explain who can benefit by taking this course, and how you can use the material to enhance sales in your business Lesson 1: Introduction to Creating Your Business Strategy Lesson 2: Course Outline and Syllabus The second session, Failure to Plan Means You Plan to Fail,takes the various skills youve been developing by examining the book publishing industry and applies them to the business you want to start. Well start to put the pieces together as we talk about the various types of business models you might consider, the impact of the Internet on business marketing, and the importance of completing a business plan. Well also discuss how to identify trends affecting your business, and the importance of industry market research. In the third session, Building a Plan for your Business helps you develop a sense of perspective. Look at the business you hope to launch. What are the market conditions facing it? What does it take to succeed in that market? Why do businesses fail? You must understand the answers to these questions, because only then can you develop a vision for your business that is sound, has a firm foundation, and sees things as they really are, not as you hope they might be. The fourth session, Identifying a Strategy for Your Business, builds on the previous sessions and turns the focus outward toward the marketplace in you compete. Well focus on the four keys to creating a successful business strategy. And, well examine how you can answer the Three Customer Questions: HOW youll market your product, to WHOM you will market your product, and WHERE your customers will look when they want to find your product. In the fifth session, Evaluating the Strengths and Weaknesses of Your Business, examines the steps needed in going to the other side of the hill. A key element in developing strategy is that one must be realistic. We must not only understand what were good at, but what were NOT good at. In this lesson, we will examine ways to evaluate our business strengths and weaknesses to better understand how to create a strategy that gets us to where we want to go; metaphorically, to go to The Other Side of the Hill. In the sixth session, Implementing Your Strategic Plan, well examine why knowing what is happening in YOUR industry, what trends should you pay attention to, and the threats that exist that could impact your business is critically important. In this lesson, well show you how to assess the competitive forces that affect your industry and your company. Well help you learn how to research industry trends. In the seventh session, Developing a Consumer-Centric Marketing Strategy, well examine the traditional marketing focuses on the Four Ps, which can be summarized as follows: Putting the right product in the right place, at the right price, at just the right time to promote it. Based on what you know of the external environment and the industry in which you operate, what are some of the elements of the Four Ps you would employ in marketing your service one on one? In a physical store/office? Online? Via radio, print, TV or youtube? The eighth session, Next Steps, we summarize what has been learned in this course, and preview additional courses in the series available from Generation Self Employed."
Price: 24.99

"Yoga & Meditation for Everyone" |
"Yoga is a system of physical and mental disciplines practiced to attain control of body and mind. Such control is attained through a series of postures and breathing exercises. Yoga and Meditation for Everyone is a course designed for beginners and students at intermediate level by Yogacharya U E Warrior. The course has been designed to help people of all ages. Towards the end of the lectures a day to day regimen is available as a pdf document for downloading. Yogacharya U E Warrior is a trained yoga teacher and has had his basic yoga training under his holiness, Swami Satyananda Saraswati, founder of the Bihar School of Yoga, Monghyr, Bihar. He received yoga teacher's training under the guidance of Yogacharya Dr. N Vijyaraghavan, Director of Satyananda Yoga Research centre, Calicut (Recognized by University Grants Commission) and affiliated to international yoga fellowship movement.. The highly experienced expert has been conducting yoga workshops for years which has helped hundreds to become fit. The course has been divided into seven video lectures / demonstrations. Students are expected to practice along with the lectures. It is suggested that beginners learn two lectures per day."
Price: 19.99

"Synfig Studio" |
"2D- Synfig Studio.Synfig Studio Windows, Linux and Mac OSX. ? GIF-? ? Synfig Studio ! Synfig Studio . . . , . , Synfig Studio . , , , """". 9 , . , , . , """"."
Price: 19.99

"Creating animation in Synfig Studio" |
"In this course you will learn how to create 2D animation using Synfig Studio animation software package. Synfig Studio is a free and open-source application available for Windows, Linux and Mac OSX. Do you want to create your own animated movie, or just animated postcard, or animation for a game? Synfig can do that for you! You can use Synfig anywhere without limitations - at home, at work or at school.Create your own animation using Synfig StudioLearn all basic principles of creating animation of Synfig Studio.Build and animate characters for your animation.Learn the basic and everyday animation skills, like face animation and walkcycle.Cutout (sprite) animation techniqueIn this course I will show you how to create animation constructed from bitmap images. This approach is called ""cutout"" or ""sprite"" technique. Cutout technique is known to be the fastest way to create animation and at the same time it's the easiest way to learn it. Despite it's simplicity, the cutout technique remains very expressive and used by many creators to create exciting animation.Contents and Overview This course is created for people who would like to learn how to use Synfig Studio in a short time. It equally fits for those who just starting to learn computer animation, as well as for established artists who would like to master cutout technique with free software.The course will guide you from the very basics of application interface to the techniques of creating character animation and some advanced features. The sample files are also included, so you will be able to work alongside with instructor during the course. Also, all the lectures in the course are available for downloading and watching offline. For your convenience the course includes subtitles in English, Spanish, Italian, and French.Note: This course is not for you if you would like to learn the technique of frame-by-frame (traditional) animation.Credits:Written and recorded by: Konstantin DmitrievTranslated by: Anna Orlova Narrated by: Terry Hancock"
Price: 19.99

"10 normas a romper para conseguir trabajo con mayor rapidez" |
"Posiblemente llevas tiempo desempleado y has lanzado miles de curriculums sin resultado. Es normal que no hayas recibido respuesta. El entorno ha cambiado y con él las reglas del juego. En este video curso de 3 horas te enseño cómo conseguí que me hicieran hasta tres ofertas de empleo en los 21 días siguientes de estar desempleado. ¿Suerte? No. Método. Todo el mundo espera que hagas las mismas cosas de siempre: que redactes una carta de presentación, un curriculum y que lo mandes a diestro y siniestro a las empresas. Eso ya no funciona. Yo te voy a enseñar qué normas hay que quebrantar para conseguir un buen empleo de manera rápida. No esperes que te enseñe lo mismo de siempre. En este videocurso verás técnicas que rompen esquemas y que funcionan. ¿Cuánto pagarias por conocer… Cómo diferenciarte desde el minuto 1 con tus competidores (otros buscadores de empleo) Cómo conseguir entrevistas de empleo sin curriculum, incluso sin que la empresa haya publicado una oferta Prepararte mentalmente Negociar desde una posición de fuerza Definir tus objetivos Solicitar un empleo directamente a tu contratador Venderte a través de cartas de venta de alto impacto Cómo lograr el control en una entrevista Qué hacer para que tus posibilidades de contratación se disparen Cómo crear un anuncio de alto impacto Cómo venderte indirectamente? 2 sesiones por skype de 45min para trabajar tu campaña de búsqueda de empleo* Apoyo por email privado 24 horas/7 dias* 30 días de total garantía. Si no te gusta lo que ves te devuelvo dinero. Mira las recomendaciones y valoraciones. Un diploma de aprovechamiento del curso firmado por mi** ¡SIGUE LEYENDO! *sólo para matriculaciones sin cupones ni descuentos **sólo para los que cumplen los retos que planteo en el curso ;-) ¡CONSIGUE UN DESCUENTO AUTOMATICO DEL 50% SÓLO POR COMPARTIR ESTE TWEET: "10 normas a quebrantar para conseguir #trabajo con mayor rapidez #empleo http://goo.gl/9FvOyU @josuegadea". ¡CONSIGUE UN 15% ADICIONAL AL COMPARTIR: "10 normas a quebrantar para conseguir trabajo con mayor rapidez http://goo.gl/9FvOyU" EN TU MURO DE FACEBOOK. ¡CONSIGUE OTRO 2,7% SI LE DAS AL "ME GUSTA"! http://www.facebook.com/josuegadeagarcia Después de hacer esto mándame un mensaje privado por facebook y te mando tu cupón descuento. ¡EL CURSO TE SALE POR 29 EUROS!* ¡Te espero dentro! *Estos descuentos no son acumulables a los descuentos que ofrece udemy"
Price: 49.99

"Aprender a escribir a los 4: Mtodo Doman en Preescolar" |
"Es posible y deseable ensear a los nios pequeos a leer y a escribir, mucho antes de que lleguen a la escuela? En este curso aprenders los cmo, por qu, para qu de la escritura temprana, usando el mtodo Doman adaptado al aula preescolar. Este curso es la continuacin del taller ""Aprender a Leer a los 3"", disponible tambin en UDEMY. Como requisito, los participantes debern haber cursado preferentemente este programa con anterioridad, o, en todo caso, haber ledo el libro ""Aprender a leer a los 3""de Elisa Guerra, y/o ""Cmo ensear a leer a su beb"" de Glenn Doman. Este curso parte de las bases pedaggicas adquiridas en el taller de lectura temprana. El curso consta de 43 sesiones divididas en siete mdulos. 99% del material se presenta en video. Incluye demostraciones prcticas y consejos sobre actividades y evaluacin. Dirigido principalmente a profesionales de la educacin, el curso presenta una nueva aproximacin hacia la enseanza de la lectura y la escritura, que no slo es gozosa y agradable para nios y docentes, sino que aprovecha el enorme potencial de aprendizaje de los ms pequeos."
Price: 99.99

"Shoot Like A PRO" |
"Who said only professional cameras can take professional pictures? Yeah everyone does, but what they don't tell you is that you can make amazing professional photography with any basic low cost and mobile cameras! But how exactly?This is why I'm here for, to reveal you the secrets of photography and to make you a proud photographer who isn't depended on expensive cameras or other equipment that is needed to manage your work as a professional photographer, or a randome teenager who wants to look cool next to his friends by sharing his awesome photoshoots on facebook, or simply a parent who loves his kids and wants beautiful photographs of them. Joze Mont: Media Director at Joze Mont Entertainment and International Education Project "Sattva". Film Director who has written, produced and directed over 8 movies and released 2 music albums. She's also a well known Photographer in USA who worked with Organizations, Hat companies, Models, Actors, Movie productions and personal clients. Her work has reached many souls throughout the world and has inspired people to grow through Art, Films, Music and Photography. Joze Mont is also the creator of "Cinemont" - The new generation of legendary films that will be remembered for centuries on by leaving a remarkable sign of creative existence. The benefits you get from this course are:Discover great features on your camera that will help you create professional pictures.Learn how to hold your camera the proper and professional way before taking pictures. Learn how to make your pictures presentable by using the right angles and correct lighting. Give your pictures a style.Learn self portrait. Learn photoshop.Create your own professional photography logo.Learn iPhone Photography.Sharing your pictures and having an online portfolio. And most important of all, make professional photographs with any basic low cost camera!"
Price: 54.99

"Use YouTube to Get Your Local Business to The Top of Google" |
"In this course you will learn the methods I use for my paying local business clients to consistently achieve page one Google search results using YouTube videos! Using these strategies, you can achieve the same type of results that my clients have paid me thousands of dollars to achieve.This course is broken down into simple to follow modules where I take you along side me into a real client account and teach you step by step how to make, upload, optimize, and rank in Google videos that will capture the attention of your target audience and deliver consistent traffic to your website.This course is perfect for any business owner or individual who wants to know how to leverage YouTube to climb in the search engines with much less time and effort needed to invest that traditional SEO tactics."
Price: 19.99

"How to Get Book Reviews for Kindle Authors" |
"You Have an Awesome Book for Sale on Amazon…SO WHAT?You have a book. You have a title. You have a killer description. You have a stunning cover.BUT — what you don’t have is readers.Unless your book just sucks, there is usually ONE reason why no one is buying it.There is a good chance no one even knows it exists, but the real issue is that it has ZERO reviews on Amazon.The truth is, great books are published every day that never sell and go unnoticed because no one has vouched for them. Would you buy a book by an author you had never heard of in your life and who didn’t have a single review for their book?!I didn’t thinks so…"
Price: 19.99

"The Science of Happiness: Hacks & Skills to Flourish" |
"Positive psychology is a new science dedicated to understanding what makes life worth living from an empirical, evidence based perspective. Its only in the last 20 years or so that science has formally started to grapple with the same questions that philosophers, mystics, poets, and teachers have tried to answer for thousands of years. Here's your chance to learn cutting edge research based strategies to living your most alive life. Now you might find yourself saying, positive psychology, as opposed to negative psychology? Well, kind of. Traditional psychology, as we know it, has been a deficit model focusing mostly on mental illness and whats wrong with people; it's done a great job of figuring out how to fix problems and get individuals from a -10 to 0, or normal. Positive psychology, meanwhile, asks different questions and focuses on whats right with people, and how to go from 0 to +10! Too many people today are struggling. Look at these facts about Americans: Nearly 1 out of 10 is depressed and medicating 1 out of 5 reports feeling lonely and isolated 4 out 10 are struggling to figure out their life purpose 8 out of 10 visits to the doctor are due to stress at work Your life is way to precious. Theres nothing more valuable than figuring out how to flourish. Its the biggest contribution you can make to the world. Some anonymous person said it best: Because once you find your piece in the puzzle, you enable 10,000 others to find theirs. Your living fully is not only good for you - but its uplifting, inspiring, and contagious to those around you. If you want to change your world, start with yourself right now! If there are things you wish were different about your situation or the people surrounding you...take Ganhdi's advice: Be the change you want to see in the world. So whatchya waiting for? Take this class if you want to really understand the key to flourishing through Applied Positive Psychology. Figure out what levers you need to press in order to thrive. Understand your emotions and how to shift shitty days around. Never be bored again once you understand the mechanics of engagement. Connect, really connect, with those around you. Experience more meaning and purpose where before there may have been struggle and suffering. And understand the psychology of motivation, grit, and achievement to amplify your productivity, performance and live your dreams. Stop complaining and start doing something about it. PS Did I mention that I'll be holding regular conference calls with students? I'm here with you every step of the way. See you on the other side :) -Stella"
Price: 174.99

"45 Ways to Get More Clients For Your Membership Site" |
"BRAND NEW: Tested & Proven Ways to Get You More Clients, Customers, and Money for Your Business If you are an entrepreneur, one of the most painful things to have to admit to yourself, your colleagues and your family is that a product or program that you invested so much time, money and effort in putting together is a complete and utter failure. Not only are you NOT making more money, but you are operating in the RED due to the costs of doing business. And the worst part is that you KNOW if you could fix those invisible "problems", not only would you not be hemorrhaging money every month, but you'd be MAKING a bundle. As a result, you'd finally be able to buy your family the things that they need, make some improvements to your overall quality of life, and pay off all the bills. But even better than that, you'd have the confidence and satisfaction of knowing that you are a successful entrepreneur and that your financial freedom lies in your hands and not someone else's. Sound good? Well, if you have ever wanted to put together a group program (or membership site) and/or you already have a program that's just limping along...you'll want to check out this short cut to filling your membership while avoiding the many pitfalls and mistakes. In this easy to follow course we'll cover the proven strategies, tactics, and techniques to build your membership quickly. Inside this course you will: Discover 7 proven enrollment strategies Get 27 tactics and learn how to tweak them specifically to funnel members into your site Learn how to avoid the Top 10 mistakes entrepreneurs make that guarantee that driving traffic and building a list will never work for them! Heck, I'll even show you how to turn around an ailing membership site where the doors are open for business but no one's buying! In fact, here's just a sample of what we'll cover on this incredible course: What's an enrollment strategy and which ones work best for membership sites? Why are memberships harder to sell than products? How to overcome the objection, "I can't afford it." How to structure a follow up sequence so subscribers are excited to open your emails every time What are the secrets to getting people rushing to the "back of the room" to sign up for your membership? What can you do to enroll people into a high end, high priced membership? How you can get people to upgrade to a higher membership level How you can get other people to promote you and your membership so that you get a flood of subscribers and clients How you can avoid the biggest mistakes entrepreneurs make when rolling out a membership site How you can get someone to send all of their blog traffic to your offer so that you can market to them with their permission ... and much, MUCH More! Don't miss this breakthrough course that will finally get you more clients and members without having to reinvent the wheel so that you can earn a great living and enjoy the lifestyle you deserve."
Price: 19.99

"Tarta de navidad" |
"Si quieres una navidad diferente, rodeado de tus seres queridos disfrutando alrededor de una buena mesa... ¡Esta tarta te ayudará a conseguirlo! Soprenderás a todos con un toque original en la mesa que hará las delicias de niños y mayores. Aprovecha esta oportunidad para APRENDER A DECORAR TARTAS FONDANT DESDE CERO (es conveniente tener nociones mínimas de fondant aunque no es imprescindible) En este curso aprenderás PASO A PASO, a tu ritmo, y desde tu casa: Cómo hornear, nivelar y humedecer ricos bizcochos (incluye recetas y preguntas frecuentes) Cómo cortar, modelar y colocar los bizcochos para lograr el efecto inclinado y que no se caigan o se hundan Cómo preparar ricos rellenos para que el resultado sea excelente (incluye recetas de rellenos y preguntas frecuentes) Cómo sellar las migas y cubrir el bizcocho Cómo forrar cada uno de los bizcochos con fondant Cómo modelar las figuras (pingüinos, reno, iglús, árboles de navidad...) Cómo colocar las decoraciones Además, RECUERDA que podrás: Acceder ilimitadamente de por vida Hacer el curso a tu rimo, el curso no caduca Parar y repetir los vídeos las veces que necesites Acceder a soporte continuado. Responderé todas tus dudas de inmediato ¿A qué esperas? Empieza ya el curso para dar un TOQUE MÁGICO a estas navidades!"
Price: 19.99

"User Experience Design: Create Highly Converting Websites" |
"GREAT USER EXPERIENCE= BETTERENGAGEMENT=SUSTAINEDRESULTSWhat all the greatest sites you know like Facebook, Airbnb, Youtube, Google have in common? They work constantly on improve their User Experience, which means intuitive design and easy to use.The better is your website the less advertise you need because your user will be the biggest ambassadors and drive traffic to it. After explaining how users behave online, the course will focus on helping to understand what are your visitor's needs and expectations. We will then discuss the structure of the site, call to actions and generally the navigations rules. We will focus on helping to better convert your goals and test the site usability. Finally will confront metrics and analytics for an objective valuation of the site performances."
Price: 149.99

"Crack Cold Emailing to Increase Sales and Grow Your Business" |
"**UPDATEDOCTOBER2017**Called ""the best course on Cold Emailing on Udemy"" Being able to start a dialogue with anyone in the world is a superpower. Period. Just one cold email could be the difference between getting the meeting of your lifetime that completely changes the trajectory of your company vs. things remaining exactly how they are... Most people are terrible at writing cold emails. They fire off hundreds, receive little response and wonder why they can't get the meetings they know could change their business : ( What if I told you there was a mindset that the most sophisticated marketers and copywriters have been using for years to get people to consent to things they didn't know they needed...and that this step by step approach and its incredible powers translated directly to cold emailing? Good news - This is the truth! This course provides the blueprint to rewire the way you approach cold emailing so that you and your company can become an unstoppable force. All of the tactics, scripts, and techniques are the product of years of in the field testing and rely heavily on principles copywriters have been using for years. Few startups, along with their business development and sales teams, have applied these principles which is why they're so incredibly effective. They stand out because they're different than the run of the mill garbage prospects see over and over again. And guess what...all of these frameworks I teach can be applied in hundreds of situations to begin dialogues with CEO's, celebrities, thought leaders, press...you get the picture. *Being one click away from anyone you'd ever want access to is a powerful place to be. Skeptical? As of Jan 1, 2014, this course was rated 4.88 out of 5 stars by everyone who took the time to write a review. The last company I did business development for did over 300 BD deals which played a large role in our $100 million dollar exit. I've been contracted for hundreds of dollars an hour by startups to teach their sales teams things you'll learn in this course like ""the bandage email framework"" and how to create internal referrals. But don't just listen to me. Here's what a few other people have said: ""I used some of the tips to send a cold email to the CEO of a company we were interested in working with. I got a meeting set up and it went great. We're close to working out a deal and they even introduced my boss to an investor. Your tips were invaluable"" -Osman Sheikh, Business Development at BusyConf ""I used your rapportive ""find anyone's email address"" trick along with your cold email tips to reach out to a billionaire public company CEO. He responded w/in 5 minutes"" -Alex Binkley, Co-Founder at FundingCommunity A few of the things you'll learn in this course: How to find the right important key stakeholders to reach out to at a company Six proven methods to find anyone's email address The proper ""copywriter"" mindset to take when constructing cold emails The bandage email formula How to follow up effectively when no one responds to your email The proper cadence to take when reaching out cold Trust me, this is just a small sample of what you'll learn and by the end of this course you'll have the ingredients to developing the superpower of being an extraordinary cold emailer. No matter who you are, I guarantee you'll learn at least one thing from this class (see the testimonials above for proof). I will personally respond to any questions you may have as you go through the material so there's no worry if you're not sure how to take all of the information and apply it to your life. So sign up now! Talk soon, Scott Britton P.S. The $99 price is an initial offering to build the students and positive reviews. I believe being able to start a dialogue with anyone in the world is worth way more than 30 cents a day for the next year so I plan on raising the price in the near future. If you want to take advantage of the initial price, I'd sign up sooner than later (Like now!)"
Price: 194.99

"Lightroom Image Processing Mastery by SLR Lounge" |
"With over 10 hours of hands on image processing instruction within the Lightroom Develop Module, after completing this workshop, you will be able to post process and fix common image issues as well as create virtually any type of advanced image processing effect. This workshop is designed to help photographers truly master basic to advanced post production techniques. From casual street photographers to busy professional wedding photographers to award-winning landscape photographers, we've had thousands of people take this course with satisfied results."
Price: 34.99

"SEO Training - Master The Art Of Search Engine Optimization" |
"SEO Training Just Got Easy (Over 5000 Students)! Have you ever considered entering the world of SEO - Search Engine Optimisation only to say to yourself: I just feel it's too hardI think it's too complicatedI lack of basic knowledge I don't know where to startI simply don't have the timeI don't have the money or resources to action an online marketing campaignI have used the services of a 'SEO & Online Marketing"" company before and felt the return on investment was poorWe have coached and consulted with thousands of business owners and entrepreneurs and can totally relate to how you are feeling and the obstacles you are facing. That's why we created SEO Enigma - the ultimate SEO training programme. SEO Enigma Reloaded is a comprehensive, fully fledged SEO education, aimed at delivering long term targeted traffic. Over 60+ lectures (3-12 mins each in duration) and 9 hours of content cover every important aspect of SEO from a basic introduction, to the keyword & competition research phase, optimization process and finally tracking. The course is split into TWELVE (12) easy to consume, step-by step modules: Introduction Module: An introduction to SEO, covering some of the basics and background and including terminology. Also learn how a domain name matters and understand about hosting. Module 1 Keywords Perhaps one of the most misunderstood areas of optimization but also one of the most important. Identifying your keywords and analyzing competition is essential Module 2 Structure Understand why site structure is important for both visitors and the search engines and why calls to action and navigation is vital. Module 3 Setup Lean how to install Wordpress and make some basic settings changes, which will dramatically affect how your site is viewed by Google. Learn about permalinks, ping services, plugins and themes. Module 4 Onsite Optimization Learn what is onsite optimization and how to make sure your pages are fully optimized so that the search engines understand what your content is about. Module 5 Offsite Optimization Learn about offsite optimization and how it impacts on SEO. Discover how link values differ and how to build high quality links back to your site. Furthermore, discover how to recover from past errors that may have affected your web presence and rankings since Panda and Hummingbird updates Module 6 Social Signals Social signals have become so important, we dedicated a whole module to them. Discover what exactly they are and how to get the most from your social profiles. Module 7 Local SEO Learn why local search has exploded in the last few years and how to optimize for local search terms, including how to optimize your Google Places page Module 8 Mobile SEO Mobile web use has gone stratospheric and more and more of us use our phone to surf the web and search. Discover how presenting a mobile optimized website will drastically increase conversions and how to optimize for mobile search' Module 9 Analytics and Tracking It's essential to track and test so you can find out what is working and what is not. In this final module, we look at how to track your websites performance using Google Analytics and how to create goals and advanced segments, along with an introduction to Webmaster tools. Module 10 - Google Updates Have you heard horror stories about Google's never-ending train of algorithm updates? In this module, we look at each one in detail and how to make sure your SEO efforts are completely Google update proof. There is actually nothing to be afraid of once you understand how and why they work Module 11 - Linkbuilding for 2019 Is link building dead? Far from it is the answer and we have the proof to show you. Not only that but link building is here to stay for a long time into the future. Learn how to build links specifically for Panda and Penguin and Hummingbird take advantage of massive extra rankings and traffic. Module 12 - Quality Content For Maximum Traffic Learn how to write quality content that the search engines love and leverage your efforts. Content can be Time-consuming, but will show you how to work smarter not harder. Get our top 10 tips for producing effective copy that will boost your rankings and keep your visitors coming back for more. This comprehensive course will reveal EVERY tactic we have learned and are currently using in our successful SEO business. We have left no stone unturned and unlike many other courses - NOTHING has been left out. Not only will everything be laid bare for you to devour, but more importantly, you will personally master these strategies to ensure maximum success and leverage for you and your business in one of the fastest growing marketplaces - the online world. Enroll Today! Jon Shawcross"
Price: 199.99

"Transformada de Laplace" |
"En este curso se introduce el operador integral de Laplace y algunas de sus propiedades, especialmente las relevantes para la solucin de ecuaciones diferenciales lineales en las que aparecen funciones discontinuas o generalizadas. Transformada de LaplacePrincipales Teoremas Transformada InversaDe funciones fundamentalesUsando fraciones parciales Corrimiento en frecuencia y en tiempoPrimer teorema de traslacinSegundo Teorema de traslacinLaplace y transformada inversa. transformada de Laplace de una convolucin Transformada de un derivada Transformada de una integral Aplicaciones de la transformada de Laplace Este curso esta enfocado a estudiantes de ingeniera o carreras afines. No es un curso para personas que estn cursando una licenciatura en matemtica ya que esta enfocado mas en en la aplicacin y no tanto en el fundamento."
Price: 19.99

"Microsoft Project 2010 for New and Aspiring Project Managers" |
"***This Microsoft Project course includes practice a PDF Course Pack, Data files, Homework assignments with solutions, Lifetime course access and a 100% money-back guarantee form Udemy***This Microsoft Project course is perfect for you if you:Have just been promoted into management roleWant to learn MS Project to become a better project managerWant to upgrade your skills with Microsoft Project and prepare for the next levelMicrosoft Project 2010 for New and Aspiring Project Managers is the most comprehensive yet easy to follow MS Project course on Udemy.It comes with full set of course book, data files for exercises, case studies and solutions. This is the Microsoft Project Bible that includes everything you need to know to become an expert.You will learn everything you need to learn in Microsoft Project, from basics to advanced features like Budgeting and Costing. But the most unique feature of this course is the use of a case study to teach project management techniques and how to use MS Project features. This Microsoft Project course has been used by thousands of people. It is licensed to multiple higher education institutions. You will learn the following Microsoft Project features in depth:How to use the Microsoft Project 2010 interfaceHow to create a new project in MS ProjectHow to add resources to a project planHow to manage task infomrationGantt Chart and Work Breakdown StructureTask dependencies and ConstraintsHow to import data from MS ExcelHow to assign resources and tasksHow to level resourcesThe Critical Path in ProjectHow to use Task Scheduling Control to Update Project Progress InformationHow to use Resource Work to Update Project Progress InformationHow to use Views and Filters to review project information in MS ProjectHow to assign cost to resourcesHow to review cost information in Microsoft ProjectHow to set and track Project BudgetThis Microsoft Project course uses a case study to teach the concepts. Using the case study helps you learn better using a hands-on approach. With this Microsoft Project course, you will feel like you're a project manager already! Each Chapter or Section includes: A set of videos that teach MS Project features A comprehensive PDF document that serves as course book. You can download it and read offline at your own pace and use as a reference material.A data file (MS Project 2010 file .MPP) for completing guided exercisesPractice exercises to help you better understand each concept in Microsoft ProjectA self-Assessment assignment to help you test yourself and improve the learning outcome. You also get the solution for the assignments for reference.Enroll now and start mastering Microsoft Project. Go from an MS Project Novice to Expert in just a few hours!You should join this course if:You are new to Project Management and want to become an effective project manager with MS Project skills You are a already a project leader but want to upgrade your skills and learn Microsoft ProjectYou need to learn specific features / functions such as Budgeting and Costing MS Project Videos are recorded in Indian voice so people from India and other Asian countries can also follow it easily. Other Important Information: Please download all supplementary material - Data files, Exercises and Self Assessments and instructions for using them from Section 8. The Course PDF is added as supplementary material to the first lecture in every section. Please download it when you start the section."
Price: 19.99

"How To Start A Mug Printing Business From Home" |
"In this course you will discover all the elements needed to start up your very own home mug printing venture including what equipment to buy, How to create your images, The printing process, Finding your first customers, Making your advert graphics and much more. We walk you through our own home business that we have operated since 2005 and you get to see exactly what we do. We'll show you what equipment we use and the explain the reasons for choosing the correct equipment and materials and the pitfalls of choosing the wrong equipment. Printing on mugs presents endless opportunities to target many different niches and create tailored mugs for many different occasions. We have produced many speciality mugs for clubs and associations as well as our regular niche mugs that we sell on Ebay. The list of niches you could exploit is endless. Just think of all the speciality magazines that are on sale in your local store and each of those is a potential niche. You'll also be surrounded with clubs and groups where you live and they all represent a sales opportunity. This is your complete guide to starting this enjoyable home business from home."
Price: 34.99

"R: Learn to Program in R & Use R for Effective Data Analysis" |
"This course is about learning R Tool which is one of the most popular Analytical Tool used in the Industry. Why learning R will make a difference / Why this Course ? - Professional Relevance : R is gaining popularity day by day ; companies like Facebook, Google are using R in extensive manner. Demand for the tool is increasing as it is available for free. - Put your Resume in spotlight : In most of the Data Analyst Resume you will find SAS/SPSS and other conventional tools ; by learning R you can add extra points to your Resume. - Its easy to Learn R : R is an opensource language ; it is available for free. Huge R community is adding to the functionality of R daily . All the tutorials/code are easily available. Materials Included : - Materials in the form of attachments are included with the session itself ( wherever necessary) Structure of the course : The course has 5 sections with 15 lectures. It is designed to introduce you to foundational topics leading to more complex ones as you progress. Section 1: Know your R Tool Section 2: Data Manipulation : Use of Data types and Data structures Section 3: Data Management : Packages and File import/export Section 4: Advance Use : Logical operation and Merging in R Section 5: Text Analytics Project : Learn how to create wordcloud Duration of the course : The course has 5 sections with 15 lectures and the overall duration of the course is 2.5 hours."
Price: 1280.00

"Niche Research: How To Find Laser Targeted Keywords" |
"This is a step by step Guide For Guys who are struggling to earn money from home. In this course you will know all the things to find a profitable niche and how to find keywords related to that niche.I have put all my efforts to make this course easy for you to comprehend and anyone with no previous knowledge can get started to make money. What Will You Learn? The course is designed to teach you: How to find niche from my list How to find niche from Amazon and Ebay How to find niche from Dmoz How to find niche from Offervault How to find niche from UberSuggest How to find niche from Yahoo Directory How to research less competitive keywords How to find Exact match Domains related to that keyword Who Should Take This Course? Anyone who wants a sustainable income. If you have any questions, you can ask us any time and we will always be there to answer your questions."
Price: 74.99
